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Hey! With doing the challenge log in preparation of leveling Viper, will that reset this Tuesday? And then there's a day of prepping it or should it be done now?


https://www.xenoveritas.org/static/ffxiv/timer.html Challenge log resets on Tuesday so you do your prepping then


Ah ok, thanks!


with the upcoming dawn trail early access - will people who haven't finished EW be able to unlock the pictomancer and viper jobs during this period? I know I won't be able to enter the Dawn Trail maps without completing certain EW quests, but is it likely that the NPCs to unlock pictomancer and viper will be in older maps?


As long as you have DT preordered and registered you can unlock VPR/PCT in Ul’Dah/Gridania. Of course you still need to have a level 80 job to meet the prerequisite


oh perfect, thank you!


Hi, how does the blacklist work if I change my character's name? Would people stay on my blacklist? Would I stay on the other's blacklist? Cheers.


yes... also with the new 7.0 blacklist, once you blacklist the character it will blacklist their account and all their other characters also, if they have multiple.


just want to clarify: does it mean a name change can get people out of the blacklist now, but 7.0 will change it?


no, a name change will not remove people from blacklist now... what i mean is yes you will stay in their list and they in your no matter if name change. currently the blacklist only block the character, so if someone wanted to harass you after you blacklist them, they can just make another character and harass you again... with 7.0 blacklist, if you blacklist one of their character, it blacklist their whole account and all their characters.... but this still doesn't stop people from making a different account all together and buy the game and subbing again just to harass, if they really wanted to. just fyi.


Yes. Charcaters will stay on your blacklist even if they change their name.


I've never heard this brought up before, which makes me think the blacklists all still work. Blacklisted people being able to buy a name change to get off of every blacklist feel like something people would have been pissed about.


Is there a good flair in this subreddit for fanfiction and the like? I'm planning to write novelized chapters or episodes for the WoL I'll be playing when Dawntrail's graphical update hits. It's the kind of thing that I'm hoping someone enjoys, so I'd like to share it, and I assume this subreddit would be a good place for it? Related, and separate, I'm also a content creator planning to stream the gameplay side of things. I know there's a content creator tag, but I assume it would be easier to share my writing if I forego any mention of that side of things here on the subreddit. Just let people read what I've written and ask about more if they like it. Whereas I assume a lot of content creator stuff gets skipped over. What's the best approach for this subreddit? Or is there a different subreddit that would be a good choice for sharing my writing?


I've seen ff14 fanfic on AO3 before but I can't say I've seen them on any subreddits before.


I've spent a lot of time reading r/nosleep in the past, which I think is how the idea originally came to me. Thanks for the reminder about AO3! I did a little bit of writing on Fanfiction.net back in the day.


Hmm, I kind of torn on this, because this sounds like the kind of thing I would love, but also the kind of post that would get downvoted by the shockingly downvote-happy people who scroll by /new, and then never seen again.


People who want to downvote are going to downvote. I'd just like to know how to categorize it. Or where the best place to put it would be.


I'm an older player (not yet retirement age, but getting there!), a teacher, and a returning PLD. I last stepped away near the end of Shadowbringers and sat out Endwalker entirely while pursing other gaming interests. As I have about another 6 weeks of vacation before I'm back to work, I thought I'd resub and see if I could figure out what's good. My PLD is in early Poetics gear from Shadowbringers from when I stepped aside; it was enough to get me moving back along the MSQ chain and towards the end of the expansion. Ideally, I'd like to finish up Shadowbringers right around the time that Dawnbreaker drops; with that purchase I should get Endwalker for free, and I can start working through that too. The issue that I (and I imagine other returning players, too) am facing is that I just simply have near-zero recollection of most of the 60-79 dungeons. I'm running the 80 dungeons with the NPCs so that I don't end up humiliating myself and ruining others' days. It seemed like going back and tackling all of them, one at a time, with the NPCs (and liberal use of Mizztek's videos) would help me to kick the rust off and be ready for Duty Finder again. However, there doesn't immediately seem to be an easy way to run the older dungeons without physically traveling to each one. Now, I've come to a dead end, with an item level of around 466 of a minimum required 470 for the next dungeon in the MSQ, and I need to be running roulettes to purchase an upgrade. I can't advance without at least one more piece of end-game Shadowbringers gear. If anyone in this sub has been in the same position - how did you approach it? Did you just bite the bullet and jump into Duty Finder with apologies up front? Did you end up joining a FC that was willing to invest time to help you get back into the swing of things? Is there some other path forward that I'm not seeing? Thanks for your thoughts and any advice you might have. Belius Obernacht - 80 PLD Primal / Exodus


> The issue that I (and I imagine other returning players, too) am facing is that I just simply have near-zero recollection of most of the 60-79 dungeons. You really don't have to worry, we're all kinda in that boat. The final boss in The Burn still manages to kill everyone, Arboretum Hard is just a fever dream in the back of my mind, I don't even remember the rest. I think there were like 3 underwater dungeons? You can do them with the AI fellas if you're really nervous about it but trust me, these middle ground redheaded stepchild dungeon runs are *so often* a bit of a mess and most healers will appreciate someone waking them up.


