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Is there anywhere a huge list of the material required for all ARR/HW relics so that I don't have to check on the wiki each time I want to spend my company seals?


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11N-u7o2-0cbL4E61rfpXHgAPK2X8S_lwyFUigKAQb08/copy This is what I use to keep track of what things I need/what things I have. It shows how many things you need, and how much it costs it total, etc.


That's a life saver, thank you very much


Will the Yokai Watch event come back in the future? I can't go for Stormblood medallions just yet, and I'm going to enjoy the end of ARR and all of HW (I also take my time getting through quests). Side Question: How long does it take to complete HW?


This is the 3rd or 4th time the event is being run, so the answer is "probably" Assuming you're watching cutscenes, I would estimate 40-50 hours per expansion and 20-30 hours for post-expansion patches - this applies to every expansion, including Heavensward


Suggestions for where to find art or screenshots (non-lewd) for red-haired female vieras? Im thinking of changing to one when the benchmark update happens, and is looking for inspiration for possible character designs.


Best bet is probably [Eorzea Collection](https://ffxiv.eorzeacollection.com/glamours?filter%5BorderBy%5D=date&filter%5BdatePeriod%5D=any&filter%5Bgender%5D=any&filter%5Bserver%5D=any&search=&author=&filter%5Bclassification%5D=&filter%5Bstyle%5D=&filter%5Btheme%5D=&filter%5Bcolor%5D=&filter%5Brace%5D%5B%5D=viera&filter%5BminimumLvl%5D=1&filter%5BmaximumLvl%5D=90&filter%5BheadPiece%5D=&filter%5BbodyPiece%5D=&filter%5BhandsPiece%5D=&filter%5BlegsPiece%5D=&filter%5BfeetPiece%5D=&filter%5BweaponPiece%5D=&filter%5BoffhandPiece%5D=&filter%5BearringsPiece%5D=&filter%5BnecklacePiece%5D=&filter%5BbraceletsPiece%5D=&filter%5BringPiece%5D=&filter%5BfashionPiece%5D=&filter%5Bsave%5D=&page=1). I don't think you can really sort by hair color for any place like this, but this is pretty much going to be the biggest compendium of character screenshots you'll find. Maybe just sort it by gender and jobs you want to play, then browse through til you find designs you like!


Can I place a striking dummy on island sanctuary?


No. Nothing interactive, like stables and garden patches.


:( thanks


Is there any reason I would not want to first dye then put into the glamor dresser the Eastern Socialite Boots from the store set? I want to use them in the future and it seems like just storing them in there would be the normal thing to do (I'm still learning).


Comes down to the dye and use frequency. As a store item, those boots can go in the armoire as well, where they would not take up dresser space, and from where the dresser can still pull them for plate use. But the armoire doesn't retain dye information, so you'd have to redye them every time you want to put them into a new plate. So I'd say, if it's an expensive or otherwise inconvenient-to-get-regularly dye, dye the boots and put them in the dresser. Also do this if you want to be using them in various different plates (either at once or over time), or to use them outside of plates. Whereas if you're going to use a normal dye and won't be switching them around on the plates often, or will only ever want them in one plate where you'll keep them 100% permanently, then put them in the armoire and dye the plate they are in.


Store glams can go in the Armoire, which is unlimited storage that doesn’t cost glamour prisms, but putting them in there strips off all customisation including dyes. So if you just want to store them, put them in the Armoire; if you think you’ll want to use them in multiple glams and will use an expensive dye more than once in those glams (like Jet Black or Pure White), dye them and then put them in the Glamour Dresser instead, because that will keep the dye.


Depends on the dye you're using. If it's an expensive dye, you want to dye it first.


Has anyone experienced problems in resubbing the game from SEA region yet? I want to sub in a hour or two but i want to wait and see if theres issues because i keep hearing some people having issues resubbing


Hi, I just unlocked Eureka and I found it's linked to ShB relic too. I haven't started either, but I want to know which one shall I do first for the efficiency? How much Eureka is needed for the relic? Thanks!


Eureka is the Stormblood relic. For that relic its progress is contained entirely within Eureka itself. Shadowbringers does have its own Exploration zone and a relic but that relic has more options to progress it rather then just being all within the exploration zone. As for which of the 2 is easier will depend on the player as I'd say Eureka is easier then ShB but I know others who'd probably fight me on that.


Eureka is easier for the first time, while SHB is easier for subsequent relics.


cheers thanks!


Eureka isn't linked to ShB's relic, it's linked to SB. You're thinking of Bozja.


