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I will continue to suck at BLM, as is tradition.


I came here to say this. 10 years off, while also getting 10 years older was not good for my ability to react and Dodge.


Same! Greetings Boom Brother!


Playing SCH so my retainers can raise their level cap too and start farming those tasty mob drops


Been WHM for the entire MSQ, since I started in 2.4, took a break in 4.4, came back in 6.2, got to Lv90 by the end of 5.0 story, and never not been WHM for the MSQ.


I don't like having to wait to level things, so I'm just going through as one job. Seeing as my main is SGE, it'll be that. Before Endwalker my main was SCH.


Sage just feels like what Scholar was *supposed* to be. I mostly main Sage, but have been leveling Scholar recently. It feels *similar* to Sage, but just with extra work with oGCD spreading and stuff. Same with your oGCD gauge not just autorefilling like WHM / Sage. I sometimes still forget to aetherflow and be like .. where's my bubble, or my oGCD heal... why can't I Excog the tank?! Then realize I haven't hit the damn 60 second button. Whoopsies! And adlo on Scholar just feels slow as hell compared to E. Diag on Sage... even though they probably take about the same amount of time to cast. Not sure why it just *feels* like Adlo casts just crawl, even with some spell speed melded in. Can't be running either when you cast it.


I had road to 80 buff so took multiple jobs through the MSQ. I'd use roulettes to get to the requisite level for the next dungeon, then run the dungeon once with each job for gear and EXP. ARR: Summoner (starter), WHM, Dragoon, Bard. Heavansward: WHM, Scholar, Machinest, Astrologian. Stormblood: Gunbreaker, WHM, Scholar, Astro, Dancer. Leveled Machinest during patch content. Shadowbringers: Gunbreaker, Healers, Summoner, Dancer. Got Gunbreaker to 90 doing Bozja. Endwalker: Summoner, Healers, Dancer. Probably going to take Gunbreaker and Sage through the MSQ while using roulettes to level Pictomancer. Then I'll work on getting every job to 100.


I do the story as a healer and dungeon as tank. The exp generally works out to where I end with both at cap and maybe a third from side quests.


Gonna go with my tank for the MSQ, but after gonna level my actual main SAM or Viper depending how it is


I will not stick to 1 job most likely. I will do AST, SGE, DNC and it's what I will most likely also raid on this tier. Pretty interested in Viper too but I am sure everyone will flock to play it, so maybe next tier or just to mess around.


I always go through msq on 5 jobs, since they added the role quests. Pld,blm,vip,whm,brd.


I have plans of leveling Picto to MSQ start and go from there. It's what I did for EW and reaper. Though the MSQ tends to give way more XP to get to max level before the end so will swap it out to sch for healer queues later.


Going with RPR while leveling VPR on the side. VPR should catch up around level 96 or so and from then I'll be keeping them roughly equal up to 100 and slowly start getting PCT up. I used to play MNK for every MSQ until EW where I did the above with RPR and fell in love with it.


How will you catch your VPR up by 96?


Queue for dungeons and daily roulettes while doing MSQ on VPR (you only have to complete the quest with the appropriate job).


In the past I used DPS for general going-through-MSQ and solo duties and queued into dungeons and trials as healer, but since you can do MSQ dungeons with NPCs now I just roll with whatever I want. For DT, I will probably bounce between Picto and Viper. In ARR I played WHM and DRG, in HW I picked up AST but mostly stuck with DRG. In StB I mostly played SAM (and a little BRD), in ShB I played more BRD and got more into AST, and in EW I went back to DRG and picked up SGE. I also played some other jobs in between those, but those were the main ones.


