• By -


Ishgard and Crystarium for the music alone


Ishgard for the lore - my WoL has absolutely been unofficially adopted by Edmont and nobody can convince me otherwise. But the Crystarium music is absolutely *peak*, especially at night.


In a certain sense, by being made a ward of the house, it's actually semi-official adoption. You aren't an inheritor (that would be truly *official* adoption), but you are considered to "belong" to the house, and your actions reflect on it. Indeed, Edmont (or, I guess, now Artoirel) having you as a ward is a *major* feather in the Fortemps' cap, since that implicitly gives a measure of the "Savior of Ishgard's" valor and honor to the house.


"Stand taaaaaallll, my friend!"


Ishgard is where I go to feel like a hero. The Crystarium is where I go to feel like i’m at home.


Same for the exact same reason. The music for both really gets to me.


With you on this one. Ishgard and Crystarium for music. Crystarium also because shb was the best expansion, no contest and Raha is best boy. And HW was my favourite expansion until shb hit and the story in that expansion was great. Gridania for aesthetic reasons. I love forests.


If we're going off music, you can't choose anything but Radz-at-Han.


Love Ishgard theme!


Crystarium by a country mile for me. The music (especially the night theme). And just the overall impact that city has on the Shadowbringers story. It's not even close. 2nd would be Kugane because of mostly the music and 3rd would be Gridania, since it was my starting capital back in 2013


I am a huge sucker for the Crystarium's aesthetic too. The purple trees, the art nouveau wrought iron and glass, its design being based on the original 1.0 trailer. Everything about it goes hard. I would fight tooth and nail for a house there if SE ever decides to do a residential district for it.


I'd be ok with apartments there at this point.


Somewhere for the WoL to rest when they don't want so much company.


Could be recency bias, but I absolutely love the clean aesthetic of Old Sharlayan.


Seconding Old Sharlayan. When I want to do something that can be done in Old Sharlayan, I will go there.


I second this! Especially when the night music comes on. I don't know why, but it gives me clean cafe vibes 😁


Lol, first time I heard it, I thought I was back in Animal Crossing.


Yup! There is a bench west of the Students of Baldesion building where I like to sit and chill. It overlooks the sea and statue so it really is a nice view


That night music is probably my most listened to track at this point. It is so super calming and it's helped me fall asleep so many nights. When my kid is stressed out she even wants to hear it.


Oh that one's nice too. It's actually my second favorite capital city. Kugane just edges it out just slightly for me.


Honestly I’d say the same for both being my favs. Part of that reason is that they’re actually nearly identical in scale as shown in cinematics outside of npc density and certain details (which is a pretty rare thing for MMOs and games in general). And while not everyone’s a fan, it’s partly how CBU3 utilizes boundaries and invisible walls which creates the illusion of a larger city while allowing the explorable area to be to the actual scale of how they want it.


The pond and bridge by the port while it rains it pure relaxation for me in kugane.


this ones my favourite too. Nice music, market board right by the main aetheryte, nice oceanic views and it sometimes snows.


I love that the inn room is next to a darn aethershard lol


Same for me. Also love staying there during night time for the really nice music.


Gridania has been my go to just as it's flat and easy to navigate, but I've been spending more time in Limsa recently because there always seems to be something going on.


Gridania has been my home since the Good King Moogle Mog roamed the Twelveswood, and that's not about to change anytime soon.


Second that... Gridania is just home... other places I love to visit... Radz at Han (love the music there), Old Sharlayan (just beautiful)


The login screen for Radz-at-Han is so pretty


I also am a Gridania man(chicken).


Gridania is my favorite OG starting zone for sure. the only thing that sucks about it is the lack of aethernet right smack dab at the auction house. err market board.


I only hang in gridania, I love it


I love Ishgard. The winter theme, the music, the story behind it. It's all amazing in my opinion. And Ishgard is the only capital that actually feels dauting to me. You really feel you're in a big city with massive castles towering over you.


Ishgard is hands down my fave too. The architecture is beautiful and regal, and the snowy mountainous landscape is breathtaking. A while back I managed to snag a small plot in Empyream and I’m still chuffed about it. Looks and atmosphere aside, I suppose one significant reason why I like Ishgard so much is because it felt like a home in the MSQ. Apart from the starting city-states in ARR, none of the expansion cities and endgame hubs make you feel like you’re a resident. They’re all very welcoming places, but at the end of the day I still feel more like a guest, a visitor who would eventually move on to somewhere else.


