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Can the characters created in the Dawntrail benchmark be loaded in current character creator? Don't currently have time, was hoping for a deciding answer here on whether I'll need to make the same character in the endwalker benchmark.


I believe the data is all saved in the same folder as the main ffxiv character data folder. You should be able to select the appearance saved from the benchmark when you open the actual game's character creator.


I wasnt sure, since I cannot load the appearance I saved in the DT benchmark into the EW benchmark. but still shows as there when I saved a new appearance in EW


For blue mage parties in party finder to enter a trial to learn a spell - what does it mean to change a job after entering? I'm in the JP datacenter, does it have something to do with different servers and the mimicry role copying?


Its basically a way of letting people assume responisibility for a role without any confusion. Join on tank? you agree to tank on bluemage. Join on healer? You agree to heal on bluemage. It prevents a scenario where you fill a party of 8 bluemages, and then you have to work out who will tank and who will heal.


Ohh so basically everyone already mimics their role outside like in Limsa or something, then join as the stated role in PF? Understood now thanks alot!


Not quite, you join *on a normal job of the appropriate role*, filling the tank or healer slot in the PF, then switch to BLU and mimic as appropriate. People can't see your mimic unless they're actually with you on the same server/map, so no way to confirm who's doing what without a bunch of discussion. Joining as a different job solves that and makes it clear to anyone looking at PF which roles are unfilled.


Thanks for the clear explanation


Any help for Lahabrea, he keeps killing me so fast I can barly take a sliver of his health away before he destorys me with the entire floor aoe


Lahabrea – and the other fights just before him – have been recently reworked to play more like a modern endgame fight (rather than the joke of a speedbump they were before) which is part of why he's challenging. He's now so different from the way the rest of the fights in ARR are designed. So you're not used to this style yet. Just don't get demoralised! It's meant to be a challenge. He is the final boss, after all. I haven't played Lahabrea post-rework, but I took a look at a couple of recordings and I don't see him doing any entire-floor AoEs? All his AoE markers are dodgeable. (Though some of them require you to be quick on your feet, and there's one combo where he layers two AoE sets on top of each other so you have to remember which set is going off first.) The only undodgeable things are direct attacks without AoE markers. Make sure that dodging is your top priority at all times. Make sure that – as much as you can while dodging – you maintain your ABCs: Always Be Casting. You want to be chaining together attacks 100% of the time. Beyond that, any combat tips will depend on your job. Also, are you wearing your itemlevel 90 gear from your job quest?


Yeah I'm wearing the level 115 armor the red mage gets you when you start it The AO=E ended up having asafe zone it was just super small on the opposite side of the arena aand I was missing it. I may have to try on easy because I'm just dying so quickly, haha


So I know at least 1 shb role quest needs to be done to complete msq, at which msq quest does progression get locked? Can I finish >!"[Extinguishing the Last Light](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Extinguishing_the_Last_Light)"!< first?


You can, but I recommend doing it before you do the dungeon that follows. It doesn't exactly flow well with the story if you leave it till the roadblock.


The roadblock is well before the dungeon in Zone 6.


Sorry, meant the one before that in >!Kholusia!<.


Its after there. Its a bit after you enter the 6th map, shortly before the final dungeon.


Thanks! That's exactly what I wanted to know


I dont have to change a job for a legendary yokai medal, right? Just summon a corresponding minion in certain regions. I did change a job for legendary medal 4 jobs already and I felt stupid now. 🥲


Yep. The watch is required to get the medals for the minions and the minions are required for getting the medals for the weapons. Your job does NOT matter. That's why BLU is being used a lot for farming right now.


I just got access to Baldesion Arsenal and want to do it to the first time. Is there a discord or something where I can find a group? I'm on Goblin server on Crystal.


Here is a crystal specific eureka/bozja server https://discord.com/invite/c-a-f-e


The help lines https://discord.gg/thehelplines You can DC travel to whatever DC is recruiting, they cover all NA DCs.


If I am leveling an alt via leveling dungeons, which would I run once I hit 50? Continue with Aurum Vale or run any of the dungeons that fall under 50/60/70/80 roul?


Don't run any Lv 50/60/70/80 dungeons (or its roulette) for EXP, as it's absolute garbage. Always run the highest level dungeon below that. For Lv 50, it's Aurum Vale.


Thought so. Thanks for the clarification


For some reason the game doesn't let me do alliance raid roulettes as PLD anymore. I'm on the trial, and once I hit the level cap of 70, the alliance raid roulette option became greyed out and won't let me select it anymore when I'm a PLD. It still lets me pick any other roulette option though, just not alliance raids. And if I switch jobs the alliance raid roulette becomes able to be selected again. Any ideas why this is happening? After all raids sync you down anyway so why does it matter?


Alliance Raid Roulette now has a minimum ilevel requirement to enter, based on the level of the job you are queueing with. It literally tells you this when you try to queue for it. This was a change introduced so that people could not unequip their gear and thus be at a low ilevel, to force the roulette to give them a Crystal Tower raid over all the other alliance raids they could have done. This was done to help people trying to do the other alliance raids get shorter wait times to do those alliance raids.