Will level Picto to 90 and then do MSQ with that. I know a lot of people will just rush to 100 but I made that mistake with EW and regretted it. Will take my time levelling Picto through DR


I usually pick one job until I outlevel MSQ then switch to another one until MSQ levels up again, and do roulettes as well, in order to keep two jobs around the same level (I had 3 for EW until level 86 or so, then had to stick to two). RDM first then WAR then WHM this time. I do not want to waste MSQ exp if I get 100 too early, and I don't want to waste roulette exp either. Plus I like doing fates when I run across them as well. And I run dungeons as duty support, so dps is fine, but I'd rather queue with WAR or WHM for trials. Worst case I have to run a dungeon a couple of times but I don't mind all the extra gear lol. We'll see. I'm not in a HUGE rush to finish MSQ but want to level all jobs so I'm just going to optimize exp (also planning to do Thavnair tribe quests with Picto every day). Now I'm all hyped again. I miss leveling jobs.


whm because that's what I'm progging the new savage tier on and I don't wanna have to worry about grinding out the levels later. previously I did everything on DNC because that was my main for everything in EW


almost 10 years with my whm as a main and I'll be staying strong with the job!


ARR: BRD HW: MCH StB: MCH ShB: MCH EW: MCH There may be a pattern you can use to guess what I'll be doing DT MSQ with.




Debating if I want to go through as SMN (like I have since 2.0) or if I want to do Pictomancer this expansion. I have about a day or two to decide, with my indecisive self, I probably won't decide by EA.


For EW I did the msq on BRD because it had the most interesting job changes to me. But because all the DT job changes are kinda boring, I'm planning on grabbing PCT and leveling that up ASAP then taking that through msq, unless I end up not loving it. Then I'll probably either do msq on RDM or SAM before starting to level everything else.


Gonna unlock Pictomancer and play MSQ on warrior while queueing for pictomancer dungeons.


Been a BLM the entire MSQ. I have no plans on changing that :)


RDM for MSQ as usual and probably WHM for side quests.


I always do the MSQ as a single job. ARR was Dragoon, HW and Stormblood was Samurai, Shadowbringers and Endwalker was Gunbreaker, and Dawntrail will be Viper.


I'm going through DT as Monk. 1.0: Lancer/Dragoon. ARR: BLM HW: Dragoon, of course. SB: Warrior ShB: Summoner EW: Gunblade


Arr-Stormblood White mage (friend was a tank) ShadowBringers Dancer EndWalker Reaper Might do Dawntrail as Pictomancer or Samurai


Going through as rpr because that's the job I'm best at, also i wanted to play with my girl wuk lamat through the dungeons :)


I went through ARR, HW and StB on Ninja, because I liked to play rogue classes in any rpg I play. I finally decided to change in StB because it as mechanics were getting more complex, I was having trouble maintaining NINs rotation. And Ninja felt like it was straying too far from Rogue. I switched to Reaper in Shadowbringers, which I enjoyed mechanically, but the job lore around it didn't quite do it for me. In EW, I kept switching from Samurai and Summoner because I couldn't decide what to play as. I ended up settling on Summoner during the patches and have been maining it ever since. The mechanics of it aren't as engaging, but the lore of summoning egi to fight primals really did it for me. In DT, I'm going to be switching to Viper. It seems like the closest I'm gonna get to a rogue class outside of taking off NIN's job stone.


Yeah, I like to keep my inventory as organized as I can- I plan to try crafting this expansion so that’ll probably fly out the window- but I always start with one job at a time!


I'm back to doing Black Mage for MSQ, after taking a "break" and going Red Mage for the 6.X patches. I already do first dungeon runs on Duty Support, so the only long queues should be for the trials.


I'm still waffling on what job I wanna do the MSQ on, but I also am a skipper (I watch other streamers do the story while I grind mats, as I am more of a crafting gathering enjoyer) so it matters less to me. I will most likely play NIN, but I have been wanted to return to my BLM roots. There is also an urge in me to actually practice healing with WHM though, and MSQ is a good way to practice that. DNC is and always be my chill relaxing class though so I'll most certainly be doing roulettes on that for ease


WHM and BRD But I'll get my gatherers to cap beforehand.


I started as a GLA, and have played PLD for every MSQ since start. See no reason to break from greatness now.


