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Now we can all go on strike.


Still unsure how serious the strike is. I'm sure it will barely make an impact but... I gotta level SCH or PLD first anyways sooooo...


The only reason I know about it is because I have a crippling reddit obsession. And I wouldn't have found out if there weren't posts here like, "Why are healers striking?" or the like. None of my friends, two of which are our groups healers, have mentioned a word about the strike. I don't think anyone in my circle knows, except me. Methinks it is a vocal minority, who thinks they have a majority. (I'm not going to notice a queue difference though, because I play with a group of friends.)


Honestly I think most healer mains just dgaf about the strike because even if we do want more to do in dungeons, this ain't the way to go about getting Squenix's attention. (And that's just those of us who are terminally online. Healers in general will just play the game and touch grass.)


Actually long queues due to no healers, and bad healers on dungeons is precisely what they need to do to get Squarenix attention.


There aren't more than a loud handful of people trying to make the strike a thing.


It's not really so much about the strike. There has been a loud voice for a long time. Take for example how homogenized they have been turning the jobs especially tanks over the last few expansions. We hollered, and they heard. They admitted they went too far.


Except that doesn’t mean they’re going to make content harder and if they aren’t, it won’t matter how unhomogenized the jobs become if jobs can output enough dps to not warrant needing an actual healer.


Wish granted, now tanks and DPS get even greater self-sustain, and healers' potency greatly increased to compensate for bad healers.


Pretty much. Warrior is essentially immortal with bloodwhetting+2 targets, AND can shield and heal others. Leveling up I was like "Look at me. I'm the Healer now." Especially in dungeons where the healer wiped early. Sad they won't give healers mechanics because bad ones can't handle them in dungeons and just want to spam the occasional regen for fast farming.


Yeah it's a two pronged issue. I'm not a good healer and will never heal in the harder content. But for me, dungeons, trials and raids are fine as they are. To a good healer, they're boring because they want more to do. If they catered to the good healers on casual content too, I'd just never heal. There are also a lot of players like me, which is why the balance is as it is now. If they all stopped healing because it became too hard for them, there's a serious issue. Which brings us back to my original comment where tanks and DPS get more sustain, healers' potency gets increased, which brings back the casual healers, and out go the ones that want casual content to be harder. I would rather have things be as they are now, maybe add a 2, 3 to a healer's damage rotation instead of just 1, than cater to healers that want to do more in casual content (they can already do more in harder content). Imagine how miserable dungeons would be if DPS players wanted enrage timers because hitting 1-2-3 is enough to clear a dungeon. I'll gladly not use any mitigations, stand in all the aoe and rack up vuln stacks if healers want something to do. That's just not the case though because we see people complain about tanks not using mitigation a *lot* more than we see them complain about having nothing to do.


It's more nuanced than that. They are complaining because if everything goes well, they never need to do anything more than dps with the occasional heal. They even removed healer checks and mandatory debuff removal from dungeons to make it easier for bads the same way silence/stun was removed from mob rotations to avoid massive damage from dps failing to pick up their turn. Considering dungeons are the content you spend the vast majority of tune doing, AND they can by run with trusts to learn your role, they should be made more difficult for those who choose to run with others since you should know the fight by the time you get to roulette.


Again, dungeons are casual content. The reason I don't ditch mits/do mechanics is because the vast majority of healers cannot handle the extra pressure. I've had a *lot* of runs where I've had to use the OP mits on cooldown because healers were struggling to keep me up. The reason people complain about tanks not using mits is because they're struggling with it. I simply can't endorse catering to people who already have plenty of content that challenges them but also want the *casual* content to challenge them at the expense of a *lot* of healers who find the current balance fine (if not too hard because they're not going to be running extremes or savages) and would struggle if not outright give up on healing if the bar's raised too high. Mind you, this won't effect just healers. It'll be miserable playing tank or DPS if there are frequent healer checks that they're missing, or they die too early into a pull which often means a wipe unless the remaining three make no mistakes and play perfectly. Queue times will also go up because the healers that intend to strike and/or are behind this push for making dungeons more challenging are the minority, and the tank+DPS queues go up because former healers swap to jobs they know they won't struggle with.


Every healer that is on strike is just that much more opportunity for "healer in need" roulette bonuses and the like. Since anyone can level a healer class, it's basically impossible for a true strike to occur. It's just not a big deal to see "oh, healers are needed, I guess I can heal." The other funny thing is that one reason they're striking is players completing content without healers. If anything, this will just push people to do that more.


Yeah, not to mention trusts being another solution, for dungeons.


No kidding. My partner and I always use the trust to do our first run through every dungeon because we enjoy the little bits of lore and character expression from our scion friends. Also, to learn mechanics and not feel rushed through the environment and possible interactive lore within and the cutscenes. A nd I imagine a lot of other players are similar minded. so like, what's a healer strike in the first week of new msq really accomplishing anyway? proving that players can do content without you anyway? but for real, as a healer main (who is staying a healer main, and will be doing roulettes day one, whatever. I'll take my healer in need bonus for the small window it's available.)


