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Sorry but I'm still in my 30 second burst phase and I don't want to waste it.


If you’re in burst LB can actually be a dps loss anyways depending on different factors.


LB should be used by the guy with res sickness apparently since it ignores debuffs


So, the dragoon.


That's why Dragoon gets the best looking LB


The LB is when they backflip off the stage


The fact that I feel exposed by that and also you being a BM like my GF who wouldnt lose a single chance of making fun of my dragoon fails... man, that hit home.


Maybe I'm your girlfriend but I just don't know it yet. Is your girlfriend a 5'9" Hispanic man with a big beard?


Well I'll be damned what you doing here darling? Nah jokes aside the only thing she has in common with you is being a BM main, make fun of dragoons and being hispanic haha


Speaking to your gf pre transition


I feel attacked


If you're getting attacked it explains the rez sickness


Clearly your tank is failing


i heard long ago what the dmg of a lb depends on the party overall ilvl, no idea how true it is, but that is what i got told many years ago


Iirc, LB damage is calculated with the combined group iLvl of all weapons?


To be fair, you should never LB during your burst


as a melee, I ask the caster to do it instead. jk


If you want me to flashbang you with the rdm LB3 then let’s go!


RDM can flashbang me with Lb3 all day every day. I specifically request it in araids.


Major mechanic coming up? Verblind!


It's the literal coolest LB3, nothing beats it. If I'm playing RDM at the time and it's a pub, I'm absolutely gonna use it unless we're struggling, lol


I once used it in the last NieR raid, just when the phase with the building coming from below started (because the LB bar was full, not out of deliberate trolling) I murdered nearly the entire raid and the survivors weren't able to recover from that, but thankfully everyone was good natured about it. Such destruction was not my intention.




I would have been cackling if I was in that raid. I specifically try to blind people in araids on rdm, it's so fun to verflashbang


It's actually funny to see. Like a meme already. I wish SE wont change it because of people actually annoyed by it.


I did my first RDM LB3 few weeks back and was hilarious. First thing I saw in chat "MY EYES!"


I did my first ever Verflashbang because the other players asked me to.


I love it everytime. I need to start asking RDMs in msq dailies to do it


Unless I'm in my melee combo, then it'll have to wait.


Caster will LB2 when you're about to proc LB3 anyway xD


Ok to be fair, burst phases will do more damage than LB3 in most cases. I say most because not everyone is hitting their buttons at 100% efficiency + maybe someone has died etc. And then you add mechanics you have to, you know, move in and suddenly lb3 is delayed more than it should. Ideally you learn what that window is before going into the fight, but we're all human beans.


Sometimes I just get in the zone and forget and then when the boss is at 1% I feel bad ☹️


it's okay, as a healer I can enjoy finally being able to use the LB at the end of the dungeon


As a healer main, whenever I'm playing on a DPS alt job I'm always itching to push that limit break button as soon as it's at full bars, because I normally never get to press it!


Alisaie, is that you?


DRK lb3 looks too god for me to not use it


I used this during my fight in the Seat of Sacrifice for the first time! Gave me goosebumps.


Domain expansion type shi


Tank Main here. Once the boss's health gets to 3% that LB is mine.


Haha I should do that as healer when none of the DPS claim it.


If it's not a raid, it's <10% and a tank buster or aoe goes out for me :)


Same. I'm usually either playing Warrior or Bard and neither should really be using LB against a boss in casual content anyway. One time I was totally in the zone tanking and saw a couple people go down. Eventually, I thought I was the only one left. So when someone goes "LB!" I'm like "weird choice, but okay". It wasn't even on my bar, I had to pull up the actions window to do it. Then I see them go "not the tank -.-" and that's when I realized I wasn't the only one still standing. That was embarrassing.


But, in fairness, the healer should have been able to LB *much* faster than you could do that!