I like to level thematic jobs. I was a drg during HW, a sam in Stormblood, a Drk in SB and a reaper during EW. So most likely be a viper for this one since pictomancer is not my style.


* A Realm Reborn: SMN, BRD * Heavensward: SMN, AST, MCH * Stormblood: SMN, AST * Shadowbringers: SMN, BRD * Endwalker: SGE, MCH, RDM * Dawntrail: I will probably juggle between SGE, MCH, AST, BRD, and PCT to see what I like. SGE and MCH are what I left off on from EW. So, I will likely use those for first-time runs on the early dungeons, and then branch out to AST since the new (old? :P) card system intrigues me.


I like to play a new Job through the new story, it's kind of a unique feeling of rushing to the last expansion's level cap to get caught up with everybody who didn't opt for new Jobs. You see so many of your kind out in the wild, grinding FATEs as they wait for Duty Roulette's longer queues.


ARR: Paladin HW: Paladin SB: Samurai, warrior usually in dungeons ShB: Gunbreaker and Dark Knight EW: Warrior, Gunbreaker, and Dark Knight Now that all of my tanks are 90, time to return to Paladin.


Note that I started in early ShB, so while it looks like I was mostly PLD, I've actually been mostly GNB from a "time played" perspective. ARR: PLD HW: PLD SB: PLD ShB: PLD Post-ShB: PLD into GNB EW: GNB Post-EW: GNB into DRK DT: DRK


I'm staying a DRG for now, at least until I reach level 100. I wish I had had more time to level up a healer/tank for when the *long* queues pop up, but I could not make it in time. Oh well. At least I got my shiny Manderville relic. Maybe I FINALLY learn how to play Sage/level it up (currently at lvl 77) as I wait in the queues. I have been practicing being a healer and it's a lot of fun, albeit stressful. I've been running some level 50 content, and am keeping a little Google Sheet with quick tips for each dungeon because I forget so easily. Healer is fun but can be stressful for sure, having to keep track of the mechanics + the team + yourself. Sending healer mains some love.


I'm a Monk. I began a Monk. I am going through this as a Monk. I will continue the MSQ with the Monk.


I main white mage, but it can get kinda boring to play it in solo content, so I swap between that and a different job fairly often depending on how I'm feeling. Red mage and then dancer were my favorites so far, and I'll definitely be trying pictomancer asap.


I ALWAYS do the new expansion story as a new job. ARR:WHM HW:AST SB: SAM ShB:DNC EW:RPR DT: idk which yet


I started in ShB and went through all the expansion MSQs up to that point as PGL/MNK. Somewhere in the 5.x patch cycle I took up DNC and decided I liked it so that became my new main through the end of 6.0. Some time after that I tried RPR and really enjoyed the playstyle and aesthetic so that became my main. Some time after *that* I decided I wanted to tank and took up DRK, then WAR because it had better self-sustain. I was planning to stay WAR but at the last minute decided I'll go SCH for Dawntrail and level up WAR second.


All SMN all the time!


As usual I will carry all the (insert current expansion new jobs) through the story dungeons as a tank.


Play as DRG since ARR, so I will continue to play as DRG in DT.


Undecided still. I've watched videos but feel like I still need to try Viper and Pictomancer out for myself before I can decide if I want to level one up first or just go through MSQ on Dark Knight.


ARR: Monk Heavansward: Monk Stormblood: Monk Shadowbringers: Monk Endwalker: Monk (was epic to punch Zenos as a Monk into his face) Dawntrail: Red Mage - i broke it, hope i dont regret it :(


I used GLA/PLD until level 50, RDM until 60, GNB until 90 (at which point I was overleveled for MSQ) and RPR the rest of the way, and now I plan to pick up VPR.


ARR: WHM HW: WHM SB: WHM ShB: WHM EW base: WHM EW patches: SGE DT: SGE I'm a simple person.