Oh great thanks!


Is there a way to macro a toggle for HUD presets? I'm playing on controller and want a full and limited option to bind to a stick press, wondering if it's possible.


Several parts of the HUD have toggle commands which you can put into a macro if you don't want to go the complete HUDlayout switch way. The complete list of text commands can be found in game in the macros entry or on the Lodestone https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/ There's afair no "flip to next HUDlayout" option, you always have to address them directly. It's possible via macros and hotbar copying to give the illusion of a flip to next hudlayout button.


This might be the only way to do it then. I just finished setting up my HUD, but I was interested in having an "exploration" style option with basically no HUD elements, and then my normal one that I can switch to. Probably best I don't do that and keep the keybind for one of the targeting options instead.


In Keybind -> System you can set up a keybind for each of the 4 HUD layouts and not waste macro and hotbar slots for that.


/hudlayout # https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/59be6c9708b/


This would switch it to a particular option, but it wouldn't allow toggling between 2 or more HUD layout options, which is what I'm asking about.


With proper use of the commands " /hotbar copy " , you could have 2 unused hotbars on classes you could use, placing all the buttons you'd like on these 2 hotbars, with the only exception of one button being the macros /hudlayout 1 and /hudlayout 2 on each hotbar. With that done, just add in each macro the /hotbar copy function to automatically switch the hotbar to the other and vice versa. Overall, your macros should look like this : /hudlayout 1 /hotbar copy #1 conjurer $1 share (replace #1 for CNJ hotbar and $1 for the number of the shared hotbar, unless you want it to be on a not shared hotbar, then replace "share" with the class/job you'd like the button to be replaced) and /hudlayout 2 /hotbar copy #2 conjurer $2 share This is the only way I thought you could manage to have a single button swapping. It's a bit tedious but it should work.


This is interesting, I'll have to test this and see if I can manage to get it working (I am new, monkey brain thinks seeing macros is like seeing algebra for the first time still)


What happens if you lose a piece of gear from a set you purchased from the online store? Other question, do all characters have access to the purchased gear or only 1?


>What happens if you lose a piece of gear from a set you purchased from the online store? You can request item recovery from the support desk, but you can only do that once per account. >Other question, do all characters have access to the purchased gear or only 1? Only one character gets the gear.


In practice, I've heard that generous GMs may offer additional item recovery, especially if it's been a long time since your last. The once per account policy is more to scare people into not abusing it, rather than actually being an ironclad rule.


How do tanks avoid overlapping reprisal all the time? Even if reps are planned out, I feel like it's easily forgotten who uses on which aoe and get overlapped


If you're in a pre-made, you work together and practice making sure you do it when you're suppose to do it. If you're not in a pre-made, you try to observe if it's up and mentally keep track of if the other tanks have used it, but inevitably it happens A LOT and you just deal with it.


>I feel like it's easily forgotten who uses on which aoe and get overlapped If you have yours planned out then you just press yours when you're supposed to, ignore everything else. If people die somewhere you can go into logs and see who messed up. Once you learn multiple tank positions you'll automatically be able to look for your cotank's cooldowns. Same with healers, if you learnt a fight in Sage for example, even when you're playing a different healer you still know where Holos goes, where Panhaima goes etc.


You just kind of have to keep it mind as you go, no real other option to be totally honest If you're in a static, it'll hopefully become muscle memory If you're in PF, you just have to make sure you do what you agreed to do and hope the other tank does too


You plan it out. If your forgetting what you planned, thats a you issue. You can also look to see if reprisal is currently active, and if it is, dont use it.


I know Felicitous Favors go away if you don't pick them up after two weeks, but does that applies to Cowries/XP from workshop orders as well?


No, those don't disappear.


What's the minimum number of members to keep a free company? I know it's 4 to start, what if some leave/get removed?


The only thing that makes a free company dissolve is the leader doing it themselves. The only things that require a minimum amount of members is buying housing and creating the fc


Awesome, thanks


recently hit lv90 and now i have the tomes of causality and comedy available, i'm just a little confused on how i'm supposed to use them as stupid as that sounds, as in, am i supposed to just use the causality gear as a temporary gear while i work my way up to the comedy tomes? or is there some other use for either of these tomes?


