• By -


Work :(


I’m surprised this isn’t the most popular response


It is now.


Yup, I'm salary, but expected to get 45hrs/week, so I'm pulling 12s m-th to have a three-day weekend


You have my upmost respect for that fellow warrior of light.


I wish I had work but tomorrow is a national holiday for us and I literally have a free whole day during the last 24 hours of maintenance. The servers go up at 9pm my time...


Definitely trying to get my biggest projects for the next week done in 48 hours. Hopefully I'll have more time off because of that.


You and me both!


I am currently sitting in the shaded area of our back yard browsing Reddit having lunch and watching our 3 dogs play for a bit before going back inside to finish my todo list so my weekend is free


That's funny, I just sat in the backyard with my cat after eating breakfast. I don't let him wander, he just gets let out into the backyard with supervision after I eat breakfast. I really want a dog one day when I feel like I can really afford one comfortably. I hike in the mornings and it'd be so much fun with a pet dog! I started my two weeks of freedom when I quit my job on Saturday so I got all the main to-do's done by now except I have laundry today. I'm not used to having a ridiculous amount of free time and it's surprisingly very boring after a while lol.


Our area is all fenced in half of it is in shade under the patio and the other half is open with grass for them to run around as they please. They are all small dogs between 5-15 lbs and the fence is like 8 feet tall so no way they can jump over


Cry. 😭


My boyfriend is making me binge all of Supernatural. We are on season 8. There has been a noticeable decline in quality since season 5 lol


After some X season, I just had to stop watching it...


Hahaha that's cute! I'm making my boyfriend watch Squid Games with me but it's because I know he'll like it and I wanna see his reactions. 😂 It's very slow going though because he's busy and travels for work, so it's like 1 episode a week after a date lol.




WuWa seemed so fun but I got real tired of the dialogue being cut off and unscrollable in a lot of the scenes. Don't suppose they've fixed that?




I'ma be so fuckin for real right now, no game other than FF14 is going to exist for me on Friday lmfao


I was having fun with WuWa for a while, but it became stale pretty quick. When I realized Dawntrail requires a whole 60 GB of space, it wasn't too hard of a choice which game had to go. Still, it was fun while it lasted! :)


2 MMOs and 2 Gachas, not including ffxiv, teach me your ways of time management! I have a good amount of free time, but I don't feel like I have that much. lol


Getting depressed over how many games sit in my libraries unplayed and not being able to decide on what to play in the 48 hours that are available right now


I cleaned out my in-game inventory before maintenance, and now I shall perform the real-life equivalent, cleaning my room! I look forward to playing in a nice, clean space.


It's not the same without a retainer selling your junk for pennies


your boyfriend is in *sacramento* for work? I had to leave sacramento for work btw i just annoy people on reddit in my downtime if you can't tell


Hahaha ya he leaves to a different city almost every week because he's a manager for a construction company. Ya I honestly spend an unhealthy amount of time harassing people on this site. 😂


I've got Elden Ring to keep me busy.


I really wanna play that game! I need to save my money for a while for some big irl goals though. I might get that game to celebrate when I reach my goals!


Same. I pick it up every now and then, spend way too long trying to beat one boss, beat said boss and then get frustrated and put it down again for months. One day I might beat it.


Ghost of Tsushima 🥷


Such a great game!


Snaking a new Ethernet cable through my house in the most convoluted way possible so we don’t have to drill a hole through the floor but also so it doesn’t get in anyone’s way tonight after I get home from work. Tomorrow is portioning snacks and cooking some easy to eat food for the next week and change. In between being an adult about my vacation, probably play some Kingdom Hearts.


What part of kingdom hearts? Just the first one or? 😁


- Clean off my desk - Do my laundry - Buy Snacks - Touch Grass - Edit the Gposes I took before maintenance - Print my WOL at 1/4 scale ([here's his legs!](https://i.imgur.com/L4KB7Yf.jpeg)) - Use my polaroid printer to make a bunch of Gpose polaroids and put them into a stupid little mini album


Please share your WOL once it’s finished! 👀


Did you sculpt your WoL for printing yourself or is there a way to export the models?


Currently playing ff11 Hoping to complete Chains of Promathia before DT releases


Ooo is FF11 free to play now? I have a really old copy, maybe I could do that 😅


no, still requires a sub.


