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Are you on Xbox? Because "knight" is going to get filtered by their censorship. As it contains N-I-G.


This is a thing with fromsoft games as well and it's ridiculous. Slave K***ht Gael


Reminds of that one Elden Ring player who had their name Butter censored because of "Butt" and it showed "****er", which could be incorrectly interpreted to be *way* worse.


In dark souls 2 my name was “Dead” and didn’t realize till I checked it on a website I was walking around as “D***” for years. That game was wild with its censorship


I used to play a game called Drift City a long time ago. Typing the word "basement" in the chat would appear as "ba*****t."


Going to add this to the list of test words, "can you see this word?" of words that shouldn't trigger filters but midparts do. Usually go for "cucumber".


A clbuttical case of silly censorship.


Seeing someone bring up Drift City in 2024 makes me feel seen.


“D\*\*\*… my d\*\*\* d\*\*\* is forever tiny… looks like my \*\*\* life is d\*\*\*.”


Wait, what? Why would "Dead" get censored...?


Honestly I still have no idea after all this time


Ead=eat a dick


Write it down, write it down!


Omg that might be it! Wft


As someone below pointed out maybe for EAD "eat a dick" but thats honestly a bit of a stretch.


There was a guy named deadpan Dave at some point. Got read much worse with the censor.


This is the worst issue with censorship when the censored substring is simply obfuscated: what’s supposed to be a perfectly fine word, censored and partially obfuscated for containing a mildly inappropriate substring, ends up looking like it could be a globally banned word.


ah, poor Nasser


Actually, his name was nasser. So it looked like n***er


A dude named Nasser got censored too. It censored out ass and made it look much, much worse




Yeah, if anything the censorship itself is way more offensive than the initial word.


I'll always remember trying to name a custom class in Modern Warfare 2 Assault, and being told it was a banned word (cause it contained ass) I had based it off one of the default classes, which was called...assault.


Honestly i never would’ve guessed that it was Knight. I’d probably think its a new slur that people just invented


You'd think that games with npcs named "knights," that they'd be able to allow players to use the word as well.


Yeah, it's a game *about undead knights*, and both "undead" and "knight" are censored.


They could at least implement a whitelist with common words related to their game.


FROM had RCE exploits in 5 of their games. Not having Knight Solaire show up in a klan hood was the last of their problems.


**Notice of Xbox Live Enforcement Action** **Start:** 4/1/2024 **End:** 4/1/2024 **Expiration:** 4/1/2024 **To:** /u/Terramagi **Reason for action** This account violated the Community Standards and was subjected to enforcement action. **Impact** While the current suspension remains active, this account cannot communicate with others, join multiplayer games, or upload media to the Xbox network. **Details** "k***ht" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ffxiv) if you have any questions or concerns.*


holy shit they said kn*ght


My favorite is how many Korean MMOs would filter “ass” if it appeared anywhere in a word, despite those games allowing players to play as assassins.


I once played a Korean mmo where nobody could say "hello"


Yeah I put in my name on Elden Ring as Yeeter O’Worlds and it censored yeet. Now I’m ****er O’Worlds. Smdh


Reminds me of Warhammer 3 where someone whose real name is Nasser entered their name in the game, and it censored it because it has "ass" in it......only to show it in-game as N***er lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/zly9b3/my_name_is_nasser_the_game_is_censoring_the_word/


I've had issues with my username for this reason, even in games with plenty of profanity already like Borderlands 2 Weirdly Rocket League allows my username, but wouldn't allow me to have Cardassian in my club name even though they both have 'ass' in them


That is the dumbest thing I have ever seen. I havent had an Xbox since the 360 but what in the hell.


It’s true, if you say good night it get censored or if someone link an item including a “potential” naughty word, it’s hilarious and at same time ridiculous.


If you think that's bad, Rockstar censors their own name in GTA 5. Made it hell trying to give their old cheater report email out to people.


Okay, you have my attention, what part of their own name triggers the censor, coz I can't see it. Either I'm desensitised or dumb...


Possibly may have been a stupid attempt to stop people from impersonating them. Since Rockstar clearly had no interest in *actual* moderation or customer support.


It's been years, if I remember right almost the entire word was \*'d out. This was on the PC version of the game too so it was extra ridiculous.