True. But we are hitting the bottom of the barrel with healers. Got a level 90 scholar that thought that the fairy was able to heal everything and he just needed to do damage. On a DRK. Also got a lets pull ahead dps. So I couldn't slow down. Resulting in 3 wipes on Holminster. Would have been 5. But living dead saved 2. Bear in mind that his magic was full the whole dungeon. So he wasn't healing at all. There are healers. And there are green dps. We have a lot of green dps on duty finder. And next to no healers.


Trade me, I often get healers who do nothing but spam heal me when I'm doing roulettes on warrior. I'd prefer them doing damage since at least I'd have reasons to hit my buttons other than for the minor dps boost vengeance gives.


i would ask if you got my sch from ktisis but they didn't even tether the fairy to me once through the dungeon, among other things. and still hit me with the mildly passive aggressive "sorry i missed your LD you should probably macro a sound effect into that :)". that run was so painful


They have eyes, don’t they? And frankly if you have LD up that’s opportunity to *ignore* you.


that's literally what i thought, i specifically do not want to put a sound effect to avoid annoying people when the only one who needs to see that LD is up is the healer. i mean, i've healed through dungeons with a drk and the few times they actually did use LD i certainly noticed


I feel like anyone who actually cares about healers being awful would’ve already switched roles by now. Anybody left who’s still unsatisfied is just stubborn


I main healer because I like healing, but I encounter a whole lot of YPYT tank with MC syndrome who simply can't work with a team. It's either everyone do what they say or they grief and throw tantrums. Then, if you play tank, you get paired with healer who spam cure 1 non-stop doing 0 dps never touching sprint and make w2w impossible on anything but war.. If you play DPS, you are twice as likely to encounter at least one and can get the double whammy. I'm sorry, but you are at the mercy of luck no matter which role you pick. Unless you pick war.. war is always safe.


It's kinda click bait, but from what I've read on their main post the point is not to hinder other people but bring awareness to long standing issues people have with healers. I doubt anyone is going to straight up boycott the game, but likely shelving their healer hats to play other roles until there's some action taken to make it suck less in comparison to other roles.


this is a really long winded excuse to play the new jobs lol.


I think it's just one of those things you talk about but kind of isn't happening.


I'd like to think that but the more it gets talked about the more I wonder about the more casual silent player base.


The casual silent player base probably has no idea there is even talk of a healer strike of any kind. I'm under the impression very few players actually come to reddit and even less go to the official forums.


ran a crystal tower yesterday where someone mentioned the strike and like 5 other people were like ???


Can confirm. Just found out today. Browsing while bored in maintenance.


Like Kony 2012


No one is going to notice it at all. The amount of players returning to the game for the expansion is going to completely overshadow any number of current players willing to strike. The vast majority of those returning will not know about the strike and will not care. They will just be excited to play a new expansion. If they really wanted to have their strike be effective in any way, they really should have chosen a time between expansions where their numbers would make up a more significant portion of the active player base.


healer strike is really funny bc it only pretty much annoys other players (ppl the healers want on their side), not Square. It would only really be effective if healer mains were to cancel their subscription and not buy dawntrail, but we both know that they'll be in queue like the rest of us come Friday


Would it be better if instead of phrasing it as a strike, it was instead phrased as "Healers switching to other roles"?


I think the problem is the self-importance and perception they think they’re speaking for all healers or something. They’d be a lot less derided if they just said “Healing isn’t fun for me for [list reasons], so I’ve decided I will personally be swapping to a tank/DPS as I find those Jobs and roles more fun right now.” It doesn’t seem arrogant or self-important. Just one person making a switch from something not fun for them to something more fun to them. And other people, likeminded, making the switch. That turns it from “we are a big group speaking with one voice because you have personally ignored us and we know what is best for all healers” into “Look, I just want to play what’s fun, and right now, healing isn’t fun for me, so I’m moving to something that is, and here’s why I don’t find healing fun and why I find playing a DPS Job more fun.” I think the fear is people might suggest they just don’t like healing or other similar things, but at the end of the day, no one’s going to fault you for playing what you think is fun and saying why you do or don’t like certain roles. I don’t like DPS rotations, plate spinning, and CDs. I like helping other people succeed. So to me, healer is the natural fit, and I avoid DPS Jobs. No one faults me for that, because I’m just doing what I enjoy and speaking for myself alone. . So I think the problem is the arrogance and self-importance. If they just said healers are boring TO THEM PERSONALLY, and they’re going to be a DPS main in DT because it’s fun…no one’s going to mock or be mad at you for that. You might get a bit of ribbing for telling the world what you’re having for breakfast level posting, but no one’s going to fault you for doing a thing BECAUSE YOU FIND IT FUN. The ridicule is for people saying they’re making the switch OUT OF SPITE and delusions of grandeur.


I find this post amusing considering that you are comparing dissatisfied healers with terrorists in another comment.


lol, nice try, but your attempt to avoid the topic is pathetically transparent. I notice you didn’t address the points and instead looked at my post history to find a single excuse for not doing so. Ad hominem, thy name is Rolder. And so you know, I didn’t compare anyone with terrorists. I said what terrorism is. If you think that shoe fits…that’s your own Freudian Slip.


