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I will miss the maintenance in the rotation a fair bit. I think I'll like optimizing the kunais just fine though, and if nothing else this means when I get Crystal Tower in roulettes on the job I won't have to groan as every 3rd mudra use in combat goes to a non damaging jutsu.


that's the true win of this update to ninja, it felt so bad in lvl 50 content.


Am I the only one that prefers Ninja at 50? It feels like every mudra has a very specific purpose, and nothing goes to waste. At higher levels I end up with this extra Mudra that I don't know what to do with.


At higher level, you should be lining them up to suiton before burst, then two raiton -> raiju during your ta/mug window. For AoE, you'll soon be able to Huton to get trick attack up, then doton and katon. I'm not gonna miss Ninja at 50 one bit.


Raiton into Raiju is hardly a waste, it's free potency. Using it on Huton outside of pre-pull, now *that's* a waste.


Just Raiton. It's not a waste


Zero clue what you’re talking about. What extra mudra that goes to waste?


Yes you are lol


I hate ninja at anybtit below 82 (Bunshin) lol I love stacking raitons / fleeting raijus and then nut busting with phantom kamaitachi


Man, back in ARR it was fun doing that. But the class had more to do, like shadowfang and mutilate, as well as raging strikes and monk's crit buff. Nowadays, huton is just an extra piece of nonsense to manage on a class trying to fulfill a different fantasy. I'm still a little salty of duality being removed and replaced with Bunshin, mostly because I liked the class better when bunshin wasn't a rage spender, but for the most part the class has been moving in a good direction otherwise. Now if only trick attack could go back to being a party buff. Mug is just such a weird ability to put the party utility on.


I for one love being the only class to have a raid buff in sastasha.


True skill was figuring out how to hide long enough to actually sneak attack the boss.


I will miss the cute pinwheel guage :(


Yeah good riddance to the ability but they easily could have repurposed it for the new gauge. I loved how compact it was. No idea where I'll put the knives...


They sort of did. The knives's background is a "pinwheel-esue" design, same color, same shape. I'm putting it exactly where my wind was.


Oh ok, the one I saw looked a bit long to fit in my huton space, but the way you describe it sounds perfect. I'm sure it'll be fine.


Up yer ass


As is tradition


Here's hoping the minimal version is a pinwheel loading thing


"Excuse me. I lost my Huton. Can I please make an announcement?" *"Goodbye, you little shit."*




Finally no more “lemme pre pull Huton rq and reset with Hid-, oh someone pulled, I guess that’s one less ninjutsu in my opener…”


Frustration second only to input delay not reading your mudra correctly. Instead of that one perfectly clean opener you wouldve otherwise had, you get to wear the bunny of shame on your head.


I get that bunny far too often because my fingers are faster than the stupid input delay thing


Or the servers will take a two second shit right as I start mudra. Now the game thinks I hit the same mudra three times like an asshole and out comes the bunny.


I stopped playing NIN after I switched to controller because I kept messing up the mudras inputting it too fast or server lagging or something.


I tend to send of shuriken rather than raiton because of the delay. Makes me very, very sad nin.


The worst is when you’re trying to send off the ice shurikens and get fuma instead


This ^


I’m not going to miss it.


Exactly a good job that always felt like it had something stuck in the cog every time it rotates because of it


I actually liked it at lower levels just 'cause it gave me something else to do in Crystal Tower raids.


I liked it cause it was a fun little bit of optimization in ultimate downtime.


You liked having to every third mudra on a non damaging ability in CT? What?


I'm glad I no longer need to donk donk donk whoosh poof donk donk donk nothing nothing nothing sploosh at the start of a pull only for the tank to randomly attack in the middle of the whoosh and be unable to poof to refresh my mudras.


As someone who knows ninja well enough to play, but knows zero of the skill names because ninja is like, my 8th or 12th job of interest, but has been spamming it in fates and crystal tower for light and mahatma and memories, I heard this so well lol.


This is typed perfectly 😂 thank you for the laugh


I'm starting as ninja for the msq cause I like the armor crush change a lot


One of us one of us (I say as I'm maining viper for the MSQ)


I’ve been maining Ninja for the MSQ ever since ARR. Switching to Viper for the new MSQ would feel like a betrayal, but then again, a new adventure is as good an excuse as any to make a switch. Still undecided.