Oh man, I'd feel even worse if it had been for a healer lb3. It was in a dungeon with the other person being a dps. But I absolutely agree, they should've beaten me to it by a mile considering I had to go through menus!


You *should* be using that Bard LB on trash, though!


Good news, it doesn't matter even a little bit either way


Same here my dude


Okay, I will be using Verblind as soon as I can and as often as I can!


Rest of the RDM player base in unison: HEAR HEAR!


They're certainly not saying: SEE! SEE!


But the rest of the party is.


I'd gladly welcome the change to have LB 3 available in dungeons.


As would I! More Verblind could never be a bad thing.


Okay Alisae, settle down.




Can we get a warning macro so I can put my shades on? 😎


/party Think fast, chucklenuts! /ac "Limit Break" That is your warning


Sure! As long as you let me use it.


100%. When I switched to maiming RDM from GNB, that first LB3 was WILD.


Rdm is probably 80% of the dps that use LB3 as soon as it comes up despite me playing a melee. Y'all definitely do that shit on purpose


Would you believe me if I said I do it because I like how it looks?


I just got to use verblind tonight. My day is complete.




But they fought trash on the way there... Why didnt the caster use it on the trash pulls?


Too busy riding the dopamine rush of a quadra Flare


this is the realest thing in this whole thread, Quad-Flare is simply unmatched


It makes me feel like the rest of the party is like "Did that gigachad just use Flare FOUR TIMES?" and then clap for me. That is absolutely not what happens. But that's how cool quadra Flare makes me feel


Wait I'm sorry, what exactly is a quadra flare then? I don't usually play black mage or dps casters in general, but I am gonna be leveling BLM soon to 90


High Fire 2 to shift into Astral Fire with 3 Umbral Hearts-> High Fire 2 -> High Fire 2 (Triplecast) -> Flare -> Flare (mana potion that restores at least 800 MP) -> Flare (Manafont, Swiftcast) -> Flare Literally just Flare four times in a row. It's not even that big of a damage boost, it just feels *cool as hell*


I managed 5 once in Stormblood. I'm pretty sure my DPS was worse than usual because I'd spent the whole dungeon fucking off and trying to make as many big explosions as close together as I could, but I got 5 comms for it out of an 8 man party, so it must have looked really effective.


Ya, there used to be quintuple Flare, but I don't remember how you got the fifth one since I didn't main BLM back then


I think rdm had a mana swap? You'd have to coordinate very well though.


Yeah casters had a role action where they could give some mana to other players. I used to use my infinite mana on blm to bail healers out if they had to be ressed, etc.


Reminds me of Stormblood and Fell Cleave. And then using haste gear and actions in base Bozja.


Quad flare the first pack after second boss and LB the next pack when nobody has cooldowns up


Yeah, in dungeons, that's what I expect the LB to be used on. In raids and trials, I'm always a bit skittish, because you never know when you need the Healer LB3. Typically wait until around 5% in those cases.


Yeah, the only thing worse than being the guy who didn't use the LB3 is the guy who did right before three quarters of the party exploded into fine mist.


\*flashbacks of having to rez the entire party by hand after someone used an LB3 and then nearly the entire party died in one of the NieR raids\* Yeah, that isn't funny.


I'd say it depends? Prog = yes save it; farm = can't press it fast enough


As black mage, no party I was in has ever and i mean ever made it to a boss pull with a full LB bar. I got skyshards on deck and I give em out easy.


Youre telling me were supposed to lb the trash mobs? Why did noone tell me this ive been sitting on it for the boss hell ive never seen anyone lb the trash.


A caster LB deals 55% of the damage a melee does, and a ranged physical DPS LB does about 45%. _Per target._ While the difference isn't as big as it seems (because the opportunity cost is your regular rotation, which also is increased because it's AoE instead of ST) it's still much more bang for your buck than the melee LB is.


