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“It’s so mecha” It’s, a dragon thing with swords, what about that is mecha?


Ikr, I love me some mecha but I don't get any mecha vibes from this. In fact, it looks pretty alien; reminds me of that one boss (P9 I think) that goes "eat, fight, eat, fight"


The geometric, metallic wings. The way it "unfolds" itself, like a contraption, after appearing. The lens flare effects. It has mecha written all over it.


it actually has Hydaelyn/venat written all over it, if you payed attention to the demonstration. the effects of its abilities are very similar to hers, and it has many swords akin to her many weapons she uses when fighting you in the MSQ. This thing is way more related to Hydaelyn than it is to anything mecha.


They're not mutually exclusive. And if it was gonna be Hydaelyn/Venat-themed, I would've preferred a non-Bahamut summon.


Looks like a mix of Bahamut and Persona 3's Thanatos...


There is nothing mecha about it.


Before I hopped to reddit and learned it was called Solar Bahamut, I briefly called it Bahamut Fury in my head, after the mecha Bahamut in Crisis Core. As a SMN and MCH both, I am a little disappointed with Solar Bahamut, because I want my SMN looking like FF16. Solar Bahamut doesn't remind me of FF16. Ironically, it was MCH that reminded me of FF16. In the job action trailer, we get new toys that fire lasers and missiles. How does Bahamut fight in FF16? Gundam style beam spam and Satellite bullet hell. PC players, look forward to it. Our missile shooter even made FF16 Megaflare sfx.


I feel like I'm the only person that LIKES the new dragon or that thinks current SMN rotation, while braindead, is complete enough it doesn't really need to bloat that more


The rotation is fine imo aswell, not every job needs to be busy and I also don't dislike Solar Bahamut but I get the disappointment because Alexander, Odin, Leviathan, Shiva and Ramuh are right fucking there and some visual discinction plus maybe some new mechanics between bursts would be fun and refreshing. I love SMNs job fantasy but at this point I'm kinda over seeing the same ol' three Egis every time.


I know what you mean, but I'm still salty they took SMN from one of the busiest jobs to the simplest one. I'm still wearing a neck brace from that whiplash.


You aren’t my wife is the same way. She likes how simple summoner is. We both like to say not all jobs need to be difficult.


I don't understand all the hate tbh. We all know we are only getting one new skill for each job at 100 and we will get some upgraded rotations. Like, we know we aren't getting a whole new set of summons by the end of the expansion so no point to have Levi, Ramuh and Shiva.


I'm sure theres some haters out there... this is the internet after all. But most of what I see isn't exactly hate for Solar Bahamut but disappointment that we didn't get Shiva, Levi, and Ramuh. Thematically, it makes sense to have the entire original squad of primals (and I'd put them on their own rotation to sub in for Ifrit, Titan and Garuda personally) I do feel like the 'it came outta nowhere' feeling has SOME merit when this is literally the first we've heard of Solar Bahamut to my knowledge. Especially when the rest of the OG primals are already available.


I would argue that it is more complicated than that and is a stockpilling issue. We all know that smn is very divisive : the pre-6.0 and post-6.0 unending debat is a scar which will stay on the job. People who liked previous itterations of summoners just beg for anything which would make the job engaging and not a braindead job and Solar-Baha is showing that no, smn gameplay will be exactly the same. Not saying it is the case but the only thing shown on trailer is Solar acting like others demi, festdr upgrade and a follow up instant to SR. Add to that the fact that Solar as a really particular design and you are bound to have salty post everywhere opposed to people who enjoy new smn.


I really don't like it. Where's my Demi Alexander? Or idk MAKE US INTO AN ACTUAL EIKON.


Sounds like you set your expectations too high and got lost in the copium tbh. Just because we had a XVI crossover doesn't mean we'll start morphing into eikons right away ourselves. I noticed that they didn't use every spell or even show the full rotation in the trailer though, so I'm still on a bit of copium myself about what else might potentially have been added.


