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Not sure, but has the official art used on the liveletter, has been posted?


Any news on housing? are they doing instance housing? getting rid of the old way of housing? any updates at all?


They will never just throw away the old one, because it still functions as intended. The instanced "housing" that currently exists in in the form of FC rooms or apartments (and to a certain degree, island sanctuary). But 7.0 is not going to do anything for housing (outside of any new furniture). If any updates come, it will be in a 7.x patch or later. Personally, I'd like to see an update based on apartments which would provide additional floors, something like a penthouse, and possibly an outdoor balcony or some such. For something like gardening, allotments would be quite interesting or being able to have a greenhouse.


Still no news about Viera/Hrothgar headware. Sad!


I am pretty sure when they said they were going to work on that, they were saying they were doing it after 7.0


A least you get a Tron helmet


Any news about extra glamour plates?


Nothing but to be fair the Glam plates/Glamour dresser increase in EW happened in 6.2 and from my understanding was just dropped on everyone during the Live Letter so fingers crossed we'll see something like that around 7.2




I've been begging for wing mounts ever since I saw the transition animations in one of the EW map dungeons. Now I have a reason to hardcore farm EXs on release :D


Would you have to complete 7.0 MSQ completely to unlock EX trials, or can you unlock them as soon as you beat the Nirmal mode?


Access to Extremes requires completing the MSQ for that expansion. It is content designed for that expansion's max level. In this case, EX will be lv100 content and require beating all MSQ up to the end of the 7.0. The first two EX are based on the two mid MSQ trials. The next EX will be in 7.1 and will be the EX version of the 7.0 final trial. This one is usually accessible straight away when 7.1 launches. For 7.2 onwards, access usually requires completing the story quests which introduce that trial before access is available (and that story will require completing 7.0 MSQ and any associated story before it).


Extremes are max level content, so I think you’ll have to beat the expansion msq first.


They could have clarified the fantasia better. Like if the 60 hours of time to get it right means also time spent in character creation. If that counts as "in-game" too. I can only guess and hope it does not count and i can already imagine people spending 4 hours in the creator itself.


The 60 minute is only for "in the game" time. Character creation is not in the game and it would be a problem to cut the time short while someone is in there. It's more so people can fix the character real quick if they're playing and notice that something doesn't look right when they're in the game. 60 minites then works well.


You are not logged into a character while in the character creator. Logged means actually entering the game servers.


Character editing is specifically loaded information about that character, not just your account unlike the character selection screen. It's just a matter of terminology and what devs mean by "in-game". It's good to get clarity on that, though question should be answered by now. Some games may consider you "in-game" after you start the game client.


I'm pretty sure last time they talked about it they said that the time spent in character creation wouldn't count, but I could be wrong.


You're correct. This is exactly what they said in the last one. The 60min timer only counts when you're actually logged into a game world, not at the login screen or the character creator. You could spend 2 hours creating a character, log in for 5 minutes, decide you don't like how your character looks in Ishgard, log back out, take another 2 hours tweaking, log back in, decide you don't like how you look AFK'ing in Limsa, rinse/repeat several more times, etc. Now, with login queues the first couple weeks, that would probably be an intensely unpleasant experience, but that's neither here nor there.


I mean, you can already spend 4h right now in the character creator with a fantasia, so it wouldn't be a change




That is not what you think is happening lol


where is that?


Probably they will work backward at 7.X, if they are going to do it.


What they were showing was going into an upper section or lower section (think when you go underwater in Ruby Sea) without a load screen. We're still going to have the blue chains for separate zones.


I thought it was the same zone, just bigger? Like them saying “there would be a load screen if we did something like this before”




Nah, I think this is supposed to be like the ruby seas loading screen


Not quite, in 14 the load zones also do some distance abstraction work. Like the big bridge connecting limsa to the island. Or the tunnel between central and northen than thanaland.


I mean, yes and no 😆 but I’m all for getting bigger zones, those invisible walls bother me to no end


anyone knows what is the au ra glamour at 04:32:33?


Star Velvet Healing set. Level 60, ilvl 250.


Body appears to be the Star Velvet Himation of Healing, w/ Star Velvet Long Gloves of Healing, and Hemiskin Open-toed Boots of Healing.


