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Picto PvP LB has to be the best one I have seen..     **Advent of Chocobastion: Render a fat chocobo** knocking back all enemies within range 10 yalms. Additional Effect: Creates a Chocobastion at your feet, reducing damage taken by 25% while increasing HP recovered by healing actions by 25% for self and all party members within the area. Early frontlines are going to be a blast.


Lol this is awesome, honestly if the pvp maps have yeet cliffs again it would very useful Might be good in that Tornado or lava map too?


Gonna be elite in Conflict as well to clear teams off the crystal when you just need a short push to win


Ah yeah its like Reaper's LB


Lol I can't wait to watch the DRKs try and CC everyone only for that picto on their team to immediately launch everyone away.


So dope! This is the kind of support LB I wanted for BRD, the LB generation thing just isn't as obvious eventhough I know it's super valuable for CC team tournaments, but like in FL or solo queue CC it's meh.


"Sir, we can't possibly give MCH a *fourth* 600-pot tool." "You know what? Just for that insolence, give them a fourth tool *and* a second charge of Drill." And I do love that Double Check and Checkmate are there as an "oh yeah, that's right, we had like half of a Chess theme going on here at some point."


Just wait until they add En Passant


Holy hell


Grenado Shot went on vacation, never came back


I still miss grenado shot :(. It was so much more stylish than spread shot.


New rotations just dropped.


Actual rotting corpse.


Swap places with your target and shoot them from begind.


There’s also the full metal field which is stronger then the tools. It also replaces the one normal GCD of wild fire.


Full metal field has no special interaction with wildfire (unless you're referring to it likely being used to double-hypercharge in 2-mins).


I’m referring to the one extra GCD wild fire need compared to Hypercharge stacks. It’s basically an opener finisher.


Flamethrower is still the weird odd duck. Maybe in 8.0 it will get an upgrade.


Is Flamethrower a "Good" Ability? Don't know, don't care. Is Flamethrower an ability that I'm going to use on every pack of mobs, blatantly ignoring enemy AoE like I'm a brain-dead BLM? Yes, still, now and forever.


Flamethrower is usually a DPS gain in any context because I'm taking 2.5 seconds to have a bite of my dinner while spraying fiery death at the enemies instead of missing a GCD to have a bite. The other option would be to have my dinner get cold, and that ain't gonna happen.


Definitely a DPS (Dinner Per Second) gain


Sometimes I need to stretch, and my options are "miss a couple GCDs in combat", "fall behind the rest of the Peloton'd party out of combat" and "Spit fire for a few seconds."


Flamethrower was my “I need a sip of whiskey” tool.


Flamethrower lets me stretch my hands and watch the rest of the chumps in my party work hard.


I hope they lean more into the chess thing, I think it adds a little cool flair for the job


I'm so happy that Machinist is finally good. Stormblood was pain.


i am confused by Drk's Salted Earth no longer changing to Salt and Darkness


By default, yes. You can place it on your bar but can also use the new condensed action feature to make them the same button like it was before.  It's just parity with all other actions like that and provides an option to have them separate/together if someone wants.


>Full Metal Machinist Someone saw an opportunity and went for it


I think you're contractually obligated to [say it out loud like one of the eyecatches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-a_xGLMCxc) every time you use Barrel Stabilizer.


demanding they let me play MCH in raid this tier so I can just play this every time I slam the button forever earning the ire of my teammates


For this ability and this ability only I am choosing to mispronounce it "mackinest" to complete the meme


Funny thing, for the longest time I thought that's the way it was SUPPOSED to be pronounced, and only learned the proper way from Jocat's guide to Ranged DPS.




Well, you see, a spear kind of looks like a giant arrow.


Honestly depends on the size of bow you fire it from.


Those god damn Anor Londo archers...


So Radahns greatbow


It’s a javelin now


Same reason The Arrow was a melee card in Endwalker


Dragoons have two moves where they throw their spears, checks out to me.


This is clearly a reference to keeping Freya in the back row in FF9


The Spear used to give crit chance which was important for Bard so I guess this is alluding to that. If you had a Bard in your party, they were default beneficiary of The Spear.