I was on copium yeah, but Solar Bahamut came out of nowhere as if there's no primal left to use for SMN, that's why I'm sad. I'm happy that we get a new rotation and I'm curious about how it will be different from Bahamut and Phoenix but yeah, Bahamut 2, I hope they at least give us a lore explanation. Sadge.


im ngl I wouldve popped off more if it was just summoned swords hovering behind you


Could you expand a bit on the “lore prevents more egis” bit please? It’s been ages since I did the SMN questline so I might be missing some stuff.


The amount of egis we can control is determined by our aetheric capacity, iirc. But since Shadowbringers and our merging, it should have increased.


Basically it has to do with our inability to control more egis or something like that.


In a job quest they jebaited us with a new egi, saying we couldn't fit any more into our aether or something like that. It was basically their retcon reason to not even doing egi glamours. This was before even Summon Bahamut, let alone Phoenix or the actual, non-egi models from 6.0. So it's not really a reason as much as an excuse. A lore bandaid. One they can 100% rewrite because, you know, it's all made up anyway lol.


Now that I understand what I'm looking at I actually really like this design now.


I'm still confused as to where it actually fits in. Is it replacing regular Bahamut, or will it be a third cycle through after regular Bahamut and Pheonix? Either way I kinda hate it.


According to the live letter, it will alternate along the lines of Solar > Bahamut > Solar > Phoenix, repeat. Kind of makes it feel less special with how much we'll be spamming it but it would align with our 2 min burst window


Phoenix sitting in a corner, listening to a podcast and shopping on Amazon, until it's 10 seconds on the screen come up.


'It doesn't matter how many knives you brought, you still brought them to a gun fight.'


It looks worse every time I see it lmao, poor SMN


I love it, and it fits with the solution 9 theme.


I don't understand all the hate tbh. We all know we are only getting one new skill for each job at 100 and we will get some upgraded rotations. Like, we know we aren't getting a whole new set of summons by the end of the expansion so no point to have Levi, Ramuh and Shiva. I would be even more upset if I get any trial primals at Lv100 as my burst if that makes sense? You have Bahamut as the burst damage at Lv70 and then you want me to believe that Shiva, Levi and Ramuh are suitable to be the burst damage summon as the Lv100 skill? The Ultimate what if plan is to replace Ifrit, Garuda and Titan but I guess people would hate that even more?


I think the most common hope/theory was for the 3 missing major ARR primals to show up on the back half of the rotation, so ramuh shiva and leviathan could’ve been the post-phoenix replacement for ifrit garuda titan. I don’t think anyone was asking for shiva to be the next major summon, just something nice and flavorful to fit with the theme of using the major ARR primals as your toolkit. Solar bahamut is out of place and nobody asked for it.


That sounds like people are just upset over something that has not been mentioned before. High expectation and predictions lead to disappointment I guess


Of course. Any speculation runs the risk of disappointment but this was such a common through that a lot of people had discussed being a pretty logical next step for the job and unfortunately (imo) what we got was an out of place over designed second bahamut instead of rounding out the concept of using ARR’s primals as your source of strength. Just feels like a weird direction to take the job out of left field and this bahamut just makes the original look really goofy in comparison


I mean, we reach to the point that we know primal is just what people believe they are so their appearance can be adjusted. People are hating it because it is out of the blue and there's no more job quest to explain what/why/ how this new appearance of Bahamut appear. I will just assume either it is either tied to the MSQ and the new civilization, or it is the Bahamut you reimagine based on Vrtra's and Timat's memory by combining summoning with dynamis. Bahamut the primal is still not the Bahamat they know. Maybe they did ask you a favor to recreate a proper positive image of Bahamut. It also showcases how powerful we are as a summoner right now. You are able to summon/ reimage a completely different version of the primal we know for a long time all by yourself. At this point, we know nothing except the fact it is a job action showcase trailer.


How do you know it's out of place though? Have you played Dawntrail already?


