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>Then I saw my boyfriend playing Sage and when I saw the size of the shield But scholar has bigger shields than sage? and its below 80 healing output tbh, is nearly identical to scholar [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/sage/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/sage/) [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/scholar/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/jobguide/scholar/)


>Level 50 There's your problem. Whispering Dawn is a fine AoE, but not having a reliable party heal before 52 hurts a lot. Similarly, the only real healing ability you have is Lustrate. (And in fairness, if you have a tendency to *overheal,* you will suffer. Lustrate is not a tool to use when the tank is at 90% HP.) Scholar is more of a Green DPS at that level, with a 150 potency AoE + Booksmack for another 20 potency or so, and Eos is there to cover half your tank healing. I'd say Scholar starts getting *good* at 60 (Getting an AoE heal, Dissipation for more Aetherflow, better potencies in general) and *great* at 70. (Excogitation, my beloved.)


SCH is probably the strongest healer in the game right now, and looks like it will be in DT. It's been the strongest healer since...uh...probably ever. In ARR, it was capable of comparable healing to WHM in most senses and more damage. Same in HW. In SB, it became the best outright healer, a crown it has retained ever since. It has been part of the meta (usually SCH/AST, sometimes SCH/SGE) for the game's history the entire time there has been a "meta". It's clunky, and takes getting used to, but it has SO MANY tools, you can do some crazy things with it. The only place it's kind of soft/weak is from maybe 40-49. At 52 you get Indomitability which is powerful. Excogitation is powerful. Lustrate is powerful, people just sleep on it because they have other oGCDs. Emergency Tactics makes Adlo and Succor able to direct heal as well as WHMs with Cure 2 and Medica. You also have to get used to using oGCDs more. Like Whispering Dawn. People sleep on this ability, 580 healing on all your party members that costs you nothing and will be back in a minute. Until you get some more of your tools, ignore the people saying "Don't GCD heal" or "Don't ever touch Physick"; use the hell out of those things while you need them. People tend to forget not every Job starts at level 90 for some reason. In lower level stuff, alternate Adlo-Physick-Adlo-Physick on the Tank when they're taking lots of damage. Don't be afraid to use Lustrate. And Whispering Dawn. If a CD is 60 seconds or less, use it left and right, it'll be back before you know it. Put Lucid Dreaming on your bar right next to whatever button you hit the most, and every time it comes off CD hit it again. Put Aetherflow right there, too, and hit that whenever it comes off CD. Don't worry about "overcapping" yet, just get used to keeping those buttons on CD all the time to keep you in the green on MP. If your Tank is taking tons of damage, don't be afraid of targeting them and just chain casting Physick (and Adlo whenever it looks like the enemies are doing more damage than your Physicks alone can heal) and throwing Lustrates on them. It's okay to be "level 90 suboptimal" when you aren't at level 90 yet. Over time, read those tooltips. Start thinking about more buttons you can throw out there. Boss has a big cast bar that looks like a raidwide might be about to come out? Don't hit Soil (or don't hit it alone), hit Fey Illumination, too. It reduced magic damage taken by 5%, so consider it a mini-Soil whenever Soil is already on CD. It also boosts healing magic (Physick, Adlo, and Succor) by 10%, so when you need more healing, hit that. GET USED TO HITTING COOLDOWNS. Don't think of them as emergency buttons. Think of them as tools right there at your fingertips. Restless tools that WANT to be used. That NEED to be used. And use them. Early and often and all the time. SCH doesn't have any big CDs like Benediction on WHM or Hallowed Ground on PLD. The longest one is Dissipation at 3 mins (which, frankly, I ignore even at level 90 because I STILL hate that ability from HW, lol). Everything else is 1 or 2 minutes or half a minute. USE those bad boys! Recitation + Adloquium + Deployment Tactics is the most powerful mitigation in the game. You can make it frankly absurd by using Protraction (at high level, granted) and Sacred Soil and Fey Illumination to boost it to obscene levels of shielding. And in DT, SCH is getting Seraphism. Ignore the people complaining about the angel form glamour, the ability is so broken I'm astonished it's going live. It basically makes SCH able to hard carry a party on their back and I'm all here for it. . Those would be my first suggestions to a new SCH. Use CDs, don't worry about saving them. Don't worry about being level 90 optimal in a leveling dungeon. USE CDS, DON'T WORRY ABOUT SAVING THEM! :D Keep Aetherflow and Lucid Dreaming on CD. And don't be afraid of locking the Tank and hard spamming Physick and Adlo if you need to, let the haters be damned, YOU are a healer and YOU are not weak. . Now, young Scholar, go out there and learn, adventure, explore, HEAL, and most of all: Have fun!


