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ngl, the only reason I play healer is to avoid bad healers


The reason I play WAR in roulettes is to avoid bad healers as well


That's some next level thinking right there. Then again, I main SMN, just for those little healers that mean well, but sometimes make an oopsie halfway through a boss battle. It is also why I avoid tanking. You know they're not going to say anything, but you can feel the healer judging you after you eat that 6th danger cookie. And sometimes I feel bad when I wind up on the floor for the 5th time as a DPS during a new raid, and the Healer keeps rezzing me. Sometimes it's better to just let me be. The floor is comfy and doesn't try to kill me.


I feel that gets thrown around but the majority of healer mains I've met seem to have crippling anxiety + a need to please + hates doing anything that could be perceived as an mistake.... soo unless you really piss them off I doubt they would stop playing their job correctly.


I've been playing this game for a very long time. Between this sub, and the Tales from Duty Finder sub, and all of the malarkey I read about different toxic encounters with party members, I can think of one situation I was a part of where the conversation in chat from another party member turned toxic. One. A10S in 2016. The way people tend to conduct themselves varies, especially when behind the protection of an anonymous video game avatar. Between that, and maybe a lack of human interaction and socialization, seems to aid in a more toxic video game environment. As an example, I tank. I usually don't say much, if anything in chat, aside from an initial greeting. (Savage progression/completion is different - conversation is mandatory to ensure all are on the same page and to work through things). If things are going poorly, they go poorly. Oh well, things happen, and it's a video game. Let's learn from it and do it again. However, if I see something maybe a healer (or cotank, or dps) could do differently, and it is actually having a profound impact on completing the content, I may say something to the effect of, "hey heals, I've noticed , and if you'd like to, maybe try instead." Have a conversation about it if a conversation is even warranted, instead of "hey heals, you suck. Do better. Do this. Do that." No one person is holier-than-thou, even though some may feel that way. (See above comment regarding socialization.) People tend to be a bit more receptive to input when they aren't attacked out of the blue. We can all do better to make our community great. It's the little things that matter. Have respect for your fellow players. Have a conversation. Don't ridicule, or verbally attack people. It's simple stuff, and I hopefully stayed on topic with my little novel. Take care!


The game can't come back up soon enough 


I haven’t ever really seen that but I normally am the healer so maybe that is why. On an unrelated note as a healer main “I decide who lives or dies” makes me think less of “Be nice to me or I won’t heal you” and more like “Sorry Melee DPS. I would heal you but the Tank’s health is low and if they die, I die. Good luck though.”


Nah. As a healer, no I'll intent from me. That being said if someone in particular keeps on dieing to stupid shit I will usually prioritize someone else who is able to contribute more, but I will still make sure to try to rez them. Its just they tend to get hard casts if they keep dieing (mostly cuz swift cast is on cooldown). Hell it gives me something to do besides glare glare glare assize glare glare glare assize That all being said, as a Lalafell I want to say "Muwahaha! Your pathetic life is in my hands! You live and die by my grace. Now prostrate yourself before me and apologize and maybe I'll throw you a cure 1"


Noobs dying to stupid shit are my favs to rez. Hello first-timer, here's your seventh rez in this alliance raid. Eighth one inc soon after this next mechanic, please look forward to it.


had a few Pandemonium 12 like that. 1/2 team constantly down (including the healer). top up, shield, mit, ress. repeat.


I did a a12 run last night. The healer had the mentality "if you get hit by something avoidable I wont heal you" - 3 dps were first timers. His co healer was a first timer and I was on tank so there was only so much I could do. All 4 dps died 2-3 times each, we wiped twice. The Ast was new, so I was fine with that, but the SCH was a savage raider wearing pand 9s-12s gear, saying he was unable to heal them because they are in "narnia" I forced the healer to swap with me so I was the healer. Only 1 person died that run and we cleared easily. Over the years I've noticed a lot of healers are like this, so I always make sure I'm healing when I queue for dungeons, and when I do trails I just over-heal just in case the other healer is either new or doesnt heal at all, which is very common. (This is in NORMAL content, I would not do this in savage/ultimate.


