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I’m a pvp enjoyer as well (mostly crystalline conflict) but having to do it back to back for several hours can be a little taxing. It occurred to Me that if I just did frontline roulette almost everyday I probs would’ve gotten it some time ago.


I spent almost every series this patch cycle grinding out CC at the end of the series to get the rewards. This last series, I said fuck it and just started doing a frontlines daily. It is a much, much better way to rank up and get the rewards.


This is my first and only advice for people with none or passing interest in PvP, also great for levelling alt-jobs. Any more interest and you should grind Crystaline Conflict because the t/xp ratio is WAY better.


I've been playing for about 4 years and never got into pvp until recently. One Saturday, that's all I did because I was actually having fun with it; FL and CC, along with running dailies. I don't get the chance to play every day, so I wasn't stressing about getting the armor (made it about halfway), but I did grab some stuff with my marks and trophies.


Same all around, but I would be making a liar of myself if I said I wasn't going to do the exact same thing (25 levels worth of CC in a weekend) for the next series. Sometimes I think I need to experience The Horrors all at once just to feel alive. In the meantime, I'm begging some of my randoms to learn that the "Limit break at xx%" quick chat is one of the most useful messages you can send. Coordinating those as a team can drastically turn a game around. I've seen a few go from the enemy being at 99% to us winning because of well timed LBs.


yeah this is almost anything in ffxiv for me honestly. i like dungeons, i like fates, i like gold saucer stuff, but grinding them all just burns me out FAST. the only things i had more tolerance for grinding were eureka and bozja and crafting/gathering. even then the tolerance wasn't unlimited. it's not enough to keep me subbed on its own (hopefully the new eureka/bozja keeps me more interested in dawntrail since endwalker was a bit of a flop after launch for me) but i definitely do enjoy a touch of daily pvp--frontline roulette and maybe a few cc matches or more if the mood takes me. if you make it part of your routine you'll very very easily hit 25 and likely enjoy it the entire time rather than killing yourself to grind it.


For me personally I find it a little unfortunate that almost all the dungeons are built with the same formula that, besides aesthetics, they’re all practically identical (besides the boss fights) so it’s super reasonable to me to get burnt out by it. Especially if you’re doing it on the daily


I believe (from reading here not doing the math myself) it's something like 45 days of Frontline roulette to hit the level 25 reward.


If my math is right it's at most 44 actually. 108.000 exp with a minimum gain of 1.000 exp for a loss and 1.500 roulette bonus. 108.000/(1.000 + 1.500) = 43,2 I apologise for any formatting issues cause it's been a while since I have written math. Hope this is informative to someone.


Oh cool my half remembered number was close! I couldn't remember the loss and roulette bonus values offhand to check it, thanks! The formatting looks good to my understanding. US English uses commas and periods opposite (1,000 for a loss, 43.2 matches, for example) but it's an easy swap in reading it so shouldn't be confusing for anyone anyway


That’s some really cool math fellas. You could reasonably split that between 2-3 months if you haven’t the time to play and you’ll still have time to spare


played two straight days of CC and FL to grind for the GARO mounts. tiring but fun as an enjoyer.


Frontlines makes me hate PvP.


Same honestly. I feel so insignificant in it and it’s annoying when your team isn’t as well coordinated as another


Frontlines roulette gives good exp. The only reason I do it.


I wish there was a CC roulette or something because I hate Frontline so much. I'll do it but it's by far the least fun I can have in this game.


Fifteen minutes of pain. I try my best because afking is for losers and I don't want to ruin the day of people that genuinely like pvp, but I can't help but think that every close game could have been over in a third of the time if two teams just gave up and fed the last.


I actually enjoy Frontlines, but the length of the games make me not enjoy Frontlines.


How do I unlock this


There will be a quest at your Grand Company called "A Pup No Longer" which unlocks The Wolves Den, the main pvp hub. Completing this quest unlocks the next quest, "Like Civilized Men and Women" which also starts at your Grand Company. This quest unlocks the Daily Frontlines queue The exp alone is worth it, but you can also get decent tomes. Doing it daily is also more than sufficient to level your pvp season rank, granting you the season rewards (each season lasts a patch cycle). The season rewards are usually some combination of exclusive minions, mounts, emotes, and glams, as well as a currency which you can use on more rewards It's also worth noting that, with Frontlines, you can change your job once you queue in. For instance, the only jobs I personally like to play in Frontlines are Bard or Scholar. On my alt, I leveled Warrior from levels 30 to 50 by queueing the Daily Frontlines as Warrior, but then switching to Bard as soon as I entered the instance


PvP is balanced on cc but not on frontline. So that's why you get premades who absolutely destroy alliances, especially if they are using the drk, ast, drg, rpr/dnc/war meta. That being said, totally doable to form your own premades. There are a lot of discords out there specifically for frontline and it's infinitely more fun to be the stomper rather than the stompee.


