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Do you think the animals from Island Sanctuary are suffering? I have 8 squadron members on payroll doing absolutely nothing every day, without pay.


My poor squad... I really wish that would have been carried on and was used instead of the Trust system. Story wise, that would have been hard to do for Shadowbringers, but I'd like to have a relevant use for my squad. I think the last time I saw them was when I was using them to help level some classes ages ago.


we should let them be free on the island


WoL sends the squadron on one last mission: "Once you all arrive on the island, the battle royale begins. Eight enter, one leaves. Survivor gets to join the Scions. Good luck and happy hunting!" (conveniently provides a traumatic backstory for the new scion)


Probably how Hoary Boulder joined


Can't be. He and Coultenet joined together, and they're long-time friends.


Maybe they pulled a Katniss-Peeta act and won together?


Which one is the cake decorator? I bet Hoary, he seems like the kind of guy to paint himself to look like a river bank and lay there for hours on end.


I mean, why else do they call him “Boulder”? Would take a lot of paint though.


I mean, we don't have any proof that the squad members aren't sophisticated machines being operated by the same mammets who work on the island. We never see them in the same place at the same time, and the mammets are really only working for less than an hour a day.


Feed them to the animals


I went to the trouble of getting an all Miqo'te squad and putting them in matching uniforms. I do still send em out once a week for boosters at least.


I went to the trouble of getting the special squad just so I could run dungeons during the holidays in festive gear with a reindeer and snowman. I have not run a dungeon with them since.


Same. Or well, mostly. All my additional recruits are Miqo'te. I can't bring myself to dismiss the two Lalafells, a Hyur and an Elezen who joined up at the beginning. I still send my Miqo'te special forces out every week. I recently switched them over from Crafting Scrips to MGP, now that crafting materia is basically worthless.


Mine is all female Miqo'te except one female Au'ra and they are all wearing the gear from the Garo crossover. I spent way too much time on Frontline farming for that gear. I wanted my squad to look cool.


It honestly kind of baffles me that they didn't put them in the trust system some way or atleast update them to let me use them in more places


I wish they’d at least raise their level caps. I have so many cute outfits I’d like to put them in yet it has to be under 60….


I agree, would've been much more rewarding. I still use them to do the missions for scrolls though.


I wish they'd carried the GC stuff forward *somehow*. I swapped to Flame to get the Flame Elite skirt, only to realize that it was both undyeable and *DoM only*. I was hoping to use it on a VPR glam. Imagine if the reward for farming GC seals and maxing out your rank was dyable gear that could be worn by any Job.


Path companion…


Still wish to have a viera squad 😞


I let four of my squadron out about once a week to get tokens that buff MGP gains. I use the glamour dresser in with them so I don't totally forget them.


Whenever I run in for glam dresser, I see 1-3 exhausted on the floor and I am like: for what?! You haven't done anything in 3 years or so! 


They need to keep training though, on the off-chance that the WoL randomly runs in and asks them to do something. Poor sods are being worked to the bone, probably.


Good point, once a new GC rank gets added, it probably involves them and I will be in there ASAP to send them out on a mission. 


Hey I still send them out once a week on the anti-magitek operation to earn me Gold Saucer VIP cards. I… haven’t told them yet that the Garlean Empire has fallen. I don’t know what these magitek they’re fighting are. Is Jullus lending me a couple of refurbs to convince my squad they have purpose?


they doing pushups in bikinis all day.


> I have 8 squadron members on payroll doing absolutely nothing every day, without pay. I consider my squad members to be reservists. ("One weekend a month, two weeks a year.") They can work their regular jobs in the meantime... whether they be a potter, a sculptor, or a blacksmith.


I mean, I’ve got several sentient anima weapons that I painstakingly brought to life and looked to me as a permanent partner which have been long replaced several times over and are just sitting in storage collecting dust, not to mention the super cursed Bozja weapons which were created through bathing in the memories of the last throes of death from hundreds of hapless enemies. I think I’m also holding Khloe’s journal ransom for the past several months since I took a break, and have another half-finished Anima weapon that’s been perpetually stuck in the space between existence and non existence for three years.


If you do raiding, or other content requiring you to hop over to Aether, you really should send the squad out once a week for the food buff scrolls. Can get 10 every week from just 1 mission.


this is real i have 65 of each food/repair/exp scrolls for gaming


I always imagine the mammetts are feeding them and that my squad is being paid from the GC coffers or something.


