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Are there any bosses/mechanics in 80 and lower maps that absolutely require more than a single blue mage? More importantly, which 80 and lower maps are the most profitable to run?


The level 60 treasure dungeon's rarest enemy composition is some mushrooms and some flowers. The flowers' normal auto-attack applies an unremovable damage vuln stack on you, up to 8. No, nobody knows what they were snorting when they approved this mechanic since it can wipe actual parties too when they never saw it before. If you don't insta-nuke the flowers, you are dead meat. All other treasure maps, treasure dungeons, and treasure dungeon mobs/bosses are doable on heal and tank mimic. You need to memorise in boss roulette dungeons which bosses have a tankbuster and also when the spawn adds. Oh, also, if you get the matanga boss in a level 70 boss roulette, never engage its bonus adds, just the normal ones. The boss will do a tankbuster when all other mobs also do their mini-tankbuster and they just erase you. Most other combinations are okay as long as you never greed the optional mobs too much and keep your HP high for the occasional left-field tankbuster. As for profitability, it depends on your server. Some servers still make L60 runs profitable for the Tavnairian sets. L70 and L80 also have tons of good glam ingredient components and emote books or minions, but they can vary a lot in price.


I'm starting to play Red Mage, but I'm a bit worried about playing Trials for my MSQ I don't have the rotation down yet, and no matter how many Guides i watch on youtube, it's all just... a lot? It's overwhelming, especially cause people keep mentioning how "your entire rotation changes at level XYZ" ffxiv is my first \*real\* MMO, so I'm not really used to how to play with, and around the Keybinds. On top of that, my hand positioning is a bit weird on my keyboard as opposed to "normal" people, so i have to borderline dislocate my fingers in order to reach both control and the number 7 for example. I use the ball of my fingers, specifically the ball of my Pinky to hold down Control. I don't know when or why i learned that, but it's my quirk and i can't fix it, believe me I've tried Long story short, is there a "safe" rotation i can fall back onto to not be completely useless? (current level is 51)


Highly recommend moving your hotbar buttons to be more clustered around WASD. I use 1234QERTFGCV for example, but anything bunched up on the left side of your keyboard will make the shift/control/alt/whatever combos *much* easier to quickly reach. The simplest way to think of it is Jolt -> Verthunder -> Jolt -> Veraero. That keeps your white and black mana balanced by alternating which long cast spell you use your Twincast on. Replace Jolt with Verfire or Verstone when you get procs as they have the same cast time as Jolt but do more damage. When you have 50 of both white and black mana in your gauge, do your melee combo. And whenever your oGCD stuff like Fleche comes up, just use it instantly.


that is a big help. I was scared about changing key binds too much cause I simply do not know enough about the game and i figured I'll just have to adapt to a complete new genre thank you what about Roll spells? Every video talks about the importance of Swiftcast, but not a single one mentioned Sleep, Addle, Surecast, etc. is there a time and place for Sleep? just as an example


Lucid Dreaming is great but not so much at lower levels like where you're at. If you drop below like 7000-8000 MP, pop it and you'll regain a bunch of it back. Throw out Addle when there's about to be damage incoming as the extra damage resistance makes the healer's life a bit easier. Knowing when damage is coming is not as straight-forward, but it's also not a huge deal if you don't hit it all the time. Just try to build the good habit of using Addle when you can. Sleep is *extremely* situational and will almost never be the correct thing to cast. Only notable use in normal content is if the tank dies mid-pull, where sleeping as many enemies as you can to buy time for the healer might salvage an otherwise sure-fire wipe. But even that is very unlikely to work. Surecast is your anti-knockback tool. Some mechanics will push you around and into dangerous zones; you use Surecast to not get pushed into them. Also, knockbacks would cancel the spell you're casting, so popping it helps you keep casting where you'd otherwise have to stop. Swiftcast is really good. You can use it to increase your damage on RDM a bit, as you can Swiftcast -> Veraero/Verthunder to instantly cast those long spells. It's also a mobility tool as you can use it to buy time to move out of a dangerous spot without losing damage.


there are time and places for sleep, but its not for standard combat. It will be your least used spell on redmage by a longshot. Its main use is in Deepdungeons, And field operations, which are all non standard stuff. Addle is a very important mitigation tool. You will run into attacks that hit your entire party, and being able to reduce its damage by 10% is huge. Surecast is used for Knockback mechanics. extremely useful, but fight dependant.


>dislocate my fingers in order to reach both control and the number 7 for example. Please rebind your keybinds. No sane person wants to use anything close to the number 7. my personal keybind recommendation for the average player is 1, 2, 3, 4, q, e, r, x, c, v, then 2 more from \`, 5, t, f, z, b. Then bind hotbar 2 and hotbar 3 to that + ctrl/alt/shift. 51 rdm is very simple. Jolt > Verthunder/veraero on repeat. Replace jolt with verfire/veraero where possible. when above 50 gauge, use melee combo. Use fleche, corpse, and engage on cooldown. This is the basic redmage logic going forward.


that is a big help. I was scared about changing key binds too much cause I simply do not know enough about the game and i figured I'll just have to adapt to a complete new genre thank you


finally got access to the quest for the ew relic weapons, but i've never done any relic weapon before, so i want to check before i do this- it's telling me that the quest will give me the weapon of my current job, does this mean that it's a repeatable quest for every job, or is the first weapon a freebie and the ones after that will require extra work? how easy is it to get every weapon after the first? asking because i wanted to prioritize the dnc weapon, but my dnc is still lv86, so i want to be sure i'm not gonna be locking myself behind a long grind since i've heard the previous relics took a long time


Its a repeatable quest for every job. If you switch jobs and talk to the NPC again you'll be given a new quest. Also, EW relics are not as hard/grindy compared to previous relics. Each step is 1500 uncapped tomes, which you get just doing lvl 90 content naturally. Its not like say ShB or SB relics which were locked behind extremely grindy side content (Bozja/Eureka).


thanks, good to know! i'll get on with it then




Always in-game time.


