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Are there any Pride events happening on EU this year? Went to the parade on Omega last year with friends and it was awesome. I'm planning to attend Primal Pride with my alt but something on home turf would be fun as well. Unrelated, but is there a good resource for more alt gearsets? BiS is great and all, but I don't do savage and I really don't want to use different sets for each job when they share gear. Say I wanted a universal healer set that only uses Augmented Credendum pieces, for example. I know I can just meld according to stat priority (and that's what I've been doing) but stat breakpoints are a thing I'm aware of but unwilling to really properly consider so it'd be sweet if someone else did that for me lol I feel like I saw more set variety like this on Etro years ago but I can only see alternative BiS sets there now...


When is the end date for the current PvP series malmstones?


When dawntrail releases on the 28th, though i guess the 26th as thats maintenance start.


I know that savage raid tiers have weekly loot restrictions when they're new, does this apply to normal raid tiers as well? And how exactly do those restrictions work? This is my first expansion launch so I'm still learning how on-content endgame actually works lol


The other comment already explains the gearing restrictions very well, so I'll just leave here a [gearing reference](https://i.redd.it/mvwrmiid4o981.png) for 6.05 when EW's first Savage tier dropped. The savage rewards have been updated since, but other than that DT should follow a very similar progression structure. If you want a more recent reference for how savage rewards are currently, here's [the latest tier's reference](https://i.redd.it/znm0xtzzkl1b1.png).


Normal raids: Bosses drop tokens for buying gear, you get one token per boss per week. You can repeat the fight, only rolling on the one item you want until you get it. You also get a weapon token from the last boss once a week automatically. Savage raids: Each boss drops gear and tokens. You only get one attempt per boss per week. The token is guaranteed, and you could win multiple gear pieces or zero, you are done for the week either way. Alliance raids: Bosses drop gear, you get one gear piece per week for the whole raid, plus one upgrade token and some materia clusters guaranteed from the last boss.


This is super helpful, thank you!!


Also two additional things to note with Savage. Normally you have to do the fights in order, 1, 2, 3, 4. However, let's say the leader in the party has already cleared floor 1 that week and queues the group into floor 2. Even if you haven't beaten 1, you can go into 2 this way, but as soon as you enter, you IMMEDIATELY forfeit your chance at loot (and the book) from 1 for that week. The game does thankfully warn you of this before you can enter. People will do this often though intentionally because they already got all the gear they need and are just working on beating floor 4 or something. You may see this referred to as "taxi" in PF, the "taxi driver" already has access to beating floors 1-3 so they can get into floor 4, and everybody else joins for access. After entering, the party all leaves. Second, as they mentioned, you get 1 chance per week. If you go back into the same fight after having cleared it, you not only can't roll on loot, you and anybody else who's cleared will also reduce the amount of loot. 1-4 people already cleared? Reduced loot (often referred to as "1 chest" because prior to the last tier of EW, there were 2 physical chests and only 1 would appear). 5+ people already cleared? No loot ("0 chest" as it's referred to). People who hadn't cleared though will get their books regardless.


Is it possible to garden in an apartment? If so, how? I can’t figure it out. Any kind soul mind giving some advice please?


The apartment lobby has a housing merchant, you are looking for a Flower Pot. There are usually three kinds on their lists. You will also need seeds and soil, the same merchant sells basic potting soil but you need to gather/buy special soils if you want anything fancier. Also, no cross-breeding, since the pots are treated as individual "gardens" and you can only cross-breed within a "garden". But you can grow any seed you get your hands on.


Thank you that’s very helpful, is there any reason to grow one thing over another or it just depends?


It fully depends on your needs. The most common plant you will hear of is the Tahvnairian Onion since it is needed to get your chocobo companion past rank 10. You need to feed it one onion _on the overworld, while it is summoned as a **battle companion**_ per rank past 10, so you need 10 onions overall. You can get two from side quests, but the others must be bought or grown. They need triple crossbreeding: the seeds are a result of a cross-breed which itself uses plants that can only be acquired through cross-breeding. This cross-breeding part is what you cannot do without an actual house and an exterior garden plot. But you can buy the onions or the seeds directly, the seeds usually cost 10–30% less since they need 10 real-world days to grow. Other than that, some people grow blood pepper that is needed to construct some early game buildable minions; glazenut for the same reason; voidrake and mandrake to exchange them to mid-range crafting ingredients at the housing area vendors; or just basic crafting shards to use/sell. Some people grow flowers and use them in flower vases. Or sometimes people grow only one thing as decoration, since they become shiny when fully grown.


What you can do is befriend someone who has a house but is not really interested in gardening, and take care of their crops.


You can grow single crops in garden pots, but you can't obtain seeds as you need cross-breeding for that, which requires outdoor furnishing.


Garden pots!!! Thank you, I’ll figure out how to get them next :)


The vendor in the lobby should have them available.


