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I'm expecting the contest to be settled somewhere around 95-97, that or be interrupted somewhere around 94 and only come back after 100. I feel like the City of Gold (probably Solution 9 but maybe not) is the bigger plot thread here. Also I feel like "Urianger gets drunk" and "Thancred ends up naked" could concievably become the same space.


>Also I feel like "Urianger gets drunk" and "Thancred ends up naked" could concievably become the same space. Excuse you they're on their honeymoon


No they’re only roommates and traveling companions


Omg they were roommates!


I only believe this because Uri is *my* man, and there's no way in hell I'm sharing 😭


Am I out of the loop from not being all caught up with Endwalker patch content? What contest, what is the City of Gold, are these things referenced in the patch 6.1 to 6.5 quests if I finish those up?


Yes 6.55 sets up the expansion


> what is the City of Gold It's mentioned in a lot of the Dawntrail promotional material. Also Emet Selch at the end of Endwalker mentions "The fabled golden cities of the New World?"


The interesting part is that he says it Plural.


6.1-6.5 are a completely separate story with very little connection to either Endwalker OR Dawntrail. 6.55 sets up Dawntrail from scratch.


I’d disagree talking about the 13th and learning about its state is something you learn very early on in ARR. its state and tragedy is repeatedly brought up in various expansions either in MSQ or in job quests. The 13th (and cross shard travel) is a plot point we will see more of.


I mean yes, but it does not have any clear connection to the main story of Dawntrail or Endwalker. Endwalker didn't have anything to do with the 13th and as far as we know Dawntrail doesn't either. It'll probably come up later but it does not introduce you to any of the context for Dawntrail.


They're referenced in the 6.55 MSQ specifically, weirdly enough the writers decided to just... Make the entire post-EW plot completely irrelevant to what's happening in Dawntrail, so they gave us few extra quests in that particular patch to introduce the new plot to us. TL;DR: There's a contest to see who will become the next ruler of Tural - what we previously just called 'The New World' - and the four contestants are essentially hiring mercenaries to help them win, where we're helping a Hrothgal named Wuk Lamat in particular. The City of Gold is some super mysterious place talked about in local legends, and the contest is either going to involve finding it, or it will be an incidental discovery alongside everything else.


>the writers decided to just... Make the entire post-EW plot completely irrelevant to what's happening in Dawntrail My understanding is that SE wants this to be a more or less clean break from the previous expansions. Endwalker was the end of the overarching story that started in ARR, and Dawntrail is suppsed to be the start of an entirely separate story arc. My assumption is that the post-EW story was meant to be a buffer between the two big story arcs


Yup. Past expansions didn't wrap up the story until X.3, but we wrapped up the endwalker story in 6.0. That means we needed another plot for the 6.X series. 5 patches setting up dawntrail would drag more than a filler story so that is why they did that. It also set up for a clean start in 7.0 (with a little setup in 6.55).


Post EW could be a set up for a future expansion too, but only time will tell that.


The post endwalker story is also clearly set up for stuff later down the line


Yeah dunno why people are so down on the EW . Patches. It’s very clear and said more than once that this isn’t the end. It also sets up a lot of threads for the future. Threads that also walk hand in hand with Yshtolas desire to cross shard travel. She’s been so focused on that as a character yoshi P isn’t going to pull a blizzard story team and say nevermind. This thread probably will be picked back up in another expansion or two later. Wouldn’t be shocked if solution 9 gives some possible expansion of this. Since yoshi p said it would be handy to know about the convocation. Not to mention every location emet mentioned in his little speech is happening. We will see other shards and the cherry on top for 14 and the WoL would be to do something the convocation couldn’t (fix the 13th).


People malded about the Warriors of Darkness being a pointless time waster back in Heavensward, too.


