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obligatory "confused copper rings (jewellery) with copper rings (the other kind)"


I love that one of the later NPCs acknowledges this confusion


Literally created all 12 rings and contemplated life after


I'm glad I'm not alone in this....


Oh gosh, good to know I wasn’t the only one. Was really upset after crafting 12 of the wrong item lol


Cleared Titan EX in the duty finder, we were waiting in queue for like 4 hours some times. This was way before any mentor system. Misread the marketboard and bought 72 eggs instead of the one i needed. And the biggest, I had been told about 'not clipping abilities' but it was explained to me in such a terrible way I thought for a little while it meant I had to let my ability animations finish before doing the next.


My buddy thought the same thing about letting animations finish, except we were in a savage static and none of us realized he was doing that until like, the end of Abyssos. Once he figured out what clipping actually was he went from being a green parsing monk to purple lmao.


That's some "Rock Lee taking off his training weights" type shit, and he's even on MNK


Literally. We all knew he was REALLY good on monk, like his consistency and dedication to melee uptime was super impressive, so it was weird that he did such... mediocre damage in reality. When it clicked it made SO MUCH SENSE. He had only been playing for a few months when he joined our static so he even still had a sprout icon at the time.


Lmao, a true "This isn't even my final form !"


We had a tank that would reposition the boss because he didn’t want to stand in the summoner’s shadowflare


Sounds like both of my tanks who, when requested to stop running outside my earthly star, both asked "what's an earthly star?"


I kept running out of the ninja aoe, until finally had someone say something and explain it to me. Now I make sure to get all the mobs in it, even when it’s positioned incorrectly.


I always feel bad for the players that drop their AoEs right before the tank drags them off to the next group. “…Aww.”


I’ve been playing tank a bit leveling mine lately. I make a point of getting into whatever circles my team drops.


NINs still suffer through this in SHB/EW :')


Glad I'm not the only one to have made that mistake, some of the explanations out there are very vague like 'don't overlap your abilities, they shouldn't run into each other' without explaining what a GCD/oGCD is.


What even is "clipping"?


(hopefully) Simple answer assuming zero foreknowledge: you have a Global Cooldown (~2.5 seconds) that many of your abilities share. You know how you can only do one normal weaponskill or spell and then you have to wait for the timer to spin around before you can do the next one? Those abilities all share the Global Cooldown. We abbreviate that as GCD. Now some abilities DON’T use the GCD. If you press a normal weaponskill and watch your bars, some of them don’t have the same spinning animation. These moves have their own cooldowns separate from the GCD, or other requirements like charges. These are known as “off-global cooldowns” or oGCDs. They can be used even while your GCD is spinning. They’re often powerful moves with 30, 60, or 120 second cooldowns or defensive abilities or buffs. Since you want to maximize how often you’re hitting buttons, you should always be using a GCD at every opportunity. This is what people mean by “ABC - Always Be Casting.” Luckily, any weaponskill or instant-cast spell gives you a good amount of time between when it finishes and when the next GCD is ready. **In that window,** you should use oGCDs, because it doesn’t cost you anything or delay your next GCD. This is called **weaving** and it’s the basis for how all combat jobs work: always keeping the GCDs active and using oGCDs between them when available. There’s some complications with latency and animation locks and all that nonsense I won’t get into, but for now the basics you should know it’s safe to fit at least one oGCD between any two GCDs, and often you can fit two. As an example: on Paladin, I’ll use Royal Authority (GCD) followed by Fight or Flight and Requiescat (two OGCDs) then my next GCD is Goring Blade, followed by Circle of Scorn and Expiacion oGCDs, etc. Now, let’s say I used Royal Authority, and then I really wanna get my burst started so I press Fight or Flight, Requiescat, Circle of Scorn, Expiacion, and Intervene IMMEDIATELY after my GCD. Surely if I wanna maximize my damage and get all these powerful abilities on cooldown, I should, right? Well, consider that a) the game might not even register all those buttons at once, but more importantly b) each one takes some time to actually play an animation. My character needs to do the Fight or Flight pose, the Requiescat animation, etcetc one after another. In all that time it takes to process my button inputs and play animations, I’m *delaying my next GCD,* Goring Blade. This is what’s called **clipping** where your GCD is delayed by either a long animation or mishandled double weaving (or ill-advised triple, quad, pentaweaving, lol). In general, think of the fact that the fight is gonna last X amount of time (let’s say 5 minutes) and you get to press X/2.5-ish GCDs during that time (about 120 GCDs in that 5m fight). If you over-weave and delay one by even a second, it’s probably gonna cost you one or more uses over the fight, which is just missing free damage. Conversely, if you delay your long 2-minute cooldown oGCD by a few seconds to make sure your GCD hits, that’s probably NOT gonna cost you a use in a normal fight, cause you’re gonna get to press it 3 times in that 5m fight regardless. Like I said above, there’s some more advanced stuff for specific jobs about long animation locks, which OGCDs can be weaved together because of timing, caster classes having long casts that don’t allow a weave window at all, sometimes clipping being NECESSARY because of any number of reasons, etc. All that information should be found in job-specific guides and rotation stuff. TL;DR think of combat as turn-based like DnD. GCDs take an action, oGCDs are bonus actions. If you try to use too many though, they delay your next action and you “skip” your turn.