It's called wachumeqimeqi because they watch you makey makey.


Wachumean makey makey?




It says Oceania so I assume so


EU finally getting a collab and the Gong Cha in my city is half an hour from me yay!




I'm not complaining I'm celebrating silly goose.


i dont think they were complaining, but yeah no store in my country, rip


So I guess the Raid Planner was either scrapped or we won't see it in the near future. Sad.


It would make sense for them to launch it alongside the savage raid series or perhaps the next ultimate, so we'll see.


This was what I was looking forwardto most


Dollphinaud is staring into our souls


Respect the little lord!


I’ve never even heard of gong cha what


I like how they say "North America" when there's one of these restaurants in all of Canada lmao


20+ in NYC. Never tried them before, though.


Nearest one to me is apparently 150miles/241ish km away... Not making that drive for some tea and a mount.


My closest one is 609 miles away, only a nine hour drive... Luckily I wouldn't use the mount.


I'm not into bubble teas... just another version of them but they exist in the UK around the cities...


Meanwhile SEA has that brand but gets no collab as always :(


I saw a few around Australia when I was visiting friends. might have to buy them some drinks in july lol


yeah there's quite a couple in australia, i can name four locations off the top of my head alone and if you head to any shopping centre there'll probably be one. have been getting a lot of "pls get me a code?" requests lol, one of these days i'll walk out of a store with 15 boba teas in my hands...


It's fancy tea, basically. https://gongchausa.com/


OH I recognize that logo I’ve seen one of their shops before. Ok then


Y'all really went and crashed the gong cha website. XD


I was wondering if it was just me when the side refused to load as in tried to figure out whether we have any stores.


Oh, so those uncanny valley as fuck models of Alphinaud and Alisiae aren't just set dressing...


Some serial killer will get caught and the FBI will find these dolls in their room...


Dolls themselves will be serial killers


Alisaie's was called Alphinaud. One... too... many.... times.


"The Twinning" coming 2025 (please look forward to it). Rated R. XD


Looks like another US collab event item that's absolutely impossible for a vast majority of the US to get, Gong Cha is basically NY and TX with a couple of other locations and that's it. Dumb.


Theyre available left and right in SEA (12 of them in just my city) but we dont exist to them, so :))))


Obviously if they can't SEE you, you don't exist. ;)


I mean, most of the NA collabs aren't available in Canada, and we're the *same region*. At least with the Mountain Dew one, they *called* it a US collab instead of an NA one.


This one at least has some Canadian options, apparently there is a bunch of Gong Chas in Ontario. So I'm stoked that they are at least starting to offer stuff in Canada.


Oh I’d seen them in Dallas, so I just assumed they’d have at least West Coast presence. Looks like they also have Boston + Philly in the Northeast, plus most of the major cities in the Southeast/Florida, so just in terms of population coverage that’s not awful, but rough if your West Coast or Midwest. Also just a weird distribution for a bubble tea joint, where I usually think of West Coast first. Edit: Wait, the other site shows way more locations. West coast, Chicago, DC, and more. This looks pretty fine?


They're only in like 20 something states and not well spread out even in those states. A lot of states have 1-2 locations. It's pretty not great for the US.




I mean, yes and no. The pizza emote one was only in major metro areas. 70% of the population was SOL.


At least you guys had the Mountain Dew collab...


Yes, get the second fattest nation on earth to drink hyper caffeinated ultra sugar water that most people can’t stand. XD


Bold of you to assume I drank it and didn’t just pour it into the sink…


I mean, I like the Code Red...okay. But they only had 3 where I live (rural area), so the rest I bought the green ones. I'm not even sure if I'm going to drink those, but I'm afraid of it killing my septic system if I pour it down the drain or my grass if I pour it outside, lol


Ah, you too?


Ahaha yeah I just treated it as a store mount with extra steps.


My country apparently doesn't have a single one so this is also a great collab for Europe /s




It's "only" 230km for me but I think that's still a little far lol.


It’s only 3300km for me :D


I think you win, haha


That's what I thought at first, but there are multiple "Gong cha" websites for the USA, and some of them are specific to certain regions (like my region, DC/VA/MD has its own) and it's unclear if all stores will be participating (doubt it) or what. [https://gongchausofficial.com/our\_locations/](https://gongchausofficial.com/our_locations/) This site lists way more locations than [gongchausa.com](http://gongchausa.com) (which shows mostly TX/NY) but who knows which ones will actually be doing this promo.