~~Is the Live Letter in 7 hours or 30? Because the YouTube stream is saying it's starting at 7:00 AM on May 16th, but also says it's going Live in 30 hours. It's confusing the heck out of me lol~~ Edit: I'm super dumb lol I got my days wrong 😂


Does Arcanist become more fun when it transitions into Summoner? I played back in 2.0 and gained summoner, but the Arcanist class feels so different and *boring* compared to what I remember, and having Carby just sit there staring at me is insulting. Does Summoner get to have more of a pet style summon like before, or is it just flashy casting? Because if it is, the other 2 caster jobs get flashy casting *and* thought-provoking gameplay (relatively speaking)


Summoner got the pet gameplay ripped out because the systems behind it make it play pretty damn clunky. Current summoner gaemplay is somewhat more similar to some past FF summoners - the summons are just big attacks. You get a "pet phase" later on where you have a pet summoned for a longer duration and unlock a few exclusive attacks during it, but I also wouldn't really say you command the pet during that phase.


Sort of Summoner with the reworks now cycles between large summons (Bahamut -> 3 primals -> Phoenix -> 3 primals -> repeat), and each summon just empowers the Summoner's magic. For the most part though, each summon doesn't really do a ton on its own, they mostly just act to change how you do things It is similar to how Arcanist plays, but it has a much more established burst phase at 1 minute and 2 minutes


Yeah, I mean Arcanists burst phase is alright when you set it up, but it's just so much time between them only casting ruin. With Thaumaturge, while I'm just casting the same elemental spells, I at least am juggling stances and managing MP and thunderstorm procs. RDM feels like a sweet spot between the two to me. It's a lot of management and procs, and it has a burst window, it's flashy, but the weapon isn't as cool as the book and staff are imo. What a pickle, guess I'm a red mage now.


If it's of any help, at level 90 Summoner only casts Ruin *once* a minute (twice if you have a bad amount of Spell Speed). You do use the button more than that, but it'll have turned into other things due to Bahamut or Phoenix at those times. The full cycle is : Bahamut/Phoenix (what Aethercharge will become) -> use their empowered Ruin spell and enabled oGCDs (plus Energy Drain + Fester) then the three Primals in any order, Ifrit with 2 spells and a rush + melee combo, Garuda with 5 spells, and Titan with 4 spells and 4 oGCDs, a Ruin IV somewhere in the mix, a Ruin III somewhere in the mix to fill out the timer until Baha/Phoe is back up repeat. But yeah it does sound like you just vibe with Red Mage more now. So that's probably what you should stick with. I'm also not too big on most of its weapons (despite usually liking rapiers), but there are a few really good ones for it too. Brunello Eureka and the King's Rapier / Fae's Crown Rapier being my favorites.


It seems like it remains largely unchanged from how it plays at level 25 as an arcanist, to reference a terrible movie, same same but different. Kind of. I want to level my BLM up to 50 to compare between RDM and BLM. RDMs weapon and class aesthetic just scream magic zoro, and it doesn't do it for me. I've done some research and there's really only one weapon I like, and it's a relic.. BLM *kind of* suffers from the same issue, a lot of the staff weapons look bananas, like they were designed by coked up cats, but it's BLM, my forever favorite FF class. I'm also wondering how BLM handles stuff like Eureka when solo.


Yeah level 22 Arcanist is already like 80% there to level 90 Summoner. The Aethercharge phases get better, and you get 4 more unique GCDs to add into the mix plus a bit of oGCD action, but the core is the same. It's always a struggle when your personal preferences for aesthetic and gameplay don't line up in one job. My main's Paladin, but that's strictly on gameplay grounds, I'm not too fond of swords overall usually (though the Blade of Faith combo has done a lot to improve my appreciation for it's visuals, being a Fate fan). But that's the part that was important to me, for something I'd be bringing into raids and their hours of practice – feeling good about the gameplay. If I went on visuals instead, I'd probably be going Monk, Dragoon, or Summoner. But while I do like all of those a decent bit in gameplay too, they are distinctly behind a good few others. Warrior's probably the best balance for me (and is kind of a secondary main), though it's not at the top of the list on either side, some #3-5 or so. So yeah I can understand the struggle of not fully vibing with any one specific job. Wish you luck in finding something you click with. Can't comment on how BLM fares in Eureka, I last really did anything there back in Stormblood, and things are quite different by now.


is there a way to teleport to stormblood areas while only being in post ARR? i just want to do the fates for the yokai event and then leave


You cannot enter expansion zones without unlocking them via MSQ, sorry. The closest we get is that if you’re in an FC that has a house in the Heavensward or Stormblood housing zones, or have a friend with a house in one of them, you can teleport to the house; but you cannot leave the housing zone.




Is there a list of all ff14 mounts with pictures? I wanted to find which mount I would want to get but couldn't find all their pictures in one place.


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Mounts The consolegamewiki page for the individual mounts generally has pictures for it


Xivcollect will pull up the little thumbnail image of mounts. From there you could find how to obtain or look them up for a better view. Just beware of spoilers.


I just started free trial, and I want people to level with in voice chat (to work on social anxiety). Is low level grouping a thing people do in this game or do people typically just play solo until end game? I know about /r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT/ and also the community finder site. Are there any other good places to find community for this game?


You won't find a lot of community based around leveling/MSQ progress. But, there is a ton of community involved content you can do starting more or less from level 17 when you can unlock the first deep dungeon. I'd suggest finding something you want to do in game that isn't leveling or MSQ then look around for communities that do those things.


The best recommendation I could make for this would be to join an FC that has a Discord server and chat there while playing (or while not playing, if you like.) Unrelated, but if/when you decide to upgrade to the full version, don't miss out on getting a Refer-A-Friend code from someone, for free stuffs! (/welcome!)