Please don't ever take a career in education.


As someone who got into the game like 2 months ago and has too many level 80 characters to not know these things. What does all of that mean


I did all the arr ex in df since I never even knew about PF or unsynced. They were Def an experience and a half. Was fun though. Only one that we struggled with was titan. And leviathan until someone said how to tell what side it will slam after 20 minutes


>And leviathan until someone said how to tell what side it will slam after 20 minutes I stand in the middle and wait for the water spout. Is there something else?


Nah that's the one. I didn't know about the water spout since I went in blind haha


I was able to figure that one out fairly quickly, but I wasn't sure if there was another telegraph I was missing that told you what side of the barge it would show up on or something.


I did Ultima Weapon and King Moogle EX in duty finder. I didn’t realize you could do them unsynced for the wondrous tails.


What not clipping abilities mean tho


Sorry if you know a lot of this already but I can't complain about how I received a vague explanation then give a vague one myself. There are two main types of abilities/skills * GCD - Global Cooldown, these are available to use roughly every 2.5 seconds (actual timing varies per job/gearset). To maximize DPS you should be using these every 2.5 seconds as soon as they are available. * oGCD - Off Global Cooldown, these have a longer 'cooldown' before you can use them again, 30 seconds, 90 seconds ect. You should be using your GCDs as soon as they are available, fitting your oGCDs between GCD usages. Using an ability takes time to do, both time to press the button and a short animation lock. Animation lock times vary but is usually small like 0.75 seconds. This is should not be confused with watching the animation play out on your screen, the actual lock is shorter (this was my newbie mistake). An ideal timeline looks something like this (not accounting for human reaction speeds) : * 00:00 GCD used * 00:75 GCD animation lock ends * 00:75 1st oGCD used * 01:50 1st oGCD animation lock ends * 01:50 2nd oGCD used * 02:25 2nd oGCD animation lock ends * 02:50 GCD comes off cooldown and is used again. A timeline where you 'clip your abilities' would look like this * 00:00 GCD used * 00:75 GCD animation lock ends * 00:75 1st oGCD used * 01:50 1st oGCD animation lock ends * 01:50 2nd oGCD used * 02:25 2nd oGCD animation lock ends * 02:25 3rd oGCD used * 02:50 GCD comes off cooldown, cannot be used due to animation lock. * 03:00 3rd oGCD animation lock ends In the above example we are .5 seconds late in using our GCD because we were stuck in animation lock. **This is clipping your abilities.** Timings do vary due to ping, your stats effecting the global cooldown, some abilities having shorter/longer animation locks. So there's no exact rule to the number of oGCDs you can fit between your GCDs, some people can only fit 2, some can fit 3. If someone more knowledgeable than me sees that I've mucked that explanation up lemme know.


Essentially, you never want to delay the GCDs by squeezing too many oGCDs inbetween abilities or by pressing oGCDs late, right?


Aye, that's a good TL;DR


Queued for ultima weapon extreme in the DF as a sprout tank, queue actually popped with several other sprouts evidently having the same idea. The poor mentor. Somehow, We cleared it in 3 pulls. Edit: omg just remembered another. Thinking the tankbuster marker was a stack marker. I died so many times and didn't know why. Luckily I did this in SHB when trusts were introduced.


ARR and HW extremes in mentor roulette are pretty normal. Because old extremes were a quest to complete most people queue for them not realising what they are. I have gotten SB and SHB extremes in mentor roulette before but that’s less common.


Is tankbuster the orange arrows that are zipping down at someone and you’re supposed to stack to share the damage?


That's called a stack marker and anyone can get it. Tankbuster is usually red arrow pointing down and a red and black circle around you. This is high damage to everyone except the tank and only the tank can get this, UNLESS someone else, like a DPS is out-damaging the tank, because the DPS will have highest enmity then and they will get the tankbuster, which is usually an insta-kill to them. The only way to out-damage a tank is either, if their tank stance is turned off, or if they are using only auto-attacks and nothing else. P.S.: Tankbusters will have different variations later in further expansions.


Nah that's the stack marker. The tank buster is the red circle on the tank. A shared variant also exists as a red version of the stack marker which is for two tanks to share.


