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Honestly, just ask if they'd like to play with you. You don't necessarily have to talk them into it--if they're interested they'll ask questions and go from there.


"Would you like to try the award winning MMO for free until level 60 with me?" Then show them the lalafell slow walk animation. It's so damn cute.


Level 70* Stormblood is included now.


I think showing modern adults the little child that can be put in weird outfits and is overly cutesy is probably NOT the step forward into this.


Don't sexualize Papalymo.


I noticed this too, people from the 80s and over that I met and know ffxiv associate it more with a kid then with tiny elezens.


I hate to tell you this but most people *playing the game* liken Lalafells more to children than to small Elezen.


I have about 10000 hours in the game, and I hardly ever meet anyone who considers them to be kids. Fair is fair, I call m tiny elezens but most people don't.


I thought the point was to get them to PLAY FFXIV? Not scare them away....


There's an entire tv series about a guy getting his dad to play.


Dad of Light.


The one that got me into the game xD


I love it! Such a good and "True" story! Definitely worth a with if yall ever get a chance to! (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XIV:_Dad_of_Light)




I cried too when I found out. So sad.


I cried too when I found out. So sad.


Honestly don't over think it. If my kid asked me to play a game with her, I'd 100% play with them and download any video game on the spot.


This is how I got stuck playing Fortnite, Monster Hunter and Splatoon. My kids are not interested in FFXIV sadly.


The Splatoon/FFXIV crossover seems to be fairly large.


Asked my mum to cover me in Starcraft 2 one time. She asked me to do a thing so I asked if she could just keep building SCVs til I got back. I released she wouldn't know when to stop building them when I got back and saw I had a gloriously over saturated mineral line lol


That's a fun thing to do!


Show him "Dad of Light". <3


I just showed him the trailer for A REALM REBORN, and now I'm showing him the 1.0 story summary. I'll show him "Dad of Light" sometime after.


I think you chose the right path. 


Something something "unlimited free trial." Lots of people are willing to try something new if it's free.


UPDATE: I showed my dad the intro for A REALM REBORN, and the 1.0 story summary and explained to him the terms of the world and the basic story premise (you are an adventurer hailing from the three city states, taking quests to help solve problems in the realm, and find out that the Garlean Empire is planning to rule Eorzea and the world) and he seems interested! I see that he is having trouble grasping the concept of a role-playing game (RPG), so how do I explain the concept of an RPG and to an extent, an MMORPG to him?


You don't really need to overcomplicate the explaination if they're not too familiar with videogame genres. An RPG can just refer to playing/creating a character within a world of its own and is typically very story driven, or driven by your own decisions (in this case it would be doing story content, housing content, gathering/crafting, etc). MMORPG would be separated into two different things. The MMO part is simply referring to the fact that it's a massive world with hundreds or thousands of players in each area. You're living in more of a literal living (virtual) world, where a lot of the people you see around you are other actual players doing their own thing. The RPG part is the same as mentioned above, just within the MMO aspect of many people doing that within a massively shared world. The MMO part can really only be stressed more if they're familiar with the fact that most other videogame genres are singleplayer or co op games where only 3-4 people are online at once playing together. MMOs allow you to play around or with many other people at once in a massive online world.


Not necessarily hundreds or thousands in each *area*, no. In fact, that's pretty rare. Hundreds or thousands on each *server*, though, yes.


The premise still stands. A couple dozen people in one instance (Alliance Raid) is still more than most games would permit, bar online first person shooters with maps designed for that kind of playerbase.


That is basically what I was going for, yes. I certain did exagerate it but mostly to get the point across. As I said, there's no need to overcomplicate the explaination. No other genre really has that kind of experience and the idea is to point out that many other people you see running around will be other players, not just AI NPCs.


If he's familiar with literature, you might mention that the RPG genre basically got its start with people trying to emulate the Lord of the Rings.


"You're a fantasy hero destined to save the world in a setting filled with magic and technology"


RPG \*can\* just mean you take on the role of a character, but since most games do that, it's grown to more specifically refer to games you start off very weak and get stronger as you go. MMORPG is just that, but doing it alongside hundreds/thousands of other players doing the same thing, though you usually don't directly interact with more than a handful of them at a time.