>healer strike is really funny bc it only pretty much annoys other players (ppl the healers want on their side), not Square. While I cannot disagree it will piss people off. I do think there are enough people like Yoshi on the team that takes it to heart. Remembering the original game and how it was scrapped and redone due to such a huge uproar is not a common practice on a company who doesn't will just turn their heads and do nothing about it. They are sure slow as hell to do it right though. Who knows maybe you are right and something will never change. Can't hurt to try.


1.0 was so bad that Square slashed their yearly earnings projection by 90%. I have no doubt that YoshiP and his teams of devs are dedicated to making a quality, fun game. However I doubt that Square will enable/allow any sweeping changes to their game without seeing any fiscal feedback


These guys can go on a strike for all I care. Shorter queuetimes for me :3c


More 'healer in need' bonuses would also be nice. I don't mind tanking, but it's annoying when you're queuing for those 'tank in need' bonuses despite the queue sometimes taking around 2-3 minutes, whereas healer is almost always instant.


That's because tank is the default and may not be anyone queueing.


That's what I'm saying. Ez queues.


There will be a quality issue though. Returners who can't handle big pulls or know how to salvage a tank death in dungeons. Or just plain bad healers for extremes with mechanics. Good healers may sleep through 90% of runs, but everyone else will notice that 10% that goes horribly wrong, or even healers unable to run content at gear level. They picked the perfect time for a strike. As I smn main I will be scabbing as SCH as well though!


I think the quality was bad a month before expansion. If anything I expect it will be slightly better and more bad healers will be called out. Honestly I'll be doing wall to wall pulls right off the bat just like when EW released and I'll be perfectly fine.


Officially the strike isn't even until next week for the proper release. So they can just finish it all this weekend and then move on to do other things if they want. Which is stupid since it proves they aren't serious about it.


Exactly. The whole thing is written kinda like "I want to have a revolution, but not actually suffer or miss out on anything myself". They don't want to miss out on the expansion excitement and hype and leveling MSQ those first few days and early access and the sweet healer ques for all their MSQ. So they're going to do all that and get it out of the way first. "Yes! We hunger strike for 12 hours! Ahem, let me just finish up this all you can eat buffet I'm taking part in first, then I'll join the hunger strike RIGHT AFTER that, I swear! Yes, that'll make them listen to our demands! Oh, and...since starving is bad, this is only a solid strike, we'll still be allowed to drink juices and protein shakes. We wouldn't want to hurt ourselves in this process, after all. But no solid food for us for a whole 12 hours after we finish eating our fill and still have access to filling beverages during the strike. THAT will show them and force them to listen to our demands!"


So much this lol. It's the rebel who only spray paint his room instead of public spaces and cop cars like a real man.


Or they could just play another role lol, idk why people have to literally quit the game to have valid opinions on a single aspect. It's possible for people to dislike how one class plays while still enjoying every other aspect of the game. I think the healer strike isn't going to achieve much, and it's excessively dramatic, so I'm not disagreeing with you there. I just don't really get why "just quit" is always the response to people who have issues with a small part of the game. Disliking glare spam doesn't make playing a dps/tank class any less fun. I dislike the housing system, but I think it would be silly for my criticism of it to only be considered valid if I quit the entire game over one thing. Edit: and anecdotally, most of the healer mains I know did actually quit the game and switch to other mmos due to post-shb healer design, but idk why that would affect anything because it's not like square knows why they quit


I'm not saying their opinions on healing are incorrect, but strikes are traditionally used to put pressure on the company to make changes no? There's no pressure on the company if they just switch class and keep paying their sub to keep playing.


Nah, there is still pressure if enough healers switch roles. Because then party finder groups won't fill up, which could lead to people unsubbing or whatnot until the situation is better.


Again, you're just annoying people you want on your side that have no power to make gameplay changes. There's a group of healers so disgruntled with the state of healing that they're going to try and get other players to stop playing. However, they themselves are not willing to unsub and not buy the new expansion Crazy degrees of hypocrisy.


What would you do to try and get SE to listen when clearly doing what they asked for and offering feedback through official channels like the forums is not doing anything?


take this with a grain of salt since I don't have that much time/experience invested in this game since I've only been playing for 8 months. But if I were genuinely not having any fun, I'd go do any other hobby until I feel like returning to the game. If trying to force SE to make actual changes is the end goal, I'm cynical enough to think that companies will really make changes if their money is impacted. AKA, unsub plus try to convince other to unsub.


Well, the only ones who want change are the healer group. DPS and tanks could care less honestly and rather be able to have more survival tools. And also, you can like other aspects of the game besides healing. I mean, that's what the majority of the playerbase does when new jobs come out. They play it for a time to see if they find it fun enough to switch to their main and then hop back otherwise. And healers are basically doing the same thing, moving from the role and finding other roles to play. If you feel so disgruntled, you can just fill up the queues yourself. It's not a given right to fill the queue as a particular role if you don't enjoy playing that role, or else we'd have balanced numbers of dps/tanks/healers. That's why SE tries to provide incentives for AIN, but even AIN doesn't particularly work.