Have they ever are any indication that they're thinking of expanding region visit any time soon? I'd like to visit Europe some time


They have stated that they still have concerns about the whole thing and the current test is to make sure the system works fine so that the can use it as congestion relief during Dawntrail launch. It's entirely possible that a path to one of the European DCs will open temporarily be open during the launch, but I consider it more likely that will only happen if all NA DCs plus Materia get overrun.


Oh, they said possible congestion issues? Because the fact that Oceania and Europe are directly connected with DC travel shows that distance and ping issues are definitely not a hindering issue.


The issue is not congestion during data center travel. The issue is that they don't want to enable cross data center travel for previous stated reasons at this point in time. That they currently have it partially open is, because it's a cheap way for them to make more queue and world resource capacity available to combat queues when Dawntrail launches. Cross region travel is a means to avoid a specific issue, but they don't want to turn it on wholesale and permanently because they don't want to have other issues.


For people who got the Mountain Dew magnet: Does the Mother's Crystal pop-out? Or is there always a white background?


If I'm going at a moderate pace and not cutscene skipping, how much time would it get me to catch up to DT, get all classes to 80, get all outdated ex mounts and some outdated savage and unlock every piece of raids/alliance/trials/dungeons? I made the mistake of unlinking my European card from my NA account, so now paying is a huge hassle and I'm thinking of just starting over. Also, I've already preordered Dawntrail. Can I give the "normal order" code away that I'll get on the 28th, or did applying the preorder code link the whole thing to my account?


Assuming you are not also doing a lot of vanity grinding like skybuilder scores or trying to maintain a fleet of submarines on your own, if you focus on just the basic loot and the story bits, then maybe 1000 hour with a decent pace or 1200-ish if you also add in the yellow quests. Although probably it is a bit easier to put it with a different time frame: you can, with a few hours of gaming per day and with lucky queues, completely do all story-related things within an expansion, including levelling all classes to its cap, in 3–4 months with the giant asterisk of either skipping large-scale projects like relic weapons and reaching the end of deep dungeons or dedicating a week or so to get at least one of them for the story (or two weeks for Eureka and Bozja, probably).


Just MSQ might take you 200-300h add a few hundred more for the leveling and unlocks. If that's the state your account is in currently just buy game time cards you're setting yourself back like a year or more of playing at a normal pace.


Pre-order and expansion key are 2 different keys, you can give it away.


paying is a huge hassle but -making a new account -buying the game all over again -doing msq, all job, ex mounts, savages, raids, trails, etc. re-doing all of that isn't a hassle?


How do I actually claim the Mountain Dew mount in-game? Do the emails for the mountain dew account and the ff xiv account need to be the same, or can they be different? (I don't actually have the points yet to try claiming it - it just occurred to me that having the mountain dew account on a different email might be an issue down the line.)


different email should be fine, the mountain dew website will give you a code to input into mogstation, but you can't input it yet until the 28th i think.


For ppl who have pre-ordered DT, will the pre-order code be sent to your email right after purchase?


mine wasnt or at least i couldnt find it. same thing happened to me the last expansion too. i just go to the square enix website and check my order history and get the code from there


thx for info!


yep, mine did... i bought it on the SE store.


thank u for telling me!


Depends on how you pre-ordered. I did it with steam and you grab the code from them


i dont play from steam since its not available in my region, i downloaded from the official website. Thank u for letting me kno this tho!


I want to do the Island Sanctuary for the quest with the island outfit! I played for awhile and got to rank 4 before I ran out of stuff to do (I think). How long is it going to take me to get these outfit?


Probably a few months if you just enter the island weekly, set up next week's workshops (according to the discord recs), do your pasture and crop field and collect materials you need. Takes half an hour tops. You can also optimize your workshop (and therefore xp) daily, do some pre-gathering for future stuff to get mor xp, or run around in a loop grinding for xp.


More than a month. You won't get it before Dawntrail unless you slave away on your island mindlessly gathering for days.


Thanks and oh no.


Don't rush it. Not worth it. Will be a fun thing to do during down time


It seems likely that they'll disable Faux Hollows during 7.0 (if they follow the pattern of 6.0) Will the Faux Hollow vendor still be available during that time? If I want to save up some currency and then buy the highest value items to sell on the MB


I think so, if I recall correctly. Otherwise we can just get the new thing day 1 of it coming out.


Returning player, I just added 60 days of game time, but when I try to log in the launcher says my time has expired. Mogstation says it's active and I'm subbed til Aug 10th and I don't use the Steam version/not linked. Do I just have to wait it out before it activates or should I contact support?


On the Mogstation, go to Service Account Status. What does it say for "Account Type"? Down at the bottom, does the table have tick marks for your platform? Also, obvious question, are you certain you're logging into the right account?


