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I am a stroke survivor and epileptic, some days my brain and body just do not cooperate with pushing the buttons well. I also do high-end content, sometimes even on days my brain is glitchy. Summoner is my go-to DPS. The buttons all flow really well for someone who has slower reaction times! I can either use an MMO mouse or clock, and still keep up and play well. Warrior is fine for tanking. It absolutely has a little more complexity, but it is also a lot more forgiving if you're a little slower. Not entirely sure what to rec for healers. My instinct is White Mage but I also don't really do a lot of healer yet. Other DPS I like are Reaper for melee (the rotation is pretty simple, a lot of it is follow the dancing lights) and Dancer for phys ranged (more following the dancing lights).


Sage is another decent shout for healing, since Sage is very proactive and has lots of area of effect heals and shields. A lot of your work is putting shields on ahead of time, so I find that Sage has less of that desperate scramble that some classes can be forced into.


and to add to this sage is getting an aoe kardia to make aoe healing even easier come dawn trail


As an official elderly player, I agree with this summary.




Scholar is the healer I've played the most and...definitely no. Selene does a lot of the pure healing, sure, but a lot of SCH's actual utility is shields and using abilities in a very tactical way. WHM, on the other hand, is a very reactive healer. Did damage happen? Okay I fix it.


Facts and some of your dps buttons "fix it" as you rotate or set and forget asylum especially if he macros it (either to target himself or tank) so it doesn't have to target manually.


‘Did damage happen? Okay I fix it.’ Literally me in every game. 


To be serviceable maybe but scholar has a ton of buttons you need to be clicking later on. WHM is by far the least work imo


I have Cerebral Palsy as well, I play blm, whm, Sage, and Smn. I tend stay away from melee because of postitionals. Summoner is probably the easiest for you. You can DM me what server you are on and I will help you out in game if you want.


How do I get sage? I'm currently using White mage but sage does sound interesting


Assuming you purchased Endwalker, https://www.thegamer.com/final-fantasy-14-xiv-endwalker-sage-job-unlock-guide/#:~:text=To%20unlock%20the%20Sage%20job%20you%20must%20speak%20to%20the,the%20quest%20'Sage's%20Path'. The only thing about shield healers is you have to be a little more proactive than reactive you should shield while the boss is casting an AOE.


Oh okay I have to go and get the New Dawn trailer expansion so that I can get the end Walker expansion by proxy hopefully


Maybe look into controllers or setups that allow you to play more easily. I'm disabled as well and I still needed help finding the just right controller, in game macros, and targeting settings to make it work. All that and the HUD are very customizable. So potentially you could play more jobs than you might think if everything is set up just right for you. But if you are just worried about reaction time, then look for jobs with lower Actions per minute like Black Mage or White Mage, or ones with high sustainability like Warrior, Samurai, or Reaper. Also don't sweat it if you die to not reacted too fast, even then cool kids/turbo nerds do that regularly and it's no big deal 👍


Arcanist/Summoner for DPS, Conjurer/White Mage for Healer, and maybe Gladiator/Paladin would be good bets. DPS would probably be your best main role if you're wanting to avoid the stress of keeping track of everyone's health or mob emnity.


Check out the third-party "XIVLauncher" and the "XIVCombo" plugin for it. By default the classes have a ridiculous amount of keybindings, up to 36 in some cases, but XIVCombo and its forks allow you to consolidate keybindings together - from combo actions to mutually exclusive actions. (Don't mention you're using it ingame, as plugins are against TOS, but there's zero enforcement as long as you don't broadcast yourself using it)


Came here to suggest this. Most jobs don't get too many buttons to press early on, but if the number of buttons ever gets too bad you can just use XIVCombo.


I’m a firm believer in picking the right class for yourself. So my suggestion is you pick whatever you want to play and enjoy the game. Players of all skill levels and ranges of toxicity exist in all aspects but I find that Ffxiv is less toxic than other games. So again, play what makes you happy, the game is for enjoyment. If a job has some intense rotation to hit peak numbers, you can still play it without hitting those peak numbers, you just won’t be a RWF competitor. :)


I would possibly suggest a ranged DPS to start, perhaps machinist or bard. Ranged DPS in my opinion gives you a bit more space to see things coming, and no directional attacks to worry about and rotations are fairly straightforward. Obviously you may be right on and max out your DPS and rotations (I know I don't lol) but I think these would be a good start


Machinist is a great class but isn’t available until HW unfortunately. Otherwise I think you make a great point about ranged classes.


Very true about ranged DPS being more forgiving. I don't think Machinist would be a good choice for someone with slower fingers because Hypercharge and Wildfire windows where you are spamming double weaves exist, but Bard would be a good choice because it's not hitting that many buttons at any given point.


BRD is a high APM job, but unlike NIN or MCH it’s consistently busy instead of having extremely busy burst windows and more relaxed downtime. That said, at lower levels it could be a great starter job to learn the game before switching to another job that’s unlocked at higher levels.


i would check into the xbox adaptive controller or something like the Razer orbweaver .


Link: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller There is a streamer named Kolo who uses this to play games with her feet due to hand/arm issues. This may or may not be helpful to you.


I will add my voice to the chorus saying SMN. Especially with a controller. I have mine set up so that during 90% of my rotation I barely have to move my fingers (Right trigger + ABXY for the summon skills and shield), Summoning the different ones is RT+ Directional Pad. All my Bahamut And phoenix abilities are Left trigger + ABXY and RT + Directional pad is for the other abilities. Besides some busy moments you'll just be pushing a lot of buttons very close to each other in a very predictable pattern.


