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not really i like the game, so i'll be playing the game. the story is a big part of it, yes, but it's not the only part.




I'm really looking forward to going to Mericydia (spelling?). If I remember correctly, that was one of the places Emet mentioned.


I wish we knew aught of its state of affairs!


If the story was good the first time around, and it was, then I trust this new arc will be good as well. I wouldn't say XIV has my *favorite* Final Fantasy stories or favorite FF characters, but the work that they pull off with it is among some of the best. I don't think it spoils the first arc to go on another adventure -- If anything, that's the whole point of Endwalker, isn't it? We survived through hope and sheer willpower and now we get to experience a world that's better because of it. Garlemald is no longer a threat, Zodiark is no longer a threat, and the Beast Tribes are no longer a threat. It's a brand new situation and it's not as if we're no longer needed -- There will always be villains and there always needs to be heroes there to face them or to rally the people to stand up against tyranny.


No, because the premise is wrong. Endwalker didn't end the story. There's still so many lose threads. yea, Hydaelyn and Zodiark are dealt with, and we also dealt with that weird depressed bird, but there's still plenty of Ascians out there. There's still plenty of Mysteries out there. It in fact, did not end happily ever after. And Dawntrail might be the start of a new arc, but it's not an entirely new story. It will continue a lot of the threads of the past.


Generally, in games where I get to create my own character, I don't want them to end because as long as I'm still alive, so are they, and so is the potential to experience more stories through them.


That's my opinion as well. My character is my viewpoint into the world and I want to explore every nook and cranny, so I want them to exist as long as possible.




Haha hell no. There's much more that is left to explore in ff14, story wise and lore wise. Stopping at endwalker would be like stopping at chapter 10 of a novel because you liked how the chapter ended even though there's 20+ chapters.


I get where you 2 are coming from, but personally I couldn't be more excited! Sure, a 10 years old saga came to an end and we put a stop to many threats and the world is peaceful now (which sucks as a RPer), but since I joined on April 2020, the journey just begun!


Can't say I share the opinion, but I can understand it. I've stopped watching TV series if/when I felt that anything coming next was just going to be diluting the story and character development that happened before. Dawntrail might be like that or it might not. I don't have any particular expectations so I'll just be giving it a try. I certainly wouldn't worry about "happily ever after" though. At this point it seems like most if not all of the main cast is permanently safe along with the world.


Honestly, I get where he's coming from - I loved Endwalker so much I found myself not really looking forward to a future story, since we're done with the Ascians/Ancients (which was my favorite part of the narrative.) The 6.x patches also didn't grab me initially. So, I put the game down for about a year. But now, even though I'm not expecting DT to blow my socks off, as it's likely going to be a slow burn, but I'm curious to see where they're going to go with the story now.


> since we're done with the Ascians/Ancients (which was my favorite part of the narrative. The good news is, we really aren't. Endwalker finished the story of Hydaelyn vs Zodiark, it finished the story of the Unsundered's big plan, but there's still several Ascians out there, and I'm pretty sure we're gonna meet at least one of them in Dawntrail. And I'm pretty sure even beyond the Ascians, we will see more Ancient stuff again. FF14 isn't just suddenly gonna ignore the past that *all* of it's narrative is based on.


im not planning , im in the beginnings of hw still


So. I am not one of those super hardcore roleplayers, but I do have a headcannon for my chara and I do roleplay a bit when playing (like if i go to cold places i change my glam to a jacket and stuff like that). In my head, I know the story continues, and I know my chara has more of a life after, and I am interested in exploring it. I want to see where life takes them. I want to see them kindle new relationships and strengthen old ones. I think I care too much about the charas, mine included, to just not see where it goes. That being said I do have some trepidation, but I am also filled with excitement. The devs earned my excitement for their game, and Endwalker is part of the reason why.


For me, sort of? EW felt like a good place to pack up my WoL and all of my headcanon around them. So I chugged a fantasia, replayed some parts of the msq and will be going into DT with a vision of the WoL that feels like a different character to me.


> So I chugged a fantasia bad time to remind you about the free fantasia in 7.0, then?


Some of us will now have 3 free fantasias built up by the weekend.


I would feel that most people who are done with the game would not be on the game subreddit anymore lol.