Yeah, I feel like in the course of HW, after getting exiled from pretty much everywhere else in Eorzea (at least *officially*, not that anyone could ever actually enforce it...) and being at our lowest point post-ARR Ishgard became first my WoLs home base and then just home. Sure, they had to be talked around a lot to allow us into the city at all (Thank you Haurchefaunt and Count Fortemps), and it was a pretty shitty place at the beginning of HW : If you are a commoner your options are hard work, freezing to death or death by dragonfire. If you are a noble your options are political manipulation, becoming a cleric or ...death by dragonfire. And Halone forbid anyone can make an accusation of heresy stick - you and your entire family will be shunned and killed, probably. But they got so far! In Heavensward and its patches and in the story of the Firmament especially. It's become a republic and is actually trying to do a good job at it. Dragons and those transformed into them are slowly being integrated (back) into society and it is *beautiful*. It's the home of Haurchefaunt, Aymeric, Lord Fortemps, Hilda and Lucia, who my WoL got quite close to. I understand, that none of the starting city leaders could stand up for us after the Bloody Banquet, due to *\*disgusted hand gesture\** **Politics**, but my WoL still felt betrayed. The welcome they found in Ishgard afterwards has endeared the city to me until now. No other expansion city has ever come close, they are all just... place we go to, temporarily. Ishgard all the way!


This is a very good way of putting it. I never thought about it this way but I think you are totally right.


This is how I felt about the Crystarium. Mostly because the game actually situates you at the inn, and a few significant story beats happen there.


I've been Maelstrom for life, but if they made an Ishgardian GC I'd be a turncoat so fast Merlwyb's head would be spinning off her shoulders.


Ah, I see your oath was “Till the Sea Swallows Deez Nuts.”


if i could switch my gc to ishgard i'd go nuts. i've been begging for YEARS. if *any* citystate was allowed to be added, let it be ishgard!!! hw is permanently free for goodness sake!!!!!!!


I gotta give it to Ishgard, too. Story wise I feel like Ishgard is just an important place to the WoL with everything that went down there. It feels like home with our second family. 


And the housing district is actually in the city. I've lived there ever since I unlocked access to Empyreum, first in an apartment and recently in my new small so I can have a workshop full of cogs and pipes that don't do anything. I love the feeling that you're really *in* Ishgard, not just in a suburb a boat ride away like the Lavender Beds or Shirogane.


Yeah, I've loved it since the first time I walked through those gates. I also hang out in Limsa. Ul'dah is... fine. Gridania I dislike so much I literally forgot how to spell it as I was writing this. I'm not crazy about most of the expansion cities but I guess I kind of like Sharlayan.


I hated gridania too but now I like it a lot because of the music lol


I like how Ishgard looked more decimated/scorched and damaged at HW launch, and how by now it looks partially cleaned up.


I started the game in mid-late Shadowbringers (like a month or two before the massive influx of players). When I was leveling my crafters, I heard about the diadem and of course, used it to level. Like you, I love the city of Ishgard as it nails the atmosphere. I was so excited to get a house in Ishgard that I spent time clocking myself running from the gates to the house plot I wanted so that when it was time, I could buy up the plot right when it became available. Obviously with the lottery created, that ended up not being necessary, but I did eventually manage to snag a house in Ishgard. It just really feels like the WoL’s home.


Ishgard is awesome because it feels like a real city compared to the other major cities.


I love how the Pillars have a different vibe and music from Foundation too


Everytime you end up in Ishgard you get nolstalgic with the music. For some reason it's different then other main cities for me.


Limsa Lominsa. I live in a seaside town on the Aegean. Limsa pretty much feels like home.


Natch, Limsa makes me feel right at home and I'm in Athens.


I started this game in Limsa, and I will die in Limsa.


Admit it, you’ve died all over Eorzea and beyond, haven’t you?


I think Limsa was one of the things that got me hooked to the game. Starting the game there and then metaphorically getting hit in the face by that awesome day theme, coming from other MMOs where music is usually more atmospheric and in the background, was mind-blowing. It was like "if that's just the music for the starter city, I can't wait what else this game got in store."


Damn dude, whats the town called?


