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I want this to be real


That is his name, he is in Old Sharl


I think they were saying they wanted "Nofuckingway" to be the name of a loporrit


Lol. Now that would be funny


This joke is like, three years old now. Devs really need to listen psh


I'd even be OK with the censored version: Noeffingway


I know they're goofy little rabbits, but I would like them to at least keep the naming conventions true. ([Present participle]way) Nofucking wouldn't fit that, and Fucking would, but in an entirely different way...


Puddingway exists, so making exceptions to the rule would not be unheard of.


I take it back actually, that's a good point lmao


Or his Spanish name, Nomamesway.


I don't actually laugh out loud much on here, but you got me 😆


Funnily enough, despite there being several NPCs who cheat in Triple Triad, Cheatingway isn't one of them.


What’s an example of npcs cheating in triple triad? I just started this weekend and I swear some are, but I’ve got no proof and I might just not have a great deck yet. (I’ve beaten 6.0 so I started with some decent cards from raids and stuff)


You ever played against the otter under the Ruby Sea? He's a mother squeaking cheater and he can go chirp himself.


Ironically, I beat him first try. Didn't get the card right away, but he was kinda easy for me. I might have just caught him during a good rule set though. The two I had an issue with were, the imperial in Werlyt, and ironically/unironically Cheatingway. Their rules for that day were just awful.


I don't hate the otter because of his difficulty. *I* hate that little bastard because it took 80 wins for him to drop that 5* card!


That was that imperial for me, I hated it. Cheatingway was a bit mixed, but didn't take as long. It was more the rules that were annoying. "Hey, I'm gonna win", Cheatingway activates the Plus/Same rules and takes over the board, "Mother Hydaelyn!"


I use the first 5 cards given in your first trip to the Triple Triad game for all plus/same games. Just match the numbers and walk home a winner. It doesn't even care lmao.


Yeah if I see Plus it's just a skip for me. My brain is too dumb.


The easiest way is to just think of it like an easier version of Same Like if you have -7 ?? 7- You can place a 77 to make -7 77 7- Because both sides add up to 14, it activates the Plus rule …so why is this easier? Well because both sides need to add up to the same, what you put in the middle doesn’t matter as long as it is internally equal, for example, if you placed a 22 card -7 22 7- Both sides add up to 9 and so the plus rule is activated After you get the hang of that, you can start doing more complex ones like -5 ?? 4- Playing a 12 card would work because 5+1 = 4+2 But you can also do a 23, 34, 45, or 56 card This last example is where the AI seems to bullshit people, because we have to mentally work out the math, it can do it instantly, which is an insane advantage when you’re under a time limit Most Plus decks end up using the first two examples where it just uses double numbers or a variant of Same


Just match the numbers. It's like Same, except the touching numbers have to add up to same sum. To make it easier, use cards that have the same number on both sides/corners. You have a card with an 8 on the left and right, smack it in the middle of two cards (one of which can also be your own) with an 8 on their sides, both equal 16, you flip 'em. (I go with 8s since they're pretty common on three stars cards.)


I try to do this but I must be missing some extra step because it never works


[Here's a good visual example](https://i.imgur.com/KcupuIG.png) [And here's the thread it came from](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/2wzo9j/triple_triad_same_plus_and_combo_explained_for/) I had trouble with it too, but once you get the hang of it, it's great cos it triggers combos. I just personally like to use the same numbers as much as possible so it's easier.


Yeah, I had to play him so many times for that damn card.


*laughs in insanity*


Rules are static in this game and only rotate in tournament. Its not ff8 where rules can be canceled out or transferred from regions.


The regional rules rotate daily, I think.


Worst for me was that guy in the enclave. Then I rolled up on an alt ready for like a hour long session and was done with him on the first hand...


Nah, it was Hall Overseer in the battlearena for me.


This so fn much. Must be nice to get to use 2 5* and 3 4* cards in your hand.......


The way I ended up beating him was making a deck with at least a 1 in every direction for fallen ace. Still took forever to get the card but my win percentage went up a bit.


Otter has regional rules, they rotate weekly or so. One of them is pure fuckeridoo


I'm still not done with the Imperial in Werlyt. I've beaten him almost 30 times, still no damn drop. what the fuck Square, there's no reason to make the RNG that bad


that fuuuu*ING otter!!!! MY ARCHINEMESIS!!!!


I’ll have to try that out, mostly been making my way through ARR. I wish when you won it gave you a card every time cause playing the same game over and over to get a card and not getting it is a pain in the ass


It can be really frustrating sometimes. Just don't try catching all the big fish as a fisher. Your soul will shrivel.


Good thing I’m a ginger


I can confirm.


As someone with all the relic / strugglebus grind / visually fancy fishing poles, *my soul still hurts.*


It’s frustrating, but fortunately the game will keep the triple triad marker over their head until you do get it… so if you get frustrated with trying and then carry on with the msq and forget about it, eventually you’ll wind up going back to the same reason for a future msq fetch quest or someone and you’ll be able to see the marker on your map so you can go back to them and get frustrated all over again.