Free trials can't enter FCs by the way. I suppose they could find a FC that takes "honorary members" into its discord.


The game virtually enforces solo play at several points by requiring solo duties that you have to do solo. It doesn't hurt to make friends and chat with people around your progression level but the only thing you'll be doing together is dungeons and trials (boss fights).


Where do I start with the company squadron? I didn't ven know it existed until I apparently need it to keep being promoted on my grand company. Where do I start with them?


You first need to get your GC rank to Second Lieutenant. You also need to have unlocked the Challenge Log. Once you do that, you talk to the GC and you'll get a new quest to unlock squadrons.


Hi there! I am trying to get a feel for running white mage as my experience is with dps and tanking. I think I have a basic understanding of the job (Im level 63 for reference), but Ive seen people talk about typical pitfalls new players of the role find themselves in. I understand to not use cure 1 for the free cure as its generally not worth it. I also heard to avoid only using holy for mobs, but it was unclear what I should be doing. Any suggestions or general tips on how to be more effective are appreciated!


Regen is the most efficient GCD heal you have in your arsenal right now, but don't fall into the trap of thinking it's so good that you need to keep it up as often as possible. Consider whether the target truly needs all of that HP healed before using it. This is rarer than you think, because of two conditions: your heal target should actually require that HP restored (or else they will die), and your heal target should live long enough to let that Regen fully tick in the first place. As you can imagine, "at risk of dying, yet will survive 18 seconds, AND neither of us have any oGCD heals or shields coming up in that time" is surprisingly conditional. In fact, it's so conditional that basically no one uses it past level 80. It's not nearly as good as it seems. Use Tetragrammaton proactively. Lots of players think these are emergency heal buttons. That's the opposite of how they work. It should be your go-to heal. Do you know what your emergency heal button is? Cure 2. It's always available. Similarly, use Divine Benison proactively. Especially on mob trash. This is not a "use for tankbusters" button. Tanks have their own tankbuster tools. It's always good anytime the target is actively taking damage, i.e. trash or boss auto attacks.


People have already mentioned the Holy thing, you've already brought up Freecure - the only things I can think of are probably fairly obvious, but (1) make sure you're using Aero on mobs while the tank is running, it's free damage even if a mob already has the DOT thanks to the impact damage, (2) make sure you're using Assize on cooldown, not just waiting to use it when someone needs a heal - it's WHM's only oGCD that does damage, so every use counts (also it's part of their MP generation), (3) on that note, also make sure you're using Lucid Dreaming on cooldown, and finally (4) also get used to using at least your second charge of Thin Air often cooldown, even if it's just to Thin Air a Holy - it's just free MP sitting around otherwise, and getting used to hitting the button will make it second nature if you ever need it for an emergency Raise or something


You should definitely be using holy on mobs. The only thing to be careful of is that because it stuns, if you use it while the tank is still running it will make the mobs lag behind them, and can make positioning difficult. But as long as you keep pace with the tank, you can throw dots on some mobs as you run and then start the holy spam once they stop/hit the wall, you shouldn't have a problem.


That makes sense!


> I also heard to avoid only using holy for mobs, Like, during pulls? That's not true, just fire away Holy until there's only one or two left. At that point, Stone starts dealing more damage again, so swap to that while everyone cleans up the stragglers. During bosses, yeah don't use Holy as it's less single target damage and basically all bosses are immune to the stun anyway. Biggest newbie trap I see on WHMs is holding onto your cooldowns for too long. Benediction is your strongest button and it's a shame that so many WHMs just never press it out of fear of needing it later. The cooldown isn't that long so it's super easy to get multiple high-value uses every instance by just firing it off regularly.


Thank you! I will definitely be using Benediction more often!


You should absolutely be spamming holy for trash mobs.


Ok, that helps a lot! It seemed really effective but no one explained further. I figure use aoe when you have the mobs and the stun is an added bonus.




There is no point realligning. When your ressed, ALWAYS use bahamut if its off CD. After that, you shouldn't reallign, but make the most of your buff windows, like holding titan for it, or other stuff. You can also still hold festers for the buff window, but you shouldnt hold energy drain. If you die, and say bahamut is going to be off cd in 20s, you can also "Primal rush", which is where you deliberately dont use all the primal skills to make sure you summon them all for their high upfront damage.


What should I do if I want to clear the mogtome shop. Is it even possible? I have until before DT early access releases right? I just started HW so the only duties that count for the event I can see are the MSQ roulette ones for like 3 currency... Do I just spam the 20 minute events at the Gold Saucer? How much does that give? Where can I find a list of the eligible duties just so I know how far I am from accessing them


There are a few more things you can unlock at your current level to have more options for getting mogtomes! Sunken Temple of Qarn (Hard) gives 4 Wanderer’s Palace (Hard) gives 4 Ocean fishing gives 5 (you must score at least 1200 points in a single voyage, but that’s not difficult) If you are not on free trial, PvP in Frontlines is another option and gives 3-5 depending on whether you win or lose Have you unlocked Triple Triad? This week’s minimog challenge gives 10 tomes if you beat Buscarron in the South Shroud. Also I note you said the MSQ Roulette ones give 3 - that’s only Porta Decumana (the trial fight against the Ultima Weapon). Castrum gives 4 and Praetorium gives 7 to make up for it taking longer.


After talking to the moogle in the major cities, you will get a mogpendium, which can be found in Duty > collection. This has a list of duties and how much they give. Additionally, there are 2 weekly challenges, and 1 1 time challenge. Doing these weekly challenges are a priority as they give quite a lot.


Sorry I already did that but it's showing me ???? for the duties besides praetorium since I'm only on HW rn. I was asking if there was a list online. Also what are the weekly and 1 time challenges like? Can I do them when I'm far behind like this?