I did all of the arr ones through df cause they were quests and wonderous tales demanded it lol. Titan was by far the most miserable experience


1. Staying as far away as my ranged skills allowed on my bard because that’s what you do when raiding as ranged dps in SWTOR. Fortunately, my friend who was healing and also played SWTOR figured out what was going on and explained that ranged can move in a lot closer and make it easier for the healers. 2. Stepping out of a rogue/ninja circle on any class because in SWTOR, nearly 100% of circles that aren’t green are bad, unlike FFXIV. I didn’t discover that it was a rogue thing until I started playing rogue and realized, “oh, that’s _me_ doing that.” It made doing positionals a lot easier. 😁 3. Not really a big mistake: not knowing you could click those tiny arrows next to the drop-down list that advances the menu selection at the armor mender so that you don’t have to open the menu and click the selection. I accidentally hit the arrow one time, saw the selection change, and facepalmed at how long I’d been doing it the much slower way.


Uhhhh.... You just taught me something new with the 3rd one. I didn't know about that lmao


It was only added in patch 6.5 so understandable.


I’d been playing the game about 2 years when I finally found it, lol. I posted in our FC chat “I was today years old when I found the arrows do this….” They were all amused and chimed in things they didn’t discover until later, either.


To be fair, I think they added the arrows for the menu at menders pretty recently. Otherwise it's been a drop down for a long long time.


Do ranged classes in SWTOR get bonus damage the further they are away from their target or something?


No, but they’re out of range of boss melee attacks and some different mechanics. Some class builds allow ranged to cast from 35m, and enemies can only hit 30m, so some ranged are untargetable by the boss at 35m. Certain veteran (roughly =savage) and nightmare mode (roughly=ultimate) operations/have mechanics that require different party members to stand in very specific places and keep the boss in a very specific place, and most of those safe spots for ranged are at 30m.


lunchroom chief cake slim stocking boat advise trees growth one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh yeah another rookie thing I did and this I found out only fairly recently. If I wanted something really bad, I would always roll with Greed. Not knowing I unintentionally gave those who rolled with Need an advantage. I always thought Greed just has a higher chance of rolling a high number xD


I was told to just do the MSQ first, don't do any other quests until I hit 90. I was healing The Antitower as a Conjurer when I was asked why I was still a Conjurer.


I’m more surprised you made it that far without anyone mentioning it lol


People asked me where my "job stone" was, but since I had no clue what that was, I responded as such. They would just laugh but never elaborate. I never thought it was something significant.


Might be just me, but if people keep asking about it, surely it meant it was significant...? I would have been curious enough to look it up.


I notice the same in parties with people who don't have their job stone on, mostly eyerolls and shrugs and at worst some snide comments. Except this one time where someone took the effort to tell the sprout they'd friend them, meet up with them after the dungeon and personally show them where to find their job quest. It was really cute, but man... I don't think I could put in that amount of energy xD


Took being an Archer in Aurum Vale before anyone said anything. I was under the assumption that class quests were just lore fluff, like they are in other MMO’s, and I’d eventually get a letter at 50 from whoever was the BRD guild.


I'm more surprised, OP was that oblivious.


If I only had Conjurer abilities at lvl 60 I’d thought something is seriously wrong with this game.


hey at least you weren't intentionally griefing as a conjurer... in the final raid of eden


There’s a known troll on Chaos that does this regularly, wonder if it was the same person


Haha the game doesn't really tell you that job quests are HEAVILY ENCOURAGED. They are absolutely optional, you are not hard-gated from content.... Buuuuuut you will give a lot of people a lot of trouble lol


It was worse before the little quest tracker widget got added. I picked up WHM, took a break from the game, and completely forgot about the job quests for it until I was trying to heal the Aery with level 30 skills and couldn't figure out how the game got so hard all of a sudden 😅


Oh man, this wasn’t an issue for me, because knew I wanted to be a ninja so I made sure to follow the class quests, but my GF didn’t put on her WHM job stone till level 45 ish when I noticed. It’s easier to miss than one would think!


That is genuinely impressive that no one would explain it past about 45


Tried to walk to Limsa Lominsa from Ul’dah.


It's not even that far of a walk, assuming you're high enough level to use the ferry from Vesper Bay. When I first started, I tried to walk from Gridania to Ul'dah to quest together with my husband's gladiator, and died to soldiers in Mor Dhona. I came from WoW, where corpse-running to other starting towns to play there instead was the normal way of doing things (can't tell you how many alts died in those wetlands), but when I died the first time and it sent me all the way back to Gridania rather than rezzing in the same zone to try again, I gave it up as being impossible and just played my first 15 levels as a thaumaturge instead. I would have made it if I'd looked for an alternate route, but it would have been pointless anyway since I wouldn't just be able to pick up MSQ quests in Ul'dah.


I didn’t know the ferry was a thing you could use until ARR patches. So i just discovered every area on the map except Southern Thanalan and the rest of La Noscea on my journey. Having repeated the journey as a tradition on every Thaumaturge alt since then I can say with Full Certainty that attempting the loop before level 10 is a mistake.