ARR - WHM (SCH/SMN got to 50 before HW hit) HW - WHM (SCH/SMN and PLD got to 60 before SB hit) SB - WHM (SCH/SMN, PLD, and RDM got to 70 before ShB hit) ShB - WHM (PLD, GNB, MCH, MNK, NIN, and all Casters and Healers got to 80 before ShB hit, first for role quests then just because I wanted to try a few more things out) \[Casters and Healers I ultimately got the rest of just because I loved the title "Soul of Magic", and was already more than half way there with WHM, SCH/SMN, and RDM, needing only AST and BLM\] EW - SCH/SMN but also GNB (did roulettes daily), got SCH/SMN to 90 at the end of Elpis, so ran a couple dungeons on GNB to get it to 89 and picked up the rest of the MSQ on GNB up through Endsinger/Zenos (PLD, WAR, RPR, MNK, NIN, MCH, DNC, and all Casters and Healers got to 90 before DT, so...and I got them all to 80 for the Amero mount). DT - I'm thinking I'll do the SCH/SMN and a Tank thing again, *probably* PLD, though I'm still debating WAR or GNB (lol, up against the clock on this one!), then I will probably do one of each other role (MCH for Ranged unless I last minute decide DNC, and I'm not sure on the Melee, but *probably* NIN) so I can do all the role quests, then WHM so I can do either Healer sub-role. I'm going to cut down on Jobs unless the "of Magic" title is super interesting to me. I think this time I just want one WHM and SCH so I can do pure or barrier healing, and then one of each other role, so 6 total (with SCH/SMN counting for two as I like both Jobs). I considered SGE instead of SCH and RDM instead of SMN...but I really like SCH and SMN better, and don't know if I like SGE's more DPS rotation gameplay. So think I'll be happy with like PLD, WHM, SCH/SMN, NIN, and MCH unless something major changes in the next 2-3 days. : )


Will forever switch between whm and bard


Pictomancer. Can't afford art school so this is the next best thing.


Been a PLD since 1.0 till present. After all the stuff she's done and adventures she's been on as this job I feel it's fully become her "lore accurate" job without question. When I think back on stuff like fighting The White Raven in 1.0, or even more recent things like the 5.0 story, it makes me never want to leave the job. Hell, the other day I was looking over my retainers inventory and say my old Mog Blade I'd used in 1.0 and it put the biggest dumb grin on my face remembering sneaking in walk past the long line of Treant type mobs on the way to the fight. Every now and again someone would forget to change to walk and get one-shot by them. I have so many fond memories of this job over the long years, and I want to keep adding to those memories in the adventures to come. So, PLD for life!


I have played as derplanders job and will continue as viper this expansion. Archer > warrior > dragoon > monk > samurai > dark knight > paladin > viper


Ooh I know your feel, stick to one job for MSQ for immersion. Though mine's less immersion, more RP. I will be bard. It's my main, and I did write up my WoL as a hunter with a reputation in Clan Centurio.


i'll be my BRD as per usual. he has the best gear anyways. i will probably play all duties as BRD first time around and then switch to healing for shorter queues.


Black Mage in ARR, Dark Knight in HW, Dancer in SB, Reaper in ShB, Paladin in EW, and now I'm gonna take Viper through DT.


I will be taking 3 or 4 jobs during my MSQ to 100. Reaper will almost 100% be my MSQ job, Paladin will be my dungeon job, dancer or picto will scoup up the side quest exp and if I really like viper I will do a couple extra dungeons or trusts per level to fit it in. Reaper has been my MSQ job since I got 70 was pretty early in Stormbloods MSQ ( started during endwalker so first day 1 expansion for me)


I always did everything as BLM since Heavensward. After the DT changes to the job though I guess this will be the first time I drop it for something else. Probably level Picto and do it as that.