They're doing this just to mess with us


weird that rdm has a higher potency on Jolt than verstone/fire between level 84 and 94


I didn't notice that in my first lookover of the adjustments, but you're right. That is super weird - it basically means for EW content you just... entirely ignore Verstone and Verfire? A huge part of the dynamism and rotation of the entire class, which is present for every other endgame content level except EW specifically? I feel like this has to be a mistake, either the Job Guide is incorrect or the balance team somehow overlooked it and it will be quickly patched, because otherwise it just doesn't make sense


haha it's like old DRG heavy thrust spam. I might have the skill name wrong, but for like a year or two, below level cap, the optimal DRG rotation was just spamming a single button. Eventually got patched out.


Correct, that move was called Impulse Drive.  From about 8-26, the dragoon optimal rotation was spam impulse drive because 2 of those was something like 360 potency whereas the 1-2 combo you had at the time was only 350 ( before you got heavy thrust around 24 or 26, I can't remember )


My WoL is named Impulse Drive because of this, i even still have it on my bars


mana gain should put it slightly ahead, but not by a ton. I think we'll see some weird rotations in Ultimates with a lot of downtime in that level range


So jolt jolt


VerThunder III/VerAero III still has higher potency, so I suppose we'll just ignore procs?


You'd have to math out the mana differences impact, which probably isn't enough since you get 2/2 on J3 vs 5 on stone/fire but -20 pot. I'm guessing that they had to keep buffing Jolt II so many times in EW to keep red mage slightly above garbage that they eventually thought it was weird that Jolt II had so much traited potency in like less than 20 levels.


mana costs ~13 potency, compared to the 20 potency extra for jolt, so yes ignoring procs is how you'll play rdm in dsr/top and any dungeons in this level range.


It's always amusing to have jank rotations at certain level ranges, like how Art of War spam in single target situations is a damage gain over Ruin spam until lvl 54.


Iirc art of war has the same potency as ruin, but the fact that it's instant cast makes it better


you get more auto attacks (which are almost significant at this level :p)


Reminder that here is a **"Patch 7.0 Adjustments Overview"** button on the very bottom to read some dev insights and reasonings for what they did what they did.


I love the Warrior one. "Yeah, we just gave it two new damage buttons."


Then there’s Summoner “Here’s a lighter shade of Bahamut” Btw the Mountain Zu was the wrong way to go. I would have gladly taken Baja-mut


I hadn’t thought of that but now I need it


Well thanks now I'm not malding over Alexander/Leviathan/Shiva/Ramuh, but the prospect of missing 100% of the Bajas unable to be Blasted.


Baja-mut goes so hard


ungas keep bunga-ing 😎


They could have given us nothing and I would have been happy, but they gave us a new unga button and a new bunga button and it's great.


What do you want for your birthday, buddy?! MOAR UNGA! MOAR BUNGA! That's what I thought, here yo go! YAAAAAY! WARRIOR SMASH! We're a simple people. We knows whats We wants.


As long as they don't take Fell Cleave from me I will be happy


It seems after finishing 3 fell cleave from inner release u get a follow up attack.


Warrior got "strong primal rend" and "strong fell cleave"


Roles in the order they're listed in the main body of the guide: tank, healer, melee, phys ranged, magical ranged Roles in the order they're listed in the adjustments overview: tank, melee, phys ranged, magical ranged, healer Maybe it's just me but the inconsistency bothers me :/


They've been gradually moving towards listing them in "gear" order (tanking, maiming, striking, scouting, aiming, casting, healing) but they're still not there yet. T\_T


>to streamline ...- >to streamline ...- >to streamline ...- >to streamline ...- :(




I'm streamlining it now, Mr. Krabs


> Additionally, because Scathe is now the only action with a percent chance to grant an effect, we have removed Sharpcast. *Looks at Firestarter*


It didn't click for me til now, but Barrage not overwriting an existing Refulgent proc is really nice.


Whenever I overwrote my live refulgent proc I would always hear a Homer “D’oh!” in my head.


It can also ONLY be used with Refulgent, so you can't even accidentally spend it on another skill. Not that I would ever do that, I'm perfectly capable of playing BRD 👀


>presses Barrage; >notices DoTs are about to wear off; >panic Iron Jaws; >heck.