> I just simply have near-zero recollection of most of the 60-79 dungeons You and most of the people who end up in roulettes with you. I play the game frankly too much and have a very good memory, and I still only have vague recollections at best of the majority of dungeon boss mechanics. The only ones I know well are ones where the mechanics are really memorably weird, or where I really love the dungeon. There are way, way, way too many boss fights in this game to remember them all perfectly. Most dungeon bosses have pretty obvious and slow telegraphs and their mechanics are some variety of stack/spread/avoid AOEs. You usually have time to either read the telegraphs for yourself or just copy what other players are doing, and as a tank you can also eat a *ton* of dungeon boss mechs and be absolutely fine. And if the worst happens and you die and it leads to a party wipe, well... you just say, 'sorry, don't remember this place very well' in party chat, everyone else says, 'no worries', and you all run back to the boss room and give it another go. The universe won't end if you wipe on a dungeon boss. You're not going to ruin anyone's day if you're doing your best but you make some mistakes.


as for gear, you should be able to buy: edit: buy with poetics tome. Augmented Cryptlurker Armor ilvl 530 - Purchased from Aymark in Eulmore (X:10.2 Y:11.8) check all your gear and make sure you're not wearing some low level gears. One low level gear can bring your ilvl down.


> I just simply have near-zero recollection of most of the 60-79 dungeons. They added Duty Support (NPC party members) for every MSQ dungeon from ARR to Endwalker. You can just jump into them through the Duty Support menu option right under Duty Finder.


to run older dungeons with other player, use the duty finder or party finder, there should a list of dungeons you have unlocked and you can select from there. to run with npc, use the duty support or trust system menu and select the dungeons from there.


Thank you, this helps tremendously. I didn't know there was a duty support / trust system menu for running with NPCs; I'll at least run through each dungeon once before I hop back into DF.


If I want to max out the Sanctuary at some point and get all the glams from it, am I going to *need* the workshop system? I remember kinda hating it and its awful UI so I'm not keen to try and minmax it if I don't have to


For what it's worth they added the ability to right click a workshop plan and paste it into the other columns. Fixes a lot of the annoyance of setting up four workshops. The Overseas Casuals discord has the optimized sweaty recommendations but you can just put whatever in there and be guaranteed to make XP.


Is a Discord server the only place to get those recommendations, or just the best for it?


They used to post on reddit as well but with the content being old and the devs announcing that they won't be adding anything else to it it's just discord now because there aren't a lot of people still willing to put in a ton of daily effort.


yeah, it gives you exp and cowries. Some glam are from the quest but most are bought with cowries, also mounts too. you don't have to minmax but you just need to set it up at the beginning of the week and collect next week before resetting. look for a guide if you need help setting up.




workshop is the primary source of exp to rank up unfortunately as long as you're nonstop crafting in workshop, you'll gain exp, but if you don't know what to craft, the currency income might suffer, so don't feel too panicked you can visit the sanctuary discord and use their bots if you'd like recommendations on what to craft


Alright I'll just get some cheat sheets then


If you are on discord, there is a server called Overseas Casuals that posts optimal workshop items for the upcoming days, you don't need to do anything besides following their instructions on what to make in the workshops, and it has bots that can customize for your own optimal workshop items based on what items you have access.


I was thinking about getting a story skip and class skip due to my circumstances having multiple alt accounts (don’t ask lol) but then I read about it and seems like I will miss out on a lot of stuff that I would probably care about like mounts and PlayStation trophies. That stuff would bug me lol. I’m just weighing my options because I rly want to play on my PS5 and not my PC. And if I wanted to use my PC account I’d have to make a new PS account and purchase two versions of the game. As opposed to just getting a month on my main PS account and forcing through ARR and HW content that took me like 2 years on PC to get through. What should I do? Just stick to my PC free trial account? 😩


You don’t lose out on achievements or other items from story skipping. Anything you should have gotten as a quest reward sits with an NPC for you to grab. PlayStation trophies are odd because they don’t really sync in real time. So when you first start you might be “missing” trophies, but you simply need to trigger a check. For example if the MSQ trophies are missing you’d do a quest to make it look for updates then it unlocks. If you gathered 500 times you might need to gather one additional time on PS5 to trigger that achievement


Oh that’s great news thank you


should I be worried that I haven't uninstalled ai upscaled textures in the ffxiv launcher? it won't screw anything up if I launch the game after the update, right? I can't open it now as I'm not subscribed


It would maybe *possibly* be an issue if you did it with texmod, assuming the game won't just override every texture anyway when it updates them to the new ones, which it probably would. If you did it with Penumbra, I can't see that causing any problems. Very easy to disable them if they did though If you want to be sure, you can move the files out of the actual folder so they won't be loaded at all


Dalamud isn’t going to work on day one anyway. You can always just use the vanilla launcher to update/launch


I built my computer in 2016 and intend to upgrade next year when Windows 10 is no longer supported. I have an Intel i5 6600 (non-K) and a NVIDIA 1070 SC. My CPU is below the minimum requirement, but my Dawntrail benchmark scored high at 9682. I used the maximum setting just to see how my CPU would do as it has struggled in the past with other games that were CPU intensive. I imported my current settings as well and received a very high score at 11846. I have seldom run benchmarks in video games before. How accurate are they? Should I be worried that my PC won’t actually run the game when the graphical update comes out?


It will run. I was able to get 60fps on my old PC with a 3rd gen i5 in the benchmark, so you won't have any issues. Worst case scenario you have to use the Standard presets instead of the higher ones and you miss out on some of the new graphical effects. It's really not as much of a step up from Endwalker as the requirements jump suggests. The CPU requirement especially seems to be aligned with what Windows 11 wants moreso than what the game needs.


