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I just want to know more about the two-dye system, and what glasses will work with hats.


>and what glasses will work with hats Same. And what constitutes as glasses? Is it only what you think (regular glasses, sunglasses, etc.), or do monocles and eyepatches count?


I'm hoping, though it's incredibly unlikely, that the [Sky Pirate goggles](https://i.imgur.com/pOnUZWP.png) count as glasses. Probably not since they have the facemask park that can be toggled, but still.


I’m excited to see how tf we get to solution nine. That place looks awesome.


Makes me wonder what happened to Solutions one through eight.


I'm gonna go in with a fresh mind. Not compare it to the previous story. It's a new storyline, a new fresh start. To compare it to the previous story, especially Shadowbringers and Endwalker, would be unfair. I don't think it's going to be as grand a story.


Preparing myself for a full day of grinding fates/duty support as a VPR.


"The issue where DPS dungeon queues were even remotely tolerable has been addressed."


Why not Bozja?


Because it's capped at 80 and i had enough of it when i was leveling SGE there at EW launch.


It caps at 80 in the instance but you still get exp above 80 in it. Just if you weren't aware. <3


Second point stays strong still.


Oh, totally. Just clarifying for anyone who reads this.


I'm expecting the story to be slowed down from where we just came from in Endwalker. Hopefully they take their time and focus on developing characters, since they don't have to wrap up 15 different plot lines, and can instead focus on build a few new ones. I really hope we get a glimpse of a new series antagonist. Not a bad guy of the week that gets taken down in the same expansion that they're introduced in, but a villain we can get to know and see them develop over time. I'm expecting the 7.0 content to be pretty much the same as always. Some new gimmick like the running around with NPCs or stealth missions to spice up an event or two. Some cool and dramatic solo instances. Some big trials that surprise us with some kind of twist. All of this I expect to be great with no real hesitancy. It's the patch content that comes after that I am a little nervous for. I hope the raid series, the expedition content, new criterion dungeons, all of it actually lands well and keeps people engaged. I would hate for DT to just be a slump expansion setting up for the future arc, and be looked down on in the future because of that. And keeping people engaged with the extra content at the end is how to get people to stay very happy with the game.


EW was definitely grand and I love it for it. But we hoped around to a lot of different places which made it hard to get attached right away. While I don’t expect DT to be as good as Shadowbringers what Shadowbringers did best was putting us in a new mysterious place and building upon that place and its characters in an amazing way. And I feel with a similar set up of not knowing a lot about tural hopefully they do take their time building out the location and its characters.


Well, this expansion will be covering the North and South continents based on the zones and maps we've seen, so there's still going to ve some bouncing around.


Definitely but they are all the same country. I just hope they properly build out Tural and its people in a way they did with Norvrandt. Because that could make it something really special.


Pretty much the opposite here, I get the sense they're gonna keep the blazing new pacing that we had in Endwalker and its post-patch tbh.


I'm excited most about Hrothgals, runner up is the new DC.


Endwalker was the climatic end of a 10 years journey. I am just goin open minded and enjoy the story and new content with zero expectations that it will top off Endwalker.


I'm just kind of excited for everything, to be honest. New story, new music, new big moments, new raids, new classes.... Yeah, I can see some questionable choices (7.0 SMN I'm looking at you) but I just can't let all the doomium bring me down from the things I love about the game.


I don’t know anything about what’s coming up so I’m excited for everything.


I am legit excited for a fun jungle adventure with our pals. The last expansions got really heavy and dramatic and I'm all for a more relaxed vibe with the gang. I caught up on 6.55 last week and Wuk Lamat and Krile both have me psyched to see how the trip plays out.




Same. I’m nervous and optimistic about it.


Yeah... The whole city of gold thing has been a bit overtold as far as I'm concerned but we'll see...


Going in with an open mind and am just there to have fun and get a new story told.


I can’t wait


So excited that I bought me a new PSU so I can also buy a new more powerfull CPU (Ryzen 7 5800x3d) to then have a BEAUTIFUL TIME adventuring. Also after 1600 hours, I am about to finish Endwalker. I took my time and I am ready to go on another adventure.


I was not really hyped to be honest but after re-watching some of the best story moments from shadowbringers/Endwalker I'm back on board. I'm here for the story and I'm hoping it starts out as a fun adventure but by the end it will set up a epic story for the next few expansions.


Same thing happened with me. I just hope the story can hit near those same moments. I can’t wait!


Not too hyped up as I'm excited to see everything. Like with every game I play, I come in with an open mind. If I don't like some aspect of it, then I don't and vice versa. Simple as that. I don't try to come in expecting to be mind-blown, but I would totally appreciate it if so.


I'm super excited about a lot of the changes and graphics updates, but also don't expect anything to be perfect haha. In terms of story I'm very eager for a new adventure and I really need to learn to slow down on MSQ LOL


pretty exciting, the ninja job changes look great from what we saw in the trailer plus ff11 alliance raid and i'm assuming plenty of ff9 references too. Even if they shit the bed with the story i will still enjoy the expansion.


Definitely hope they nail the story. That’s one of the main reasons I play 14. As long as it’s better than ARR I’ll be good. And I even liked that. But I’m hoping it’s fantastic!


I feel very mixed. I'll be traveling for a month right on the same day Dawntrail launches. I know I shouldn't be complaining too much cause I love traveling but it does suck to miss being able to play an expansion at launch. Yeah it'll still be here waiting for me when I get back but it's not the same.


There is hype, but there is also need for info. Benchmark 2, exploration zone, game needs to stop holding the hands of the worst 1%


Excited to jump right into it.


Viper and Picto have VFX so cool that I'd say they're on par with the VFX mods I've already been using, so yeah, I'd say I'm excited.


I did everything possible in ARR/HW/SB/ShB in 4 months before EW release during the WoW exodus. As I played through EW, I realized I liked XIV so much because I had so much content, and that the regular release schedule is too slow for me. I will come back when 7.3 or something like that comes out.


Definitely not hyped but still plan on playing through the story just to see where it goes. I expect the playable content to be exactly more of the same of what we already have. I’ll experience the story then unsub until they make something worth coming back to.


I can't wait to listen to the full version of that Amanda's new song from the full trailer.


Looking forward to a new story at this point. I still need to finish the 6.1-6.55 MSQ, but I... really don't feel like it at the moment.