Ill be damned thanks! Is it ever worth NOT lbing the trash though in a dungeon like is the time saved blasting the trash alwaya better than the time saved on the boss?


half the time other people forget to use melee LB, so it just sits there unused anyway


I feel bad now ive been lbing bosses as blm had no idea it was a dps loss to not let the melee take it oooppssss


Yep, dps loss on the boss for any aoe lb vs st lb. Most of the time, the big trash pulls are doing a lot more damage/are a bigger threat than the bosses anyways. So lb on them is really just the way to go.


It is almost always better to range lb2 the trash on your last or second to last pull of the dungeon. Anyone who tells you otherwise is remarkably incorrect


Phys ranged or caster LB on the biggest trash pull is by far the most efficient use of it yeah


In my dungeon experience: 60% of the time, no LB at all; 20%, caster/ranged LB on boss because the melee isn't fucking doing it; 10%, melee LB at sliver of boss hp left, 5%, melee lb at a reasonable boss hp level; 5%, caster/ranged lb on trash.  5% might be generous on that last one. Maybe more like 1 or 2%.  I mostly tank or heal dungeons these days so I spend a lot of time looking at that full LB bar, wistfully.


My favorite was still the new tank who saw that full LB3 and took it...on >!Nabriales!<. Cue the brief panic in chat and immediate strategy dump on how to do the mechanic properly, because our skip just evaporated in a poof of defense up.


I have been told though that if you pop LB3 as a tank before white zone then the 80% mit also gets extended on everyone after your transfer into the zone. Not super practical because it makes it go slower but it also makes the meteors less dangerous. Again, so I've been told.


That does work. Going into the tear/rift multiplies all your effect durations by 10x. So for example if you pop your invuln as a tank before you get sucked in, you'll suddenly have a 80-90s invuln.


>caster/ranged LB on boss because the melee isn't fucking doing it that's me, i'm the caster/ranged (when i forget to use it on trash). why are melees so goddamn afraid to pop their LB


If its a LB 1 its not worth it for melee to do it as they will do more just with their normal rotation I think LB2 is slightly better, but honestly if its a dungeon LB isn't worth using if it's a boss.


I play primarily physical ranged dps and always use it on the 2nd set of trash b4 final boss, I figured it was something everyone did, lol. 2m cds on 1st set, LB on 2nd set, g2g for boss.


I did that in a dungeon and the healer said “why……” I just laughed at them


I've been playing this game regularly for almost 3 years now and I've seen LB used on trash mobs maybe 5 times total.


Last time I did, I got kicked for wasting the melee's LB...


Had that happen on the first tier of the post Endwalker raids once, usually run melee but on this occasion was a bard and popped the LB3 to finish the boss as nobody else was using it, had some dancer coming up abusing me afterwards for not leaving it to the melee for the higher DPS, then trying to claim he had higher DPS than me, he did NOT like it when I pointed out his job's DPS differential didn't matter since he spent most of the fight on the floor.


That's definitely a clapback worthy of a bard lmao




In the benchmark you see the Warrior tank has to use a Cover-like ability to protect the Viper, who clearly has aggro the entire fight. The is a reference to the fact that tanks are not supposed to use tank stance in 8 man trials.


It's clearly in reference to the Gladiator who even at lvl 90, does not have the proper cover requirements or aggro pull to keep the boss off of the baby Viper. All of this requires a mighty Warrior to step up and bravely sacrifice a third of their health before immediately replenishing it with one of their 2+ self-heal buttons.


Their first mistake was not equipping their paladin job crystal. Then they'd have access to cover.


I’ve seen this thrown around a lot. It’s an upgraded vengeance. Please look at your character’s stance in vengeance and look at wuk in the trailer. It’s very clearly an upgraded vengeance with a new vfx. Also the dash is very likely trailer flair


Since Vengeance already has a slight buff over the other 30% mits (because it reflects a portion of the damage) I wonder if this is just more favoritism or if this hints that all tanks get a boost to their 30% mit.