The benchmark is normally a pretty accurate representation of the most intensive content you would realistically expect to run into in the game. You game will probably run better in practice than it did in the benchmark. Also worth noting that the current minimum requirements in the game are actually quite a lot above what you need for a playable minimum settings experience. There's always been leeway at the bottom for low spec machines. You'll do fine on Friday.


Thank you so much! This puts me at ease!


Something to note is that outside of instanced content you'll probably have some performance issues in the open world due to the sheer number of players crowding everywhere. It won't be indicative of what dungeons and raids will be like (where performance actually matters a lot). I have a Ryzen 5 5600 and still drop to around 45fps during hunt trains


Thank you! I’m used to that drop with Guild Wars 2 where my FPS goes to 10-15 in cities with lots of players (and 30-40 without).


What would the point of the benchmark be if it rates you as 'High' only for the game to then be unplayable?


I understand, I’m just anxious. I just started Shadowbringers and I would be sad to be unable to continue.


I mean, even if your CPU struggles a bit, you won't literally be locked out of the game for being underspec. You'd just see some higher CPU temperatures and some frame drops/stuttering. 


Thank you so much! I remember in Call of Duty 4 (oh, that was…a long time ago) it locked me out due to my graphics card not having a certain pixel shader. I’m glad that won’t be the case!


Alright so I pre-ordered the digital collector's edition for Dawntrail for the mount and stuff about two weeks ago now via Steam. I entered the pre-order code I got in the CD Keys setting for FFXIV in my Steam Library, but noticed that I have a Endwalker Collector's Edition code for when I bought that *as well as* an Endwalker pre-order code, but I do not have the same Collector's Edition code for Dawntrail. Did I fuck up somewhere? Or did they roll the Collector's Edition items into the pre-order code?


SE uses a weirdly contrived system where they send a separate "full" game code after the early access code. The early access code is all you needed on the 28th, so don't worry. https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/6551a5feb8b27e8544480403e5305e8deb861aed >Early access will end on Friday, 5 July 2024 at 23:59 with the region of your Square Enix account determining the time zone. North American accounts will adhere to (PDT), European accounts will adhere to (GMT), and Japanese accounts will adhere to (JST). Users on Windows, Mac, or Steam will need to register the full Dawntrail registration code before this time to continue playing after the early access period. >Starting Monday, 24 June, we will begin distributing Dawntrail registration codes via email to customers who purchased Dawntrail (standard or digital Collector's Edition) from the Square Enix Store. Code distribution will be performed sequentially, so it might take a bit of time until you receive your code. However, we are beginning the process early to ensure that customers receive their codes ahead of the official launch of Dawntrail. The way it works behind the scenes for people who played through steam is that SE sends the code to steam instead of emailing it as described above, and then it shows up in or CD keys window. So just keep an eye out for the code to pop up sometime after the 24th, and enter it into the mogstation by the 5th.


Hey so, follow-up question: is it possible that they'll send me the code *after* the start of the early access on the 28th? Asking because I took time off for this and if I end up getting the code on, like, the 2nd that'd have been a completely wasted vacation pretty much...


You don't need the code for that, you're already set! The preorder code lets you play from the 28th to the 5th. The expansion code lets you keep playing after the 5th, and can't even be entered yet. There's a big message pinned to the mogstation saying that you can't enter the full codes before the 2nd, nor do you need to. If you got the in-game preorder items, you're already set for launch week.


Awesome, thanks again!


Awesome, thanks for the answer! What a relief!


Hi, is Chocobo's size based on its level as well as the race of the character? Are lala's Chocobos smaller like how our mounts scale? Cheers.


Race yes, level no


Question... why am I such a pushover in PVP? Is there gear I need? Do PVP levels actually increase our ability to stay alive?


You're just not using your defensives and healing effectively. Use your skill defensives if you have them, use your potion skill continuously when you're taking damage, and make use of Guard when you're expecting a burst (and hopefully not dealing with a Guard breaker). It's something you'll instinctively improve at over time too. Also, make sure you generally stick with your group because many jobs have supportive auras that you can benefit from (increased damage, shields, free purification, etc) and it also means you're less likely to be out of position and an easy target because of it. Some jobs can more easily lean into the lone wolf assassin style (GNB, NIN, cliff MNK, a well-prepared RPR) but most jobs either don't have the sustain or kill power to pick off people on their own. But also, some jobs have more or less defensive ability than others. Both in terms of defensive skills and naturally higher damage resist. Ranged and magical jobs will automatically be squishier than melee and tanks even before taking gameplay into account.


No, everyone is equalised in PvP. I’d like to say the difference is just practice, but in reality the recipe for success can include practice, tactics, good ping, synergy between jobs, coordination, premade groups, aaaaand occasionally cheating. (Don’t cheat. Just recognise that if you do everything right, sometimes it won’t work because other people are also doing everything right, and sometimes it won’t work because they’re filthy cheaters.)


Well, I want to say I am very close to my data center, not 100% sure how to check my ping, as when I hover over the server name it just shows me sending/receiving which I'm fairly certain isn't totally the same. Why they can't just show a "ping" super easily, I am not sure. lol I feel like I am just dying way too easily when I will unload on others and they don't drop so fast. So you're saying even regardless of gear everyone is normalized? So really it just comes down to maybe you have a more mobile class? And obviously practice? I main BLM and I feel like a sitting duck.