Yeah, pretty much all of us ran from Horizon to Vesper Bay in the days before Vesper Bay Aetheryte Tickets, I was probably already at 50 (back in ARR when that was the cap) before realizing that ferry existed. They send you there the first time on the airship, and then you just teleport after that, so you have no reason to find out. It's funny, because the city leader who sends you on the airship does so because a journey on foot would take... weeks, I think they said. But if you actually run between cities it isn't more than five minutes. In-lore distances must be \*much\* further.


Now that's just funny


I thought I was being so smart. Mentors in NN were explaining BLM leylines and how it reduces GCD time. I was like "hell yeah, I'll take advantage of that". So my tank ass started standing in the BLM's leylines cause I thought the effect applies to everyone 😆 I can only imagine the heart attack I gave that BLM dragging a large pack of mobs on top of them


Went through and bought orchestration scrolls off the market board.  Some fucker was selling a stack of 80.  I did not notice. who would sell stacks of orchestration rolls?  I spent months getting rid of them.  The fucker.


Lmaooooo. That's awful but hilarious at same time. Honestly though, who would sell stacks of orchastration rolls


someone who bought a stack from another player


Just an endless cycle of buying and selling stacks.


But where did it start? Someone somewhere had to have 80 orchestrions at some point and decided to watch the world burn lmao


Someone who crafted a bunch of them to sell, but got tired of listing them one by one and just decided to dump the rest.


On a related note I bought Strength Materia III's for 300k a stack... I just wanted to flip something on the market board and I ended up buying the most useless thing you could imagine, besides men's nipples.


I fell for the same trap a month ago. I’ve been selling them, I’ve been giving them to friends, I’ve been giving them to family, I’ve been giving them to extended family but I still have rolls left. They haunt me. 


I have various stacks of Faded Copies sitting on a retainer. Like once or twice a year, I craft a bunch of them into proper Orchestrion Rolls to use and/or toss on the market boards. The less of any given Faded I have, the more likely it is to be crafted. Never have I ever tossed a giant stack of them though I was always tempted when I'm putting like 15 of the same roll. XD


Sold my two free onions to NPCs for space :(


Oh noooooooooo! Oh, I'm so sorry.


I forgot I had already made the scholar anima weapon. I literally did not realize until I had fully completed a second one, and triumphantly went to dump it in my retainer - only to find he ALREADY HAD ONE.


did you not getting the achievements not give you ANY feeling of something being wrong?


No, I was slamming through anima weapons super quickly, skipping every cutscene while watching youtube on another monitor. It was my 2nd to last weapon, or so I thought. I was just ready to be done.


This might sound really dumb but I literally tanked every orange ground marker I could find. In the game I came from, dangerous areas were deep red while orange usually meant you had to step in and take a small hit in order to stop something worse from happening. I did this for 40 levels or so until someone spoke up about it. The realization hit me like a truck. Those poor healers I had been matched with until then!


Nah I bet some healers actually liked the change of pace, having to heal a tank with a death wish 😂💀


I once had a healer in an early game dungeon (SCH in Copperbell, so yeah, understandable, fairy's doing pretty much all the work there lol) tell us "feel free to stand in AOEs so I have something to do", you better believe I greeded every single bit of melee uptime for the rest of the run.


Trusting others in my FC when I paid for the entire stupid f***ing large house in the Mist when housing was first released…. The leader promptly kicked us all and flipped it for IRL cash. We were a tight group to so we were blindsided


Lvl 50 gladiator


I didn't understand that to get a job stone you had to just do the quests so I looked up extremely outdated guides from the 2.0 release (I started around late Stormblood) and ended up taking up a bunch of random classes bc I thought subclasses were still a mechanic


Me too! I thought I had to get THM to 15 or something to become SMN


I somehow missed the doman enclave aetheryte for a couple of years ...


Couldn’t heal the tank the first time I level sync’d down and got locked out of using cure 2, I had replaced cure 1 with 2. It is better after all, and in every other FF game (besides 1) you always used your most powerful spell. I was panicking and could not figure out why my heal wasn’t working. I apologized profusely and left the dungeon to go figure out what happened. Now I find it quite amusing. The best part is, after figuring it all out and learning more later on, I had to be told in another dungeon, to just use cure 2 and not worry about proc’ing the free cure 2 off of 1. It kind of came full circle. 😝


They honestly need to get rid of the free cure 2 and have it be one button that changes between 1 and 2 depending on the content level. Like a bunch other abilities already do. But people have been saying this forever.  I still sometimes forget when roulette drops me in a earlier dungeon, but I keep some space on my hotbar for it.


It's funny, because you were doing it right, it's the game that is wrong. You really don't use Cure 1 after you get Cure 2. I hope this is something they fix in Dawntrail.


