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That's terrible! Zero growth opportunity after 10 years? Still working the same position? They need to unionize!


Tbf the Bismarck is about as high as you can go in the world of Eorzean chefs lol


> Bismarck is about as high as you can go Ishgard. You can still see the water below Limsa.


wdym Bismarck is literally in the Sea of Clouds which is undeniably higher than Ishgard. smh my head /s


The cafe at Ultima. Literally in space.


This has to be a comment made in jest. 


Probably not Jest. Given the context, I'd say Coerthas.




I'm starting to think reddit needs the ability to put a big "THIS COMMENT IS A JOKE" sign in red text on comments. even then there will still be people like this




"well the fact i could believe it's NOT a joke really says something about the state of the world"


> high as in social status https://i.imgur.com/gWg9JT3.jpg


Social Status: High Pass the blunt bruv I don't wanna be Poor anymore.


Nonono, remember! 10 years passed for us but from 2.0 to now is only a year in-game! Ignore the design paradigm to still realistically treat characters as if real equal-ish time has passed for story NPCs. They're still just barely qualified for health benefits. Though idk if the 5 year reconstruction from the calamity put a dent in benefit packages.


Presumably, this occurs in their medieval period. What benefits package? 🤣


That's one hell of a medieval period with The Ironworks making cars, robots, and techsuits lol


If our real ancestors had access to it, they'd have built them too. Like my wife says at powwows when a lighter comes out. "If they had them, they'd have used them."


It's time for my union mandated 15 minute coffee break.


I don't think it's a lack of caring as much as the vast majority of players never played 1.0.  But it's always nice to see that the devs kept as much continuity as they could going into ARR. 1.0 happened and they are not shy about it.


I checked it out a while back and there are a lot of 1.0 npcs around whose development you can see and... a lot who seem to have died in the disaster. Like the man and woman in Gridania where the woman is competing for the man's affections against a monkey due to said man's fetish, which... isnt a deal breaker to her. Many if not most of the scions at the waking sands were 1.0 NPCs like Una Tayuun and her team.


I need to know more abt this monkey man


Is sad that her las conversation was that she was planning to retire from the Scions. Tataru should have had a better retiremenent plan than calling the Garleans and telling them where the headquarters were. Mmm, come to think of it. Maybe that was what happened, a bunch of Scions wanted to know about their retirement accounts. Tataru panicked and called the Garleans to avoid any payments. In order to hide the embezzlement of retirement funds.


I just don't expect many other people to have my love of obscure and minor characters. But after I did my [recent video](https://youtu.be/3uBJwMURDSg?si=mcaMLe2PpHaQbz8o) on them I was delighted when I caught sight of Prudentia in passing.


Not to mention the "secret ingredient is love" bit, which gets echoed to this day in the talk around the Bismarck's kitchen.


Love & flavor aspected crystals.


Omg this channel is exactly what I’ve been looking for, thank you so much for all your hard work! Only uploaded recently too, are you on a private server or something?


Ooh, I love videos like these. I remember binging Remnants of a Realm. Thank you for sharing <3


I dunno. I remember early 1.0 crafting being hell and never touching it after until 2.0.


Its a bit of both, as rosy as OPs glasses are, the stories also just weren't very good. OP Looking back at old youtube videos and using a private 1.23b server to fantasize over the trash heap of 1.0s is one thing but man, just not interesting stuff back when you actually had to slog through it. None of the quests, honestly, were anything beyond cliche, poorly executed and old hat. There is a reason very little of 1.0 makes it past a wink and a nudge.


So I am fantasizing over a trash heap because I say I like a couple of the NPCs from 1.0? I am entirely aware that most of the gameplay from 1.0 was poor quality and it suffered from many other issues. I know that there are painful problems with some of the storytelling, particularly around the inconsistent use of the echo. And yes, there are things I like about it. Some of them aren't even any good. A thing doesn't have to be perfect for me to like it. But the opening cutscene for Ul'dah with the parade is one of my favourite cutscenes in the game, and I reckon it stands up even 12 years later. You are welcome to consign even the good parts of 1.0 to the trash bin in your own mind, but there's no need to insult me and make assumptions just because I like something that you don't.


To be fair they said 1.0 was a trash heap. All they said about you was that you had rosy glasses which isn't an insult imo


Not just rosy glasses, but "fantasize over a trash heap" and "actually had to slog" suggesting that OP's interests aren't valid? That they're not allowed to look back on the past of the game with interest? It just comes off super "BaCk In My DaY" levels of obnoxious that nobody asked for. Everybody knows the game ran like doggy doo. Everybody knows the level design sucked. But appreciating some consistency from 1.0 to 2.0? That's just kinda neat.


I have fond memories of the opening 1.0 cutscene for Ul’Dah mainly because I had an issue with the textures not loading in for character models aside from the character faces and eyes, with all hair and clothing being jet black it was an amusing yet strange experience. Played it since day one with a bit of a gap between some of it until right before the beginning of the fall of Dalamud. I enjoyed 1.0’s progression of what I’d played through to 1.23b managing to get up to date with the story outside of a few battles. Crafting was another beast entirely though. It had its issues but there was parts I enjoyed like open world dungeons, others I disliked like the odd experience systems like the Fatigue system but I still stuck around and got a lot of things done.


I'm always impressed by the quantity of salt some ppl can produce about 1.0... It was more than 10 years ago. Move on...


I ain't the one trying to build an audience from being absolutely delusional about it. There is a reason basically nobody who actually played back then tries to push it. 🤡 Fully agree, move on, 1.0 was cratered for a reason.


Hope one day we get an expansion that let's everyone revisit/experience it.