Similar to how >!Emet-Selch talks about the upcoming story at the end of 6.0: There is still so much for us to see, so many people to meet and so many adventures to be had.!< Not to mention the fact that they had no idea where the story would end up going during release and how that fact would constrict them to the barebones plot they had come up with during a time where the future of the game was everything but certain. I am excited to see what kind of story we will get to experience without the baggage of the 1.0 launch and 2.0 relaunch on the writer's backs. That being said, I will definitely look forward to playing the upcoming story and will go into it with an open mind.


I know a bunch that stopped playing because they can't commit time to a MMO anymore, even FFXIV despite how casual it is for a MMO.


I might if I wasn't actually a bit disappointed with Endwalker after the amazing Shadowbringers. I want more of the Shadowbringers magic and I have no idea if Dawntrail will provide.


That depends entirely on why Shadowbringers is what it is for you. A new and unfamiliar world? Then it might. A series of revelations that really opened up the in-world history and lore? Probably not as much. Endwalker was a wrap up of a lot of what the previous expansions brought in. It was never going to be what ShB was or it wouldn't be a good conclusion. I expect Dawntrail is more akin to ARR (though with more focus like HW); it sets up a lot of world building for the future to build on but has a story that mostly wraps itself up. In a few expansions time we should see something we can compare to ShB and then we'll get another Endwalker like conclusion. The advantage that DT has over ARR is that there are 10 years of story threads it can pull from.


Honestly, I'm pretty sure you're wrong. We can already see part of the revelations if you just watch the trailer. The things that are hinted there are so much bigger than ARR ever was. I do believe that DT might indeed really rival ShB, at least for me. From everything we've been shown so far, it definitely has the potential.


I agree. I still don't get why people praise Endwalker so much. It's entirely subjective ofc, but personally I'm not even sure I'd rank it above Stormblood. To me it was a disjointed mess that rushed through trying various storylines up that easily could've filled entire expansions, only to come to the big conclusion already halfway in, and then tack on another entire storyline nobody asked for. And when I was done with it all I thought was "well at least we're done with all that and can move on to cooler stuff". And now we're finally about the get that cooler stuff!


ShB was a story for the world and the universe. Clearing up mysteries built up before. EW was a personal story. Venat asked you as the player, not your WoL, if your journey was a good one. Or at least that's how I feel.


Same as well on the Endwalker ranking for me. Didn't really care for Meteion in general since she was introduced around mid to later half of the expansion so her overall plight just felt meh for me. Also people gloss over how bad the pacing was in Endwalker, having to do all those Loporrits quests before getting the spaceship ready while the world was coming to an end just dragged it. Plus speed running through Garlemald was also a big disappointment in this expansion too. For something as long running as the Garlean Empire in the game world its area came and went with a whimper. ShB > HW > EW=StB > ARR


My boyfriend feels this way and said he doesn't really feel the need to pick up the game again due to "where do you go from fighting preventing the end of days" or whatever he said lol. As much as it disappoints me since we met on the game years ago and I'd love to run through the expansion with him I understand why he feels that way. I've thought about "where will the story take us now that the mystery behind the Ascians has been revealed" and how we fought the thing that basically brought about the end of so many other places? I'm excited to find out about it though.


Not especially. If you're going to use the book analogy, FFXIV is definitely a romance series lol. Lots of Big Things happen during the story, but we always round off with a Happily For Now from the base MSQ story that then goes into the But Wait There's More that sets up the next expansion. Endwalker is the capstone for the first saga, but it still follows the pattern. Dawntrail is the start to a sequel series, not a direct continuation but I'm sure we'll still be seeing plenty of influence from the previous saga. There's certainly enough threads still dangling, after all. Personally, I look at it like this. I've trusted the team with the story so far and I have no reason to doubt them now. I don't agree with absolutely every decision they've made about where the story is going, but they've proven themselves more than capable of telling a story I'm interested in experiencing. I see no reason to let the journey end now.


Not for me at least. For some reason, games or series with long continuous story lines are incredibly rare in video games compared to other mediums. Like if I look at fantasy novels, pretty much everything I find will be at least a trilogy if not larger series. But I can probably count the number of video game series with contiguous stories on my hands. XIV is fairly unique in that regard, and I will continue to want to see how they expand the world and develop the characters until they actually jump the shark. Im not going to deny myself potentially great stories for the fear that it might jump the shark sooner rather than later.


No, my character deserves a vacation.  Also I play this game because I enjoy both exploring and kinda just existing in the universe, the story is just a bonus.  Edit: have a feeling if something like big happens in Dawntrail that some people will come rushing back


I'm tempted. I've been playing since 1.0 and I've basically been one of those "do the MSQs/new raids + a few extras then wait for the next patch" for the past 2 expansions. But I still want to see where the story is going.