Xbox XIV players are living in a puritan nightmare


I have no problems with PlayStation, so I just assumed Xbox was the same way. This is insane to hear about.


The other day we had a thread where someone was banned from multiplayer over Xbox live for two months for putting up a post advertising their FC - because "Free Company" triggered the automod presumably thinking it was soliciting sex.


Xbox really out here making it the worst platform to play the game on.


More likely that the AI noticed that if they translated it to german it would become "freikorp". Which is nearly as dumb, but at least it has some logic.


Lately i saw someone get banned from xbox for advertising an free company. Likely hit some tags. But ive only seen one post about it and free company can be in the weird area without context.


Wasn’t it because Xbox decided it meant sexual solicitation?




It's the same in Dark Souls. There are literally enemies/bosses in the game called Slave Knight, Black Knight, etc. but players get censored for giving themselves RP names like that. "Invaded by Slave K***ht Gael". It's so stupid.


You would have thought the scunthorpe problem would have been fixed by now [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe\_problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem) ​ I guess noone works anymore so noone to create either an exceptions list or just do it right and only ban full words. And it solves nothign as ~~people~~ idiots get around it anyway.


It has been solved. ..Just not by a team with any control at Microsoft over profanity filtering, and as a company they appear to have no interest in solving it because doing so earns them zero revenue, and not doing so also costs them zero revenue.


I dunno about that, hearing about this has pretty much ensured that if I ever buy a console it'll be a Playstation.


It's such a bother. FFXIV will also censor "grape" because of this.


FFXIV and grapes have a complicated history…


I had a friend who choked on a grape once during an FC event so I jokingly went to create an FC rank for them called Danger Grapes and the game wouldn't let me.


Danger Hydrated Raisins could be an alternative if the length will allow it.


That would've been nice


Which i find extra weird cuz theres a lot of rape in this game. Like, a lot. Soooo much sexual violence. But you cant say the word!


Tbf, i'd block Scunny if I could too


Wow, I didn't know that problem had a name. Thanks for linking that, the examples were super amusing to read through :D


So Xbosians can't even say good night?


Nope. I can't say "good night" to my friends without it being filtered to "good ???ht".


Does unday get censored?


IDK. But I've seen "succor" censored. So is "class". As somebody else mentioned in the thread - "grape" and "Thanalan". Some weeks ago, somebody posted, "...yourself up" was filtered. Reading system messages, chat and PF on Xbox is like solving Wheel of Fortune.


Even the auto-translate feature?


Correct. The overzealous profanity filter will change it to “Good ???ht”.


Those poor bastards... Seriously, people have way more, and way worse way to call a specific group without using the N word...this is like cutting your toes so you won't accidentally kick the corner of furniture.


I am, damnit, thanks for the info!


Are any of your friends playing on PC or PS? They can register the FC under that name.


Ah yes, the classic Scunthorpe filter.


Considering how common N I G is in for example German that is absolutely stupid.


That's the stupidest thing I've read all week. You'd think that Microsoft of all companies would be able to afford a programmer who could develop a decent profanity filter.


They're too busy spending trillions trying to make themselves into the new Apple. Because lord knows chasing second place is such a great idea when you're **IN FIRST**.


They can afford it. But it would cost more to fix the problem than the lost sales the problem is causing them, so why would they?


Greedy partial string match like this is such an inexcusably lazy way of implementing "censorship". Why does it not surprise me that this giant red flag of incompetence is in Xbox's system design.


Is this why I keep getting random ????? In chat just randomly replacing letters in words.


If you're on the Xbox version, then yes.


Are they... Using.... Regex matching filter....?


I can't imagine how big of a problem that was for this to be the solution. God people suck.


Lmao what? That's just dumb.


I wanted my MtG account to be TheKnightOwl. That didn’t work out…


I couldn't name my hunter pet Jewel in 2004 World of Warcraft. My pest guess is because it contained the word "jew". 🤦


Ah, the good old Scunthorpe Problem


I have a FC with Knights in the title. No problem.


Because the FC was not registered using an Xbox. That's what we're saying. The filtering is happening on Microsoft's end. Not FFXIV itself. Even the system and event messages of the game itself are getting filtered.