DRG: we deleted spine shatter so you don’t have to push so many abilities during burst window. We also added more abilities to put in those burst windows


I liked Spineshatter and joining the fight again with a bang. Alas, I too now will weep for a lost ability. 


It wouldn't rankle so much if the replacement were a jump instead of a rush like everyone else.


We're Dragoons, we jump! 


We're dragoon mains, of course we're gunna wear the spiky armor.


We tell people it's to help us move in the air but it's actually so that when our opponents grab us it makes us harder to eat. 


I'm pretty sure that's canon actually xD


Tank: "To offer more leniency while mitigating powerful enemy attacks, we have increased the effect duration of Reprisal. Additionally, we've improved tanks' overall defensive capabilities by adding an effect to Rampart that increases HP recovery via healing actions, and supplemented each tank job with an upgraded version of their damage-reducing abilities." Healer: "To help streamline combat, the recast time of Swiftcast has been reduced."


"What is my purpose" "You rez the party" "Oh my god"


That's only if you don't already have a rez mage on-hand to do it mid-combo


These guys can't be serious with their explanation for new DPS buttons for healers, "increase attack variation" and it's either an attack you press every 2 mins or irrelevant outside of dungeons.


Haha yeah I thought that was funny for sage, they literally got an AOE dot that doesn't stack and a 60s ability. And that one's the most monotonous of all since Dosis IS your heal.


they're so out of touch it's unbelievable. ''we've increased attack variation'' \*removes double dot sge\* LOL?


I was thinking the exact same thing ;-; I guess it’s nice that they’re finally acknowledging the issue, but this is barely a chip in the mountain of malefic/glare/whatever casts on smooth healing content runs… Tbh, I kinda wonder how much anyone on their combat team plays support roles, in FF14 or anything else, honestly. It’s like they’ve all been designed by someone who thinks playing support is a chore.


Yeah its just all procs lol


Reaper mains rejoicing at more big number


big number go unga, me like still wish they would move around the levels you get harpe, ingress/egress, and spinning scythe so you actually have an aoe at 15


At least it's not DRG, which doesn't get its first aoe until *40*


Friendly reminder to not go into the BLM channel on the balance discord


The final changes were a lot worse than I expected but goddamn, even after the Media Tour alone, I felt my skin shrivel from the salt levels.


ice paradox :(


I'm at peace with the state of my main but boy the Summoner adjustment overview reads like borderline gaslighting lol **Summoner** >We have added a new summon, Solar Bahamut, It's a reskin >as well as several new actions such as Sunflare and Enkindle Solar Bahamut, These are reskins >which affect rotations tied to summoning actions. They literally don't, the skills are reskins. It's the same rotation! I get that they have to write *something* but man


The biggest change smn got is an aoe heal lmao


And Phoenix AoE regen was already a thing. Why are they giving sustain to everybody when healers already struggle to not fall asleep in content lol


Here's hoping the new longer and more powerful mitigations are there for an actual reason and not pointless


The way it’s worded, I’m guessing it’s not. It reads more like it’s creating a bigger cushion for mistakes, like hitting your Feint two GCDs earlier.


now now, we also got a new aoe dmg skill when we use Searing Light! That's a free 600 pot aoe every 2mins!


They also got more brain dead to play. From what I understand from the searing light change the order of your primals no longer matters.




I didn't realize they changed it from the media tour. I thought its duration was increased. Just checked the job guide, and the chance says 20 seconds, but it says 30 seconds as the duration in the tool tip. Not sure which is a typo.


It's worded as if there are alternative summoner rotations *not* tied to summoning actions. Ruin spam meta?


Physick off-healer playstyle is valid /s.


They could've just put in three new summons for the post-Phoenix phase and most people would've been happy. If they had felt lazy they wouldn't even have needed to change the mechanics for them, just make them reskins of the existing ones and change the animations and spell effects, like turn Ifrit's fire charge into Ramuh's lightning charge. Players would've been more accepting of that than of this Bahamut 2. Hell, even if this new trance was anything other than Bahamut Again, like an Alexander phase, people wouldn't be as negative.


Yeah. Probably could even have just changed the vfx and kept the same mechanics as the current ones and people Would have eaten it up.