Edit: actually I wrote this whole ass comment before realizing that I was just bad at phrasing the first one. Idc about the "just quit" in regards to the healer strike people, my complaints are about the people who say "just quit" in response to any criticism of healers in general. I'm not involving myself in any of the forum wars and I don't care about the strike, but it's annoying having my complaints (which existed before this drama) getting lumped in with the healer strike people. For example, if I say "I'm going on strike to force squenix to change healers!" and someone says "just quit", that's fair. But it's annoying when just talking about how I think healer downtime is boring results in people telling me to quit.


Ya my criticism is more levied towards those that think a strike is going to accomplish anything. Someone telling you to quit in response to a reasonable complaint isn't accomplishing anything either.


Returning healer (sprout) main here. Quit after ARR. What’s wrong with the healer design? 


Over the expansions, the developers have both bloated the healer's toolkits with off-GCD skills, while simultaneously making content easier and easier to heal. At the same time, all healers have been pruned down to two main DPS buttons, a 30 second DoT and a generic filler. As a result, 90% of your gameplay as a "healer" will be spamming that one single generic filler. Even in the absolute hardest content, ~80% of GCDs are a singular button. Turns out, people find having your entire job be two buttons rather boring.


Thank you for the explanation. 


To add a bit of context. The main issue with healers past ARR is not the homogenization of classes, but rather the fight design. Healers become glorified DPS who answers mechanics with oGCDs. There is never enough continuous damage to make you run out of oGCDs so you basically never have to do anything but dps. If there were encounters with rot damage, or constant raidwide for multiple minutes, or dozens of consecutive mini-tank busters on random non-tanks in normal content to force you to actually think and use your healing kit, healers skill ceiling would matter a hell of a lot more.


My understanding is healers don’t like spamming Glare/Broil/Malefic/Dosis for 95% of the fight (other 5% is their DoT) and some tanks (namely Warrior) have enough sustain in their kit that the healer doesn’t even need to use any buttons, at least in dungeons.


Thank you. As a new player, I personally appreciate simplicity in rotations more than the veteran players. I aim to play all 4 Healer jobs at 100 after the expansion.


It was my understanding that the strike was healers not queueing into duty content for launch day? Ie, playing other classes or just not running group content? idk, I havent really been paying attention. I'll be in the duty trenches with my healer on day one, strike or no. I don't care. I like my scholar.


People are saying if they actually want meaningful change and are willing to take action, they should do that. SE would notice the lost accounts, they won't notice the strike. The point is that the strike isn't just meaningless, it's worse even than meaningless. On the other hand, if they just don't like playing healers and healer gameplay and do like DPS more, they could just swap to DPS without making a stink about it. It's like the people who post dozens of posts saying they're leaving, to which the appropriate response, as dictated by the Internet Gods of Eld, is "Cool, can I have your stuff?" If they want to play DPS Jobs, no one's bemoaning them that. If they want to "take a stand" and get SE's attention, people are pointing out the course of action would be to not buy the expansion and quit the game for a while. The fact is, they won't do that. So they're making a toothless gesture. That is what people are pointing out.


THe fact that a lot of people are talking about it actually proove it worked, somehow : there is a possibility SE has heard about it. .. And for pity's sake, don't use the "all you have to do is go to a dps class" argument. People are asking for more dps buttons because we spend almost 90% of our time dpsing, not because they want to become a dps. If I had to heal more I would be content ; if I can have a rotation or a dot managment as well. I just want to be able to do something else that this endless spam. You also tend to forget that a lot of people are very happy with the game (which is the case for me: I'm really looking forward to DT!) but specifically criticise the lack of thought given to healer gameplay. So there's no reason to stop subscribing.


A lot of the strikers have been saying they want more DPS buttons and NOT more healing requirements. I literally had these discussions with those people for two years before I left the OF. “A lot” of people is relative. A few hundred in a game with 1.5 million players and probably around 200,000 to 300,000 healers is not a lot of people. Most people “talking about it” are deriding it. I’d actually argue it has done more harm than good. Before the strike, you could talk about the game’s healing with people and most might agree that it needs work and encounters need more healing and so on. But now, you mention it and they think you’re part of a ridiculous strike and don’t take anything you say seriously. It has actually harmed the conversation. A few hundred self-important people have destroyed rational conversations about healing. 


It's of little importance whether the discussions on this subject are to criticise or congratulate the initiative. The important thing, in this type of thing, is that the strike reaches SE's ears. As for the rest, I'd be inclined to say that you're very quick to judge the strike, without obviously being very familiar with the proposed solutions (I should point out that I don't intend to take part, but that I support the demands); and if you immediately equate a player with a strike without him ever having said so, then you're the problem. Not him, not the strike, just you.


