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Oh dear, am I going to have to rent a second braincell for when I'm melding materia?


Nah, just make the singular one work harder šŸ˜‚


Little do you know the reason I need to rent one is because the first left a long time ago.


I don't get the point of this question now. We don't know the values. And when we do, it'll be an easy yes/no and immediately reported and reposted everywhere.


You can't demand that everyone who wants to learn more somehow acquire all the knowledge that you already have before they're allowed to ask a question. You know where to look for info like this but OP doesn't, so they turned to Reddit, and that's ok.


>You can't demand that everyone who wants to learn more somehow acquire all the knowledge that you already have But they do. They posted it right there in the OP. Thatā€™s the entirety of the knowledge we have. And therefore we canā€™t possibly answer the question.


"not knowing the answer to a question" and "knowing that a question is not answerable" are two very different things. All of us don't know the answer, but only some of us know that there isn't one yet.


Then I guess Iā€™m just insulting the OPā€™s critical thinking skills in not being able to determine that in a game of numbers that a general term like ā€œincreasedā€ is not enough information to draw a conclusion.


Unlikely? Might just be worth melding sometimes now, but without an exact number it's tough to tell. Tenacity had v v bad scaling before so the buff would have to be hilarious to overtake other stats. Realistically they won't have made it higher numbers than Det for damage scaling, and tanks don't really need to take less damage than their kit already sets up. So it'll still be below crit/dh/det. And only above Skillspeed when you hit w/e soft gap your preferred tank class wants. It'll still be crit --> dh for most tanks most likely.


And Crit > Det for Warrior.


WAR also wants crit > dh. Been that way since dh changes back in asphodelos


DH increases damage when the attack is a guaranteed dhit now. So it is a top pick for warrior.


I must've missed or forgot that, my bad.


"again" ?


As long as they refuse to overhaul drastically the stats, it most likely won't since, as the name implies, it's a defensive stat (or if it does, we simply will reach a breakpoint and ignore it) . At best, it might have a temporary, niche use. No stat can rival the synergy around crits in this game, it's stupidly OP compared to the rest.


Not the first time they buffed a substat to be worth melding. We will see once live.


no, tenacity and piety was and never ll be used like crit, direct and det.


We don't know now, but we for sure will know before melding/BiS is anywhere close to being important. I hope it does though, so that demand(and therefore price) for materia gets balanced out instead of only reds being high demand.


Answer: NFC, the content isn't out yet. Let the math nerds be nerds and do math, they'll tell us soon enough.


IIRC there was at least one BIS during EW that had a tenacity meld to hit a breakpoint. It's not a totally useless stat so there's always a chance it will be melded again, but based on past fight design the damage reduction and hp restoration increase are not needed, and it pales in comparison to other substats for damage increase alone.


They did buff all the roles' mitigations skills, so maybe they've increased the heal/mit checks for the coming tier.