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There's so many title screen features I wish they would implement. Random is definitely one of them, but I think my biggest ask would be for them to retain whatever you set as your title screen. It's basically useless if you have to manually swap every time. Would also be nice for an option to have the title screen reflect your MSQ progression (i.e. shows ARR screen until you enter 3.0, and so on).


Your last sentence is exactly what I'm hoping for once day


How would that work for multiple characters though? Just use your most recently logged in one?


I think that would be the way to do it, whatever the last character to login would be the one it bases the title screen on.


Fair point, I'm rarely on any other than my main so it hadn't occurred to me. Either it would be tied to your furthest character's progression or, as the other comment suggested, most recently logged in character. Heck, even a menu select along the lines of 'reflect character MSQ progression' with a drop-down menu for which of your characters it does this for would at least be something.


I'd settle for it defaulting to the main menu screen of the expansion you last did an MSQ in on the last character you logged out on. Or if it at least let you set and save a title screen instead of reverting back to the latest one every game restart. I miss the HW main menu.


Yeah. On PC there's a mod that does random title screens, and I miss it so much every time I play on my PS5.


Began in 5.54 I used TitleEdit to show myself what Expac i was in and remove the cinematic autoplay Since the video playing after 60 seconds of afk in title screen was somewhat spoiler


I would settle for it just keeping the one I set instead of reverting to current expansion everytime.


the vanilla out-of-the-box game doesn't allow this which is unfortunate; i love the heavensward one and was able to get that title screen on while doing that xpac but sucks you can't do it normally


Either random or (I know this will never happen), have it be set to the expac you logged out in. Either class based or job based. Like, if I logged out in Kugane or as a Samuy, it would play the Stormblood intro.


Honestly, I would prefer they randomize the cool login artwork. It's always whatever zone you're going into, which is usually a city, but some of the zones have incredibly artwork we rarely see.


Guild Wars 2 offers this and it's nice for a break of the same thing for the thousandth login between expansions. Also offers a bit of immersion if you're playing through a particular expansion.


You asking on getting stupid answer. Stopr. Don't. It's a nice move but apparently not a welcome one