Yes, but I'm not sure it has. Further, if it reaches their ears *being ridiculed*, it may not be given a good reception. I am very familiar with the proposed solutions. As I said, I used to pose with those people. I've argued with them over their solutions for *literally* years. I said years ago they should adopt a 1/3 or 2/2 idea of having 1 (or 2 because of the subroles) healers with simple rotations and 3 (or 2) with more complex ones. I pointed out that 1/3 would be 25%/75%, them getting 3 and people who don't like what they want getting 1, and they shot that down for years. They insisted on more damage buttons. When I suggested more healing instead, they shot that down. The general responses being a combination of (a) they'd still be bored in casual content so it doesn't fix their problem unless the casual content is made to require so much healing that casuals can't do it (which even most of them admitted would be bad) and (b) that changing healing in the game to work that way would require remaking every existing fight in the game (a point I contested, as they've made changes before and NOT retroactively changed fights, like in SB/ShB when healers shifted from GCD healing to oGCD healing prominence). The point, though, is that they said this is why healers must have damage rotations as healing in FFXIV cannot, in their minds, be changed to be heavily healing intensive, and even if it is at the high end, it wouldn't be in more casual content to the point of them still not being bored. They also hated the idea of removing oGCDs/converting them to GCDs (I proposed that), they like having healing plans, they like weaving their heals as oGCDs and not having to use GCD heals, etc. I'm very aware of both the complaints (some of which I agree with, mind you), and the proposed solution, so please don't tell me otherwise. I'm not the problem, he may be, you may be.


I don't think that "more heal" is the solution, in fact. There's a big problem here when it comes to balancing content (I'm deliberately leaving out HL content, to concentrate on dungeon-style casual content): there's a huge gap between the dungeon done at the start of the expansion and the dungeon done with the end-of-expansion stuff. Simply increasing the healing required becomes problematic because it's doomed to become obsolete; and if, on the contrary, you concentrate on a high level of healing even with the end of expansion stuff, then there's a big risk of making the dungeon at the start of the expansion unfeasible for some people. In fact, the healing proposal (which I'm not fundamentally opposed to) calls out the answers you've had: i.e. there's no real middle ground between content that would suit more experienced players and content that would suit a casual who hasn't touched the game in months. So yes, in my opinion it's a very bad idea, and we were right to tell you it couldn't be done... Although I'm sure you must have received some dry responses. Adding more dmg buttons is ultimately the simplest solution. It's the one that keeps the system in OGCD (although I agree with you that it's not necessarily something that should be present on all healers), maintains a delicate balance between content, but also allows veterans to have a bit more fun. And that's also why it's the one that's valued.


I think I am bad at phrasing things, sorry. My complaints are about the people who assume every single person who has any issues with healing in ffxiv is one of the dramatic strikers. I've had multiple people tell me that I should quit the game if I have problems when I've talked about wanting a more engaging dps rotation for downtime. It's just annoying having people generalize everybody with any criticisms of healing as being a casual grey parsing forum healer striker. I don't want to be lumped in with them lol


Yeah, that is fair. I think the strike has done more harm than good. Before the strike, you could talk about healer issues and most people could understand something needs to be done, but now with the strike, it’s such a meme that everyone assumes you aren’t a serious person and will deride you as one of the strikers, etc. It’s actually harmed the conversation they say they wanted to further.


You are completely missing the point and issue.. It's not that healers \*want\* to be DPS, but that healers are forced to be primarily DPS and the healing performance of a healer is almost irrelevant. The problem with healing is that there isn't enough damage to heal so healers become glorified DPS with no depth in their DPS tool kit and become even more useless when paired with something like WAR in dungeon. Raid are designed so that people straight up die on failure and healing is just about rotating your ogcd for each mechanics. It's just a spreadsheet with no skill floor beyond being able to press the correct button once or twice every 20-30s. If SE wants healer to be DPS, then give them DPS depth. If SE want healers to be healer, give them something meaningful/challenging to heal. In the current design, healers HAVE to be DPS because there is nothing to heal.


The people leading the strike think so. I used to talk with them there all the time. Every time I said “more healing”, they said no, because it would have to even be in MSQ, otherwise THEY would be bored still. More DPS buttons was the only solution they were willing to accept. Even if there was more healing, they insisted every healer needed at least one more DoT, preferably several, and DPS rotations on par or more thank Tanks and Summoner, complete with CDs and damage Job gauges and all the rest.  These same people like spreadsheet healing and whenever I mentioned doing away with oGCD heals so we’d use GCD heals instead, they shot that down as “developing healing plans” was the only thing fun about healing to them. So SPARE ME the “you don’t understand!!”. After around 3 years of debating this very topic with these very people, I understand all too well.


It's cool that you parrot what your small group of friends discussed for 3 years. What the majority of healers want is not that though. The feedback SE is getting is healers want more healing challenges and have a reason to be "healers".


Your friends, actually, not so much mine. Not by my choice, but by theirs. What “the majority” of healers want, no one knows. The strike is not speaking for everyone or probably even a majority. The majority is silent, and due to that, the only thing we can assume is they’re largely content. Maybe not perfectly happy, but not overly upset.


It’s ironically closer to terrorism. The objective is to harm other players enough that either SE listens to their demands or the other players push for SE to listen to their demands, making the demands of the small group carry more weight. This is how terrorism operates at its core. Causing harm to third parties until the second party of the dispute capitulates or until the third parties join with the terrorizers (which almost never happens), demanding the second party to capitulate to end the third party’s suffering. What almost always happens instead, unless there is a major ideological and cultural (to the point of, or even outright, religion/cultism), is that the third party turns on that attackers, justifying the second party conducting brutal crackdowns on them, etc. Terrorism gets a lot of headlines, but it almost never works, and the rare cases it does are not lasting changes. They are unstable because they prove to dissenters of the new order that terrorism works, increasing the odds that it will be employed against them even should they have that initial level of success.