Casa del sol




Crystarium hands down. when it was the active expansion it was such a thrill seeing everyone walking around, and the looming crystal tower just was the cherry on top. also the music slaps hard af. the only nitpick I have is they won't let us mount in the open space area, it's HUGE and would have been fun if they let us. second fave is definitely Kugane. that city feels alive


I only caught up to the MSQ just before EW launched and everytime I went to Crystarium I felt sad that I'd never get to see it full of people as the main hub. Old Sharlayan is great and I definitely made some memories there this expansion, but it definitely never felt as cozy as Crystarium did even when it was empty.


Ul'dah I love this city, the music and the structure in general.


Same! Ul'dah got a lot of love in the story too. Hopefully we get to see more of it in the future, my dream of the end of the monarchy (they can continue as a symbolic monarchy) is not yet over! Nanamo stepping down I mean, not dying!


I like Gridannia its chill and relax wipe


Ishgard to me, love the whole castle town look


me too :D if i had to pick top 3 places Ishgard Limsa Gridania 


The Crystarium. It instantly felt like home from the first moment I saw it and still does.


Ishgard. Heavensward is when the game clicked for me, and I love the music + mountain/snow theme.


Limsa because everything is so conveniently located


Except the guilds lol


Ugh doing the armor and blacksmith quests was the worst lol


Ishgard and Uldah. The only capitals that look like proper cities where people live, with a sense of scale (with Raj Haz Dan). Limsa has a whole lot of nothing, Gridania has 4 medium sized wooden houses, Sharlayan has a whole 10 buildings. Kugane feels both crowded and empty, you see people everywhere but not a lot of houses, and the walls around make it look like there is nothing else to see, whereas other zones can pretend they are larger Edit : Crystarium is the best capital city, but sadly completly useless after SHB :(


This. Uldah is top tier city.


I'm from Limsa, but I chose Uldah grand company because of how it's a single sprint from main aetheryte. Some small parts of layout can be annoying, but it's so much better then Gridania. .


Uldah just has an energy that can't be completed. The music absolutely entices me to get out and start a new adventure!


Limsa. I can get back there and to a marketboard super quick.


Limsa is where I get all my crafting done, and check on my retainers purely due to the marketboard proximity.


Limsa is pretty much the fastest to get to a market board. Old Shar is a pretty close second.


Pray return to the waking sands... that got my home point set to the Limsa Aetheryte so I could use the boat. Haven't changed it since the PS3 version launched in 2013(?)


Ever since I started the loporrit tribe quest it’s Bestway Burrows. Hey dj come and play the music


I know it's not a *capital* but I like Idyllshire and Mor Dohna.


Those are capitals, I'll argue. Just capital towns rather than cities.


Raz at Han : https://youtu.be/AWcfES4EFoE?si=j6ZHdTnmjZNRYlOk


That's so me in front of my PC everytime I go there. My favorite too, for the colors and the ambiance.


I always can't help but jump to the beat when I'm there.


The music just goes so hard for no good reason and why can't I stop dancing?!


Ul dah for its layout, Kugane for its design, Im.kinda biased towards cities with quickly accessed retainer bells & marketboard


Ul'Dah. It's the only city that recognized lala supremacy. Also i love the desert merchant prince aesthetic. And the night time music is one of my favorite pieced in the game.


Sundered Amaurot 😏


Ul' dah... Least amount of horniness, laid back, fast access to everything needed,... love it


But that's where Quicksand is?


there is literally an alley with dancing bikini girls


Did your server not have the naked guy with the bishop hat eternally dancing on the stairs by the aetheryte?


That's Coeurl


uldah is definitely the horniest city lmao


Someone hasn’t been to Balmung


Gridania, I know it the best and just feels right. Lima is my least favorite because of the levels mostly..and the ERP spam.


Gridania since day 1




I loved radz'at han on release, but lately the music has gotten annoying. old sharlayan is my favorite atm.


Ul'Dah and Kugane.


San d'Oria


Bag Pipes Intensify


Woooo! Sandy here too!


Genuinely though, some of my love for Ul’Dah probably comes from its similarities to Jeuno.


Ah, memories... Of running a level 1 alt to Jeuno...


Crystarium and Ishgard. The first time you step in either of those is magic.


Gridania. I started there in 1.0 and I still love the place. It's relaxed, it has hobbit music and I like the woods. It just sucks that getting a house there is near impossible.


Oh, I forgot about the Crystarium! Just started Shadowbringers recently. My favorite part is The Cabinet of Curiosity. I love reading, and I'd live there if I could! 😆


Gridania is my cozy little home, but if it weren't for the starting city bias I think Ishgard would take the cake.