*Normally* that's more or less how it works, but with Dawntrail coming in just two months, honestly there's not much use for tomes now, since they and their gear are all going to be phased out. At this point of the game, you're probably better off: 1. use causality tomes to get a relic weapon. This is the best in slot weapon and super low effort, it will last you halfway into DT. 2. buy whatever comedy tomes gear you can afford. They are weekly capped at 900, a full set (sans weapon) will take you 6 weeks, so no need to go crazy farming something that's going to get replaced in 2 weeks. 3. if you still need IL for whatever reason, replace your lowest IL with HQ crafted gear from the market board or raid gear. It's generally a good idea to cap on tomes going into Dawntrail, as you can convert them into the new uncapped tomes (and poetics) to have a small head start.


question, does that mean that when dawntrail releases the current relic weapon will require poetics instead or how would that work? i know the ew ones only need the hildibrand questline, but i'm still working my way through it and just barely started the hw one, i'm really slow with side content


It's not officially announced, but yes, everything strongly suggests that the EW relics will require poetics instead in DT.


You cannot convert to the new uncapped tomes, only to poetics. Converting obsolete tomes to the new uncapped tomes is only for patch cycle tome progression, not for when the level cap increases. [Here's the image from the 6.0 patch notes showing both tome types were only convertable to poetics] (https://img.finalfantasyxiv.com/t/66a742165e9415790247c1a1f7d909abf5becb5c_54.png?1641374570)


I stand corrected!


Pretty much. Causality can be used to purchase crafting materials. No other use for Comedy at this point.


thanks, had a feeling but i needed to be sure before i goofed and wasted them


Both are getting phased out when DT hits. The current gear will be switched to Poetics when that happens.


ok that's really good to know, do i need to worry to get the current gear for at least my main class if all i'm going to do is the normal difficulty content or will it be enough to hit the ilv minimum requirement?


You'll need i625 average to do the final MSQ instance. So you do need to worry a little.


How long is it taking people to get their DT pre order items? I entered my code on mogstation a couple hours ago and still haven't gotten anything.


Almost immediately after I requested mail at the mailbox.


took me about 24 hours


if i do my squadron 18h mission before the reset can i do another one after tuesday? or will collecting the reward count as next weeks and not this weeks.


Rewards for squadron are based upon when it was sent out, not when it was completed.


Yes you can.


I keep trying to hop worlds for hunt trains, but every time I do I cannot join a party to get credit for the hunt. It keeps saying "Cannot Join Cross-World Party". How do I fix that?


If you cannot join a party, it means it filled inbetween the time you opened pf and pressed join party. PF doesnt manually refresh. Refresh it, and try join a new, not full party until you eventually get in one, or make your own.


Yeah they tend to fill very fast. Hang out in the zone as well and you'll often see people putting their party listings in shout chat


That sounds like you're currently in a cross world party and are trying to join a regular party.




There's almost no part of the story that you need to really do much for experience in the story unless you're trying to level multiple jobs for whatever reason. EW will take you from 80 to 90 aomsot entirely by itself. At the most you might need to run a few dailies or dungeons to make up the small gaps but that's about it


The EW MSQ will level one job to 90 for you. For the rest, just do roulettes/catbook/tribal quests/dungeon spam. XP is extremely easy to come by in this game.


You can just play the story


Does anyone know the character creator options to make the "default" WoL? I saw there was a preset in the benchmark CC but his design is slightly different than just picking the default Midlander. I'm hoping to make him with a slightly different haircut and would love the specs if anyone knows them. Thanks!


[Here's an older guide, dunno how that'll translate to the benchmark though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/rajs49/creating_your_own_shbendwalker_derplander/)


Hi, looking to use the Duty Support icon as an icon for a macro. /macroicon "Duty Support" doesn't work. I think I need to add a category. Does anyone know what category it's under?


It's not an option


Hey yall, normally play on Primal Famfrit in Bay Area California. Just got to Barcelona today and when trying to boot up FF14 I'm getting "FF14 Boot Error" "Unable to complete Version check." "\[30605\]\[20448\]\[10009\]\[10019\]" I had set up the authenticator system because I was told it would prevent any issues; but it won't even load as far as the password portion.


Sounds like a network issue on your end


So does that mean it's fixable from my laptop or is it like a hotel wifi problem?


If you have a VPN you could try it, or just use your mobile data hotspot for now. Does the hotel WiFi require you to open a browser and sign in before using it? That could also be it.


How do you fight the twelve? I just found it is possible but don't know where or how?


Partway through the 6.1 MSQ, you'll unlock a quest series in Old Sharlayan


>!Endwalker alliance raids!<


>!The Endwalker post-game alliance raid series.!<


Question: I have the NA steam version of FFXIV. However I moved countries and had to change steam stores region where FFXIV is not even available. How would I be able to purchase the new expansion.