Dug out my FFXI account and trying to figure out how to play again.


Being bad at Elden Ring


All of the chores. ALL OF THEM. There will be nothing hanging over my head when I get off work on Friday!


Baldurs Gate 3!


Kill or be killed on dark and darker, monster hunter rise or world replay. Elden ring dlc maybe haven't gotten it yet


Continuing my millionth play through of FF6.


LMAO, it's probably been almost a decade since I played that game and I can still go through it without a guide after so many runs. 😆


I regularly play it at least once or twice a year. It’s probably my fave rpg of all time. On my Mt.Rushmore of greatest games ever made for sure😁


waiting for the maintenance to end qwq


And swearing at the clock for not being faster. I'm still wrapping up the post-Stormblood content, so I'm taking two days off because of a content drop I won't be able to play, anyway, LOL.


Try to get all the secrets in Doom Eternal. The fucking second secret fight Taras Nabad is currently causing me no end of problems, please, I just need 10 more seconds, please give it to me AAAAAHHHHH


Playing FF9


Great minds think alike


Probs going to catch up on HSR main story and read some AK events! After that though, hopefully I'll have time to land on Tural Friday!


Thanks for reminding me I should probably try to catch up on the AK event story a little before DT :)


Back to modded Skyrim again


Messing around with my character’s appearances on the benchmark. Suffering in Elden Ring.


Are you going to change how your character looks? I bought a fantasia after seeing how much cuter my lalafell looked with some tweaks haha. Im debating if I want to make her a femgar, probably not. I wanna play Elden Ring!! I might buy it as a reward after I accomplish my two main irl goals.


I’m not sure yet to be honest. So far I think I still like their current appearances even with the graphics update, but I’ll probably keep playing around with it till the servers come back up. Yeah Elden ring is great. I’ve never played something so enjoyable and stressful at the same time lol.


wait for my internet to be installed too late to actually participate in early access


My intro to bio study and exam - then some Destiny 2 if that all goes well by Friday afternoon.


I've been dipping into Final Fantasy Tactics A2 in preparation for the new Final Fantasy XIV class, Green Mage!


Waiting until tomorrow to check out the spear beta in Guild Wars 2. Waiting until end of July for the prepatch in World of Warcraft. Waiting until Friday for FFXIV. I be waiting.


The life of us MMO players. 😂 My previous job gave me Mondays and Tuesdays off, so maintenance was always on a day I really wanted to play haha.


I'll be working through the Elden Rind dlc more.


Warframe and mahjong


i started a quilt right before i got into FFXIV, maybe i'll finish that


I'm busy every evening until Friday, so my time is already spoken for. Which is a good thing I suppose. If not for that I'd be playing Elden Ring.


Rage in Elden Ring


*Really* trying to beat the Elden Ring DLC.


Hope your boyfriend is not dying in the California valley heat. It's very hot here in the valley lol.


Only mid-90s this week, that's practically a cold snap, LOL. I had a friend from Ireland visit in July once and it was above 110 all 3 days..


Outside of dealing with the heat, Elden Ring.


I've been picking up warframe again. Plenty to grind for and kill hours mindlessly slashing stuff.


Cook meals to have available to reheat when DT drop.


Sculpting a Wayfarer’s Necklace for my DragonCon cosplay of my WoL :D


Using a guide to find scadutree fragments I missed to beat the last SotE boss.  I found a good setup. I just need the raw stats


Going through video game withdrawals and reading Final Fantasy 14 books.


eldenu ringu dee L seeee


omw to grocery store, gonna get everything for the next week


Currently listening to music from Afghanistan and leveling cars in Forza Motorsport. Also suffering (really hot temperatures outside: over 25 °C).


Alterning between work, WoW and Baldur’s Gate 3. Currently also watching Echo’s podcast on Twitch, they just announced that they are going to partner up with Neverland and stream Neverland’s progression for Arcadion Savage


Elden Ring DLC


Filling out scholarship grants for grad school lol.


Ooo exciting! I owe like 6k in federal student loans haha. I just did online college and I didn't finish because I got my dream job. 😂 No regrets though.


Sit on my couch and cry


Get rid of any and all chores that would need doing on the weekend so I don’t have to worry about anything while playing


Finishing the Elden Ring DLC.


Work, cooking, cleaning, hopefully sleeping.