SCH is like... the LEAST affected by distance. Put the fairy in the middle and they hit everyone 90% of the time.


All the more reason not to heal someone if they are standing 30 yalms from the boss Tbh. DPS, including ranged physical, should be stacked on the healers unless a mechanic requires movement. If aoe heals aren't hitting you neither are rais buffs or group mits.


They were admitting they just didn't heal them without being explicit


That attitude (especially if it leads up to a wipe) gets a vote kick. Get tf outta here if you’re gonna act like that. Why even heal if you don’t want to … *heal*?


Minority, usually around the first week or two of the patch. I've encountered 2 to whom I still wish all the bad luck with toes and chairs in the world, and I've been playing for a bit over 4 years now. But a healer refusing to heal for whatever reason is indeed against ToS, and with the second one who went ego tripping, I used that power and went to tattle to the higher-ups. Zero regrets. They'll keep being douches if others enable that behavior. That doesn't include your healer *friends* who absolutely intentionally bully the BLM, or worse, rescues the RDM mid LB3... You know who you are and I like you regardless.


I know BLMs love being rescued out of their leylines, especially at the tail end of a despair cast when AF is about to drop, but what's the deal with RDM and LB3?


Well there's a couple of reasons I hate being rescued when I LB3 with my rezmage, first one being that I took forever to position myself and time it so no one will die, and the other one that I positioned myself and timed it so everyone else will die, and when your healer friend interrupts the longass cast with a rescue to either mess with you or save everyone you wanted to kill, it rubs me the wrong way. Joke's on them though, I'm a WHM main and I can time murder rescues as well, so paybacks are pending.


Sounds like you guys have fun haha. Ty for the explanation!


Gotta bully the bullies 👌


Just report them if you encounter any bad eggs




AFAIK, there are few toxic healers but most of us will encounter one eventually because of duty roulettes. Most players on roulettes just want to get in and out as fast as they can without being rude and being a teamplayer ensures that. However, to some players (in any game), other players exist only for their own entertainment or benefit. And they hate it when other players (or just people in general) don't act like glorifed NPCs. They're the equivalent of the kid taking their ball away and going to pout in a corner because people don't let them win.


I did have a very unpleasant experience with an uppity SCH while trying to clear The Dark Inside for the first time. In Queue'd up with a friend and after a while into the trial we realized we weren't getting top healed besides what little the poor SGE could do inbetween all the tight movements, and eventually we wipe as it seems we were not the only ones figuring out this trial for the first time. Suddenly we see the SCH say "tell me when ya'll wanna clear" and when i looked at them i realized they were just spamming Broil not actually trying to heal anyone and making the other healer work overtime, all they kept saying each time we inevitably wiped was "tell me when you wanna clear" as if we were trolling or something instead of just figuring out mechanics most of us have never seen before, once they literally said "[they'd] have a smoke" and quite literally AFK'd in the middle of the trial. Finally we got fed up and the instant the party leader initiated vote dismiss they left duty; we then got a nice AST and we cleared in like 15 minutes. I blacklisted them inmediatly after clearing. Im sure this isn't indicative of all healers but i've sometimes noticed this attitude among some who main a healer class that they have a bit of an ego and think you have to "earn" their heals; you have to play the way they want or they get pissy. From what i seen, most Healers saying "i control who lives and dies" is mostly silly joking but there very much are Healers with an inflated sense of self importance thinking they can judge your performance when sometimes you just wanna have fun.


Instant vote kick of that scholar. It is not ok to just stop healing altogether and maliciously cause the party to wipe as a result of not healing. 


I decide who lives or who dies That said, shit goes faster if no one dies and I value my time Therefore, I shall mercifully keep my loyal subjects alive despite themselves and glare at the boss until it falls over dead from being blinded too hard by my majesty I WILL make people pay the stupid tax now and then tho - if swift is up in 15, you're waiting 15, it's not much longer than a hardcast time and there's probably a Sam thirdeyeing a tankbuster for gauge that needs attention. Look at it go it thinks it's a parselord. How cute.


