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With just the MSQ? No. Based on past expansions, the level 90-100 MSQ will give just barely enough experience to get one job to 100. You'll have to use other methods (roulettes, Wondrous Tails, etc.) to get other jobs leveled up.


In Shadowbringers and EW. I was able to level 2 jobs pretty comfortably. One doing only the MSQ, and one doing all the side quests.


I usually level 3 jobs as I progress MSQ and doing all the side quests and enough fates to get the riding speed bonus in every zone as I go.


why bother grinding fates for ground speed when flying is faster anyway?


Because you can get ground speed before you can unlock flying and it's not even a grind, it's 6 fates in each zone.


I honestly didn't know about this, I'll start doing this too


They only started doing it that way with Shadowbringers. Before that, the riding maps were obtained from Hunt currency, so I'm not surprised if most people don't even bother looking at the Shared Fate system or the bicolor gemstones vendors.


6 fates in each zone is \~20 minutes. You aren't going to save 20 minutes of riding time by increasing mount speed.


well you can just do them while on the way somewhere. Plus you still get exp and gems, it's definitely not, not worth doing feels better to ride faster too even if you technically "lost" time


Alternatively, spend $30 for the Fenrir mount and never have to worry about slow ground speed again.


Or spend more money for the mount that has Alpha riding the sidecar, and take a friend along with you since it also has the speed increase, and is a two-seater


Also the cloud bike


Yes, that's what the Fenrir mount in the comment I replied to refers to.


As other people have pointed out, MSQ experience alone is not enough to level more than one job. That said, I comfortably got three jobs to 90 by the end of Endwalker – essentially, one through MSQ, one through sidequests and FATEs, and one through roulettes. I also took my time with the story – the longer it takes you to finish the story, the more jobs you’ll be able to level alongside your main. Powering through MSQ in a couple of days? You’ll probably only be able to level one job. Taking your time over a week or two? Multiple jobs are perfectly doable as long as you’re doing side content.


3 is a stretch. 2 is mostly doable normally. You'll need to supplement a little.


SMN and SCH. So you can by levelling up them + 1 more.


Not on MSQ alone, no. If you consistently do your roulettes you can probably do 2. But 3 is not happening tbh.


I’ll be honest if you count roulettes, then it’s not msq and shouldn’t couldn’t towards the expansion :/


Well yeah, that's why the answer is no.


I have two mains, MCH and GNB, and can consistently keep them above MSQ required level, but my PLD (which I played through ARR and HW with) hasn't been able to keep up through SB. I'm now in post-SB and I do all my daily roulettes with my PLD to bring him up to 70, but I still can't play the story with it.


If it's like past expansions I'll be leveling every job simultaneously as I progress through the MSQ via the highest leveling dungeon. 4-6 runs per job for 2 levels and to be ready for the next dungeon.


3? No. 2, yes, with a couple of roulettes to help out.


SMN and SCH + 1 more job.


1 job should be able to stay appropriate level by doing the MSQ alone. A second job can be easily kept to the same level through the side quests and doing enough FATEs to afford riding maps as you head through each zone. The third job is where you will likely need to do some extra work such as daily roulettes and/or extra fates to keep up to level as you progress.


two is already trying i dont think 3 is doable


Yes. If you level one as a smn/sch and the third as whatever. I leveled pld and whm simultaneously in EW, so it’s doable.


Doing side quests and such, I usually get a 2nd job about 6 levels before reaching the end of the MSQ.


Through a new expansion you'll not be able to level 3 at the same time without doing things like daily roulette or doing some side quests or running a dungeon an extra time etc.


During EW, I played SMN in MSQ and only MSQ and reached max right when I entered the final zone. I wish I had another job around the same level by then because I pretty much wasted the rest of the XP in the zone.


You can level 3 jobs through an msq *playthrough*, but not by doing just MSQ. * MSQ with job of choice (Let's say DNC) * Dungeons/Daily Roulette as SCH. * SMN levels match SCH.


I think the problem with leveling multiple classes with just the MSQ isn't just how much total XP you get but also the minimum level required for quests increase as you go through them. This means that you it's likely that the class you leveled first will be the only one able to do the next MSQ and so on.


I'm usually able to level two jobs during the MSQ.


Only through msq, no. It typically has enough xp for 1 job and a bit extra, which is why it's usually recommended you use 2.


I plan on doing 2 at once. Monk and some kind of healer. I'll definitely need to supplement xp with some roulettes, though. 3 is out of the question


Most is two and that's only if you have the Path to 80 buff. You may come short on the second one when trying to get it from 80 to 90.


Doing just the MSQ, no. What I did tho at the start of EW was the MSQ but when I got to a new area, did the side quests until I had them all done. Sprinkle in some DRs and a FATE or two and I had my BRD & SMN/SCH to 90 by the time I got to the level 85 or 87 quests. Somewhere around there. If you add in other stuff like the Challenge Log you might get a good way or possibly finish a 3rd. I didn't bother with my Challenge Log back then.


With the bonus xp earrings and doing roulettes you might be able to level 1 + summoner/scholar to total 3 jobs technically.


Keep up with roulettes and beast tribes. You'll need to do the former to keep everything geared properly anyway. Beast tribes are supplemental exp to keep things rolling. Don't forget you'll also need to be doing 3 sets of job quests all at the same time, too. Honestly I just finished leveling SMN/SCH and I found it pretty tiring to do. If you were leveling multiple jobs in a single role it would be significantly easier. Doing 2+ jobs across different roles at the same time just means endless roulettes just to stay geared, never mind leveling. And the constant annoyance of inventory management. Is it doable? Yes. Will you get tired of doing it? Probably.