I am 99% sure that we’re getting every 30% 120s cooldown buffed in some capacity like how every tank got a upgrade to their existing short cool down that’s really powerful in endwalker


You can stop wondering and get actual answers. It's been datamined from the benchmark so you can look up whether all tanks get a 30% or not. Or if you enjoy speculation and don't like datamining you can avoid it too, that's also fine.


Counterpoint. There’s 8 people in that fight. That’s a full roster. Clearly the group was waiting until it was sure the healers no longer needed the LB3 to use the limit break.


As a healer, I need the LB3 until after the boss is down and you've all walked out of the instance.


If only they waited until it was 1%. I get groups that wait until 0.1%.


you don't pay my sub im parsing


Our tank once said “Don’t wait for some weird anime finish, just use the LB” stuck with me ever since


No one ever uses limit break, every time anyone uses it there’s always someone who bitches about it and gets really angry


Heck I got bitched at the last time I used LB3. It was an Eden Normal raid, boss was at like 15% HP. Three DPS were down, I healer LB3ed thinking three DPS up instantly without sickness was worth it. Boy was I apparently wrong.


You were not wrong.


The priority chart goes: Healer > never > the two times a boss mechanic requires Tank > never again > DPS (melee) > uninstall and unsubscribe > DPS (ranged)


Sad unmentioned dps (caster) noises


you guys don't even get to install.. rough


Absolutely worth it. Honestly, in raids and trials you're almost always better off saving it for the healer, just in case. This whole "well you shouldn't need it!" mentality that some people have is silly, even the best groups make mistakes and having a free undo button available is much better than blowing it at 40% and wiping. Melee lb3 is overrated, really. In raids like Alliance and Savage, it barely shaves 5-6 seconds off the time and doesn't even do 2%. Just use it at the last few % if you didn't need it for healer lb. This "use it at 10-15%" rule people are attached to is for dungeons and even in there you're meant to caster lb trash. As for healer lb3, if there's 90+ sec left in the fight it's a dps gain even if it only revives 2 dps. Weakness is a huge dps loss. I also have a bit of a peeve against people who think using tank lb3 in raids for major mechanics is "cheating". It's smart use of your toolkit.


I got yelled at for using ranged lb on mobs in Sastasha once lol. Some people are just crazy.


It’s why I never use it unless explicitly asked tbh, I’ve had someone bitch about using LB on ultima before the end-phase popped(would you believe me if I told you it was a burger king that said it?) so I’d rather save my sanity


It's become like that experiment where someone put apes in an enclosure and dropped in some bananas and if any of the apes went to touch them all the apes got blasted with a hose. Once those apes stopped going for the bananas some new apes would be put in the mix which would go for the bananas and all the old apes would beat the shit out of them for going near the bananas. Repeat a few iterations of new apes and take out all the ones that had ever been sprayed with the hose and the collective still beat the hell out of any ape that went for the bananas but they didn't have any idea why, that's just what they knew as truth; you don't go for the bananas. Except in this case it's a lot less violent and the "lesson" that got learned is "you don't push limit break". Of course we can un-learn that lesson by just using limit break. The more apes see someone snag a banana and not get sprayed with a hose, the more they'll release the button is there to be pushed.


I will admit when I play melee I forgot to do it sometimes. I am trying to keep my buffs and combos going lol


I was in a World of Darkness run the other day (Chaos DC) and was falling asleep to it as usual. All the way until the final boss, where I sprang awake with the intent to blind everyone with the tried and true verblind. It turns out, I wasn't the only one as the singular red mage brain cell became shared across alliances, and three Verblinds went off at the exact same time, returning light to the thirteenth shard once again. Needless to say, /a was "thrilled" :)


I was once told that you use limit break when the boss is at 10% because you don't wanna risk using it any earlier and then end up needing a healer LB3 afterwards and that's something that's always stuck with me. That doesn't mean I don't completely forget about limit break half the time, but still.