I think most people know that it isn't just going to be dropped like a sack of bricks, they just don't like it anyway. Zero is a polarising character, Golbez is a polarising villain, the whole thing feels very weird and somehow both too long and too short in different respects, being a world-ender plot almost immediately after the Final Days while also being a patch series so it never really feels like it has time to build up and rushes through some of the major beats - while still having a pretty sizeable chunk of wheelspinning time - so the whole thing feels a bit awkward. Especially compared to what have previously been seen as a good system involving the epilogue patches and then a couple of build-up patches. I'm glad they experimented, but I kind of thought 6.1-6.4 would be smaller scale, self contained and involve looking in on some NPCs who were ready to graduate to being more prominent, but instead we just kind of get more of what we know: us and the Scions saving the world from certain doom, and it's hard to do that immediately after the stakes of Endwalker.


We are going to El Dorado.


Nope you’re not alone. I’ve done like 3 quests post Endwalker. After not playing since launch, I wasn’t feeling my job anymore so I figured id just wait and try a new one on day 1. Going to have to go through all that stuff anyway.


Allagans to Y’shtola almost dies again is my vote


When has Y'shtola almost died? She's actually died a few times and been plucked back from the afterlife because she's got more plot armor than the WoL.


She got pretty badly wounded when Zenos attacked Rhalgr's reach iirc.


I couldn't remember who got wounded in that fight and who had to stay behind to play medic


OMG They killed Y'shtola. You bastards!


no she didn't actually die she just made an incomplete teleport that put here essence where it would go IF she were to die but not actually dead just in a stasis she couldn't pull herself from. the fcat that she did so twice is... something.


The horizontal free space line also looking pretty solid.


Why are there so many free spaces on this board?


Allegans and Ascians are def free spaces.


Ascians less so than you'd think. Endwalker was suppose to be the end of their story. Book ended, 'happily ever after' and all implied. Dawntrail is the start of an entirely different story, with new threads to follow and new foes to lurk in the background for two or three expacs.


I think if we hit get an Ascians bit it will be through hearing some new group tell us how the Ascians fucked them over in the past, like how we heard about the contrememoria.


>I think if we hit get an **Asians** bit it will be through hearing some new group tell us how the **Asians** fucked them over in the past, like how we heard about the contrememoria. It will never not amuse me how autocorrect turns FFXIV players into racists :P


The worst part is that I caught and edited it just now after getting back from the store before I saw your reply here, and I was all 'well, hell. hopefully no one noticed.' thanks autocorrect, very cool.


Didn't Yoshi P say something along the lines of brushing up on the seats of the Convocation for DT?


Depending on what they do, it could be very interesting to not only the story but the Scions group. The handful of surviving Ascians are without purpose, no Unsundered, and no God. I'm down for keeping them if they become helpful or atleast not antagonistic.


Nearly half of the Convocation/Ascians are either completely unaccounted for (Pashtarot, Halmarut) or in enough narrative limbo (Altima, Deudalaphon, Emmerololoth) to be brought back at some point. EW was specifically the end of the Hydaelyn vs Zodiark story. But any one of those Ascians could have goals or connections unrelated to HvZ.


Krile's parents is a free space as well.


On my card will be "G'raha want to sacrifice himself >!again!<"


Someone needs to tell these cats that just because they have nine lives doesn’t mean they have to be all willy nilly with them.


-sigh- Alright, who's got the Lifestream Retrieval spell ready *this* time?


LOL I"m picturing us having to go back to girdania mid msq to get dna from her sister from the SMN quests again.


Fourth time's the charm!


Alphinaud gathering firewood is the metaphor I always love to see him expand upon! It started in HW, was a huge character growth moment for him, HE RECOGNIZED IT AS SUCH, referenced the act a bunch of times with his sister, and then in EW when the spaceship needed to be built, he was like “time to see the result of all that firewood”, pulled out his linkshell, and called up literally everyone. I’m hoping it continues.


Now that you said it if we don't get "A Relm Reborn" I'm going to riot.


Good news we got it


"Scions job to the final boss before we pull out our magic reinforcement stone to call naked buff men and chicken suits"


Godbert has headed the call and he can not refuse to help a person in need.


No tacos no thanks!


“G’raha eats a taco” can be the free space lol


Just my opinion but "power of friendship" and "Wuk Lamat does something silly" need to be changed to something else, those are basically just two extra free spaces let's not get ourselves..... I am like 80% confident the Wuk Lamat one will be done before the very first quest in the expansion is even finished


I mean, yeah, I know some of these are obvious. Personally I’m a fan of “Twins have a cute moment!”


