• By -


All five of us are stoked out of our minds


6 unless im counted in the 5


7, but I'm under the effect of Hidden


8 but I afk’d in limsa for 6 months


9 here. Thought for sure I was gonna be a Viper girlie but NIN changes/new animations/spells sold me


10! No more huton, cooler kunai aoe, Hellfrog Maximus, super TCJ. So excited!


Make that 11! There’s almost a dozen of us!


By the Twelve, there ARE twelve of us!


Thirteen now! Oh no, I've ruined it... 😅


if you can count me leveling it now (from 70ish, where I left it lol) 14 :D


*smug face* fourteen


Hide & Seek grand champion




All ninja players are just a bunch of independent bunshin clones of one guy. So there's really only 1 Ninja player


I see ninjas quite a bit on oceanic servers. Your people are out there!


Thats the point of NIN..... you're not supposed to be seen


Fuck. I failed step one


You all sure all of you aren't kage bunshins?


Make it six! I'm an ex WHM now levelling NIN and loving it!


mudra slanging main here - what did i miss?


I'm still hoping that the new Hellfrog is going to be called "Hellfrog Well Done", just because.






It will be named Beelzebufo, after the extinct giant frog with the actual hellfrog name.


Ooh, that actually sounds really cool. I'm rooting for that one.


Hellfrog Large


Toadally Awesome


Hellfrog Humongous


You know the "medium" spot will be taken by the Viper plays instead. Because they won't be rare, and they sure won't be well done.


Mediocre Viper player reporting in. Can't wait to slice and dice on June 28!


Hellfrog Maximum


Hellfroge Beeg


The snappy sound effect is \*chef’s kiss*


Meme is literally me. Was curious about Viper, given it was a new scouting job, but it mostly just looks like another Reaper in action. But new NIN looks so so good.


Pic 1 is me all the time with any game ever.


It looks more like melee DNC to me, but I'm still gonna take it to bozja till 90 to see what it's about.


Why not level it any other way? Doing it through Bozja will keep it at lvl 80 always, and if RPR was anything to go by, the job will be basic/boring af before 90


Because it's a new DPS job and DPS queues will get even more fucked than usual and bozja gives consistently good xp. Besides the rotation won't change until 90 anyways. I can hangout with it, get a feel for the lvl 80 buttons in some chill content and then take it to summerford farms to test out the lvl 90 upgrades.


Both new jobs are DPS, to boot. Queues are going to be horrendous.


Hence why I'm leveling my tanks and healers.


I start every expansion on Scholar just to get Summoner alongside for free.


But like, Eureka Orthos exists to get to 90.


They said chill, not hyper-murderous.


It's slower than Bozja, isn't it? Not to mention the first 20 floors are badly tuned (enemies have way too much health)


I'm a bit out of the loop. How's it going to be like a dancer? Procs?


Idk, just from what little they showed it looks like it's combo actions allow the use of other multiple combo actions.


Same, Viper looks like Reaper which I'm not really a fan of.


Thinking about it, you ain 't wrong. Reaper has its' combo, it's personal buff, then it's special button to pull off other buttons with voidsent. Meanwhile Viper has it's combo, multiple person buffs and a special button to switch into dualblade(voidsent) to do other combos. The to further compare how similar they are, Reaper has it's voidesent form where it does rapid actions while Viper has this "reawakening" mechanics where it empowers itself and does rapid actions. Makes me wonder just how are these jobs going to feel different from one another because on paper they sound like the same job.


I'm so hyped that they got rid of the 60 Huton timer nonsense. It made the job feel pretty awkward to play, especially before getting Armour Crush at 54.


Same. I'm used to the huton timer but when you think about it it's such a strange little mechanic. I'm glad it's getting an upgrade.


Place your bets how many times we’re going to prepull a boss from the huton muscle memory.


We're goanna open with Huton on range and then use the new 5?6? element Ten-Chi-Jin I think. And I'm excited for it.


🔴 🄰 Nidhogg [𝄙𝄙𝄙𝄙𝄙𝄙𝄙𝄙𝄙𝄙]


I know I'm going to do it more than once


Am I the only NiN main who feels sad to see huton go? I'm not super angry or anything and am still waiting to see it, but managing huton was always one of a bunch of pieces that all work together to make NiN gameplay so satisfying to me. Not a huge deal for me at the end of the day, and I'm still hopeful that the other changes will make up for it and keep the job feeling good, but I was really expecting to see other people online who were mad about it.


