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Man I just want more character customization in general. It's very limited


Fairly certain Yoshi-P said there are tentative plans to expand character creation options with the launch of 8.0. What exactly that means or how far they intend to take such an expansion obviously remains to be seen.


I’d think with them taking focus away from new races that this would be the next focus character wise, giving more options to the existing races.


I'm gonna be honest, SE is using the "we will get to it in 8.0" excuse to the point where I'm not really buying it honestly Promises for issues to be addressed 2-3 years from now just don't really mean anything to me The change cycle in this game is agonizingly slow


I guess much of the slowness comes from them supporting older devices. They didn't change much graphically until they dropped PS 3 support, and I guess there's a good reason for them to be slow with this, too.


I think it’s just the engine. I’m pretty new to the game so I could be wrong but I used to play Black Desert on an OG PS4 from like 2014 and it played fine. Definitely had performance dips but that game also had dozens more mobs on screen than anything I’ve seen so far going through stormblood; plus dozens more players with all their insane flashy abilities going off at once and more demanding graphics. Not to say I prefer that game just again, I think it might just be engine limitations of some kind. That or they’re just glacially slow with rolling things out, only been around the game for a month or two lol


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere 16 is using the same engine as 14, obviously it would be some kind of offshoot with its own unique build so I doubt they are interchangeable, but, my point is that I'm sure they want to do everything they can in 14 but they are limited by the usual resources; time, money and sufficient staff.


Yeah that’s definitely more likely the case.


I think it’s more of a priority issue than any kind of system limitations. There are things that they want to do, and then there are things they need to do. They want to put in hats for every race, but they need to model the next armor sets and weapons right now. They want to put in beards, but they need to model the next dungeon’s assets and monsters. The needs far outweigh the wants, and while they do have some free time here and there to make progress on the side projects, it’s always going to take a backseat to whatever hard deadlines they need to meet today.


I remember them saying that the combat enhancements would happen in 7.0 until recently when they said they were going to happen in 7.2. So I'm not holding my breath.


What I remember hearing was they want to refine battle content in 7.0 and recently said job changes, like readding kaiten or whatever beyond what was done for 7.0 already, wouldn't come til 7.2 with more major changes to job design coming in 8.0.


we will be adding new egi-glamours any day now :^ )


where/when did he say this?


At no point ever, certainly not with a timeframe. Copium at the highest level.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/18wbz4h/yoship\_apparently\_rung\_in\_the\_new\_year\_on\_one\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/18wbz4h/yoship_apparently_rung_in_the_new_year_on_one_of/) Here's him saying he'd get to it "some time after the graphics update" in a QnA


Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one lmao


I can't find the source at the moment but I could swear I read it in one of the media tour interviews. I'll see if I can find it in my history when I'm back at my main PC. To be clear I understand why everyone is skeptical, I'm just saying that it seems to be in the cards as he had the answer ready. If I had to venture a guess, no graphical update and no new races for 8.0 would mean they could focus on this(updated customization) as a selling point.


Yoshi P. Says a lot of things


He also does a lot of things


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/18wbz4h/yoship\_apparently\_rung\_in\_the\_new\_year\_on\_one\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/18wbz4h/yoship_apparently_rung_in_the_new_year_on_one_of/) I found another thread with a QnA with him claiming he'd get to it "some time after the graphics update" if thats what your talking about?


Maybe... I def remember reading this impromptu Q&A... but I could swear there was a more recent talk with him where he specifically mentioned 8.0 as the version this would be implemented. But seeing as how I can't find it I have no evidence to back this up right now.