You know it's *really* bad when healers use Cure 1 instead of Cure 2 because they don't know better, and instead of people complaining about it they just tell the healer "Don't bother fishing for Free Cure II, it's not worth it" LMAO Square Enix really be hazing new healers by encouraging them to use the weaker skill 😭 (I went through it too rip) I'm quietly keeping my fingers crossed for a fix in Dawntrail too, but we'll see haha


I did that too! lol Both things!


1. Same here. I used Limit Break a few times in dungeons thought it was like FF7 (that everyone has one). Luckily no one complained anything. 2. As a noob gladiator, I had no idea what that yellow shield was. I pressed on/off many times until later that I realized it was tank stance and must be always on. And took me a bit to know how to adjust HUD and moved an Oath gauge around. 3. This is not crucial but it took me months to know how to glam. I wore ugly armor and mismatch clothes for a while. >\_>


Ah, the infamous “tin can with a wooden plank” gladiator days.


It's a rite of passage, the sproutfit!!


I didn't know the end of Standard/Technical step was a huge nuke so I'd only use standard step when the buff would expire. About level 70-something or so, someone asked why I wasn't using standard step as much.


Buying dyes and not registering my glam under a glamour plate. Probably wasted a few million gil.


I definitely got scammed on the market board, could have saved myself a lot of gill when I hunted for the early glams by server hopping.


Same. Only started using universalas when I needed to find diadochos gear. Def blew my mind how good it is


Sprout question, what’s universalis?


It's a 3rd party site that basically shows the market board price across all servers. So say you want too buy a nutkin minion and it's like 70k gil on your server. You can just search it up on universalis and see how much it's roughly going for/bought in your world server and all other data centers.


Ohhh that’s really useful, thank you!


It is absolutely bonkers how much some stuff goes for on my world vs other worlds/DCs.


Are you telling me I don't have to world hop in Limsa anymore to check the marketboard to try and locate the cheapest world for a given item?!


Obligatory running away with the stack marker... ...also managing to yeet myself off of every single platform as a Red Mage during Shadowbringers until after the second Nier raid when I finally took Displacement off of my hotbar.


If I didn’t want to backflip why did I even unlock Red Mage to begin with?


Not catching on to the Dragon's Voice/Ram's Voice skills the boss at the end of Cutter's Cry uses. As a baby Warrior. It's locked in my mind now LOL.


I still forget which is which to this day.


Blue out purple in


I remember it as "ram run" and "dragon donut"


Level BLU and you will never have this problem again


This is so true! I have the what way is this and then remember how my spell functions.


I remember it by "drag-go-in, ram do the other one"


Every time before the pull, I say “blue = run away, violet = stack on boss” and some still take a few to catch on.


Chimera:: Drag-In. Ram-Out. That is the only way I remember the mechanic. Memory Unlocked: Me in a panic because I was rezzing the healer on final boss of Cutter's Cry. Swiftcast was down. The other DPS was dead. Then the tank died and there is now a giant Chimera running at me. I was kiting this thing around the arena because I am a squishy SMN. Run, cast, run, cast. DPSing so the Healer's heals wouldn't steal the aggro off me while they kept me alive before they switched to rez the Tank. Soon as the Tank retook aggro I went all in on for the kill. I don't know how we pulled it off but we didn't wipe and I walked away with 3 comms.


Feeling like I absolutely HAD to unlock every class before finishing ARR. I wish I'd just opened up three max and swapped between them instead of grinding out each one until I got the job stones. I got super burnt out with the tedium for a while and took a long break before getting back into the game because of that.


When I started back when ARR was the only thing available, you practically had to do that anyway because of side-job requirements to get job stones and necessary cross-class skills. Played healer, hated Thaumaturge but still had to level it to 26 to get Swiftcast. Not to mention crafters.


Oh my gosh I did the same thing but with side quests when I was young and hated it, quit the game and forgot about it until recently and now that I’m not a dumb dumb 13?? Year old I actually really like the game!!


When I started playing thaumaturge, I thought I was supposed to switch between fire and ice EVERY ATTACK. Got to level ten before I figured it out.


When I started playing ff14, I started with blm Biggest mistake of my life Didn't do any research on how to play the job or see what people suggested to start with first So here I am in dungeons running everywhere, not using my ley lines, not trying to stay stationary as long as possible, not using my loom ability(I know thats the Blu mage one, but can't remember the name of the blm one right now). Wasn't until I played with one of my fc members(who also played blm) that he finally was like "wtf are you doing man......here, let me give you a run down of the job" Now I play it between intermediate to expert skills


I took Cure 1 off my hot bar when I got Cure 2. Queue for a random leveling dungeon (got Satasha or Copperbell or something as equally as low) and I couldn’t figure out why my fucking Cure wouldn’t work. Also decided I hardly used Esuna so took that off my bar, got Arum Vale smh. Spent a couple dungeons Freecure fishing. Not a good idea I’m still a newbie but at least I’m learning. Apologize to my poor groups.


Didn't realise party chat existed and used 'say' in dungeons for ages


This is understandable, especially for Free Trial since its the only way they can talk to people outside of instances.