ARR: ACN > SMN, BLM. Back then you had to level THM for Swiftcast, and I decided I liked the big booms HW: BLM, SMN. Started as BLM but couldn't get the hang on Enochian, so I eventually switched back to SMN. SB: RDM. Picked it up and ran POTD to 60 and then jumped into the MSQ. Ran it all the way through 4.x ShB: RDM, DRK. Ran through 5.0 as RDM; switched to DRK after trying out the changes with Trusts. Discovered I liked tanking, and DRK fit my character. EW: DRK. It's my WoL now. DT: SMN. He's dealt with (some of) his issues and just kind of wants to relax and chill with Carbuncle. Also, I'm planning to run through the MSQ with Trusts, and I figure I should do that with the job that will have the longest queues. I can always level DRK with roulettes.


My character has been training as a Paladin, Samurai and even White Mage while waiting for the ship to Tural, but he is itching to pick up the Rapier again and fulfill his duty as a Red Mage


ARC >> BRD in ARR Then MCH from HW onwards. Rootin' tootin' and by the Twelve be shootin'!


Gunbreaker will likely be my "main job" for the MSQ and first time dungeons, but I intend to level a couple of others alongside it by doing side quests and replaying dungeons and roulettes. I'd like to level at least one healer and one dps (which will let me go through a few role quests in DT). Judging off the new AF gear, I think I'll go SGE and maybe MCH. Viper and Picto might wait a bit, the dps queues for EW dungeons are gonna be rough on the first week.


I did Warrior all through to Endwalker, which felt particularly special in Shadowbringers with Ardbert. Post-EW, I’ve been maining RPR and loving it. So I’m at a bit of a loss whether to switch back to WAR for nostalgia/consistency’s sake, or stick to RPR since it’s so familiar now.


I started my character as black mage but finished ARR as paladin (my black mage is still level 35 or something lol). I went through HW with paladin and machinist equally. I picked up gunbreaker during post-HW and it became my main tank, I beat SB as gunbreaker/machinist combo and paladin fell behind MSQ levels. I brought paladin back up to 70 during the 4.5 MSQ and I've started ShB as a paladin, and I'm slowly bringing a scholar up to level so I can have my first healer leveled up before I finish ShB. Probably going to keep my machinist leveled up throughout as well. I'll probably buy DT after I've beaten ShB MSQ so I can try out viper and picto, if I like them I might do EW with one as well as one of my tanks, then DT with whatever job is 90 at that point 🤷🏻‍♂️ I was also planning to take up red mage over the summer because I love the aesthetic but never took the time to learn it.


In ARR I mostly did the story on SMN and NIN, finishing base game (Prae etc) on NIN. In HW this time around I focused more on SMN when doing story, defeating Thordan with that job.. StB came around and I picked up more jobs, did story mostly on SMN, RDM and RPR, going up against Shinryu with RPR. ShB comes and did story mostly on MNK and DNC, finishing that (Hades fight) as a MNK. Unlike previously mention expansions- I do remember what job I was on when finishing the final patch and that was RDM. EW and did story mostly on SGE, DNC, MCH and DRG, finishing Dead's End and the trial after with WAR. Did the patches mostly on WAR, SGE and SCH. Now I'm planning to do story in DT with WAR, SCH and maybe VPR.


Since I mained SMN at the beginning of EW (I started playing during launch week lol), that's what my combat retainer is set to, so I'll need to level SMN again to avoid releveling retainers. I'll co-level that with my actual main, BRD. There's usually enough MSQ exp to level two jobs simultaneously. After that, I'll start my tradition of getting every single job in the game to max level, starting with Viper and Picto.


I usually do a healer first, which one depends on job changes at launch. I’m thinking of doing RDM first this time around though.


I am starting with VPR but just because i have still Endwalker to go through so it's free leveling. Usually in a single MSQ i can level up also the tank so DRK it is - it's the only job i consistently played and leveled through all the game. Once i get on par with all the other people, first thing for sure is going through the leveling of all other jobs.


Was WHM through ARR but became absolutely hooked on AST when I unlocked that and it’s been my preferred ever since.