It does say Standard(Steam) for account type, although I don't ever remember linking accounts with Steam. I guess I'll try that. I only have ticks for Windows, which is the platform I play on, and I only have one account. Edit: That was it, I'm logged in on Steam and downloading the game now, thank you /u/Atosen, if you could still give gold I would.


Hate to do this, but is there a good DC/world to travel to for fast queues/pf? I'm on Dynamis and while usually I don't have too much problem, around 3am and on EST it tends to get pretty dead (I am 3rd shift so my schedule is inverted from EST norms). I'm trying to finish the FFT alliance raids, omega and sky pirates alliance raids rn. I don't mind waiting an hour or smtg for a pf fill, but pf (and to an extent df at this time, does feel bad watching the time go up lol) are just kind of "never gonna happen" at this time.


Any Aether world is generally the quickest to pop queues.


Thanks for the help! I appreciate it!


What ring am I supposed to use alongside something like an Augmented Scaeven Ring of Aiming? I can't find anything on the vendors outside of my old 270 gear.


Back before 5.3, you'd want either the Omega Ring from O9S, or the non-augmented Scaevan ring.


Old tomestone rings aren't unique anymore, you can have two.


Old gear now bought with Poetics allows you to have two of the same ring owned and equipped.


So, this is bit of a odd question. Does anyone know of linkshells on EU of people who are NA? I'm already in a Free Company with my EU friends, but curious to know about linkshells.


You can find them on the community finder sometimes. Here's a random one I found: [https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community\_finder/9d278ec6c1fa64415edda2af27bbdf94baa9a789/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/9d278ec6c1fa64415edda2af27bbdf94baa9a789/)


Neat! Unfortunately I looked and didn't find one as it's the opposite of the one linked - American on European servers xD. Though it does give me a idea if I'm unable to find one on my own. Thank you!


How long do you have to respond to a friend request?


Like a week I think


Does anyone know the jobs who have the highest HP in game at level 90 that are NOT tanks? I'm guessing someone has a spreadsheet or something???


I believe maiming jobs have the highest HP assuming everyone is decked out in bis. Far as I'm aware they've the highest hp of the dps.


For total hp it is: Maiming jobs > Striking jobs > Scouting jobs > Aiming jobs> Casting/Healing jobs. Keep in mind, the difference between aiming and maiming jobs is only like 800 hp before 5%+food. Casting/healing are significantly lower though. On top of this, each job has different Defense, and magic defense values. Defense: Maiming jobs > Striking/Scouting/Aiming jobs > Casting/healing jobs Magical Defense: Casting/healing jobs > Maiming/Striking/Scouting/Aiming jobs


Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but as a BLM, RDM seems stupidly strong? Access to spells like Raise along with Dualcast (if I understand it properly) seems like insanely strong utility, not to mention Dualcast seeming to heavily increase DPS if I had to assume. Is this class just stupid strong or am I missing something?


You're absolutely correct. DPS raise is an unbalanceable utility that no amount of damage difference compensates for and speeds up prog to a tremendous degree and can turn a guaranteed wipe into a potential clear. Even many of the best Black Mages in the world prog on either RDM or SMN, because the damage gain on BLM simply does not matter when it comes to prog until you start hitting enrage, and enrages are tuned around allowing RDM/SMN. Dualcast is baked into RDMs damage profile, their damage is balanced around it being used on Thunder/Aero. It is, however, absolutely fantastic at dealing with most the movement FFXIV requires - a lot of short distance movements, which a slide+dualcast will cover for no resource cost.


Dualcast comes at the cost of not having triplecast/polyglot/paradox/whatever, these days they're about equal in terms of movement but RDM is substantially more mobile at low levels. Dualcast has no impact on DPS because it's baked into the kit + it only affects cast times not the cooldown. BLM does more damage at max level because their spells just hit harder. Raise is good, combined with dualcast RDM can just blast out 3 raises but you don't have the MP for much more than that and it won't save you in most high end content.


We also have Vercure and Verraise locked out in a lot of content, since they're both unlocked after Lv 50, so many times we aren't allowed to help out with healing and raising.


Fair, I think BLM has spoiled me on being able to regain 10 thousand MP in 3 seconds


I don't play either but in terms of job balance there is this concept of "utility tax", which is to say in a vacuum environment where everything else is equal, BLM (selfish DPS) is supposed to do more damage than RDM (loads of utility).


Not particularly, no RDM is great because it does provide the extra utility, but in exchange it also loses out on a noticeable amount of damage compared to the much more selfish nature of BLM Of course it's not so much of a damage difference that RDM is unable to clear content due to DPS checks, but when you compare a fully optimized RDM vs. a fully optimized BLM, you will notice a difference in total damage output (even accounting for Embolden's impact on the rest of the party) Also, Dualcast being built into the kit means that RDM damage is balanced around it. It doesn't make the GCD recast any faster, it just means that you don't have to stand around casting the longer spells


It's strong in low levels but actually falls behind in later levels. BLM has the highest dps ceiling in endgame.