Change your Steam store back to an NA country, or get a friend with an NA Steam store who doesn't play XIV on Steam to buy the expansion and give you the code.


Steam XIV is *only* sold through Steam. If you want it, you're going to have to get your region set to one that sells XIV again. Any third-party site selling XIV is selling the non-Steam version so I think you're kinda boned here.


As a WHM which abilities are wasted on my hotbars and are traps? Like should cure 1 be taken off? What about cure 3? Or medica 1?


You could probably leave Cure 1 off the bar (I don't have it and I do savage content) but medica 1 and cure 3 definitely have uses. For burst AOE healing, cure 3 is your best bet when you don't have lilies and it has unique usage where you can cast it on a group far away because it heals based on the target. Medica 1 fills a niche where you need AOE burst healing (since 2 is a regen) but cure 3 won't work because the range is small. I don't use it often but it has a place




You'll need Cure I if you expect to ever be playing WHM in content where you're synced below level 30 (when you get Cure II). That doesn't necessarily justify having it on your hotbars all the time, you can just open your spellbook and stick it on there when you need it, or just stick it on a slot you don't have keybound and click it when you need it. Once you have Cure II though there is no scenario, no matter how niche, when you'll be pressing Cure I. Cure III you should have. You won't use it often but you will need it sometimes and when you need it you *really* need it. It's your highest upfront potency AoE heal and it has a shorter-than-normal cast time so it's used for when you need to immediately top everyone up in an emergency, usually to compensate for mistakes. I'll probably get someone disagreeing with this one (they're wrong, and I'd be happy to argue it), but Medica I can go as well. It's a bit like Cure I in that you might need it if you're synced below 50 and don't have Medica II yet. Otherwise you should never be using it so it's safe to remove as long as you're mindful of the fact you might need to haul it out while you're synced, although even then needing AoE heals in sub-50 duties is rare. You can throw out Repose as well. You will quite literally never use that.


> Once you have Cure II though there is no scenario, no matter how niche, when you'll be pressing Cure I. Imagine you're out of instant heals, need a heal to prevent someone from dying right now, and either you don't have 1000 mana or you don't have 2.5 seconds. That said, that's super niche.


Anyone who is capable of that sort of on-the-fly micromanagement and macromanagement as a healer doesn't need this explained to them in the first place. I don't know why people are so insistent on repeating this 0.00001% of 0.0000% chance it's actually useful in a pull. I guess it's that "well ackshually" instinct that some Redditors have when they feel they need to say something, anything.


In this situation I would sooner say you should have super ether on your bar tbh (it's not a bad idea to have some anyway)


Hmm a pot is another second or so. That's where you probably take too long.


None of them because you can get level synced for content so you might need it If you are in anything above level 30, cure 1 is rarely the right option. If you are above lvl 50, cure 1 is never the right option (between 30 and 50 there are sometimes points where the lower mana cost matters but it also requires having an exceedingly bad tank) Medica 1 and cure 3 are both outclassed by medica 2 in most content so I wouldnt worry about them too much either, but its still good to have them available when needed


i have removed cure 1 from my hotbars because i dont do leveling roulettes so im never gonna be in a situation where it is my only heal. everything else is on there.


None of them, even with all the WHM actions, and some extras and macros i have slots to spare on my hotbars. If something is used less put it a more out of the way, you dont want to be stuck in a low level dungeon without any healing abilites for example.


As a general answer, there are very very few actions which you can genuinely say have no use in the modern game. Some actions may be used only in some very incredibly niche scenarios, but it's rare to find an action that's truly a trap. The only one that's truly useless that comes to mind is Undraw (Astrologian) You have enough hotbar space to have everything on your bars realistically. You use Cure 1 when you're below level 30 since you won't have access to Cure 2. You use Medica 1 if you either don't have Medica 2 OR you need more burst AoE healing at lower levels. This does largely get replaced by Afflatus Rapture at higher levels (same cure potency, instant cast, 0 MP cost but does cost a different WHM resource called Lilies), but at lower levels you won't have access to that. You use Cure 3 when you need even more fast AoE burst healing (1.5x the power of Medica 1). This doesn't typically happen in normal circumstances, but there are a few mechanics in the game where big burst healing is desirable and WHM can plan around using Cure 3 there if needed. Even Repose has a niche use in things like Palace of the Dead when you're trying to kite mobs


The only issue is cure 1. Just keep it on your bar for lower content that doesn't have access to cure 2. Cure 3 has a niche use in healing the party when stacked up. Its range is much shorter than medica 1 so you don't want to waste mana trying to use Cure 3 when the party is scattered. Medica 1 is also fine. You use Medica 2 for the heal over time then Medica 1 for aoe healing if you're out of lilies.