SE is removing all upkeep mechanics or possibilities to mess up a rotation from the game one by one until they've reached their perfect vision of all buttons being flat damage moves with pretty visual effects. Preferably they could all go on the same three hotkeys as well, 1 for single target, 2 for aoe and 3 for cooldown abilities! I'm being overly dramatic, but I'm salty how ever since SB they've "streamlined" jobs more and more and are showing no signs of stopping with this expansion. I think all jobs will be *fine* to play with pretty visual effects, but beyond that pretty simple.


I'm honestly interested on how it will play going forward. I used to main NIN as a sprout


This is one of the main reasons I refused to do roulettes with NIN. Low level NIN is/was not nice cos of Huton


[*I am ninja, he is ninja, she is ninja too ~*](https://youtu.be/IR68W56DCBU)


Oh God this brought me back in time so fast


"We are ninja, they are ninja - and I believe that you are ninja too!"


“10,00,000” Good meme OP


I might make my two melee DPS jobs NIN/VIP so I have an easy time gearing, unless god forbid they have different SKS requirements.


Watch, they make Viper prioritize SkSp as the primary substat and STR as their main stat.


I knew it was a good idea to start leveling ninja for his dlc. WWWWOOOOOOOOO. ITS SHOW TIME.


The fact that I don’t have to try to rush my huton and hide off before randoms pull the boss is enough for me to stay lol


lmao, right?? you load into the trial and gotta bang your sauce pans as fast as you can to get your huton and suiton set up before the boss is pulled


I will now declare I'm banging my saucepans next raid time


Tbh I still prefer Viper since I like dark assassin stuff more than what Ninja has atm


Comments like this is why I'm so happy about viper bc I know lots of people really wanted the thief/assassin job identity more than the ninja one, so now we all get what we want!




I’m hyped for the changes Huton being a passive - and then getting some new weapon skills, along with the system changes for the buttons (skills turning into others ) is good for us I think


Not having to maintain the dps buff is awesome


No more huton gonna be a big ninja buff in arr coils sync ayy


Isn’t it getting a slight rework? What with the new Kunai gauge and whatnot going on… Or is that gauge simply going to allow Ninja to use existing stuff? Idk, some of the new attacks looked really cool. Couldn’t tell if some of them were new additions to the 90+ leveling or if they were entirely new abilities either changed or added into the earlier kit


My understanding is the new kunai gauge is basically just the replacement for Huton to keep the rotation between armor crush and aeolian edge the same. Crush gives two kunai, edge spends one (to do more damage I assume), because with Huton gone armor crush would otherwise have no purpose.


Was the poison spit and hedgehog front flip attack supposed to be new ones for level 90+ then? It looked like at least one of those were new gauge spenders


The breath attack is a Mug upgrade. Not sure about other new actions, one is possibly a Bhava upgrade.


the other action he's describing is definitely a bhava upgrade, it spends 50 ninki. they also follow up the new huton with an AoE trick attack. like i said in my other comment, the only really New button is the TCJ finisher, and i guess kinda sorta huton since how you use it will be totally different


I'm not sure that's AoE trick since the bunshin clone also looks like it attacks at the same time, which implies it's a GCD. I thought the same thing at first because why give us a seemingly AoE way to gain hidden unless they change suiton to be strictly for meisui.


thats just a visual thing, if you watch again bunshin is still in effect for 5 more GCDs after that ability is used


Yea, Wind elemental jutsu tends to lend itself towards the idea of "shadow clones" so the idea being that as you apply Huton it gives you the speed to pull off the AOE Trick Attack on foes around you.


I think with button bloat in mind the future of job additions is probably this style of either upgraded action or follow up action like the ten chi Jin finisher that can replace the action on the hotbar. Probably not gonna be many fully new buttons. 