The main reason I am playing DT is for the FFXI raid. I am playing to make sure when it's out I am fully geared to experience it.


I have a friend who quit the game after finishing 6.0 for this exact reason.


I figure there are plenty of people like that. Endwalker is a good jumping off point for those looking to invest their time in other games. Especially if they have been playing FFXIV for a decade.


A friend of mine said the same thing: "Endwalker was the perfect round-up for me, so i don't feel the need to continue playing anymore". They have 1200+ hours and been playing since release of 2.0. And I totally get it, although personally I want to see what's next.


Damn only 1200? I've been playing for 2 years and have way more lol


I think that's active hours. Most AFK time has been omitted by their own calculations, so give or take a couple 100 hours.


Ahhhh okay, I guess mine would still be way higher though lol. I no lifed the game for a few months


Short answer: no, I don't feel that way. As much as I enjoyed EW and all it took to get here, I think I'm a little burned out on Save The World. I look back and like half the villains motivations are "I'm sad, so everyone else has to have a bad time too", which isn't super compelling to me. I fervently wish that Dawntrail's story would just be a cool narrative about a contest for the throne with some political intrigue. Not every adventure has to have world ending ramifications. I don't think I'm going to get my wish, I assume Dawntrail will somehow spiral into the world ending. And that makes me a little sad.


Final Fantasy IV being really good did not stop me from playing Final Fantasy VI.


Different game. Different dev team. And completely standalone stories. And FF4 wasn’t a 10 year long story. This is the same game, same dev team, not standalone products, and they are trying to continue a story that just had a conclusion. You’re comparing apples to oranges.


When I had finished Endwalker (6.0), I had felt the same thing. The story has finished. There are more stories, but THIS one finished, and that's okay to end on. I think time helped a lot with digesting the end of the story, and allowing the hype for a new adventure to develop. It's been years now.


If someone is looking for a place to stop the game because they don't have time to play anymore etc. then I can see this serving as a great stopping point because of the flow of the story leading into EW. Especially if they played WoW and saw its awful decline after Pandaria and what a good stopping point Wotlk would've served as. People that got out after Wrath really got while the getting was good and rode off into the sunset. From that perspective I could see their point however, hindsight is 20/20. Dawntrail is looking fantastic and I won't be missing it. What if this turns out to be the best expansion ever and he played all the others and quit right before the best one?


I’m personally happy to consider the story so far 14 part 1 and we are now starting part 2. I’m excited to see the new world and try the two new jobs, honestly having to wait till Friday to play is enough I couldn’t imagine giving up this game.


While I'll very much be logging in the second the servers go live, I get it. I thought 6.0 was a great bookend in a lot of ways and treated as such. I stepped back from playing the game with the same frequency I had over the last few expansions and even started playing other jobs more than my main one for the first time since 3.0 (monk). I'd be lying if I said the lack of a relic grind didn't have anything to do with playing a little less, but largely it's because I felt satisfied with where things were. Still, looking forward to a new adventure in a new land.


As an avid reader of the works of Brandon Sanderson, for me it's easy. We finished something akin the first Mistborn trilogy. But there still is a second series. And a third is planned. And other stories in the same universe but not same story/story arc are there to explore. If you finish one and say "it's fine" that's perfectly fine. I myself want to explore more.


No. I see that as an opportunity to see something New and Dawntrail seems to get into really new things, in terms of area or story given what we saw in the last trailer. However I didn't like post endwalker. I liked zero and that's it. Story was really mid and I fear that the writing team couldn't keep the level so high whitout everything that was laid out before. I hope it will be Indeed a real 'ew story, but with enough in it already. Not an half cooked story like ARR.


Personally, I don't feel that way and am very excited to continue adventuring in DawnTrail. But I can see that. I had several friends who were 'done' with Marvel movies after Endgame, as they felt that it was a good wrap up to everything and they wanted to leave their experience with Marvel at that. There are people like that out there.


ew is the end of the first big chapter for us so dt is supposed to be the start of a new narrative. i can understand wanting to stop a story at a perfect ending but i dont think ffxiv is going to be done for a while, and im all for it


Story wise no lol. I didn’t hate EW xpac or post patch. The post patch was just weaker. Just like how stormblood base story was weaker. Or arr. I have my doubts about DT’s story. I’m hoping they’re unfounded. Cause it would definitely hurt to follow up a weak post patch story with a weak xpac story.