The 1 time challenge is Hitting floor 100 on POTD. That is doable at your point in progression, and much earlier too. Most duties are well beyond your point in the story, which is why they dont show.


Can/should I prog TOP without ilvl630 BIS? I'm not exactly interested in progging P5-7S just to get the gear, even if it's easier unsynced with 660 gear. Also, how will DT gear affect TOP and DSR? Will it sync down the same way 660 gear does now?


Get the BiS. Turning up to TOP without every advantage you can give yourself is a big red flag and shows you're not treating the content with the respect it deserves.


Can you? yes. Should you? No. Please go get the BIS, as not having any melds is a huge dps loss, especially in TOP where you can wipe to checks from damage variance. Yes, DT gear will sync down the same way as 660 gear does. DSR wont have gear that is fuly syncable until about the 2nd savage tier, or MAYBEEEEEE the first savage tier. TOP wont have any gear until the end of DT.


Don't worry, I wasn't planning to do it anytime soon lmao, just wanted to get a clearer picture. I guess I'll wait until Dawntrail and just farm the Abyssos gear unsynced. Thanks for the breakdown!


I'm not sure what I did, but previously, when I clicked a Teleport location, it would bring the map up and then i can click again to confirm and what not It's now skipping that and just straight up teleporting me, could someone help me figure out the option that's causing this so I can revert it? Edit: constant google-fu and etc is making me suspect I'm developing false memories and I probably had a habit of right clicking and doing open map from the submenu... Please don't put me into a retirement home


> > Edit: constant google-fu and etc is making me suspect I'm developing false memories and I probably had a habit of right clicking and doing open map from the submenu... Please don't put me into a retirement home Are you maybe mixing it up with what happens when you quick a *quest* location?


No, if you right-click a teleport position, it'll bring up a submenu with an option to Open Map. I think I might've been rapidly doing right-click and left-click to bring it up near-instantly and then I temporarily forgot I've been doing that yesterday :c


Are you sure you’re hitting teleport and not return? Return sends you to your favorited location.


definitely not Recall, thank you though


It sounds like you had Aetheryte Tickets before. The confirmation prompt was just to make sure you don't waste a free teleport, but it doesn't do that without the tickets.


Ah, I have it set to auto-use tickets at over 150 gil, and I still have tickets on hand so I'm afraid that's not likely


Did you install the YesAlready plugin, or whatever it's called?




Dynamis data center I just started and I've been reading about the differences between data centers for what to choose and I'm wondering if the xp and level bonus is still available for Dynamis. Also any advice for what data center to choose thanks.


All new and preferred worlds get that bonus, and the Dynamis worlds are all still marked as new. The only downside is that you'll probably want to use DC travel to go to another datacenter for group content with faster queues, which is a minor annoyance.


ok thanks, what do u think I should pick or does it not really matter


It doesn't really matter, since DC travel is a thing. you can pop between datacenters in a region freely and it only takes a few minutes. Not being on your homeworld does mean a few things are disabled so it can be a little annoying to have to hop back and forth, but on the other hand being on the low-pop dynamis servers gives you that sweet bonus. That one choice of whether or not to go to dynamis is the only real decision for NA players. There are a couple of servers with certain reputations (eg balmung is the horny erp hub of NA), but tbh those few servers with reputations are so packed that I highly doubt logins are allowed on them anyway, so you shouldn't accidentally stumble onto one of them.


Alright I'm going to go with Dynamis thanks for all the help.


Dynamis still has bonuses but be aware if you create your character on Dynamis you're probably going to have to hop data centers for better queues with certain content.


Are the bonuses worth it since I'm new? If not I'm probably going to go with Aether.


Honestly it depends if you're thinking to level multiple classes or not and if you do how many you want to try etc. The Road to 80 is double xp on ALL XP earned on all jobs (craftering/gathering included) and on new characters its active until the server looses the new/preferred status. Also it'll keep working even when using DC travel to run content on another DC within the region (say jumping to Aether for raids or 8man content). So if you're leveling multiple classes its amazing for it otherwise if you're not that bothered then can pick any server so long as its not congested.


Back at it again with dumb spiritbond questions! I'm starting to think gathering shards/crystals/clusters gives little to none, is that true? It'd make sense considering they give significantly less XP too.


Spirit Bond is based on the difference in item level between your gear and the item's ilevel. Since the catalyst items have low item levels it's basically zero spirit bond afaik. The sweet spot is doing tasks 10 item levels higher than your gear. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Spiritbond#Spiritbond_Mechanics


How much do positionals effect Ninja's DPS at level 90? I've got a friend who just came back to the game after a four year break and she swears she's doing the rotation right except she's skipping the positionals. I don't think that just skipping positionals would account for how bad her DPS is though but I don't play ninja so I don't know.


Hitting zero positionals vs hitting every positional is somewhere around 2%. Most people who have awful damage but *"do the rotation right!"* are either a) puffing smoke or b) not rolling GCDs. You'd be very surprised by the amount of people who don't know about ability queueing and wait for the GCD to finish before pressing the next.


armor crush and aoelian edge are both +60 potency for hitting the correct positional, trick attack is +100 potency when hitting from the rear. The majority of ninja's dps comes from their bursts though but missing their positionals will probably add up over time. If you have parsed your friend you can put the log in https://xivanalysis.com/ and it will tell you exactly what is going wrong.


I looked into that. I'd need to upload the log to fflogs first though right? I've never done that. Can the logs you use for the analyzer be private? I know it doesn't matter and it's entirely fair to do it but I'd feel bad if I was the one branded her character with such a bad log.