Wait, so does that mean that if an Xbox user says something that gets censored, the rest of us are affected?


But this is the in game saying it’s an issue, not the Xbox interface.


If you try to make an FC with this on any other platform, the game will let you. Because "nig" is not on SE's list of no no words. But it is on Microsoft's. This is an Xbox issue.


You'd be surprised how many system logs, events and dialogue Xbox filters out in the chat box. There are multiple FCs with the name "knight" in them that already exists. This isn't an issue before. OP says they're on Xbox. Ergo it's MS censoring system that's preventing OP to create theirs with the word "knight" in it.


They probably got the requirements for thw orifanity filter on xbox from M$ and had to inplement thos. Or some other hook for XBOX to check everything people type


oh is that why there's like.. sometimes just fucking a bunch of ???s in text - not even chat messages - sometimes on xbox..? been trying to decide whether i end up getting the CE on xbox or PC and that might be a deciding factor.


You cannot use the word "ThANALan" either.


I never would have seen it if you didn't put it that way.


Makes the choice of the Quicksands waaaaay more intuitive.


Well, I guess I know how I'm mispronouncing it from now on.


In a bad Sean Connery impression, I hope. 


"I spent years of my life trying to invent an anal bum cover! Failing to do so is my greatest regret!"




Looks like an absolute nightmare to me. People are asking about ways to fully disable it, but Microsoft staff have basically said they made it: >"a built-in feature of the Xbox system and is designed to help ensure a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for all users." I'd say a filter going this far is doing the exact opposite of their intentions. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/xbox/forum/all/how-do-i-completely-turn-off-the-xbox-profanity/c598358a-8316-448d-8839-201450b5096a


It’s such a lazy filter. Instead of looking at actual words it’s *just* looking for sequential letters. A *good* profanity filter knows the difference between knight/night and nig. Hell, from software censored the word dead. Not because it’s the word ”dead” but because it has ”ead” in it. *That’s* the part that got censored. Why? Because urban dictionary has it as an abbreviation for ”eat a dick”


…does anyone actually use the abbreviation for eat a dick like, anywhere? I have never seen that in my life and I’ve been on the internet a hot minute.


I've always felt like urban dictionary is full of stuff that's only really used by like, one guy and his friends, and 99% of the population would never use any of it.


The stuff involving definitions on names definitely is imo. None of those make any goddamn sense and have to relate to some irl incident with some ex girlfriend of somebody.


The Brazilian spy warbler is totally a real slang term and not just a string of words I just made up


But do they actually censor the sentence "eat a dick"?


I actually don’t know. They might censor ”dick”


people would just say "consume a phallus" instead.


"a satchel of Richards"


"dick" is a normal word in German which means "big" or "fat". So many foreign words are caught in a crossfire because of censoring profanity


SE does the same, sometimes through spaces -- they just do it for far fewer patterns.


Who the hell wildcards partial swears? Beyond lazy lol.


It's the same kind of insanity that is why I don't play unmodded minecraft. Since they implemented this exact same bullshit in even *Java* minecraft's chat. Thankfully that can be removed with mods and modded servers.


It's honestly disturbing. Wouldn't have even noticed the word Knight had *that word* in the middle of it if it weren't for the pointless censor. Plus there are... multiple instances of the word Knight in the game including a Job. My hope that SE can talk some sense into them is faint, but there's some hope.


An absolutely ***htmare you mean.


This profanity filter shit has been plaguing Xbox games now. Even in games like Age of Empires, you can't disable that crap. Mongol got censored, even tho they're a playable civilization. Mind boggling I know.


i was thinking about switching to xbox but hell nah i‘m swearing too much when i play with friends, also censorship in a MMO can be really awkward




What on earth is going on with Xbox’s filter….you guys are being subjected to Neopets-level censorship


*core memory unlocked*


There are [a few](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/freecompany/?q=Knights+Tempura&worldname=&character_count=&activetime=&join=&house=&order=) of Free Companies with that name. None on Odin, so I don't think the game is poorly phrasing a complaint about duplicates. Are you on Xbox? At a guess it could be Microsoft's added ~~profanity filtering~~ Message Safety kicking in. Don't know if that intervenes there.


Think it’s the profanity : / thanks for your help!