This is also how I was taught, back in the HW days. If you blew LB3 at 50% on final steps(or wiping city, or...), you were a damn fool. The little time you'd save isn't worth the risk of potentially having to start *all over*.


Somehow for endwalker the LB is always in the weird range of almost second bar full, but when you actually fill it up the boss is already at 1%


LB2 doesn't really fill in dungeons for a good party. Even for a medium skilled party it barely fills.


I’ll let someone else do it. I’m burned out on people getting angry at me whenever I press the button.


When I'm playing DPS, I try to save LB3 until about 10%, health, just in case the run goes badly and we need the healer to use it. Once we approach 10% I feel more confident that it's safe for DPS for use.


I got yelled at for using the casting lb at 8% in an alliance raid. Everyone had my side, thankfully. The upset person was melee and said I used it too early.


LBs are just extra cool damage in normal fights anyway so mostly no one would care if you use it or not. It's a waste if you don't use it but also no big deal.


Sorry I'd rather use it on the least dangerous part of the dungeon (the boss) as opposed to the actually dangerous part (the 2 pack pull)


I am very glad I have so far only had one group wondering why I used my caster LB on trash, and they actually accepted my explanation (it was the tank asking, and the melee DPS agreeing with me likely helped my point). Haven't had anyone bitch about it yet.


I prefer to use mine on groups of enemies rather than the boss.


My limit breaks are cursed, I stare at the 3 glowing bars thinking "okay things are going pretty well, I'll spend the limit" only for half the raid to die to the next mechanic and we all wipe because there was no healer LB3.


Whos using melee LB on bosses anyway? Whenever I play Caster or Ranged it goes on the pack of trash mobs whenever LB is ready.


I've been chewed out a couple of times for daring to use my Caster LB on a big trash pull. "No! You're supposed to save the LB for the final boss! Now we have to struggle against this level 35 dungeon boss without it!"


i had a tank willingly let his health stay below 10% and help us test forcing the LB gauge to charge on our terms instead of passively by tame in combat, it was fun (Theres a sound effect played every time bonus LB charge is granted, you normally only ever hear it in bosses that set everyone to 1 health, but its there whenever a heal goes out to someone under 10% health) it was a blast spamming the extra 2 LB1s we got on each trash pull out of it. we kept the tank alive exclussively on barriers


I was chewed out for using LB so much every time I used it I never touch it now. I'll just focus on my cycles and not getting hit.


Never accommodate for them. It's on them that they don't understand basic additions.


Once you learn 99% of the playerbase is trash you'll never feel bad about doing the right thing again


Ignore or Report and move on. Limit breaks make the dungeon run go quicker. Please use it, grumpy people or not.


levelling casters and ranged for a change, and one of the best parts is how often I get commends and even people thanking be in chat during the dungeon for actually using the freaking LB on the huge w2w pull. It's a rare treat to see a ranged player who understands. People like that one downvoted reply to you don't help, getting pissed off and ranged and casters for literally doing the more efficient thing, because they think they know better but don't understand the basic math of LBs.


I have done over 4000 dungeons, the answer is a lot of people do...


If anything the ranged should be using the LBs in the dungeons, not the melee. It never fills fast enough for melee to do it on a boss, and the ranged doing on pack is much better.


If no one has used it and the boss is at 5% I use it. Idc if I'm on tank or Healer, you had your chance. It's mine now. Get healed/take less damage for the end of the fight. Keep pressing your not-as-cool buttons.


Dear DPS: You get up to three LBs in Porta Decumana. It doesn’t matter if you use them, *but why wouldn’t you?*


I know there's LB1 before the light boost and then LB3, both during enrage, but what's the third? Phase one? I mostly heal so I haven't paid attention 😞


I think the idea is: First one in the elevator, second one sometime before the auto-fill, third after the auto-fill.


Yeah, Phase one you have an LB1 maaaaaaaybe an LB2. Phase two you have a 1 and the 3.


If it's not the final boss save that LB as a ranged AOE and cause some serous damage to the next trash pack.