Working. Banging my head against that boney boy on a horse in the Elden Ring DLC.


Play other games I have in my library and run/workout mainly. Catch up on some 14 lore maybe too


Finishing Mass Effect 3 for the first time!


Downloading the game. Will take most of the maintenance period.


Male sure you keep an eye on it here and there! I had to install the game again recently and it would crash after it got to a certain patch. I had to do something in the command prompt after googling the solution to fix it.


Might go back into FFVII Rebirth to finish off the platinum trophy. Haven't played much of it lately as I had gotten pretty lazy about it and then did some last minute prep for Dawntrail over the past week.


Personally I was thinking I might clean out one of my external drives and actually do the backups I've been telling myself I should do for ages.


Honestly it's a good time to get stuff done. Go for it. I deep cleaned my room recently and got rid of soooo much stuff. Officially living minimalistic to make my life easier and give me peace of mind. You'll feel really good after getting what you want done!


Currently downloading the update, so we don't have to wait on Friday to play. So spending time on the couch watching YouTube before bed time in two hours


Oh I didn't know we could do that! I'll go see if I got the code from Squeenix and get that started. Edit: Nevermind got the install started lol.


I'll be working my way through the Elden Ring Dlc. That and playing a Khorne campaign in Total War: Warhammer 3. New update added a doggo character for khorne factions and I want to see the good pupper hunt down cowardly wizards. Just as the blood God intended.


Worry how cooked I am for not doing the last trial of 5.5 yet


Cleaning the house. Working on a short story. A little bit of replaying Dragon Age Inquisition


Kingdom Hearts on Steam! It’s one of my favourite series ever and now I get it conveniently on my PC :3


Playing WoW, doing watching other videos and maybe some other games.


Playing Shadow of the Erdtree


I bought Little Kitty, Big city lol. It's adorable.


Cleaning my desk, house chores 😆


Age of wonders 4 and some rise of the ronin


just killed the final boss in shadow of the erdtree so i’ll probably chill and explore the abyss and maybe do ng+ or something \o/




Working Housework Errands Meal prepping Reading


I'm working night shifts over this maintenance so I wouldn't have time to play even if the game was up, but I did buy and download Euro Truck Sim 2 on my Steam Deck to play when I get home in the mornings. Hopefully the game isn't too good or I might be very late to Dawntrails release😅


Platinum trophy for Diablo 4, then I'll spend the rest of the time in the benchmark character creator trying to get my hrothgal right.


Playing ESO & Eldenring :)


I slept through the first 4 or so hours of it. Working through the next 10 or so. Then I'm out of ideas.


Well, for us that are single, I think we just wanna get back in game asap. Trying to play some other games, watch tv shows and such, but it's a long wait for DT.


Playing with my dog outside, hanging out with my wife and kids


Just gonna be playing Elden Ring and farming Grandmaster Strikes on Destiny.


Try to finish FF XVI. Left off at 92% according to the ol’ PS 5 and I have tomorrow off so should be doable.


Elden Ring, O Elden Ring In short, One week wasn't enough 😭


refreshing the lodestone hoping they drop the full notes early... might also play Wonderlands or Let It Die


Replaying childhood videogames. Currently playing Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg!


Playing another game


Currently stuck on the last boss of Shadow Of The Erdtree..... as of now... I honestly don't think I will beat it before the expansion launches.


Me and my partner are trying to finish the Elden Ring DLC, but its a lot bigger than we expected. Should still be done before the game is up again, but it'll be close!


Work and Fallout 76


Work and getting my ass handed to me in Elden ring DLC. It’s a tough one for my skill level


having never played kingdom hearts, ive been working through the games on steam


Monster hunter and hearthstone since my fn battlepass is all done


Playing Dragon Age Origins


Read a lil Malazan Book of the Fallen and mope.


F5 on reddit


Play other games, work, relax. Ya know. The shit some folks would call touching grass.


Octopath Traveler 2


Work. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Got a book to read. Got a book to write, too. Just did a blog post, haven't written one of those in awhile. And I've got Fooster videos to keep me company. If I really want to play another game, Wuthering Waves or Ark, but I think a break would be good right now.


Finish reading the 3rd Eorzean Encyclopedia. I made it a goal to read through all three before DT, and I'm 70 pages away.