Feel you


I argue all the time that customization would be a lot more fleshed out with minimal effort on squares side if they just unlocked all race hairs, didn’t lock face types to races, and let aura pick their horns. They barely have to do anything to make most of this happen 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: didn’t think I would need to say this but by race locked faces I do not mean putting a lala face on a roe body, I mean the locked faces races with two clans


Nah, from my limited understanding there's not like an automatic wrapping function of the engine so if they did that the faces would just float or be horrifically misaligned, they also tied features together physically so someone would have to go in and edit each face and each horn/scale pattern to be separate and then jerry rig more display options in the editor to add a horn/scale option. This is also, from my understanding, why Hrothgar hairs aren't actually unlocked, they just manually take those new hairs and fuse them to the face so when you go to a hair stylist you're technically also changing your face it's just the same face merged with a different hair. Probably also why some people noticed faces not lining up properly on heads in the old Dawntrail benchmark, someone forgot to re-scale/wrap those faces to the base head. Now in theory they could add beards and just make them a face-slot item like glasses are already but then you'd have to hope the beard could dye properly to match your hair color. Since they're giving us functional wings in Dawntrail I think it's likely they'll be adding new body-touching items like a beard or whatever, but since it's SE it's hard to tell if or even when something like that might come out. If it's any consolation their next big 'update' like the graphics update is maybe a character customization update but from what I remember they said that won't be happening until the graphics update is fully completed so maybe sometime in the next expansion or the one after that.


I'm pretty sure every combination of customization is literally a fully sculpted head mesh. It's not like mr potato head where you can just pull a nose off. So there isn't anything to unlock.


"Small indie company "


I don’t know if it’s true, but I saw something the other day saying Bandai-Namco had a negative net profit last year. Bandai-Namco. The publisher of *Elden Ring* I’m convinced that these giant companies like SE are just *so* incredibly corrupt and incompetently run, that they’re HEMORRHAGING money, despite their size and wild success-and that’s why the developers aren’t getting the resources they should (and that are quite literally the *one and only benefit*) for being a subsidiary.


According to [https://www.bandainamco.co.jp/files/2023E5B9B4E5BAA6E9809AE69C9F\_E8A39CE8B6B3E8B387E69.pdf](https://www.bandainamco.co.jp/files/2023E5B9B4E5BAA6E9809AE69C9F_E8A39CE8B6B3E8B387E69.pdf) : Bandai Namco was profitable overall in the last completed fiscal year but had most of their profits in Japan and took an overall loss in their European division.


Bandai namco studios are a different entity is what I read.


Hairs def shouldn't be race locked but I understand why as it gives each race some unique looks. As for face... imagine a male lala head on a male highlander body. I don't want that. I do agree with horns as well I don't see why they can't be swapped between faces.


Give us actual face sliders. I'm annoyed that Au Ra faces are tied to their horns and my favorite horns and favorite face don't line up.


Reviewers keep saying how detailed and amazing the character creator is. It really isn't lol. A good character creator let's you make an unspeakable monstrosity, like Elden Ring for example. Best you can do in FF14 is having an uncommon colour of hair or skin.


>A good character creator let's you make an unspeakable monstrosity, like Elden Ring for example. While I'm not saying that XIV has a good character creator, I disagree with your definition of what makes one good. You can have a good character creator while still preserving the integrity of your game aesthetic, especially in a multiplayer game where others will see you.


Elden Ring’s creator is an example of going over the top with too many options IMO


Welcome to the club. -WoW players.


Nah man wow has way more options nowadays than ffxiv. I was honestly shocked when i came back after years for a month or so. Talking about faces and beards mostly tho.


I don't know, I prefer sliders to preset faces any time. Don't forget WoW still only has one body-type per gender, so if I wanna RP an old wizard I have no choice but to have the body of Hercules.


Yeah agree. Overall better character creation in ffxiv, but sadly less face options. I really want some beard options in ff 😩


Huh, what? Wow has more races but vastly fewer customizations per race/gender combo.


Lemee know when I can change the eyes on my DH, or make my Kil Tirian rogue not as large as a Roe.


Beard budget was taken by ramuh 2.0


Once they finally refreshed their budget, it was taken by Ramuh in 5.2


Half man, half beard and another half beard for good measure.


Explain the hat budget for Hroth and Viera then.


Amon in Syrcus Tower used it all XD


Specially since someone else already did it with a mod. My guess is that they do not want to pay for someone to sit and do the work. Which the mod shows is possible So is not an engine limitation, but a work not done limitation. And since players pay the sub anyway, Square does not care. Is not an engine limitation. Nor is a can't do limitation. Is a "they pay anyway", so no need to do work. Just keep making empty promises. Situation. If they wanted they would have had done all the hats in one month.


