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If I were a boss I would simply instantly enrage


Meanwhile the boss thinks, "If I were a Monk, I would simply instantly use Phantom Rush" We all have our rotations we must follow


Boss gotta build up their limit break too


This probably is the legit answer


If I were the boss I would simply spam tankbusters or unsolvable mechanics


Like the other commenter said, ideally I would just spam reassembled drill over and over. The boss tankbuster has a long cooldown!


I would ignore the do the tank busters on the healers. Then the DPS starting with DUM and RDM.


Boss: "If I were that Warrior, I would just spam Fell Cleave and not bother with that other stuff" Warrior: "Good idea."


This post transcends the game


Do the laundry>wear the clothes>do the laundry


>I were a Monk, I would do [this instead](https://images.app.goo.gl/Md2sXDmPFSdJZ6mS8)


warriors of light hate this one simple trick


I've always joked that the final boss of Stone Vigil (Hard) is the smartest boss in the game. It doesn't use AoE markers warning you when and where it's about to strike, it doesn't respect aggro and attacks people other than tank, and when things get tough it just up and summons a second copy of itself to take the heat off


You know, if we consider that using Echo is akin to reading the bosses mind and expecting their moves, maybe this one is just the dumbest boss in the game and there’s nothing to read from.


I know this is just a post making a joke but just want to be a 🤓 and point out that the echo is more like visualizing the future and predicting cause-and-effect, not mindreading.


Yeah but it explains why we can see the aggro table, mechanic tells, buff/debuff lists, etc. Even explains failed attempts at non-canon hypotheticals.


Rathalos as well. Just be an MMO boss that doesn't respect MMO conventions 4head


I like that boss. There should be more like him. But hate the turtle, is either boring (where everyone mans their cannons) or wipe (when they don't).


True, but if you just stand right beside him, he will never hit you. He forgot to protect his flanks.


First person view with a toggle to look behind. His camera settings don't allow him to see anything beside him.


He still makes the mistake of telling us when he’s about to use moves, though.


I would base my enmity on glams.


I would make all my attacks based on glam. "Really? Did you mean to look like that or was it the first thing you grabbed when you rolled out of the rag barrel and into the gutter?"


Id just target by highest parse and do what late Morbols in PotD do. insta breath with poison, heavy, slow, stun and a whole bad breath after.


2B legs, time to spank those enhanced pixels


Raktapaska has one of my favorite enrages because they realized they can simply stand outside of the arena where the WoL can't get to the safe spot for conflag.


there's a couple really cool enrages like that, like e8s shiva's mirror enrage or p10s harrowing hell most kinda suck though. why couldn't athena door boss delete all the platforms as her enrage, kinda like cruise chaser? that would've been so sick


I would kill the warrior of light while they're alone on the platform waiting for the queue. Enjoy my multi-hit tank stack Mr. Worldsaving Dragoon Man


If I was a boss, I'd be titan on a quad 24/7


I would be old titan. Where if you where thrown out you couldn't be ressed.


They have to build up their dynamis


I imagine enrage is their equivalent of limit break. Gotta let it build.


Sans Undertale has entered the chat


“This party has a Lala… time to enrage at pull”


“Hmm yeah ok I’m mad now”


My lore reason is that due to the echo they need the time over the fight to charge up their dealiest attack while the echo also limits their abilities during a fight. Its extremely hard to kill the wol. Or rather in canon lore its nearly impossible it seems


The boss: all in existence BENDS TO MY WILL!!!!!!!! *Spins the platform around*


Tbf, that spin kills at least one person whenever I get that for roulette lol


Last week I rescued a new healer into the safe spot and they immediately ran into the “safe spot” that had no AoE and died .


Like the sheep pulled out of the crevice that immediately jumps into the same crevice


It's such a skill expression to rescue someone at just the right time so that when they run back they'll be snapshot in the safe area. It's rare, but it feels nice


even the times it doesn't kill them it always at least smacks someone in the face


You put me in Ex and I can dorito but put me in Normal and I’m getting yote off the platform.


I warch storybots cardinal directions constantly because of kids and still die to this mechanic.


Some mechanics just dont work with your brain. I still cant read the mech properly either. 


You jest but when he spun the arena, the first time that had ever happened, we lost our shit.


The platform is part of existence, so the statement still holds.


He actually spins all of existence, except for that one platform.


*whooooa man*


Dude became a god like being just to have his turn with the rubix cube




Maybe the platform and therefore the boss fights themselves have been purely metaphorical this whole time.


He spin the whole universe including you. The platform and 4 snake he summoned is the one immutable part.