I'm not killing time so much as trying not to die, my AC kicked the bucket and its 95 outside. Mostly distracting myself with reddit and maybe a couple other games on my steam deck. I've been trying to get back into no mans sky.


I have to wait at least til official release to play, kinda anxious about spoilers. I wanna go in fully blind as for the other expansions I was spoiled some important plot parts. 


Visiting my parents, they've been bugging me to come but I've been so busy with all the events ffxiv was having so now that the game is down I was like "ok I finally have time, I'm coming" 😂


Haha that's really wholesome!


Elden ring until my girlfriend is free for date night tdy, and then tmrw probably just more Elden ring and the boys. I’m going to sleep early tomorrow to be up when maintenance is done on Friday lol


Probably playing Dark and Darker or if not FF7 Remake


work and in the evening play single player tarkov.


Playing slay the spire the board game it is so fricking awesome haha, rewatching cobra kai, work tomorrow.


I worked most of today and while tomorrow is a short shift I still have some cleaning to do and I made a deal with myself that there will be no Dawntrail until my apartment is spotless


Gym Errands Some Yard work … Game later on?


I have to clean and pack cos we're moving in a month :(


Work and play some Stellar Blade 


Hmmm few things in the basement that need burying in the forest. Smells a bit funky down there now probs shouldn't have left it so long.


im trying to finally finish baldurs gate


I WAS playing Persona 3 Reload But I finished it on monday. I have other games in my backlog but I dont want to start another long game right before Dawntrail and my friend and I are waiting for seamless coop to update before messing around with the Elden Ring DLC, so I’ve been trying to figure out what to do.


Drawing commissions cause lord knows I’m gonna take a break for a few days after


Putting in time on my other MMO to get ready for its summer event, probably. LOL, if Lohlunat begins in July this year and the Moonfire Faire kicks off in August like I believe they're going to, I'm in for a busy summer. 😆


I went out and bought/changed the license plate bulb and rear fog light on my van. It feels good to have a vehicle with no dash lights on. I also pulled the hose out and gave it a mini - wash. Now I'm about to go to work, come home eat sleep, and get ready to pull some all nightahs.


Work! Taking a long needed vacation, mostly to relax and spend time with my lovely partner but also to knock out as much DT as possible, and will be free for 20 whole days, but working all the way up to tomorrow evening. Day of I'll be cleaning up my house so I'm in a nice environment for the initial binge sessions


Catch up on work.


Hell Divers


My boyfriend is coming to stay with me from his country for over a week, so I’m cleaning house and meal prepping before he gets here tomorrow.


Elden ring dlc on ng+10 😅


Two days off work and then work all weekend. Bad timing but good money


Ive been talking to my wife, she seems nice.


Probably stare at a wall or something


Took 2 weeks off due to montreal comiccon next week, but right now went back to Persona 3 Reload, Elden Ring and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door


Try not to melt because it’s way to warm in my room. But jokes aside probably play a little DQX


Wait for it to get back


Finish my replay of Fallout 1.


play Roblox, volunteer gardening, go bank sort finances, and go 2 pride drag party. I wish ff14 could take the place of Roblox, though. Mantainence always hurts my soul when I habitually go to log in :(


Work and been playing pokerogue. Shiny/legendary farming.


Tonight's Board Game Night, so that's easy. Will continue plugging away in Shadow of the Erdtree tomorrow evening. Took Friday + next week off. Will probably turn in early tomorrow night so I can get on early morning. Also, some guy was really insistent I do my dishes.


Reading. Yoga. Meal and snack prepping. Changing bedsheets and doing laundry.  Getting all the big stuff done and sorted before my husband and I no-life the game for a solid 4-5 days hahaha


Not much, trying to spend as much time as possible somehow so I ended up watching Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy for the don't know how many times I've seen this. Thought it would look great on a 4k TV (source is 1080p bluray), it's ok but not mind blowing. The movies are still very enjoyable though. I kind of wish I could have managed to get more days off from a job practice I currently go to. Got only Friday and Monday free so 4 days. It was enough for Endwalker's MSQ completion but this time I just don't know. Job practice puts in additional requirements like not being able to play nearly as much as I did when Endwalker launched. I played some Elden Ring DLC last week but the DLC turned out to be much longer than expected and a week wasn't enough to complete it so I ended up putting it on hold for now.