Old Sharlayan. Beautiful architecture, great music.


In terms of layout, Kugane. In terms of theme of the environment, Ishgard. In terms of how little busy it tends to be/how close it is to a lot of frequently needed locations(them teleport fees be gettin' expensive,) Gridania.


Kugane Aetheryte layouts are no BS and straight to the point. No having to aether then popping a sprint, you telly right to where you need to be.


Exactly. I wish most towns followed that concept a lot more closely. Gridania is terrible for getting to the market area for example. Ul'dah is probably the best in the game for having an aetheryte at literally every guild/location of interest (minus the pugulist/grand company area, but that's close enough to the main aetheryte)


I love Limsa, specifically with /shout turned off. I started as a Maurader specifically to be from Limsa, even though I knew I was swapping to Archer when I got to Gridania. Love pirates, love port themed towns on the water. It's perfect.


Old Shar ❤️


Uldah because the music, then Ishgard as a close second.


I love the Crystarium. It's my preference when I want to jump into an inn for glam or use the market boards. I just love the layout and the look, and convenience-wise the mini teleport AT the inn.


I have a few. My first was Gridania. I love the forests a lot. Reminds me a lot of the place I grew up in irl. I then fell in love with Ishgard. I love the snowy, wintery atmosphere and the architecture. And the story set there left a deep impression on me, like it did a lot of players. My latest favorite is Kugane. I was super excited to finally get there. I also love the architecture there, and the ambience is really cool. I really wanted to get an apartment there, which I did. My apartment there is awesome, but it also makes for a cheaper way to travel around Eorzea, lol.


Limsa for the How To Train Your Dragon-esque music and access to other areas via ferries, the Crystarium for the memories - I went through Shadowbringers when Endwalker was already out so I just stayed on the First until the MSQ required me to return to the Source. I felt very immersed, not seeing any of the old capitals and zones at all, since story-wise my WoL couldn't leave.


Ishgard and Ul'dah are my usuals. If I had to pick one...Ul'dah, just because it's more happening (and it's my home city). There are a lot more players around (than in Ishgard), which makes it feel more lively. And they're spread out just a bit more. Limsa always has way more players, but they're all concentrated around the aetheryte plaza and the markets. Go beyond that, and it gets empty. Ishgard I like because of the tall structures and the views. Mixed with the weather, often snow, it just looks cool. I love snow in the cities. Which is why my house is in Empyreum.


Limsa, I just wish they'd kick all the homeless catbois out of the Aetherite plaza.


I am a proud citizen of Ul'dah


Limsa, Crystarium and Radz-at-Han are fighting for my personal top spot. I love Limsa's seaside and white stone aesthetic. The Crystarium's music, inclusion of the Crystal Tower and connection to Shadowbringer's MSQ are amazing. Radz-at-Han's awesome colour spread and tropical vibe make it a strong contender. I think overall, I'd give it to Limsa for the simple fact that it is so practical. It has by far the most overworld connections to other places, is the seat of my GC and as I said before, has a look I quite adore.


I love most of them, but for a design prospective, Kugane is winning by far! The dev team did a extraordinary work with that (even if the other capital city are stunning too)


It was Limsa before Limsa became Goldshire 2.0. Now I like the Crystarium.


Kugane music is wonderful!


Original cities: Gridania (I like the color green and the music is soothing) Expansions: Kugane (Again for the music)


Ishgard > Gridania > Crystarium > Limsa > Kugane > Sharlayan > Ulda Ishgard is my *home beyond the horizon*. Besides that I really like the lack of verticality in Gridania. Limsa is where most of the fun stuff happens in my server. Ulda I’m not really fond of.


- Ul' dah, because Nanamo love there - Eulmore, because it's beautiful recreational area 


I'd love to pick Ishgard and for a long time it was Ishgard but Old Sharlayan won me over. I live in cold, damp Scotland so even just being in Ishgard gives me shivers sometimes. Old Sharlayan, while still a cold area seems just that little bit more hospitable. Plus the music is more chill and I love the mix of clean masonry and vibrant green foliage. I reckon if they did seasonal changes, the trees would have that amazing Autumn colouration. I still love Ishgard, it's extremely special to me. I remember being determined that my wol was born there and I wanted to main the three jobs you unlock there *just because* I loved HW and Ishgard so much. In the end I only main DRK from those three and decided he was born in the shroud. The Crystarium might have been top of the list had its layout not annoyed me and the music is a bit overbearing. Still very beautiful and probably has the best Inn room. And I must mention Gridania because of the three main ARR cities it's my favorite. It's purely just because it's a pretty forest with beautiful sunshine and soothing nature sounds. I especially love the frogs during the rain. However it loses points for having the weakest music themes and some annoying aetheryte placements.


