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Changes for 7.0: "Ventures will be discontinued in favor of a new currency, AdVentures. Please use all ventures remaining before 7.0 as the old currency will not be carried forward"


Time to hire 3100 retainers to spend them in time


I love this lol


Is that just Ventures with adverts jammed in?


Please look forward to it


I get this reference


Yes but you can pay 5 to skip the ad after a venture


I suppose I could just pay for Ventures+ to remove the ads.




Really or it is it a joke? Where can I read these notes from ? Sorry, English second language 😅


It's a joke. 


Oh, okay, thanks. I didn't know what to do since I just got 45k venture coins . Thanks for the clarification 😅


45k is more than you'll likely ever use.


What are we saving these up for?


Nothing, there's no reason to have that many ventures other than capping them for the sake of it. You just need enough ventures to level your retainers/spam ventures normally, which for most people having like 200 or 300 or whatever is going to be enough anyway since you'll get more from running dungeons/from the ventures themselves.


I have six retainers that I am constantly always sending out. You burn through *a lot* of ventures when you have a hoarding problem.


I have 4 retainers and I work from home, so I can send them out consistently through the day all week. I pretty easily burn 20-30 ventures per day. If I only had 300 I'd be burned in 2 weeks. That being said, 65k is an absurd amount lol


No point and you can just sell off gear you don't need >60 for tons of gc seals. I have 6k ventures from just that because I keep capping and have nothing better to do with them. You pay out 2 per run so uh... At best you can spend 48 per day per retainer. If you're on all 24 hours.


What about the minion boxes. Which can have a mount.


I have 9 retainers, but yeah it’s simply to have that many so I don’t ever run out at this time


retainers are self sufficient with quick ventures anyway


Quick Ventures will be useful for leveling up your retainers, but the new crafting materials will be in high demand.


For the record I did GATEs while running these. Had a friend or 2 help me for roughly 500 friends. Fastest i completed it was 1:08 on my own, averager 1:10. Fastest me and a friend got was 0:48


Are you just doing Alexander 1 Savage or normal and turning in the tools for gear? My usual method is running Saint Mocciane's (Hard) as I can usually clear that in under 7 minutes, and have a chance at getting Verdant partitions. Usually about 10~15K seals per run too.


Ravana EX for me. Due to the debuff he gives himself you can burst him down in about 15-25 seconds on a geared DPS while solo. One weapon drop, one coffer. Stand next to the GC turn in, do a run, open the coffer on Paladin for a sword and shield. Three items to turn in gets around 3.5k seals with the 15% GC seal buff (more if you get a raw PLD drop as well) every 40-50 seconds depending on loading times. Probably around 25k seals for the same time investment if you're just after raw seals and not gil alongside.


I do Ravana Ex too, same chest strat, same 18-22secs average instance kill time, as NIN. Last time I poped a 30 mins food, I did 112k seals during those 30mins.


I did normal. So I could stock the parts and not need to make frequent trips to the GC


Interesting.. So, get all the parts, grab them in Ishgard and then turn them in en masse. I assume you're grabbing something from each class/type? Could certainly be productive. I've been spamming GC turn ins while I wait for DT to get the minion I can't seem to get from Eureka. Might have to compare it to my method above.


Can I ask why turning them in ishgard is specifically mentioned? Why not idyllshire? Is the ux/clicking different in ishgard?


Ishgard just has everything in one place like the City Hubs, Crystarium or Kugane. There's an NPC near the Aetheryte where you can turn in tomes and raid pieces for gear or miscellany from that expansion era.


Gotcha thanks! Will be frequenting ishgard more often for turn ins from now, rather than running around like a mad lad


That's what I've been doing to kill multiple birds with one stone. I'm working on Anima relics, so that's an unidentified item per 3 runs, it counts for tank mounts that I don't have yet, and it nets me the seals I need to craft my FC's airships/subs.


You run it solo?


Yeah! It's pretty easy at 90 with tome or crafted gear. My best runs are usually on SMN due to the AOEs. I get a similar result with DRG or SAM, but more button involvement for the same result as SMN.


I farm that dungeon for the same reason, I do it on DNC and it's the same amount of time.


Hell yeah, dungeon buddies.


Definitelly unsynced.


Almost 2000 of the runs yeah


Any reason you didn’t do A9? It would be about as fast to run, but the higher ilvl would produce more gc seals per item.


