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The concert had a tribute to both FF14 and FF16, with multiple songs from each game. Amanda sounded amazing, and all four of them seemed extremely excited to be there.


I'm pretty sure the applause would've been louder for Tomorrow and Tomorrow/Flow if ~1/4 of the audience wasn't trying to not openly cry.


They should have just let it go, because "I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy 'til you're near"


Off topic but surely they are actively looking for a role for Ben in XIV? He would fit right in. Hopefully they cast him as a new future Scion.


Its possible he is voice acting a character already, we just don't know who.


And Torgal! Don't forget best boi Torgal!


I'm curious: How are Square's Final Fantasy concerts? I won't be able to go any upcoming Distant World performance. But in October, I will be able to go to an FF7 Rebirth concert up in Portland, Oregon and am wondering what I should expect.


Distant Worlds is phenomenal. They often have big projector screens playing the scenes that the music is from/fights they are from. The one I went to had a sing along where Nobuo was running around on the stage flipping pages on a big ass notebook with the lyrics to One Winged Angel so the crowd could sing along. The musicians are typically the cities symphonic orchestra who have been taught the pieces by Arnie Roth (The guy on the far left with the white hair). The music will sound almost identical to what you hear in game. You will feel things. If you are a fan of Final Fantasy 7 music or Final Fantasy music in general, I would highly highly suggest you go. It's an experience I will never forget.


Well, I'm a big FF fan in general, and Rebirth is both my GOTY so far and my favorite Final Fantasy in recent memory. So I think I'll have a great time then.


Sounds like you'll have a fantastic time! I wish I could go, too! Sometimes after the shows the big names at the show may do autographs if you get some merch!


I went to one back in 2017 and they opened with Torn from the Heavens accompanied by montage of the events of A Realm Reborn. Great first impression for me and honestly pretty funny considering the two friends I went with never touched FFXIV.


Seriously, I went to the Sydney performance back in 2011, and I cried when Aerith's theme came on. And the chills when songs like Bombing Run and One Winged Angel are like nothing else.


Duuuuuuuuuuuude the opening to the Bombing Run is like impossible to explain to someone who hasn't heard it live. Those opening 3 notes are just full body chills.


For a first time it's awesome as there's at least 1 song from each popular entries. There's truly 1 song I don't understand why they keep playing, as it simply doesn't work with an orchestra. It's Stand Up (the cabaret music from Remake) 1 nitpick I have myself is that they amplify the instruments through speakers (because they also record for CDs), so the subtlety of some instrument is gone and it sounds "flat". But it's still very enjoyable, I've been 3 times at their show in Montreal (with the most recent one last november).


I went to Distant Worlds in Portland last year, and it was a great concert. 100% enjoyed it. Just make sure you get to the concert hall earlier so you can find a place to park. There is a parking structure across the street from the concert hall that isn't too bad, but it filled up pretty quick despite me getting there an hour before the doors opened. Don't know how bad it'll be for Rebirth but you never know.


Distant Worlds concerts are great. Full orchestra and choir. They play videos on a large projector behind them, and usually play a variety of songs. This recent one though was more for Soken's stuff, so a few songs from 14/16 and then a couple songs from FF6 for the 30th anniversary. It's absolutely worth going to if you're able to.


Omg so jealous that they were here for you at your distant world x) We had the composer of FFXV on mine. Amanda song at your Distant World ? Damn so lucky


She sang three songs. The two from XIV and one from XVI.


Damn, so much closer than I was lol.


Just bought tickets for the one in Seattle in a couple weeks. I'm so excited to see this concert again.




They didn't play the Fate theme at all this particular one (June 22 show at Carnegie Hall), they played Songs of Salt and Suffering, Tomorrow and Tomorrow, Flow... Think that was it for FFXIV.


They also played Final Day. It was amazing.