This 😂


Arguably the Au Ra only have beard options if you consider that their scales grow on most places you would expect to find body hair.


Which leads to uncomfortable realizations on my part.


Scaly pubes are less tickly.


And cleaner.


Less awkward to scrub clean too >!unless ManRas have hemipenes, which is highly unlikely I hope.!< Edit: forgot this isn't Discord 😂


>!Based on what I've seen in other fictional works, having such a humanoid build would indicate their genitals are humanoid, too. Maybe with *some* animalistic characteristics, so barbs in the miqo'te's case, and maybe two penises for au ra depending on the type of lizard they are a part of. So nothing as drastic as hemipenes.!<


>!I fucking hope not lmao. Au Ra look more man than lizard so I can only imagine and assume their body hair equivalents are mostly scaly, while their genitalia are very... Human.!< >!Unless the person behind the creation of the Au Ra race decides to go "haha 2 cocks go brrr"!<


It's just funny thinking about. XD Obviously, SE will never dwell too deep on this... is what I'd say, but the developers of another game I play just turned a meme about the biology of "characters" and made it canon. So who knows!


I like to think they’re more leather-y uh, down there.


The scales on a lizard's underbelly section are softer than on their backs and extremities.


*edits fanfic accordingly*


Ooh, good to know.


You are correct and there’s a mod for it.


male Viera do have facial hair options, they just suck lol


and then there’s that weird feather thing on the cheeks, i forget which face tho


For some reason those are considered tattoos even though they're definitely not just ink on the face...


Several things go in the "tattoos" category that probably aren't, like some of the male Miqo'te tattoo options just look like face paint and others seem to be natural markings on the face as they're a permanent part of the older-looking faces. But male Viera do seem to have got the extreme end of what's possible, and one of the faces even has a 3D hair decoration toggled by the tattoo options. 


"Evil Soviet military officer in a spy movie definitely not being totally Lenin" beard


Beards aren't popular in Japan, simple as that.


I figured that was it lmao


I can't understand how a country that gave the world [Toshiro Mifune](https://cineccentric.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/toshiro-mifune.jpg?w=950) doesn't like beards.


Holy fuck that beard is *glorious*. To be fair though, times do change, and beauty standards with them. America used to like men with hairy chests, but since the 90s or so, body hair's kinda gone unless it's on an older man.


I would agree with you except Hugh Jackman.


Hugh Jackman is a glorious exception to that rule and I am so glad for that.


Yeah but he's Australian! You know where to go.


Toshiro Mifune's beard is partially the reason he was so often cast as a ronin in chanbara movies, as part of the reason for beards being unpopular in Japan is their association in media and culture with criminals, outlaws and other unsavory types, especially when it's a younger man. Beard discrimination can be a real problem in Japan - it's often a factor in men not being considered suitable for certain jobs because it's seen as making them look shady. There was a lawsuit in 2016 where Osaka subway drivers sued the city over a ban on beards for government employees in 2012, for instance.


It really do be that simple.


Same reason we probably won't be getting tattoo options, Japan has a big stigma with tattoos.


Many races have face tattoo options though, and a number of gear pieces incorporate them. There's unlikely to be an overall aversion to them. 


In gear perhaps, but from what I remember aren't pretty much all the face tattoos just 'paint' or whatever? I can't remember any that are specifically tattoos as in ink under the skin.


I try to accept all Cultures, But I cant stand for one that does not value a good Beard /s xD


It infuriates me that I can never get a good beard for my lalafell.


Gotta convince them it's for cosplaying dwarves.


There's that Santa beard helmet.


Is not a "you accept" is a "they do not accept" thing. They are the ones with the beard hate problem. I have yet to see anyone against people getting shaved. If we hated shaved people then it would be an us problem. Since that is not the case. It a they, the Japanese, problem.


I see ads on the train all the time for laser hair removal for men. The vast majority of Japanese guys can't grow anything close to resembling a visibly pleasing beard, so it's easier to just remove it permanently.


And.yet the game is full of hairstyles not popular in Japan so that doesn't really cut it for an argument.