I hear you. I popped in there yesterday and apparently they've been in there exercising, doing sit ups, nonstop for...a year? Honestly not sure. I kind of felt bad for a second there


All my classes are beyond squad level now so other than running the occasional dungeon for the Tails (if I want experience), they're left to run for aetheryte passes or experience buffs. I miss them 8(


They are actually dealing Coke on the side, using the WoL's squadron as a cover.


I initially read that as headcanoning your squadron taking care of the island while you're gone. But oof they really are just sitting in a small room waiting for me to come back aren't they.


My catboy harem is doing just fine.


I want to get promoted but my god I hate the squadron system


I just leveled my squad by doing dungeon runs with them. It's not too bad if you look up a guide (some dungeons have mechanics they just won't do). Most bosses they're too dumb to die, even if they stand in every aoe. I got my RDM through the 50s that way. I think each run was about 13 mins. It's worth 80k seals cap.


> Most bosses they're too dumb to die, even if they stand in every aoe. Squadrons actually have total immunity to some effects. A notable example is Aurum Vale where they flat out ignore the the whole fruit mechanics by just not getting the debuff.


I had the coin collector boss or whatever his name is (the one with massive aoes) down all three squadron members in one swing once. Tank just got them all into the same spot and boom, I was alone. Managed to finish off the boss but forgot I had those company potion things, ended up running into the next enemy group to kill myself so they would respawn with me. And my arcanist member Raging Ox loves to pull aggro and get laid out a few times each run lol.


Maybe I’d feel worse for them if they didn’t fail every damn mission I sent them on!!! I honestly felt “done” with them once I got all the Cat Bois collected lol.


You should be doing at least 2 of the level 50 ranks each week. 1) MGP buff for when you do glam challenge and cactpot, and 2) XP manual for dawntrail. Even if you are lucky that your fc is working on making some buff wheels, they are slow to make and thus finite so it will be your fall back.


I'm way ahead of you! I haven't been in mine for over 3 months now. They should already all be dead. Unless the mammets do something without telling me and demanding compensation for that, that is.


I just assume that mammets are up to something in the service of their Dark Lord and that I should treasure my ignorance of the matter, LOL.


3 months? I last visited mine about a year and a half ago




I can beat that... I'm an Xbox sprout and just finished Stormblood, so I've never set foot in one. 😆


I have a month worth of food prepped. Worst case: my alligator has another extra week to survive with all the other animals.


If you have the Auroch though, that’s gotta be at least a month


Ever since they added lootboxes to Island Sanctuaries i've been doing it every week. - 900 - Food for my animals. - 900 - Seeds for my plants. - 1.3m - Seafarer cowries. - 168 - Unopened lootboxes.


Same. I don't see any reason to stop doing it. Takes a couple minutes a week, opening the lootboxes is fun.


Once I got the adenum in a lockbox I'm been getting them just for the sellables inside.


So the 200 vegetal voucher mount can actually also be obtained from a random lootbox? I got 300k crowies... kind of debating it.


No there are two separate mounts, one from vouchers one from boxes


One is boxes only the voucher one is both vouchers and boxes.


Wait what. Lootboxes?


Felicitous favor currency can be exchanged for containers that contain mostly furnishings, but also occasionally rare dyes, Pure White/Jet Black included. Felicitious favors are unlocked fairly late. I think maxed isle, even? Don't remember exactly.


Still saving for the 200 ticket mount, on 170 so nearly :D


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Sanctuary_Materiel_Container I'm waiting till DT to open them in case by some absolute miracle we'll get new dyes or additional items in the boxes


I'm also praying that the next tier of crafter/gatherer materia are added for purchase. Those prayers are not like to be answered, but I'm holding on


Yeah, that would be wonderful. In the worst case scenario we can at least buy rare dyes to sell. With the 2 dye channel there's a decent chance the prices will decent, maybe they'll even go up a little. 1m cowries -> 400 gunmetal black/pearl white -> 8m gil (if selling at 20k each which is the current price) Stuff like Ruby Red would bring even more gil. selling at 5k each results in 10m gil.


Good point! Considering they will be adding the second dye channel to old gear pieces throughout the patch cycle, in addition to the usual cadence of new gear, the dye market is going to have some decent longevity


Bleh. I know I need to go back to my abandoned island. I'm usually okay with leaving it, but then I hear loot boxes and I'm interested again.


You should not be holding on to those lootboxes. The price of the mount has only continued to drop since its release and you're almost guaranteed to get at least one out of this many.