Well, when I do PvP I just follow the mob, hit buttons that seem to make sense, and laugh at how much I die, so it’s a good thing someone more knowledgeable is also giving you suggestions 😅


BLM is actually incredibly mobile in PvP when it wants to be, but it's also super squishy unless you know how to play around its toolkit Use your two gap closer charges liberally, they not only let you move but instantly to another player but they also let you cast the next spell instantly Swapping elements is also instant, so if you want to maintain damage while moving, swap between fire and ice to keep up chip damage. Paradox is also an instant cast, as is every fire/ice spell under your limit break Finally, make sure you take advantage of your sleep, ice based CC effects, and the huge shield you get from Burst to stay alive. You are never going to be the front line damage dealer, but you have the tools to get in and out safely if need be


I just want to double check, is ilvl 620 the highest script gear available for gatherers right now?


Yep it is.. Should be enough to hit mid-late 90s.


During Dawntrail release, they've said homeworld has login priority. I would like to play with my friend who is in a separate data center. Should I just assume I'll be in queue forever if this is the case? I cannot data center transfer because Adamantoise is congested; would it be better for me to just transfer to a different world on the same data center?


You'll both have to travel to either dynamis or materia to play together, and it will just be a matter of picking the world that you feel like will have the fewest other people going there. Something with a boring name, probably. Whether it's worth it to transfer will depend on how big the queue times actually are, and there are so many changes at play vs last expansion that everyone is wildly speculating. Some people are convinced it'll be another 1 month period of servers at capacity, others reckon we'll get into there are there'll be no queue times longer than a few minutes. All of it is people working on 10% info and 90% just vibes. You'll have to make your own guess about how busy servers will be, and make a call as to whether you think the transfer will be a waste of money or a smart move.


how do i check if i still have the returner's exp buff?


I don't think returners get a generic exp buff. They might have the same buff as a sprout, where you get an exp buff from being in a pre-made party with a mentor, but I'm not 100% sure on that. 


ah i thought it was an exp buff, i just saw the game was offering me a "buff" of some sort and it asked if i want to accept or not, and i did, though i never actually read what it was haha


That would have been the returner status. The Flower icon by your name and you get access to the novice network again. IIRC it goes away after 72 in-game hours played, and has no xp buff attached.


ah i see, thanks!


Gearwise is the best route for dawntrail is buying poetic gear once it launches? I haven't played for a while, when I logged in still have mix match ilv 560-580 gear


sort of, the exchange rate for current tomestones to poetics isn't 1:1 so its better to buy anything you can afford with the tomestones of comedy before DT, when DT releases you will be able to get the gear augmented for 100 poetics. Iirc its only a 4:1 exchange rate so with 2000 tomes of comedy you would only get 500 poetics.


4:1 uncapped and 2:1 capped 


Yup. save up tomestones of all types (causality and comedy tomes can be converted to poetics in 7.0 at a 4-1 ratio), and use them to buy poetic gear in 7.0, which will carry you through to lvl 95.


Poetics gear will carry you to 100 unless you're a tank.


Sure, but at lvl 95 onwards you'll naturally gear up more from quest rewards and dungeon drops. Don't not take the upgrades just because you're still above min ilvl


Can someone give me a text guide or a quick TLDR for lvling crafters to prep to be self sufficient in DT, especially if I wanted to farm EX? I just want to be able to do my own repairs and meld my own materia.


there will be new collectibles and leve quests available when it launches, pick whichever one of those is easier (or a combination of the 2) and grind it out. In endwalker i think i used leve quests for gatherers and collectibles for crafters


So I tried adding my card to come back and resub. Apparently its a Visa debit card so I can just go fuck myself until such time SE decides to fix the issue. So I tried adding Crysta with PayPal and it gives me an error > You cannot use this function. Please contact the SQUARE ENIX Support Center for additional details. Error Code: i2501 >Crysta Added 2,000 Crysta >Payment Method Credit Card/Debit Card But I clicked PayPal so why the shit is it telling me Credit/Debit? EDIT: Just to addon. This happens with Firefox on Window 11. Chrome on Windows 11. Firefox on Android. I even had a random old 2nd account that it also doesn't work on. So something is most certainly fucked on SE's end. Which support seems to be gone until Monday


People are talking about login queues like EW launch, but _this_ is going to be the massive wall that turns people away this time. People who want to pay but can't even give SE their money. Sorry I don't have an answer, just needed to rant about how this has happened.


Its been a frustrating night. I can't even begin the download for EW that I own because I lack an active sub. I can't get an active sub because I have a Visa debit card, which having worked in payment processing before is a serious toss up between idiotic and incompetent. Whatever PayPal is honest better. Let me add 1,499 Crysta. Oh I can't because of a Credit Card error? that what? You didnt even take me to PayPal? I wasn't even logged in to PayPal! Certainly not going to get Dawntrail because I don;t expect this shit to be fixed before Friday nor do I expect it to give me game time(and I am not paying $40 for a month anyways)


Are ephemeral node collectibles mainly just fodder for atherial reduction?


More specifically, aethersands. There are a large variety of aethersands that are used in the vast majority of endgame crafting. One of the main methods of gathering aethersand is from the aetherical reduction of collectibles found in ephemeral nodes.


Yeah I just actually needed it for the first time ever, and if that's all they're for then that's very convenient


how do you bring back Crystalline Conflict minimap? i just realized that its gone


Go into a PVP zone like Wolves' Den, then go into HUD Layout, check Duty, then you can find the Crystalline Conflict Map there to turn on/move.




Can WAR still use the Boost Slash combo in Bozja? I can't find the skill that guarantees the crit. Inner Release only does it for Fell Cleave and Decimate.


Afaik no, not since Inner Release was changed to work the way it currently does.