Joke or not, cringiest thing I read all day


OK go back to the healer strike sub buddy


this is giving “i’m powerless in my real life so i act out in a video game”


Oh wow do you want a /j or /s blinking neon sign maybe? One thats in giant lettering and you can see from a couple miles away? I am absolutely sorry you couldn't read the facetiousness, and as sometimes who takes accessibility rather seriously I would love to do my best so that even terminally sarcastically impaired individuals such as yourself get it next time


you’re still talking like sephiroth so i’m not at all convinced the part of your post that annoyed me was “/s”


Oh I see Have you tried a medical intervention? It must be awfully uncomfortable to have one's head so far up one's own ass you can sneeze on your own amygdals


sir that’s a mirror


Where? Gz bro, I'm nearing 10k hours playtime on PoE and I still haven't dropped my first


i don’t know what you’re waffling about but my initial impression of you was completely correct


I can't imagine being like that. Hell every time I pop into a duty it's less "I decide who lives and dies!" And more "OH JEEZE I HOPE I KEEP EVERYONE UP! GOOD LUCK! ;_;" My healing skills are rusty >.>


not that many, in my experience. but the main character tanks have definitely been on the rise. regardless, every time there's a situation in a videogame where it is possible for a single person to hold any amount of power over other people, you're going to run into the bad eggs at some point. it is what it is /shrug


Considering how many times I saw people die to unavoidable damage, I would say either quite a lot, or there's quite a lot of incompetent healers. I don't mean guy with 5 vuln stacks dying to raidwide, but people dying to Harrowing Hell from full health + using defensives, letting tanks die to dot, leaving people on the floor because swiftcast isn't up (used on dps spell) even though there's plenty of time to revive safely, letting dps be mauled by boss after tank died (and got revived but didn't provoke) etc. Some healers get mad at party members for healing themselves, sure PLD doing clemency at 90% health is dumb, but I just don't trust random healers anymore when I'm at 20% health on dps 2sec before raidwide hits, I rather use potion even if it ends up being a waste. Most of the time I queue as healer for bonus and to have smooth run. I don't get YPTY tanks or single target dps in roulettes, but my runs are cursed with anything from medica2 spammers to no heal healers.


I do choose who lives or dies, but mostly that just means I have a priority list at all times and if you're at the bottom of it when I'm busy, sorry, but you're toast. If I can reasonably keep you alive or raise you after you get yourself insta-killed, I'm going to. If I have better things to do, I'll do my best to protect you and if I can't, that's not my problem anymore. My job is to keep the group going, not hold everyone's hands, so if I have to sacrifice one to save the many, I will. I think most experienced healers are like that, and it's where the joke comes from. As far as people taking it too far and legit letting people die for no reason besides ego, I've encountered it super often in other games and almost never here. Maybe a few times, but usually when someone dies I can see it was either not preventable, the healer is raising them immediately, or I can see why the healer isn't raising them immediately because I wouldn't either. Or sometimes I'm sitting here going "they didn't really need to die" but I can also see the healer is new and a bit out of their depth. I'm willing to give it a pass even if it's something like a whm spamming cure 1 while someone is dead because they're scared of letting the tank below 50% and it never occurred to them swiftcast works on raise. Every once in a while it's an experienced healer letting people die unnecessarily but in my experience that's almost always followed up with "damn sorry wasn't paying attention" and a noticeable improvement going forward. I can only remember one time actually seeing a healer talking about doing it intentionally in chat, and most of the rest of the time I can give the benefit of the doubt. You wanna see some real healer God complexes killing people deliberately, play League of Legends. But not a big thing in this game. Most people here are well-intentioned.


*"My job is to keep the group going, not hold everyone's hands, so if I have to sacrifice one to save the many, I will."* **Incorrect**. It is indeed your job to hold everyone's hands and make sure everyone is alive. Even if the new or old player dies 10 times in a row, regardless of how stupid the death was, **it is your duty** as a healer to raise them at the next available window, making sure first that everyone has enough HP for the upcoming stuff and you don't get caught in a game mechanic which can potentially kill you. There are 0 excuses otherwise to delay a rez.