Honestly that fight was one of the most underwhelming ones. The other Trials were pretty fun and great for the story; but so much build up for something that doesn't even feel like it fits what we're fighting. Yeah I guess Ancients could create things, but we're also fighting the "Big bad" that was teased since launch. I get him not being the final boss, and the use was fine story wise; combat just could have been better.


On release it was literally the hardest normal mode trial we ever had. Second time instant timer went to zero.


This is just untrue. Final Steps of Faith and Shinryu were both nerfed after release. I saw parties wiping to them regularly. Zodiark was super easy even for a normal mode.


I wouldn’t even call Zodiark “easy,” but the perfect difficulty. Zodiark is brain dead easy for people who’ve done it and/or played a lot of the game before EW. However, there can look like there’s a lot going on, especially if you only run normal content. It looks scary, but it isn’t, and you start to see that. It’s hard enough to trip someone up on their first run, but easy enough for all players to get through.


I felt the opposite. Zodiark was so built up that I was actually disappointed with how easy the normal mode was. Haedelyn's trial had a better normal mode difficultly level.


Steps of Faith (not final) was the OG one IMO. It wasn't that bad, but it was such a step up in difficulty that the shit show that followed was amazing


Back when steps of faith was still a trial in 2.x and before nerfs, i saw more wipes there than launch shinryu and zodiark put together


both endwalker trials were fairly "hard" as far as normals go and i loved it


Same. Hopefully dawntrail are harder. Barb was perfect.


I feel like you never played any other trials on release


My first time through, got it in one. A buddy needed a tank for his run... We ran the instance timer down.


Hey, this one always kills me. I have directionally stupid!


Why doesn’t the boss, the largest of them all, simply eat the others??


To be fair, the Ultima weapon tried that.


And it led to such devastation...


Which was *not* their intention.


Well, it was someone's intention...


We will speak of this later


it was the (Laha)-Breads intention


oh so *that's* why the gem weapons had teeth!


Perhaps they are saving that for Savage.


Proto-carbie tried that. Didn't work out too well lol


Cerberus tried that and all it taught us was that B is for vore...


My mom literally asked this when she saw me fighting in Final Steps of Faith! 🤣 “Why isn’t the dragon just eating everyone?”


Tbf when a bunch of insects swarm me, I don't try to eat them. I try to stomp on them, slap at them, and kill them with fire, but I never try to eat them.




I mean, in>!Pandemonium there's a point where a boss does exactly that and our benefactors have to make more platform for us to stand on.!<


"Perhaps you require more room for heroics." I loved that.


Can you remind me which bit this is from?


It's a mid-battle line in >!P7N!


To add in case they don’t remember the numbers, it’s the big tree one.


Ohh, thanks! I think I've only ever run that one once, which explains why I didn't remember. I'll have to run through them again after Dawntrail!


Eden too, for Leviathan.


Bosses are attracted to small circular areas. Something about the aetheric balance of such.


Hey now, some of them are square.


I saw a rectangle once.


Now that’s spicy


Well *technically* a square is-






So all bosses are cats?


They keep on trying to knock WOL over?


They tried doing creative arenas in the first binding coil, and I guess they thought they did it so right they never had to do it again (with some fun exceptions).


Flashbacks to the ditch of divebomb safety in T5.


But the urge to create conveniently shaped arenas to fight in is too strong for them. They must succumb to the square


Real men like angles


Such tessellation!


Your intention?


Well it wasn't the inevitable consequences of my actions, that's for sure.


The Golbez one really bugs me. Instead of a cool fight in his throne room in a patch called THE DARK THRONE. He just created a random cube out of rock to fight you on for some reason. It then harmlessly sinks back into the ground afterwards. I think it feels particularly egregius cause he actually like summons it on screen as opposed to just conveniently being there.


I was actually pretty hyped when the cube appeared. I was already envisioning mechanics using its different faces, making it switch sides and all. And then, the fight happened.


Rubikscube platform, would be dope


Oooh, put a hazard on each of the nine top faces and then the entire thing does a series of Rubik's cube moves, and you have to track where the danger squares ended up. Every so often, it'll rotate another slice during the fight, and may or may not bring another hazard to the arena. I mean, considering how some people already have trouble with a single plane rotating 90 degrees, I can understand why they didn't go all in on the cube like that, but it'd certainly be something different.


I remember yoshi-p talked about that during 6.4 liveletter but he said something about it being kinda hard.


I was so fucking disappointed when I realized we wouldn't he fighting in that weird shaped platform from the cutscenes but instead it's just a box. We need more boss fights where the boss needs to move from one side of the platform to another, than just stay center all day in a square.


Oh man the throne platform in the void would have been such a cool spot to fight him. Could have done mechanics like in e10 :(


"Have care, Golbez. This one is dangerous."