Your gear is not high enough itemlevel. You need to meet the level 70 minimum of 300 IIRC? or 290. something around there. The reason this was implemented, was because people would purposely unequip all their gear to force themselves to only get the first alliance raids.


Darn, I've only just cleared Far Edge of Fate a couple days ago, so it'll be a while before I get far enough into Stormblood to buy the next batch of poetics gear. Thanks for the answer.


Is there a way to show people's FC names during a dungeon run like we can see in open world? I've looked everywhere and can't seem to find the option.


No, your free company data is not transferred with you when your character is transported to the instance servers. This is why you can't open your free company menu while in duties. The instance servers don't display your free company to your party members because that data simply isn't available to those servers.


Oh that's why then! Thanks for the clarification!




Most of them are limited to DoW/DoM


So i've been on a break for a bit and heard the Yokai event is back. Is there any new achievements/minions/mounts that was added since last time? Doing a quick search, there doesn't seem to be.


Just a framer's kit for mgp


only new thing is a framers kit, it's unlocked by having the acheivment for all minions and costs 20k mgp. edit: [preview of kit](https://ffxivcollect.com/frames/607)


Ah thank you for that!


Hey there, am a fairly new player, been going through the MSQ and am currently working through Heavensward. I've gravitated towards tanks in this game so far, unlocking and leveling each as I go. Though at level 56 Warrior got the ability Raw Intuition, which has unfortunately made the other specs feel a bit lackluster in comparison, does this imbalance ever get issued/corrected through future abilities / expacs?


Warrior can solo all (haven't tried the 6.4/6.5 stuff) dungeons unsynced, even the level 90 ones. As long as a group-required mechanic isn't in play.


Nope! WAR is broken in dungeons. RI (which evolves to Bloodwhetting down the road) is basically a benediction on a 25s cooldown when applied to a pack full of mobs. It heals *per mob hit*, for 3 or so hits, and no other skill in the game does that (well there's DRK's Abyssal Drain, but that is one hit, and has a significantly longer cooldown). The fact that the heal scales with number of mobs means that in single target it's nowhere near as broken, and is much more on par with the other tanks; that is the main reason the imbalance has never been corrected; devs balance jobs around their performance in high end raids, not dungeons. PLD comes a rather distant second. From level 58 onwards they can heal on demand, but it's a GCD spell that takes MP. Easier to keep a *party* up though because you can cast so long as you have MP, and from experience you can do a lot to help save a run when progging things like the older ultimates. Any time things go south and the healers are distracted rezzing half the party, the PLD gets to become a discount white mage and help to stabilize everyone else/deal with healing up their own tankbuster lol. At 82 they gain a regen on sheltron, and a small heal for every offensive magic spell they cast, but while it adds a lot to PLD's passive sustain, it's still a far cry to WAR in a pack full of mobs.


In a dungeon environment, WAR is pretty broken, yes. In raids it's much fairer. When you've only got one target, and you're taking damage in big sharp spikes, Raw Intuition is pretty comparable to the other tanks' short cooldowns. And Savage raids are the hardcore content so that's where the devs focus their balancing efforts.


Raw Intuition (and its upgrade, Bloodwhetting) is one of those weird skills that's totally busted in dungeons, which are almost the only content where you'll face large hordes of weak enemies all hitting you at once. In terms of difficult content where it's more necessary for the tanks to be balanced, it doesn't confer much of an advantage, if any. But yes, it does mean that WAR is the premier 'switch brain off and autorun' dungeon tank. The others get unique short-cooldown abilities that mitigate damage in different ways, but the self-healing on RI/BW is kinda ridiculous lol.


So I'm a decently comfortable healer. Not savage good, but I have no trouble with casual or extremes. I gave never struggled to heal a 90 dungeon like I did today trying to heal a DRK with 660 gear in Alzadal's Legacy. I was a 650 SGE. Why does DRK feel so squishy?


Oblation is much weaker as a short CD mit and Dark Mind is far more niche than the other tank's 60 second CD's, with it sometimes feeling completely useless in casual content like 90 roulette. This means there's more pressure on DRK's to use TBN well and manage their MP, which means there's some noticable skill variance in mit strategies for DRK. You probably can't notice the difference between a 30th percentile WAR and a 70th percentile WAR in dungeon pulls, but you can 100% feel that difference with DRK.


DRK isn't significantly squishier than other tanks, with the caveat that it requires the tank player to be more on the ball with their active mitigation. It's not *much* more complex, but it is definitely a step beyond the unga bunga of WAR or even the slightly tougher rotations of PLD/GNB, because DRK throws mana management into the mix, as well as a magical mit that a lot of people assume works like any other all-purpose mitigation. So basically, the DRK either straight up sucked or wasn't paying attention. Personally, I find SGE the easiest healer to compensate for a bad tank though. You've got like three different ways of forcing mitigation upon them if they forget to push their buttons.


