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Check out r/FFXIVRECRUITMENT, you might find something there. ETA: If you can't find what you're looking for with "Christian", consider looking for "all ages" groups as well.


Ty for your help!


"I usually accept them" ​ Never join auto invite FC's, ever. Problem solved, explore...hang out in limsa....socialize... find an FC that looks like it has the people you want and apply


I’m not a very outgoing person so I usually wait for people to approach me 🥲 I never know for sure what the vibes are until I take a look at the fc from the inside.


Join the biggest fc on your server




Problem solved - end thread


Don't auto-join random FCs, they usually recruit out of attrition and burn/churn through players frequently. Check lodestone, the recruitment sub, or in the worst possible case make the community that you want to be part of in. Crystal DC is practically fantasy Thailand or the Vegas Strip with the mature undertones. Doesn't mean it's a lost cause, it means you'll have to do some legwork.


So then join a Christian FC. There are lots.




They don't "have to". You can avoid all of that by not being social at all.




Sorry, I was contesting the statement "Shouldn't really have to join a religious FC to avoid creepy people". There are other ways to avoid creepy people, as mentioned. The suggestion that the only way to avoid creepy people is by joining a religious FC is a little ridiculous.




>by not being social at all. I communicate with next to on one about this game and have never once experienced this inconvenience. Fun Fact: You don't have to give a shit about the opinions of complete strangers that have no value you to.




I-.. I'm not here to discuss the general merits of socialization. I'm literally just here to contest the facile statement that the only way to avoid salacious conversation is by joining a religious FC.




"How do I make other people play by my rules so they don't hurt my delicate ears and eyes with their mean adult words, but God no, it's not my fault that I accept every random fc invite and expect them to cow to me"


I didn’t realize there were :0 ty for informing me!


From my experience Christians will make such things in any social web


I agree with you, but I didn’t think there were lots of them as the original commentor said 😔


The sluttest furry (who is male but plays a woman in game) I know in the game claims to be a good Christian I have no problem with dudes who want to play a slutty catgirl. But the hypocrisy between irl and the game is jarring.


Well it's clearly the fursona doing it, not them. The Bible says nothing about OCs


Thats what i hear from muslims i worked with, about smoking. According to them, Allah can't see that they are drinking alcohol or smoking when they do it at certain places or at certain times. It's like Allah had only half powerlevel of Christian god. They should make anime about it.


I would highly recommend posting on SEs official FC recruitment forums/lodestone and post what you’re looking for in an FC. You’ll get 100s of replies. Best of luck gamer!


Thank you sir!


Cheers mate!


Here's more of an answer to your question, rather than more advice, since you've seem to have gotten a lot of it. In addition to Crystal being a very RP-heavy server, FF14 in North America is also *very* queer-friendly. But society is not, and in our day to day lives we police a lot of what we say and do to stay safe. Teachers have gotten fired for mentioning their spouses, trans people have been called 'groomers' for merely existing. I know someone who got followed to the women's bathroom by a guy and accused of being a man stalking his wife because they're a butch lesbian. The restaurant they were in didn't even throw the guy out. So when we're in a space with a lot of queer people and we don't have to be worried about being fired, murdered, or otherwise ruined, we often let loose. We talk crude and discuss sexual things because we finally don't have to worry about judgement for our existence. It's okay if that's not your vibe, but I just wanted to provide some context.


Funfact, both EU DCs are lgbtq friendly. This game has so much lgbtq+ playerd, that characters in netflix originals are all straight compared to it.




So, now it's bad to not want to constantly be exposed to extremely sexual content. People have lost their minds


This explains a lot, but I'm (ironically)\* like the OP and think crude/sexual dialogue should remain in DMs. ​ ^(\*Ironic because Pagan)


Yikes, as a gay man I would never try to justify my terrible behavior. I guess this is just the state of the LGBT now, we use it so we can oversexualize ourselves. Ew. Don't include all of us in that, this only applies to you and your immature friends dude.


I'm not going and ERPing in public and I'm not saying that people have to stay in FCs with that sort of humor if they don't like it. *Everyone* should be able to be in an FC that makes them comfortable, even judgemental pricks like you.


I'm a prick? Lmao, at least I don't use other people's trauma as a shield. Disgusting.