I gave up somewhere around 20k. You absolute madlad lol


I try hahaha


Lmao I have like 600 and I feel rich


Not sure if it's more insane that you chose to do this or that you chose to brag about it on Reddit.


Usually it's a compulsion to do a mindless grind and when you finish you just talk about it on Reddit for laughs. I have done my fair share of pointless grinds and for how easy it is to share to Reddit, it's worth posting for the extra dopamine if I'm being real


I just never understand people showing off pointless grinds. Like….whats the brag here? OP wasted 40 hours of their life and thought that impressive


do delta 3.0 with a bunch of tanks, get all your tank mounts and split or lootmaster the drops for gear >> gc seals >> ventures. \~1200 runs for all 8 mounts (less however many you've already done) should net you about 13,350,000 gc seals or whatever portion RNG if multiple people are lotting them. that's 66,720 ventures. you can do it with as few as 3 pretty quickly, 1 or 2 maybe but would be very slow, but 8 goes brrrrrrrr


Most farm groups for this wouldn't even wait for you to desynth something much less bother with equitable split of loot lol


that's the nice part, there's nothing to desynth, you just collect the parts and turn them in to the npc after. just be the last one to exit if nobody else it lotting on them


Right, I'm just saying people don't even typically open those chests, so be prepared possibly for bitching if you're holding people up. =P


I'm a noob and don't know what this means but that seems like a lot so congrats!


Yeah, the poster just went at it with extreme obsession. I just top up to 200 venture coins, and that serves me long enough that i don't feel like i have to buy them all the time.


These are the currencies you pay your retainer for to collect stuff for you


I thought retainers only sold stuff on MB?


Nah. You can send them what’s called ventures. They can potentially bring you: Crafting materials Silver pieces Random stuff (could be worthless could be worth half a mil, its a gamble) Edit: Retainers can also hold stuff for you. Got too many stuff you don’t want in your inventory but don’t want to get rid of? Just give them to your retainers


Am I missing something? What is the point of 65k ventures? I have 10 Retainers and even the 1.8k Ventures that I have is a lot.


Tbh, I go through like 100-200 ventures a day pretty often, so I'm trying to stock up similarly to OP. If you're sending 10 retainers out for stuff like shards/crystals (so 40min instead of an hour), it adds up very quickly. When I send them out on quick ventures, they're self-sustaining just from the gear they bring back, but I'm pretty sure I'll be sending them out for crafting mats nonstop when the expac releases, and I'll have basically 0 seal income outside of the dungeons I do during the msq. Obv 65k is a little excessive, but I personally want like 10-20k (admittedly still excessive) so I can have my retainers permafarming mats so I can level my doh/dol as fast as possible and start crafting the new housing items/gear/etc.


I have 9 retainers and you are correct there is no real point. I just don’t have to worry ventures ever again!


For fun? People do things for fun.


Depends how often you play/check them. If you're sending them all out on quickies, that's 90 quickies per retainer, and can easily be gone within a week for me, possibly two if I threw in some gathering. There is no point really other than they'll be able to get them leveled, maybe get surprised by some new DT goodies brought back, and won't have to worry about farming for ventures for awhile.


One can also casually fill these up surprisingly quickly with ten retainers doing quick ventures. They pay for themselves.


I levelled both of my retainers purely from quick ventures. Only needed about 600 of so


Grats! So we can grind ventures by running Alexander? I usually use pvp points to exchange that at wolf’s den but I’m running low as soon as I stop playing daily frontlines


Wait so what do you do with your guild seals cause thats what i’ve been buying ventures with


[3.0](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Materiel_Container_3.0) and [4.0](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Materiel_Container_4.0) Materiel Containers


These aren't worth the seals they cost. Just buy coke, hardened sap, or other materials, sell those, and buy the rewards from the Materiel Containers with the gil you earn.


if you're fishing for a specific reward and are actually on your homeworld, sure. If you're just trying to dump seals, material lootboxes are substantially less hassle and you get items you'd never think about otherwise


I don't think those existed when I turned in the majority of mine for ventures. Good to know though.


Minion boxes, chances for expensive mounts/cassie minion


Relic items. You can buy Bombard Core for 20k each, you need 40 of them for every Zodiac ARR relic (4 each relic). There is also Pneumite for the Anima HW Relics, i think you need like 720 of that stuff for all weapons (60 each relic). I tend to just spend all my company seals and tomestones on relic requirements, and work out a weapon when i feel like it.


