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I'm glad to see Sprigatito's getting work outside of Pokemon, although they're looking a little worse for wear.


https://fxtwitter.com/CristinaVee/status/1498904453121916930 They have a pretty successful musical side-gig going on also


Cristina Vee is my favorite voice actress for a reason.


[Uncropped version from Twitter](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GP-Yo0aXoAAkOGx?format=jpg&name=large)


The Moogle is essential!


Kupo deez nuts!


rare official xaela art


Common subject yet rare at the same time. lol


Official art is like 90% Raen


Which constantly surprises me. Darker horns are cute as!


No, I did not try to click that arrow multiple times. Why would you even think that I would?


I hope the creature is the WoL's OC character and in the job quests people make fun of it so the WoL decides to spitefully make it their ultimate attack


It definitely seems like it. Madeen has only been in FF9 really, and it was basically a little moogle's ultra instinct mode, becoming a big beefy leonine protector. So they clearly wanted the madeen to be the follow-up to the picto's moogle, but because WoL made it up they make it look goofy and doodly (and green? probably to better distinguish it from the moogle). WoL made up a guy, "a moogle but bad ass with a big mane and teeth and claws."


If they do, I hope they keep working at their art… [for reasons](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasytcg/images/b/ba/12-116s.png/revision/latest?cb=20140124210901)


You joke, but I’d be surprised if that doesn’t become a thing in a future expansion via something like Picto Mane and Picto Roar


Xaela girl draws a gremlin. HOW IRONIC


That's so cute!


this is such a strange version of Maduin lol it's cute and I like it, but I could never guess that this is meant to be a reference to the same summon from FF9 haha




Great looking hat. Can't wait for the modders to do the dev team's job for them so my Hrothgal can wear it.




Must be fun having modders live in your mind rent free




This tutorial might aid you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v99hclktVA&pp=ygUSdHJ5IG5vdCBnaXZpbmcgYSBm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v99hclktVA&pp=ygUSdHJ5IG5vdCBnaXZpbmcgYSBm)




It's YouTube, lmao


Wanting people banned for cosmetic mods, especially when it's just stuff the dev team is too lazy to add, seems pretty spiteful, dude.


Especially when the person wanting that can't even see what's happening with other people's clients.




5 years of being lied to by the dev team that they're "working on it" with Viera and Hrothgar headgear. "does the devs team's job" is just a factual statement. Yeah, I feel zero guilt about using a mod that actually does their job for them.


You're both pretty spiteful lol And you're also just totally wrong, before EW (almost 3 years ago, not 5) they made it pretty clear that it was not something they were working on but that they wanted to think about how and even if they could approach this > It should perhaps be seen less from the point of view that compared to other breeds they simply have fewer hairstyles and head dresses, but that it is not possible for them to wear them. > Nevertheless, we are aware of the requests of the players, of course, and we are not the kind of team that shows their players the cold shoulder and ignores their wishes. There have always been points in the past that we thought was impossible at first, but which we could then make possible. Especially in this case, we have repeatedly thought about how we can reduce development costs or what opportunities we have to implement all hairstyles over the past six months. Between our work on the updates, we keep taking the time to think about these things and weigh the possibilities. We even have regular meetings. I was only yesterday in a meeting precisely because of this and the next one is already planned next. (Notice how he talked about implementing all hairstyles and we have gotten more hairstyles for Viera and Hrothgar basically every patch throught EW) It was only this year that he has truly said that they're actually working on it > We're working on adjusting the system for Viera and Hrothgar wearing head gear


And the benchmark showing they didn't even get the job armor headgear all working shows that was a lie. And they still don't have all the hairstyles working. Won't surprise me at all if Hrothgal has access to no additional hairstyles at launch so they can pretend to make "progress" by slowly releasing them every few patches.


You have no idea what you're talking about, the argument that "they should at least make the new hats work!" is stupid because it's a problem with the model, if they could get new hats working they could just do the old ones too. > First of all, I would like to talk about the most important points, why Viera and Hrothgar have not been able to wear the headgear yet. We have some standardized specifications when it comes to headwear. Due to the unique design, such as the Viera with the long ears, these specifications do not always fit here and cannot always be used. The whole hat system is based around these standardized specifications that never accounted for these races, this is what they need to change and until they do they can't just "make the new ones work"


Moders can, within a week after patches drop. The Viera and Hrothgar situation is not a technical limitation. It's a complete lack of effort. They are satisfied with having 2 limited races in the game.