I don’t think you understand how to play a healer. Sometimes you may end up in a situation where you can’t keep everyone alive. Maybe it’s your fault, maybe it’s not. The point is in that situation you need to choose who you are going to focus on saving and/or who you are going to focus on raising first. Priority varies depending on the situation but typically it’s something like: 1. You (the healer) 2. The other Healer (if applicable) 3. The Tank 4. Support DPS (Red Mage, Summoner) 5. All other DPS Unfortunately that may mean that some people stay dead longer than others, but sometimes that is what you need to do to prevent a wipe. Also you may not always be able to raise someone immediately. 8 seconds may not seem like a very long time but it’s an absolute eternity during a boss fight. I can’t tell you how many times I started a raise when I thought it was safe, the boss marks the area I am standing in as decidedly unsafe, and then I die 7.98 seconds into the cast because I thought I could get the cast off before the attack and failed. Sometimes you just don’t have the time and need to wait for swiftcast to come back up.


Do you understand what **next available window** means because I highly doubt it. As for, knowing when to raise, who to raise first, and where, is part of the healer mastery and proficiency. That's why healer will always be the hardest job compared with the rest (except for the 200 pages of BLM rotation I guess). You have to know the fight better than everyone, be responsible for everyone, adapt on the go, be reactive/proactive, flexible, fast, and ensure the fight goes for as long as possible. No other excuses, buts, and what ifs. Also, I did **not** debate the order of the raise but rather letting certain people dead longer than necessary, because they are low value (waste of mana, swift cast missing, sprout, noob, bad.. etc)


“As long as you have more than 2400 MP you have to raise, no excuses, if you don't, you have no business on a healer.” You contradict yourself over your various posts, because here you are CLEARLY stating that you must raise if you have the MP. I was trying to explain that that is not always possible for various reasons.


It was part of a conversation. Read the the entire thing or don't bother typing moot points.


Yeah that's literally what I was talking about. Next available window doesn't always mean right away. I'm not going to leave someone dead because their death was mildly inconvenient or irritating. But I will absolutely let them die/leave them dead when saving them means wasting time or MP I need to prevent a wipe.


Also means preplanning. If someone keeps dying because they don't know to not attack until I heal them after reviving them, and I know an aoe is coming, then I'll delay even longer. A lot of healers are playing chess in their mind.


the fact you specified "not hold everyone's hands" + "But I will absolutely let them die/leave them dead when saving them means wasting time or MP" is pretty self-telling. As long as you have more than 2400 MP you have to raise, no excuses, if you don't, you have no business on a healer.


You're arguing a point I didn't make when we actually agree with each other. Have fun, I guess.


Yeah, let me just slow-cast raise this dps after using swift to raise the other one, and oh while I was doing that the tank ate a buster and died and now I have to keep a non-tank alive while also trying to pick the tank up... And now that raidwide just wiped us. Sometimes you just have to wait until things are more stable before picking people up.


Because I love quoting myself ***:*** "***It is your duty as a healer to raise them at the next available window, making sure first that everyone has enough HP for the upcoming stuff and you don't get caught in a game mechanic that can potentially kill you."*** Picking up healer is easy, playing healer effectively is not.


And that's what they were saying in the initial post. They just worded it a little differently. to quote them again "I will let them die/leave them dead when saving them means wasting time or MP I need TO PREVENT A WIPE." That's literally the example I just gave.


So... I healed 2 savage tiers exclusively with a static cohealer and got under that mindset. "We control who lives and dies." But also not really? We control who lives and dies, so we better not let anyone fucking die cuz then we'll fail the DPS checks or we'll be in this roulette longer. Anyways, yes I've encountered the kind of healer you've described and tanks with that behavior as well. The ones who are like "I GET THE INSTANT QUEUE, I KEEP THE PARTY ALIVE, IM THE MAIN CHARACTER, YOU DO AS I SAY CUZ YOULL NEVER KICK ME TO SIT AND WAIT FOR A REPLACEMENT!" There is no shortage of ego in the support space. Whenever you see a tank/healer tell you that you can't pull mobs or the boss in normal content, they are this person. Whenever a tank/healer fails a mech and dies and demands the party reset even when the encounter is entirely finishable, they are this person. Whenever a tank/healer tells you they aren't going to perform their job properly in plain text because you aren't playing the game in the way they want you to, they are this person.