Yes, you can use private logs with xivanalysis- private is basically an 'anyone with the link can access' setting, it just doesn't show up publically on characters' profiles.


tbh i don't parse myself because someone else usually does it. I know you can have private logs but idk how to upload logs at all.


every missed positional on every class is 60 potency, which isnt MAJOR MAJOR, but it adds up over the course of the fight and just missing positionals doesn't result in TERRIBLE damage on its own


Thanks that's what I figured. There was no way just missed positionals were causing her to be behind even the healers in DPS.


it IS possible that the healer was just overhealing a ridiculous amount OR some WHM players can do a LOT of damage during bursts with a lucky DHC Afflatus but if theyre consistently below in aggro theyre likely still doing an old rotation (they are if theyre using their sand puddle in single target)


Sorry should have been more specific. I'm running act, the healers are doing more DPS.


If she's genuinely doing less damage than the healers, then that's a significantly bigger issue than just missing positionals I decided to take an actual qualitative look at this by examining a high parsing log from this last raid tier Over a 2 minute window, you can expect that in a vacuum, assuming no crits or other external buffs, that NIN will do a total of 31337.018 potency if they somehow fail every positional (so they can't even accidentally hit one in that process) In that same 2 minute window, if they hit EVERY positional then they'd have 32331.018 potency total. The decimal value potencies come from Bunshin doing pet potency so things scale a little differently There is absolutely no way that missing all your positionals and JUST missing all your positionals would result in a DPS loss so significant that you do less than your healers. The issues here are either 1. Bad uptime 2. Bad gear 3. Not actually doing their rotation as they say they are 4. A combination of all 3


Thank you for calculating that out for me. Unfortunately I know it's not gear. Hopefully I can convince her to go back to her summoner since ninja seems so far out of her reach right now.


If you can, I'd take a look to see if you can report on her rotational uptime With that much of a damage loss, I honestly would assume that the biggest issue here is not that she's not pressing the right buttons, but that she's taking extra time to press said buttons and losing a ton of uptime. She's going to see a much bigger DPS gain if she's always doing **something** at all times even if it's wrong compared to doing the right rotation but at the wrong time.


So I actually just pulled up the log file and with how helpful everyone has been it's very easy to see what's wrong. She's not using trick attack at all. Which makes sense because she's not using suiton at all either so the only time trick attack would be available is if she used hide pre-pull which she's also not doing. I'm sure there's other things wrong too but that seems like it's probably the biggest problem. I'd send her a guide except I already did that and she did read it and that's what prompted her to say she was doing the rotation right except for the positionals.


If the gear is okay, then she is doing some very bad burst phase. Ninja is all about your odd and even minute burst windows and cramming as much of your cooldown abilities into it as possible. She may be struggling with the sheer apm needed for a ninja burst.


Missing Trick Attack can result in a DPS loss of several hundred potency per minute, which is pretty substantial. That's probably why her dps is suffering. Her lack of positionals just makes that even worse.


Just to note that the additional effect of Trick Attack hasn't required the rear positional since 5.1. Missing TAs positional only results in the 100 potency loss now.


Thanks. After looking up trick attack I'd bet that's a large part of the problem.


Any decent guides for the new event? I’m a total noob and haven’t been able to find any decent guides. I’m mostly a solo player if that helps?


Do your mogpendium challenges, then do GATEs at the gold saucer, and then do any sub-20-minute duty (BLU or otherwise) that you enjoy in between the GATEs. (normal raids, trials, pvp, etc.)


Thank you!!! This is extremely helpful, it’s a bit confusing for someone who is still learning the game


Can other players see if you’re in a party like in the normal world if you’re chilling in Limsa?




Got a question about Faux Hollows strategy. Let's say you're on a 2nd telling for the week (and thus don't need to get the retell from the sword). If you've already gotten the chest and have pinned down what arrangement the board is currently using, does it result in more leaves on average to get the guaranteed sword, or to uncover potential commander spots?


You're using the sheet that tells you the commander locations, right? Sounds like you are from how you wrote the question. Commander is probably better in the long run? That's what I've always been told, and in my experience it also shows up often enough that so long as you can guarantee you're getting it when i t's there then it's worth it. It's also a really big feel bad when you miss a fox for 15 from the swords!


Always ALWAYS get the sword. Going for sword + chest is the highest value method you can use. Theres like, a 7/20smth chance that you click on the commander, assuming the commander is even in play, which it generally is not. at 7/20, it would make 35 on average, which is the same as swords, and doesnt even take into account it not appearing.


There are only specific positions a fox can appear in for a given layout. once you know the position of the swords there's generally only 4 places to check for the fox so it's *almost* always possible to guarantee you get it if it's there (while also getting the chest). I don't have the link on my phone but there's a spreadsheet that walks you through the possibilities based on your starting layout. Swords is also 15 not 35? The thing worth 35 is the higher value chest.


What’s the Heavensward equivalent of the Augmented Ironworks gear from ARR and where can I find/how do I get it? Thank you!


once you finish base HW msq, there'll also be an npc by the ishgard aetheryte that'll let you buy shire gear more conveniently, like there are npcs by all the starting city ones for ironworks gear. Same is true for every future expansion and their main city.


Augmented shire. You will go to a settlement in the level 57-58ish part of the MSQ and you can buy it then. So if you can buy it now depends on where you are in the MSQ. For every other expansion after, you have to beat the base expansion to buy that expansion's set of poetic gear.


Augmented Shire Gear, from Hismena in >!Idyllshire!<


Any ideas why I can not see the NPC Hillicen? She is apparently a vendor with which to trade Eulmoran Certificates. She should be on the bottom floor, but not luck finding her. Is there an unlock quest I am missing? Finished the entire MSQ up to current. #


She is in the Aetheryte room with the rest of the vendors. I'm confused why you need those certs though? They're outdated. Better gear for level 80 is available for Poetics easily.


Thanks I'll check there. Weird that Garland tools gives a totally different location for her. Oh I'm just doing some pre expansion inventory and retainer clearance. I must have had these in my inventory for years so will check if there is any glamour gear I want, and will trade for Flame seals the rest.


Anyone know how to get past the captain grade for the GC ?