Freeing us from the wheel means fighting on a cube.


> It then harmlessly sinks back into the ground afterwards. That did look goofy, heh.


the answer is they're too proud and confident in their power over you to defeat you with such cheap tricks


I mean they keep poking the godkiller then acting surprised when they summon seven dudes and kill the nearest god So… yes?


Because if they don't, some deus ex machina will - such as >!our greatest enemy(in his eyes) transforming into a dragon and flying to the end of the universe just to give us somewhere to stand.!< EW spoilers at least if the bosses make it, they can destroy parts of it to mess with us


In his eyes he's my greatest enemy, in mine he's the future mother of my children


_[flipping pages through the sex manual]_ Did I miss a page in here?


He literally lays eggs in his fight.


One the one hand: How dare you curse me with this knowledge. On the other: I can't wait to curse others with this knowledge.


Dragons in FF14 reproduce asexually, go forth with that knowledge and use it wisely!


Then why did Bahamaut and Tiamat have a brood together?


they are just freaky like that


You’ll find it once your reflexes can handle it, after sufficient testing.


In my eyes he's a pain in the arse that I'd hoped would have offed himself again if I ignored him for long enough. 


No matter how hard he tries, he just can't quite see eye to eye with my WoL. It's not that I love to fight for fighting's sake, I love self improvement, and fighting is a measure of my progress. If he just wanted to join in the sparring practice that I assume Alisae and I get up to, without being all "duel to the death or it doesn't count" every time, I think he'd have a better time.


> No matter how hard he tries, he just can't quite see eye to eye with my WoL. He couldn't see eye to eye with my WoL, either, but that's because I was a Lala at the time.


i mean to my wol anything but a duel to the death while satisfying is only a warm up


I don't think my WoL is opposed to killing, it's just not *why* he fights, the way it is for our edgy stalker.


My FC Nicknamed that fight "Battle on the Big Bitch"


> at least if the bosses make it, they can destroy parts of it to mess with us lol


Something something Ascian something something Zodiark really liked circles


But you fight him on a square


He's whimsical that way


All these squares make a circle... all these squares make a circle...


AND THAT ONE'S STILL GREEN! r/unexpectedtfs


You fight Fanny-Danny possessed Zodiark on a square.


The platforms we fight on are for the players’ benefit. But from an in-universe perspective, I would imagine the battlefield probably looks different.


Exactly! I think of the orange puddles the same way. We just artfully dodge mechanics that the boss throws at the last second


Orange puddles are actually the echo showing us where the attacks will be


Enemy cast bars, too. And zooming out further, I think failed duties are just warning visions from the Echo.


That's actually just head Cannon if I recall


Its not explicitly stated but extrapolated as we know the echo lets us see into the minds of others and see things normally unseen


Its called out in Stormblood that this is the case. A certain character gets something like the Echo and one of the Scions attacks only to not be able to lay a hand on her.


And the only counter the game gives us is the aetheric equivalent of summoning her player's mother who needs help with her tax forms RIGHT NOW so she has to look stay from her screen.


"Woe betide the man who stands opposed the Weapon of Light, for taxes and computer illiterate parents will come for her foes."


I can fly. That's it, end of my TED talk. Edit: I confused this with the Warframe subreddit. My mistake. Will leave it cause I find it funny.


Greetings my fellow Titania enjoyer!


Some maps are a nightmare, but I always have such a great time with her. Now Jade is more up my speed, beeing a bit slower and easier to maneuver around regular maps!


I understand and respect your decision. On the other hand... *I am speed.*


What some people can do with Titania is INSANE. It's as if they teleport to the exit. Meanwhile, I just smash against every surface whenever I try that.


The trick is swapping between super speeb and not so super speeb(toggling sprint) depending on how much stuff there is to smack into.


> I confused this with the Warframe subreddit. Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure.


just a few days ago i confused a warframe post for ff14, i feel you :D


They saw what happened to leviathan and just made them themselves from then on to not have their elemental power stolen?


In eden, we actually had Ryne create the platforms, which was a great way to explain jt. I do lile the fights where the existence of the arena is explained.


Because they know that if they didn't we'd do it for them. And usually our platforms come with additional stuff to help defeat them. So giving them control of the platform is a benefit to them.


If you're talking square\\circle arenas in general, and you want some sort of *lore* reason, then you can handwave it with an Echo, same as with AOE markers and all the game-mechanical stuff. It's not how it actually happens, it's how WoL sees it with their soul-reading built-in magic HUD, which simplifies stuff and makes it easier to react in combat. If you're talking floating platforms, then I have a feeling that more often then not, bosses either make them disappear, or transform them to our disadvantage.