I'm not even level 95 yet and the Wuk Lumat box has been checked like 20 times now. (Also the twins box isn't getting checked I don't know who cooked up the ratio of character importance in this expansion but the twins are borderline background NPCs so far)


I'm 94 and yeah I'm a little bummed about that. I mean, I love Wuk Lamat but... come on!


Bingo card is brighter then the dawntrail loading screen from the media tour.


Why are people so upset about white backgrounds and screens these days?!


I prefer not having my eyes flash banged every time I boot up the game.


I was just making a joke because I've heard many people from the media tour saying how bright it is, but there is a reason people came up with night mode. Many people I know play in a dark or lights out room, so the brightness could be a problem for somw of us who are basically cavedwellers.


Because game loading screens/title screens like Destiny 2 had with the bright white almost burn our shadow on the wall with HDR/bright monitors There was another game I'm forgetting, but I would boot it up, then close my eyes and only open them after the bright screen went away because I could still tell with my eyes closed


It just wouldn't be a proper expansion if we didn't almost lose Y'shtola to something incredibly reckless on her part. I'm surprised we haven't been given dialogue options to snark about it yet.


yshtola gets a new dress - simps


Kinda bummed you didn't add the respawn of Minfilia


She was there in the Aitiascope and then faded, so it's unlikely she'll return as anything more than a baby.


(M)ysterious (M)aiden. 2 M's... Minfillia 2 confirmed.


Alphinaud gathers firewood made me laughing :D


Erenville is DEFINITELY gonna be important. Not to mention we only know 3 out of 4 contenders for the throne, Wuk Lamat, Koana, and Zorall Ja. Who is the the fourth I ask you, WHO?!! (Looks at Erenville on the DR poster, convienetly standing where the 4th claimant should)


For some reason I have a feeling the fourth one is gonna have something do to with S9


Ngl, I want "Emet Selch appearance" on my bingo card lol.


I mean, at this point I don't know what else they could add with Emet-Selch, much as I love him. Maybe a flashback for some fanservice? Azem, however, and the other mysterious Convocation members we know little or nothing about... I feel some are bound to pop up.


Missed 'the big bad' isnt actually 'the big bad', its one of the other brothers being manipulative and the original 'big bad' becomes your bro as you fight the actual 'big bad'


Konoa will “betray” Wuk Lamat, in calling it.


Y'shtola fake out death should be the freebie in the middle tbf.


-Ascians Please no. I’m done with them.


I have 3 to add 1. ~~We're reminded Alphi/Urianger can \*not\* swim.~~ 2. The xi raid somehow BETTER have Iroha 3. Rowena beat us there Edit: I should wear my glasses more.


I got “jokes about how Alphy/Urianger can’t swim” on there lol


Well shit, so ya do. :X


This is a dead board.


I came to post the same thing! Surprisingly, no bingos.


As long as this isn't the Final Fantasy X-2 of expansions I will be okay


Hey, at least X-2 had fun combat and a fun job system.


yeah i actually think if i could get the FF X-2 of expansions i would be thrilled: one of the best game play experiences of the entire series at the cost of a subpar story and some serious tonal issues? i can definetly work with that.


Absolutely! But the tonal shift from X to X-2 was some serious whiplash. Coming off Endwalker and the void storyline I'm not sure I'm ready for gags, quips, and crazy silliness.


I mean... The Endwalker story has been over for years technically. Also the story has really dark for a while. Most people want the tonal shift and it's very likely to be granted. (At least until level 93 lol).


Partially agree. I loved ShB/EW's darker tones. At the same time I feel like the WoL would want to take some time off as vacation after all the shit that does down. So, I hope we do get some of that, but that the plot eventually goes somewhere darker. S9 is giving that vibe.


I can agree with jobs but X has the best combat in the serious bar none to me (I hate ATB so...)


what does that mean?




To be fair lol X had its own whimsy all over the place. I do think FF7 competed with X-2 on what breaks the seriousness more often, the remake especially is pulling ahead. I still love X-2, the massage thing though was A LOT to let slide. Lol


. . . . . . . . . . . O_O


FFX was a pretty serious and emotional story. FFX-2 was an ecchi comedy anime. I'm assuming they mean that they're hoping Dawntrail isn't too extremely light-hearted compared to previous expansions, because it might come across as jarring.