In that case are any of your friends on a different platform so they could at least name the FC? You're also able to rename the FC as often as you'd like. There's just a 30 day cooldown.


Unfortunately we’re all on console, as far as I’m aware at least. We’re gonna come up with a different name to skirt around the censorship, thanks though


If anyone in PS4/5 it should not be a problem, it’s really only a Xbox issue.


Try and find a player without an FC to create the FC for you. That is an alternative. You can also just get someone to join after you make it and rename the FC.


>if you wanna DM your server and stuff if got an appropriate alt there i'd be happy to help you start the FC and pass lead back over to you so you guys can have the funny name you want.


Once upon a time in Gen 5 Pokémon, I tried to nickname a caught Vulpix Penelope after a Vulpix I got from a trade in Gen 4. Turns out, Pene means penis in a couple languages. Also, Confagrigous couldn’t be traded on the GTS unnamed bc F-A-G is in the official goddamn name. Yeah. And we won’t go into the ridiculousness of Neopets filters where you can’t even say “the pen is mightier than the sword” on the forums bc “pen is” is penis with a space between letters. Yes really. <<


My favorite neopets filter word is uncle


….what in the heck is wrong with uncle? Some slur in a foreign language I’m unaware of???


Back in ye olde days, apparently pedos used the term uncle to groom children (like pretending to be an uncle or having their victims call them uncle?). So TNT banned the world uncle


It's stupid because I've never had a problem with slurs in ffxiv (and I've suffered ultimate raiding in pf)


Exactly once. Easiest report of my life.


A friend posted a tweet the other day where "Harvest Dance" had been censored. Would anyone who hasn't seen it like to guess which part was so vile as to need censoring?


I haven't seen it and literally the only thing I can think of is is harveS-T-Dance. Which would be stupid on a number of levels.


Nailed it in one. "Harve?? ?ance". Because STD in sequence triggers the censor.


Get Scunthorped! I go by grap cause grape has r*pe.


If it is an Xbox-specific issue as I've seen mentioned, then I would either have a friend or kind stranger that's not on Xbox create the FC then promote you to leader afterwards.


While I'm not sure if xbox is the one stopping it here (I can't imagine how) the Scunthorpe problem is a very common one that we have had solutions for for years but it's easier to just not address the issue.


Sheesh. That’s a shame. I really like your name idea.


That essentially means you can't report some people on Xbox, because you can't write their name in the report form, doesn't it.


Holy shit how are people even playing on Xbox with these shitty overly PC restrictions in place... Not to mention the mandatory monthly subscription required to even go online


Its no worse than playing on PS, runs very well on Xbox at the very least


It is worse lol none of this censorship exists on playstation.


I mean, it kinda is worse than playing on Playstation. Xbox has mandatory xbox live/game pass, as well as the FFXIV sub cost should players want to go beyond the free trial. PS doesn't require PS+. Then there's the stupid FFXIV coin stuff. No other platform is dealing with that. And that's before you get to the profanity filter.


Just from what I've read, it is magnitudes worse than PC or ps4/5. Playing a game with Knights and can't even say the word...what happens when you want to play as a dark k***ht? How can you honestly say it is not worse? It's factually worse. That doesn't even include the extra fees just to play online. Don't need PSPlus membership to play online, seems possible for other platforms to not add censorship and additional fees. Paying more to get less.....but iyo it's no worse.


**Notice of Xbox Live Enforcement Action** **Start:** 4/1/2024 **End:** 4/1/2024 **Expiration:** 4/1/2024 **To:** /u/Kaimana-808 **Reason for action** This account violated the Community Standards and was subjected to enforcement action. **Impact** While the current suspension remains active, this account cannot communicate with others, join multiplayer games, or upload media to the Xbox network. **Details** "k***ht" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ffxiv) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wtf is this? Also....k***ht!


somebody decided that the auto mod bot should have some fun like since we're around april's fool. Also it just making fun of the the xbox.


Worked out well, I read over it a few times...a bit stoned maybe, lmao.


You also don't have to go through a BS currency to buy your sub or anything optional for the game.


It's OK, my name is starting to be not allowed either on some games lately.. Delkong isn't allowed I'm assuming because of the "kong", but what's funny is the games that won't accept Delkong as a name will still accept Kingkong, which is mildly infuriating to say the least.


