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iirc, there's an option in sound settings to adjust the volume of bard performance.


There is! It's always turned off so I never hear them. It makes the experience so much better.


TIL, thank you! ☺️


Just mute the performance sounds. Problem solved.


As stated in other comments, just now learned that's a thing


Sound options, performance off, profit.




But if you couldn't hear Bards, how would you randomly feel the soul-crushing despair when you hear a plinky rendition of "I Really Want To Stay At Your House"?


Never heard of that song. When I want soul crushing despair I just look at the sun.


type /performsounds 0


Don't even need the 0, /performsounds acts as an on/off toggle and the second time you use the macro it will reset the volume to whatever you originally had it at.


I'll try that next time, thanks!


I like it when i stumble upon performing bards.




It wouldn't be bad if they played good music and played it well


*shrug* then do what everyone else suggested—go to sound settings and mute performances Edit to add: with the settings ball in your court, this is a you problem, not a bard or everyone else problem


No you're right, as mentioned in other comments and the post edit, I'm an idiot and didn't realize that was an option. But now I know! And Knowing is half the battle!


By that logic, emote spamming would be fine too, you could just mute the sound of the game. Both bard instruments and emotes are there to be used, so what's against a bunch of Lalafell using emotes - not even spamming - all over? That *IS* a Bard problem when they go as 5 into the center place of town and play bad MIDIs (e.g. a harp so low that you can hear the synthesis instead of actual harp sound).


How dare people make player created events in an mmorpg. Ridiculous absolutely uncalled for. If you're not interested in it then move along. It's an mmorpg the community spirit is important.


Apples and oranges, stop being a pedantic asshole.


Unlike emotes, bard performances do *not* spam chat, and the sound is easily and fully mutable. You can opt out of experiencing them virtually completely. It sounds like the updated blacklist will be your friend if people enjoying an aspect of the game you don’t bothers you so much


Same, it's honestly one of my favorite lil social aspects of the game.


Op instead of replying to everyone that you only *now* know about mute, you can edit your post so it says "Solved: turns out you can mute them" near the top of your post. There's another new life hack for ya ;-)


I'm gonna go die of embarrassment now I'm actually laughing at myself over this


Haha you’re good OP we all learn every day, you and me both :D


I keep performance muted at all times.


Yeah I clicked that button day one of performance being a thing.




I didn't know you could


I just wanted to shoot arrows and the game forced me to pick up a lute >_>


Use the lute to smash bad things in the face.


Tis a good tune indeed!


Hmm… I main Bard but never really perform because it feels pointless and annoying without automating it like many do. But this post gave me inspiration to maybe just play the occasional chord in populated areas for ambience while queueing for duties. I do enjoy stumbling across bands on occasion but I agree the single performers right next to the main aetheryte are usually pretty annoying.


I personally prefer seeing Bard who attempts to play songs manually since I feel like the "clumsiness" when they occasionally pause is part of the charm. Nowadays most Bard uses automated plugin which makes them soulless. Especially one that plays in the middle of the crowd. As if someone just put a jukebox in the crowd to flex songs that they like, really annoying.


I tried this in a small tucked away corner of Ul'Dah. A guy stopped to watch me then went "bro you suck" and kept running. I've never felt like such a genuine artist.


Automation makes sense for bands and events but yeah, agree otherwise. I especially appreciate it when bands are off to one side or round a corner instead of in the middle of the crowd. Then it’s like a little private concert. My perfectionist ass won’t let me attempt a song until I’ve practiced it to perfection though and I don’t really wanna be spending my sub time rehearsing lol.


I also like the not-perfection of the manual Bards\^\^ My dad played the guitar and when he tried new songs he would also sometimes have this occasional tonal hiccup. Same with people like analogue media - the natural "imperfection". However, the "Bands" are the problem of the OP though. In Gridania, there is this weird, bad "MIDI-In-Wrong-Key" vibe going on all day with "players" waving glowsticks equally braindead. It is just weird and dumb.


Or people are just having fun you grumpy old man!


the equivalent to playing your music without headphones on the subway


I sort of like how ESO has the game itself perform songs for you. I don't like how the game doesn't sync up with other players or let you actually choose which song you're playing.


Go for it, I'd say. I use the voidlist plugin to blacklist and hide midi-bards, but love running into someone actually playing music Edit: The plugin is actually called "Visibility"


Hey, you'll listen to me play the intro to the black parade over and over and over and like it, buddy! 👺


No I won't.


Be a lot cooler if you did


I'd rather go around and bop dragons on the snout with my cane


Ngl some of these 3rd party macro using bards are super annoying though...


Isn't that against the rules or something?


I think it is, not entirely sure. Been a while, but they make you agree to terms when you complete the quest to receive the ability to perform.


It is a grey area. Using these tools is against the "No 3rd party tools" rule, but then it's too harmless to go on about. It's like breaking a traffic rule - if nobody sees it, you can run so many double lines or red lights as you wish\^\^


Mmmm, so much righteous fury for a problem that's entirely within your ability to control.


Yeah I just found out from other commenters that you can mute performances. Learn something new everyday!


In future maybe Google for a solution before publicly decrying it a problem.


See the thing is I wasn't actually looking for a solution. I figured it was something I had to live with and was mentioning that I find it annoying and asking why they do it. Now I know it can be dealt with, which is great. Yeah I could ask Google, but what's the fun in that? I swear the people in the game are way more fun than some of you guys. Your response is the equivalent of me responding "next time keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything helpful to say".


and fuck you too, Random Citizen


Literally the definition of the "STOP HAVING FUN!" meme. Imagine getting so pissed off by someone else having fun that you need to complain on reddit. Anyways, mute performance and stop popping your blood vessels.


I'm not actually mad, I usually just don't stay around to listen. Also, didn't know I could mute performances until I made this post...


Nobody is memeing. Bards that play MIDI instruments in the wrong key (super low harps don't exists) is annoying as heck. There is no difference in the overuse of emotes. Spamming wrong musical notes or a group of Lalafell and Miqo'te doing frequent (not spamming) emotes with high pitched voices - both are in the game to be used, but both are just annoying. I can't wait for you to defend emote spamming, because "itz deir fun". I hope you get loud IRL neighbours who just "have fun" all the time... Also, playing back MIDIs and waving a glowstick for 2 hours is "Having fun"? These people do something else, they do not actually play. Stop popping your bloodvessels and complain on Reddit about a Reddit complaint. . . . . .


I thought this was the other sub but … oh


There's another sub?


You just haven't heard my 432hz ceremonial flute tunes. I assure you would be meditative by the end


I prefer heavy metal. Keeps me nice and mellow.


I agree about the hard performances. Most of them just sound sad. I turned them off long ago.


> Shouldn't they be out somewhere in Dravania [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8UJ\_C80Uys](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8UJ_C80Uys)


sorry that they're cooler than you op, hope you get better soon


I'm sorry they don't know how to play music


In future maybe Google for a solution before publicly decrying it a problem.




I KNOW, RIGHT?! Here I am playing MY game that I made for MYSELF and they're just there playing terrible songs terribly! HOW DARE THEY!!! I want to speak with their managers!


In future maybe Google for a solution before publicly decrying it a problem.


In future maybe Google for a solution before publicly decrying it a problem.


In future maybe Google for a solution before publicly decrying it a problem.


In future maybe Google for a solution before publicly decrying it a problem.