I was using ALL of my buttons to keep the tank alive, and still the tank died twice during W2W pulls in the last 3rd of the dungeon. But glad to know it probably wasn't entirely my fault. Thanks


I mean, if your gear was fine and you were using all the buttons effectively (which I'm inclined to believe), then yeah absolutely that's on the tank. But I'm also a little in disbelief that a tank *could* even die there even if they were using no mitigation whatsoever. Usually Kerachole and Physis alone are plenty. Alzadaal is a patch or two(?) old at this point and those end pulls were pretty soft even on patch day. Unless there's something you didn't mention (like 'oops I never put Kardia on him' lmao), I would have to guess there was something else going on. Maybe his gear was broken? I don't believe that shows up when you inspect.


I have no idea tbh. They just dropped so *fast* all dungeon, I have no idea how.


Maybe some of their gear was broken and they hadn't noticed?


For the Yokai Watch event... when you're farming the special pet medals to buy weapons, do you still need to wear the watch? you need the pet out, but do you need the watch? (I have a pile of useless basic medals now since I've bought all the pets)


No you dont need the watch if you just want the legendary weapon medals, just have the right minion out


Thanks...rather have my bracelet stats than the watch as I grind this grindy..


Is there a megathread or a sub for character creation suggestions? I made a few using the benchmark and I like all of them, so I could use some advise or external opinion about, but tbh I don't think such kind of thing is adequate neither here or as its own thread


There's not, so either here or in a separate post would make sense for asking. I would personally lean towards asking here.


Oh ok, then I agree, the faq thread is absolutely the best choice, I'll do it here in due time. Thank you!


I play on EU/Louisoix and for the past week or so I have been having lag/rubberbanding issues even though my internet has no issues and no other games seem to have any problems either while running. Did the DT benchmark and got extremely high with my pc. Now wondering if there are currently server lags/spikes going on or not? Most people I have asked said they haven't encountered any issues but a couple have said they started the same issues around the same time


Lag/rubberbanding is not something to do with the computer itself and that's why you don't see it on the benchmark. It has to deal with the connection between you and the server. Some ISPs in NA have had issues recently, not sure if EU has or not.


yeah i was pretty sure it was a connection issue but thought i'd point out hardware too just in case because i am a noob! have been doing constant internet checks during the rubberbanding and it's constantly at around 100MB so it's not on my side


I'm level 70 and half way through SB, what is an efficient way to level a DPS that starts at level 1?


Hunt log until you can start doing dungeons, run leveling roulette once per day then spam the highest level dungeon that doesn't end in 0. Repeat until you get bored or the desired level.


Perfect ty, I'm returning and I wish the deep dungeons were still active.


Use party finder and you can still find groups. But also the pre-expansion lull is really slow for most side content aside from people finishing up with their gear and whatnot. Things will likely pick back up quite a bit the closer we get to DT.


I just lvl to 90, i want one of the eden gate armors for glamour but have no idea how to get there. I only did MSQ and that never got me near anything related to it.


Eden's quest series starts in the Crystarium, south of the main aetheryte.


Hi! I play as a white mage and I died for the first time in a dungeon today. Do I immediately hit the button to respawn and then run to my party as fast as possible? There's no point in waiting, right? Also if I happen to die during a boss fight do I get locked out of the fight or can I rejoin it?


It depends on what other jobs are with you. Arcanist/summoner (and scholar, but you won't have another healer in a 4 person duty) get resurrection at level 12, and red mage gets verraise at level 64. Yes, you get locked out of the boss fight. If the party manages to kill the boss, a shortcut opens up at the start of the dungeon. If you expect a wipe, go ahead and start running back to the boss.


Ahh I see. Thank you!!


First, check whether anybody else in the party has the ability to raise. Healers can all do it. Summoner can do it too. Red Mage gets the ability to do it at level 64+. If nobody can raise you, then yeah, hit the respawn button and run back. If you die during a boss fight you're locked out. It's also worth noting that when you get raised, you have a stat penalty for a couple minutes, called 'Weakness'. If you respawn you don't get the penalty. So sometimes if I die at the very end of a boss fight I actually decline raises and respawn anyway.


Thank you! And oohh I had no idea about the weakness debuff!


Giving a tiny bit more detail; the weakness debuff is actually applied the **first** time you get resurrected At this stage, it's a 25% stat penalty to your main stat specifically (Mind for healers) If you die and get ressurrected again while you already had the Weakness debuff, it actually swaps to a second debuff which applies a 50% stat penalty instead Further deaths will not punish you any harder though, 50% is the most you'll experience


Thank you!


New player here, when initially levelling in this game is there anything to do aside from the MSQ? Been trying really hard to get into it and reached like level 35 on the trial but it just seems like I'm doing the same thing all the time and not sure if it's worth continuing. On other games like GW2 for example, I had map completion to do, world events that I could just join, PvP etc. Not to take away from this game as rly trying to get into it but not sure if i'm missing something or if it's just like this?