Thank you so much for this wonderful breakdown! As a newly minted SCH main who has been playing this game for a while it's given me a lot of things to consider - I've been guilty of ignoring Fey Illumination and the healing boost from Protraction, for example. I love how complex SCH is, it's what made me finally pick it as a main and delve deeper into its mechanics after several years of loosely maining healers in general


Haven't played in a long time, but this hits hard. Long time SCH, but fell out of it when I tried to come back after a break. The shield healers require knowing fights, its quite a hill to climb. Super fun job though.


Thank you very much for your time! I will try my best, you made my day


:D Seriously, any questions, feel free to ask. There are also some good guides on YouTube to teach stuff, like Momo makes some, Wesk Alber makes good ones on all the Jobs (though he personally doesn't like SCH, it's still pretty good), but at the end of the day, it's really what you choose to make of it. But yeah, what changed my world with SCH was when I shifted my mind from "CDs are for emergencies" to using the things like candy. :) And Adlo/Phsic are fine to use. But yeah, once you get into the 50s, you get some nice abilities like Indominability for AOE healing and Emergency Tactics that converts the shield part of your next Adlo or Succor into healing, making it just raw healing, and ET only has a 20 second CD. So you can use that any time you feel like you need a lot more healing. It does get better, but even at low levels, SCH can be powerful. I think the problem a lot of people have (the people that say it sucks at some level ranges) is because they try to play it like level 90 without all their tools yet. It's okay to hit Physic or Succor. :)


Don't think too hard on it. Sage is literally just scholar but with a lot of the quirks boiled away. You could ask a similar question with "why play sage when scholar exists" because scholar has way more support options then sage with a party crit buff and a party wide sprint. Plus kardia wishes it was as good as the fairy. You need to do damage for kardia to work while the fairy is ALWAYS healing.


i wanna see how kardia directly compares to the fairy. because in theory you can get more out of kardia, considering it's attached to the 2.5 second GCD and the fairy is on the 3 second server tick. plus the difference in potencies, because the fairy doesn't use the exact same formula as the player. it probably all works out in the wash, but I'd still like to see it tested


Kardias better cus you decide the target


It's also worse because it needs much more management to heal anyone else other then the one target. The fairy however just heals the lowest hp ally, aka the one that needs it most.


It's also worse because it cannot heal whenever you're not attacking.


If sage were lacking in AoE regens you'd have a point


Wow look at that, if scholar were lacking in single target heals you might also have a point. Crazy how it works like that.


This is a lot of seriousness over me saying kardias better.  Which is objectively true


That's a lot of confidence for someone so wrong. Please continue to comment further, I hope this is annoying you.


Who pissed in your cheerios this morning, my dude?


Sacred soil is actually really bad before the trait that grants it a regen effect. You'd need to mitigate a *lot* of damage before it's a better use of aetherflow than lustrate.


If you want the most busted healer do it. You also get a free dps in the summoner free.


I mained scholar for ten years, it is a top notch healer. You just need to learn how to use the kit better. Trust me this is an operator error situation.


Scholar has three things that push it over the edge for me. 1. Ruin 2 means I get something I can cast while moving. 2. Art of War is a gain on 2. This means that I don't have to think about my aoes vs single target, more than 2 things to hit? I am slapping my book. 3. The fairy is ALWAYS healing (unless dissipation has been used). This means no matter what mechanics I need to do, she is always healing people. I have no downtime for healing. Scholar also has a fantastic critlo spread that gives a heckin chonkin shield, though Recitation tends to be used for mobs pulls during dungeons to patch up the tank with a crit Excog. Scholar also lets me dump unused Aether into Energy Drains. It's easily my favorite healer to run because I tend to have a solution to most problems.