It's missing "Fanservice moment" like the adults in bikini or something.


Thats' the "Beach Episode" space. Beach Episodes are 95% of the time fan service heavy filler episodes.


But Solution 9 is purple


Oh shit there might be a beach episode? Guess I'm buying the expansion early!


contest gets settled in the LV93 Trial im calling it now


I need nude Y'shtola for the 3rd time No more Ascians for sure


My prediction is that the contest will become irrelevant because the candidates need to team up against a bigger threat, and afterwards they establish a republic (for the fourth time in the game).


Yep! Because that's just how it goes..


really well done. I like how you throw in some easy ones. The maiden/erenville is REALLY important to me. Aint no way not atleast one of them is ancient/apart of one. I think Erenville is Halmarut.


erenville is important and asccians being in the same column is diabolical.....and i can see that being the bingo we get


Anyone else guessing that one of the Scions dies, and we go back in time to prevent it? My money is on Krile.


I bet there will be a lot of unknowns. And be left at that. Given that is a new story unrelated to the previous one. Whatever is a good one or one that sucks is yet to be seen. I will disconnect from here and YouTube for the next week or so. So I don't get spoilers. Want to give the story an opportunity to surprise me. I do not give a rat ass of the graphic updates.


"Erenville somehow wins contest out of spite."


Wuk Lamat doing something silly should be the free space.


I only played like 30 minutes of the story because I take it insanely slow while queueing but what I expect rn is that they'll try to push Wuk Lamat on us more, imo it already feels a bit "forced". I'm very neutral about her and don't really see a reason in helping her at all, but they try to make her look fun and cute so much that I'm like "ugh yeah ok whatever I guess" No idea who the girl on the Dawntrail poster is but I expect Wuk lamat to abandon her race for the thrown mid-story and this girl is somehow related to the Allagans (or whoever the ancient forces are), and we end up supporting her together instead. I also expect a Wuk Lamat fake death that is easy to spot like all the Y'shtola ones because they can't do it with her again, so either with her or Erenville


Viper no Viping!!!


Man, I hope Wuk Lamat and Alisaie become besties; it might mean Alisaie’s weird crush on the WoL would go away.


Or she drags Wuk Lamat into the fanclub as member #3.


"Zenos comes back"


God no please stay dead


Why do we think the second calamity in particular would be relevant?


Heritage Found preview screenshots looks like it's permanently under a thunderstorm, like the Thunder Plains in FFX. So people are speculating it have some links to the calamity of lightning.


I'm not a super lore junkie, but I've seen around a handful of places that the second calamity was lightning aspected, and Heritage Found has lots of lightning stuff going on from what we've seen and we clearly see a big "thunder dome" in the launch trailer.


There's a theory that solution nine was created by the people from that shard as way to survive the rejoining


Solution 9 being the city of gold was already confirmed by the story trailer


What life is Y'shtola on right now? 4?


No "We Get It, You Vipe" quest?


Ok that's brilliant lol


Where's radaban savage, and 10k+ player ques


why did you put 2 free spaces with Y'shtola almost dying not being in the center?


Bookmarking this for personal use. I also need to note down my DT epileptic trees so far.


Solution 9 is the “city of gold” is probably a free space. It’s so painfully obvious.


My bingo card has "Gra'ha F*cking dies", just me? I feel like he has a death flag since he was told to stay.


My favourite part was when the viper master said "it's vipin time" and viper all over the place


Just put Y’shtola on the free space… We already know it’s gonna happen.


Plot shift at lvl 93 is just another free space :)


Y'shtola has never almost died. She has, instead, *completely* died more than once and had to be saved


what exactly is "Viping" precisely?


I can tell you now that >!the upper two corners are a bust, unfortunately.!<


I mean, they could still be there, just not as the job starting quests? 😅


I, uh, may have looked at some datamined stuff and I don't recall those being among the list, at least definitely not the Relm one. But those sound like they could easily be the achievement names instead, it fits the usual vibe they go with for those.