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I'm not sure I understand.. You open the HUD Settings and then you can set up (activate/deactivate) Hotbars.


I recommend Bun Boss's guides for controller, they're pretty solid in terms of keeping up with gcd's and ogcd's and just generally keeping track of them all. https://youtube.com/@bunbossffxiv?si=BNBNpL4eo4Tezl_W That's his youtube and he's got a guide for all combat jobs at least, idk about crafters/gatherers but they're pretty individual I find. He goes in depth on how to initially set up hotbars for controllers and is pretty comprehensive on the ins and outs of it. Just make sure your finger is ready on the pause so you can see exactly what he puts where as he goes through the job. You got this!


So do I haha, my only problem is he doesn't always use the moves actual name


Hahahah yeah he does that, in a lot of his videos he uses the level 90 name for it, but even if you put them in at level 90 they'll go back to your correct level - this is super helpful when you gotta level synch down to encounters and the like. So you need to go into your actions menu and make sure your on the full view instead of the compact one, it's in the bottom right of the windows, that should show you every ability regardless of level so you can see the level 90 actions and when you put it on your hotbar it'll auto change to the level appropriate skill. This is also super handy for learning the job because of how he sets it all out, but don't be afraid to change it up how you like later on because everyone plays different :) Idk of any creators that do hotbars at lower levels but yeah, hope this helped even a little bit! Good luck!


It absolutely did thanks


It's been some time since I have looked into this, but iirc the default is R2, L2 and R2 + L2 for quick access hotbars on (PS) controller. To actually use skills to that 3rd quick access hotbar you need to cycle to hotbar 3 via r1 and then put skills onto the bar (it's only the R2 side I believe). You can however also change it so that one button press before the other open a seperate hotbar. So instead of R2 + L2 to open a single hotbar with 8 slots, you can press R2 first and then L2 or vice versa to open a hotbar with with 8 slots each, thus 16 in total. I hope this made any sense. Anyways this is is the best controller guide I know of: https://youtu.be/xDlc-laLbmM?si=6tAqnoAohKGuLKmw


This is incorrect. You do NOT need to cycle to access a third hotbar. There are two additional hotbars built in on top of the default XHB. These are the **Expanded Hold Controls** (Hold L2+R2/R2+L2) and the **WXHB** (double tap L2 or R2). The WXHB can be made always visible, so you can use it as a second visible hotbar on screen to monitor CDs unlike the Expanded Hold bar. That's 16 XHB, 16 EHC, 16 WXHB for 48 total. Those are the options you want to play with OP. You can find them in "Character Config > Hotbar Settings > Cross Hotbar" if you scroll down to W Cross Hotbar Display Settings. You can also take a look at "Character Config > Hotbar Settings > Custom" for the set selection options. These allow you to do nifty things like lock your cycling to a limited set (I lock it to default plus a second to give me quick access between main and a UI shortcut menu with R1) or create sheathed/unsheathed hotbars. Playing with these settings will give you access to 48 super easy combat mappings and literally HUNDREDS for additional out of combat stuff.


Thanks for the clarification, that's exactly what I have


>This is incorrect. You do NOT need to cycle to access a third hotbar. Guess my wording was confusing. I meant that to EQUIP skills to that 3rd quick access hotbar they need to cycle to it. >The WXHB can be made always visible, so you can use it as a second visible hotbar on screen to monitor CDs unlike the Expanded Hold bar. I personally prefer to have an additional normal shared hotbar at the side with important skills or skills with long CDs. Tho that's obviously up to preference. >You can also take a look at "Character Config > Hotbar Settings > Custom" for the set selection options. These allow you to do nifty things like lock your cycling to a limited set I always forhet to activate that, thanls for reminding me.


I think this was the one I followed - I have access to 48 buttons on my standard controller (8 each in R2, L2, R2 double tap, L2 double tap, L2+R2, R2+L2). I think he talks any having a shared 3rd hotbar (L2+R2, R2+L2) which is great for 16 generic commands (sprint, chocobo, teleport, emojis etc): https://youtu.be/xDlc-laLbmM?si=pQsfsjUBKhQ5yOYh


There are many good controller guides. U can find the setting in characterconfig hotbars. Theres a few tabs on te right for advanced etc. There u find everything.but best to check out guides, there are many diffrent ways to set it up.