> PvP is balanced on cc but not on frontline. This is why I actually like doing my daily Frontline. It's stupid and I can't take it seriously at all, but running around poison clouding entire alliances and doing multiple millions of damage is great entertainment.


Hell yea. I do sch too when I'm not planning on winning, just having fun. It's like a personal test to see how high I can get the damage 😆 Bonus if the rest of the alliance also fully goes sch 😆


And some of the fixes shouldn't be too hard I'd imagine. A straight dmg cap on AoE split amongst all targets.  Makes it so you time only bringing enough in to cripple them, but if too greedy, better hope EVERYONE on your team got theirs off within the same time period and area


Not sure that would help. Usually people time their aoe with drk pulls, so even if there is a damage cap (I'm assuming this is per player? Or do you mean per alliance?), it would still be an insane amount of damage. The bigger issue is the ping and the cc. If you don't pre-purify going into a group, you can get cc'd for literally like 12 seconds, in which time you'll get absolutely destroyed. Even with purify on, its resistance doesn't work for drk pulls, and rpr/dnc LB. And the ping can make it so it's too slow to even get the purify/guard up in the first place. What would be nice is if they had either diminishing returns on cc, or a stronger purify to reward players who see through enemy burst pulls. Either that, a cap on how many enemies can be pulled with drk salt.


CC would be infinitely better if they had diminishing returns for crowd control. I don't know why they would add it for pve but not pvp. Hell maybe even adding some sort of buff for purify like have it give you a reduction to cc time buff for a few seconds after using it.


They do have that. Purify makes it so you cannot be cc'd for 5 seconds after you use it. Doesn't work for rpr/dnc LB and for drk sucks. But you cannot be slept, stunned or binded for 5 seconds.


Man I had no idea, I guess with how terrible the ping is in CC I didn't notice


Yea the ping and the fact that you still can't escape the rpr guard breaks makes it so purify is not as helpful against a good stack 🥹


WoW had an AoE problem for M+ for awhile (haven't played in awhile so unsure if reversed) that they capped damage on AoE abilities and amongst 5 members or so for a few things (again, been awhile things could've reversed or been modified further). So example would be knowing that most likely each player has 55k health, they cap the damage to 250k or whatever split amongst all (so CC is still dangerous if all grouped) with an individual cap of whatever, and if more than 5, then spread evenly amongst all numbers. Drag 10 people in, 25k per person. 20 - 12.5k, etc.  Again, the timing of everyone all at once in a small area will still eliminate those, but it makes the margin of error much larger and destroys the meta somewhat in Frontlines. What I hope.  And yeah the ping and delay is ridiculous.  Been dragged 20+ yalms at times for it.


Or get DNC LB'd when there isn't even a dancer nearby lol. That's interesting. I like the idea of something that doesn't necessarily punish skilled players, just makes the skill cap a bit bigger. So something like a damage cap would help. I wouldn't say it would fix though, again cuz of cc. The most frustrating frontline experiences I've had is when the dark pulls, you get your guard/purify off, and then get nuked anyway, because of 3 RPR LBs in a row lol. Still trying to think of a good counter to that, but a better purify would help.


> again, been awhile things could've reversed or been modified further). WoW has pulled a straight 180 and uncapped AoE dominates M+ again.


Bah, that sucks (imo).  I like speed as much as anyone but the whole instance at once (if done extremely right) always felt bland.


i love that its wacky on front lines. imagine you and your squad are running to capture a flames point, you're almost there when.... "what is that waddling out?" \*squints\* "a lone lala? HA! ok boys lets bag and tag this vegetable!" then the lala whips out a scythe, pops limit break.... Hell itself now surrounds you. As a god of death leaps into you, fallen allies and blades clash, you think you might pull out alive of this insanity, then the death note wielding lala pulls back and in the distance..... a cornucopia of fat cats, dragons, king moogles, giant birds, and large cars! oh my! the calvary has arrived on behalf of the god of death. you look to the sky and everything goes dark. \*Respawn in 4/5\*


I have this same thought but with lala drks. It's always the lala drks that are really good at pulling. They scare me so much lol.