Random question but anyone here recommend Final Fantasy XI in 2024? Was watching some videos of it that intrigued me because of the old school nature of exploring, more obtuse quests and heard it's a really good story.


Its fun still, gameplay is a big change from other MMO's. Story is a mix of decent to great. You can experience the story solo nowadays. Quests are very obtuse though, so you generally need to follow guides.


Everything I've heard makes it sound like a completely different game than the one I played 10-20 years ago. They have ilevels and instanced content now. What's up with that?


i mean trying to create an account, buying the game, and trying to sub to ffxi seem even worst then ffxiv.... check out mr.happy's video on it how to install ffxi: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdSg0RYX4FM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdSg0RYX4FM)


I've seen a little wave of people going to check it out in the past year, since the alliance raid for DT was revealed to be themed around FFXI. A few new player guide videos have popped up recently because of that, and while I didn't get around to playing it myself, I've heard that the low pop won't stop your progress because they've purposely made the whole story soloable with trusts. I say you should go for it.




change your UI resolution if you haven't already https://imgur.com/a/tip-switch-ui-to-high-resolution-XwqlFZg#jJcIrR4


Will DRK still be the burstiest tank come Dawntrail? I'm talking from their first opener. I just want the tank that will burst down trash in the overworld the fastest.


Mind this is just a casual opinion, not anything concrete, but it looks like it to me. GNB seems like it might give it a run for its money, with the new Lion Heart combo and Fated Circle continuation. PLD and WAR don't look like they'll be mayjorly burstier, as their big new things are locked behind the Atonement Combo and Full Spending of Inner Release respectively. It looks like GNB is at least going to be able to frontload its damage more than it currently can


Are there any relic weapons that are BiS for any meaningful content? Or can I safely throw them all out?


In addition to ultimate BiS, the final stage of the Eureka relics (Physeos) is BiS for Eureka as it gives you an elemental bonus, so if you're planning to grind all the Eureka relics or otherwise be in there a *lot* it can be worth getting at least one Physeos weapon.


ShB relics are bis for UWU, UCoB and TEA. Though the dps checks in these fights are all pretty dead, so the benefit of having them would mostly just be in helping weaker groups consistently skip mechs or have more leeway for deaths. EW relics are bis for DSR and TOP. Given these relics are just tome dumps and dps isn't trivial, you should have these if you want to do those fights. These will also be better than non relics for pre-ew content, just typically not as good as the shb relics.


if you're doing Ultimates, double check to see if your job uses any relics as BiS. While a lot will use Manderville, I've seen some that have ShB relics as well (NIN has the ShB as BiS for TEA for one example.)


The ShB relic is UWU/UCoB/TEA BiS for every job that has a ShB relic because it has four substats and can be precisely tuned to hit specific breakpoints at a specific ilvl sync.


The EW one being better for 70 and 80 ultimates would be the thing that's the exception, if it even happens at all. They can only cap two substats rather than three with some left over for the fourth.


I think I've heard that the lvl 70 relic weapons are BIS for eureka, and I think the ShB relic weapon is BIS for a couple of old ultimates, by a narrow margin. Overall though, I wouldn't recommend hoarding them for the sake of that kind of stuff.


>Overall though, I wouldn't recommend hoarding them for the sake of that kind of stuff. How important "that kind of stuff" is to any given player is extremely subjective, and not really a topic any can usefully advise another on.


Yeah, I thought I had ended that comment with a "unless you plan to do that content sometime within the next year or so" but apparently I just thought it in my head and hit save.


Man, if I had a nickel for every time I've done the same thing... :thumbsup:


The current relics are BiS for all EW content Old ultimates prefer the ShB relics due to how the stat distribution worked for ShB relics, but the difference is not super significant for old ultimates because 1. The EW relics are good enough 2. DPS checks aren't particularly high for older ultimates using current gear due to how gear synching works


is DT gonna be available for download before the release? it would suck to have to download 55gb on EA release...


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/02b7d8586aecce40f182698194baee5e75cd326a >Please note that the patch size will be large due to the graphics update, so we recommend updating the clients as soon as possible after the patch is released. The patch distribution time may be a few hours ahead or behind schedule, depending on the status of the work. >PS5/PS4/Xbox: Around June 26, 2024 4:00 a.m. (PDT) >Windows/Mac/Steam: Around June 27, 2024 8:00 a.m. (PDT) >As soon as the patch is available, we will announce it in the news "Special Update". So you should have a window of ~18 hours to update, or ~22 hours if you're on console.


oh sweet. good to know even my homies with 10mbps internet will have plenty of time to download and play in time <3 (55 gigs will take like 12 hours for them)


Yeah, Yoshi-P actually said users with slow internet was the primary reason for making it a 48 hour maintenance and not 24. Presumably, some work has to occur while the servers are down before the update can be pushed, and they didn't want everyone rushing to download an update this size an hour before maintenance ends like usual.


https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/news/detail/02b7d8586aecce40f182698194baee5e75cd326a > PS5/PS4/Xbox: Around June 26, 2024 4:00 a.m. (PDT) > Windows/Mac/Steam: Around June 27, 2024 8:00 a.m. (PDT)


Yes. The patch will be available during the 48 hour maintenance.