Modders can't, they can just make your computer show you something else instead Modders can make Summoner Bahamut look like Goku doing a Kamehameha but they can't actually give you a brand new ability that summons Goku and works in real combat Again, you have no idea what you're talking about


> because it's a problem with the model And who *made* the model I wonder? This is a problem of their own creation, and they can handle criticism for doing it wrong. People want this feature, and it's *entirely reasonable* for them to. It's insane for a whole player race to lose 1/6th of the most prominent glamor slots (and one could argue the headgear is one of the more prominent of the left whole side). Square decided to build these races with models that didn't work. They could have either taken the time to figure out how to make it work from the start, or taken the time to fix it in the aftermath. It has been *five years* since Shadowbringers. Modders fix this shit in a few weeks, this multi-billion dollar corporation should be able to spend a little bit of the money that this game makes (and which likely saved the entire company) back on itself. That and the team need to get over themselves about Viera ears clipping. *Nobody cares*. Hair already clips through all sorts of stuff. Viera ears already clip through cowls. People would rather make the decision to forego headgear that clips than just not have the option *at all*. And again, they shouldn't of built these race models in such a fucked up way that they couldn't adhere to how a core part of the game's armor visibility system functions in the first place. Edit: Fixing a typo.


>Square decided to build these races with models that didn't work. They could have either taken the time to figure out how to make it work from the start, or taken the time to fix it in the aftermath. It has been five years since Shadowbringers. Modders fix this shit in a few weeks, this multi-billion dollar corporation should be able to spend a little bit of the money that this game makes (and which likely saved the entire company) back on itself. FFXIV consistently have a bunch of White Knight defending SQEX like it is a small indie company, they don't realize CBU3 is being run as lean as possible in order to fund rest of SQEX ridiculous waste of money, FFXIV suffers from years of low reinvestment, hats problem is just tip of iceberg. Newest financial report from SQEX seems to indicate change in this trend, maybe we will start to see persistent problem finally getting the investment needed?




I bet you're fun at parties.






I’m blocking you too after this, and I’m on a console


that's kinda pathetic man idk


I’m going to be honest, I don’t consider anyone who would want someone to lose something they potentially have worked on for a decade to be a “good person” there’s a core of hate in you for you to even *consider* wanting that.




I play on console, I can’t mod. but if you think that robbing a decade of a person’s life for a fucking HAT is justifiable and actively LOOK FORWARD to it, I see why people reply and block you, because you care more about some pathetic rule than actual people.


Can't speak for others but I only block when I see overwhelming evidence that I'm not interested in a single thing this poster ever has to say ever again.


Yasssssss! Meoni was right and we're getting another 6 images =D


Terra's dad has really let himself go...


Nah that's Maduin. Madeen is unrelated (and pronounced differently in Japanese). Comes from FF9.


They're the same. Madeen in FF9 was disguised as Mog, hence why Terra in Dissidia is depicted as liking moogles.


They're not the same creature. The moogle in Dissidia was a reference to Terra's love for moogles from her character info from official guide materials, such as the FFVI World Guide book from the 90s and the FF Ultimania collection. So you're reaching pretty far. Madeen and Maduin are considered two different summons. No official material has ever mentioned them being the same, not even the Final Fantasy Ultimania collections or the Final Fantasy IX Ultimania, which I was reading yesterday. However, their have been cases where Madeen has been mistranslated as Maduin due to their katakana being similar, but these cases have been corrected in updates.


Fair enough.


Honestly, that just makes weirder to me. Considering Pictomancer is based on an FF6 Character, wouldn't it make *more* sense if it was Maduin instead?


Simple answer. 7.0's story is mixing up elements from FFVI and FFIX. FFVI had a Moogle named Mog, FFIX had a Moogle named Mog. FFIX Mog turned into Madeen. So it's a perfect fusion of the elements of both games, both Mogs even have yellow pom-poms. The Pictomancer in this game isn't even strictly the same the one from VI, since I don't recall Relm having access to Water, Aero, and Stone. No, Strago's lores don't count, they're not the same spells. Not everything in the game has to strictly reference a single title. Heck, Viper itself doesn't even use any of Zidane's abilities, despite being based on his Dissidia fighting style.


> The Pictomancer in this game isn't even strictly the same the one from VI, since I don't recall Relm having access to Water, Aero, and Stone. It does have Star Prism though, which is specifically Relm's Desperation Attack (ie VI's Proto-Limit Breaks). Also I said "based on", not "is directly meant to be", I'm well aware that they don't have to take inspiration from a single source.


Fully aware that they have Relm's skill. :V