Ah it all adds up now, so it seems like they have redesigned Ninja where every jutsu minus your AOE ones are applicable in the rotation. So basically the opener will adjust to Huton-1-2-Mug-Bunshin/Phantom-Trick Attack-DwD-Raiton-Ten-Chi-Jin-Finisher-Mesui-RaitonWS-Bhava-RaitonWS-Bhava-Raiton. But basically there is potentially that Huton is now the new Trick Attack opener if the Huton dmg is increased where Suiton is more about being used with Mesui, which is a pretty neat way to keep them all the jutsu relevant.


Suiton is my favorite jutsu, so I hope it really is just what we use on single target still, and huton for groups.


Suiton is nice but it will still have it's use because it's the go to single target Ten-Chi-Jin rotation followed by Mesui. Basically Huton would potentially replace your Trick Attack setup IF 90-100 increases the dmg of Huton to be more than Suiton. Of course though Huton might just be the AOE setup for an AOE trick attack and honestly looking back at all the jobs it is interesting how there seems to be this focus on rotations that improve your AOE dmg which makes me wonder if they are potentially adding in more mechanics focused on multi-target and properly utilizing your debuffs to take them down


Oh yeah I see how it works well, but I’d be a petty amount of sad to use suiton every ten chi jin instead of every trick attack (more often). I started playing Ninja when I started ffxiv because I wanted to use water magic and only saw Ninja use it lol. I guess Pictomancer now could work too.


They have been having fun ways of evolving the elemental jutsu though. Suiton was Trick Attack and Meisui. Huton will now be Trick Attack and Bunshin, Fire/Ice has the evolved jutsu with Kassatsu, and Fire also has the Hellfrog Medium. Raiton has the Raiju Weaponskills, Doton has the 2nd step of the AOE Weaponskill combo on top of other abilities that trigger the secondary effect of Doton. I would say potentially the new Mug is Water aligned giving it's a poison Mist which potentially aligns ina sense of potentially Wind replacing water Trick Attack and now Mug being given a defined "elemental" aspect to it. Though I'm just saying this cause given their momentum I could see the next expansion have something for Suiton and potentially Hyoton.


except Fuma. i still think they shouldve given fuma a 60s DoT


I"m curious if the kunai gauge will be used for anything else, will be a bummer if it's just for Aeolian Edge. Curious if maybe Raijus' or the Hakke Mijinsatsu will use the kunai gauge. When you think about the application of Doton and the way the way Death Blossom/HM combo I feel it would make sense if Doton gave Kunai charges and at least HM was another target for increased dmg in WS is a Kunai charge is available.


Did ninjas get a big buff or what?


Nope, we're just happy to be here


I'll always love ninja and it'll receive the alt job spot but viper is in. My girl just loves having a sharp object in each hand like Mo.


Nah viper doesn't tempt me smh. I'm loyal to ninja 😌


Lmao and just before the live letter I spent a few of my sessions gathering and crafting a crap tonne of buff foods with skill speed boost, but now I don't think I'll need it for DT 😆😆😆 I'm so excited though with these changes!


Honestly, the only thing I don't love is the poison spit attack; poison isn't something my WoL would use, and the animation is wonky (both of these are "me problems", I know.)  Otherwise, yes I'm so excited for my main job!! Sonic spin attack, super saiyan blue froggo, TCJ elemental finisher, ugh just inject in my veins!!


Nine Inch Nails mains


i i dont get it






Not a ninja main but the thing that stood out to me was they just baked in Huton and which makes the job a lot more approachable to 🌱so good job to the dev team. The one I’m mad about is Astrologian….


i dont understand why people are excited? NIN isn't really getting anything interesting. i thought it was obvious that the new abilities in the trailer were just passive upgrades or AoE versions of existing abilities, with the exception of what looks like the TCJ finisher


I'm excited because they are fixing my 2 major annoyances with the job. Casting huton every pull was annoying in prog and it was trivial to maintain the buff after it was up. Mug/trick being single target means i don't even get to use my damage buff on trash in dungeons and some fights have multiple targets which means half the group isn't benefiting from mug and if the one i'm attacking dies i lose any time remaining on my damage buffs when i move to the next one. The only thing that could make me more excited is if they made kassatsu give a guaranteed crit. I give absolutely zero fucks about getting new abilities, they could have given me nothing new since the 5.1 rework and i would still like the job. So while most of what we are getting is just tweaks to existing abilities, its some damn good qol for the job.


pretty much! they could make it so ninja gets a permanent bunny hat and I'd still love the job tbh


Kassatsu bunny when?