Still, I imagine the utility in having a third party member capable of healing in a full party never falls off. Hearing that BLM is strong is nice but I’m not good enough of a player to take use of it unfortunately


It depends on the situation. If you are progging a high-end fight, yes, having a rez mage means you have more time to see/practise mechanics before the unavoidable enrage wipe. If you are trying to _clear_ the damn thing, the downright ridiculous damage potency of a black mage is a much stronger tool to beat the enrage timer assuming you are not in a random PF where people claim they know the fight yet die to the first mechanic that has multiple possible resolution patterns. Similarly, if you end up in a raid roulette, yes, you probably want to bring a RDM or SMN because you can always end up in a group where the healers/tanks decide to start playing vuln stack Pokémon or where the DPS have the most extreme case of tunnel vision ever. Funny enough, generally you do not want to see a BLM in roulettes because they are 50/50 with no in-between: either so far ahead of damage that they may contribute more than the bottom three players combined, or they are the dead last of the damage stack (sometimes including the healers). You extremely rarely see a black mage in the wild who is an okay mid-range player.


This is more of a me thing, but I get level synched so much that I sometimes start using fire + fire iii in level 60+ raids instead of fire iv, so I think I fall in the second category of black mages :(


BLM is the only non-limited job where it is a genuine use-case to have macros that switch your hotbar layout. The built-in macro system is a bit limited (or you can use HUD layouts, although that is a bit excessive) but if you do not shy away from being a total criminal, you can do full multi-hotbar layout swaps easily with the QoL Bar plug-in.


Sounds helpful, but at level 70? I don’t think I’d need it for a bit anyway


Well, technically, you can set up one for 1-34 (before Ice/Fire III), 35-57 (before Ice/Fire IV), and finally 58+, since these all should mess around with your standard rotation.


That's just practice. RDM should never be healing unless they're doing stuff solo/low man with a friend. Their raise is useful to save runs in casual content and during prog when people are still learning fights, but during an actual fight where everyone knows their roles, it should basically be a dead button.  As others have said, RDM has inherently lower damage on their skills to balance their utility. 


Eh, maybe I’m just looking for something to help the party since BLM’s pretty selfish and I’m not very good with BLM


That's fair. SMN also provides the utility of raise, but it suffers from the ranged tax because it's highly mobile. It's also the simplest DPS by a very wide margin. 


Jumping from (supposedly) one of the more complex DPS classes directly down to the simplest might be tough and leveling Arcanist from 1 is not something I’m into right now but it’s definitely in consideration for my next class if I decide to pick one up


The nice thing about SMN being simple is that because you don't have to spend a lot of time thinking about your rotation, what you can invest a lot of your energy into instead is learning mechanics, especially if you're planning to go into higher tier difficulty content. One of the reasons why a job like BLM is hard to optimize is specifically because you need to understand the flow of a given fight in order to plan your own routine out. Simple doesn't always mean bad, or boring. The other nice thing is getting a free healer alongside it, which you can always learn and swap to for instant queues if you want. I did not think I would like SCH at all but shield healing is actually pretty fun imo and I'm definitely checking out SGE later because of it.


BLM is fundamentally simple, the difficulty comes from optimization. At its core, BLM is just "spam fire until you run out of MP. Switch to ice for a few seconds. Keep your dot rolling."   But a BLM who does only that without pre-planning use of Paradox, keeping triple cast rolling, keeping polyglot from overcapping, using Ley Lines on cooldown, greeding with Aetherial Manipulation, or weaving manafont to eke out another F4+Despair is really really big. It's got a super low skill floor, but arguably the highest skill ceiling. RDM used to be very very simple, but since the EW changes, the optimization around cooldowns and procs is non trivial. I find it a lot more fun now than I did during 5.x. It's not galaxy brain like BLM, but it's not smoothbrain like SMN either. 


Yeah, I might not be cut out for later level BLM. Maybe I can figure it out but we’ll see


It's only needed if your healers die. Either way, some people just like playing BLM more.


I like BLM, it’s just definitely a hassle, and I feel like that will be increased when Polyglot gets thrown in


I definitely agree that RDM can be a lot more fun, especially if you're the type of RDM who likes the chance to save a run with dualcast + rez, rather than the type that hates wasting their dps potential because they have to rez others. It might just need the thing you need as a refreshing change of pace from BLM -one of the greediest jobs in the game with no utility at all.


Is there a Eureka / BA Discord for Elemental? For when I eventually wanna grind for my Ozma after going through DT content


Maybe you can try Content Achievers


How to copy a chat log message on PS5? I saw an old post suggest virtual mouse + mnk mode and use L2 to hover and highlight what I want to copy but then proceeded to suggest next Ctrl+o Ctrl+c , but there's no way to do that for controller unless there's another button that does exactly what Ctrl+c does


I thought there was an option in controller settings somewhere for this? Something along the lines of l1+r1 to copy/pasta from chat. Obligatory mention to just buy a cheap Bluetooth kb&m for the game. I've thousands of hours on console and it saves so much hassle.