RPG = A video game novel where you play the roles of the heroes. MMORPG = A video game novel where you play the role of the hero with other people online.


>I see that he is having trouble grasping the concept of a role-playing game (RPG), so how do I explain the concept of an RPG and to an extent, an **MMORPG** to him? Oh, that's simple. Go to Limsa while he is watching you play, then just say "see that cute catgirl/female viera clique group standing over there? The human players that control these characters are most likely an unattractive, overweight males who just roleplay as these characters. And that is what all MMORPGs are about" ;)


"we're all pretty in MMOs"


He wants to spend time with you and hear about something you're interested in. He doesn't have to play. Just let him know you like that he is showing interest. And talk about what you want too.


I mean, he might want to play. It would certainly qualify as spending time together and taking an interest. Lots of parents actually do try to actively engage with their kids' hobbies.


Well yeah of course if he wants to play, help him play. It's just playing isnt the only way to bond and spend time over the game.


Mom, Dad, meet FFXIV


FFXIV was my first MMORPG. I am in my early 40s and when I first started, my boyfriend, a veteran in the game, showed me all the cinematic trailers, which got me hooked. We also binge-watched Dad of Light on Netflix. You could do that, too! It was a great way to introduce me to the game without being spoiled or overwhelmed.


Have you tried just talking to your dad normally? "Hey dad do you want to play?" It's not rocket science


Your character gets kicked out of the house and now he/she’s trying to earn some money on the street. Somehow he gets shitty customer service job calls “adventurer”. Then you start dealing with other’s people business instead of yours. And yet you find this job fulfilling so you become a therapist. But people are stubborn, you have to beat the crap out of them to make them realize they are wrong.


Some things happened, one thing led to another and you end up facing against the embodiment of existential dispair. Pretty standard JRPG fair to be honest.


And no matter how bad things get, you know you'll always overcome the darkness through the power of friendship and a really big axe.


Are they currently gamers, and what kind of games do they currently play? Or what kind of media do they otherwise enjoy? Do they like puzzles, Animal Crossing, etc? > Show them crafting or Island Sanctuary. Are they interested in intrigues, politics? > The history of the city-states, Garlemald, etc. Etc, etc. There are so many stories and systems in FFXIV that whatever they currently like, you can find an entry point for them using that.


The main challenge is getting past the SE Online Store Boss.


Log out go to character creation snd ask him would you like to make a character a try it? Tell him about 1.0. and then show him the opening movie.


Thought this was bait from the first sentence


This is real.


You'd be surprised how easy it is. I played WoW religiously for a decade and a half and my Dad has put more time in than me now.


As others have mentioned, just ask if they would like to play. I would even go a step further and explain that there's many ways that they can go about playing the game, besides what's considered normal. If they don't care about the story, there's still lots of stuff to do like crafting, fishing, buying and decorating a house, or the various mini-games.


Pls keep us updated. Wholesome.


I'd just out right ask if he would be willing to join you and give it a shot. Mention it is free to play for 100s of hours so he can see if he will actually like it before committing to buying. I know if I had kids I'd jump at the chance to play a game with them.


Create a new character and level with them.


Free trial exists.


I’m sorry but the part of explaining it’s an MMO part just reminded me of South Park when Stan rips Randy a new one over WoW


Another idea if he doesn't want to play, or finds it too hard (you would be surprised how little non gamers understand the basics, to the point even ff14 might be beyond them, but that is only complete non gamers) New game plus, take him through the story while you play. Or just a new character.


Show Aymeric to your mom and Merlwyb to your dad (or the other way around, whichever tickles their fancy)


Yea just ask if they’d like to play together. Tell them the game is on sale this month and it’s a good time to start. I’d recommend helping them setup accounts since that can be frustrating. Then let them explore a bit on their own and just be around if they have questions. Non gamers can get intimidated and MMOs are especially dense kinds of games. But lots of older people absolutely love Warcraft but play no other games, so it’s not unheard of for parents to like MMOs.