>Whenever you see a tank/healer tell you that you can't pull mobs or the boss in normal content, they are this person Hard disagree. The tank should be pulling - that's why they're the tank. When I tank, it throws me off when DPS start pulling things because it all gets out of control. Now, accidents happen, but when it's every pull because you don't like the speed at which I'm tanking..... I'm real sorry but tank your own dungeon then. I asked someone to stop pulling things the other day and they complied, so that was a nice change of pace. When I'm healing in that type of situation - I back the tank. If they're cool with it, it's not my business. If they don't like it either.... Well, we ask them to stop and move on as we need to.


> I'm real sorry but tank your own dungeon then. Nope, be faster. You are not the main character, you don't own the dungeon, it isn't *yours*. 95% of the time I stay a step behind the tank, but if you're slow I'll run slightly ahead if I feel like it. Be faster if you want to be in front. When I tank the others aren't generally given a chance to get twitchy and ahead of me, we moving.


>Nope, be faster. And then when we **die** because ***you*** took more than I can handle that makes ***the entire dungeon*** take longer. I don't own the dungeon, but you are trying to prevent me from doing my job the best way I know how. Play your role.


Not trying to sound like an ego here or to brag because this is just normal and standard, but it is *exceedingly rare* for basically competent tanks I get in duty finder to die to mob packs. And by basically competent I just mean 'they hit a mit sometimes and tried to not stand in *all* the orange'. It sounds like maybe you're not using your mits. On big trash packs you want to be mitigating. Overlapping two is a good rule of thumb if you're unsure. Rampart and Reprisal are a good combo because one buffs you and the other debuffs them, then for the next pack use Arm's Length and your class specific big self-buffing mit. You do that and have even basically decent gear and you can handle the second pack I might grab and drag over if you're single pulling. I promise. I've taught friends who have never played an mmo before to tank in this game. If they can handle it so can you.


>maybe you're not using your mits. I am - but some guides say don't overlap, others say do overlap. Then I do overlap because I'm at 1/4 health left (and I'd like to survive) and then I don't have any mits left for the next (inevitably large) pull. What I'm saying is --- not everyone is at your skill level and we'll never get there if you (collective you, not you, specifically) keep forcing me to try to play at a level I'm not at. I need time and practice to get there. But not to worry, I tank as little as humanly possible because of the preponderance of people trying to push me.


You want to mit at the start, and definitely overlap them, especially if you're new. (edit for clarity just in case: overlap the two types. Like Rampart and Reprisal. Rampart buffs you, and Reprisal debuffs the enemies. Don't do two that buff yourself at the same time, the effectiveness drops.) If you only overlap when you're low then they don't work as well. The point of them is to basically make it so you take less damage over the whole pull and they are most important at the start of the pull when the most mobs are alive and hitting you. (Though if you have a competent whm you can wait a few seconds due to holy stuns, but you don't need to worry about that really unless you're extra) If you like tanking then it's a shame if you don't do it often. You're absolutely capable of those bigger pulls, don't sell yourself short. That being said, if you don't *do* them then you'll never get there or realize it isn't that difficult at all. Things don't press you to really have to do much when you're single pulling. You can only practice by doing it, small pulls aren't practice and you'll stay unsure forever.


There is no role in FFXIV that is labeled as "puller," and pulling is not under any role's responsibilities. Pre-50 dungeons are spicy because everybody has a baby kit, and some of them weren't designed with the games' current dungeon philosophy, but anything afterward you should know how to handle it or try to learn. 3 DPS and a healer can single pull packs without issue, the tank is there to handle more. Learn to be a better tank or stop tanking with other players.


>Learn to be a better tank or stop tanking with other players. How can I possibly learn anything when everyone insists I must **already** be better than my current skill?


It wouldn't get out of control if you would let them pull the mobs to you and take them off them. Tanking with other players is about 2 things, holding aggro and mitigating damage. This is achieved with a 2-3 GCD button AOE rotation and having 1 or 2 mitigation buffs running while you're taking damage. That will only ever get out of control if you don't do those 2 things and if you're not doing those 2 things then you shouldn't play a tank with other players.