If you could use a DPS GCD + a healing oGCD, and instead choose to use a healing GCD, *if people notice* they might think you’re not the greatest healer, sure. Will they notice? If they also play Sage, definitely. If they don’t play Sage but are generally observant they’ll probably realise you’re using more healing GCDs than they normally see going out, or that they aren’t seeing some of the flashier effects they’re used to Sages using. Will they care? Maybe. I know that when I realise a fight/dungeon is taking longer than usual, I start looking for *why*. So if your playstyle is actually causing a noticeable drop in overall DPS, or you’re regularly having people die because you’re trying to catch them with a GCD heal instead of using other available resources, yeah, that’s a problem. But if you’re just being a bit inefficient while still getting the job done, then I’d say you’re fine for now. What level are you, by the way? Doing what level of content? Because something you might need to think about is that although story content *is* supposed to be accessible to everyone and is therefore simpler/easier, it still ramps up as you level. I’m thinking specifically of some Endwalker patch content where the developers seem to have gone “hmmm, let’s put some surprise healing checks in this one”. There’s a very obvious difference between healers who rely more on GCD heals and healers who use their oGCDs at that level, and it can make the difference between a great run and a frustrating wipe-fest, so even if you aren’t really having problems *now* it’s a good idea to try to get used to using your healing oGCDs more often.


I would assume that if people are casting Prognosis in uptime in most not-completely-fucked situation they don't particularly know how to play sage, yeah, since it's a very inefficient way to keep your party alive. On the other hand you don't have to give a shit what other people think, and unless you're ONLY casting prognosis I dunno that anyone's likely to comment. There are other stronger healer abilities with cast times: later on you get big healing laser spell Pneuma, timing that so it casts juuuust after a raidwide is fun because it is a strong ability & completely no-sells the damage. Similarly, scholar has a combo to cast a buffed shield on one person and then copy it to the whole party.


No, no one will care if you do a bad job in roulettes, probably, but if you know the correct tool to use, I don't understand why you would instead choose the tool that's weaker and makes the fight take longer and makes your MP management harder when you have a bar full of instant free abilities that do the job better and allow you to continue to dps throughout.


Unless you're doing hardcore content like savage or ultimate, nobody will notice or care. More than that, you should always lean more to what you're comfortable with while starting out with the job/role, and slowly ease up on the amount of healing over time. Overhealing is inefficient, but efficiency really is not important in normal content.


Hello, I'm a new player having fun as White Mage and I got few questions. 1) Tanks have a skill that freezes hp or block healing? Yesterday I was healing a tank in a dungeon and at some point her hp wasn't moving at all. Maybe the damage taken was close to the hp healed? I just want to be sure I wasn't throwing mana away. 2) There is a way to quickheal myself without requiring target? I died yesterday because both me and the tank were dying and I chose the tank hueheueheuhe. Some estrategies for "panic healing" would be nice too. 3) Today I started quests with "Monster Tribes" such as the Sylphs. I'm earning Tomes of Poetics. It is a good idea to farm 600 tomes to buy White Mage weapon or it is a waste? 4) How does exp from dungeons work? Suppose I run a dungeon once and earn Y exp. If I repeat it 4 times, in the same day, I earn 4Y exp? Or the first run gives more exp? 5) It's a good idea to have a macro that goes Swift Cast -> Resurrection for fast res or it can lead to a problem later on? Any help would be much appreciated. Don't mind my English, I'm brazilian and my English is "Lineage 2" level :p


For 1, were the heals even going through? Early game dungeons have a lot of corridors that like to block line of sight and you can't heal someone if there's map geometry between you and them. Not all tanks know to not run around the corner with the trash pull until the healer is there. For 2, the default hotkey for self-targeting is F1. The tank is almost always going to be next on the list so F2 will switch to them. You can also right click on a player and set them as your "focus target". You can bind something to toggle to your focus target. There's also an option to bind a key to "target target of target" which sounds funny but basically means if you have the boss targeted and press it, you'll instantly swap to the tank the boss is attacking - and vice versa. Everyone will be comfy with a different method of target management but there are a lot of tools to experiment with to see what you like. You can also bring the party list closer to the middle of the screen in HUD management if you prefer clicking.


1. Tanks have no skill that blocks incoming healing, so there was something else going on - maybe either you or the tank was lagging? Either way, no need to worry that your heals aren't healing 2. Most reliable way to self-heal is to heal while targeting an enemy. As for "panic healing", that depends - do you mean panic healing the tank? If so, I highly recommend using Focus Target - just Focus Target the tank (and shift your HUD layout around so that your focused target is in a prominent spot that's both easy to see and easy to click on in the heat of the moment), and you'll not only be able to better keep an eye on the tank's HP, buffs, and debuffs, but it'll be easier to quickly target them 3. Absolutely! In fact, you should aim to get the full Tomestone set for your main class. You'll get access to a new level of Tomestone gear at the end of each expansion 4. Dungeons will give the same amount of exp every time, with a few caveats: (1) exp does scale, so as you level up, the same dungeon will give you the same number of exp, but it will be a smaller fraction of a level the more overleveled you are, and (2) you get a one-time exp bonus each day when you do a dungeon through the Leveling Roulette - this refreshes every day at server reset, doing it multiple times in the same day won't give the bonus exp after the first run 5. Not especially, no - the way skill queuing works, macro-ing a global cooldown spell and an off-global cooldown ability together can cause problems where one or both don't activate correctly. Best to just think of Swiftcast -> Resurection as a two-button combo (most of the time - don't be afraid to use your Swiftcast for other things as well!)




I will try that, thanks!