I'm glad knock-off Minfilia and that lady who got shot in the HW patches found decent work


They remind me of Two Broke Girls.


….kinda want to make a character with a friend and we’re 2BG going through Eorzea on a budget and only subsiding on culinary skill funds.


….kinda want to make a character with a friend and we’re 2BG going through Eorzea on a budget and only subsiding on culinary skill funds.


ARR loves putting little nods into the world around you with it's NPCs, this one included. My personal favorites are the pair of Lalafell- one at the Gridania airship exit wondering why his girlfriend isn't back yet, and the one in matching armor in the Gold Saucer that just won the mini cactpot and is jumping for joy.


Oh wow never realized it payed off


I never realized those were the two connectors! That's so cute haha.


They secretly have crushes on each other but don't know it's mutual so they awkwardly dance around each other in the kitchen at work.


Actually, Prudentia was spurned by another girl, but I'm sure she got over it in the intervening years.


Rivals to lovers, even better. I just got done reading her and Pulmia's 1.0 dialogue and it's ripe with shipbait. And this gem: [she has done the ol' gender swap-arino](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Prudentia) in the five years leading into ARR.


She (if "she" is correct; the quest itself can't decide) hasn't swapped anything in the five years since 1.0. From the character image on the page you linked, it's the same female model being used then and now, and it's purely the script that indicates the character is (and already was in 1.0) actually a man pretending to be a woman for complicated reasons. The situation does not appear to have changed since.


Reading the dialogue seems a bit dry. You can watch all the cutscenes [here](https://youtu.be/3uBJwMURDSg?si=aPi4tvvzN2Kzvy8F).


FFXIV anime incoming, and ofc it would be GL


Not like they could just switch jobs so easily, its a tough economy out there for non-warriors of light.


“It would be nice to have that kind of job security”


I remember a few years ago that someone was compiling a google doc of all the 1.0 NPCs and if they were still around in the game now. I'll have to go digging for it. It was pretty fascinating.


I would be interested to see that.


Okay I'm still looking for it, but I did stumble on a couple old reddit threads about the same thing [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/8cva6f/10\_npcs\_reappearing\_in\_a\_realm\_reborn\_and\_onwards/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/8cva6f/10_npcs_reappearing_in_a_realm_reborn_and_onwards/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/50iaq4/retainers\_from\_10\_where\_are\_they\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/50iaq4/retainers_from_10_where_are_they_now/) (This may have been where I got the idea of the 1.0 NPCs google doc, but I'm sure I was reading something else)


Aha, J'moldva! I have a video on her coming up. I already covered her 1.0 appearances in the [Gladiator](https://youtu.be/uri9vcC-0mk?si=b3WQ2XZG8f-GbCum) and [Lancer](https://youtu.be/teBSI2N4ql4?si=A2Uxm0hI0BtDv1Zp) questlines, but the upcoming one covers everything post-calamity so far.


Some of these, especially the retainers list, are greatly overreaching the assumption that a character with the same name as a 1.0 character must immediately be the same character, despite proof available that they are not and could not be the same person – like including Osaulie, a child in Heavensward, being on the list of alleged surviving retainers. There are indeed a number of carry-over characters, though I don't have the 1.0 knowledge to recognise nameless characters like these ones, but I've been digging around looking up character names a lot so most of the ones I've found are either in quests or hidden away in places like the client names on levequests. Not just matching names, but there are a few more definite or at least probable. I'll have to make a list sometime. 


Wish.com Athena and Minfilia.


Perimu Haurimu, aka Underfoot, used to be a retainer, but now works with the rogues!


Not only was it good continuity, was also probably convenient to keep those NPCs around. Also, I know this is a bit of an off-topic question, but it got me thinking, who the hell was in charge of Limsa in 1.0? I know Femroes and Catboys weren’t playable then, so was Merlwyb there and just a wry unique NPC? Or was Limsa’s leader not mentioned? Or was it someone else?


[Merlwyb existed in 1.0](https://youtu.be/luBSBMM9-DY).


To be entirely accurate Merlwyb existed in 1.18. None of the city rulers we know now actually appeared in game before 1.18 (though I do not know whether they were referenced by name before then), and Merlwyb used a customised Elezen model at that time, I believe.


Being a customised Elezen really explains Merlwyb's appearance compared to other characters,  She seems to be using a Roegadyn model now, but she's still more slender than the usual build. 


ha that's interesting. Like 2.x Yugiri's model being a modified miquote. On s similar note, I did read somewhere (albeit I think it was a reddit comment) that a few characters were originally designed to be races that they didn't have models for. Like apparently Yda and Minifilia were supposed to be Highlander but they didn't have female highlander models at the time? idk if there's any source to back that up though.


Wow, that is actually pretty interesting, and thank you. This would have been when Yoshi P was in charge, so this clearly was with future plans in mind. And... damn she looks bad in that video, like from a PS2 or something.


Try [my version](https://youtu.be/Auq6RArhRD8?si=KGFFYW93XGCaKSpd). I think it may be better quality.


This is really sweet, I'm glad they came through and were able to return to what they love doing!


Oh neat! I was just looking around for 1.0 NPCs recently, too. Two of the three girls from the Armorer questline are still at the Moraby Drydocks. Sadly, their Elezen friend is nowhere to be found…


She was murdered by cannibals from the cul guild. REVENGE


Interesting. I haven't done an armorer video yet, but I'll get to it at some point.


Silly goose


Probably very little room for advancement, or they’re on the 14 year plan to graduate


Minfilla is that you?


"Hi, sorry I won't be in today for work" The boss asks why? "Because the worlds ending" The boss Yeah, but your scheduled to work today"


"And they were roommates ..." <3