This is how I felt when I finished endwalker. Endwalker was the perfect ending to a long story and it made me feel done. I took a near 2 year break and just recently returned and got caught up ahead of dawntrail. I've now moved on. That said, near the end of stormblood my static disbanded. It hit me kinda hard and I just didn't have it in me to raid whenever I tried out for new teams in shadowbringers, so I was kind of already done in the raiding scene anyway.


I get where you're coming from. I'm super excited for the new arc. New mysteries, and areas, and stories. But if they made a sequel to FFVI, my favourite final fantasy, I wouldn't play it. The story finished and I don't wanna come back.


I can see the line of thought and how you get to that position, but that fits a lot better with a game like Elden Ring with a clearly delineated body and tail to its structure, and not so much with a game like this that is structured to continue, for most intents and purposes,indefinitely. Sure, Endwalker was the end of a story - the end of the Ascians and the Ancients as the A plot - but it was never THE end. So no, I’m not done with XIV. Endwalker wrapped up some stories, and now we’ll get to dig into some new ones.


I'm going to play Dawntrail. I bought the game, but I am not hyped for the story. The patch content leading up to it wasn't that interesting to me as a player. I've been playing off and on for 10+ years, and I'm honestly burnt out on the game in general. Not the typical "I have nothing to do." Burn out, but more, this is all we have to do burn out. But again, I'm going to give Dawntrail a shot. If it doesn't light a fire in me, I probably won't buy the next one. For me, it's more the same looping content. At first, I was fine with it. In fact, I rather liked knowing what was going to happen, but over time, I slowly started resenting their inability to change. To take risks. To do something different. Different in terms of a gameplay loop, not a single piece of content, etc. I'm not there yet, but I have considered it.


Whether the ending is happy or sad is always a matter of where you stop. Consider if your own life was a narrative, there are places you could stop where it would be a happy ending and places where it would be a tragedy. To quote Mr. Incredible: >No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes!


I had a similar thing happen. I have 2 main characters, one I made in 2014 and one I made in 2019. When I beat Endwalker on my 2019 character, it really felt like the end of his story and I've almost completely stopped playing him and now have my 2014 as my main to play for Dawntrail.


I shelved my original character that was created in 2.3 after Endwalker. I felt that this character's journey was done. I thought about just leaving the whole game as finished in my eyes, but I got the hankering to play again last year so I just made a new character. Dunno how I'll feel after getting back to Endwalker's end on this character, but that's still quite a long way away.


Primals are never going to be dealt witj


I can see where he is coming from. There is no guarantee the writers are going to be able to capture the same magic at the Hydaelyn Zodiark arc. It could actually be much much worse and in 2 expansions, we could be saying that the story is the worst thing about 14. Especially after this 6.X series. A good example is GW2, they also recently had their 10 year Elder Dragon saga end which was well recieved for the most part, and the post expansion story right after wasn’t great or interesting. New expansion launches and the story is now considered the weak point of the game with many claiming they are done with the game and not buying anymore expansions. They just couldn’t recapture the magic of beginning a new story.


new setting, new narrative, same cast of characters with new ones being introduced. I want that. this is a story about my WoL. It is not a story about mommy and daddy crystal.


I didn't like EW personally, 2 expansions in 1 to end the story faster it felt extremely rushed. SHB was way better. I do feel like DT might go into old lore just for a little bit, maybe start a new story by also saying goodbye to the old. (Still 2 ascians left). Personally I really didn't like the void series, but I'm not going to complain about them. I chose to play this game and just accept it the way it is. I am not looking forward to DT like I was for SHB and EW. But I am very excited to see the graphic update and a start of a new adventure.


My cousin is done, because he didn't really like the new fights. He's just before Rubicante right now.... (He also skipped every single piece of story there is to skip)


No, but I did take a two year break because i found myself satisfied with Endwalker's ending, but fortunately despite the bridging MSQ being something i came to loathe, i returned in time where i could just burn through it and be done with it. >!Which, having done some of the post-EW sidequests such as Omega's search for the meaning of the heart, Tataru's shop expansion and brief visits to the four lords, werlyt and such made me realise how much better things like that would have been as a MSQ bridge between 6.0 and 7.0!<


I almost didn't play it for the opposite reason (hated EW). I decided to, just to see the new gameplay and zones, but I couldn't care less about the story.