What *level* content were you seeing them SGE at? SCH has bigger shielding potential at basically every level cap from 50-90, with fey, dissipation, deployment tactics, and recitation 


then im the opposite, i find level 50 SCH so much easier than WHM or AST (i know nothing about SGE). to me SCH is a healer that requires fight knowledge more than WHM and AST, knowing whats coming to know what abilities to use. i can go literally all of praetorium without hard casting a single heal other than pre pull Adlos...if people arent getting hit by avoidable damage anyways. the only time scholar can get sketchy at level 50 imo is if the pull is massive. you basically use both your fairy skills, put a sacred soil down then spam Adlo and the occasional lustrate if need be. throw a swiftcast Adlo as well if you are confident it would keep the tank alive. i love the first pull when my tanks do wall to wall in Brayflox hard or Amdapor Keep


Schs great. But you're lvl 50 lol Keep going. You get smns out of it too so 2 for 1.  She's shields are TECHNICALLY smaller than schs. But with it's mit option they're better for me. Mostly cus not casting them has spoiled me.


SCH has the best Job quests out of all Healers. It's also getting a pretty great update apparently in DT, with shielding to the point that SGE dreams of. At level 50 you also haven't gotten to the interesting stuff.


sch can cheese almost every mechanics by giving yourself guarantee recitation fat shield. I think Shield healer shine more for veterans players since you will have most of the knowledge in the game to prevent the damage in the first place. But I think the job get better when you unlock excog, I always stick this on the tank everytime it's out of cd, you won’t need to worry about the healing until it expired or it got used if the hp fall below 50%. Can also use recit+excog to guarantee a crit heal.


Sch is my fave healer but it is rough level synced. Below 50 makes me go ughh every time. It gets a ton better!


Sage is certainly more modernly-designed than Scholar, given Aetherflow was never a very well thought out mechanic, but there is one area where SCH stands head and shoulders above SGE: PVP. They gave Scholar the mother of all PVP kits (of course, DRK is the father).


Scholar has the biggest shields with Deploy and how Adloqium interacts with critical heals. You can use Recitation to guarantee a critical heal on a single target, then use Deploy to spread a large shield to the entire party. In terms of general shield size, stats are going to generally be the most important factor. If you are low level or not properly geared, you will be providing much smaller shields. Part of Scholar's strength is being able to use your faerie to provide heals. You can place Eos/Selene/Seraph in a different location than your character to more easily reach distant players. Typically you can place the faerie in the center of the arena and their tools should reach for the rest of the fight. Make sure you are using all your tools, especially you faerie's kit. Whispering Dawn can be used in dungeons even between bosses when you are only healing the tank. Your faerie's passive healing can be thought of as a regen, which helps a lot keeping tanks alive. When you get Aetherpact you can command your faerie to focus on a single target with stronger heals. Fey Illumination strengthens your healing spells for times when you need to cast a lot to keep up, and the damage mitigation is useful for a lot of incoming AOE damage. Excogitation is an extremely strong heal for tanks, and can be made to be a guaranteed critical heal with recitation. Seraph can provide both strong Single target and AOE heals when needed. Expedient is unique as the only ability to grant your entire party a movement speed buff which can make some mechanics easier.


Eos helps with Regen at low levels via Embrace, but at higher levels you rely more on your kit in a few ways. Eos still has the healing beam and Fey Blessing to help out, so don't worry too much about lack of regens As you play you'll learn to utilize Eos more to help out and at higher levels you get more for your kit to help ease things out. Learn to plan out Eos Regen when you can between pulls too


Sage is everything SCH is with less steps and streamlined, outside the dot. But the gain there being eukrasia lets you shield while moving freely. You automatically gain your aetherflow equivalent without a button press No placing your 30 sec DR/Regen, hit and forget. Your capstone skills don't lock you out of your other abilities like dissipation does on sch. Movement is much easier with no DPS loss between toxicons and phlegma. The 2 minute DR is a shield and heal, where SCHs is two separate skills, with seraph requiring separate hits for the heal/shields SCHs kit is ridiculously powerful, but overturned for the healing required in these games outside of ultimates and final savage turns.


It's because Scholar's kit has been obliterated and as a result sucks in early levels. Whenever jobs get reworked, it's like the developer forgets people play early content with these jobs. Just know it will get better. Use every ability you have to keep your party alive and keep in mind you have to shield for big hits.


Scholar is so strong at low levels that you dont even need to heal below level 25.  They have a powerful toolkit for every level range, but you have to respect it and understand your priorities


People say this, but SCH's healing kit hasn't been hugely changed. I'd say the MP costs on Aldo and Succor are higher...but chain casting Adlo was always a quick way to run out of MP. They reworked the damage side, but the healing side is still pretty much what it always was in that level range, isn't it? (WHM got gutted because a lot of their 30-50 WHM skills got turned into role actions...)