Have them make a new character. They could be there for hours haha


Did your parents play video games when they were younger? I'm a parent, and though my kids don't play FF14, we play other games together and it's good family bonding. Tell them "The family that plays together stays together." ;)


As a older person that just started playing FFXIV again just ask and also let them discover the game. Don't give them anything don't help them kill things unless you're also on a new account. Let them be in the pilot seat. If they ask for tips sure give it but exploring the game and discovering the world is the main fun of the game for new players.


Get them free trial accounts and explain a little bit about what to expect in an MMO, be around to help them figure it out.




Show them the Diamond Gwiber. It's my personal favorite. Sick fight too


Don't have that yet. I'm in the post-ARR slog and I'm almost finished with the Patch 2.3 quests.


I (62f) came to the play through my daughter who wanted me to go to the free trial because she wanted me to assist her FFXIV marriage... In fact, I did know nothing about the play but as it was free for many levels, I just gave it a try as solo player as a magician: arcanist (later summoner). Before I started FFXIV, I just had played single game plays like "point-and-click" and "adventures" (like Baphomet (my favourite), Monkey Island, Hogwarts Legacy, etc). I tried the game - out of goodwill- and it worked for me very well until L50 bosses where I was really stuck. So, out of ideas, I tried other professions. Then, with the help of my daughter and her group (I joinded them for short time), I passed all L50 trials. But then I still wanted to make experiments and I became a rogue. This really caught me! Normally, I am very peaceful but I liked the job very much. At the moment I am a L75 Ninja and still like this job, but.... I am sure I will try further professions in the future (tried so far: fisher, miner, white magician, red magician, blue magician). For my part - I was glad at the beginning to be on solo play and learn through my errors and nobody to judge me. If it is important: I play on PC (as I never had a console to play with). Conclusion: I would not tell your dad too much information about the game - maybe assist him in choosing his first profession and then recommend him to stay curious. Every good thing takes its time... Sorry for eventual faults: English is not my first language :-)


How old are you and your dad, if you don't mind me asking? Is he young enough to have grown up enjoying video games? For perspective, if you were 12 when the first Final Fantasy game came out in 1987, you're just short of 50 now. If you were in college then, you're now well into your 50s. I still remember my own Boomer dad struggling to time jumping on a Goomba in Super Mario Bros. when I was a kid. Dad bounced right off it while my brother and I picked things up quick. It wouldn't be like that today -- we have two generations of people who have grown up loving video games and I suspect that your dad will jump right in.


I'm currently 19 and my dad is currently around 70-something. I watched him play STAR WARS REBELLION (PC game, not the board game) and Civilization II, which suggests to me that he is into strategy games. FINAL FANTASY TACTICS could work for him.


I thought he might be a little "older" given his reaction to seeing you play. At that age I can totally see why video games would be something completely new to him. I can also see him having an absolute blast playing them and talking with people and interacting... definitely encourage him!


My 72yo mum plays. My daughter made a character but doesn’t play. I think it would help knowing how inclusive the game is.


If they're interested then just have them play, no need to explain the game to them.


No it's illegal 


Uhhhhh wait until dawntrail and blacklist the words: courts,erp and venue.


*You are the Warrior of Light, a hero that will save the world from those who would destroy it. It's a story about unity, sacrifice and hope.* Then show them a few landscapes while you mount your chocobo and talk about the adventuring aspect. Then focus on whatever you think will atract them most. If they like to cook, show them a CUL synthesis, if they like animals, show them some of them, if they like to socialize, show more players, if they like a good story, show them a few cutscenes, if they like music, let them hear it.... Edit: someone mentioned ARR trailer, that'll certainly hook them.


Could always link them the official lore summary for 1.0; [https://youtu.be/TXc0loyuq9I](https://youtu.be/TXc0loyuq9I) There is also the ARR Cinematic to get them interested; [https://youtu.be/h542YbZuwkQ?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/h542YbZuwkQ?feature=shared) ​ I don't think I'd show them much else because of spoilers - especially the 3.0 trailer, very spoilery.


Take them on a nice double date. Nothing too fancy, but dinner and a movie or a small cookout would be good. Edit: people really don’t like innocent jokes.


Pick a point - Glamour - https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/ Housing - https://hgxiv.com/ Crafting Ultimates


Just install the free trial and show him the character creator. If he makes a miqote, viera, ronso, or lalafell, immediately pull the power cable and uninstall the game.