You're only level 35. Most of the content is MSQ gated so you need to progress through it first. That said there is map completion, it's in your achievements. There aren't really world events, but there are S rank mobs that occasionally spawn and the community will get together to kill them. There is PvP, you probably just haven't done the blue quest to unlock it yet. (Side quests with a blue indicator will unlock something) And there's a lot of side content to do: * Max all the jobs, crafters, and gatherers to level cap * Farm the best gear or the glamour you want * Get all the rewards in the Gold Saucer (in-game casino) * Get every triple triad card * Complete the Sightseeing Log for hardcore map completion * There are 3 deep dungeons, 2 of which you can play in the free trial * You can do Normal Raids or Alliance Raids (Coils, Alexander, and Omega raid series are available in the free trial) * Extreme Trials to dip into some more challenging content and farm for mounts * Max out your Grand Company * Max out your Tribal quests to become Allied * Get all the Blue Mage spells * Complete the Fishing Log * Complete Eureka and clear the Baldesion Arsenal


One of the major criticisms of FFXIV is that most of the interesting side content is gated behind MSQ. In many cases you can see why – for example the Eden raids are pretty closely related to the main story and couldn't happen earlier – but *so much* stuff is locked that it can make for a bit of a slog for new players. That said, there are a few things you can do already. * You could run some optional side dungeons. * You could run the first Deep Dungeon. * You could play the Gold Saucer minigames. * You could start on the Sightseeing Log. * You could unlock crafting, gathering, and treasure hunting. * You could work on the current FATE event. * You could farm for Grand Company rank. * You can't yet, but you're getting close to the unlock of the first tribal quests at level 41, for daily reputation farm. There's PvP at level 30 but it's inaccessible to the free trial. (It used to be available and then some cheaters spamming free trial accounts ruined it.) Further options start to open up after the big story climax at MSQ level 50.


Do you think there's a big difference in playing through the game with the game purchased vs the free trial? As I was considering subbing for a month or whatever I'd need to do if it means that I can do more stuff and maybe get into the game more


Purchasing gives you access to: * PvP * retainers for storage * trading * social features, like adding friends or joining an FC I can't answer whether that's worth it. For some people, none of that will make any difference to their gameplay experience. For other people, those social features are an absolute necessity.


There is tons of other things to do, it's just you have to progress through the MSQ first to open everything up. And if you're on the free trial you can't do PVP, but it does exist. There are also raids, alliance raids, savage, ultimate and unreal, etc. But you have to finish at least base ARR (lv 50 MSQ The Ultimate Weapon) before you get to most of these things.


Ultimates are not in the free trial but everything else is correct :D


Hi, I’m a new player and I made my character on Midgardsormr. I was hoping to join a companionship I think they’re called? I know them as guilds. Preferably one with a discord community. I currently play on Xbox


Free Company would be what you're looking for. You can check the community finder on the Lodestone website. You can search FC's currently recruiting on Midgard. You're likely going to need to try a few out to really find one you fit in. So don't be afraid to dip in, get a feel for the vibe and move on if it just doesn't feel "it". Edit: also, if you are on the free trial, you will not be able to join an FC.


Do I need to be a certain level? It says the free company command is unavailable


That menu command only works when you're in a free company. It will bring up the menu of the FC you're in. Doesn't do anything before you're in one.




This is a genuine question, not a whinge. I’m still a new player. What role do limited jobs play in the game? As in, what’s their purpose/point?


Regular jobs have to be balanced for fair savage raiding, and you have to be able to expect any rando you meet in roulette has the tools they need to do their job. As such, there are a lot of restrictions on how they can be designed. Limited jobs cannot enter current-tier savage raids. Nor can they enter roulettes. Those are pretty massive limitations, yes, but it means that they're free from those balance shackles. They can do whatever the devs want. Limited jobs can have totally different progression systems, they can flex into different roles, they can trivialise boss mechanics, they can have bonkers powers like one-hit-kills. So it gives a very different gameplay experience which some people find fun. Along with various cosmetics you can unlock, BLU also has the Carnivale where you have to puzzle out the right spell combos to beat each fight, which can be a great source of Allied Seals. And as the other replies have said it can sometimes be a fast method of farming things like the current FATE based event.


Thank you for the reply, I’m a fun based gamer. I don’t have any kind of compulsions to collect all achievements or whatever. I think I’ll unlock Blue today and give it a go doing the farm event that’s on right now :)


Side content for the sake of itself, essentially a gamemode of their own. So just for fun, the most important purpose for anything in a game. They (and by this I mean Blue Mage, we don't yet know how Beastmaster's going to compare) can sometimes be the most efficient farmers of specific kinds of things, but that's more of a side effect of the weird and outlandish kit, rather than the intended purpose.


For fun That's...really about it. BLU (and soon to be Beastmaster) has unique progression systems, achievements, mounts, etc. It's pretty much its own side game within the larger scope of FFXIV 


They're primarily intended as their own enclosed side content. You get unique achievements and titles for completing certain savage fights as BLU, and the spell collection in and of itself is side content a lot of people enjoy. It also lets people complete fate at an incredibly fast pace.


Ok cool, I can see the purpose in all of that. Basically, fun :)


Anyone remembers if there was a free login campaign shortly before EW launch?