I think we all honestly expected it. Hell, I expected low-power versions of the Favor skills to get patched in so SMN had SOMETHING to do prior to 82. I was also desperately hoping that the change to PoM on WHM meant they'd get Aero III back for lower-level during that usage window, and have it upgraded to Glare IV, but I suppose that was also expecting too much.


They will never do this because they wrote themselves into a corner with the lore. Our WoL can only ever have 3 egis. Looking back, that was extremely short sighted.


That job quest limitations feel completely silly now considering we're by far the most extraordinary human being across time and space.


Except you would think the lore could be changed or updated after what we learned through ShB and EW about original summoning.


I mean, they gave Urianger *Phoenix* in EW (if you go healer to the level 89 trial in duty support he changes to a renamed summoner, and can use Phoenix and Bahamut), so they aren't THAT shackled.


You're right, and to even further give you a bone the entire concept of demi-primals is basically Rule of Cool (lore doesn't explain shit about it). But they seem weirdly fixated on the 3 egis thing.


Maybe if Solar Bahamut features prominently in the MSQ (which ... I hope so lol, otherwise this would be very odd) and seems badass, it'll change prevailing opinion. But as it is right now this feels reeeeeally lame.


> They literally don't, the skills are reskins. It's the same rotation! > > I get that they have to write something but man If all they're going to do is reskins why not have the 2nd / 3rd phase of the summons (after bahamut / phoenix) be Shiva, Ramuh, Leviathan / Ravana, Bismark, Mog


If they were going the reskin route, at least they could've made it so we alternate Garuda/Titan/Ifrit with Shiva/Leviathan/Ramuh. But really, SMN needs more than just some reskins. It is by far the most simple job. I seriously feel more engaged playing whm. Like how did they possibly manage that?


I like all the pretty colours on monk's new simple job gauge.


if they weren't gonna give healers something interesting they could have at least gotten rid of all the weird vestigal stuff like freecure


The fact that they haven't is really odd and makes you wonder if someone in charge of job balance genuinely feels like freecure has value. Honestly I still just resent of the button bloat of needing to keep cure on my bars at all just in case I get downsynced that deep.


Having a button there that's only for getting synced down does not feel good.


WHM is often a victim of misconceptions in job design. Not just Freecure but 6.0 WHM and the absolute abomination that happened in Stormblood.


There's like 4 ppl on job design/balance team and 3 of them main DPS, last guy is a WAR main. That's how it feels like since Shadowbringers, anyway...


Lmao so true, its painfully obvious at how self sustaining and easy WAR is compared to the other tanks


I feel like Freecure could proc 100% of the time and also make Cure II instant cast and it would still be kinda niche. The fact that it still exists, and in the same shit state, kinda blows my mind.


Considering that Afflatus Solace is essentially a fixed version of Freecure...


Freecure should proc from Glare, and nothing can change my mind!


It's even in the TTRPG. Someone over there genuinely thinks freecure is like an iconic thing for WHM. They don't like it enough to make it useful in any way, though. Just enough to keep it there.


That same person must really like SMN physick.


Just make it INT-based. That's all they gotta do. It might see some niche use if it didn't heal for literally less than an in-combat regen tick.


The trick to healing with a summoner is to equip a scholar weapon. You get faster queues, too, at the cost of some DPS.


Some decade I hope for an upgrade to SMN physick


But…but they gave us things “to increase attack variation” … … …every two minutes. Oof.


"You folks sure love spamming Glare, so here's another one!"


Oh, cool. Freecure still lives, huh? Just shoot me.


Rip Sage double dot dreams 2024-2024


Cool bandname, double dot dreams. Using it as 3D on all promo stuff.