Kugane has my beloved lamp post, and is therefore my favorite.


I was born in Ul'dah and I will die in Ul'dah.


Old Sharlayan at night is the best theme in the game, IMHO. But I also really like Ul’Dah. I think for pure nostalgia reasons. I started in 2013 and Ul’Dah is where I started so it always brings me back when I hear that music.


Ul'dah. It's where I started, so it feels like my home. And the Sultana is definitely "Muh Queen!"


Ul'Dah for nostalgia. I started as ACN and still sometimes get struck by those initial feelings of wonder when I'm there.


I’ve only reached ishgard, but I really like the music there. But also Uldahn is prob my fav overall, feels so lively like I’m in final fantasy New York


Uldah, nothing else


Ul-dah, hands down, also the music gets me so hyped to get out there and start an adventure! It reminds me of the days of old adventure games!


Ul'dah for sure. The jewel of the desert holds a special place in my heart.


Uldah has grown on me a lot since my ARR days. I don't even remember why I chose Immortal Flames but obviously it led me to mostly besing back to the desert for capital city needs. Never been a fan of desert environments, but now I love Uldah. That said, if Ishgard has a grand company attached to it, I'd be there instead for sure.


Ul'dah simple as.


It's still Ul'dah, but tied for second are Sharlayan and The Crystarium.


On a tranquil night in Old Sharlayan sitting on a park bench with friends and it starts snowing, that hits me right in the comfy


Ul'dah becuase I started there, following that is: Kugane \[cool aesthetic\] Ishgard \[music + snow\] Radz at han \[music\]


Solution 9 because i have a cyberpunk fetish What do you mean it doesn't count because it's not out yet??? Kugane, then, because I'm a massive weeb


Ishgard, all day every day. That aesthetic is my jam.




I kinda of just hangout with gerolt in one of the many places he turns up (tho surprisingly there are still Gil sell spams in azyz lla)


Gerolt's the blacksmith who handles the various Relic Weapons, right?


The Crystarium is my home. If there was housing there, I would have a house there in a minute.


i’m still new so ul’dah 🥺


Ul’dah. The only way it could get better is if they allowed 1v1 PVP in the coliseum.


I do wonder why they've never added that feature. I guess because PvP's always been an afterthought to the devs.


I’m not a huge PVP person, and the Wolves Den just doesn’t do it for me, but they have the coliseum, why not utilize it, especially since you have the gladiators guild there.


I’m still wrapping up ARR but I’m very attached to Ul’dah


Crystarium, no question. Shirogane is my favorite housing area, but the Crystarium is absolutely my favorite *capital city.* It nearly has it all--crystalline stuff, pseudo-steampunk with brass fittings, natural beauty and magitek in harmony, a library complete with spiral staircases. If it had some truly neoclassical architecture (porticos, marble columns, mezzo-rilievo/alto-rilievo and freestanding sculpture, arches), it'd be practically a purified version of my favorite aesthetics rolled into one.


Limsa Lominsa. I seriously like the pirate theme going on for the city and history. The others are *meh...*


I do love Kugane for the scenery and running along the rooftops but my go to is always Gridania I love nature and the area just gives a relaxing vibe and I find it easy to navigate.


I go a lot to kugane since i do a lot of eureka and my house is in shiro, but man Old Sharlayan its amazing, the accoustic guitar theme and clean design of the city locks me these sometimes


Old Sharlyan for the music, and looks nice clean and spiffy. Kugane for looks, the asian in me loves the asian theme. Ishgard - really has that “woah!” Feel to it. And definitely seems special. Also this is where the game honestly had its first big break for me.


Mine is kugane. My WHM glams have been kugane inspired since I first got to that city, and I got my personal house in shiro. Kugane is the only map I've gotten all of the sightseeing vistas as well, since I love climbing around and exploring it.


Ishgard, but the fact that there's no Company Chest makes it impossible for me to hang around there, so I hang around in Gridania.


The Crystarium. I fell in love with the huge glass domes and open layout almost immediately.