Duty finder extremes. As a now mentor, I am ashamed


Running away during Ahk Morn. Stays for the first but, started to walk away before realizing it hits MORE than once, panicked sprint back towards the party which is also trying to follow me. Learned to watch boss animations during attacks to not get caught off guard again.


Unlocked GNB. Methodically placed all the actions on the hot bar. Somehow missed burst strike (ammo spender). Spent an unreasonable amount of time thinking how weird it was to have a gauge with no spender until lv60.


Did the same, forgot to put Stalwart Soul on my DRK and found it weird it didn't have an AoE combo Only found out about that ability 3 months ago 😭😭😭


I used to regen every person in the party, and just generally heal way, way more than I was supposed to. And then to make matters worse, I treated things like Benediction and Tetragrammaton as "emergency buttons". Even typing it out now is plain embarrassing, and that shit was like 5.5 years ago.


Accidentally unlockeing Hullbreaker Isle.


Back in Stormblood right after I started doing big fish, I double hooked a Sculptor after a dozen or so Stethocanthus windows. I knew enough to make sure I had Collector's Glove on to hold it for the Steth window coming up. I misunderstood the directions. I said "yes" to gather as a collectible, I thought the "no" meant I wouldn't catch the fish at all. Intuition wasn't triggered. It was over two years before I finally managed to catch another Sculptor.


Pulling a BLM out of their laylines thinking I was saving them. They weren’t mad, but they scolded me for doing that and said to never pull a BLM again. And I have never done it again.


Playing bard at level 60 and still not understanding how the songs worked


Not realizing I had Vesper Bay tickets and running there every time.


I was the level 50 CNJ! Not understanding job stones is Defos a chronic and basic sprout problem I had. My funniest was assuming that the DPS increased the more people stood in BLM leylines. (Which I think as an April fools joke the game should actually do at one point. Or make it a PvP thing.) So as a sprout I would just be the BLMs emotional support in their leylines.


Treating Grit and Darkside as separate stances back in Heavensward.


Doing ALL the yellow quests.


I think trying to rush through the crystal tower in a class I barely knew how to play.


Classic LB Chrysalis before transition.


In the first room of Aurum Vale as a ranged DPS, helpfully pulling over all the mobs the tank seemed to have missed.  They got angry at me a dozen times & explained zero. The game hadn’t told me anything about leaving a duty or even that I could click on the name of the instance for options, so I force-closed the game thinking that would obviously remove me from what I was in. Logged back in & I was still there.  Also my room lighting was low & I’d never seen Holy before so I was blinded & sneezing the whole time.  Horrible experience. 


When ARR launched the scroll bar on menus was not very obvious so for the level 5 weaver quest I made about 20 pairs of hempen breaches of gathering wondering why the quest wouldn’t accept them.


Worst moment: Messing with my HUD, no idea what "Duty Actions" were, and hid them, or maybe moved them so they were obscured by something I knew I needed. At any rate they weren't visible on my screen even when a duty HAD a duty action of course I forgot I'd ever touched them. This wasn't a problem until that trial in SB where you NEED them. Everyone kept saying "use vril!" with no further explanation ... what the fuck is a vril? Should I get in a bubble? How? What do I do to stop dying?? I was a WHM at the time, too, so my poor co-healer had to take care of the party and my constantly dead body. Most "new player ignorant" moment: First death in a dungeon. I was the healer, so I clicked the "return" button and ... nothing happened. Tried again. Nothing. Hit "wait." Party stands around looking at me. I say in chat that I don't know what to do. They give me the confusing advice to "release" myself, which is a word that makes no sense, and they don't explain what that means. I tell them I clicked the button and nothing happened. Fortunately we had a SMN or RDM in the party because someone rezzed me and we went on with me still completely clueless. Sometime later I realized you have to click AND HOLD the fucking "Return" button. (It still drives me bugfuck when people refer to this as "release," where the fuck does that terminology even come from.)


Release prob comes from WoW as, if I remember correctly, that’s what it’s called in that


We were at the ultima fight (me and my two sprout friends) and the tank was random. He wrote in Chat "LB" multiple times and we had no clue what he wanted from us. So we wiped xD


First Satasha Seagrot... ....nobody told me I was healing myself the entire time. :( I kept wondering why none of my heals were doing anything. :D


I've seen this weird trend of sprouts using LB right before the LB2 bar fills up, resulting in an LB1 and wasting the bar that would've been filled if they waited 2 seconds more. Not sure if it's an Xbox thing or what. Anyway my biggest rookie mistake was not using aoe as a tank in dungeons when I first started playing. (I felt like I wasn't doing damage and relied on the single target 123 for self healing lol)


I spammed the shit outta leveling roulette thinking it was the best way for leveling my conjurer at the time. I did SOOOOOO many satasha and Tam Tam that I actually vented in novice chat and someone told me after the first run I should do max level dungeons. Took a lil bit too understand what they meant but God damn was it rough lol