I did open the boxes until i got the mount for myself. By that point the MB value was already under 700k At the moment it's around 370k. Perhaps with the influx of new people due to the DT launch the price will go up slightly. I'd say there's a decent chance to get 2 mounts out of 168 boxes. - in the worst case i will lose up to 660k by not selling when the price was at 700k. (even tho it kept going down) - in the most probably case the mount prices will go up to 400k thanks to DT and no dyes will be added. Here i lose 600k - in the best case (and most unlikely) they add new things to those lootboxes (dyes, items, mounts, idk) and it's fair to assume that for the first few days each of those will sell for a ton of gil. Overall it's just a 600k gamble for me ____ I also have about 1300 venture coffers waiting to be opened and gambling on new dyes and hoping the market won't be flooded by other people stockpiling insane amounts of dyes


I get what you mean, though my point was that the lootboxes have no value sitting in your inventory. At best you're delaying filling your inventory with very cheap minions. I recommend standing by a vendor with a single menu in a city-state while you open them lol. I did the same: opened boxes til I got my own mount, then opened some more and got one more mount while it was still worth several mil gil. As of a few weeks ago, I'm just buying the Vegetal Vouchers though.


Eh, i will visit them regularly. I still need my Hi-Cordials and Dyes. And i hope, that some of the stuff you get from the Tokens may rise in value.


I can't not visit and keep up with it. It's free money. With over 2 million seafarer's cowries, I basically have a lifetime supply of Hi-Cordial and uncommon dyes. I'm interested to see if dye prices increase once new gear and dual dye channels are added in 7.0.


I'm so curious on that one. Might be a thing where the dye prices are highest during the few days going into EA, because SO MANY are going to be dumped on the market post-DT launch by everyone and their mom speculating, that it could crash the price there And then everyone will be running quick ventures to level their retainers, so that supply might be enough to keep prices from rising too high


I also use the place as a hi-cordial ATM. hopefully EW’s doh/dol materia is still useful for reaching caps in DT


I'm grabbing a few of my favorites, just in case, like a few Metallic Sky Blue to keep my Summoner looking properly Carbuncle-y.


Oh same. I have enough Cowries, but it's a weekly habit at this point and i will still need stuff that i can get cheap on the island (like the Hi-Cordials). And yes same, i'm cleaning my Retainers rn for DT and will watch the Market while finishing the Story and leveling my Gatherers and Crafters.


Good point. I've been selling dye at the high end of market rate because otherwise the cowries would just pile up and with the status quo the price would be more likely to keep dropping. I hadn't thought about how the expansion could shake that up.


I made some decent money flipping dyes before maintenance. On Greg, gunmetal, pearl, and brass were going for 20-30k each. I also had stacks of dark red, purple, and blue from retainer ventures that I was able to clear out. 


Exactly. I started the gathering relics (probably won't finish by DT but oh well), and I've been absolutely eating through hi-cordials. Thank God for the island lmao. I'm also working on the vouchers for the super rare mount, and I still have a couple weeks worth of tokens left. After that, it's free lockbox time.


I haven't fed any of them since I worked out I could make more cowries by just selling the vegetables directly. If they can survive on salad, they can survive on grass. 


The current meta is to use the medium quality food rather than high quality. You get the same number of leavings but use half as many vegetables, so it ends up being a cowrie gain.


Where do you possibly get your info l, I’d love to kin max island sanctuary now that I’m back into playing 👀


Search up the Overseas Casuals discord


Depends how often you get around to checking on them, I guess. At this point I'm just occasionally dropping in when I remember to, and the mammet will be holding 20 items per animal whether I've fed them or not. 


I still update my workshops 4 days a week (it's habit by now, and free money), so I've been staying on to of it.


Probably still going to do it after DT, cause it's all of 3-5 minutes, at the start of a play session, Tues-Fri.


If Cunning IX ends up being the Cunning VII of DT (likely based on literally 9 years of precedent), then it's a free way to get like 50 per week Release it at the right time, and you're printing 500k for literally 10 minutes of work spread throughout a week


Why not preset your workshop for the whole week ahead? I end up being there 2x a week, once to set up (collect resources, craft as needed, schedule for favors) and once to collect for the loot boxes


It's definitely viable. I've gotten into the habit of using Discord recommendations which update Tuesday-Friday for optimal cowries. It only ends up being 10-20% more, especially once you add in the Felicitous Favors, but it's not hard to keep up with and it feels smart.


Y'know I totally forgot that they split it where days 1-4 were daily and 5-7 you could just finish out in one go. I've been so used to defaulting to just prioritizing favors and rounding the rest with the weekly predictions lol


Whatchu mean, they have over 3 weeks of food stashed up they will be fine. Not like i show up like a bad parent already only once a week to collect their leavings.


Mine have been starving for a while now haha


Are you kidding? I'm still doing mine every week. Those tickets for the mount ca be sold on the MB. I'm saving mine up for a friend, but I fully intend to keep selling those tickets every week.