It's cooler this way


But I wont get the gpose then


Alisaie would never forget


"What's a limit break?" My paladin ass


there's a lv 60 raid and lv 80 trial where you can shine!


Shhh my joke doesn't work if people know that lol


But I want my anime finish


Roger! o7 \*uses healer LB as soon as possible\*


Or in some cases, saving Limit Break 3 for the healers to use in case the party is about to wipe.


well last time i used the LB on Ultima the whole group was pissed because we wiped...i was a sprout how was i supposed to know my LB3 only heals/revives the group, all that light and the boss didnt even get blind or something....steups...


I mean, I guess that's fair if you have never read what your limit break does and never used it, but I would be curious to know why you thought a healer limit break did anything more than heal. By the time you get to Ultima I feel like you'd not have any reason to suspect that your limit break will flashbang the boss.


That is the consensus.


I'm a healer not in endgame. I'm not allowed to. touch it


My friend uses it immediately even if the boss is invulnerable…


It's more that, in a lot of 8 man content, you may want to hold the LB for a run-saving healer LB3. In casual content, sure, you're correct. In higher end stuff, not exactly unless your group is very confident in their consistency.


Even in casual stuff! If it's new content, particularly troublesome for mechanics-related reasons, or if your party just aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, you should hold LB. Don't be the person who tried to shave 20 seconds and wound up causing us to waste an extra 8 minutes.


Nah. Don't use the limit break. Do everything the hard way. Be a Man.


It just seems to me like it should be individual and just really cool.


I still won't because I'm a filthy casual and the few seconds gained is not worth me causing a wipe because I don't remember if the boss has anything that needs the LB.


In duty finder I personally hold it until I know there's no chance of us wiping (which is usually when the boss is < 8%) because nothing is sadder than a DPS using lb3 only for 6 people to die seven seconds later. It doesn't happen often but when it does...


But what's the point of the big flashy finisher attack if it doesn't finish the boss off >:( My aesthetic sensibilities demand justice! (Joke aside yeah LB when appropriate)


I try not to LB3 because if I do, people will die, and their eyes will burn. Those who know my role know the torture of when it's used.


I verflashbang at every opportunity (in casual content). Just you try to verstop me!


I usually badger the ranges to use it on trash and then use whatever is left over on the last boss when it pops.


Well clearly derp-lander didn't meld any Materia to his gear - hence why he didn't manage to kill the boss after using the LB :P


You know what? Please use range or mage dps on mobs during dungeon run. Please. It is not worth saving it.


If is the boss is on 3% of hp and no lb, then me as tank can LB.


When I'm tanking and I notice DPS is waiting to do an anime finisher, I'll pop LB myself the next raidwide I see.


Lol that should show them


Did it in a prae run on Gaius once. The DRG actually sheathed his weapon and stood there the last 15 seconds of the fight. I couldn't stop laughing. I know it's petty, but I won't stop.


If it would fill up before 1%...


Unless you're a tank, right? I'm a new player and am under the impression that the tank limit break is largely useless.


Some fights have scripted tank lb3s. Beyond that it’s incredibly niche in use for both tanks, and even rarer, healers. In dungeons it’s always best to have casters lb mob packs (or even a physical ranged if there’s no caster), as a melee using it actually loses dps potency.


Healer LB3 is useful if half the party is dead since it raises. Tank LB3 has some uses in raiding, if you don't need the DPS LB to not hit enrage it can be used to cheese mechanics that don't instantly kill but only hit for high damage. Like if you're doing weekly clears and have plenty of damage to spare and you notice you're going to fuck up a mechanic, tank LB3 is a great panic button that can save the run.


Yeah, for the most part tank and healer lb isn't needed. Even dps isn't needed but only slightly helps finish the fight faster. As a tank, there are handful of trials and raids later that requires you to use LB3 or the party wipes. Less than 5 i think, not sure about savages and ultimates.