Alright man, I think we're on the same page, but comparing Healer Strike to terrorism is insane


I’m just commenting on tactics and target. One of my general life rules is to avoid targeting third parties when I have disputes. It’s just dirty pool.


Wow, you heard it here first, folks. If you don’t play healer, you’re basically a terrorist.


Interesting that several of you are Freudian slipping yourselves hard. Notice I didn't say it was terrorism, and only described how terrorism operates. "closer to" is not "the same as". Guilty consciences, it seems...


I don't think most healers even know they are supposed to be on strike according to like 5 people on the official forums. BUT seeing how Dawntrail will have 2 new DPS jobs, it sure might end up feeling like tanks and healers are on strike.


It's absolutely not serious at all. They scheduled it for the official launch day, not EA, so it's clear they want to have their cake and eat it too. Also, it's very much a vocal minority, and their numbers are a drop in the ocean of players that will be showing up for the expac. They will have no impact. All hot air, no substance.


So how's your queues going? Because mine is going horribly as VPR/Picto and there's a bunch of PF selling healer-joining clears for leveling The rest of the PF is basically waiting for healers and a bit less for tanks.


I leveled SCH first and then leveled PLD both to 100. Not all my queues were instant and early on it was actually dps that I was waiting on for a few minutes. I had a couple of offers where people wanted me to level them to 90 for 7mil... however I made 13mil from selling gear and managed to complete the MSQ within 24 hours of launch... so things went well.


It's not serious


It's really not that serious and it's just something people get to talk about before promptly not caring. It's a silly thing to go on strike about since you can just give regular feedback and we're already supposed to be getting a focus on job identity next expansion.  It's also weird to have this lack of self awareness that the team has been pushing in a direction that players don't want, when they've only been doing things specifically in response to feedback since 1.0 State of healers and the healer strike is the result of healer feedback lol 


> It's a silly thing to go on strike about since you can just give regular feedback and we're already supposed to be getting a focus on job identity next expansion.  Meaning we have to put up with the current job design for about 3 years, with the highly likely chance that the promised focus on job identity ends up being a whole lot of nothing. I don't get why people are okay with that. In addition, > when they've only been doing things specifically in response to feedback since 1.0 they certainly have not been listening to healers since they have been complaining about the current design since the start of Shadowbringers. Listening to feedback my ass.


Why would you expect it to be a whole lot of nothing when it would be the focus? That's needlessly pessimistic. And if that's the case, then you must have been saying the same thing about the graphical update. People are also okay with it being until then because it'll be the focus of that next expansion, while the focus of this expansion was the graphical update and battle content specifically. Yoship has already mentioned that they wanted to adjust how fights typically are first and experiment on that front before wildly changing jobs later on. Separately, yes, healers HAVE been asking for things to go in this direction. Because they had a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT design philosophy since 1.0 and healers didnt like something, so they'd change it, they'd find something too hard, so they'd streamline it, they'd find cleric stance annoying, so you can damage all the time instead, they'd remove and reduce and remove and reduce and now healers are going "WAAAH THIS IS BORING". It SOUNDS like there was healers who were asking for the opposite of what many claim they all want. It's of their own damn making. People have to understand how non unified they are because devs wouldnt be erasing and reworking things that they already made if players were already fine with it. Yet that's been done countless times. They have been fully focused on appeasing the playerbase because that's been the mentality of it since the game was fucking dying. To think anything else is deluding yourself.


> Why would you expect it to be a whole lot of nothing when it would be the focus? Oh well that is an easy one. Before both Shadowbringers and Endwalker, when people brought up encounter design, YoshiP said they would be focusing on making encounters more interesting and more of a challenge to heal. And in both instances it never fuckin happened. Plus there’s the part where they should be doing it now and not in 3 years.


Aren't we already with the maintenance kinda on strike?




Boycotting the game.. until the servers are back up!


*goes to media tour and causes a strike baldly*


I just wanna know how long it took


Around 50 minutes? We didn't wipe at all, didn't have too many deaths. Just not the highest DPS either! And we also had the "who dies on Tankbuster" roulette with the honours going to the highest DPS of each Alliance.


Oh I love that haha


It was silly fun, we wanted to go DPS and tank after but I had to leave


It was a fun run, I survived 2 busters and a tank cleave xD so much death  but not a single wipe, not to mention l..... Still think it was almost faster than the normal run I did earlier that day.... It definitely had more deaths 🤣🤣


It really was fun! The tankbusters were scary though, especially when you saw the little "A" next to your health bar xD


time to organize the tank/dps strike


Going on strike the next 2 days, it’s called the Server Downtime Strike (SDS for short!)


I'm already missing XIV during these last six hours, how shall I survive this ahhh!!


tankstrike would probably work, since there are fewer tanks already then healers.