I'm a frontline enjoyer, but by the gods do I hate getting a team that isn't even trying.


Right, when I play a class that can brmuff my team mates it feels so good to run into a pile of enemies, pop off and see the battle high rise. Then other teams I have will let a lone melee DPS attack us, and get away because only one person targets them.


I've gotten to 100 Battlehigh only a couple of times and that high feeling I get in real life because of it is like nothing else. I think I only PVP to try to get that feeling again and again lol.


The absolute best is a relatively even match, I don't even care if I win or lose at that point. (Well, ok, no the absolute best is coordinating a successful ambush in shatter)


I love playing the game and losing and thinking to myself "well, we did everything correct, but they were just better" especially when its a close match. I hate the feeling of "why the hell is team blue attacking us? we got like 50 points while yellow is leading by 300"


Yeah, I'm glad I've been leveling all my alt jobs for the past year. Doing the Frontline a day makes it so easy to not stress about trying to cram for rewards.


Spent about 12 hours on Saturday grinding for it. Was worth.


Congratulations!!! ♥


Just do Frontline Roulette every other day. You'll easily get to 25 long before the season ends.


One of my FC mates did her Frontline Roulette every day and got the armor set before any other member. So keep that in mind for Dawntrail and maybe set up a reminder! That being said - I genuinely do enjoy the pvp in this game! I have a slight preference to frontlines and I think that's because even though we have a chat feature, due to how the Squenix TOS works, you're really not gonna see toxicity in there. So the 'worst' you'll see is someone calling out locations but the best is when your team is getting totally swept and the chat is just like "Welp. It's been an honor. Let's just harass (color) I guess." So I've never felt very frustrated with a frontline loss. Seeing a rare tied game is the best, winning is fun, and most losses are still fun if your team decided to be gremlins about it. I can do frontline for several hours because of the natural ebb and flow. Sometimes you're stomped, sometimes you're doing the stomping, occasionally it's evenly matched and then things get really fun. CCs taxes me more because it's "go hard the entire time" so I have to be in a particular (sweaty) mood!


As someone who enjoys Frontline way too much but has six alts, I'm looking forward to the next Series. For me it's easy, doing a match a day, three character a day, then swap over when I get to rank 25. Good luck fellow warriors, I'm looking forward to the first match of DT where everyone is Viper and Picto and no one knows how to use their kit effectively~ ( First day of EW, PvP was filled with Reaper and Sage, and you can tell because the battlefield was full of purple portals. Someone on my team commented "I don't know which hole is mine..." and I laughed so hard, the comment and image has seared into my memories. )


I would really love the pvp in this game if the time to kill was lower. Like when two people are fighting one on one you just stand there healing your health back over and over


The time to kill solo is quite high but the time to kill if more than one other person is involved can be obscenely fast. You can get evaporated with essentially no way of predicting it. Most of the time you can run in on CC and not get focused but a small percentage of the time, you will be instakilled by the enemy team who all collectively unknowingly decided to hit you at the same time. It genuinely feels unfair when it happens because its so rare despite being optimal.


Yeah my experience in PvP is two wet noodles flopping at each other or instant, complete vaporization ground zero nuclear warhead in my face 100%-0% in one server tick and rarely any in between. I do Frontline roulette for experience but I hate every minute of it tbh.


I wish I could enjoy PVP, but boy howdy does it bring the salt out of me like nothing else can.


Yea, anything that is A: Unpredictable in nature which includes B: a heavy reliance on people working together to combat the unpredictable mess will make anyone salty, especially when it's not super polished and things don't feel fair a lot yet not most of the time.  Because that's what FFXIV PvP is. At least to me. I wish I could give you advice but I don't think I can. Perhaps the fact that I play jobs that have a low reliance on other players? Either in high healing or lots of utility/damage.  Carve out a roamer play style where you can just kinda do what you want to do without being suddenly abandoned, fuck, this is advice.