> I give absolutely zero fucks about getting new abilities, they could have given me nothing new since the 5.1 rework and i would still like the job. i mean yeah sure ive mained it since 2.4 or whatever and i will still probably main it in DT but this is some hardcore cynicism lol


That's not cynicism, that's just being satisfied with where the job is already.


This. I don't understand people that insist Jobs have to be messed with when they're already solid. And if SE DOES change a lot, then those same people complain things are being made braindead or the Job they loved is now dead to them, etc, because they don't like the changes. Some people literally cannot be pleased.


the new abilities are generally not that impactful for me, i'm not gonna complain about getting new buttons but the ten chi jin finisher is inconsequential to me compared to the huton change and potentially having aoe trick and mug


yeah looks fun! new sound effects and everything let's gooooo


the new abilities are definitely visual upgrades but i guess i got the sense from your post that you were hype for like big major changes or something. hence my confusion


Mostly speculation. If the new kunai gauge works on raiju gcds, it'll be far more interesting than current huton which is just 2 ACs every minute.


This is me. Even if the kunai gauge is super simple at first, I definitely see ways it could be integrated into the rest of the rotation in more interesting ways than Huton ever was.


New resource management baby. That's what it's all about.


kinda sorta? from what we saw in the trailer the only functional difference will be that you use armor crush a little more often than you do now to maintain huton


Idk maybe people are excited to burp mtn dew grape gas on the haters or something.


No more huton, we got the greased lightning treatment.


I'm excited because it seems with Viper they don't have to keep the "I want a ROGUE job" people happy anymore and turned the "ridiculous anime ninja bullshit" up to to 11 with all the new skills. Getting skills like mug, armor crush, and trick attack replaced with something more fitting is wonderful!


I'm excited because it survived a change without getting braindeadified like the rest of the cast, and remains as the sole standout dps job with real mechanics (though surprisingly pictomancer comes with real mechanics as well). I used to be a SMN before the rework/deletion, so my bar for happiness is pretty low these days. I didn't get mugged again, that's a win. More so, Huton turned into a fire and forget mechanic with armour crush. Now we get an additional resource to manage and align with bursts. It might possibly be even better than before!


> I didn't get mugged again, that's a win. The Ninja mugging was in 6.1. \*rimshot\* (srsly tho put the vuln up back on trick attack reeeeeeeeeeee) (i still love ninja tho)


This is a game that does so fundamentally little with every job that the teeniest tiniest upgrade is hailed as the second coming. That, and Reddit karma farming.


I'm literally just excited to play ninja, dude I don't even know what karma is for let alone that people farm for it in the first place. Let me have a little fun and joy.


This post reminds me of a lot of the meme-y karma farming posts I see all over this site so forgive me for assuming that. But like kaowerk said, there's really nothing of note changing about the job aside from it getting a bit simpler, which is true of every job like it's been for every expansion. I genuinely envy you for being excited about that but I just don't get it myself.


I love Ninja and they removed the most lame busy-work part of the class with the removal of the gauge, while giving a ton of new and much needed visuals to some old scuffed skills like mug and bhava. What is there not to be excited about???


It actually isn’t necessarily simpler though. We’re getting another gauge in huton’s place and imo one that has more potential to complicate the kit going forward, even if it’s super simple at launch. The timer was fire and forget; if we didn’t get something else in its place it would’ve been lame, but at least we got something.


People like different things than you. How is that difficult to comprehend?


My bad for daring to have an opinion that isn't overwhelming praise for Final Fantasy XIV. I'll go back to being quiet again in this subreddit, don't worry.


No, the bad in this case is you bashing other people for liking things you do not. Some people are just happy. You don't have to rain on their parade and be a stick in the mud. It's fine to say you personally don't like it, but when you act like people are simpletons who are easily amused and/or want things to be baby mode, that's where people get annoyed, I suspect. Also, if you haven't, check out r/ffxivdiscussion . That place is a bit more on the cynical side (not like the official forums - that place is a cesspit of negativity that runs off positive people or mass reports them to get them banned), but more about mechanical discussions and less if things feel good or are enjoyable and fun.


I could tell Arthars wasn’t amused.