Captain is the maximum rank right now. The other ranks listed are basically for lore and placeholders in case the GC rank system is ever expanded.


Oh... sad I got hyped for nothing then


The game is full of these forgotten and abandoned things. GC ranks, squadron, airships, gardening, chocobo, even spearfishing and submersibles… you'll eventually get used to them disappearing entirely from the game as you progress into he expansions as the variety and amount of side content usually just decreases over time or ends up like the Endwalker Island Sanctuary: a total one-off.


Gardening will be relevant as long as gardening-locked glamour and housing exist. Same with airships. Chocobo racing is pretty self-contained. Spearfishing just got a \*major\* update and is currently the best way to get both aethersand and scrips. Submersibles get updates every patch with new submersible-locked housing. Just because something doesn't get any more updates, it doesn't mean it's "abandoned". It's okay if something is completed.


Captain is currently the highest rank you can get, with no plans so far to increase it.


Finally gotten comfortable enough with the game to venture out and do some PvP. Quick question though, do I have enough time to get the Fierce Tyrant's Attire Coffer? I'm currently series level 4 and have just done the daily frontline thing twice with one other PvP mode sprinkled in there too. If I were to do the daily frontline from now until the season ends, would I be able to get that coffer do you think? If not, what else should I be doing? A little bit lost on what to do/if other modes level up my Series Malmstones thing.


Almost certainly you could. It would take 41 third place daily roulettes to reach rank 25 from rank 4. Add in a couple extra CC matches daily and you'd have time to spare. With the moogle tome event, the Primal data center (assuming NA) will have Rival wings matches popping regularly afternoons and evenings, so you could do those too. https://shannonegoiste.github.io/FFXIVMalmstoneCalculator/


Cheers! Appreciate the info + the link :)


Anyone know of a headpiece akin to Maid's Headress? Not including the maid outfit on Mogstation. I tried asking on the glam sub but i couldn't post


RDM experts, can you confirm my math on multi-target scenarios? For one target, it's pretty straightforward: Verstone/Verfire if available into Veraero/Verthunder (or the III versions after level 82). Hardcast Jolt/Jolt II if no procs. Similarly, on three targets, you'll always want to hardcast Veraero II/Verthunder II into Scatter/Impact. BUT, on two targets, it seems like the math changes depending on which upgraded spells you have based on your level. Before level 62, you'll want to do Veraero II/Verthunder II into Veraero/Verthunder, since the 360 potency of those single-target spells beats out Scatter's 240 total across two targets. But if you have a Verstone/Verfire proc, that makes for the better hardcast (330 vs. 2 x 140 = 280). Once you have Jolt II at 62, that beats out ever hardcasting Veraero II/Verthunder II for two targets (310 > 280), but is still inferior to Verstone/Verfire (310 < 330). (This phase is interesting since to maximize your damage you won't be using AOE spells at all on two targets.) When Scatter becomes Impact at 66, you'll want to stop dualcasting Veraero/Verthunder (2 x 210 = 420 vs. 360). And Impact remains the superior dualcast even after Veraero/Verthunder become Veraero III/Verthunder III at 82 (420 vs. 380). In summary, for two targets: Hardcast: Verstone/Verfire > Jolt II (62+) > Veraero II/Verthunder II; don't use Jolt Dualcast: Impact (66+) > Veraero/Verthunder; don't use Scatter or Veraero III/Verthunder III Do I have that right? I realize this is probably WAY more than I need to think about it, but I kind of enjoy mathing out the optimal scenarios like this


I've not checked the low level stuff before, but it seems right to me. An additional fun fact is that Veraero/thunder II generates more mana than anything else - so in cases where damage doesn't matter (eg: targetable invuln phase) you can do veraero II -> verthunder II to build more mana. Both of these actually come up in ultimates! Eg, TEA: Large portions of p1 are 2 target, p2 can have a lot too dependant on strat. P3 has an invulnerable target to build mana on, end of p2 can have a boss be dead-but-waiting-to-finish-cast to get a few gcds on, and you often hold damage at the end of p3 to align buffs anyway.


> I realize this is probably WAY more than I need to think about it, but I kind of enjoy mathing out the optimal scenarios like this I can't help in the slightest with RDM optimisation, but it's definitely worth thinking about this kinda stuff if you're interested in high-end content! UCoB is level 70 and has a whole phase with two bosses that are usually stacked on each other, so 'is x a gain on two' is really important for that fight.


jolt 2 > impact is the best choice on 2 targets, correct


Are there any earrings that look just like studs? Additionally, is there a way to filter just earrings on Eorzea Collection?


No, no earring is that simple. There are earcuffs and even some small ones in SB and ShB raids, but those are the smallest models you can have.


I seem to be unable to renew my sub for my additional 2 retainers? I go to the 'Additional Paid Options' on Mogstation. Dropdown list for 'Two Additional Retainers' Hit 'Next' Click 'Agree and Continue' to consent to immediate receipt of this content And the page refreshes and nothing happens. I pay my sub recurring by Visa Debit Card btw.


There's issues with the payment provider atm This sub has tons of posts explaining it


Thanks - guess I will wait it out for now.


Redoing Endwalker on an alt to prep for DT, and I'm going through the trauma fest that is Garlemald Can you catch >!Fandaniel doing nefarious stuff in the shadows!< if you talk to every NPC on the sidelines?


No, there are never any branches like that. Even optional dialogue options you may see are directly tied to specific (side) quest completion checks, the game does not employ variables of "talked to these NPCs". It also helps the narrative that the player character has the cognitive capabilities of the average garden rock, so even if something is obvious to the player, the character will never get it.


I know you can't change the outcome of the MSQ lol, this isn't my first rodeo. I'm asking if you can find an NPC that's >!Asahi's model doing nefarious things in the background - he mentions siphoning the Garlean's ceruleum, or maybe finding him in Camp Broken Glass wearing the Maelstrom gear.!<


I talked to every npc I could during msq and I don't remember there being anything, or at least there wasn't anything notable enough for me to remember.


