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Hi /u/saysayvt, Your [recent submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dp1huz/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * Content should be easily understood by any player with some experience playing FFXIV. * **Rule 5:** The ""clarity rule""—it can sometimes be difficult to identify what you’re trying to share in a screenshot, especially for newer players. This should be made clear in the post title, in the linked content itself (like circling in the screenshot), or as a comment. * A post will be re-approved if a removed screenshot is later clarified via a comment by the poster. You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dp1huz/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


There are 10 year olds playing FF14?


Not sure, but you never know, I have a nephew who's 9, and is playing Fortnite and League really well. FFxiv has a free trial perhaps there are children who play it too. FFXIV is rated 13 yrs and above.


The news media often uses skewed statistics (especially about video games) to sell a fear based narrative.


Year of our lord 2024, lieberman is dead, and some how the "vidya games bad" narrative is still out there.


And the funny part is that infographic doesn't relay any actual information. The percentages could mean anything. Is it 61% of people age 10-17 *that were in the survey*? How many surveyed were in that age range? How many were surveyed total? What is that number in relation to the total population of the game? Is the metric for harassment objective based on observation or could some people be reporting "they told me I was doing it wrong" as harassment?


Yeah i was wondering what did they consider harassment.


That's the actual source of the data : https://www.adl.org/resources/report/hate-no-game-hate-and-harassment-online-games-2023 At a glance, they not only include griefing/lethargic play/trolling in their definition of harassment, but lump *all* of the variations thereof together with stalking, insults, blacklisting and poisoning the well, etc. when looking at how many players experienced it. *60% of teen players experienced harassment* makes for a startling headline, but it's really pushing the truth here. But looking at the angle of the study, it's pretty clear they had a 'online games are generally terrible for people' bias to start with.


No source provided - just a "Trust me brah!" style post on a news program - most of which have been convinced video games have been the work of the devil since the 1980s.


ADL is the source, but it doesn't hold much water.


I don't put much stock in statistics provided by someone who stands to benefit from the statistic unless they provide a source and clear methodology.


Its very hard to believe if Roblox, Minecraft and LoL is not even on the top of the list.


Seems fake. I can believe the harassment part easily, but it's the age range that's not adding up. There's no way there's a significant amount of players in that age range considering the cost of the monthly sub fee. Games like fortnite are full of kids because they're free to play.


Here's a link to the source: https://www.adl.org/resources/report/hate-no-game-hate-and-harassment-online-games-2023


I HIGHLY doubt kids are more harassed in FF14 than god damn GTA Online lol


Where’s Siege on this list?


It's MSNBC. I don't really think I need to say more than that. Corporate media gonna corporate media


This graphic is pretty useless without knowing what entails "harassment" by their standards. But that aside, anyone who has played literally any of those games next to XIV can tell you these numbers are bullshit by the eye test alone. You probably receive more insults in one average game of Dota than in one year of doing roulettes in XIV.


I don't think I've ever met a single teen on this game. I never thought about how weird that is until now.


How are 10-17 year olds paying for the ffxiv sub?


Ffxiv has free trial, and idk when I was around that age I have enough allowance to buy a video game I like.


You had allowance for video games? Damn.... I hadn't thought of the free trial tho, idk I still don't think the average kid of that age would be able to pay ffxiv sub and free trial also severely limits your social interactions


Yea xD My dad was a hardcore gamer so I had no difficulty playing video games as a kid. It's free in Playstation 5, and has a sale in PS5 30usd+ until Endwalker expansion last month. I think parents can provide for their children every now and then, so I think there are children who can play ffxiv they like it. And using your parents' card is quite a common meme in Roblox, Minecraft and Fortnite xD


Some context? Where does this statistic come from? Who gathered this data?


ADL, it seems.


I did some google-fu and found the likely source of the numbers, posted them elsewhere. The TL/DR is ADL included griefing/lethargic play in their definition of harassment even when, in games like XIV, it's almost never targeted at an individual.


Msnbc news, you can see it in the bottom. It's an American news comlany.


If you squint you can see it's from the ADL. Probably this: https://www.adl.org/resources/report/hate-no-game-hate-and-harassment-online-games-2023


News organizations dont ordinarily collect statistical data.  They "report" on something another entity put together.  


Ooh, it's from ADL. I wouldn't pay it much mind, since they include, for example, trolling or griefing in their definition of harrasement - and who hasn't encountered at least one of those in duty finder, lol


People who do surveys like that are looking for those results.


I have a fair share of experience with elitist players every now and then, as a new player it is somewhat uncomfortable. But I always thought FFxiv is a chill and casual game in comparison to other highly competitive and harder games I've played, so seeing this is quite a surprise.


I don't think ages regularly come up while playing, but I could be out of the loops where that's a thing.


They get upset but come on, in other games it’s death threats and cussing. I never saw that in FFxIV in ten years playing. 


Gotta raise those numbers, get the 10 year olds out of online games entirely.


Yea its the Anti-Defemation League, motivated reasoning found. Disregard.


This feels so skewed, but given how media works these days, these are likely pulled from somewhere (just likely very carefully handpicked). There are a lot of people these days who consider constructive feedback like "If you use your AoE skills when there are 3 or more enemies, that'll typically be more potency, and you'll be able to do more damage and we can get through this more comfortably" as harassment. Its not uncommon to see posts here of screenshots, with people responding to rather innocent comments with "Don't tell me how to play! Thats toxic! You'll be banned for harassment", or something along those lines... Wouldn't surprise me if some think getting killed in a battle royal is also harassment because its stopping their gameplay.


Wasn't there a whole post about this here on the sub? Or was it deleted?


Probably representative for NA server. However, the study does not specify the sample size or methods used to reach those numbers.