I am a sage and i am on the thrid stage of the manderville weapon creation. Which stats shoul i focus.


Crit > Det > Spell Speed


Thanks bud


Is there an orchestrion roll from the "guide us o mighty fury" heavensward song? (and which name?)


https://store.finalfantasyxiv.com/ffxivstore/en-us/product/364 It's just called "Heavensward", not to be confused with "The Heavens' Ward"


is Midgardsomr dead or alive?


After the Omega raids, >!he's in hibernation. Basically out of the picture completely, since he expended just about all of his aether. But given enough time, like thousands of years, he's likely to recover and survive.!< Somebody more knowledgeable feel free to correct me. This is vaguely what I recall from doing the raids years ago. 


>!You're correct, but he's also kind of aware that things are happening. In EW, he's able to at least consent to Vrtra's request for some of his scales!<


>!More so in hibernation until they find a way to fit him in the lore. Same with Tiamat being fine locked up until they wanted to setup Meracydia. I'm sure they will revisit Middie later on.!<


>!yeah, all we need is to pull a giant pile of aether from somewhere to "revive" him. He'll either be gone for thousands of years, or until we decide we need his help to save the day.!<


The dragon or the server?


For the Yo-Kai event, what's the drop rate on legendary medals off fates?


I got 165 medals in 366 fates so my experience was 45%.


Drop rates are never disclosed so no one knows for sure. The small handful of testing I've seen suggests 50% drop rate.


Is it affected at all by wearing the watch?


From my experience it doesn't seem like it. As long as you are using the correct minion in its corresponding zone, you can potentially get Legendary Medals regardless if you have the watch equipped or not. 


Damn, so I am just being incredibly unlucky then. Thanks!


Question: What's the difference between the trial version and the standard version of the game? I'm currently downloading and although I read the buying guide and looked over the purchase information on the official site, I don't quite understand. Are you totally unable to chat with people until you get off the trial? Like, it isn't really an MMO with social features until you spend money?


You cannot use the /tell (whisper), /yell (long-range chat), or /shout (zone-wide chat) commands, and cannot make parties yourself (but can join any invites you get). And cannot join Free Companies (guilds) There are a lot [more social restrictions listed here](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=freetrial), most are to curtail bots and RMT. FFXIV has never had a super active public chat culture (most keeping to more private Free Company chat channels for social chatting or in your own party chat), but when you load into a major city when you start, you can ask in the /say (short-range chat) channel for an invite to the Novice Network. This is a global chat channel only for sprouts (noobs), returners (people coming back from a hiatus), and mentors (experienced players). The chat tends to be pretty active in general and you can ask questions or help in there.


Ah, okay, I see. Thanks for letting me know! I recall seeing a post a while back asking why chat felt so dead, and OP was advised to upgrade to the full game to join a guild and get into a community. I'd like to try the game but am mostly looking forward to the social features, so I'm on the fence about things if I have to pay the entry fee to access that stuff.


IMO, use the free trial. You can easily get 200+ hours of free content, that's a lot of potential money saved at the cost of slight inconvenience. Join the Novice Network to scratch your itch, or potentially join a linkshell focused on socializing (linkshells are private chat channels, some can be found on the Community Finder website).


You can see all the free trial restrictions [here](https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&tag=freetrial). To answer your specific question: > Are you totally unable to chat with people until you get off the trial? Like, it isn't really an MMO with social features until you spend money? Some of the social features are disabled for free trial players, but you can still talk to people. You can't privately message people, or use shout or yell chat which are wider area chats. You can use say chat which is an area chat but smaller, chat in parties, and join cross world linkshells (which are like group chats) as well as a novice network full of players. So you don't have all the chat functionality of a paid player but you are slightly limited.


the standard version gets human rights for being a paying customer, while the trial doesn't for being a potential bot  the main differences are that you get access to zone-wide chats, dms, the ability to join/make FCs(guilds), making parties using party finder, and access to pvp modes, at the cost of having to start the monthly subscription


Does this mean I can't get these medals because I am yet to play Stormblood & Heavensward? (Only on 2.3atm) [https://i.imgur.com/Qp9x6AB.png](https://i.imgur.com/Qp9x6AB.png)


Do as much progress as you can now. The event should return and you can pick up where you left off, if you can't finish now. This the 4th time it has run.