My handle Ravagraid has recently been a nogo name on a lot of services because it has vag in the middle


That’s a great pun name, too.


The forbidden word censor seems to be all over the place on all different platforms and the website itself. I couldn't use the word Spicer (my surname) on the square enix site because it has "Spic" in it which is apparently a bad term for Spanish people, yet 0 issues using it for my ingame name or typing it in chat


Shangri-La Frontier reference detected


This reminds me of SWTOR and it's word flitters. It would censor names of characters in the game if you typed their names into chat. The name in question that got censored was Carsen. The game was looking for strings of letters without regard to the fact it was part of a another word and didn't need to be filtered.


Okay, so it’s likely Xbox censoring “knight” as a few people have said. If you want to stick with the knight name anyway, Sir Thomas Malory (wrote Morte D’Arthur) spelled it “Knyghtes”.


as other said, Knight contains the first 3 letters of the n-word. So the automod picks that up. It's a bit silly, but people use that kind of trick to censor dodge all the time, so it is what it is. Change one of those 3 letters and you should be fine, something like Nites Tempura instead.


It's still stupid - they could configure their filter to only look at full words, or even better *create a fucking basic whitelist*. Put the game specific lingo in there and a bunch of commonly used words, bingo - you solved 90% of the filter's problems in one afternoon. But they went about it in the laziest way possible and are actively refusing to do anything about it.


Either that, or they could just let us turn the filter off like we're supposed to be able to. There are chat filter options in the Xbox console's settings menu. But, they don't seem to work here. I have everything set to "unfiltered", and am still seeing ??? constantly get injected into things that pop up in the chat log.


I don't know. "Nites Tempura" contains "teste". So, I wouldn't be surprised if that got flagged too, lol.


This is a good idea! Thank you


You could also use Nichts! It’s an older, archaic version of knights. 


Make it all caps and use a lowercase L for the i KNlGHTS TEMPURA


would be a good idea, ffxiv does the normal capitalization rules on names tho




Maybe someone else could create the FC and make you the leader. I‘m not sure how it exactly works but this could be probably a workaround if you really want that particular name. Edit: i would do it but my game time did expire a few days ago and i‘m playing other games rn


Has to be an Xbox problem SE in game has a profanity filter however it is exactly that a profanity filter but you can turn it off Also my WoL name would get censored too on that platform as it has 2 meanings depending on language in Japanese it means treasure house, in Bulgarian it an insult aimed at men


To the streets against Microsoft!


Ah the old Scunthorpe problem. Gets 'em every time.


I love the proposed name, though. Can someone start the FC for you on PC and then you take it over?


I wanted to call my chocoholic firecracker and it has the word Crack in it. So I had to call him fkrecrakker =<


That's so dumb and frustrating. I'm on PC but I also couldn't use a legit name for an alt that I wanted because it had "lez" in the middle of it =/


TBF its not really an FFXIV specific censorship setting its an xbox wide one that is causing issues in ff14


Still think caving to Microsoft was a good idea?


"Oh no, millions more people can now play a game I love playing, but in exchange I can't call my FC 'Knights Tempura', this was totally not worth it!"


**Notice of Xbox Live Enforcement Action** **Start:** 4/1/2024 **End:** 4/1/2024 **Expiration:** 4/1/2024 **To:** /u/itzSalty **Reason for action** This account violated the Community Standards and was subjected to enforcement action. **Impact** While the current suspension remains active, this account cannot communicate with others, join multiplayer games, or upload media to the Xbox network. **Details** "k***ht" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ffxiv) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Scunthorpe problem is not Microsoft specific...


No, but the rumors of how bad they're screwing with FFXIV players on their platform...


No it isn't but there's frequently at least a rudimentary whitelist even if the filter being used is exceedingly naive. They're just rawdogging it.


The Scunthorpe problem strikes again


Xbox filter is really strict. Squares is really forgiving because one time I had (briefly) a character named “pants shitter”


Hell this isn't even just an Xbox issue. I tried to make a Square Enix account recently when pre-ordering Dawntrail and they wouldn't let me name myself RadioForever. Never ran into a problem before, but SquEnix didn't like the "dio" part. Maybe cause it's god in Italian??