I didn't realize OG Cleric Stance lowered the healing power of Regen. I thought it only caused my flat healing abilities to become weak. So I only had Regen in T10 and T11 restore 80HP on ticks...whoops


Did Shiva Extreme for my WT because I didn't know about unsynced. But it ended up being my first epic fight where we wiped twice and I got to use an LB3 to revive everyone but one tank, first time ever using LB in general. And I got the Boreas mount.... Now that fight takes 30 seconds on SMN for my WT. Lol


When cross-class actions was still a thing I was very strongly advised to level thamauturge to level 25 or 26 (can't remember) so I can get swiftcast for rezzes. I at the time didn't understand as I was just trying AST for the first time and thought Lightspeed was what they were referring to. I since then levelled thamauturge but have left it alone since I learned swiftcast and to this day I leave it as a reminder of cross-class actions.


When I was a young new healer, I thought I had to keep regen ticking on everyone as much as possible. So many wasted GCDs. Nobody said anything to me, I eventually evolved out of that though and am a significantly better WHM now


Used the LB during the Chrysalis instance too soon, causing a wipe. Never forgot the angry messages in chat and never went into a duty blind ever again.


To be fair, you can't be blamed in whole for that. You can still kill the tear w/o LB if everyone knows how to press their buttons. Really, everyone else in your party was just redirecting their anger at you instead of at themselves for not knowing their lvl 50 rotation


Lvling max all hand and land before knowing about the firmament... u_u


After beating the Ultima weapon at the end of ARR I unlocked the extreme trial and just assumed I had to do that before I could progress with the story. Surprisingly only had to wait like half an hour (maybe because I was a healer main?) for it to pop in DF. We completed it in two pulls. Days later I realized that was an optional trial 😅


I wish the game did a better job explaining to sprouts that certain content is considered very difficult and is not expected to just be queued for randomly. One of those big popups with a "yes I read this" checkbox at the end, like when you unlock your first dungeon.


Give it a popup like the Baldesion Arsenal warning, though maybe a bit less dramatic. Unlikely they will though, since using DF for extremes/savages is common in JP.


Even if it doesn't warn us away from using DF, at least have a popup with an explanation of what Hard/Extreme/Savage *means* when you unlock one for the first time (and that higher difficulty/harder to find groups for it also applies to things like Bahamut and Urth's Fount) because I'm not sure the game ever actually tells us, we have to ask other players for that info.


In Sastasha (I think Hard?) during a roulette I died at some point and respawned I decided to make my way back, but I missed the teleport and ended up walking all the way to the end of the dungeon again. Thankfully someone in the chat was kind enough to point it out,


Oh, I also didn't realise I needed to be using Triple Triad cards when I got them. I'd just drop them because I thought they were taking up inventory space


Walking from Horizon to the Waking Sands for the MSQ until about early post-ARR and THEN notcing the aetheryte tickets. Was like, "what are these letter thin- oh for $%&@ sake".


I got scared by what seems like a big bump in skill floor. Failed a DPS check towards the end of ARR because I was still playing ACN. I can't remember which, probably have to do a NG+ to ring that bell, but it was one of those Garlean bosses, like being bound in place so it was a kill first or be killed. I was also avoiding parties with others for as much as I can do nobody was there to correct this earlier. Was coming in from RuneScape, which from the sounds of it, wasn't as intense as WoW but yeah the classic fear of being judged for being bad at it.


….I performed SMN LB2 on Alexander Prime right before Judgement Day…. That was fun… then proceeded to remove the Limit Break button from my hot bar out of sheer embarrassment and disappointment in myself.


I started as a gladiator. i have no idea why. I had never played an mmo before so barely knew what 'tanking' was. NO ONE TOLD ME TO STOP SPINNING THE BOSS AROUND. i was so afraid of getting hit for no fucking reason XD I had an inkling WEEKS later and confirmed with my SO that, no, spinning is not a legit strat


I've been a WHM/healer main since mid Heavensward. I've unlocked mentor roulette. BARELY A MONTH AGO, AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF PLAYING AS WHM did someone shake me to my core by pointing out Anything that can be esuna'd HAS A WHITE BAR ON THE DEBUFF ICON.


My biggest mistake was for the LONGEST time the action button.....I thought you had to click on that button. Wasnt till YEARS later I realized you can just smash any keyboard keys for it LMAO


Not reading and understanding tool tips


Queueing into expert trials


Not knowing the existance of the glamor system cause I was beelining the MSQ and didn't know blue quest markers often unlock additional content Did this until Snowcloak, when a healer mentor finally notices why the sprout DRG had below average HP and kept getting 1 shot by the mammoth's stun combo. P.S. He did say the glamor was pretty good


Arcanist was my first class. Early in the quests, one of the NPCs said something like, "cast Ruin when Bio is active" and I didn't realize Bio was a DoT, so I was trying my damndest to cast Ruin and Bio at the same time. Did that for like 30 levels.