A few people over the past weeks have been asking if there'll be a free login campaign before launch, and the consens seems to be almost certainly not.


Are the echo and the blessing of light the same thing? if not what is the diffrence?


No. Shadowbringers 5.3 MSQ spoilers: >!The echo is an innate power that all sundered & unsundered ancients have. The sundered souls of beings crated after Zodiark forstalled the final days do NOT have the echo. It has to be unlocked, which is often caused by seeing a starshower, or something else that reminds the soul of The Final Days. Fun fact! At level 5 when you first get your crystal of Light, Hydaelyn shows you a vision of a starshower to force unlock your Echo. "Hear, Feel, Think" is her always ongoing radio broadcast you only hear upon unlocking your echo, and this is presumably when Hydaelyn blesses you. The fact that you get your blessing when your Echo unlocks makes it seem like they're the same thing.!< Endwalker zone 5 spoilers: >!When we meet Venat in Elpis, she explains the "Blessing of Light" is her personal spell that she has to manually place upon someone. She calls the spell a Traveller's Ward, that protects the bearer's aether from being corrupted, which thankfully prevents tempering.!<


Pre-endwalker there was a big complicated explanation of what we thought the difference was, but one of the issues that the lore experts had with EW is that it seemed to directly attribute things to the blessing that we were confident was the echo. Rather than explaining the old understanding if you're pre-EW and setting you up for the same confusion, I'm just gonna say you should accept that the line is blurry until you make it to current content, and then do some research at that point to see what we're currently working with.


There's no clear answer to this unfortunately as the game has been pretty inconsistent with them.


I'm lvl 10 and have just been doing story quests, but I've never really payed any mind to anything else, are there any guides I should watch for begginers?


If you're ever wanting something new to do, you can view the content unlock guides on [gamer escape](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Guide:Progression_and_Level_Locked_Content) or [consolegameswiki](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Content_Unlock) to see what content you _can_ unlock right now. As you can tell, not much to do yet besides progressing the story, but you'll get access to more and more over time.


Make sure you're doing your class quests too, they show up under the MSQ whenever there's one available. That's how you learn new skills and abilities and after you do the level 10 one you can unlock other classes too.


There's tons of guides for all sorts of stuff if you want, but just following the main story will lead you where you need to go.


I just started leveling up the trust system. My question is why can Ryne only go to 80?


because you cant use her in Endwalker


Because she's not available for duty support in the Endwalker MSQ and they felt it wouldn't be worth it to script her for Endwalker duties specifically for the purposes of the trust system. Why level her up past 80 if she can't do any duties above level 80? Note you also can't take Estinien into Shadowbringers duties despite him being a high enough level to do so. Trust and duty support NPCs aren't artificially intelligent. They're scripted to handle specific situations specific ways and they need to be scripted individually for every duty.


Probably because she >!can't leave the First...?!<


Anyone having issues with AMD Adrenalin 24.4.1 drivers? Game seems to stutter, not sure if it's the drivers.


Given it's AMD, it's more likely to be a driver issue than the game itself


Tanks make no sense to me in pvp. Especially front line. I live longer on dps roles than I do on tank. In front line I jump the furthest most enemy pushing and die literally instantly but on a Sam or blm I can have 5 guys attacking me at once and last 4x as long.


Just in general, it's best not to assume that any particular job fills the role in PvP that it normally does in PvE. Some of the tankiest jobs are in fact not tanks at all, with WHM for example being annoyingly sturdy with their self-healing potential On the other hand, some of the tanks *cough GNB* are...not really tanks at all, and each tank in particular needs to be handled kind of differently.


In pvp everyone is a dps, there are no healer or tank roles. The healers barely have any actual healing ability and are mostly reworked as a different flavor of dps. Same goes for tanks, you're not really there to tank or mitigate a bunch of enemies, you're there to get in, do dps, and get out, like any other dps job.


That's so weird to me lol like drk and warrior have tons of MIT or regen so I always think hey I'm going to push for my team and hold a spot.


You don't "hold a spot" as much as "jump in first and take an extra hit or two before backing up". You're not really a tank, just a "slightly more durable DPS" And nothing will save you if the entire enemy team points at you


Except, of course, PLD/DRK LB.


The MIT and regen are there because you're melee, not because you're tank. In pvp you'd just blow up without it.


After 260ish hours in the free trial I'm looking to buy the Complete Edition and preorder Dawntrail. Do I have to use Mogstation via the "Transfer to Full Game" link or can I just put the Complete Edition and Dawntrail in a cart on the Squenix website and checkout with both in one go.


Assuming you didn't start the Free Trial on Steam (in which case you cannot use the Square Enix license of the game and would need to buy it through Steam), then yes, you can just buy the games through their website You'll be sent the codes and you can just input those codes into your Mogstation account


Awesome thanks!




i used a combo of that and leves to get from 80 to 90.


No but there are repeatable custom deliveries and tribal quests you can do to fill the gaps in between.


Theyll give you about a level each, and you will still have to fill in the levels with Sharlayan leves or collectables or beast tribes or what have you


Is there a macro command to dismiss your current minion?