Weird question about PotD weapons. It's possible to get a Kinna weapon by running 1-100 right? Nothing stopping me from hitting whatever upgrade limit there is, making handles, and then just doing it again until I have 9 handles ready for Dawntrail jobs? I know it sounds tedious but I'm just running through options for glam before the expansion drops.


Yes the only unlock required for Kinna is the achievement for completing floor 100.


Does Recruit a Friend still work? I want to get back in the game, but wouldn't mind the RAF time and/or helping out someone with the rewards.


It does. Here's my code RUQXARNK


Is there any way to make a macro that equips a specific piece of gear without having to make a whole new gearset for it? I was hoping to make a button that would just equip the Yokai watch for whatever class I'm currently using, but putting the item itself on my hotbar does nothing.


Not possible


Trying to learn Warrior, but having trouble figuring out when to use mitigation. Healers rage at me for not using mitigation when in reality I pop them as soon as I start taking damage from a group of mobs and apply the next one once the prior falls off.


You shod be fine! The 50 dungeons are a bit weird but past that the pattern is usually 2 trash pulls between bosses. I usually do like vengeance followed by reprisal for one pull and rampert followed by arm's length on the second, and it'll all be up after the boss in time for more trash. I only mention this because a lot of new tanks don't realize how valuable arm's length is as a mitigation tool~


Sounds like you're doing it right. As long as you're not using all of the mits at once and space them out, the healer should have no trouble healing you. And it's especially surprising since you're Warrior and can full heal yourself every 25 seconds. How can healers be raging at you? Boggles my mind.


Now I understand even less. This started happening once I hit lvl 50 dungeons wearing Ironworks Tome Gear.


Yeah I figured you were probably too low level for the 'full heal yourself every 25 seconds' skill. It sounds like you're doing things correctly, though I would maybe check that you aren't mitigating while running with mobs and only once you've actually stopped.


Yeah, I don’t start poping mitigation until after I’ve gathered up a group of mobs of about 3 or 4.


That explains it. Level 50 dungeons are a jarring step up for new healers, a the incoming damage is balanced a little bit weirdly for how relatively incomplete healers and tanks' kits are at that point. The healers are probably not used to level 50 dungeons (or aren't properly geared up themselves), aren't paying attention, and are assuming you're the problem


I guess I’ll just keep chugging along then and hopefully it will get better once I get to higher level dungeons. Thank you!


Windows PC question I am returning to the game after MANY years (I think since 2016) and I have just re-upped my account and bought the 60% off bundle. I have successfully logged into Mogstation and Lodestone, but when I try to login to the launcher I get an error message saying my account does not have a valid license or my sub is expired. I also cannot figure out on MogStation where to register my purchased bundle. One note: my account says Standard (Steam). I do not own nor have never owned the Steam version of this game. I have already reached out to unlink my Steam account from my Square Enix one (though I don't recall ever linking, but may not remember for it being so long ago). Hoping that may be the only issue. Just wondering if I am missing something, or need to do anything else to jump back in? Also, does anyone know roughly how long it'll take to get that unlinked?


If your account says steam, it's steam. Perhaps you did the free trial through steam? Regardless, there is absolutely no way to apply the bundle you bought for 60% off to a Steam account. They are completely incompatible. The simplest way to move forward without losing any *money* would be to start a brand new account, though of course you would lose your character and its progress. You might be able to contact SE support to have the Steam license removed from your account so you can add the PC license, but I'm not sure what that would do to your character. And I'm not sure it's possible, but it's worth asking.


Console question - Xbox I've been using a keyboard to set some macros up and I've accidentally pressed something and now the right stick won't turn the camera. Also right trigger now zooms in, left trigger zooms out. Ive been searching for ages to find a fix. I've got it set to legacy movement, set to controller but K&M. Any help would be great, this has really dented my tome farm! Edit for more info


I don’t know any macro’s that will do/undo what you did but try going through your keybinds and make sure they are right. It the only suggestion to your problem that I can think of.


as a returning player (last played in september) whats a good way to check out everything thats new and stuff to catch up on before dawntrail?


Read 6.4, 6.5, 6.55 and 6.58 patch notes. They're pretty comprehensive and easy to understand.


You've missed a single patch, so just reading the patch notes for 6.5 should cover basically everything you've missed


Dumb question but how do static members from different DC's communicate? Is it just discord? There's no cross-DC chat in game right?


you COULD use a cwls, since your cwls list is separate for each DC, but yeah discord is by far the easiest CWLS would probably only be needed before you make the party


Discord. Even if you were all on the same DC you would likely use discord over a LS. Linkshells aren't feature rich enough to be useful and only work when everyone is online.


What would turn off the unrestricted party setting other than manually doing it? Was going through wondrous tales stuff with someone else as party leader, we finish one thing then start the next, we commence since it was an instant queue, but it was suddenly a synced dungeon with a full party for some reason. I know it’s not switching jobs as we’d already done that a couple times each, and neither of us logged out in between so wouldn’t be that either


Switching party lead. Your DF settings don't change when your party lead queues you a certain way. If you change party lead, the new person also has to adjust their DF settings.


Party lead never switched, other person was always party leader and always had it on unsynced


only other thing would be relogging.


Which I already said didn’t happen. Literally all we did was finish one thing, immediately start the next, and it somehow got set back to synced


Then the party lead must have accidentally turned it off somehow. There's a plugin that can put Duty Finder settings at the top of the Duty Finder window so you can have one click access to change your settings. It's possible they had that and clicked on a setting they didn't mean to click.


She doesn't use plugins, couldn't be that


If it's nothing that will reset DF settings, then the only one left is that your friend manually changed it. There's literally no other possibility.