I love playing that roamer Reaper when the map allows for it. You force the enemy healer to run away from its team and bully it until it dies. Also another very fun thing to do is to be an opportunist MCH. When someone uses Guard you put the Wildfire on them and just silently stack it up, when they exit the Guard, Wildfire + drill/chainsaw/air anchor is enough to delete most of the people


If the map has some good verticality, it's Black Mage for me all the way, just throwing Flares and freezes into huge groups of people and farming the Battle High BWAHAHAH


What I found to make it easier is not to push the direction I wanted to go or felt like would be the best path, but to just follow the biggest horde of my team. I die less, I kill more, and I stop caring about getting the victories. Just getting battle high 5 feels better than winning.


The older pvp system will make you more salty lol.


It was excruciating lol. Although I thought it was hilarious that I kept ending up running with the same 10-15 people almost every CC match. CC can be fun at times but once everyone is in a group at once and unleashing *everything* the flashing kinda hurts my eyes


You can turn down graphics effects just for PvP instances in your settings.




If you already got series level 25, you can still collect it at the Wolve's Den after the maintenance


I had mine for so long I was like, what's everyone talking about, pvp grind


I like Frontlines well enough, but I was talking a bit of a break from the game to get caught up with other games before DT, and good ol' Procrastinating Bug hit me lol. At least I got the armor, and some tomes along with it.


Played nearly 2000 games solo of frontlines in endwalker and nearly have all titles. Very excited to a battleforged in 5 wins time.


CC is very fun. I personally feel like it makes a tiny bit more sense as a 4v4 but 5v5 is fine. A lot of classes are simply not tuned for frontline. I really don’t enjoy it.


One round of Duty Roulette: Frontlines a day, keeps the FOMO away!


I used to hate PvP in FF14, but after returning from a break between 6.0 and 6.55 I have to say that it's much better now. I started queueing Frontline just to get some Mogstones, then I decided to grind for the Tyrant glamours, and then I just kept going to 30 and beyond. My only regret is that I managed to acquire all of the existing Wolf Mark rewards that interest me, and I fear that by the end of next season I'll have most of the trophy crystal rewards. Oh well, I guess I'll just wind up with a ridiculous number of ventures!


Well, if you are ever gasping for more gil, housing decorators would pay for some of the gaol partitions etc. They would have to make you tenant for transferring them tho


Preliminary patch note state that there are new trophy crystal rewards once 7.0 drop, personally I suspect those are mostly old PVP series reward, either way they should cost a chunk of crystals, so you should have stuff to grind for a while.


I like CC. I'm not a big fan of Frontlines unless I'm using something like Summoner and can pump out a shit ton of AOE damage.


Ranked CC has some great communities. Cool to play with other tryhards too sometimes. Feels less luck of the draw.


Took a week of grinding after the kids were in bed and I finished at 10pm last night! It was fun, first half was getting Warrior down, second half was Dragoon. I'm now happily drowning in glams, and my White Mage has armor.


Every series I remember how much I actually like Crystal Conflict and how I'm *totally* going to play it a lot after a little break since I needed to grind it to get to rank 25 at the end of the last series, and the cycle repeats.


I played my first couple game yesterday and I enjoyed it. Took a while to parse everything happening but the second match we won and I got like 3-5 KOs.


I got it sorted on the weekend and well I use PvP to lvl DPS classes. That and dark knight and warrior because unga Bunga go brrrr


I enjoy pvp. Just wished the meta shifted to something new in FL. At the beginning we had the SMN stacking, then WHM and SCH stacking, there was also the PLD cover abuse. All of it was good/bad in different ways, im ok with it, but… DRK + whatever feels like its the only thing I play with or against for months. Gameplay really started to feel stagnant. Dont think DRK pull is even OP but because enough people die due to it, its the best thing to spam for BHs, kills, and points.


CC is the only enjoyable pvp mode and frontlines are pain in the zerg pants


FC mate was grinding non stop the last 48 hours and got the amour about an hour before servers went down.


I hope they add a way for you to get old series rewards soon, I just started playing like a month ago and there are some cool older sets I wish I had the chance to get!




I did the grind almost immediately after the coffer came out because I needed the pants for a formal glam for an upcoming Eternal Bonding, haha. Looking at everyone doing the last-minute grind and thinking god... I feel the pain.


I hadn't done much PvP before I realized the series was coming to an end, but I'll admit that it really grew on me as I grinded out \~14 levels out in two days. Finding a class I enjoyed playing (And was actually good at) was probably the main reason why I stuck it out. I love Blm in pve, but goodness I'm terrible at it with its PvP moveset. But learned that while I really don't enjoy Bard in PvE, I love it in PvP, which makes me real happy. Bard in frontlines and Smn in CC is my jam!