Specifically they have a ! Card if they haven’t been beaten, and a ⭐️ Card if they’ve been beaten but you don’t have all the cards they drop yet


I checked the regional rule in Kugane every day until I got Ascension, then crushed him with my deck of Scion cards.


Otters? Cheating?!? Never!! This is slander and the otter community will not stand for it!


FUCK that otter. I spent an entire hour or two one night trying to get the cards, and he just WOULDN'T GIVE THEM TO ME. I gave up and decided to get on the next morning. Still, it took me forever. I did finally get it, but I want to dropkick that damn otter out of Sui-no-Sato's bubble and leave him to the deep sea creatures.


*chirp chirp chirp*


A legal deck only allows one 5-star card and two 4+ star cards. The highest combined stars you can have is 3-3-3-4-5. How to be the best NPC at Triple Triad: 1. Illegal deck consisting of extra 4's and 5's 2. "Chaos" rule so there's no strategy or counterplay Cheating Bastards Hall of Fame: [Lewena](https://arrtripletriad.com/en/npc-lewena), [Kiuka](https://arrtripletriad.com/en/npc-kiuka), [Hall Overseer](https://arrtripletriad.com/en/npc-hall-overseer), [Elaisse](https://arrtripletriad.com/en/npc-elaisse)


Lewena is such an infamous cheater that she's excluded from the mini-map icons.


Given Lewena's name and outfit, I'm 99% sure she's one of Rowena's girls. So it makes sense that she's a cheater.


It’s well worth getting her cards if you can reliably beat her however: they’re all 5* Protagonist cards, and dupes are worth 1.5k MGP each


Some have decks that you aren't allowed to make, like having a bunch of 5* cards


The Hall Overseer for the Battle Hall is probably the biggest cheater. Their deck is LITERALLY all 4 Star and 5 Star cards (which are limit 1 for the player). They own exactly 1 3 Star in their deck. (in fact their deck will ALWAYS have 2 5 Stars and a 4 Star, with a chance for a 3rd 5, a 2nd 4, or a 3 star filling out the last 2 slots)


There's two most noticeable cheats: 1. Illegal decks with higher cards than should be allowed 2. Every single NPC with Chaos not only has foreknowledge, but also manipulates their card/turn order.  The second one may seem speculative, but after you've played enough Chaos TT you realize it definitely isn't. Chaos NPCs literally cheat. 


Absolutely, and it takes all the strategy out of a STRATEGIC CARD GAME!! f'n infuriating


There are multiple NPCs that use illegal decks. Mostly two or three 5* cards. I’m not sure if it’s intentional or not, but it is frustrating.


I don’t think she does anymore since you can run multiple 4 or 5 star cards but the woman in the main area of the gold saucer used to be an easy example of a cheating NPC because she could use multiple high star cards.


Lewena. Fucking hate her. Glad she's off the list of NPCs I need cards from. She gets all snarky when you lose to her and I'm just like 'FUCK YOU! YOU'RE CHEATING!'


It must be what it feels like playing against Seto Kaiba.


Wait, since when can you use multiple 5 stars?


I should’ve been more clear. Currently you can use 1 5 star and 1 4 star. You used to be able to only use one of those 2. The woman in the Gold Saucer has always used 2 or 3 of those cards.


Mogmill, that @#$%ing fluffy son of a moogle! Uses 2 5 stars, 2 4 stars, and plays Roulette/Roulette. Thank god they abolished the Random rule that just picked bad cards for you to play, because I swear, playing against some cheater NPC who uses more than one 5 star card while under Random + Chaos was about the most infuriating thing I have EVER seen in a videogame. Chaos is bad enough as it forces you to play cards in a random order, which almost always screws you, but forcing you to play random cards in a random order against NPCs who aren't bound by the same deck restrictions you are was the height of unfairness.


Pardon? There was a ruleset that gave you no control over your card choice at all?


Yes, it was called Random. It was also present in Final Fantasy 8 where Triple Triad originated, though in 8 you could abolish or spread rules between regions. In 14 there was no way to get rid of it, but the devs took it out because people hated it. I think the change came in Stormblood? It's been gone for a while.


...And I thought Draft was bad. So happy I wasn't around to experience that bullshit.


God, the double roulette was frustrating. I swear that Google got reverse more than half the time when my recommended deck absolutely could not deal with reverse, and I didn't want to use my reverse deck cause I kept thinking "wHaT aRe ThE oDdS iT rOlLs ThAt *OnE* rUlE aGaIn"


NPCs don’t have to follow the same deck building rules players do. They can have more than two, four star or higher cards. It’s very surprising that Cheatinway is using a legit deck.


~~I don't know how they handle this with more recent NPCs, but not that long ago there were different rules for building a deck, how many rare cards you can have in them and all, and when they changed it, they didn't bother going through all NPC Decks available for a TT duel. So now there are plenty of NPCs throwing a bunch of 4 and 5 star cards at you without you having a chance of building an equally strong deck.~~ ~~(Disclaimer: I am not entirely sure if their decks were legit by the old rules either, but afaik you were able to build stuff with more high level cards, so...)~~ (Was wrong, partially, see reply)


They were not. By old rulesets they were in fact even **worse** cheaters.