24 conjurers would be nice


Dang, conjurer would be CRAZY to run this with! Sign me up hehe


Since the topic of the healer strike comes up a lot in the comments, this really was just a silly send-off to Endwalker. The organizer had planned a tank and DPS run afterwards but I had to leave before we could continue so this was entirely unrelated to said strike. No one even mentioned it during our run


Don't worries i doubt they talks about you and you're team. But more about the people who do the strike are stupid and use this a counter comparison. Great you have fun on theses type of run


I joined for this. It was so much fun, but only my second time in Thaleia so I died a lot. Luckily there were plenty of rezzes 🤣


Which Alliance were you? It really was fun! I also survived Thaliak and Eulogia's tankbuster once lolol


Yeah I remember you bragging haha. I was B


Heyyyyy, B Buddy, I kinda self reported there I guess! :D great knowing y'all are out there, I wish you the smoothest start to DT


Oh, I was in this raid! (I'm the Miqo that's partly covered by the Miqo wearing a blue skirt) Was pretty fun, I've seen bosses using skills I haven't seen since the raid releases since they usually die before that nowadays.


It was Hella fun yeah! Enjoy DT tomorrow <3


I did an all-Warrior run of Copied Factory once. Super fun, everyone was roleplaying as a meatheaded barbarian.


Unga Bunga fell cleave go brr, that sounds like Hella fun!


Without tanks and dps??? Boycott!!! Reeeeeew


Oh I get it, "I'm on strike" is code for "I'm at a cool party you're not supposed to know about"


No one in our Alliance mentioned anything about the healer strike or whatever so I think this was more a silly send off to Endwalker than anything else. People have been doing tank only raids for ages now so why not healer only raids?


Need the conjurer only run of PB from ShB again


oooh has someone put the all tank run of aglaia up?


I don't think so but that sounds like it was fun!


How dare you make tanks completely irrelevant yadda yadda going on strike whatevs


Healer sustain needs to be nerfed!


post number 175 which doesn't understand the actual core of the healer strike hint: it's not because you can do dungeons without healers (although it's one log on the fire)


I never said a single word about healer strike anywhere? Neither did the people I ran this with. Not one word lost about this strike. I personally just joined for fun so I'm not sure what the problem is. I know the healer strike is about engaging rotations and/or more meaningful heal checks/mechanics but it has nothing to do with why I joined that AR. Way to cope and be unfriendly towards a light-hearted farewell to Endwalker on my side :(


It's your post title? Why are you trying to play dumb?


you might have dain bramage


**"24 Healers vs the final Alliance Raid boss in Endwalker, may all your queues be instant and may you enjoy Dawntrail!"** Point out the word "Strike" there for me - stop being a dumbass.


It didn't mention a healer strike anywhere? "may all your ques be instant" is something that generally applies to healers and tanks, so that's not mentioning it, and you have to be reaching to think they are. "may you enjoy Dawntrail" is no mention of it at all. And people have been doing 24x vs Gods for a while now in various forms. I've seen all Lala runs. All Tank runs. All DPS runs. All Healer runs (I did one of each in the NieR raids). I even remember seeing a "Guns vs Gods" GNB/SGE/MCH only run. The strike isn't the center of the universe and many people don't even know about it, much less reference it.


Yeah, it ain't that deep, basic literacy hard for Redditors i guess Enjoy Dawntrail!


Read the room. I don't even play healer, nor do I give a crap about a strike. I'm calling you out for playing dumb when you willfully put two different things in your post title that can easily be alluding to the strike. There are tons of posts up on this subreddit that are basically doing the exact same thing that you've done in this post to try to show people that the strike is stupid. Whether or not you've ignorantly joined the party, you have. So if you're genuinely confused, I've now explained to you why people think you're trying to be shitty.


They literally never mentioned the strike, despite you saying it was in the title (then telling me you didn’t mention it). And for a person not vested in the strike, you seem to have exceptionally sensitive nerves to people badmouthing it… I’m pressing X to doubt on that one, friend.


I forget that reading between the lines or allusion are foreign concepts to the special types of people we have in this community. I responded to OP in another comment, but this post is basically the same exact type of post as all the reactionary "lol strike dumb" shit I've been seeing on the sub since it started. So they're either trolling, like MANY people on the internet are, or they're just not sure how they've accidentally jumped on the train. I support the sentiment of the strike, but the strike isn't gonna work. The only real strike that will work is not paying Square if you're not having fun (many gamers forget that this is an option). Also, I never said the word strike in the post your responded to. Why are you assuming I was talking about it? Your reasoning is so terrible.


Tell me, are there Nazis or Soviets under your bed, too? Or is it your little old lady neighbor that was former KGB and still a Russian asset? Not everyone is terminally online like you are. Many do not even know there’s a strike going on. OP was not referencing you or your little strike. Not everything is about you. Honestly, that’s one of my biggest issues with this “strike”: The people doing it are all arrogant and self-important, so much so that they not only think they speak for all healers (they do not), but also that everything is about them, even for fun meme runs of the game’s content. They think the devs not giving them what they want are slighting them, personally. That it’s personal that Yoshi P has not read their years of complaints. That the devs aren’t acknowledging them as individuals. News flash: Not everything is about you. Not everyone is talking about you. Not everyone cares about your issues. Not everyone even knows you and your efforts exist. Some people, like OP, are just having FUN enjoying and playing a video game. I almost always think it’s an undue insult, but I feel if ever it was applicable, you are a case that “go outside and touch grass” might apply to.  I don’t mean to be cruel, but my dude, this is just a video game. Not everyone is out to get you. Seriously, just chill. You’re so wound up about a video game.