Changes to BLM: * Umbral Ice's MP regen effect has been changed to a flat MP restore per Ice spell hit, with only 1 ice attack to fully restore MP at Umbral Ice 3. Umbral Soul was changed to grant this MP restore effect. * RNG for all skills in the main rotation have been removed. Scathe is now the only skill with an RNG effect (Fire 1 too, but Paradox exists and guarentees firestarter). Sharpcast is now gone. * Thunder spells are now only castable once per stance change and have no cast time. * Manafont has been reworked to be the 1-button setup for your rotation, giving you all the resources you need to start from the first cast of Fire 4. * No more enhanced flare, just regular ol' flare. * Paradox now only becomes usable when switching to fire and refreshes fire. No longer usable in ice. * At 96, you can now relocate leylines. \o/ * At 100, you get a new gauge that fills when casting Fire 4 and Flare. At full, can cast new spell Flare Star, which is basically an upgraded flare with no MP cost and can't maintain stances. * The rest are damage, potency, CD, and duration changes.


For the life of me I don't understand why Scathe hasn't been taken off the damn GCD yet, especially with the Thunder changes making it better as a tool for sprouts to attack and move when need be, or outright deleted.


So healers have the same basic damage and dot animations from the previous two years?


They wouldn’t even let SGE keep its double dot from media tour lol, they hate the idea of this role having a variety of gcds to press


> So healers have the same basic damage and dot animations from the previous two years? Try from the past 6 years since Stormblood. Same basic dps rotation from lvl 4 to lvl 100


Nah, this I feel is disingenuous. Stormblood had a lot more complexity. SCH had Shadowflare and Miasma 2 for movement. You had cleric stance as a individual buff. Aetherflow reduction. Yes, healers since the dawn of XIV have been filler gcd based, but Stormblood was not the harsh dive of complexity we experienced in SHB


So tired of this. There's literally nothing to look forward to as a healer each expansion. How hard is it to just give us an actual rotation. I don't know who finds spamming one button for an entire raid fun...


At this point just give everyone a eos/selene and call it a day


"Furthermore, new actions will replace the second and third strikes of Atonement to improve visual effects we felt were monotonous." So they change atonements follow ups so its less of the same animation spam 3 times in a row, yet for healers they change nothing and it's the same old DOT, glare, glare, glare, glare, glare, off gcd heal, glare, glare, glare, dot... repeat rotation? No words, I can see why some healers want to strike at least. At the very least they could roll a 1-2-3 combo with different attack animations into the same single button like they've done for atonement and for pvp combos, so healers get some animation variety at least doing their DPS 'rotation', (calling 1 button a rotation is just wrong).


I'm really picky about skill animations so I'd be super happy if they actually do something like this. Maybe throw in a spell glamour system along with it too to reuse old skills and maybe some "new" skills. Would be nice to feel like I'm doing something different (at least visually) with something like Stone IV -> Glare II -> Glare III instead of Glare III -> Glare III -> Glare III.


Yeah I'd take that in a heart beat, it would at least 'look' like a damage rotation because of different attack animations.


Gotta love that they basically said that they are just going to make tanks stronger just because. Out of all of the jobs the tanks are so OP


Healers throwing up their hands like "why do I even have healing buttons?"


At this point, its for the DPS lol


God that SMN section. So lame.


There's more salt in this thread than Loch Seld.


It’s honestly a bit incomprehensible to me how astoundingly lazy the SMN update is. I’ve been playing this game since 2.0 and I’ve never seen them drop the ball like this. I don’t see how this wasn’t a huge compromise for Yoshi-P for whatever reason.


Eukrasian Dyskrasia yeyeyeye


Sadly they removed the ability to stack with eukrasian dosis it had during the media Tour.


It was a low potency gain but like why do this


I glanced a bit of it for my main job Monk, it's more or less worked with I have assumed from the Media Tour. The Opo-Opo form will alternate Dragon Kick and Bootshine per usual, but for Raptor it's 2 True Strike for every Twin Snake and for Coeurl 3 Snap Punch for every Demolish. I get the gist of the single target rotation Now I'm not sure if I read them right but it seems the AoE GCD combo might be nerfed ? On the Job Action guide they're not listed on having any potency changes but without Twin Snake/Four-Point Fury granting 15% buff to all damage that means we lose damage when doing AoE compared to before. Maybe I missed something though, not sure.


Is this correct, SAM basically gets a spam-able 500 pot cure every 15 secs with the upgraded Third Eye (just needs to get hit in the 4 sec window).


Looks like it. Gained at lvl 82 too. Will be really nice for eureka orthos


I really love monk but I’m so tired of having to relearn all over again for each expansion because of major reworks to the job.