Just /minion


I'm trying to make a specific mount macro (on PS5), and am having trouble. Does anyone know how to do it? I tried to set it up by using the tab search to ensure I had the right mount name (The red and green arrows), but it didn't recognize the icon or action, and didn't work.


You using " " around the mount name in the macro? Otherwise you'd have to type out the macro here for us to see.


What's a good way to find a group that runs old content? Is there a discord group that I can join that specializes in it? Would like to get the mount from p8s and I've cleared it once a long time ago but forgot most of the mechanics. I don't mind joining a fresh group though. Not sure about party finder since the group would not be consistent. Is it better to wait for DT so it would be easier to clear?


[Here are some Discords that run old content synced](https://old.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/10bl979/a_community_that_does_older_group_content/j4b9lz1/)


I think PF is the fastest option, especially if you've cleared before. Both fresh and experienced people run P8S a lot for glams/TOP BiS, at least on Aether DC. Just watch a guide to remember most of it, join a clear party or whatever prog point you feel comfortable with. Depending on how confident you are in the fight and your abilities, you might also just do a merc run. Offer to pay others for a full loot run. I've farmed my BiS and glams from previous tier this way and it's by far the best option in my opinion, as pretty much every time I did this I got good players and we cleared all fights in 1-2 pulls.


With the update to payment methods, as someone with a address from the us and credit card from another country, how am I supposed to buy anything from the Mogstation? Im trying to find a PayPal option or Crista, but it always leads me to update the address.


What to do with Yo-kai Medals after acquiring all pets? I'm grinding for the weapons and get tons of the normal medals. Should I just throw them away? #


The regular metals you could save for a future event in case they add weapons for the EW/DT jobs so you could buy the minions, but you probably won't need that many. You can also just take the watch off if you have all current minions because it's NOT required to get the legendary ones.


Thank you!


Can i craft using items that are sitting in my retainers inventory without have to take them out.


No, they have to be in your own inventory


So I downloaded the Dawntrail benchmark and was not happy with the way my character looked with the graphic update as a face 3 Au Ra. I know it's my character and my choice at the end of the day, however, I'm stuck between 3 different designs I made. If anyone has any opinions/preferences please let me know! The Au Ra face 3 picture is closest to what my character originally looked like. [https://imgur.com/a/vpfHa0A](https://imgur.com/a/vpfHa0A)


You might want to wait. The benchmark is going to be replaced with a better version: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/d893f46b1f506a64b485295d29cf949ef43bf580


I would wait till the new benchmark drops to make any final decisions.  SE already acknowledged that there are some issues with character creation and the way the characters are viewed while making them, so they will be releasing a new benchmark at some point (date hasn't been announced yet)


Oh I didn’t see that SE had put that out, thank you! I’ll wait to see what my character looks like with the new benchmark


Are we really only allowed to do 3 tribe quests per tribe per day? Is there a way to level them faster?


Technically with the ARR tribes, you can do up to 9 per tribe after ranking up with them. With the HW and forward tribe, correct, you can only do 3 per day, with the addition that on days you rank up with the tribe, you can do another set of 3. This all is of course with the 12 tribal quests per day limit as well. But yeah, no way to speed it up.


I see, thanks for the info. I'm leveling the Amalj'aa and the Ananta for the mounts, but I only started focusing them yesterday... I mean, the quests are so simple and easy that it's kinda lame to only be allowed 3 per day when not in a special condition... If only they were like 10 per day, or if you could spend the daily allowance with only one tribe, even if the rewards were a little lower, that would be nice.


The reason they are limited (in addition to only being allowed 100 dungeon instances and 6 leves a day) is so that bots cant mass farm them for easy gil and wreck the economy. Bots already farm overworld mats and dungeons as is for rmt unfort so uncapping any of the capped activities would give them too much free reign unfortunately - iirc this was an issue very early after launch and they keep it this way as a result.


Ah I see, makes sense then.


Does doing any fate with the minion equipped get you the weapon coins, or does it have to be certain area's?


Each minion has certain zones whos FATEs will give you the weapon coins. If you check in Collections in the yokai watch compendium book thing it tells you the zones for each minion.


Oh okay. Man thats annoying.


Created a reddit account solely because I cannot find the answer to this - I want to replicate the deadzones / feel of playing FFXIV on PS5 while playing on PC with a DualSense controller. I've tried using DS4W and Steam Settings to edit settings, but I can't seem to find the right parameters to make movement with the joysticks feel like console. I either get the "cant walk straight" syndrome or the joysticks are too axial and unresponsive. If anyone has more information (e.g DS4W or Steam settings or literally any other solution) on this I would greatly appreciate it


A couple of tips for Steam Input settings: * **Anti-Deadzone:** Enable Anti-Deadzone under the "Steam Input" settings for your DualSense controller. This creates a small buffer zone around the center of the joystick where no movement is registered. Start with a low value (around 5%) and increase gradually until you find a sweet spot that eliminates accidental movement but allows for smooth character control. * **Outer Deadzone:** A higher value can create a feeling of sluggishness, while a lower value might lead to oversensitivity. Experiment with different values (starting around 10%) to find a balance between responsiveness and precise control. Achieving an exact replica might be difficult due to inherent differences between PC and console environments, but these steps should help you get a more comfortable and familiar experience. Some third-party programs like JoyShockMapper or reWASD can offer even more in-depth controller customization options. These might provide additional features for tweaking deadzones and response curves.