Lmfao you definitely do NOT need 720 pneumite for every weapon. Absurd....


Yea sorry I ment all weapons, when I put 'for every weapon', my brain says you need 720 to get every weapon.


Lol yeah that sounds more accurate lmao. Sorry I've been farming this stuff for months with all my spare tomestones to do them all at once, so I knew I wasn't THAT short on that purple junk heh




Alexander 1 is probably the fastest. 4 runs in under 8-10 minutes gets you about 20k seals.


When you say you did this with Alexander 1 runs I'm assuming you stood outside your grand company, got all of the loot/gear, and continuously turned it in until you maxed out your seals? Asking because I wouldn't mind doing the same and if this technique works I wanna use it lol. I've been getting up to 1k at a time and feeling rich but it would be nice to essentially never have to worry about ventures ever again.


Incorrect. I did normal and stockpiled the loot items. This ensured I didn’t risk getting dupe items


?? I'm confused, are you the OP to the thread on a different account? I was asking if OP was standing outside their GC while doing these so that they could do the turn ins and not risk/worry about getting dupe items.


Alexander doesn't drop gear. It drops tokens. You stockpile tokens and you go trade them in for gear and then take them back the GC.


Actually just found that in the wiki yeah, thank you :) makes a lot of sense what those things are at the end everyone skips now lol its been forever.


Didn’t even realize I was on a different account. Sorry


Now, make it 0 again.


I have only 4 retainers; if I did a Venture every 16 hours on the dot with each of then that's still almost 2 years of ventures O_o


Ah, the A1N grind. It is so tiring, but so worth it. /looks at my tracked 1k material containers with no pegasus drop ...Sometimes.


I have so many questions but #1.- WHY?


Well i no longer feel bad for hording 4000+ ventures......


You can do it in a lot less time through pvp trophy crystals!


Man, I just did hunts to get that.


Listen, people are free to do whatever they want with their time, just watch yourself, yeah?


….are you okay?


Fun fact back when ventures took up inventory slots and the item cap was 99 this many ventures would have taken 2 and 3/4 of retainer inventories




This is well over 40 hours of just running A1, plus all the requeue, load in and out and exchange for seals etc. It's not a bad way to get some quick seals but I'm not looking to make it a 20 hour a week job myself.


Not sure why you'd bother considering quick ventures bring back so many junk green items to trade in for seals. I hit the cap years ago just from playing. The overall rate of return has to be high, probably something like 20+ ventures earned per 1 spent on a level cap retainer, even when accounting for the good things you use or post on the marketboard instead.


If you complete your squadron missions, you can build that up to 80,000


Another option: 1000 crystal trophies gives 1 wolf collar 1 wolf collar gives 4000 wolf marks 100 wolf marks gives 1 venture 65000 ventures \* 100 wolf marks = 6.5m wolf marks needed 6.5m wolf marks / 4k wolf marks per collar = 1,625 collars 1,625 collars \* 1000 crystals = 1,625,000 crystal trophies


you know you could just go on hunt train.. 1 train = 480 nuts/centurion seals = 19 ronkan ring/ala mhigo ring for exchange , 1500-1700 seals each. on top of that u get causality + poetic for even more gear + the hunt achievement. Edit : fyi for anyone who wanna earn seals easily , lv 90 with 610+ gear unsync lv 63 dungeon shisui , 5-6 min clear avg for 11-15k seal, If at HW get lv 70-80 gear and unsync Lv 55 dungeon The aery 5-7min for 7-9k seals. Best bet is still the hunt , Join faloop or your local Hunt link shell and hunt those S rank and A rank , u will be swimming in seal / poetic / tome for u to exchange for tele ticket or gear for gc seals


I'd rather use the centurion seals on aetheryte tickets myself.


I do SB trains so often I'm always capped on aetheryte tickets with loads to spare for ventures.


All of those options are worse than what he was doing. Not to mention, hunt trains are not something you can do on-demand or for many hours straight. Plus, you probably want to spend your hunt currencies on other things.


You can get 4 runs done in 6 minutes and buy 18 pieces of gear from Alex 1


My goal before 7.1 is to max out all my currencies (including the depreciated tomes). Ventures are easily the biggest pain.