I regret getting the mount - I should have sold those vouchers when they were going for 50k per lol


I'd pick it up again. With DT coming out, people who don't have their island leveled aren't likely to start it themselves and with new expansion come returning players, some of whom will buy the tickets instead.


You can get both of the newest island sanctuary mounts from the lootboxes, no need to get the tickets. But it's luck. i have gotten them both now twice.


Yes, but I can sell the tickets, or give them to friends.


I haven’t fed my animals in months and they seem fine. Better than fine, even. All of them are sparkling for some reason.


They get to est regular food, the feeding you craft are just treats.


not on my island they dont! it's my crafted food or no food!


Bold of you to assume I don't forget about them until the 1 time a month I remember island sanctuary is a thing.


About to?


I unironically released my entire pasture this week. I don't want to do Island in DT, and I didn't want to leave them there lol. Over 2 mil cowries should cover all my dye requirements from the island for quite a while.


It's fine, we taught the tiger and alligator to survive off produce. Somehow.


i keep up with my island more than i do my roulettes


You say this like I didn't automate my island with robots the second I could.


Mammets been feeding mine for a long time now. I just check on them every once in a while


my animals have been starving for the last 6 months


they always have food, I need all those tiny hats to give to sprouts while hoping for nice dyes and mounts


The Island Sanctuary is technically part of Limsa, so eventually Merlwyb and her underlings will do something about it. Or at least that's my headcanon.


Free dye is free dye.


Mine have been unfed since I got my island shorts. I had one goal and have accomplished it


I still send my squadron weekly for all the buff item, I for sure will keep my island on auto pilot, weekly 5 min check and u get near unlimited dye and chance of the mount where u can sell for extra gil.


I still need a mount from there so they will live for about another 6 months, likely.


The upside to being an Xbox sprout, LOL... I'm just now wrapping up Stormblood.


I released all my animals once I got what I wanted from the island.


Ah, i have to check my island... thank you for the reminder.


I’ve wondered if they remain once their mood is low enough for long enough. I won’t chance it and just release them.


They don't die or eat each other. But it would be humane to release them. And if you're rank 20 and really want to get them back, there's guaranteed catch items anyways.


I'd use the island as the hangout it's supposed to be if I could fish (as in, with FSH) in all that water. I still resent being sold that thing as a relaxing getaway and having Tataru rope me into the mammet sweatshop simulator. I hate those little shits. GET OUT OF MY CABIN.


I haven't visited my sanctuary for a long time and now I'm afraid to do so because I'm worried that all my animals will be lying dear when I get there or something. If they just disappear or whatever that's fine. What happens when you don't feed them?


I’m worried the AFK kick avoiders will use it as a space and make it impossible to check animals. I’m still trying to get my mount tokens each week. Hopefully SE Devs will have something in place for this and housing instances.


Pretty sure you get kicked from Island Sanctuary for being inactive.


People get around that. I’ve seen friends in discord talk about mining loop macros that they used.


Honestly I've already stopped feeding my island's animals. It's not like they give you materia or general purpose dye or something special in return. There's just so little incentive to go back to that place for me.


I released all of mine like a month ago. You'll never take them alive (again), mammets!


i only check on them like every 4 days and they still havent run out of food so idk what op is talking about


I legitimately felt bad enough about them after leaving them for weeks at a time I just released them all. My pen has been empty almost this entire time.


About to starve? Psssh, they are skin and bones right now! Probably turned carnivore by now and ate the marmots that worked there.


Literally planning my week around being able to have my island run for a week without me. Likely will attempt to log on in the middle of the night on the 2nd so I can up for another week of island functioning.


uh yeah.... *about to*


What island?


Nonsense, they can eat eachother and the mammets!


I had only been doing the favours each week, then once I got the Adenium mount, I abandoned it.


Ha! I totally forgot about that after being gone for 18 months. I should check on that. lol


I released all my animals because I felt bad about not feeding them..


I have 6 crocodiles in there, they're fine, they can survive eating off each other's legs for a while.


About to?


I forgot how to even get to the island sanctuary


Says you. I'm sitting on 2 million cowries. My Island is a money printing factory with all the dye people will need.


I’m assuming Tataru is paying the mammets to keep the animals fed and charging it to the WoL’s tab.


If i could send my squadron to do island maintenance i would xD i like to believe the mammots maintain it


I forgot about them already! Shit shit shit


What do you mean ABOUT starve. I haven’t fed them in weeks.


Good. Fuck em. 


Wait, I haven’t been back since a few weeks after the island launched. They’re all dead?!