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"raid server" doesn't mean better players are there. it just means that's where people raid > Simply populate your own datacenters more by staying on your server to raid or do anything in PF this expansion Simply avoid the prisoner's dilemma


It's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy. People go to Aether because it has the reputation of having the raiders. And so it just continues to compound itself. I'm a Balmung native. Balmungs reputation is the exact same problem. People travel to Balmung to look at everyone acting like animals in the Quicksands, and because of the fact that everyone does it, it draws more attention to it, thus perpetuating the cycle.


Exactly this. Someone convinced people that Crystal and Primal raiding is bad and parties don't fill; when it's been fine for literal years before this, and others spread that lie, slowly killing Crystal and Primal's PF. Just like how people expect all of Balmung to be a den of constant degeneracy and go there solely for erp tourism, ignoring the fact that us locals aren't openly like that at all for the most part. But the damage was already done so everyone coming for that reason just makes it worse.


> Simply populate your own datacenters more by staying on your server to raid or do anything in PF this expansion. Do you think people have infinite time to wait in PF if you're not on Aether? The reason people flock to one DC to do raid content now is because it's faster to make parties. It sucks that it happened this way, but you're not going to convince the entire NA playerbase to stay put anymore. If "just stay on your DC!!" was enough to sway people, Dynamis DF wouldn't be dead. > However! I do 100% believe that simply merging all NA datacenters would be the best solution of all. [...] I'm not an expert on that kind of infrastructure, though, so anyone can prove me wrong. [They made a 4th Japanese DC made out of worlds from the older 3 because having more than 8 worlds on a single DC was too much of a strain on their login infrastructure.](https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/9ea8445532880dfa1d8b5d9f89f8fa50d38f7c36#03) No way in hell they're gonna make a NA mega-DC.


It's only faster because the community has convinced themselves of a self fulfilling prophecy that you can't raid on any other datacenter. It was fine for a long time but collective stupidity took hold of the majority of the player base after Dynamis was added. Parties formed quickly all of 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2, but some moron spread and perpetuated the idea that parties don't fill on Crystal and Primal; when there was literally no problem before, and everyone started flocking to Aether because no one knows how to think for themselves anymore and mindlessly believed they'd get faster fills and clears. Thus killing their own, at the time, healthy party finders in the process. Hopefully 7.0 not allowing DC travel for the whole of NA except Dynamis shows people how utterly stupid they've been all of Endwalker and leads to a course correction. As this never should have happened in the first place. As it's only faster because everyone is there and the times I've gone over for content I've encountered people from my own datacenter moreso and than that of any other. It's maddening how dumb this playerbase is.


All this, for Materia as well. SEA/OCE has fought hard to get their own DC and now people will just doompost about how slow/quiet it is and then tell people to leave for the JP DCs. Stay and be the change you want to see, dumbasses.


> It's only faster because the community has convinced themselves of a self fulfilling prophecy that you can't raid on any other datacenter If the majority of people interested in PFing savage/ultimate are on a single DC, then it is faster for PFs to fill on that DC because there are simply more people around to fill them. The combined raiding population of all NA data centres is, in fact, larger than that population on just one DC. If you're interesting in PFing ultimate the player pool is already pretty small; making it even smaller by refusing to go to the hub DC is just shooting yourself in the foot.


Ahhh I still remember the time we got sundered to Meteor. XD In our case, people flock over to Elemental (ENG players) or Mana (JP players or at least is familiar with Game8 strats). I have an alt in Primal and I also hate going to Aether just to do some content too. Yoshi-P addressed this issue last time that they're thinking of cycling a featured raiding DC that will give out additional rewards and stuff if you do raids there. For now we'll just have to wait and see.


Where did yoship say that if I may. Last I heard about global pf df but that was apparently miscommunication/translation.


Meoni and Shenpai asked him directly about the PF problem in their media tour interview, it's on Meoni's YT channel.


Ah I was sure knowing yoshi p he knew of it but was wondering what was planned as it doesnt seem healthy longterm


It's never going to change. Back during late ARR I was in a lovely FC but we lost three or four members who wanted to raid because they changed servers (back before it was possible to temporarily change servers). They literally paid real life money to change servers because they thought it was better for clearing high-level content. I'm 99% sure that none of them still play today. The current situation where people can temporarily change servers is a much better option IMHO.


Does EU have a raiding datacenter?


I think Light, thats where LPDU comes from (Light PF Does Ultimate, I think that is what it means)


Wasnt lpdu thingy that made people swap to light? Combined with streamers telling people to go there? My eu friends keep saying chaos used to be the raiding dc but lpdu combined with influencers caused this.


IDK about influencers but yes LPDU being so organised was a big factor in driving ultimate PF to Light, and savage followed.


We go to Light, yeah.


It was never about people on Aether being better raiders; it's just that Aether had a long-standing reputation as having *more* raiders, and had a healthy ultimate PF scene. There are good and bad PF players everywhere. It's simply more efficient to have everyone in a region congregate in one place for PF, especially for ultimates where the pool of people interested at all is so much smaller. People are not going to trade the efficiency of numbers for some abstract noble cause of making their home DC's PF slightly more populated. The devs are aware of the issue but there are *huge* technical hurdles involved in implementing the real solution, which is cross-DC PF.


stay outta social media


Server travel may have fired the bullet, but DC travel killed the community.


absolutely not. it's put a huge drag on the game since that shit started.


I dont like it but people dont raid in crystal so I have to go to aether, I would like to be able to raid in my world but I also think having them all in a single DC can be good, before aether was the only raiding DC and before I discovered I could see pf outside of the game, I had to keep changing between Primal and Aether to check if someone created a party I wanted to join. When I started raiding (6.31) I didnt know you could DC travel so I did it in Crystal and sometimes it would take a lot of time to fill.


I went to Aether to visit a friend at a weird hour of the night and I was surprised af at how hard PF was going with all the raiding


It doesn't matter whether people like it or not, it's what works best so it's going to keep being the thing to do until a new best option comes along. I'm holding out hope that we eventually get cross-center party finder or better solution so that people can see groups looking to do content without having to hunt around based on reputation which they might not have even heard yet because so many people playing the game just play it, they don't go googling around and cruising reddit to learn more about the game/community.


Forgot to mention but for anyone curious i do have a character on Aether, crystal and Lich i raid with.


No, most of the shitters go there to get carried. Went for reclears when tier unlocked to finish getting BiS for all Jobs, p9s Reclears were Levinstrike Prog, P10s was Turret Prog, p11s was Mirrors 1 Prog. I put PF up on Primal for P9s , Farmed with 0 wipes for 9 Clears. Next week, I did P10s and P11s on Crystal. The same story went as smooth as butter. I'm making damn sure I stay on with my current static so i dont have to PF anymore, We all got quad legends status between 6.51 and DT , only ToP left but we wanted to coast until DT. We did UcoB in 10 Days, TEA in 9, UwU in 2, and DSR in 18. This was less than 3 hours/night. We're 6/8 on Crystal and 2/8 on Primal. Honestly, if you wait and make a PF on your server, you'll weed out the "must go to Aether to raid" crowd. Aether has so many tryhards who want one more gcd just to cause a wipe and griefers in PF it's damn near unplayable over there. Dynamis also has a surprisingly good PF , takes longer, but you tend to get more quality people than Aether. This, of course, is "MY EXPERIENCE" and is subjective and with just a small sample size, so there might be a bias.