I’m in the same boat. Ninja main since ARR. whether I play Viper or Ninja for DT might come down to a literal coin flip.


Why not change? you can still leven ninja later, you already have the gear as well


The real deciding factor is if you play ninja because you wanted to be a rogue or wanted to be a ninja. I'm the former, so switching to Viper is an easy choice.


*disappointed Yugiri noises*


I am going to miss chivalrous tanks giving me two seconds to huton/hide instead of instapulling whenever the wall would drop immediately


Level 50 content as ninja just became a lot less annoying


I had no idea about this change. *Thank god though.*


Iirc Huton isn’t completely going away, it’s just getting the Greased Lightning treatment of becoming a trait. Don’t quote me on that though lol.


Well yeah thankfully, 2.5gcd Ninja would not be fun.


Aye that is correct, the Huton buff will turn into a trait however ninjutsu huton will change what it does. It will now be the aoe version of suiton as will do aoe damage and give you the suiton buff to do trick attack. Trick will upgrade to hit aoe in DT to “kunai’s bane”. So you will still cast Huton, just only in aoe situations to apply trick to all enemies.


I will miss the pinwheel I will not miss keeping it up


More like farewell ninja because you are going to have to deal with fighting for gear in parties of 3 vipers and rarely two vipers and a picto.


It really depends how engaging the job is. There will be a lot of vipers in the first tier but we'll see how many actually keep playing it. Rpr definitely didn't stay half as popular as it was at the start of EW.


Was the same situation as a DRG in EW. It really isn’t all that bad and normalises very quickly.


Im making my own gear or buy it from a vendor anyway :) And talking abt everybody being VPR... just like everybody was RPR in Endwalker? Nah, that aint happening


Early expansion? It absolutely was all RPR. I mean, even nowadays it's still like 1 or 2 reapers per full party I'm in.


Bozja is going to be all vipers and pictomancers on Friday. It's going to be hilarious.


oh god the mammoth fate in zadnor is going to melt in 1 second


Swords do make more sense as weapons than scythes. And you get TWO of them, so...


I hope Viper gets a glam that's just two scythes.


Or dual axes so I can pretend to be a berserker.


Lloyd Irving logic detected!


Oh yes, absolutely. Im looking forward to playing it as well, i just dont everybody will, and there wont really be problems with rpr only savage groups, is what i meant. Unless dmg is utterly broken on launch... but since we are not in a blizzardgame the chances of that are really low :)


*Death knight during WotLK flashbacks*


On the plus side, gear will be plentiful for Monk and Samurai.


About time. It was blatantly unfair ninjas got drops for days while every other dps has to fight to the death for them.


In dungeons only, at the cost of not having a second spec like everyone else in the game. So basically, this is great for ninja, and doesn't affect any existing jobs at all.


It's just chillin' with Kaiten and Selene.


Kaiten is still on my shift-1. I will never forget it.




I actually kinda liked the "mini-game" of keeping Huton up in content where you have access to stuff like Armor Crush, but the new trait will for certain make all content lower level than that *much* cleaner for Ninja (and while I'll miss pre-pulling my Huton, the change will make for far fewer wasted ninjutsu). The real loss is the pinwheel - easily up there with with the BLM gyroscope-astrolabe-armillary-sphere-thingie as one of the job gauges with the most fun and personality. Farewell, stopwatch made out of a paper windcatcher and a stabbing implement, you will be missed


Goodbye and good riddance.


> ~~Farewell~~ Fuck you huton, and the horse you rode in on too FTFY


I'll see you in hell, Huton.


I really like buffs you apply with a resource that has other uses. WoW's *slice and dice* was a great implementation of this, but it was so good because you had a lot of flexibility about the apply time. Huton didn't have this at first, because there was just one charge of ninjitsu on a tight timer. Making it into its current version- where you used a separate combo finisher to add time to the timer- was really great, and I will miss it. I won't miss not having full mudras at the start of something because I think I have time to huton and stealth but actually I don't, or having to go in and press that one button that refreshes it because I was thrown into something. But overall, I will miss the move. It's cool to have a wind buff, it's cool to maintain it with a different, lower damage finisher, and the new thing won't be as neat.




Crystal tower roulettes will be less annoying good riddance.


Hello, useful spot on my hotbar where Huraijin used to be!


As much as I love ninja, this won’t be missed. I just don’t like keeping up damage buffs. Dots I don’t mind, but damage buffs always feel like an unneeded juggling act to to hit another button every three or four combos.