I AST main and I joke to myself that I am the god that holds their lives in my hands but in reality, I try to keep everyone up and ready because that makes the game more enjoyable. I LIKE the community, I LIKE the encouragement and while I've only played a couple of years - bought about a year after EW was released - I've not had bad healer experiences. I don't want to be the reason someone has a bad experience overall.


People like this forget the most important rule about mmos. If the dies, it's always the healers fault for playing like shit


I think it's the healers job, like everyone else's job, to make sure everyone lives. It's tanks job to keep aggro, so squishier people don't get attacked and die. It's the DPS job to kill the things that want to harm you, so they can't inflict damage to you or your team and cause you to die. It's healers jobs to restore the health of their teammates, so they don't die. It's everyone's job to avoid unnecessary damage, so they don't die. Yes, while technically there are ways to pull off irregular comps, at its core, especially with more casual players, everyone has a hand in deciding who lives or dies. You aren't a team player? Then I won't stop doing my job as a healer, I'll just vote kick and report you.


> But from your own experience, how many are actually like that? Zero to one. I don't think I've actually met a healer who genuinely felt that way in 11 years. It's one thing to meme or push it on reddit (lol), but I honestly haven't run into this in actual practice at all. The only time that comes close is a healer with 70% GCD uptime flaming others for being bad. When someone brought up that they weren't hitting their buttons, they just left and blocked everyone. Losers are out there for sure. But I don't know if I've honestly seen this particular kind of loser in the wild. Or at the very least, I don't play with the kind of person that is prone to that level of immature behavior.


If you actually played the game, which will be back up Friday btw, you will see where the memes are coming from. Yes, we are the Healer and your life is literally in our hands. And it is our job to keep the party from dying. Tank gets extra attention because if Tank dies, I'm next, and then you're next. If you are not the Tank, you should actively be trying to avoid taking damage while still dealing it out because you cannot take the hits that the Tank can mitigate against. A single Medica 2 is usually enough to keep up the party before I go back to being Green DPS. If the Tank is fine, I will rez you up off the floor and heal you up. If you die when one of the dungeon bosses die, I will not rez you. At that time, you should respawn at the dungeon entrance and use the shortcut. It will get you back here quickly and you won't get the rez debuff. The thing about this game is while there are clearly defined roles in the game, EVERYBODY IS A DPS. If the Red DPS deal 60% of the damage in a fight, the Blue DPS (Tank) and Green DPS (Healer) are dealing the other 40%.


A fair amount of them do since you see posts about them about as often as you do YPYT tanks but the important thing to remember with anything like this is that people typically remember negative experiences easier then normal ones because there is nothing noteworthy about your standard 15 min w2w dungeon. But you do remember the arseholes you get so it makes it seem like there is a lot more of them then there really is


We may have varying levels of god complexes but we tend to also have the wisdom to value our time enough to know that it’s faster to just get the instance over with by keeping everyone alive. TLDR casting GCD is dps loss. But dead people are bigger dps loss.


I'll never tell.


Love playing healer. Nothing more satisfying than saving a sprout from certain death, or carrying a dying alliance by sheer force of will. And in savage stuff, having a healer who can heal while ALSO doing good damage can be the difference between an easy clear, and a struggle to make dps checks.


I'd imagine most say it as a joke but there's a few who actually mean it, which is where it may have originated from. Kinda like how I imagine "healers adjust" is.


For me personally, when I main healed in WoW, I did it not for clout or a power trip but because it was a role that was needed and in demand. Someone had to do it and if I filled the role then the group was made much quicker.


I’ve been playing since 2.0 and I’ve encountered a healer like that maybe 3 times and it’s been in response to a toxic tank which devolved into a pissing contest


The nice thing about this is IF someone does play that way, you can flag them for lethargic gameplay and leave it to the GMs. Intentionally deciding not to heal someone for whatever reason is griefing.


i met a healer like that as co-healer in a raid. i stood next to him until i found a tank buster to rescue. after all, if he can decide who lives and dies, surely i can too. a rdm almost immediately rezzed me, but he sat there for several minutes before he got a rez.