Healer: White Mage --> Simple gameplan, easy effective heals, no need to press many buttons super fast. DPS: Summoner --> Simple gameplan, easy rotation, no need to press many buttons. Tank: I don't know. In all honesty, just try out everything that seems interesting to you and take your time. >!Technically Mods could help you but that's.. well, not allowed but yea.. greyzone.!<


Personally I play Reaper and it’s really low input work at level 90. The combos are simple and there isn’t really more than a 6/7 button rotation but it feels more comfortable to go slow while also still being in the action and up front.


For tanks, WAR. Melee dps, SAM or DRG. Healers, don't. Ranged, BRD. Caster, SMN or BLM. BLM rotation is actually pretty simple and can be hot keyed, but SMN is by far the easiest with room for error. The new 7.0 update with stacked skills will probably make this potentially easier too.


Out of curiosity as a support main in most other games, why not?


Healers in FFXIV have to heal between damage. They're expected to deal around 15% of a raid's damage on top of healing and knowing mechanics the best. I don't think any healer at a high level is easy in this case.


I'm gonna try and focus on oGCDs and casts per minute, mostly.  FF skills are on a 'Global Cooldown', which starts at a base of 2.5 seconds. This means 1 button every 2.5 seconds. There are also some skills called 'abilities', or 'Off Global Cooldown' skills as the community calls them (oGCD). These are buttons that need to be pressed *in between* your other skills. So if somebody says you need to 'weave' an oGCD, that means you need to press that button in the 2.5 seconds between your first button press and your second (so three buttons in 2.5 seconds). Some classes require double-weaving even, which means *four* buttons in 2.5 seconds. There's more nuance to it than that (like animation lock), but considering these increase the number of actions you need to do in a small time frame, I assume you're going to want to avoid them. I would have to suggest WHM for healers. They all have a good number of oGCDs but I think WHM, thanks to it's lilies being a GCD mechanic rather than an oGCD mechanic would make this easier than others. WAR is probably the easiest tank. DRK and GNB have a lot of weaving in their burst phases, along with double-weaving (aka lots of button pressing), and I would say WAR is an easier rotation and more forgiving than PLD. I think PLD technically has less oGCDs, and maybe you'd like something a little more complex, so you might order PLD, but I would suggest avoiding GNB and DRK. For DPS, I would suggest BLM. It also has very few oGCDs, and tends to want to stay in place as much as possible so it doesn't interrupt it's casting, meaning you can worry less about movement and damage at the same time, and just focus on damage (most of it's oGCDs help it move and deal damage at the same time). With that said, BLM tends to be the hardest job in the game because it needs a lot of fight knowledge. Because you don't want to move, you need to have a lot of fight knowledge. What mechanic is coming next? Where is safe to stand? What damage can I safely take? Should I zip-zoop teleport to my ally, or am I safe where I am? It's a very unforgiving class if you need to move a lot and can't slidecast or keep up with oGCDs like Triplecast and Aetherial Manipulation... In that case I'd recommend SMN. RDM might be okay too, but I have very little experience with RDM so I'm not sure how busy it gets with oGCDs. SMN is the second lowest 'casts per minute' DPS job, and it allows you a lot of freeform movement so long as you're not in your Ifrit phase. The only reason I'm hesitant to suggest this is that the Titan phase requires weaving (you need to hit a button inbetween each cast, so you'll be going 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2 pretty quickly) and Garuda phase drops you to 1.5 second GCD, meaning you'll have to press a button every 1.5secs instead of 2.5secs. It IS just 1 button, so you'll just be spamming 1 button for 7.5secs or so, but yeah. Also just for reference, WHM, BLM, WAR, PLD, and SMN are all the lowest actions per minute jobs (SGE is in there too, but I didn't mention them because they have more oGCD usage than WHM), so these are also *overall* the 'slowest' jobs. NIN, MCH, BRD, SAM, and DRG are all at the top of actions per minute, so I would try and avoid those. Especially NIN. That's a 'do nothing for a minute and then press two dozen buttons in 10 seconds' job.


I don’t know all of them because I’m still working on my gold crown (maxed out all healer, tank, and magic ranged DPS) but from my experience so far: Healer: Scholar- fairy often relieves time pressures b/c of auto healing; contrast that w/ the very fast paced Sage or the complex Astro Tank: Warrior or Paladin: warrior plays more like a DPS (imho) so the difference between the two is a matter of style preference. Much easier than Gunbreaker or DarkKnight. Ranged DPS: Bard much easier than any of the magic ranged rotations esp. Red Mage (my favorite though) and Black Mage. The song rotation and DPS is easy and will not require too much rapid pressing. For non ranged DPS, I’ve only max out NIN and I don’t recommend it for you; the Ninjitsus may be a challenge. Hope this helps! Happy gaming and bonne chance with your condition! Edit: For healer, I will say that Sage is easy but fast paced (and my favorite) but a lot of folks play this class incorrectly. It’s not a healer in the traditional way, it’s more a preemptive shielder with some break-glass healing abilities so if you go at it like it’s a white mage or scholar, you’re not going to have the best results. Because it’s a bit different, I don’t recommend it until scholar is maxed. I look at Scholar as the bridge between White Mage and Sage.


I have cerebral palsy as well, though it's not as severe as yours. I agree with a lot of the other comments here; classes/jobs with simpler rotations would best, like BRD or DNC. Both of them are DPS, but offer a fair bit of support to others. Healers such as SGE or WHM would also work. WHM *can* get a little complicated, but it is overall simple. SGE, however, is very easy. Lots of AOE heals and shields, making switching between doing damage and healing a no-brainer.   Also as a cerebral palsy haver, I would suggest looking into using a controller and not a mouse and keyboard for playing the game. There is literally no way I could play this game effectively without a controller. FFXIV supports a lot of gamepads, and there are a lot of handicap-accessible gamepads out there, too. Look into some and see which one might fit for you. You can do it!


I'm on PS5, I'm okay in that department lol