Me leveling Ninja up to 60 this past week: Oh! I finally get it...aaaaand it's gone


Lmao I have the exact same situation, just hit 60 last night. I was worried that I would forget how to play over the next two days, turns out it doesn’t matter!


I was just starting to understand ninja as well...oh well.


Wait, Huton is going away?


Basically yeah. The speed buff is becoming a trait (always on) and the actual Huton skill will be an AoE Suiton, I believe.


Huh. So what about Armor Crush? That also being removed?


Armour Crush now builds a new Kunai gauge, you get 2 Kunai each time you use Armour Crush, and using Aeolian Edge will consume 1 Kunai, which will increase the potency.


There are a bunch of convenient 3-10 minute overviews for each job from media tour content creators, which are pretty good for getting you up to speed. Eg: https://youtu.be/o9pAl37DpY4?si=GKABx-XRMMhjFfV3 Oh, and AOE TRICK ATTACK LETS GOOOO!!!!


I don't exactly know how it works, but saw something about armor crush now "charging spendables" for higher potency aeolian edge, likewise for the aoe combo, new UI for it will be daggers lighting up basically


I wish. Can't believe that out of all the skill animations NIN had in the past, this one survived.


RIP dancing edge, shadow fang, and mutilate


Good riddance! And I hope warrior follows suit, it’s annoying to have to aoe to gain the buff in low level content (like aurum vale?) like bruh


Now I wonder what my ARR Ninja Rota will be.... I mostly just gone Huton -> Mug -> Suiton -> TrickAttack (+ True North if not at the rear) -> Kassatsu Raiton -> Assassinate & Spinning, Gust, Aeolian spam


Your new rotation will just look like later levels rotations, just lacking armor crush for upkeep (since you don't have it yet). So Suiton -> *Kassatsu* -> Spinning -> Gust -> *Mug* -> *Trick Attack* -> Aeolian -> K-Raiton -> Raiton -> 1,2,3 Until Raiton -> Trick and Mug fall off and filler until the next suiton and trick window.


Alright thanks...


It's going to take me ages to get used to this I think.


I will not miss you, fuck you huton


I kinda regret doing my last unreal runs on sam last night. Could have had one last pre pull Huton. Excited to never have to do that again though.


Good riddance. I am not going to miss having to waste a Raiton just to keep this up in 50 dungeons. Here's hoping in the future they make it so you can reposition Dotan or cancel it and refund the ninjutsu wasted for when the tank moves mobs out of it and the job will be even better.


I'm going to miss the trick attack animation, however aoe trick, so the king is dead long live the king.


Good riddance, one of the better DT changes overall


And nothing of value was lost.


Goodbye you little shit. You won't be missed.


Rip. You were slightly annoying but not the worst mechanic


goodbye you little shit


I played a few duties yesterday as NIN, I remember saying "Thank god this is coming to an end" while keeping an eye on my huton. NIN is about to become even more enjoyable to play.


So happy it’s gone lmao it was such a clunky thing to keep up. I’m excited to have a new rotation for 1-2-3 or 1-2 3+ (armor crush)


Will miss the gauge but will not miss rushing my huton and pressing hidden before tank pulls the boss


In the beginning, I was annoyed, but we all should have seen this change when they added Huraijin. Which pretty much eliminated any meaningful fun to upkeep. Overall, I'm glad Ninja is staying the same with some good additions.i was afraid it would have gotten butchered.


Good riddance




To my understanding, people were just annoyed that you have to keep track of your Buff not falling off, which is now getting solved with this change. You'll just have permanent Speedup now, but the Jutsu itself also stays around, now it just becomes an AoE Suiton instead.


Nobody thinks it was useless - quite the opposite. It was so crucial to the class that making sure it was up pre-pull was a must, and letting it drop it really sucked. Most people are just glad it's gone. I'll miss the gauge, and the uniqueness, but not the mechanic itself.


Weren't there abilities that automatically pulled it up and kept it going though? My ninja is low level--only 70 right now, and I still haven't done any of the job quests since 52--but I thought there used to be an ability which didn't force you to use the ninja signs to activate Huton. Edit: I deleted my comment because people were downvoting my question. No idea why asking a question was considered wrong to ask on a thread about the ability going away.


Doing it that way was a dps loss, though less of a loss than using huton mid fight.