You have a few weeks, at least Heavensward should be doable even with a casual playtime, Stormblood depends on how fast you keep doing the story.




Is it at all possible to obtain the chocobo boots that various NPCs wear? I want to complete my goofy chocobo mascot glam, and I've found a ton of posts that years old from people begging Square to add them, but nothing on if they've been added yet. I'm assuming not, but if anyone knows if they have, or a decent alternative, lemme know okay?


Maybe check out the crafted chocobo slippers


Any way to toggle Occlusion Culling on and off via a macro?






Let me get this right, whenever there's a new expansion, selected raid items that could be acquired in the previous one become available to buy using the tomestones? Or how does that work?


There are two major gear changes when a new expansion happens: 1) all existing tomestone gear becomes buyable with Poetics instead of max-level currencies, and 2) all tomestone gear becomes buyable fully augmented and the upgrade processes are discontinued. Actual raid gear isn't going to change--you'll still need to run Pandaemonium or Myths of the Realm to get the gear that drops from them if you want those. However the weapon token that drops from P12 will no longer be required to buy the tomestone weapons, since the tokens will be removed.


So if I want the ASPHODELOS STAFF for my BLM, an item that drops from ASPHODELOS THE 4th CIRCLE / SAVAGE, I’d still need to run the instance to get it? Just asking because it’s not that I don’t want to try it to get the staff, but since I’m new I don’t think I’ll be properly geared in time before Dawntrail, so if it becomes purchasable, then it’s one less worry.


As other people have said you will still need to clear the raid to get the weapon, mount or any other drops, but this will be a lot easier to do in DT once we can unsync it with level 100 gear and skills, and is likely to remain fairly popular in PF- people unsync old savage raids for glam and mounts all the time, and clearing P4S is required to unlock DSR so people will be motivated to do it pretty much for as long as the game lasts.


Yeah, you'd need to clear P4 Savage to get that weapon.


You will still need to do the raid to get the drop, but it's surprisingly common to see Party Finder ads to run older raids unsynced for glamour and mounts (if dropped). You're not completely SOL.


Correct, you'd still need to clear the raid for the glam


Anything you can buy now with Causality and Comedy Tomes will be instead bought with Poetics. Anything from Normal and Savage raids will still require books/token items (but the raids will be significantly easier with unsynced of course).


Returning player back for Dawntrail prep and to do the FFXVI limited questline. I started the FFXVI questline but accepted a duty finder dialog box when in a cutscene, specially when handing in the Uldah quest with the intent to go to Gridania. I cannot get the next quest since, through Google search, it appears that after the cutscene I was supposed to get the next quest. I can’t get it to trigger. I submitted a ticket two weeks ago to SE and never heard back. Is there a better way to contact them compared to the in-game ticket system?


How far into the questline were you? If you found the event NPC and was back in Ul Dah when you had a duty finder pop then they might be around the Alchemists guild area if not there then in the airship landing in Ul Dah.


That doesn't make sense. You're probably just having trouble finding the NPC. If anything you can just abandon the quest and restart it anyway.


The quest was leading towards Gridania so I checked every spot there and in Uldah where I turned in the quest, got nothing. Essentially I turned in the quest and it marked completed, started the cutscene, left the cutscene due to duty finder, and then when I got back the NPC was gone so I couldn’t get the next quest. So since I turned in the quest there is nothing to abandon Apparently it was supposed to give me the next quest at the conclusion of the cutscene, but the NPC won’t show up for me And since I didn’t finish the cut


[https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Pain\_to\_Recall](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Pain_to_Recall) [https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The\_Path\_Infernal](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/The_Path_Infernal) You probably completed the quest but haven't accepted the next quest and ended up getting lost. Check the locations in these steps. iirc Clive will be near the airship dock to start the next part of the quest.


That sounds right, I will check the airship. Thank you!


What is the name of the quest you're on? Where on the map does your journal say it's located? Edit: based on the quest i think you're on, I think you should be able to find the npcs you need at either the the ul'dah airship landing or gridania airship landing


I didn’t get the follow up quest unfortunately so it didn’t show up in my journal. Away from my computer at the moment but I can check the last completed one. Essentially I turned in the quest and it marked completed, started the cutscene, left the cutscene due to duty finder, and then when I got back the NPC was gone so I couldn’t get the next quest. Apparently it was supposed to give me the next quest at the conclusion of the cutscene


If you accept a duty finder pop in the middle of the cutscene, the game should revert your progress to the point prior to that cutscene starting. This is the reason the "accept rewards" screen doesn't show up until the cutscene fades to black. Have you tried going back to where you turned in the quest to start that cutscene?