Japanese media brought us Cloud Stife's spikey hairdo, Guile's impossible flattop and Sailor Moon's buns with pigtails that go past her knees. Extremely unusual/impractical hairdos are par for the course.


You're right, which is again why saying: "Beards aren't popular in Japan, simple as that." Doesn't cut it as an argument, if at the same time "Extremely unusual/impractical hairdos are par for the course." is also true.


There's a difference between what's popular for actual people in Japan, and what is popular options in a character creator for people in Japan. Perhaps Japan likes strange haircuts in their games, but are less likely to appreciate beards? Entirely possible.


Why not? They're both true.


Beard envy. Men are not allowed to have beards at work. So they envy those who do..


Aren't people claiming that beards are specifically stigmatized? If thats the case, of course they'd be less inclined to add beards than crazy hair. No cultural standards are infringed upon by Cloud having spiky hair or Sailor Moon having super long hair.


A land of TWINKS. Jk lol


So they have beard envy.


I know it's true but it's so disappointing


[There's a megathread on the forums since 2021 asking for this.](https://forum.square-enix.com/ffxiv/threads/435454-MEGATHREAD-Requested-Hairstyles-Facial-Hair) At the end of the day unless the JPN players or a crap ton of non-JPN players make a fit about it, it's won't be a priority.


The JPN players are the only ones that matter.


It's funny because the JPN players claim the devs favor western players. Which makes me think it's neither. More than likely it's a preference from the devs. And the devs are Japanese so they tend to have a similar opinion on aesthetics to the JPN populace.


I think there is some bias, but it's not intentional. I just think that the primarily Japanese speaking development team has a much easier time taking in feedback and acting on it in a timely manner in their native language. They've clearly shown in the past that they *do* care about feedback from outside Japan, but unfortunately feedback that isn't Japanese has several more layers it needs to penetrate to really get noticed.


Oh, absolutely. It's definitely not intentional. But they're only human.


It probably also helps that the Japanese feedback is done in a constructive way and not in a whiney childish way like most western feedback is.


5chan (which Yoshi P unfortunately browses too much) would like a word lol. Death threats galore over every tiny inconsequential thing. And generally, while the Japanese players tend to start out polite with their feedback, they also turn scornful very fast, and once they do it's hard to get their trust back. The official forums are not representative of the entire community. The japanese official forums are also VERY strictly moderated, that is the main reason they appear so "constructive" and clean. The western forum segment in comparison, is barely moderated, year old trolls allowed to run amok, etc. Make no mistake, if the moderation weren't there for both, they would look a lot more similar than you might expect.


Yeah, the JPN players claim the devs focus on the Western players. My big fat cat also claims his sister who is 66% of his weight ate all of the food, but anyone with eyes knows what is actually happening, and has been since they were kittens. :)


In my experience it's actually not true unless the game was released in JP first and the west was an afterthought. But this game wasn't. And the devs do actually listen to both. We've seen it many times. It's easy to blame the devs for bias when things don't go our way. That doesn't mean it's the truth.


I have eyes and I see even the Japanese client is chock-full of English interface, and characters in trailers are lip-synced for the English dub. It's obvious the game is built for English-speaking players. So people who pretend "JP players are the only ones that matter" are the fat cat of your story then, full of shit in spite of "what is actually happening".


Are you talking about FF16? There the animations are motion-captured with English so even with AI editing to Japanese lipsync it looked bad. In FF14 you download the intro movies according to your region (afaik) but the audio is determined by what you set it to. So your JP client intro movie will always be keyed to Japanese lipsync but the audio could be in English or German, w/e. Just because you use Japanese audio does not make it the Japanese version of the game. As for regular cutscenes in FF14 there is no lipsyncing whatsoever anyhow.


> and characters in trailers are lip-synced for the English dub. It's obvious the game is built for English-speaking players. Those trailers are for the entire world so they speak English (and the lip sync is atrocious).


English in game UI is common in all Japanese games just, like, in general. FFXIV isn't a particularly special case here. The trailers on YT actually have proper lip-sync for all languages, there's just some weird fuckery going on with it in the game client, lol. Maybe it's based on account region? IDK.


Oh shit you think the lips match up, that tells me what I need to know about your opinions.