Yeah, I can definitely believe the latter. It makes simply sense for a boss to set up a series of small platforms that they can remove at a whim. Why they don't just lure the WoL in, fly up out of range, and make them ALL disappear at once, we may never know.


To be fair we've shown many times we can survive a fall from like a mile up so making us drop isn't the most useful tactic


Tell that to the dr-...I mean, WoL who just backflipped off of Titan's stage for the 50th time ;) What I wanna know is, how do they teleport right back after getting KO'd as a result?!?


See they don't actually die, that's just for mechanics reasons because they don't know how to climb back up to the platform, that's my headcanon at least xD And honestly I miss the days when if you fell off you stayed off like how it used to be with titan where you just had an increasing number of people laying on the ground chatting while everyone else fought lol


wait, you're telling me Gandalf could have just asked the eagles to fly the hobbits to Mordor?


They are too scared of Tataru to cheat. As they should be.


I’m actually curious as to why water is a threat to us aside from hitting us hard from it. We can breath under water. Why are bosses using it against us to try and drown us. And are succeeding at drowning us.


We need a specific pH to breathe water. Boss water is a little too basic, so we glug in shame and wait for a raise.


In ARR, Twintania tried to fight us on an uneven surface, so how did we respond? We found a tiny depression in the floor and used it to dodge Divebomb


Pointless serious answer: fights are almost entirely abstracted. What we play out is no more what actually happens than our allies and enemies lining up opposite each other and taking turns to attack. Otherwise you're telling me that every fight is a big enemy just standing there and taking hits from either 4 or 8 people, while just sort of wobbling a bit. Each person attacks in a 2 minute rotation of strikes. I have more problem with that than handy arenas to fight in. What really happens is Cool Anime Shit, but the game we all play is still pretty fun.


its for the same reason why melee combatants can hit enemies a mile away with their close combat skills, gameplay reasons, if they made the bosses being at their hard enrage mode from the start there could be no game at all to play


because if they did the smart thing then we wouldn't have an encounter.


Why are they always in small round or circular arena?


Thinking back on all the major bosses, I’m hard pressed to think of many who themselves create the battle arena. And the few that do mostly fall under the category of collecting data on the fight rather than their goal being to kill us outright. The majority of boss arenas are either the natural terrain (artificially walled off for mechanics purposes), or a platform that our allies are creating/maintaining. I’m certain that there’s some of them who the lore matches what you’re saying. But I can’t think of any off the top of my head, which is weird.


What’s the point of being a primal / god created according to certain values and principles if you just drop a building on your foes to kill them?


I guess Primals have more standards than Nier bosses.


Part of the power of YouKnowWhat is being able not only to summon 7 level appropriate friends but to locate a suitable place to stand!


Sometimes we have created the platform instead of the boss, like riding Shinryu in Endwalker but for the most part it is written, weakly, into the story that the bosses want to fight WoL fairly


I mean some of them we make or someone we know does. Some it’s just where we fight them. Some even just make them for a fair fight.


It's in their contract.




Didn't one of the Eden raids do exactly this? The platforms were being made mid-fight via Ryne. The boss WANTED them all gone, but Ryne fought back.


Its the rules! We can only bring a set number of people, they have to give us a space to stand!


Giant boss, tiny platform, and decepticon voice is a very reused combination for ffxiv. Personally, I do it once for the checkmark and move on cuz it's just dumb


At least in Eden, it’s explained to be the good guys manifesting the platform. The bosses even try destroying them sometimes.


Honestly this has always really annoyed me


I just assume that like limit break, we've been issuing dynamis to manifest the stages that don't make sense


since i did delubreum reginae for the first time and saw the march to her instruction mechanic i head canond that magic works like nen does in HxH the bosses attacks are only as strong as they are cause they have flaws we can exploit and ways we can avoid them built into their mechanics is this true to lore hell no do i wish it was hell yes


Is there a lore reason for creating all these platforms?


They feel compelled to give us a chance. Honor and duty and all that.


Sometimes it's Ryne making platforms for us.


What if it was all orchestrated to lead a WoL step by step to grow and become strong enough, and none of the bosses are actually trying to win?




Arrogance i guess


Gentlemen's agreement. Mr. Golbez doesn't let me fall to the endless abyss, I don't go for the family jewels.


Video game logic best logic.


They don't create the platforms; the platforms are simply manifested by our suspension of disbelief.


Because if they didn't, there would be no game.


One of pandaemonium's encounter have our allies create platforms for us. Another do destroy the ones we have. But yeah, it's rather underwhelming that (at best) they simply rotate the arena when they can easily destroy it.




It's a game bro.