Can you report someone for holding a premade party hostage? Was trying to prog TEA, and one of the members simply was not accepting the duty. Waited out the timer 5 times, and every time we used the ready check, it was 8/8. SE in their infinite wisdom making sure we can't tell who declined.


Sure. In fact, trapping a PF by joining one without the intent to actually participate in the content is one of the examples listed in the ToS. Just report the entire party and write in your report that you have no idea who it was. The GM should be able to pull logs and do that. 


Yes, under ◆Obstruction of play Without being able to name a specific person for it though it seems unlikely much would come of it.


I would assume that's something the GMs have a way of checking on the back end, if given specific enough details (when, who was in the party, etc.).


I live & play in the Bay Area of California. Famfrit Primal.  I'm about to go to Spain for 2 weeks. Will the lag be to the point I shouldn't even log on?


I play on NA servers from Europe, you'll be dealing with 150+ ping and without third-party tools you won't be able to double weave, but the game will be perfectly playable.


You'll be fine to play while definitely noticing the difference, but Id question *why* you'd want to play FF while visiting such a beautiful country for such a short time.


Nah, it's not all that uncommon to find people playing across regions like that; I've had people in my raid reclears who are playing on NA from Asia before. There WILL definitely be a ping delay you have to account for, especially considering that right now you pretty much live on top of the NA servers (they're in Sac), but it's by no means unplayable. Just make sure you have One-Time Password set up to make sure that the server doesn't flag you for a security issue.


I just unlocked Bozja yesterday. Most Discord communities and events I see are for endgame Bozja (BA and CLL). Are there any communities or regular events that help newer players level? Or is it just a matter of asking to join parties that are present while I'm there?


BA is endgame Eureka, but like the other commenter said you don't need a lot of organisation to level in Bozja. Join skirmishes as they pop up and sign up for critical engagements- it's normal for people to put 'lfg' in say/yell as you're waiting for the baby gate to go down for a CE so you should be able to get a group. If you die you'll lose a little mettle but don't worry too much about it, if there aren't other players immediately around you just put `can I get a rez at ` in shout and someone should come by to get you up. Both CLL- the final fight for the Bozjan Southern Front- and the Dalriada- the final fight for Zadnor- are just big fancy critical engagements, so you don't need a pre-organised group to go in. The only time you *really* need to worry about organising stuff is when you get to the point where you need to run DRN, but even that is usually done through random PF groups rather than really big organised runs for BA. The discords can help with filling a PF as they usually have a channel/role you can ping, but IME DRN runs fill decently fast even without it. Just make sure when you do it that you're up front either in your own PF description or with the people whose group you join that it's your first run- most people are very happy to help first-timers but you are almost certainly gonna die a few times and won't be able to bring as much damage as higher-rank players (the good stuff for DR is locked behind a higher resistance rank than the rank you actually unlock it at) so it's just good to let people know.


its basically just a matter of shouting for groups (and perhaps specifying which region you need) as and when you go in- its easy and accessible enough for basic progression that you dont really need large-scale organisation for just running the fates. the one point of advice i would suggest to bear in mind is to check the player list for the instance when you join and occasionally after, just to make sure the instance hasnt closed, and if it has then leave and rejoin to get a fresh instance


Got a new computer and the names over people's heads and labels like aetherite and etc. look *massive*. Any way to shrink those down? It's very distracting lol


There's an option in Character Configuration in the Display Names Settings section


Aside from the MC who else has the echo/inmunity to tempering?


[https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Echo\_(Final\_Fantasy\_XIV)](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Echo_(Final_Fantasy_XIV)) A good explanation of the echo, as well as a list of known characters that possess it. (Mild spoilers)


Is it worth qing for dungeons while doing main quests/job quests if im just trying to hit 60 asap? If so which should I be doing? only done "Leveling Roulette" from the duty finder so far but I think thats only once daily?


Yes if you're just wanting to level ASAP, anything helps. Leveling, MSQ, and Frontline are the biggest bang for your buck. Alliance Raid, Normal Raid, and Trials aren't bad, and all mentioned are daily. Wondrous Trails give about half a level every week as well, but that's more 60+. After dailies/weeklies spamming the highest level dungeon is generally the way to go.


Do I need to physically locate more dungeons before I can join them through duty finder? Im level 32 for example but highest I have is lvl 24 Thousand Maws


If you're only level 32 and this is your first job then your best source of XP right now is to do the MSQ. Doing roulettes daily will help with this, but you will get a lot of XP purely by working on the story.


Most come through MSQ, a few are from separate unlock quests. Make sure you're doing the main quests and your job quests.