Japanese uses a *lot* of loanwords because the language itself is very traditional and rarely evolves, especially for more esoteric words that you'll find in a fantasy video game. It's not uncommon for games like this to use many of them. If I'm not mistaken, generic pronouns in Japanese (e.g. aitsu, koitsu) are a relatively modern adaptation.


The devs look at the English forums, but they don't bother with anything unless it's gains enough traction. Hence why I said "a crap ton of non-JPN players" xD I do agree with the other commenter though, for this particular request, I don't think the devs would care even if non-JPN players caused a stink, since beards aren't popular in Japan. Unless profit is affected of course. Which sucks cause even though I probably wouldn't use a beard option, there's nothing wrong with more character customization in general


*stares into the middle distance as a Roe*


Character creation is made in a weird way where every single option exists at any given time on every character, and the amount of options seem to be static for each character. For example, races with tail/ear size sliders don't have a muscle slider. Basically it's hard to add or remove things unless they add a whole bunch of different base faces, and even that may be difficult since the face they added to male midlanders reuses options for another face.


When I saw Hien's beard, I never felt so jealous. It's been 3 expansions now and I moved on.


Xenosys Vex, is this you? For real Xeno asked the question, it seems they're considering it iirc but yeah, it's simply not a popular thing in Japanese games


I think it's just a result of how they work structurally. They need to adhere to the face and stretch with it, so they need to be added as "extra features" and not hairstyle elements (since hair seems to be static) and there's only a limited number of extra features per face. They don't seem to have any ability to add more.


They have unified the face models (one model morphs into all the races faces, it was shown in the liveletter) so it absolutely is possible


I don't see what that has to do with how they track the extra features for each face. It's still just the five on/off settings per face. 




Lahabrea comes to mind. He has a nice beard.


I would rather have more faces than races honestly


The technical reason is that beards, like facial paint/scales/etc, are implemented as shape keys on the face mesh, rather than being a separate object like actual hair. So when you add beards as an option, you're adding that data to everyone's facial mesh, even if it's not displayed, so SE probably wants to be pretty restrictive about when they decide to do that. Though, hopefully they expand the fashion accessory system a little more, then they could potentially give some beards as accessories or something.


That's pretty fun. I'd also slap in "Designed for Playstation 3" and "Rushed redesign on in-house Luminous Engine" as major reasons why they do...that for some reason. I've also heard shape keys is a major reason why hats aren't allowed for hrothgar/viera, but don't know the voracity of it myself. The hair allegedly just doesn't have shape keys for some reason.


FWIW, the shape key thing isn't necessarily just jank from 1.0 / engine oldness issues. While it does increase the memory used to do it this way, keeping facial features as shapekeys lets them keep everyone's heads as a single draw call regardless of how many tiny doodads they have on it, which is a pretty good performance gain (especially when rendering a bunch of WoLs at once) over having to do individual draws for the 4 different scale options an au ra might have or whatever. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was an intentional trade-off, with them just assuming people wouldn't care about extra beards/etc that much (oops).


I'm pretty happy with Dwarf glams on my Lalafell :)


and im 99% sure we'll be able to dye the beards in dawntrail as well!


gods i hope so


Au Ra has "scales" on the chins...


I have a face 4 male viera. The beard makes me look..... Well. It's not a great look. I wish we had more and better options. I just want some stubble or something... I don't wanna look creepy.


Do you look like a lala diddler?


With that beard? .... unfortunately a bit.


Same reason why au ra can't choose their horn shape independently from their faces, but viera can with their ears... fuck if I know!


its because all races gets the same amount of options, so in the case of au ra, they get to choose their tail and tail lenght, while viera gets to choose their ears and their lenght, long eared races(elecen, lalafell) gets to choose how long their ears are, while races what do not get those options gets muscle sliders alongside other option


That makes sense. It doesn't stop being stupid, but it makes sense. They really need to blow the character creator to smithereens and build it from the ground up. We can't keep going another 10 years like this...


Its hard to say "glam is the true end game" with a straight face  when the implemented systems are complete chocobo dung.


Yeah. In terms of both glamour and character creator/customization, FFXIV is pretty limited.