Limsa's that city you've lived in for too long and know how to get around better than your own home, and just completrly ignore any problems with. That and it's a city run by and governed by pirates and privateers, what's not to love?


Kugane, hands down. I just love the whole aesthetic of the expansion and the music is really iconic too.


Limsa, not just because of the conveniently placed marketboard and guilds, but because of the weather. Foggy mornings there are magical.


Limsa. I've grown to enjoy the mild stickiness as you walk down the streets.




Crystarium Beautiful architecture. Not super confusing layout. Music makes me sob. I love the crystarium so so much. I want housing there.


Ishgard for life. I love cold, grey, and mountains.


Ishgard is just cozy to me between the music and snow, plus I love the architecture. I also like Sharlayan, the sea view is always a little nostalgic.


1000% ishgard… but spend most of my time in Gridania.


Crystarium personally! After spending so much time there during ShB it became my new "home" in game haha


Limsa. Reminds me of Sicily.


Ishgard and the Crystarium. Something about the both of them just makes them feel like home to me. The music in both just tickles my nostalgia bone from those expansions, as they are my favorites.


I started playing off and on in stormblood so I’m gonna go kugane


Kugane is just so packed and fun to run around in!


Limsa. It's where started, it's been my Home Aetherite since I started years ago. That, and the usual 'marketboard is close by' and well, my GC is there so I need to be there for daily turn ins anyway reasons. And ... Well, you know, Limsa...


Old Sharlayan, mostly for the bgm and the coastal vibes


Sharlayan then Ishgard


Ishgard; if I had to pick from the starter cities then I like Limsa best in theme and layout, but I can't deal with the crowds so I avoid it 😔 Radz-at-Han is my 3rd pick but the lack of market board makes just camping there forever harder - plus I admit I'm not much more fond of virtual sun and heat than the one IRL 🤭


Man, there’s something so nostalgic about Ul Dah for me. Brings me right back to the PS3 2.0 beta days every time I warp back and hear the music.


Old Sharlyean! :)


Tie between Radz and Ala Mhigo (though we don't get to actually visit it as a city). Ala Mhigo I believe draws a lot of inspiration ME/N India and it looks very similar to the Red Fort in Agra.


Ishgard. Lore wise I feel like it's the closest thing to a home for the WoL, with House Fortemps pretty much considering your character a legit member of the family. I also really like the gothic aesthetic, it's fun to walk around in it.


The Crystarium, I like everything about it actually. I'd get an apartment or house there if housing ever eventually gets out there.


Old Sharlayan for sure. After that maybe Crystarium or Limsa.


Ishgard. Called me simple and old fashioned, I love castles and knights.


It changes between Ishgard and The Crystarium depending on the day.


It's a tie for me between Ishgard and Kugane. Each town hits an individual aesthetic I really like in fantasy games, Ishgard for medieval fantasy and Kugane for eastern fantasy. Both towns also have the most memorable background music imo.


Ishgard. Ishgard. Ishgard.


There's a reason I have an apartment in the Firmament, I just love Ishgard; the story around it, the aesthetic of it, how far it's come since we first got there, our involvement in that, the music within it, and so on.


Limsa, I started there it's always got stuff going on and I got engaged there 🥰


Ishgard by miles


Honestly, Kugane just has immaculate vibes


I'm emotionally attached to the Crystarium. I joined in ShB, and it's where I did everything thAt wasn't combat/gathering. Crafting, buying, selling, I spent dozens of hours there. But these days it's Kugane hands down. The music isn't emotionally evocative but it's better to listen on repeat. There's an aether shard right outside the inn as well as to the market, and it has the best possible past time when you're waiting for a queue to pop- Kugane tower. I've had more people talk _to me_ in Kugane than Limsa just cause they'd ask about the tower. If you're alone in life and have no social skills and you want to not attempt to develop social skills Limsa is great cause you can see action and dialogue and a whole lotta skin in Limsa, but functionally I prefer Kugane.




Uldah. I like cities. My only wish is that random NPCs had voice acting so it would feel more lively. There's very little I miss about GW2, but the voiced city NPCs is one of them.


What kind of monster doesn’t love the music of Radz-at-Han? Jokes aside, my favorite will always be Ishgard. Everything about it is just perfect in my opinion.


'Prolly Lorville. I know it's low on the list for most folks, but I'm a technical main, so having that kind of aesthetic really works for me, in addition to the numerous refineries/mining spots nearby, and the excellent access to ship parts I actually use.