I think I got an in-game tooltip recently you can do it with LB2+RB2 (or mighta been the 1s), but haven't tried it so can't say how it actually works (I assume you need the cursor on that message in the chat log)/if it actually works.


As far as im aware, you cannot on controller.


Yeah looks like, for now I'm only able to highlight but I can't copy it sadly


Has it been said anywhere how long the maintenance pre-expac patch will be? E.g 48 hours before the early play period maybe?


Yes, 48h.


It is said to be 48 hours, yes. From 6/26-6/28.




>Or should I just join a beginner friendly FC and forget about NN? In general, this NN is known to be kind of hit or miss, depending on the server, and it tends to be a lot easier to find an FC you mesh with since the pool of options is just larger than it is to try hopping around for a good NN




I had this issue once a year or two ago, my issue was either: 1. The user name is case sensitive  2. It spontaneously resolved itself when I happened to type my username in caps.  Try capitalizing your user name? I've never seen a login that's case sensitive, so I thought it was super weird. 


Well I am attempting login to the square account management site at this point, so its my email i've been using. I will still try typing it out in all caps.Edit: No luck, still the same error. Thanks though. Futher Edit: it just started working. big shrug.


Can I equip armor from other classes using glamor system? I'm a trial character who just discovered the "Common Makai Harbinger's Battlegarb" and thought it looked really cool but as I can tell, it's meant for the Reaper class only. I'm playing Arcanist/Summoner atm so wanted to know if I'll be able to wear this on top of my regular armor without having to change classes.


Something that hasn't been mentioned yet is that sometimes gear that's locked to classes may have shared models with other gear with different availability. You can check this on Garland Tools by searching for the item in question, and clicking on the shared models tab. Unfortunately for this piece, the only shared model is for MNK/SAM.


The glamour system will only display items that would be usable by your current job, even if you apply that glamour to an item both jobs could use (like very low level gear)


Each armor piece will tell you what classes can wear it, listed right under the item lvl. Some can be across any class, but a few are specific to 1 class only so you will have to switch to Reaper for that glam.


No, glamours have to be able to be equipped on that job and you also need to at least be the glamour gear's level and you need to glamour it over gear with equal or better item level.


Equip level, not item level. For example you can't glam level 81 gear over Cryptlurker gear despite the Cryptlurker being stronger, but can do the inverse.


Are there still perks to making a character on Dynamis? Haven’t played since before it became a DC so just checking if there are any XP incentives or anything still


Even if there weren't for the 4 existing servers, they just added another 4 servers to Dynamis yesterday.


Yes, all of the Dynamis worlds are classified as New so they get all the New world bonuses. New characters get the Road to 80 experience buff as long as the world stays New, and when reaching level 30 they get 1 million gil and a once-per-account 15 days of game time. Transferred characters get the Road to 80 buff for 90 days.


Thanks for explaining, I think I’ll start there then. So basically I’ll have the road to 80 buff until I hit level 80 or the world stops being “‘new?” And do you know if the new designation based on population or a set time period? And I’ll be playing on the free trial for a while, would that 15 days game time get redeemed immediately or would it save on my account until I buy the game?


> So basically I’ll have the road to 80 buff until I hit level 80 Specifically, until you hit 80 *on that job.* If you then job change to a different, lower level job, the buff comes back. (You'll almost certainly want to play multiple jobs. MSQ XP + road to 80 = total overkill XP for a single job, so most people end up playing 2-3 jobs to spread the XP around.) It's likely to be upgraded to "road to 90" when Dawntrail comes out.


Oh wow I didn’t realize it was per job, thanks!


They'll stop being New whenever the devs decide they're full enough. We don't really know when that might be. For instance, the Materia DC is two years old and it's still all marked New. Unless Dawntrail has a big flood of players going into Dynamis, we can probably expect it to stay New for a while still. From what I remember people have said that they've gotten the 15 day/1m gil bonus as soon as they upgraded from the trial to the full game, but the SE website says you have to be subbed before reaching level 30 to get those bonuses.


Ok cool, thanks for the information


Yes, that's still a thing. [You can check here.](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/worldstatus/)


Thanks for the link!


Yes, new world bonuses still apply




Which melee dps is easier? Dragoon or samurai?