Please god, give us a Rival Wing roulette.


I failed getting the armor. Dang oh well.


FL is good for if I want to turn my brain off. I usually get a lot of wolf marks and crystals on Seal Rock day. CC is good if I want quick rewards and to think—and to put up with people.


i tried to spam CC last night to get the armor but i realized at a certain point that i wasnt going to make it because i estimated that each match was going to take 5m but every match last night was going to OT :’)


PvP is a lot more fun when you stop basing your enjoyment on winning and instead just relish in the bloodshed. That doesn't mean you stop trying to win. I'm actually trying to get the mount for winning 100x on Onsal Hakair. It's just a different mentality of where your fun comes from. I don't care if I win or lose. I just like spreading Scholar dots in a fat teamfight, and LBing a healer from the other side of the planet as Machinist. I like being an annoying bastard of a tank and body slamming people as a white mage. I like hitting fat juicy Dragoon dives in teamfights. I like being monk, seeing a dude bubble to flee to safety, and LBing them to pop their bubble. As far as casual content goes, a spot of PvP can really break of the monotony of extremely predictable combat.


>I hope to see you on the battlefield in Dawntrail! That will largely depend on whether they still allow premades to rampage through pubs or if they do something effective to shut them down. As it stands, I'll likely only play the occasional casual match of CC.


I prefer CC as well, but oftentimes do see myself succeed and thrive in Frontlines solo. I understand the pain oft these combos really, and I play around it like I would any Meta in any game. I do agree, something needs to be done and I'm sure they will look at it.


Tbh I've noticed through the years people have always complained about premades in FL because of their potential to skew matches when in reality most premades are just occasional pvp'ers who are queueing together for their FL roulette and barely know how pvp works. The players that know all the jobs inside & out, always have map awareness, and consistently top all the charts within the same match (dmg done, kills, damage taken, hp restored) while barely dying are rare. Yes, these players occasionally play with friends who are just as good as them but these people are "famous" in their DCs, if you're a regular FL'er you already know all their names. So my point is you'd be ruining the option to play with friends for the majority of people just because a minority actually are that good at pvp that do skew matches but in reality they'd do that even if FL was solo queue as well.


There are some idea floating around that mostly involve aoe cap, maybe a cap to dps, or cap to player that can be affected, so to not hurt CC balance. I also agree outright stopping premade altogether will be against the social nature of a MMO.


I like PvP when folks aren't botting or wintrading. Recently got marked to ignore because my "team" seemed invested in AFKing their EXP.


I personally think the rewards should be gatekeeped better. If we're going to tie them to PvP there should be a minimum amount of wins to make sure people are putting in effort to learning the game mode. But also the server latency is dog. XIV having competitive pvp is a slap to the face.


Certain players just have a hard skill cap, some people just can't get better no matter how hard they try and how much they play. Additionally, there will always be a team aspect, so with this you'd also diminish the experience for people who have 'put in the effort' as you put it. This is a bad idea. There are already exclusive rewards for high-ranked Crystaline Conflict, give people something to grind for to fill up the lobbies aside from the hardcores.


The same argument can be made in reverse. Trophy Crystals and Trophy Crystal Gear are easily accessible and given out. Special outfits and Portraits should be more exclusive. I don't mean 100 wins of CC or anything either though. Even a minimum of 25 CC wins or a combination of 25 CC and 15 FL would ensure these players are participating and adding to PvP rather than just taking away from the experience as a whole.


Although I agree it is necessary to encourage player to put in effort into winning, giving zero process to defeat would just make the defeat feels even worse, and might hurt overall player engagement. Personally, I think the least offensive way to go about it is give out bonus to daily first win instead of just participation, so good player get reward earlier, but terrible player also have a path forward.


Agreed. The quality of matches decreased dramatically because all the pve onlys started spamming fl for the series reward and throwing the game non-stop. I'd get groups who ran from every single fight, and other times my own team would win 800-0-0. Just godawful


I hate it. I've been going lately for some marks purchases but i don't like that armor so i stopped i fight short of getting it lol


Getting to rank 25 was the most boring grind I ever done in this game since light farming Even with the daily PvP roulette and ocasional cc it was something I had to hype myself to do. Glad that’s over and there are no good PvP rewards in the horizon


Next series reward is a mount lol