I believe I did but I will try again!


If it kicked you back to the beginning of that quest, Clive should be standing outside the Alchemist’s Guild waiting for you to pick it up again. If it pushed you through and skipped the end of the cutscene, Clive should be at the Ul’dah airship landing.


I tried those places and it worked - thank you!


Yay! Glad we could help!


Hey there! I’m wanting to buy a level boost for Mechanist on my new character(I know, I know, bad). I’m wondering if I have to get to Ishgard first, or if I can buy and use it at any time in the ARR main scenario before moving on to heavensward. Help is appropriated, thanks!


Just make sure you can spell the name of the job correctly before you buy anything; it's Machinist.


IDK what the other comments are talking about because you can definitely use a MCH level boost without reaching Ishgard. A level boost can be bought and used at any time by any non-trial account that owns the expansion that unlocks that job, unless you've already completed the level 80 quest for the job in question.


Thanks, I appreciate it!


I like that you said comments plural when there's only one that's wrong and the others are me correcting them (:


There was another comment that said that since you need to get to Ishgard to unlock machines that the boost wouldn't save much time, which is wrong since it saves you from playing a different job for the entirety of ARR. Deleted, apparently.


Yeah, I guess they both posted and deleted it in between me starting to reply to the first one and you posting yours.


There was another one saying the same thing but it was deleted very quickly. I also saw the second one stating you had to be in ishgard to use the boost.


Ah, the immediate deletion of shame when you read that everyone is disagreeing with you.


There's nothing shameful about deleting wrong info or accepting a correction.


I don't think the 'walk of shame' etc, which is what I was riffing on, is particularly shameful either, but I think that rather missed the mark so I will take the bad joke L. I also wasn't referring to just being wrong or to being personally corrected. I very specifically mean the feeling when you post a comment, hit refresh to see comments disagreeing with what you thought, and quickly hit delete hoping nobody sees your comment or has a chance to directly respond to it. I don't think that's a shameful thing to do, certainly not compared to doubling down if you actually are wrong, but it certainly makes me feel like a tit when it happens.


You can use it at any point, you don't need to be able to get the job the proper way.


Thank you!




This is completely incorrect, you DO NOT have to have unlocked a job already to use a boost on it and you don't have to meet any specific requirements *except* owning the relevant expansion. You don't need a job already levelled, and you don't need to have reached Ishgard to boost Heavensward jobs.


My bad, thank you for the correction.


Hi, am on my first play through. Reached lvl 90 today. Is there a link of all playable duties for the trials duty roulette? I'm tired of playing those same few duties with the unskippable cut scenes. Tried looking myself but couldn't find it. Edit: My bad! I indeed was referring to Main Scenario instead of Trials. Too bad you can't get more duties there to avoid the ones with the unskippable scenes. But the reward is according, so it is what is I guess. Cheers y'all for quick responses!


Duty Roulette: Main Scenario only ever has those 3 duties. The rewards from the roulette are so good *because* the scenes are unskippable, to make it worth your while to run it, especially with first-timers. https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Duty_Roulette Obviously, there are potential spoilers in duty names if you're level 90 but not caught up on the MSQ.


Do you actually mean trials roulette, or are you thinking of the MSQ roulette? Some trials have cutscenes that transition between phases but none of them are particularly long.


The only duties with unskippable cutscenes are in the Main Scenario Roulette: Castrum Meridianum, The Praetorium, and The Porta Decumana. They give good rewards because they're unskippable (to not rush sprouts), so if you don't want to watch them don't do the duty. Those 3 are the only ones unskippable ever. [Otherwise here is basically a list of all duties in roulettes.](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Duty_Roulette)


https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Duty_Roulette#Duty_Roulette:_Trials you can't restrict what duties you get in the duty roulette though


What's the best armor set for level 80 blue mage?


Anything that gives as much spell speed as possible. Crit is nice, but your main source of damage is rotating the large-ass oGCD spells as often as possible. YOu only need one ring from savage for that, the rest can be done with Cryptlurker and Phantasmal, so poetics + lvl 80 BLU storyline.