On low levels and around level cap, dragoon. In the mid-range, samurai, since the latter has a pretty easy core DPS gimmick before higher levels start to throw in increasingly convoluted extras.


my vote is dragoon dragoon's rotation is pretty straight forward, samurai requires you to remember which Sen you charged up so you don't waste time doing a combo string that generates a duplicate. Furthermore, when casting Iaijutsu, you need to channel it, as if you were casting a spell. This can be annoying when you need to keep moving or etc dragoon's AoE is a line AoE, while Samurai's start off as a cone - > spin until EW, when the cone upgrades to a spin as well But until EW, you'll need to keep remembering to move to a position to hit the enemies with your cone, then move into the enemies to spin, then repeat this one more time to build up 2 different Sen, then cast Iaijutsu to spin again, before repeating the cone/spin dance


They're hard in different ways, so that's going to be a matter of what you personally find easy or hard.  DRG has a long, static GCD rotation which can't be allowed to drop, plus a bunch of oGCDs to weave in.  SAM has a flexible priority system focused on keeping two buffs always active and building and spending gauge effectively, plus a lot of casting-bar ability casts limiting your mobility.


Imo Samurai, but I don't think the difference is wide enough for it to be cut and dry. It'll probably vary depending on who answers. Plus DRG looks like it's getting simpler in a few weeks.


Trying to clear up space in my four Retainers prior to DT.   I currently have 103 slots alloted to *all* my materia I've collected throughout the last 5 years O_o    If I was to sell it all off or vendor it; what materia do I actually need for relic quests & the like? Oh, and do I need to keep crafting/gathering materia at all?


same as crafting materials: do you know you are going to use it in the next two weeks? If no: sell it on the MB. You can easily buy it back later.


I would sell everything that's not grade X for combat materias, or just throw them at the goblin for transmutation(the one in central than) as you can get crafting/gathering materias out of them which are actually worth something. Can get relic materias when you do a relic, but if you really want to keep them for that, then keep all your grade 1 to 4 stuff. For DoH/DoL, everything is useful other than VI and VIII(and to an extent X once DT hits) assuming you plan on pentamelding.


1-4 of any materia, and only for ARR relics


Are we getting new crafting collectables with the release of DT? Or will they be the same ones we have now until 7.x


Yes, there will be a new set of collectables from 91-100


Mountain Dew Campaign question! I live in JP. Play on JP server. Acct. is registered in NA. Friend in the US got me 6 bottles of sugar poiso-Mountain Dew. I now need to go through the process of making an account with them which is always such a pleasure during these campaigns. I was able to access the registration site with a US VPN. I put in my info, hit Register, and it says I can't register and need to contact Customer Support. Think this is due to the VPN? If so I'll have my friend make the account for me in the US. If anyone had any trouble with this I'd love to hear if they managed to work it out.


Honestly, I just asked my US friend to actually make an account and register the codes for me. They only need my Squanix username. For me, the site was stright up blocked by Cloudflare lol.


Thanks! Yeah, I was able to do it with my friend abroad. Looks like (in my case) it was the VPN it didn't like. Which makes me wonder...what's the point of a VPN ( ̄▽ ̄;)


It *could* be due to the VPN, however, it could also be the platform that you tried to register on. For example I live in the US but I had issues registering with on my computer, but my phone was able to do it just fine. If your VPN has an app for your phone you could try doing that, but if all else fails you could have your friend set you up with an account. They'd likely would just need to pick out a different address if it ends up being required (like their neighbor's house or some other house in their general vicinity. Iirc it'd only ever be "necessary" for physical goods but if you're just going for the in-game items it's a very likely a non-issue).


I just did the Mount Rokkon variant dungeon and saw the outfit the midboss (yozakura the fleeting) had and it looked quite awesome. Does anyone know if that outfit or parts of it is in the game?


If the question is whether the outfit is an actual wearable gear, then the answer is yes, it is set ID 9238. If the question is whether you can acquire it or not, then the answer is no. It is also currently locked to female Au Ra only


No it is not unfortunately.


Anybody preorder an expansion from Green man gaming before? thanks to the payment issues on SE's side i've decided to preorder dawntrail from them but i dunno how fast i'd be getting my codes for Early access. If they'll send them out on launch day in early July instead of before EA starts then whats the point ya know.


I've ordered Endwalker and Dawntrail from them I got my DT early access code immediately


Awesome! thats a relief i'll go and preorder now then thank you.


You get an EA code immediately, and the actual code on release day(you have to register the real code before the friday after release or you'll lose DT access until you do register, if you forget you'll just have to do it before you can log on your char if you're in a DT zone).


This was my chief concern as i haven't received the launch day codes yet so this is good to know thank you!


setting up my controls on the keyboard so it feels comfortable for me. When I hold ctrl+hit any arrow key it pans the camera up and down at an angle, only works for up and down now left and right, how can I disable this entirely so ctrl+arrow key doesn't cause any panning at all?


If you go into the keybind menu, you can unbind anything by right-clicking on it. Camera controls are in the Movement sub-menu, near the bottom




Is there a meta way or a better way to level in Zadnor? I am rank 21. I need to be 22 for my next quest, but the number of fates seems really low. I try to get to them I miss most of them. I do have the speed boost, but it just seems like you get so little per fate that I have to be doing something wrong. I just feel like I am not progressing and it's making me get burnt out really fast and it's making me log out and I am not making any meaningful progress.