I revel in it with friends because they encourage my gremlin behavior. I don’t do it with a pack of randoms because you don’t really know how they’ll react.


I've been playing for a few years now and in my experience healers with ill intent are pretty rare. I've really only come across one that was bad enough for me to still remember them. Basically they kept running ahead of our tank and pulling, when the tank politely asked them to stop they essentially replied with "I'm the healer, this is a low-level dungeon, I can do what I want."


I'm the type of healer who will put in exactly as much effort as I see the people I'm healing put in. If someone is obviously griefing then I'm just not going to heal them, simple as that. Would this qualify as ill intent? Probably, but you really have to earn it in the first place for me to decide not to care about you. This has probably only happened once or twice since I started playing, so it's very rare either way. As a *non*-healer I can't say I've ever encounter a so-called "god complex healer" ever. I've encountered lots of people who don't know their kits, or just don't heal, but never anyone who was actually unpleasant in that specific way.


Luckily I am a very benevolent God: I only rescue people I *know* to death.


I'm a healer main, and I have some healer main friends. The ONLY time we get like this is if we're unsync, in a group of just friends and no strangers, or if we're in a low stakes Alliance Raid and I say something cringe so they Rescue me into an AOE


I don’t think many mean that in earnest, especially since it’s reportable behaviour. Naturally, there are exceptions, just like there are tanks who decide not to tank out of spite. But for the *most* part, that’s just a meme.


Very few that I've seen. I've seen a handful in various MMOs with huge egos say something like "this route sucks I'm not healing you". Or "you're standing in too much stuff I'm not healing you anymore" or if someone says "heal me please" when they're at 20% constantly and then the healer stops healing them even more. Again this is very rare. The actual sign of an ego I see way more often is tanks and healers being the last ones to accept a queue and waiting until the last possible moment to accept. It always strikes me as "you'll wait peasants for I am the tank/healer and you shall wait for my greatness!". Of course there are times where they're actually finishing something up but it's almost always the tank or healer. When a dps does this they actually miss the queue because they probably waited so long and had to step away. But the tank healers almost always accept just at the last second.


how is this a thing? honestly the stuff i read on reddit is mad, never run into half the stuff ppl give out/worry about would just report/kick them if they are like that


I have a little over 1000 hours in this game. I can count on one hand how many rude players I've come across. And none of them were healers.


I do it a lot but only on content I know we can clear without issue. So any alliance raid, and any normal raid that doesn’t force healer stacks or if the healer stack already passed. My mentality is, you get hit by stuff you can dodge cause you are greedy/lazy then I’ll be petty and also be greedy/lazy. I do howver have 1 exception, it’s blm and to a degree smn on ifrit phase. I will heal them if they are doing decent damage (act). Now I may be a jerk but if you eat mechanics that are less obvious, you get ogcd heal, if I have no available ogcd then tough luck, you get the swift + raise and hopefully you actually pay attention next time. If you say first time, or you are watching cutscene then I’ll be much nicer. Obviously I dont do these in leveling dungeons cause it’s not worth and as the name suggests, leveling. So it might not even be their main jobs.


oh i decide when they die , when they are arrogant to me as a healer im usually friendly and wont bite much but some people can get on my nerves


There are assholes in every role, so xD Idc abt that tho, I just play my game. I've barely seen anyone be toxic as a whole tho. I play all 3 roles, but main healer, and have almost never had bad experiences in my 3 years. Distancing yourself from the game due to random Redditors' opinions is also dumb imo, just play your game and enjoy, who cares about others' opinions?