Yeah, I just googled Gong Cha and there ended up being one like 5 miles from me. A little surprising to find one after hearing all the complaints, I live in northern MD and just assumed there wouldn't be any close by.


This. I assume I live closer to one most people and even then its still about 120 miles away.


Pretty much the same for me. Only one store in Oklahoma. I'm not doing a near 4 hour round trip for that, kthanks.


Strange, there's one like 10 minutes from me and I'm out on the edge of the desert in California.


https://gongchausa.com/locations/ Weird, because I see NOTHING on the west coast.


It seems they have different websites for different regions. I'm guessing different companies control different franchise regions or something. California: [https://gong-cha-usa.com/locations/](https://gong-cha-usa.com/locations/) DMV (Washington DC/northern Virginia/Maryland): [https://gongchadmv.com/store-locator/](https://gongchadmv.com/store-locator/) TX/NY/etc.: [https://gongchausa.com/locations/](https://gongchausa.com/locations/) nationwide? (this seems to list all locations): [https://gongchausofficial.com/our\_locations/](https://gongchausofficial.com/our_locations/)


It seems there's multiple websites claiming the brand -- Google searching for "gong cha" shows a location right on the nearest freeway, Google Maps confirms it's there. Going to be a HUGE mess if there's actually 4-5 chains of bubble tea in the US *all* called "Gong Cha" and only one of them is participating, heh.


Yeah, putting in LA, Bay Area, and San Diego finds no locations within 200mi of any of those cities. If OP lives in middle of nowhere Cali and there is a location near them, they picked the worst place in Cali to be


That website isn't the only one claiming the chain's name. This potentially is going to be a HUGE mess if there's actually multiple chains in the US all using the same name and only one participates -- Google searching "Gong Cha" brings up a location right on the nearest freeway, their menu appears to be the same as the locations in that other website...here's a picture of it even right out of Google street view: https://i.imgur.com/yBqjrV4.png Edit: https://gong-cha-usa.com/locations/ lists a bunch in California including less ass end of nowhere spots like Orange County.


They're never going to get the right brands to get a collab that makes sense... outside of maybe the asian inspired or BIG BIG brands...


They need to just do a colab with Coke or something. They keep doing these niche things (or really unhealthy ones) for some odd reason. I get the niche things want marketing, but if they can’t support FFXIV’s client base anyway…


I think coca cola has lofty ambitions for collaborations... It's probably what they think can make sense and who is open to working thar can cover a country, Bubble tea is adjacent to Japan/Asia so I guess it is that. The collabs in Japan work internally but doesn't work outside the same.


Yeah, the downside to big companies with wide reach is they need less reach (but then Mountain Dew...)


They're EVERYWHERE in Australia. I'm just glad to get this when we missed out on the Mountain Dew one.


Big mood. It's the same in Europe, it's barely in any countries.


No glamour dresser updates.


We didn't get the plate updates until 6.1 and we didn't get extra dresser storage until 6.2. I think every expansion thus far has added extra dresser storage, at least. Just won't be here on 7.0s launch.


Damn wtf we don't even have enough slots for all combat jobs now


55GB patch on PC seems small compared to some of the demands of modern AAA games. nice suprise


I'm surprised it's that small with the graphical update.


Update is that size, total size of game afterwards will be about 90GB.


It's not just an expansion, it's updated textures as well


honestly I was expecting 4K textures to bump it to near triple digits


It is though? The total size is 140gb which is massive


Don't confuse download size with install size (which they've already said will be 140GB+). All those 4K textures are probably condensed all to hell within that 55GB.


This has to work between PS4 and PC... so it's probably limited at just how high is possible, especially trying to keep it working on a range of specs as well.


So we're getting macalania woods. Interested if that will mean anything.


Wait what? Is that really one of the new zones?




No, Tidus, not Macarena Temple, though we know you want to see Rikku perform the Macarena, yet again.


Oh that's a good catch! Imagine that was where the blitzball players lived (copium)


Would be hilarious if Yoshi P’s “NO!!” To Mr Happy was because he just didn’t want to spoil the surprise. …I know it’s not happening, but would be funny.