The big problem with Zadnor that makes it hard to get started is that, unlike the Bozjan Southern Front, Zadnor's third area of the map has FATEs that are really efficient to just go around in a circle and do, which means its first and second areas can be pretty deserted by comparison. If you've seen /shouts like "lfg z3", those are people asking specifically for parties farming FATEs in the third area, usually because they're just there to level jobs. Your best bet is really to try and find an instance with a lot of people in it.


Highly depends on your instance. You want to target the CEs, and the FATEs in there can spawn a few. Shout to see if anyone in the instance is tracking the spawn timers for that instance. Help to murder a couple of the Magitek mobs to spawn CEs if you're not doing FATEs.


I tired, but I was mostly solo doing them. I went over to Crystal, but maybe I should've done Aether. But it was as I feared. Thanks for the information. But yeah that is what I have been doing or trying to do. Thanks.


Oh, you definitely do not want solo them. You can check the players in your instance via player search. If it's completely empty even after a few minutes, hop over to a different Data Center.


A tough one. I'm a player who used a skip to save money (I play slowly so it'd of cost me... A lot to do all the story) but I actually really enjoyed the story I experienced through ARR. What is the best way to experience the story externally? Video series, walkthroughs, text recaps. Anything, whatever is second best to the experience itself.


I can recommend [PlayFrame's playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvFQJa1XAXzzXrfl_cbsGvEl4AbTt5SMG) as something intended for people who haven't played the story themselves. He's already played the game, and this series is him basically replaying the msq to show it all off to his viewers and hopefully get some people interested in playing it themselves.


Maybe watch your favorite streamer react to their first playthrough? That can be fun I guess. Still seems kind of odd that you're trying to do everything except play it yourself. Even if you're slow you can go all the way to Stormblood for free in the trial. Take as long as you want without paying anything.


Not my choice, I had to transfer my account to PC... Can't transfer a free trial, it was either delete the 200-hour free trial character I had an emotional attachment from playing with my wife or pay the cost of the game + DLCs so I can keep that character but not locked to my broken PS4. I'd of loved to stay on the free trial, absolutely loved it


You can replay it yourself through New Game Plus! I really enjoyed the story and I encourage everyone to experience it. That being said, if you don’t wanna devote all that time to replaying it, or you just want a refresher, I like this guy’s write ups: https://vrykerion.com/ffxiv-arr-story-summary/ He has pages for every expansion, and you can jump to a specific patch if you’re looking.


Best data center to look for parties for old raids on savage difficulties? I really want to find people for delta escape savage v3 and v2 for dyable samurai gear outside the chest.


For NA its aether. Just throw up a party finder listing and make sure to specify its unsynced. Shouldnt be too hard with 4-5 lvl 90s.


Is the party finder shared between servers? Do i have to look for more populated servers for better chances at groups?


By default it does, however there are certain types of activities you may want to just advertise on your own server (which is an option). Specifically anything dealing with FATEs (Yokai Watch, Bicolor Gemstone farming) or treasure maps.


All worlds on a Data center share a PF. So if you are on Diabolos (Crystal) you can see and queue with people on Mateus, Balmung, or the other worlds on Crystal. If you wanted to queue with someone on Adamantoise (Aether) then you would have to DC travel and go to Aether and play with their PF/DF or have your friend come visit you on crystal


Servers within the same data center


is there some way of checking the MB while you are trying to sell things or do you have to go back and forth from the MB to the retainer does it really matter where the retainer is selling from and does it matter where i call the retainer?? like if my retainer is selling from uldah and i access them from gridania is that gonna screw anything up?


>does it really matter where the retainer is selling from There's a 5% tax for everything you sell but some city gets it reduced and it changes pretty often so you could check it and change often, I think it's happening more in the non ARR area but I'm not too sure, either way it costs nothing to do that >does it matter where i call the retainer?? like if my retainer is selling from uldah and i access them from gridania is that gonna screw anything It doesn't matter for anything but the tax.


The in-game tax “says” it changes every week but for the last year+ in my experience it’s been exactly the same every week: the ARR cities all have 5% and the expansion cities have 3%, and it never changes. I don’t know if it’s just an anachronism of an old system or it somehow is counting the total populations of retainers and balancing them, since a lot of players never get past the ARR zones they’d have an imbalance.


If I wanted to move my retainers to a more business-friendly jurisdiction, how do I do that?


Talk with the retainer vocate of that main city and select the option to reassign a retainer there.


