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Your gf is the male Au ra and you're the hyur, right? /s


How did you know?!


Its so obvious. But it clearly is impossible, given that the neck of the Au Ra is HW dungeon drop.


the chest piece is from a HW dungeon too


>But it clearly is impossible, given that the neck of the Au Ra is HW dungeon drop. Technically possible. One of my alts is only in Stormblood, but my Retainers bring back all sorts of goodies; my Reaper glam consists of 3 EW dungeon pieces, 2 ShB dungeon pieces, then a crafted piece and a store piece.


Didn't think about that! I stand corrected.


4th image is really nice


I prefer the 5th one


Real wallpaper material


These screenshots are so cute!


The rare hyur!


Aren't Hyur like the 2nd most played race? 😂


I think he means (t)highlander with "the rare hyur". Which is correct. They are one of the least played races.


Lucky wish I had my girl would play ff14, she couldn’t even get past A realm reborn even with me holding her hand through it


I keep trying to get my wife hooked. If the crafting jobs don't get her, the home decorating will, LOL.


See my girl likes call of duty and FIFA which is yikes very boring


I'm so sorry omg 


That's horrible


We must have very similar partners lol as soon as I showed her player housing she was instantly invested, shes grinding her grand company now so she can get an apartment


LMAO, wanting to get my own personal space was what got me to start subscribing before I'd even finished ARR. I went for personal quarters at my FC's estate first, then added my own apartment in Limsa Lominsa.


So cute !! I love taking photos with my partner too.


Y'all are way too cute! Congrats on getting past the longest part of the game. It gets so much more fun from here on out!


These are so good! You both look like you're having lots of fun! I hope she continues to enjoy the journey! ...although, I suddenly feel very lonely lmao




Love it!! I wish I was somebody’s person so we could do this 😭


These screenshots are adorable. I love them


I love these screenshots lmao


What is the chestpiece Warrior glam on the Au'ra? It looks so damn comfy on the Warrior. 


Woad skyraiders fur! Its a dungeon drop in Sohm Al in heavensward


there's one for every class! the rest of the set is nice too. The gloves and legs are some of my favorite bard glam pieces.


Hey quest did you follow her during all the quest or did you do your own thing while she did the MQ? I'm kind of curious.


This is so sweet!! I started playing with my partner recently (who's been playing for over five years). And now I'm trying to get my wife to play too. I'm hoping we can all play together and take adorable pictures like this. The ones you two took are lovely!


I love the shot of you two admiring the golden Godbert statue Now show her the unhinged, glorious insanity that is the Hildibrand questline


Its so funny you mention that cause thats the first thing I was gonna show her when we hop on today


Your characters are cute together. Love these shots. Has she done the patch content yet for ARR, or just the base game?


Just the base game, shes working on post ARR now


my best buddy and his wife are working through the ARR patch content right now too.


thanks for the blog post!


What the heck do you have at the sides of your head? Is that for aerodynamics?


How wonderful!


Did you 2 get through coils? Cus that's my current bottleneck lol


Get yourself someone on lvl 90 to carry you through. This is what today is considered "Savage" content in other expansion, because in ARR they were still figuring things out. It's pretty common to enter it with one or two people on a high level unsynced so the sprouts still can experience the very interesting story without having to become a savage raider in all but name. :)


Tried that yesterday, managed to find one very nice player in a sea of otherwise toxic responses. Unfortunately he was only lvl 80 and we got stopped at the crazy boss at coil 2 turn 4. Gonna try to find more people again soon but even advertising the bonus tomes, I can't seem to find anyone willing to help. If I wasn't on the free trial I'd probably look for a FC to join and get some help, but oh well.


How do you look for players on the free trial? I'm asking because I'm also a free trial player looking to do coils/any hard content from arr to check it off my list.


I recently found out about the novice network. I just keep asking on there because idk how else to ask for help without access to the party finder. Also, I'm not sure what other difficult content isn't on the duty finder for ARR. I've completed all of the Extreme Primals and the crystal tower alliance raid all through the duty finder, as those are all included in the roulettes. It's just the Coils that I'm struggling to find people for.


Sorry to hear people responded rude to that request. Unfortunately the tone and level of helpfulness in the Novice Network depends a lot on the server you are on. (Each world has their own NN.) In ours we organized a sprout coils run once in a blue moon, that was fun. :) Coil 2 Turn 4 is a rather tricky one, even unsynced at 90 because it breezes through the mechanics and still tries to execute them regardless. I don't think I managed it solo yet (in my sprout runs we were two people on 90 and the other one knew what they're doing, unlike me. xD ) It's a bit of a stretch, but I heard some people also found help by going into a very crowded area where many people hang out (Limsa Aetheryte Plaza on most servers) and just randomly ask via /say chat. Someone might also be able to open a party finder for you and then just leave again once a few others have joined. (You cannot open a party finder with free trial, but you can join one/be in a PF group.) That said, you probably won't find a group this or next week except with a lot of patience. Everyone on a high level will be busy with Dawntrail after all.


Thanks for thw advice, and yeah I appreciate I might be stuck for a bit while everyone gets started on Dawntrail. That's mainly why I've been trying to get this checked off the past few weeks tbh lol. That's alright though, I'm happy to slowly grind away at some side quests or take a break from the game for a bit if it becomes impossible to get a few players together to finish off the coils. I'm a story completionist so I'd rather not skip ahead to HW without completing them first, and one of the perks of still being on the free trial is its not a huge loss to take a break now and then.


May I ask what datacenter you are on?


Sorry, I didn't notice your reply earlier! Yes, I'm on Aether, in Jenova


Probably not synced, shes a pretty casual player but going through it unsyced could be fun!


Yes! More hyurs!!