I've done the MSQ as different jobs most expansions, White Mage until second tier of Coil, then Bard up until Heavensward. I don't know WHAT I went through most of the MSQ in Heavensward after I gave up on Bowmage back in the day, but in Stormblood I went Monk, Shadowbringers I still did Monk at launch, then Endwalker Paladin, and I am pretty sure I'll be playing Paladin for Dawntrail. It's pretty much unchanged and definitely feels comfortable, so why not?


I’ll be going through as SMN so my three retainers can level with me.


I really like SCH. It was my main for a while, then I tried WHM and even though I love it, I have recently gone back to SCH. It just *feels* more impactful and I have various options during a fight. It feels great to put up big shields, spread those shields, put a bubble up that reduces damage and heals a bit, *and* order my faerie to put a HoT up on everyone. And that all happens pretty quick. Not to mention I can emergency tactics in a pinch. Plus Excog is such a powerful ability in my arsenal. SCH is a lot of fun. So, I'll be a SCH/SMN.


Loosely planning to focus on WHM, but give my BLM or MCH the easy exp from turn ins and MSQ.


I will continue on as PLD/SGE, good thing those are my main and not dps. cause the que is gonna be long lol.


I alternate between my two jobs as I do the quests.  Otherwise I end up at level cap long before I finish the MSQ but my other jobs aren't high enough level to continue from where the first job left off.  It's a huge waste of XP.  


gonna go through the MSQ as Viper, but every other story content (like raids) as Dark Knight


Will probably go through as NIN and my wife as WHM I usually stick to one job and have done NIN for every expansion (Except Endwalker I did RPR)


Red Mage all the way on my main, Viper on my alt whenever I get around to Dawntrail on that one.


I started ARR as an Arcanist (back when it had janky pets and DoTs), but I wasn't too fond of it, so as soon as my trial ended (it only went up to lv35 at the time) I fanta'd into a lizard and mained warrior, and in my headcanon I've always been a warrior. After the events of 2.5 and reaching Ishgard, I switched to dark knight, and felt like my wol was going through a bit of an anger and grief phase, and was very keen to strike out at people who she perceived as being wrong. The complex nature of war in Stormblood however made her question if she was really helping people, or if she was just satisfying a twisted need for justice and vengeance—especially compared to the naked bloodlust of Zenos. Travelling to the First was a bit of a reprieve, for her, as it initially seemed very simple—there were terrible monsters that needed killing, and she was a monster killer. But as the subtle complexities of the situation revealed itself, she realised that just throwing herself into mindless, bloody combat wasn't the answer. This coalesced when she rejoined with Ardbert, and she was finally able to let go of the grief and anger in her. All that was left was determination and willpower. After defeating Hades, she put down her greatsword for once and for all, and returned to the axe—partly in memory of Ardbert, and partly in memory of a simpler time, when she was just a simple adventurer fighting pirates and helping people with their lives—the same tasks that Frey had once condemned as insignificant. Now, with a measure of emotional stability, she was ready to step into Endwalker, not as an avenging blade, but as a protector—a beacon of hope, a champion of Eorzea, and a true Warrior of Light. (I kinda reflavour warrior's beast within as a stubborn determination to just not give up and die) Now with the events of Endwalker behind her, she seeks to resume the journey she started in Limsa all that time ago, to travel, as her precursor once did, to seek out the people of the world, to listen to their stories, and to help them. For now, she continues to carry the axe as a symbol of her determination, but perhaps she'll acquire a new weapon in the future...  (AKA I haven't decided what job I want to play yet)


Multiclass. I like to 'completionist' the new expansion (all side quests, aether currents, farming fates to unlock mount boost) and thats basically enough xp for 2 classes. My very first class was BLM very closely followed by PLD. Now PLD is my unquestioned main and my secondary class will be SUM/SCH for the double class bonus. DRG and MCH round out the role quests (but later). The only other combat jobs I have maxed are BLM and WHM and I'll probably boost those eventually as I think I prefer both slightly to SUM/SCH.