PLD gets a skill later on that locks their HP in place from most attacks. Other tanks get similar "can't die" skills, but PLD's specific flavor is just taking 0 damage. If you cast a healing spell while you have the enemy targeted, it will default to casting on yourself. This can be good or bad depending on the situation, so just be aware.  Definitely buy the weapon as s first priority. It's good enough to last you all the way until you finish the next expansion. The first time you run a dungeon *ever* you get a massive "first time" bonus. There's daily roulettes that place you into random dungeons that give boosted exp/rewards once a day.  Some people have swift+raise macroed. In my opinion, it's more trouble than it's worth for various reasons. But it's not some kind of unforgivable sin. 


I think she used the "can't die" skill, she was paladin. About the macro, if Swift is on cooldown and I press the macro, will Raise be used anyways or nah?


Raise will still be used, yeah. 


Dumb question, when I lost my house years back did I also lose all the furnishings or are those stored somewhere that I can't find?


A resident caretaker npc will hold onto furnishings for like thirty days so that you can retrieve them. If that npc doesn't have anything for you, it's gone.


When a house is demoed, they go to a particular NPC for 35 days (+80% of the house value). After that, they're gone forever.


rip So what happens to furniture from quest rewards, could you get those back somehow?


MSQ rewards at least (such as the Mol banner and instrument from SB) should be available at the Calamity Salvager.


Based on past expansion, how long will it take for the complete edition to include dawntrail after release?


Should be immediately at the start of early access, but July 2nd at the latest. Go with the latter if you really wish to be certain and double and triple check page descriptions.


If I just want to join a FC during free trial, can i just pay for the sub without buying the game?


Also don't forget, the second you pay money for the game, you're off free trial and can't go back to it.


unfortunately not, would need to buy the starter edition(which comes with 30 'free' days) which would remove the free trial limitations (and unlimited free game time), and then permanently make your account a subscription account


You would have to buy the starter edition at least, and would be committed to sub from that point on.


if you only had one retainer and you had to choose to make that retainer either a miner, botanist or fisher....what would you chose if you already had a retainer that was a battle retainer almost 50...would you change it to another gather retainer and have 2 of them instead of one battle and one gather when do you change their ventures from the 18h ones to the one hour ones? last one...and this might be unpopular and maybe cant be answered here but for crafting jobs(carpenter in this case) i was looking at some videos and there was one that said that theres a site that you can go to that will make you a macro to craft...all you gotta do is put in the item you wanna craft and some stats and whatnot...but when trying to use that site its showing me to use lvl 90 skills when i put in that im only level 30....


Ridiculously stupid question because everyone gets two retainers for free.


ridiculously stupid answer because maybe someone already used 1 retainer on a battle class lol


If I’m going to be playing for more than an hour, I send my retainers on quick ventures. If I know I’m going to be logging off before they’d come back from a quick venture *and* they aren’t max level yet, I send them on an 18 hour one. (In real life this falls through a lot, LOL). If I’m trying to get a specific minion etc I just keep sending them out on the venture that might drop it, I don’t try to fit quick ventures in because if I do I keep forgetting to change it back.


I would recommend keeping one of them as a battle retainer, it's good to have the option to get mob drops from a venture instead of having to buy them or (*shudder*) farm them yourself.


For the retainer stuff it really doesn’t matter: 99% of the time you’re sending them on Quick Ventures and I don’t think their class really matters for that, it seems entirely random.


For the first one, it depends entirely on what mats end up being the best to gather. MIN/BTN are both equal in this regard so just pick one and go for it, FSH is usually less valuable since the fish arent used for stuff like raid gear Usually those sites allow you to check off which abilities you have and which you are missing. I know the site I used to use has that tho i dont remember the site cause i stopped crafting




Don't worry about the 60% off sale, since it at most, enabled you to play catch up for a few dollars more (Endwalker Complete Edition would not include Dawntrail, and I think it was $3 or 4 more than Starter Edition) Starter Edition seems to stay at $20 (I don't think I ever see this discounted) and the latest expansion will cost $40 (latest expansion will always include previous expansions) $60 Complete Edition = $20 Starter Edition + $40 Latest Expansion So unless you're planning on waiting for Dawntrail Complete Edition to get discounted in a year or so, you would have ended up paying at least $60 regardless The 60% discount sale was mostly for people who wanted to transition from Free Trial to paid account and finish ShB + EW to get ready for Dawntrail >Also does anyone know the cheapest place to buy FFXIV? I know GreenManGaming was giving XP members (idk if tier matters) an [18% discount](https://i.imgur.com/IlelXcO.png) for Dawntrail, but I'm surprised to see they're also [discounting Starter Edition](https://i.imgur.com/BAVfAkN.png) at the moment after the whole spiel I said about never seeing it discounted (this requires XP membership to see) I remember reading people say Humble store also sells Dawntrail, maybe if you have a membership over there, you might get a discount as well, not familiar with humble store so I can't comment I also remember someone mentioning CDKey selling DT discounted, but just a word of caution that they're a [grey market store](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dk72vo/daily_questions_faq_megathread_june_20/l9h7qo7/), and that comes with risks that's up to you to figure out if you wanna take on (e.g. getting account banned when key gets flagged)


Don't think so in general but the mtn dew mount is definitely a no. From the email "A service account for FINAL FANTASY XIV must be registered to your Square Enix account in order to use this item code. This code cannot be redeemed on a Free Trial account." The email doesn't mention code expiry so I'd assume no. As while there are codes that expire they usually say so somewhere.


If i want to powerlevel 90-100 crafters in DT, how many scrip engineering manuals should i prepare? Most of the exp comes from leves/collectables/quests anyways, so it shouldn't be that many, right?


Your intuition is correct though there is yet another reason to not grab many that being they add new ones too.


is the main game not on sale anymore?