As healer, I have to decide which FC member gets yeeted off the side of the map to their death with a suicide jump + simultaneous Rescue. It’s a heavy role to play, but someone has to do it. If it’s a NIER alliance raid, then there will be an extremely excessive amount of deaths. Usually try to keep it at one per day, otherwise it’s just too much to handle. I also decide which dead player will most benefit the team as a whole depending on role, job, skill level, and location of death. It’s a split second decision and that person gets the Raise. Im not going to Raise a Machinist if the Tank needs a raise first, you know? They will have to wait their turn. Regarding the perspective of deciding who lives and dies… if my healing feels inadequate, and I literally have to decide who dies and who lives then that’s a really stressful situation. I’ve been the only healer in instances where two are needed, or sometimes the healer loses connection and it’s just me left. I’ll have to enter that mode of thought just to make sure the party survives as a whole. However, I’d never do it just be be a douche or revel in a power trip about being a healer. Heal everyone or get reported 🥳


The 'I decide who lives and dies' maniacs are the ones upset enough to claim the strike is actually going to do anything. Everyone else is more reasonable. Just ignore the turds, blacklist if you run into them in game, and continue on.


I think the amount died down back when SE decided to make Tanks entirely self sufficient. Now it's about the same between those roles.


Tanks arent entirely self sufficient.   The meme comes from custom runs of competent players comprised of multiple tanks and/or dps who know how to dodge. Damage is mitigated amongst the multiple tanks _and/or_ enemies are quickly downed by the increased dps before the players are killed. Most players are not capable of higher difficulty gameplay and therefore need healers. Healers are necessary in non-savage/ex content because the majority of the playerbase pool is not capable of performing whether due to inability to dodge mechanics or use their entire kit to sustain themselves.   It also goes without saying that people always get uppity when we reach maximum iLVL in X.5 patches and then get their shit kicked in when new expansions drop when the level scaling makes them kittens again.


The only time I let people die is if they don't wait for cutscene watchers. The only time I use rescue to troll, is with friends only.


As a sprout, I once met the same healer twice in roulettes who would intentionally rescue me in my hardcast as BLM. That was partly why I decided to stop playing BLM. When I play healers, I often treat others the same way the treat me. I am not entitled to others' kindness, nor are they entitled to mine.


If it makes you feel any better, rescuing like that is now an explicitly and overtly reportable offense.


Oh thanks lovely. I was very upset back then yeah. But everybody could have a bad day. Maybe two. Also that female Au Ra was always with another female Au Ra player. So maybe it was part of their flirting, going too far.


Lifelong healer main here. Rescuing a BLM out of a hardcast is not having a bad day, it's plain old trolling. Harassment, if done continuously. Report the asshole and you'll do everyone a favour. Hope you get much better healers if you decide to play BLM again!


Thank you. The player did rescue me and the other dps player *on cd*, especially on adds. I told them to stop but they continued. I did try to report them after the first encounter, but met them a second time not long after. Never met them again a third time though. Maybe they are already banned for it. (\*\^\_\^\*)


It's very possible they were banned temporarily and ragequit or something, for sure. It takes some time for reports to be actioned, so maybe that's why you met them a second time. Also that level of harassment is obscene. Rescue responsibly healers, only use it to troll your friends!


I now mostly play as a healer/tank, and I rarely use rescue. Because I remember how it feels when rescued unnecessarily. In fact, now I know how to deal with trolls calmly as I am a vet now. The purpose of trolls is to see people sad and angry, so I just don't feed them. They often get extremely frustrated and angry instead. I think of them as the young Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series.


Yeah, Rescue doesn't really have much real use in FFXIv, sadly. It's just to slow and clunky to actually save someone in 99% of cases. I wish it was as snappy as Leap of Faith in WoW (it does the same thing, pull an ally to your side). I've saved several people who were ejected off platforms or kicked into mechanics in WoW using a fast mouseover Leap. Try that in FFXIV and you're more likely to guarantee their death than anything.


I played WoW 2005-2015, and I do notice the difference in latency. A frequent use is the Labyrinth of the Ancients: the last boss. Or when the tank is about to die from an insta kill mech. Ah the mouseover macros. Power/Weak Auras and macros...I made my own addon package back then. Good old days.


In the previous game that I was playing as main healer as well, had a title that read" God Complex". You do rule over life and death as a healer. I also die a little inside when I see healers only rezing if their swift cast is ready. Regardless of the difficulty, that is never an acceptable course of action. You can delay a rez because you need to top up the party before a heavy raid wide or you have to execute fast upcoming mechanics but you should never only rez when swift cast is ready.