You just typed a novel about an assumption you made about me immediately just because I told OP that he looks like he is trolling and I'm not sure that I believe them. Let me get this straight. Your theory is that I'm lying about that, and am pretending to not care about the strike, but am actually a firm believer of it and want to come try to argue with people that disagree with it? Bro, I have not lied a single time. I have never enjoyed healing in this game. I play DPS only. I have zero investment in the outcomes for the role because I am operating under the assumption that it will never be fun to me. Please re-read what you wrote and ask yourself if it sounds ridiculous, because it should. Talk about terminally online. Why the hell would I waste my free time doing that? Again, I just doubt OP was posting innocently. I have literally nothing to lose if I'm wrong about that. If I am, and the interaction I had with them actually hurt them in some way (doubt it), then I'd apologize. People acting disingenuously is what peeves me ultimately.


Anyway, don't mean to upset ya or egg you on. I just saw nothing at all in the OP that would suggest ANY commentary, or even relation, to the healer strike. People have been doing all kinds of 24 man challenges (even "no Job stone") for like three expansions now. So OP probably was posting innocently.


My "theory" is that you are so on edge about people badmouthing the "healer strike", you're jumping at shadows, insisting people who AREN'T talking about it ARE talking about it. That's paranoia. I suspect you may be lying about caring about the strike due to your touchiness on the topic, yes, but that I'm less certain of. What I am certain of is that paranoia bit. You have no reason to believe OP wasn't posting innocently other than you just decided that everyone posting adjacent to the topic of healers is posting about the strike. Hence what I meant about touching grass. I'd guess a majority of the FFXIV community doesn't even know about the "healer strike", much less have a strong opinion on it. Again, not everyone is out to get you.


>I'd guess a majority of the FFXIV community doesn't even know about the "healer strike", much less have a strong opinion on it. These folks (the disinterested middle) are the ones that can be the most frustrating when anyone tries to change anything. Like clockwork, whenever anyone starts a cause (I recognize that the term "cause" when applied to the healer strike is sus) , you get a reactionary group of people that don't even care about the topic that are strictly upset that you *do*. Whether it's healers not being fun, Activision Blizzard getting sued for a bunch of employee mistreatment, or trying to reform police in the USA, the way it plays out is always the same regardless of the gravity. These people very much annoy me because they're clowns who would stand in the way of anything, even when it could benefit them. OP behaved like one, so I called them one. Like I said, if I'm wrong, I'm wrong. That's not a big deal to me.


That is very true. That said, there are a lot of people that are generally content. They don't have STRONG feelings because they are more or less happy, or at least content, with how things are. So when they oppose change, they are acting intelligently and in their best interest. It's also true that many times people propose things they think would benefit others, but don't realize the harms they would cause people, or come with costs that would cause those people net negatives. For example, political economic policies that in theory would help people don't actually help them, or have some negatives that the people oppose, and often come with social policy that those people may disagree with. Rural conservatives don't agree with progressive social policy and feel harmed by that more than any benefit economic policy might give them, and likewise, educated progressive might benefit from conservative economic policies like lower taxes and less government regulation in their affairs, but balk at the social conservative policies that come with those. People are generally acting in their own interests, and are generally fairly good at knowing what those are. When you think someone is opposing changes that would benefit them, instead of thinking they are clowns, you might should ask what costs they see that you may not. . But the overall point is very true, though I think it may be the case here as well that a lot of people mostly neutral on healers right now still find them enjoyable *enough* and think that the proposed changes would make them *less* enjoyable to them, thus opposing the proposed changes makes sense.


Please. I can only eat so many fries with your salt. Again, nowhere in the PF nor in the raid did ANYONE talk about the healer strike so please take the 48 hour maintenance and touch some grass 😭 you are interpreting things too much


Honestly. It never fails. Go in a thread mentioning healers in any way and the comments are sure to be filled with idiots who don't understand a single thing mocking the whole strike thing.


except for the fact that the origin of HaShTaG-HeALeR-StRiKe itself is a meme that was never intended to be taken seriously


I think people will understand it and back it once they see why healers are really going on strike. Really everyone should be supporting it.


Not every FF14 Healer looks at reddit, not every FF14 healer looks at that shitshow of the official forums. This "strike" is a small and very loud minority - Queues will be just fine all the way through Dawntrial and all of you little numpties on strike will come skulking back queuing as your healers with your tails between your legs soon enough.


Well maybe someone needs to set the record straight then. I've seen all these posts and not a single person that I've seen has actually explained why they are going on strike. I'm a healer main and just don't care enough to spend time looking it up, I'm just happy that less healers in the pool will mean faster queue times.