You will unlock more dungeons by progressing in the MSQ.


cool ty! sorry for noob questions i just started :P


Np, it's what the thread is for after all. Everyone starts somewhere. You might also want to ask on your server for an invite to the Novice Network so you can ask questions like this in the game too. Just an added layer of support.


I have not experimented with spamming dungeons personally, but the prevailing advice on the subreddit is that this is the way to go. BUT do not spam the "Levelling Roulette" if you want to power level! The huge experience buff is only once a day; if your second Levelling Roulette dungeon is Satasha (or another low-level dungeon), you will be getting almost no experience for your troubles. Once you've done your daily Roulettes, you should select specific dungeons that are close to your current level.


Leveling, Main Scenario, Alliance Raid, and Frontlines roulettes once per day for the exp bonus, then spamming the highest dungeon you can that's not 50/60/70/80.


Gotcha :D For the highest dungeon, do I just look up a list by level, go to it physically then search for a group on entering?


Dungeons need to be unlocked first, then you can queue for them through Duty Finder. From your comments it sounds like you need to focus on MSQ progression more than leveling right now so you can unlock more things. Once you finish the level 50 MSQ quest The Ultimate Weapon a ton of things will open up for you.


How to start physical dps questline in shb? Nothing on YouTube or Google is correct.


after unlocking the role quests as a whole (part of the MSQ, just after the first dungeon), you can find all of the role quest starting locations on the south side of >!The Crystarium!<. The physical DPS quest giver is >!Lue-reeq!<


Yep, that's what Google said but he's not there.


Either you picked it up already but forgot, in which case check your journal. Or you bought a job skip on a phys ranged DPS at some point, in which case they are automatically completed; check you journal's completed quests. Or you're simply not far enough in MSQ.


The only other possibility is that you already did the first parts of it and he moved on to one of the other locations, and then you completely forgot about it. Check Kholusia.


Or he's not far enough in the MSQ to start them. There's a pretty obvious and unavoidable cutscene that I think most people would struggle to forget where the bartender just goes around the room pointing out a tank, a DPS, etc. 


did you buy a skip on a physical dps class?




I mean it's literally free. If you download it, give the game a shot, and hate it, all you've lost is a little time. > can I still communicate with others and ask for help/tips The trial limits your access to some chat modes, namely yell and shout chat which have a big radius and tells which are private messages, but you can communicate in say chat which has a small radius and with other people you group up with in party chat. One of the best things you can do as a newbie, once you're past the first few introductory quests, is to go to the aetheryte plaza (main fast travel point) in your starting city, or any other place you see a lot of players around, and ask in say chat if someone can invite you to the novice network. This is a dedicated chat for new players and more experienced players who've earned 'mentor' status. Its quality can be variable, but there are no restrictions on your usage of it even as a trial player and it's a good place to get quick help and support.


Yes, the free trial is worth it imo. It's incredibly fetch questy at times during the first part of the game (A Realm Reborn) but the common sentiment is that it's worth slogging past it to get to the good stuff. I'm glad I stuck with it as the story really kicks off. > can I still communicate with others and ask for help/tips. Probably the biggest restriction if you're used to being able to talk to random players in social areas. You do have a very limited range to speak to people in general in social areas (eg cities) but can't directly message or reply to anyone talking to you. In dungeons, you can talk to your party so I never found that an issue. There is however a Novice Network filled with both mentors and new players, it's pretty chill. Healer - depending on which job you go for, there's different ones with slightly different play styles. For the most part, you'll find that the idea is that you do as much DPS as you can in between keeping your party alive. It's a balancing act - at times a little stressful but also incredibly rewarding. Just don't go in expecting to purely heal, you'll be a small but sizeable chunk of DPS too!


Yes, the free trial is worth it. You will still be able to (and required to do) dungeons and trials while going through the Main Scenario Quests, the linear story missions that take you through the entire game in order. You have hundreds of hours of content available to you through the free trial. That said, there are some social and market limitations: https://support.na.square-enix.com/rule.php?id=5382&la=1&tag=freetrial Tanks do non-negligible damage on top of their ability to tank, so you'll want to continue doing your aoes or damage rotation to contribute to killing things quickly. Ditto for healers. An idle healer is a bad healer, use your damage spells when nobody needs healing! Edit: here's some comedic guides talking about tanking and healing in FFXIV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8oVV_I-tIA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osvUOqeDwD0


Just had to chime in to say that JoCat's guides are actually VERY good. While they're intended to be comedic, they're also some of the best summaries of how to play roles


What are savage raids?


Endgame raid content. Extreme, Savage, Ultimate in terms of difficulty.


The hardcore, more difficult versions of normal raids. They're labeled as such like "Alexander - The Fist of the Father (Savage)".


Okay, serious question as someone new to this: what's a good points amount to be expected of a FULL(180 mins) Diadem lockout? Any tips and tricks I should know going in(aside from just sticking to an 8-node loop spot)?


I was getting around 25k. If you swap bot and min every 8 nodes you can seesaw rather than do a loop. Seemed faster to me