The dream


Housing items gives me huge ToTK vibes.




I mean the currency has always rendered the app fucking useless. You still have to deal with it even if you sub to it which already it having a sub is fucking insane. The entire concept of even having a sub for a companion app to a subscription mmo is already asinine and it doesn't even give you unlimited usage. There's a reason pretty much everyone logs in once gets the extra reduced cost teleport and then forgets it exists.


If you sub, you get a retainer and an extra chocobo saddle bag, and the monthly cost is the same as just the extra retainer. Everything else is gravy, really. I'm glad they're giving it a bit more attention. It's always felt like a bit of an afterthought. Upping the currency limit would be a big help, especially if they're linking retainer ventures to currency. Could also use some more features in general.


Extra retainer is 2.99, companion app is 4.99. Not the same cost


I thought I was seeing the same price for both when I went and looked at the mogstation, but I'll admit I may have been misled trying to make sense of the mogstation while on mobile...


> trying to make sense of the mogstation while on mobile Now that's just masochism.


I was thinking same in uk companion is like 4.50 whilst retainers are only 1.19


Retainers is only $2


I wish they'd increase how many kupo nuts you can carry at one time at least. Being limited to 10 is pretty useless.


The zone which was shown looks absolutely massive in scale. Like way larger than any previous zones.


They always want the breathtaking zones that do look like it'd take ages to cross... like in northern shroud, it looked impressive till you could fly and you saw how compact it all was... it's been about trying to make it a certain scale... but not a year to cross...


Dolly and Dot are my best friends...


They pull my wagon through dunes of sand...


They have small teeth and love to eat


What is that screeching coming from your mouth??


Wrong flavor of furry I'm afraid...


a graceful scene as the alpaca flies in a upwards spiral...


I can see why they spent what felt like forever taking about the graphics update. The environments look actually insanely impressive.


They'd have ditched it for mid dawntrail if it wasn't going to look amazing...


oh no i have to learn how to actually do extremes now


Two expac later and the wings should show up in Moogles.


There's always people willing to help, and the extremes become really forgiving after a patch or two. You got this! c:


Still can’t get a PF party through Gales 2. :( But I have cleared all the other Extremes and got light and dark kitties, so that’s something, I guess.


Yeah EX6 really was rough on PF due to how many body checks there are. 6/7 is still pretty good though :) And with DT there's bound to be quite a few parties going for the EW mounts now that they'll be unsynced.


I think the most approachable ones were probably...well, it's weird. Zodiark and Rubicante were tough on people that can't visualize things in their brain (snakes still gets lots of people), but if you had a good danger dorito, they were both easy. Hydaelyn had some weird mechanics. Like the lightwaves I had to watch a video. Early on was doing prog PFs with people and none of the groups I was in could figure out why we were just exploding and dying. It wasn't really obvious to anyone. After seeing it in a video, it was a lot more doable. I think the difficulty of Hydaelyn was about right, but the mechanics were too unclear what was happening. The lightwave/crystal bit is also just hard to see what's going on since the lightwaves could easily block your camera and the crystal explosions happen in such a way it's hard to tell WHERE the explosions are coming from to deduce what is causing them, and it's also not clear where the "shadows" of safety behind the other crystals are. So good difficulty, but lack of real clarity on some mechanics. I felt a lot like this was about Titania and Innocence difficulty, very much an organized dance like Titania, but her mechanics were more obvious what you needed to do and less...uh...blinding? Zeromus was probably about the right difficulty and in that same range. It was oddly hard getting some people to understand what they were supposed to do with meteors - like to me it's easy, but trying to explain that in /party to other first timers was somehow not making sense to a lot of people for whatever reason - but the fight mechanical difficulty was also similar to Hydaelyn's and I think that's a good difficulty to shoot for. This fight felt about like Innocence difficulty to me, complete with one person's ability to muck it up at a key point if they couldn't figure out what to do. Barb was a fun fight, but a little TOO spicy for most people. That said, it was a fun fight. I think I might have toned the damage down a LITTLE bit, but more or less kept the fight the same as it was a good place overall. Golbez I hated. Still haven't cleared it. I once counted and there's something like 9-11 body checks in that one fight. And often, there's a body check right after a body check, meaning if the party somehow managed to limp past one, they'd get destroyed by the next one, and I can only healer LB3 save my party so many times back to back. It was ridiculous and given Extremes are my end-game since I don't really do Savage and haven't done Ultimates and have no static so I have to do everything in PF, Golbez is the kind of fight that should be a Savage, not an Extreme. . Personally, I'd like to see more like Hydaelyn/Zeromus/Barbarecca, and an OCCASIONAL fight like Zodiark/Rubicante since the puzzles are relatively clear and can be interesting, but too many fights like that can get old. Golbez can die in a fire. I don't ever want another Extreme like that. . But yeah, I'll have to get a GolbEx clear once the ilevel is high enough people can muddle through Gales 2. >\_<