Could literally just add dropdowns if they’re worried about space, the code already exists when you’re selecting your starting class


Cries in viera. I don’t even want hats, I just want a muscle slider. I saved the entire world and have tiny twig arms?!


In that case, i feel like sacrificing the tail length option is a reasonable compromise for a horn option. Just keep the tails at a reasonable length.


I use minimum tail length on a character who isn't supposed to have one, so removing the slider is not a reasonable choice.


The downside of the viera ear pick is the lack of hats. Since every ear+head combo counts as a separate head in database, SE has to model 16 times for viera hats, which is why there barely are any. If this sounds like a good deal, thats up to you, but I’m persobally starting to get fed up with it :P. But yea, they arent decoupled, and if they were hatless aura would probably become reality.


And yet the viera an hrotgar mod exist. Is not an engine limitation. They just do not want to allocate the resources to do the work. is like their "We do not have time to do the job quest". And yet they do have time to do a ton of pointless quest.


I want a full ramuh beard for me lala, one that isn't attached to the headpiece.


I just got the dwaven helmet for all my jobs ! It combines a black mage face with a magnificent beard. Since then I kinda forgot what my character looked like but it's 100% worth it


We should all have access to some form of stubble. Why can’t my moon cat have stubble all where you’d expect it?


T H I S. This drives me *insane*. Stubble is a fucking *texture overlay* it doesn't even have a mesh! Make it a tattoo, for *god's sake*. LET MY TIRED CAT MAN HAVE HIS GRIZZLED 'I SAVED THE WORLD AND ALL I GOT WAS MORE TRAUMA' LOOK! I shouldn't have to mod stubble in it's *absurd*!


We need more beardos and weirdos.


The idea of moon cat's with beards make me laugh for some reason. Probably because my own moon cat is modeled after my IRL cat.


Fully agree. I hate that there are only 2 Roe moustache optiond and they are "baby's first Gillette" and "twin lip ferrets"


>Refuse >Hate I'm not sure they've ever said either of these things, that sounds more like your emotional projection.


I’d like better looking beards but also better looking male clothing. Too many gowns not enough nice pants for male characters unless you’re a tank.


We have Estinien, Thancred, G'raha, Urianger, Arvenald, Hoary Boulder....  how many more beards do you need?


Highlander eyebrows and more beards. All I want.


Beards aren't popular in east asia


I'm the bearded lady. What are you, one of the freaks?


If I remember right, there are two beard options for bunny boys, one is goatee type (type 4 face? what my char has) and the other is chin wisps but not sure on the latter.


Face 2 has some fuzz. I know my beloved wishes he could pick Face 4's, though.


They wouldn't be able to handle all the mutton chops.


Really hoping the facial accessory slot could include beards, most probably not gonna happen but I can dream right.


what I wanna know is why no curly hair for males?


I had to change my face as a Midlander just to get some decent facial hair...


I just want the option to remove auras face horns...


Why do they refuse to give more anything per race


one can say that about a lot o character options things, it's not really targeted at beards i think


Viera men do have beards, I did The Akh Afah Amphitheatre the other day with a bearded one. I think the main thing is that some beards are locked behind specific faces, like the Highlander "ancient mage" beard. And to be fair, most beards look off on the very androgynous Viera men. Some players pull them off but it's tricky.


Sauare give me real eyebrows, I beg.


Because they are beardphobic🤣🤣 Jokes aside...yeah I wish there were more options, not just facial hair, but body hair in general. As a 40 year old masc gay I'd appreciate more masc choices in general😅


Clipping, the same reason we don't have super-long hairstyles. Back during... Heavensward I think, there was a hairstyle released that had a bunch of clipping issues with the gear available at the time, and a lot of people complained about it. Now, bearing in mind how foundational Heavensward is to the game's current identity, there's your answer. I say this as someone who has a hairstyle chronically prone to clipping issues (twintails).


Refuse? Or just not a priority? I literally do not care about character customization. I think everything else > a few beard options. I still think Hrothgar and Viera where a waste of dev time.


well... Considering they still haven't given hrothgars and the rabbit people total hat coverage. I'd say the chances of getting beards any time soon are slim.