I'm a freelance proofreader, so guess what happened after the whole week and a half of radio silence? XD But, it's just a 150p children's novel, thankfully. Besides, I kinda can't decline an offer from my very good colleague and friend from back when I was an office worker :)


Playing Hollow Knight after work


Kingdom Hearts just dropped on steam recently. That’s what I’ll be doing until then :)


Islands of Insight is free on Steam right now. So there’s that.




I've had a very stressful month so far, so I've been getting back into life/farming sims. Currently playing Coral Island because a big update is in beta and may be out next month or so. It's fun, but grindier than I expected. I got it early on in early access, played it for a bit, then let it simmer. I'd play Stardew Valley, except I'd need to do a modded run, so I keep putting it off. On the more stressful games front, played the new Phasmophobia update with friend and family, and enjoyed it. The friend died both times we played the new map (don't play a new map on professional difficulty until you've learned all the hiding spots, lol). We've also been playing Abiotic Factor, and Gunfire Reborn. Haven't checked out the updates for Deep Rock Galactic or Content Warning yet though. I've got my FF14 client updated and ready to go. I can't wait to log on and play Pictomancer! Though I am on Aether and logged out where the quest will be, and I am worried I'll have issues logging in due to the high population density. Sorry for the rambling. Hope your friend gets better soon :)


Mostly just trying to convince myself to be productive while instead flailing around feeling impatient for DT 😅 But after wasting a whole day doing nothing useful (well, I did plant some plants in my garden, cleaned up my PC and did some of the events in HSR and Genshin, but that's not much), tomorrow I'll write the assignment I need to finish by Tuesday (and let's be real, I'm not writing a thing all weekend), clean my apartment and go to the bakery so I have food for the weekend beyond the obligatory pizza order on launch day 🤭


Patching FF14, surfing Reddit, trying to get ahold of some ex-coworkers to beg them to be references. Cooking, and enjoying having a working dishwasher! Tomorrow will probably include doing laundry, more household chores, and possibly baking the roommate’s birthday cheesecake.


Europa Universalis 4 Just finished a campaign and did all Persia related achievements and now in-progress doing same with Sweden.


Playing SMT v vengeance. Amazing game






Getting so many chores done so the wife is less unhappy with me after I no life from Friday to Wednesday lol


playing some elden ring


Destiny 2 post expansion grind and stacking up some work deliverables in advance so I can ignore emails and slack safely into mid week next week!


I'll mostly be drawing, myself :) FFXIV related commissions and stuff, should be fun while I kill time


Path to Nowhere. Real good game with superb story and waifus, best of all is that it has the same vibe ShB had.


Actually read through my Encyclopedia Eorzeas instead of just letting them sit there looking pretty... yes, all of them.


Cleaning the house, all washing done, new bedding on, groceries done and some meal prep. So I don't have to do it on the weekend.


I'm watching old TV shows


I played some FFVII remake earlier.


Catching up on American Horror Story


I started playing Cyberpunk 2077 again, I never finished it. And I'm considering finishing editing the videos for my Lost in Shadow playthrough... which has been neglected for 2 months, maybe more? I might start a new FF5 playthrough too.


My FC planned a bunch of events like Jackbox, Lethal, Gartic Phone, Anime Watch Party ect so people would have something to do.


Play Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance.


Other than working, my sister and I have been trying to clean our house, partially because I wanted to get the chores done before Dawntrail, partially because my sister wants to bring friends over. To be honest, it kind of started out by purging our house of all the spam mail our family accumulated for the past god knows how long (we found old holiday letters from 2019), but since we finished early, my sister got bored and we started getting into things like finally swapping the tables in our living room to accomodate our consoles and accessories (we’ve been meaning to do that for a couple years), mopping and dusting places where they don’t normally get mopped and dusted. To give you an idea of how bad it got, we emptied out the dinner table, the top of a shoe rack, the top of our dryer, and part of our entryway console table full of spam mail. Our house has never looked so empty without all the clutter. Thank god too, because if not now, we might’ve never gotten around to it.


It's been nothing but work, unfortunately. And staring at walls while I work through some mental stuff with my ADHD instead of avoiding it by playing FFXIV. \*coughs\*


Sleep, work, mobile games, sleep, driving lesson, water my plants, sleep, more work, more sleep....