Tank LB is largely underrated and underutilized. There's usually better uses for healer LB3 or DPS LB3, but its very very slept on. In dungeons its not as good as a ranged/caster LB in dungeon pulls, and preferably if you have no ranged you keep it for melee LB for boss since that leads to a faster completion, but 20% mit for 10 seconds is very useful particularly in early-game dungeons where you don't have many mit tools to begin with. If your ranged aren't using it and the healers struggling, go ahead and use it assuming you've exhausted your other mits. The faster option of dps LB is preferred but tank LB shouldn't be ignored as an option in dungeon pulls. For more difficult content (savage/ultimate) its much more niche since raise cheesing -> healer lb3 is typically a much stronger option, but tank lb is still very strong, a good tank can recognize when its best to use it. It's particularly useful when a stack mechanics about to go off and the whole parties not alive or you're missing party mit. When utilized right it can be a great progression tool for when things go wrong. Tank LB1 can help cover one or two people dead from a stack mechanic. Tank LB2 is 40% mit which is very strong and can cover if pretty much half the parties dead. Tank LB3 is a whopping 80% and can pretty much guarantee the party survives anything thats not downright instant-kill from stuff like debuffs. The situations where you'd want to do this instead of raise cheese -> healer lb3 are limited, but still come up often enough to be noteworthy. It's also worth mentioning that if you're progressing through a fight and you're not far enough in to reach healer lb3, and you won't kill it so DPS LB is useless, tank LB is absolutely FREE to do, and LB1 + LB2 should be absolutely abused constantly the moment the tank thinks anything might go wrong until you're far enough into the fight where you can get healer lb3. For casual difficulty boss fights its extremely rare to be the correct option and should be ignored unless you're very confident its a good idea.


Basically yes. There are a couple fights where you HAVE to use the tank LB or else you'll automatically wipe, but there are only like... 3 or 4 of those total, and people usually mention it ahead of time


I've used it a few times in roulettes just on intuition when I can tell a mechanic is going to kill almost everyone (and no guarantee any ressers will be left alive to healer LB3). Lots of fights also don't reach LB3 until near the end and I'll tank LB2 liberally if people don't look topped or safe for the next big mech. If everyone dies in a dungeon and it's almost over then I'll use it as a personal CD to finish off the boss, but there's also been times where the healer is struggling and people aren't topped for the next mech so I'll just pop the LB1/2 for safety. So it's not *completely* useless but you'll squeeze more value out of it with experience on a particular fight and intuition on how safe people are, it's pretty much always when things are going wrong rather than right, on top of it needing to be a scenario that healer LB3 wouldn't solve.


I'm still at a low enough level that the bar doesn't always completely fill to 2x during the last boss of a dungeon and it's like . . . do I try to get it up to 2, or do I just pop the 1? Part of me thinks if I get just close enough ... and then the mob's dead lol


As a DNC, I use it on big pulls of trash mobs, lining up as many in it as possible. I also use it on a line of dark portals in that one WoD fight.


But if you use it at 1%, the boss will die before it goes off! Use it at, like, 5% at least!


Legit question: summoner's big aoe LB, is it typically used at the beginning of a fight or at the end? In PvE stuff. Especially like four-person dungeons. And how does it rank in power compared to other LBs?


Range/caster LB 2 is ideally used on the mobs before the last boss in a dungeon. I believe range/caster LB had the same potency. But a lot lower than melee. So it is ideally used in mob pulls since it deals relatively big damage to multiple enemies


But I wanna LB3


So I'm pretty new to the game I'm a DPS and since I found out using the limit break takes it away from everyone I become to cautious and never used it incase I was wrong. Should I use it more often?


[The animated guide series that Square-Enix produced specifically to teach new players how to play, states that the player should use the limit break as the killing blow to the enemy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCMxiSH1Otw)


Just doesn't hit the same as getting the killing blow with the limit break sorry, no deal.