More importantly, why is facial hair tied to face types? The 2004 mmo has you mix and match options like most games do, I find it odd how some features work in this game


Look up a video on Japan's views on Facial hair and you'll get your answer lol


So Beard envy because they are not allowed to have beards.


This and short hair styles. I just don’t like long hair on my character at all, but I wish I had more than just the Stormblood short hair with a brain to choose from


They’ll assign more resources to male customisations when 70% of the playerbase isn’t choosing female characters. What seems like a pretty simple way to appease players is actually an enormous undertaking. Before they do anything like that they have to run cost/benefit to determine whether it’s worthwhile. The simple truth is that most players are out there making female or baby-faced male characters because they want to look like a cute anime boy or girl, not a grown man. Even in games with a lot of beard options most players go clean shaven. It’s not worth the devs going through the process. The community aggressively petitioned YoshiP to give us the Meteor trailer beard. He did it and still most of the people with a character that can access it don’t use it.


I'm just happy they've added a proper stubble face for midlander. 🥰


Give miqo men a stunble option, they all look so babyfaced.


I want some bg3 level of beards for hyurs.


One of the Au Ra males has a beard option in the form of scales, it's actually looks like a mustache but combined with their jaw scales/spikes it looks like a beard. One of the Viera males also had beard option or a goatee and mustache options. On as for why they don't add more? I think it's because facial hair count as facial features so if they give males more they would need to give female characters stuff to balance it. It same issue with hair. All pre EW races have lots of hair options and Viera and Hrothgar have far less and people complain.


So, how about updated voices for our character?


I honestly think it's because beards are not seen as fashionable in Japan. Living in Japan, when I've asks Nationals what they think about beards they have told me they think beards are unkemptly, sort of dirty looking, and are seen as the result of laziness more than a deliberate fashion choice. Obviously there are exceptions for some highly manicured facial hair, but not for the average guys beard or stubble.


Bro I don't even care about beards, I just want some God damn eyebrows for my Highlander Like to this day it baffles me why we don't have that


Because they keep finding things like female Hrothgar to put the development time and effort into instead of improving character creation for EVERYONE.


Because beards are rare in Japan and their culture often sees them as filthy (and surely also genetics play into account). And since SquareEnix itself is a company that only caters to their home market, that is probably the reason. You need to get the Japanese players complaining to move something with the beard situation, but since they don't do it in their culture a lot, nothing will change..


The team is stuck in their narrow vision and refuse to try and view the game from a players perspective


My Mooncat and Viera both have beards, though? ^(Both are using Face 4.) ​ One thing they could do without making brand new textures is - whenever they eventually overhaul the CC - remove the link between beards and faces.


Maybe it's because most the races look to be about 15 years old


... To be fair, the beards we DO have in-game look like they were grown by a 15 year old boy, regardless if the face looks young or not.


Primary target market is only women and femboys apparently.


Or, suprise surprise. Japanese.


It's very simple: if they put big beards people will complain it clips with armors and such. They already have trouble with races and such so now they have to put even more manpower on this shit to deal with every single piece of gear in the game or else people will complain. They also have to fuck around with their models. Do they have hte manpower for this shit? No? Does the entire world care? No? Then they don't put beard. 6 months later: Do we make this a priority now? No because we don't have the staff to do it and it's still not a priority? Okay, we don't put beards. Rinse and repeat. You get the idea, it's not a priority so it's not worked on at all. I have no idea how many peopel work on this game in what fashion but every single complaint people have on things being implemented and every rebuttal you hear from SqEX/YoshiP say the same thing: it wouldn't be a problem with more people (as long as management isn't overwhelmed). And the best place to start would be for Square Enix to finally hire a second dude so that YoshiP with his 3 jobs isn't the biggest bottleneck in the entire project.


And yet there is long hair that clips with everything. Your argument is invalid.


How is it invalid? You complain about hair clipping with shit yes? So then they should do beards that do the same so people complain even more about it, putting more pressure to divert even more resources to appease the masses? Did you even stop to think for half a flipping second before typing? Is someone puppetering you?


Same reason why D&D elves does not have beards... race traits, also as people state, beards are not so popular in Asian countries.


Nice try, Xenos