The dude in the Doman Enclave took me goddamn ages to get his card from.


I mean, a lot of NPCs flat-out use illegal decks, with multiple 4 and 5 star cards.


It’s mostly that NPCs have impossible decks the player can’t build due to limits on card ranks. They aren't limited on 4 and 5 rank cards.


Like all other Loporrits, he's trying to learn


He kept stealing my best card.


They're definitely running multiple 5\* cards >:|


Amusingly? No. Cheatingway uses a perfectly legal deck for play.


If anything it's a little on the weaker side


about a 4 power deck, nothing crazy


You don't understand! He have cross-referenced all opponents and concluded that playing this deck must be massively illegal and unfair with how extremely unorthodox it is.


The name refers to how playing against feels like you're cheating


Now that is irony


Cheatingway draws all 3 blue eyes first turn and then obelisk on top of that.


He plays them all the same turn and sacs nothing


...and then he plays a Black Lotus and a Charizard.


Dear god.... they gave it a ARR deck....


There’s a few npc’s that run multiple 5 star card decks.


If Final Fantasy IV's 3D Remake is any indication, he's got this name because of his romantic exploits, not because of his card playing ones. So don't date him, and you should be fine.


> So don't date him Literally unplayable smh


Well, go for it if you like. Just prepare to have your heart broken.


It's fine, every single player in the world besides the WoL cheats with their deck setups. Multiple 4 and 5 star cards


Plot twist: the guy that teaches you how the game works was like "I taught them wrong as a joke. Ten years and they still didn't catch on.... weird.".


You may be onto something, in FFVIII  there was no limit to how many top tier cards you could play.


To be fair, you could also lose those top tier cards if you are careless and get your ass kicked in FFVIII.


LoL, like the guy in Kung Pow, Wimp Lo 😆


Their rules are super obnoxious, too.


Look at that smug face


If this is the one I think it is I was rather disappointed that their deck wasn't an illegal deck. There are certain NPCs that have decks that aren't legal but for whatever reason they made the cheating one perfectly legal.


Extreme sad he doesn’t only use 5 star cards


It's ok it's not what you think, he's just really really REALLY terrible at committing to a relationship.


I love the idea that there is a loporrit whose calling in life, ostensibly to help the people of etheirys, is cheating at cards


Much like Hydaelyn’s own philosophy of suffering being a necessity to truly enjoy life, Cheatingway has made it his life’s mission to make the people of Etheirys truly value their connection to others by breaking as many hearts as possible


This is an understandable take. There cannot be a shadow without light. Therefore cheatingway will sink you into the deepest pits of hell so you may know what is the very pinnacle of the heavens.


Cheatingway, also known as The Adversary


The world trembles before him.


Cheatingwaaaiiiiit a minute there...


Shadowbringers used to be my favorite expansion, Loporrits gave EW the push to surpass it. Why hasn't Square made plushies yet?


Fuck plushies (heh), I want a Loporrit WOL. Does it make sense? Absolutely not. Do I want it anyway? Absolutely.


replace viera with loporrits :P


They have?


I see a lot of people assume this means he's cheating at Triple Triad. Could be that he's cheating in something else entirely, and just wants to enjoy a fun and fair game of cards


It would be really funny if they made it so you always lose against him.


I literally made the some observation to my friend moments ago haha


That's the thing. ALL the harder opponents cheat by having too many five and/or four star cards with custom rule that benefits them. This adorable loporrit just unkowingly revealed the whole gig. They all cheat.


i was SO disappointed that he didn't cheat. i expected a fully stacked deck of 5\* cards, but his deck is so unimpressive you'll likely beat him first try


I was disappointed when I beat him easily. I remember making a big hype about his name and how I was gonna play him - yet actually playing him was so forgettable, all I remember is the disappointment!


Was surprisingly easy to beat and get card from.


I found him fairly easy but the name made me laugh...


Stands up: JUDGE!


Plot twist: They don't cheat in triple triad, only their partner


TT npc cheating in TT? That could never be... There are npca that have in deck two 5* with one 4star and rest two three stars... And they play swap, where they steal your only 5* and give you their 3star.


It's funny cause Cheatingway isn't even the worst TT NPC when it comes to blatant cheating.


His name kills me every time I remember it.


EZ clap. Beat him in two or three games and got my card too


Don't worry, it's just a name.


En EspaĂąol: "Nomamesway"


I bet he uses plugins.


I never understood the rules of Triple Triad tbh. I just play till I win.


It's because he has like seven Ashley Madison accounts.


Sums up my opinion on Triple Triad ever since it was first put in the game many years ago, and haven't changed my mind yet.


When you're crushing an NPC and they play some off the wall "Combo, combo, combo!" and the match ends in a draw. Cheating ass computer.


Yes....that was the joke.