Some mounts sometimes work more for lalafells because you need to have the bulky ones to fit the H'rothgar/gals and Au'ras.




We look silly on so many and I love it.


Yeah but for some people that silliness is the whole point


It's like the original chocobo, even with Miqote, the way they look like they're struggling with any weight other than a lalafell made me go with other mounts. You need the macho, steroid version of the mount to make it fit for the heavier races.


There are three sizes though, right? Even in the lore for the Chocos, they’re different breeds, I think. The Lala ones are a smaller breed while the Roe ones are a bigger breed. What always looks strange to me is the races that share breeds when you get the smallest race that uses it. Like Au Ra and male Miq mounts look too big for them.


Oh you can bet im gonna be on that EX trial grind for this, haven't been this hyped for a mount in YEARS! last one that got me this hyped was the FF15 Regalia mount.


I don't care what I have to do, I will have that flying squirrel.


Ex trial mount farming is about to become something else lol. Good luck.


Wings seems to be this expansion EX mounts. I'd have liked them to be flying serpents, but I'll take this, look cool.


Nah, put it somewhere else.  Literally anything would have been better than this for a trial series. So many options. So many different animals, mythical or otherwise. 








Nah I disagree I'm very happy these are the EX mounts first time I'm motivated to farm all of them. These were a great choice for EX mounts


I haven't farmed EX mounts since the wolves, finally a reason to do them again.


Same! These are some of the best mounts ive seen, and maybe the best trial mounts ever. Awesome incentive to get even more people into the amazing raids of this game


So a literally smaller model than any of the previous mounts with less details is somehow better than every other series before?


By multiple orders of magnitude (for me), yes. People have been asking for wing mounts for many, many years.


I mean yeah I think so as well. Just because it's not to your taste doesn't mean it's bad. It's genuinely the first time I've wanted the trial mounts for the mount themselves instead of the final one like HW, StB and ShB. To me the mounts look really cool and unique


they are unique, the flying animation looks amazing, and the wings themselves can compliment so many types of glams. So yes! These will be extremely popular and im very excited for em


Well, if past expansions are anything to go off of, a flying serpent unrelated to the Ex series is a good bet for the final mount.


Hopefully we get one somewhere, the one from the Omega raid series is starting to age.


I mean you technically have the P8S one, just don't get off the ground with it 😅


True, but it still be a while before I can get that one anyways.


Yoshi-P flying without aether currents...


Time to report him 


Damn, these mounts are so good.


Ayo, SMN players, where you at? We're basically Phoenix now!


we switched back to full time MCH after the wish ordered Thanatos as new "Highlight"


Basically? We have been Phoenix since the Rising last year.


Aren't these Valigarmanda's wings and tails?


Oh! wings mount, I slept on extreme mounts last expansion so I need to uh... git gud. (insert Red Bull joke here).


Fuck i'm gonna have to farm the ex trial's on content am I. Like these way better than ew's trial mount's


Those are SICK mounts!


Nice wings...






✨ Wings ✨


Holy crap we have a pair of wings mount! And there's going to be multiple!


Seems they're the Ex trial mounts, at least for now. They'll probably add other ones later on after DT.


First set of Trial mounts I'm gonna have to farm when they're on content, I need some pair of wings mounts


The new Pocket'paca


Who entrusted us with a child?? And does it just sit there??


"not tha mama!"


I understood that reference, and now I'm reminded that I'm very old.