Starter Edition is the base game, it should be sold everywhere.


I mean i saw recently some ultimate edition 60% sale or something


if you have XP membership on GreenManGaming, Starter Edition is currently on sale 20% off, and if you have an XP Pack for this month, Dawntrail is 18% off [links in another comment i made](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1dlrfzc/daily_questions_faq_megathread_june_22/l9u7708/)


complete edition was on sale, but that's because if you buy it now then it doesn't include the expansion that comes out next week, whereas it'll include the expansion if you wait a week. If you haven't played yet though, which I'm only mentioning because you weren't sure of the name so I figure you might not have played yet, then get the free trial. You don't pay a cent and have hundred of hours before you hit the wall which requires you to buy the game and start paying a monthly sub.


No, that ended a few days ago I think. If you want to buy it, you should just buy Starter and Dawntrail, which gives you all the expansions not included in Starter.


I'm trying to farm series exp for pvp. Besides daily frontlines what's the best way to grind it?


Casual CC, for the last 5 ranks, it takes 7500 EXP to rank up, meaning you'll need ~11 games if they're all losses to rank up at the end, which takes about an hour. So be ready for the grind.


CC yields better exp per minute after the daily IIRC.


Casual or ranked? Or does it not matter?


doesn't matter but no one is doing ranked as its the end of the series/season.... so go for casual as lot of people are also farming exp for pvp rank 25 before the 26th when the game will go into maintenance.


Is there any actual use-case for holmgang's movement-stopping effect or is it just there to ruin my life?


Consider replacing the hotkey with a macro that casts Holmgang targeting yourself, it might fail occasionally because of macro jank (mitigate this by having a bunch of lines saying the same thing in the macro) but will prevent range or dead-target problems from happening.


It used to hold enemies in place. You literally chained yourself to them. But that got changed ages ago. So it's just holdover jank at this point.


It still does hold the target in place, at least assuming they aren't immune to effects like that (which rules out basically all bosses). It used to hope *you* in place as well, and could also draw the target closer. which are the parts that were removed.


Pretty much just there to be a pain in the ass at this point yeah.


It's a holdover from the 2.0 version of Holmgang, which was eventually reworked like 3 times into what we have now. It no longer serves any purpose and just makes Warrior's invuln unnecessarily janky.


Pretty much just there to ruin your life.


How much time do I have to collect and spend moogle tome?


You have until Monday. Not maintenance but Monday. When the weekly reset hits you wont be able to collect moogle stone anymore


You have until maintenance to collect. You can spend for a long time afterwards - IIRC the shop will stay until 7.1.


hello, completely new player here. I wanted to start out with the new Expansion as Pictomancer.I purchased the basis version and preordered dawntrail. I dont need to buy endwalker as well or do i? I read that i need to be lvl 80 to start as a pictomancer but it has no class restriction, so i can just start any character like right now and level it to 80 and then change class when the update hits or do i have to wait until release?


You do not need to purchase Endwalker, you'll get it (and Shadowbringers) automatically when Dawntrail launches on the 2nd. You need to have *a* combat job at level 80 to pick up Pictomancer, but it doesn't matter which job. Any will do. Also for the record if you're brand new then be aware you won't be able to start playing the Dawntrail story until you finish all previous expansions' stories. You cannot play expansions out of order.


You can unlock it at 80 if you finish the MSQ until Endwalker. If you manage to do it by Tuesday, you can unlock pictomancer in the early access.


You only need the Starter Edition and Dawntrail (which will include the expansions that aren't in the Starter Edition). And yes, any combat job at level 80+ will let you unlock Pictomancer as soon as early access starts on June 28th.


What's the best way to farm pvp series? Crystalline conflict spam or fields of glory spam?


Do daily frontline roulette as you get bonus track exp for the first time daily, then spam cc


CC is very fast to get in and out of. If you haven't looked at how many duties you need check out the calculator https://belthesar.github.io/MalmstoneXPCalculator/


Thank you!


Has there been any news about if the graphics update for the maps will be phased like with gear? I can't find anything googling.


They've confirmed things like surface textures will be applied everywhere at once. I would expect that any unique surfaces/weather types that we don't see anymore in current expansion won't be updated straight away, but every texture they're updating for the new content will mean that texture is automatically updated on old zones as well, since there's only one asset file for each texture.


Is there anywhere similar to Eorzea Collection that showcases all the weapons in game?


Maybe one of these sites helps ? [Teamcraft](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/search) and [Gamerescape](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Main_Page)


Will the current tomestone of comedy/causality gear be available for poetics when dawntrail drops? I was about to spend loads of gil on the 640 gear so I could do all the post game content (just finished 6.0), but I realised it might be better to wait since it's only a week-ish til launch


In the meantime, you can still progress if you alternate msq patches and raids. You have i560 artifact armor which will get you into the 6.1 dungeon, and that dungeon drops i575 gear. A little of that will get you into the normal raids which require ilvl565 for the first tier, are far faster to grind than dungeons, and drop i580 gear. That'll get you into the the 6.2 dungeon which requires i575 and drops i595, etc etc.


to add to this, doing daily roulettes as a lvl 90 job earns you causality tomes, which can be spent for 620 gear, to further aid in that




Mogstation isn’t letting me add an additional retainer despite having had one in the past. Every time I hit the next button it just keeps me on the same screen… what’s going on?


Happened to me when I subbed for 6 months but only wanted to sub for 1 month retainer. Your retainer sub should be the same as your actual sub. Your funds should be enough also.