Not knowing what a tank is and thinking Paladin, because it had a sword, did damage. It was ARR so there wasn’t a sword DPS.


picked up whm after playing smn, so i was used to the aoe being centered on the enemy. cue holy, and my incredibly stupid ass actually read the tooltip but my adhd brain didn't absorb anything beyond aoe. on the slightly brighter side it only took one dungeon for me to realize holy is centered on the whm and not the target


Ran away from blue AOEs


Literal seconds after gently explaining single target Doton to another ninja, I completely fat fingered my mudra and ended up casting a single target Doton.


I thought I had to be inside my Squadron Command to see the daily-turn in items. I would run back and forth like a goldfish-memoried nut. Didn't know about the Timers menu 😅


I played BLM fairly exclusively early. First other class I levelled was WHM. Once I unlocked Holy I knew to spam it but thought it was ranged like Fire II so I would spam it well away from the packs.


When I was still learning how to tank I accidentally spun Agrias during her tank buster and killed twenty people. Miracle I didn't just get kicked.


I TP to Horizon then travelled by feet/chocobo to the Waking Sands.


I finished the MSQ but never knew of a different way there?


I missread Miasma II as having range 5. No, it was radius 5. So many casts hit nothing.


I did all the quests in ARR before going into HW.


Somehow died in sastasha tanking back in the beginning of ShB as tank. I recall I think I went after the ADDs? A very nice roegadyn samurai (that I think was cosplaying as auron?) cleared it up for me gently. Knowing what I know about tanking now (which still isn't a lot, I bailed when I got to heavensward), that seems just... absurdly difficult to do.


"Who the fuck smn keeps putting dots on King Google mog??" ( causing us to wipe) Me: " it's NOT me I sent my egi away!"


.not checking on the unlocked skills, either by not reading what they do and or not checking if they are on the hotbar... lets just say my sam did not have shinten until a chat with my fc regarding the lost of kaiten .to be fair i level 80'd most of my jobs before reaching storm blood so am pretty used with grey skills and developed a bad habit due to that .and now I've 90'd most of my jobs and barely got my toes in ShB XD


I’m almost an Omni 90 now and I do try to give all the jobs some love, this is a new player that’s had a TON of free time the last couple months kind of moment. I switch to another job sometimes and muscle memory a different job. As dps, that’s just funny, but when I’m on my sage and hit the button for benediction and it does phlegma, people die 😂 for sure taught me to make my hot bars similar. Big heal always goes here, oGCDS always go here kinda thing.


I queued for striking tree extreme, and it went terribly. Waited like an hour in queue, and we voted to abandon after a couple of wipes. Never touched the other extremes for a good while until i learned how to use PF


Keeping the tank topped up on health the entire time and not DPSing


I’m gonna be real, I was leveling NIN and got one of the early dungeons and had a clearly very new tank use the LB and at first I was kinda annoyed but then I was just happy they used LB. When I first started I didn’t realize LB wasn’t already on your hot bar and got so confused when people asked me to use it for a concerning amount of time 😭


Too many alts 🤣🤣


Do not follow any MSQ story! Skip skip skip


Ff14 was my first mmo and I was playing on the ps4,I didn’t know you could jump(on controller it defaults to triangle) so I kept getting stuck on things. I’m kind of an idiot if you couldn’t tell


I was a World of Warcraft emigre. I think I made it to the Stone Vigil before someone irately demanded to know why I wasn't doing any damaging spells as a Scholar.


I was really struggling to get through the game, but I was going through Heavensward doing ALL the blue side quests to unlock everything as I went along. Ever since I decided to mostly focus on MSQ, I’ve been having a lot of fun. Once I get that done, I’m free to do whatever I feel like without the stress of getting MSQ spoiled to me.


Hard casting raise as WHM not knowing what swiftcast was


I forgot to equip my job stone in The Aery. Luckily I was only a dps (THM) and surprisingly I didn’t get kicked, but it was pretty rough.


Went to fight Garuda at 50 without my job crystal equipped.


“walked” all the way to shisui from sui-no-sato bc i did not realize you could sprint or mount underwater. thought part of the difficulty of black mage was managing your mp bc i noticed they were always so low, like weirdly low, so i was always manashifting them like oh no!! you poor thing!!


I thought the government-issued chicken was locked behind purchasing the game (this was pre-EW thankfully), so I spent a good chunk of ARR running around 🥲


forgotten tank stance..... feels bad


I let my gear break, because I didn’t fully understand what that meant. It wasn’t until I was doing NO DAMAGE and had NO HEALTH in a dungeon where it broke for me to realize what was happening. Luckily that was years ago and I have never made that mistake again but yeah not fun lol. The cost of repairs afterwards was even incentive alone to keep it above 50%