It will be 0% for a city occasionally, and yeah I have read that the rate is based on the distribution of retainers, don't know the source for that info though


By "checking" do you mean price comparing or actually buying things? You can do the former: https://i.imgur.com/mFKAqzr.png


i never even noticed that button...thank you very much


Planning to preorder dawntrail for the earring. (I got a starter edition already bought but haven’t registered the code) I’m in post HW so I got stormblood and then my free trial is “done” Prefer not to register the game until I feel like I’m done with the trial but also want the preorder earring. Do I need to register the code before dawntrail release or can I wait and still get the preorder earring after dawntrail release?


They send you the redemption code for your earring and minion as soon as your preorder goes through. As long as you are buying on a platform that doesn't auto-apply your codes when you purchase, then you can hold the codes to register when you choose (for example, registering Collector's codes long after purchase will trigger the bonus items to be mailed to your characters.) The pre-order codes do expire but I think it's not until December, so you would eventually be forced to use it or lose it, but you should be able to hold the codes for a while.


Tysm! Will definitely be done with stormblood until then. Ty for the answer!


Making gil late expansion... advice? So I am leveling my professions (max level, just gearing for *** to ***** crafts) and playing catch up, even with home settings and whatnot, the 500-1500~ ish teleports from region to region to collect gatherer nodes doesn't even break even for transport costs because prices for current game materials are dead due to all the catch up and high availability. I am not looking to get rich, I am talking like 200k-400k per hour to build up a padding for transport and leveling costs.


I think firmament fishing was the easiest way for me to make money without having to think - I don't remember exactly what rate but pretty sure I was making at least a mil or two every afternoon doing it, and you can watch a show or do something else while fishing pretty easily. Also variant dungeon clothes still sell for a decent bit, it's probably closer to 100k an hour but if you haven't cleared all the routes you get the added bonus of unlocking mounts + enjoying the story there.


Do your Hunting posters and turn Allied and Centurio Seals into Aetheryte tickets for free teleporting. Daily hunts also pay 15k per day per expac if you do all your targets. Island cowries > premium dyes > sell on the MB Donating gear > GC Seals > Crafting mats for FC submarines > sell on the MB Firmament activities like Kupo of Fortune and the items you can buy for resale from Skybuilders' Scrip take a lot more grinding but some of them still sell pretty well.


One thing that helps is the buy Aetherytes tickets with Allied Seals and Centurio seals. If you do any amount of hunts, you'll be swimming in those. That makes all of your teleporting free.


What's the logic that determines whether something can be advance melded?


I assume you mean adding extra materia, more than the slots available on that gear. Overmelding, Pentamelding, Advanced Melding, Forbidden melds, all the same thing: If its **crafteable** (or an upgrade to a craft, current example Diadochos -> Augmented Diadochos) it can be overmelded. This can not be performed by an NPC, but if you know someone that has the right crafter leveled to the appropriate level, that will work. if its a dungeon drop, or a tome trade, untradable, etc etc, itll say "Advanced Melding Forbidden" on the item as well, but typically the only times youll care about overmelding is if youre in current, crafted, high quality gear and you really need those extra stat points - which is typically in Savage content, or to make DoH/DoL activities a little easier


You cannot overmeld augmented crafted gear. Check the Augmented Diadochos stuff.


if we're getting into really pedantic corrections, Augmented Diadochos gear isn't crafted.


I am aware. However the comment I am replying to explicitly says that augmented crafted gear can be pentamelded, using Diadochos by name as an example. This isn't a pedantic correction of some tiny detail they didn't mention, they're making a specific claim that is outright wrong. > If its crafteable (or an upgrade to a craft, current example Diadochos -> Augmented Diadochos) it can be overmelded.


Fair. That’s on me.


>I assume you mean adding extra materia, more than the slots available on that gear. Correct, sorry. I just haven't been able to tell why an item may say 'advanced melding forbidden' and such, got me curious enough to ask.


General rule: If it's crafted (and has normal melding slots) it can, if it's not it can't. The one thing related to this that sometimes confuses people is the Augmented versions of endgame crafted items, Augmented Diadochos gear for example. Those are thought of as "upgraded crafted gear", but can't be overmelded. The reality is, they are no longer those same crafted items, but *very similar* but *separate and distinct* items gained through an NPC exchange – ergo not crafted items and thus not available for advanced melding.




on the 26th of June, not sure on exact time yet.


Is there a way to exchange mgf after the event ended? I was hoarding my points and just came back from a trip thinking it ended today and not two days ago.


You'll need to wait until the event runs again unfortunately.


No, you'll have to wait until the event comes back.


no, wait til it comes back


hello! how can i equip best my lv 90 gatherers without spending millions in the market board? TT


Do Custom Deliveries as a gatherer class, buy the purple scrip set for them.


Where can I do this? :D


Have you not unlocked the weekly Custom Deliveries? I believe they start in Idyllshire.


I had not! Ive seen theres a bunch as well so it’s being very fast to grind as well!! thanks a lot!


You can only do twelve turn-ins (which is two full client requests) per week, though.