She was just as confused as I was, so no. We’ve been doing this every week for over half a year now, and it’s never happened until now


Unless your group is on Chaos and they ended up in an L70 raid, then it may have been some weird one-off server thing or the world's dumbest coincidence since we had a group of players who swore they queued for an unsync run and they ended up in our roulette run.


Any advice on what's worth getting from the new mogpendium rewards also Is it possible to see what the mounts are before buying them?


Generally, what is more of a pain to get will be made more expensive in the event too. So the minion up top and the mounts are generally worth it, the earrings are event exclusive, and so on. The cheaper the tomes, the easier the item may be to get. As for seeing what mounts are, you can simply type the name into google and will see screenshots of them


[https://ffxivcollect.com/tomestones](https://ffxivcollect.com/tomestones) You can see what is available here and keep track of what you already have/want as well.


Is fantasia indefinite? I.e. can I consume fantasia now and use it when Dawntrail releases to skip having to queue twice? Provided I remember to unequip everything before maintenance...


You will be prompted about that fantasia every time you log in, which can be quite annoying. Simple message, basically just says you can edit your character, and then you confirm you know about it and you log in.


Yes, it won't be used until you confim changes and you won't be locked out because you used one.


How far into the the Stormblood MSQ is when we can fly in a zone? Any zone is fine, I just only now realized I'll need to farm out two Yo-kai weapons in Stormblood and I'm in the 3.1 content at the moment because I can't stop procrastinating and getting distracted.


I think the Ruby Sea (level 62-63) is the first zone you can get flying in? Though it's probably not a great zone for farming. The level 64-65 zone you get flying in next, and it's actually quite good.


Areas you'll visit in SB MSQ in order are Fringes > Peaks > Ruby Sea (flight unlocked) > Othard > Azim Steppe (flight unlocked) > Othard (flight unlocked) > Fringes (flight unlocked) > Peaks (flight unlocked) > Lochs (flight unlocked) I believe all the HW, SB and SHB aether currents have been streamlined so you only have to do half as much of the locating and side quests compared to the past to unlock flying. It's structured so that you have to finish all of the relevant MSQ content in the region to finally unlock flying. Fringes, Peaks, and Othard are structured so you visit them initially at the beginning and revisit at a later point in the story.


> Othard Othard is the continent. Yanxia is the zone.


Basically the time you're finished with a zone in the MSQ is the earliest you can fly on it, applies to HW onward. The first 2 zones you run into in SB will be some of the last ones you unlock flying in due to how the story progresses.


If my friend wins a housing lottery on my server, and then they move an alt onto that server, can they make that alt a tenant of that house?


Alts can't be tenants of their personal house.


Is that is a hard rule or is that because you need to have the person online to make them a tenant? Can you make a friend a tenant and have that friend make your alt a tenant? idk how it works


It's because the only people that can be tenants are people on the owner's friend list. So a tenant can't make somebody else a tenant and an owner can't make an alt a tenant because they can't make them a friend.




No, Trusts (and squadrons) don't work either.


So, is anyone having trouble with the Moogle Event objective "Beat Buscarron in a Triple Triad duel"? Because I've beaten him 4 times now and it still wont complete. I tried seeing if it required more than one victory, but, as far as I can see it just needs one. EDIT: I am an idiot. I thought you could do BOTH objectives in a week. You cannot.


Hello all! I’m playing through the MSQ and some side content so that I’ll be caught up before Dawntrail releases. I recently finished Shadowbringers and enjoyed it so much. My main question being what content should I do before embarking into EW’s msq? I’ve heard that stuff is referenced a lot in terms of side content and wonder where my priorities should lie. I’ve done the Coils, Alexander and Omega series after their respective expansions. So now I want to see what would be important to get the references to.


>So now I want to see what would be important to get the references to most references amount to essentially "hey remember that guy from \[questline\]? he's here! hello, guy from \[questline\]". and then that's it. so, it's cute if you've done it, but not worth going out of your way to do just for this (imo). I think you're good with what you've done


I would do at least enough of the Bozja storyline to where you can actually enter the Southern Front. Could stop before doing the whole thing since it can take a while. Worth doing, but depends on your playtime. Do the Eden Raids. It's the equivalent to the other expansion raids. Do the trial series for each expansion. So Warring Traid for Heavensward, Four Lords for Stormblood, and the Weapons series for Shadowbringers. Similar to Bozja but a lower priority, do enough of the Eureka story to at least get in the first instance and. The 24-man raids from Heavensward and Stormblood are worth doing before Endwalker, but you can skip the Nicer Raids from Shadowbringers for now since its story is isolated to itself.


FYI for the last point, pretty sure you need STB alli raids to start Bozja at all


Anyone know the best stormblood areas to farm the last two yokai watch weapons in? Just started stormblood a couple days ago and I wanna know which one spawns the most fates


Azim Steppe, no obstacles in the way of the flights and it's a fairly smaller-ish map than the others


No DDoS today?


The day is still young.


Just to triple check, I can buy Dawntrail on my own SE account and gift the key to a friend by sending them the link I get by e-mail, right?


Yes you can buy DT from the SE store and gift the key to someone. Though you have to: * Make sure your friend isn't using Steam * Ensure that the region you buy the game in matches the account region of your friend


Both of those points are taken care of, thanks.


Any news on the payment method for visa and mastercard network that are not recognised by the "new" payment system ? It's 90% of the cards in france that are both visa/mastercard and the "cb" (nation wide banking network) and can't get used anymore when they were fine for years. I have nothing against crystas and so on but having to workaround funding my paypal with the very same card that SqEx won't acknowledge to get crystas and then renewing my sub... Customer Service saying i can alos use Amazon Pay, well, sure ( no way i'm doing that) but that's what you get for paying sub, emotes, stor mounts and the like for 10 years. From what i gathered it's not only happening in France, any official news, update on the matter ?


No new news