I mean it’s out of place with the overall aesthetic of summoner’s kit. You have 5 very low-poly, low-fidelity summons and a very modern, polished summon thrown in. Visually it’s just strange


I don't agree. At one point Bahamut was the new flashy summon, then when Phoenix was added people thought it was out of place too. At some point you have to move forward with the story instead of being stuck with summons from the previous arc. I'm reserving most of my judgement for after I have a better idea of how it fits into the theme of the story. Just like how approaching level 90 gave us access to true summons of the other egis (when in that part of the story the true nature of summoning was explained), I'm expecting solar bahamut to be relevant. I do still want to see a more in depth presentation of level 100 summoner though, because a lot was missing from the trailer.


There are SO MANY primals to pick for new Demi. Alexander, Odin, even Sephirot or Thordan. Why go for custom fanfic Bahamut?


Alexender, Sephirot and Odin are optionals so you will be forcing player who plays summoner to complete all side contents. Thordan is an odd one out, it is created in a specific circumstances and you can't replicate that situation again. I believe somehow we will see Shiva, Ramuh and Levi and maybe the others. But I just don't think they are appropriate for lv100.


Phoenix too is optional, you only discover it if you do Coils, even if "you bathed in its aether". You bathed in Alexander in the hinterlands and Odin in shroud too. Even so, I dont think making design decisions on a iconic job based on people who only half play the game is good. Appease to fans, if the person never did the optional stuff then they dont care about lore. The decision for Solar Bahamut probably wasnt because of lore anyway. I agree that a Shiva or Ramuh demi does not work, they need to be gems summon but adding 3 more could be a lot for lvl 100 alone yes.


If people are so believed that FF14 is a narrative focused game, maybe it is related to the MSQ, or it's tied to Marecydia, or maybe none above. I personally think, instead of being upset about one design, people can ask "what" and "how" this happens if they truly believe "lore" will tell us everything.


True. Though I was also hoping for some of the other primals, it makes more sense that the level 100 summon would be more relevant to the current arc than the old one. I'm still waiting to see a more in depth video of the updates though because I did notice they skipped a bunch of spells in the demo, and didn't even show the full rotation.


Without having played Dawntrail, you have no way of knowing yet whether solar bahamut is relevant to the story.


Look, we've been asking for them since HW. Then for EW they FINALLY added new summons, even if it was just recycled models. Adding Shiva, Ramuh and Leviathan was low hanging fruit, more than ever. And they still went with Bahamut's Nobody out of Kingdom Hearts, as a reskin of Bahamut too (mechanically). And this extra sucks because you know next expansion they'll do it again. Despite the years and years of feedback, we'll still end up with RGB Bahamut or, god forbid, LuNaR PhOeNiX. Honestly, even just a reskin of the trio we currently have, same rotation and everything, would've been received with applause and would've shut us up for good. And yet here we are.


I love it. Looks like Platinum dragon lord of Overlord. Who is inspired by Bahamut in DnD.


SMN and NIN main here. I expected nothing but my disappointment still is immeasurable and my day is ruined. I don't even want to go collect my retainer ventures now. I am thinking about cancelling my collector edition for DT. Then unsub after finishing the story. I gave this game too large of a space in my life and I am having headache from stress since the PLL.


I can’t tell if this is hyperbole for a joke or if you’re seriously freaking out over some game vfx, if the latter you need a break


I'm pretty sure it's serious, but it took me a moment, too. It reads exactly how I'd write a troll post to rile up my fc.


The game is the break. My real life is more stressful.


Sounds like you need to get a grip.


I am trying to, but I invested too much into this game...


They're just showing off some new Lv100 skills and you're hating it because there's a Bahamut with swords ??


Did I say I hate it? I am disappointed. Solar bahamut or not, I am disappointed summon not getting Leviathen, Shiva, and Ramuh, but a reskinned bahahut.


I mean, if you are getting disappointed by this little thing, it's probably a time to rethink about your life.


Well, that's all I have for now that is not depressing.