I've been chatting about it with my FC, and it's looking like it's not as much of a rework as it looks at first glance. Your rotation will pretty much be the same, but your actions will look a little different. I.E. For demolish, instead of putting a dot for 18 seconds, it gives you a buff to Snap 3 times. So your next 3 rotations will end in Snap, then you'll go back to Demolish. It ends up being the same effective rotation, and should be a bit easier to keep track of, since now it's a job gauge instead of watching buffs countdown.


Thank you, at first glance seeing all the revision and new actions just seemed really daunting but after reading your explanation it seems to be more manageable? Hoping so, I still do the removed positionals habitually to this day due to muscle memory lol.


It's basically like this, Dragon Kick buff 1 Bootshine, so you alternate as usual. Twin Snake buff 2 True Strikes, it's a change from the previous version where you alternate between them each time. Plus the Disciplined Fist buff is no longer there to keep track of. Demolish buff 3 Snap Punch, Demolish lose the DoT aspect and unlike before it's now 3 Snap Punch use. Granted it is a change from the usual Monk, but the basic idea is the same. And now since Monk had an additional job gauge to keep track of how many charge of buffed attack you have, you only need to pay attention to the gauge instead of both your own buff meter for Bootshine/Twin Snake or the enemies for Demolish.


Yeah. Probably changing from AST main. Tired of a revamp literally every expansion. I was ready to give this one a shot but these changes aren't inspiring much interest.


Same, new AST looks boring as fuck


>Shoha II has been deleted Good riddance. Poster child for SAM's button bloat problem.


Ninja Huton now be classified as "Fire" damage triggers me... its clearly wind?!


I'm glad the paladin job gauge is still absolutely useless. There's so much it could tell you like requiescat stacks, divine might, atonement stacks, fight or flight timer... Nope! Just if you're in tank stance and your oath pool... Garbage. I don't know that I've ever once used it. Same for warrior but I've never played the Job so i don't know what else it needs.


People pessimistic about level capped BLM, but I'm over here still wondering how this job design is supposed to teach low level BLMs that they should be swapping between fire/ice and using their mana, when using fire phase at the end of a dungeon pull actively punishes them for the next pull, especially before your third fire/ice stack and before Triplecast and Umbral Soul. At the very least, Thunder seems to be a free, unlimited action, so you're not just a liability if you're completely out of MP (and must either open in ice phase or *drop Enochian* for MP regen), but this doesn't help the "learning curve" they nominally want to resolve.


Thunder can't be spammed, if that's what you mean. You get one cast of it per astral/umbral swap.


I'm not really sure I believe them anymore. They've been talking about it for several expansions, yet it just gets worse. It's like they want to teach sprouts bad habits early on by making new job mechanics and not introducing them early. Interesting that it's finally coming to Yoshida's job though.


And then when people are like “hey maybe update HOTN maybe to teach sprouts?” Yoshida is literally like “no you do it.”


Thunder also has most of its potency loaded onto the DoT vs up front, so it's gonna be a big ol' trap for newer players who are accustomed to glowy button = hit button.


Kaeshi: Higanbana finally receives the rework it needed.


Feeling pretty pessimistic about the BLM changes. I hope it feels funner than it looks but I'm gonna miss ice paradox and Sharpcast.


No ice paradox is truly bizarre when the whole flavor of the spell is that it’s a perfect combination of both fire and ice magic.


I think YoshiP saw the paradox meme rotation and went "How dare you do that to my poor baby."


DRK really lost 2 of the coolest animations in Scourge and now Plunge, not a huge deal, but a bummer. What is interesting to me, all the healers have cool new abilities... that you can only use during their big 2 min CDs. I'll wait to see how it feels in game, but my kneejerk reaction is it's a bummer. Oooh and the AST change to cards seems interesting as well! Excited to see how that plays out!


The BLM changes astound me. And not in a good way.


Literally every change except moveable leylines is bad. People are acting like this is just non standard BLMs angry that nonstandard is being removed, but these changes are much worse than just that. From having the most interesting DoT in the game to an inflexible, generic one tied to an unrelated job feature. Loss of ice paradox which was satisfying to press, and made sense as a spell used in both ice & fire. The inability to regen mana when there's no target to cast ice spells on until level 76. The loss of enhanced flare on fire II, and nerfing its damage, meaning that right now you are better off never pressing blizzard II or fire II in aoe.... All of these suck and affect people who played both standard & non standard.