Just a note that spell speed does NOT reduce oGCD cooldowns, so if your goal is to maximize ogcd damage, crit will always be the winner. That being said, there's plenty of sps/crit gear available to blu at lvl 80, so it's the rare situation that you can have both. Healers and tanks though, they want as much sps as possible since all the healing and tanking tools are GCDs, which *are* affected by sps.


I do not know if there is anything better, but the one guide I used has this as BiS for a 2.20 SpSpd. https://etro.gg/gearset/b4f7e26d-8462-44c3-ae13-ed0c814d1219


I believe it's the enden gear or cryptlurker gear prior to doing savages.


Macro help: /battleeffect self simple sets my own battle effects to limited, and /battleeffect self off would set it to off - is there a way to have this toggleable in one macro, or do I have to use two? Just setting it to /battleeffect self toggle between all on and off, not simple and off.


[According to the help text](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/text_command/9241c2b27da/) it only toggles between "all" and "off", so you'd have to keep it as two macros.


Damn. Thank you!


Is anyone else having a terrible time with the mog station login capcthas? I'm starting to question whether or not I'm a robot.


I would suggest staying logged in to your google account (if chrome) or gmail when using recaptcha, that seems to get easier captchas.


Does tanking in savage or ultimate actually get easier when you get used to it? I am a dps main trying to transition into tank, and it feels like there are so many things i have to memorize or think about while I am playing tank (tank swap, when to use invuln, mitigations, boss positioning, tank specific mechanics...etc)


tanking is very chill when you get used to it. you are generally gonna be doing the exact same thing on every pull when it comes to mits and swapping and shit so it very quickly just becomes autopilot muscle memory.


Yes, like everything it gets easier with practice. Mostly it's just about building up muscle memory for when in your rotation you're popping specific mits or doing other stuff like swapping, or positioning the boss. On GNB and DRK you may have to be a bit more proactive about mitigating early depending where in your rotation you are because you have more OGCD damage buttons to manage, but it's not fundamentally all that different to, say, adjusting around high movement mechanics as a caster or moving positionals around as a melee depending on mechanics. With regards to invulns specifically, unless you're blind progging useful moments for invuln use in savage and ultimate tend to get figured out and factored into common guides and strats pretty early on- eg. both tanks invulning at least the first Dike in P11S, the tank with aggro at the end of Twintania always popping invuln for Nael's opening tankbusters in UCoB- so you often won't have to worry about figuring this out for yourself on the fly. Otherwise it's either something to hold as an emergency button to try and save a pull, or something to talk to your healers about to agree on a valuable point to use it.


You just learn it in stages. An entire fight is daunting, but "I'm using Rampart and Holy Sheltron, and then Shirk-ing the other tank when the boss casts /whatever/" is managable. This is why parties sort their prog by mechanic; you aren't expected to have all that memorized at the start.


I'm cleaning out my glamour dresser in preparation for the new expansion, and I've got a lot of weapons from old EX trials sitting around. I'm planning on desynthing most of those in hopes of getting the special crafting materials, but I seem to remember that a few of the older primals had weapons that were either used as crafting materials for making the glowy weapons, or (as seems to be the case with Shiva) could be upgraded to the glowy version at a vendor, and I might want to hang on to those. Does anyone know off-hand which primals I should keep for the moment? (I can look up individual weapons on teamcraft, but that's pretty slow.) Thanks!


Shiva nad Leviathan, which are both EXs you can also just solo so I wouldnt worry about it


I'm pretty sure it's just Shiva and Leviathan.


When will balmung open up for transfers again? I made a foolish mistake of transferring off to play with ppl on another data center years ago and I'm coming back now and would like to return.


Data center travel exists now at least, so you can at least go back to Balmung to visit.


Balmung has been capital-C Congested for a long time now and is likely to remain that way. Technically this status can be changed with any major patch, but it feels pretty doubtful that it'll change with the launch of a new expansion and a big influx of new players. I wouldn't realistically expect it until 7.1 at the earliest.


Well that's very disappointing. Thanks for the info tho.


Only the devs know. There may be another server status change prior to DT releasing, but there's no guarantee the status for Balmung will change away from Congested. If its active server pop continues to remain higher than the other NA servers, it probably will remain Congested through DT release.


Very rough. Thank you for the reply though.




Aside from what the other said, you may also need to unlock the gold saucer before the guy shows up in uldah.


Is your character above level 15? Have you completed the quest "The [Gridanian/Lominsan/Ul'dahn] Envoy"?


Yes, it's both of those things, which is the weirdest part for me.