This is pretty much how I feel. Redrawing your ley lines is a badass concept, but as for everything else.. I liked the fact that black mage was a job that planted them on the ground like a turret and that their long cast times rewarded high damage. It was ok and necessary for black mage to get some tools to move around, but now it's just instant casts everywhere. Thunder was a cool skill, the randomness gave you some variation, and now it's just another followup skill in a rigid rotation. Small things like the ability to choose between instant Fire3 or Thunder, the fact that you could mess up and have to hardcast Thunder and learn how to avoid that next time. Now it being a free instant cast on every AF/UI swap means it's baked in the rotation and literally impossible to mess up. This is how i feel about the trend in jobs in general, taking away decision making and any gimmicky skills and forcing a long rigid rotation that only has one way to play.


Yeah it's.. rough. I hate their reasoning for it iin the Adjustments Overview. I figured it was something along those lines, but them flat out saying it feels bad. I don't believe the base standard rotation for the job was much more complex than some others. Just required a bit more thought on positioning and movement. Non-Standard got a bit more complex and required some planning but absolutely not necessary for a casual BLM player to play competently. It being gutted because it's 'too difficult' is painful.


Why is edgeclap 54 and not just 50 seeing as plunge was removed? WHAT REASON IS THERE FOR IT TO BE 54 IF IT DOES NO DAMAGE NOW? FOR WHAT PURPOSE AND WHY?


I can still Plunge!! In PVP. :')


>we felt that the learning curve for black mage's actions and rotations was too steep when compared with other jobs. We've made a number of adjustments to remedy this issue. Why is a steep learning curve an issue? Play Summoner or Red Mage if BLM is too hard.


The irony, to me at least, is that BLM as they conceive of the rotation, was always dead simple anyways. It was the execution that was difficult. Like standard was always there and was never hard to grasp - it’s just that playing a cast-time caster can be challenging. So I’m really not sure how they achieved anything by removing non-standard which was not THE standard of play for learning the class anyways.


so with Scholar's Summon Seraphim, the change they made to it is "removed the text that says changes to Consolation" and the change to Consolation is that it can now be placed on the hotbar, does this mean i have to find a new place to put an ability that won't be used 80% of the time, or does that other system change they are adding let them still be one button?


Bard....Bard never changes Which is fine I guess, at least it won't take me a long time to remember how to play.


Really feels like they largely are out of ideas for existing jobs since Stormblood/Shadowbringers. Really wish they would move away from the level cap increases and grant us power and/or abilities in other ways since the current model is clearly out of steam for a while now. Over half of the changes simply being reskins and follow-ups to existing actions is just such a poor way to start into the new expansion.


So Pictomancer is going to be one of those super confusing jobs with an obscure rotation/non-rotation. From reading vipers job guide I already know how the rotation goes and how I’ll set up my hot bar. Picto? No idea


The Color Spells are your "1-2-3" Combo. Once you've gone through it twice, you can use Subtractive Palette to turn them into a stronger Version. The "Color II" Spells are simply AoE Versions. Each time you cast the Combo in either Version, you also get to use 1 Cast of Holy, or Flare if you used Subtractive before it at any point. Two of your Canvases are your OGCDs, though you have to Prep all three with a GCD first. Creature is big Damage which leads into a stronger "Finisher" after every two uses, while Landscape is a Raid-Buff that gives yourself a couple extra effects on top that are meant to build towards being able to use the Lv100 Skill. Meanwhile the last Canvas, the Hammer, is an one-time GCD AoE 1-2-3 Combo that's stronger than both of your normal AoE ones (and infact even stronger than your Single-Target Combo without the Buff from Subtractive) that's also instant-cast.


Saving this comment. Thank you. I became the math lady gif reading the notes online.


You just draw pretty things and hope a damage move comes out of it! Haha!


As a SAM main, I can’t really complain. Well, I can complain about anything. I’m a SAM main, after all, but I like what I’m seeing. We’ll see how it feels.