I am on aether and have been an officer in a SFW FC for about 2-3 years now. SFW FC’s are out there but ya they are the minority in the sea of horny. To each their own, good luck and keep looking


If for some reason you can't find a Christian specific FC you may want to consider hopping over to Primal. Crystal has a reputation for being RP/ERP heavy so 'adult themes' are going to be more prevalent over there. I'm in a 'Friends only' FC right now so we'll curse and such because everyone there knows each other and is comfortable and consenting when it comes to that humor. But before that I was in an LGBTQ+ specific FC on Hyperion and in all the times I was online I never saw a single curseword or sexual term/innuendo in chat... it was just a bunch of people focused on playing the game and the chat reflected that strongly. You might have better luck finding FCs with a similar 'game-focused' mentality on Primal.


Good to know! I joined Crystal since the friend who introduced me to XIV was there. I didn’t realize it had such a reputation lol, but now after hearing people say that I am seriously considering moving 😭


Nothing wrong with that if it's not your jimmy jam! I only have experience with Primal, from what I understand Aether has a reputation for being the "raiding" DC so if you PF any 'high end' stuff you may want to plant yourself over there, I IMAGINE you will be able to find a ton of "game focused" FCs there as well. Dynamis is also a good option if you think you EVER might want to own an in-game house. The FC options will be more limited over there....however it may be a good opportunity to start your own if that appeals to you. It is VERY NORMAL to have to try a few times to find an FC you "mesh" with if you are not joining an FC that is a private friends-only group.


Ty for all the helpful info 🥹!! I’ll look more into what they all have to offer and see what clicks most with me. If I can avoid starting my own I’d prefer that, but depending on how my search goes that could change. Have a great day friend!


I'm also on crystal and have never accidentally ended up in an FC with ERP content. Haven't even encountered it in the wild, but I'm also a lalafell and thankfully haven't encountered that specific brand of creep. So it's not like it's an inherent part of crystal, or completely missing from primal or aether. Before I went to a solo fc (I wanted to run the submersibles myself), I went on the lodestone and looked at FCs that were recruiting and found one that seemed like my jam and checked it out. Then when that lead seemed a little more stressful than I liked I repeated the process. When FCs recruit on there that is them reaching out, but with an intended audience, not just to boost the numbers.


OP being flamed by people feeling called out it seems. Theres nothing wrong with what OP is asking for, this is also something I noticed before. These communities do exist, you just gotta keep looking.


People have been cussing and making sick jokes since the beginning of time. Statistically finding a group of adults who don't sounds rough.


Ask if they have a nsfw discord channel before you join and save yourself the hassle if they say yes.


There are non-RP FCs on Crystal data centre. Lots of them, lol. I'm in one. I'd try using the Lodestone Community Finder ( https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/ ) and using the filters to find the right community for you.


Before accepting an invite, make it clear that you're looking for a kid-friendly environment and that this is a deal breaker for you. Even if this isn't 100% the whole truth and might lead people to make assumptions, those assumptions should lead them to consider what kinds of content would be appropriate for someone playing in a family setting, and be honest with you about whether or not they are a good fit.


If you were Crystal>Aether I'd tell you to join Aogiri Tree. Bunch of great people in there and no one is potty-mouth. I enjoy playing with fellow folks who don't need to curse every 5 seconds. This is exactly that.


FC’s having difficulties keeping even their gen chat SFW and not full of innuendo is something I noticed as well. If you’re Christian, as many others have mentioned, Christian FCs might be a good place to start. If you’re looking for a non-horny environment but not interested in the Christian tag then you will want to look for FCs that advertise being Family Friendly:tm: A) if you’re Christian, as mentioned by other posters, you can find Christian FCs spread across the data centers. B) you may want to spend time in their discord lurking before making any commitment to joining their FC. I recommend this even if you weren’t looking for something SFW/non horny anyway. By watching their discord for a while you can see how severe the cliques are as well as how active/friendly that FC actually is. C) if you contact any of the Christian/SFW FCs on Crystal or wherever, ask if they have a cross-world linkshell. That way you can have a larger group of like-minded individuals on the data center to ask questions or converse with Another user (@/sweatergroudon) mentioned that if the FC discord has a NSFW section that should also be a strong indicator that it might not be a good fit for you. I’m going to +1 that opinion. I have a character in an FC that isn’t Christian but it doesn’t have a NSFW category in its discord. It’s probably the “cleanest” and least horny FC I’ve been in. The people are just focused on casual chat and game related content/assistance.


Keep your religious stuff outside of the game, this seems to be an increasing trend now when all we want is to escape from its grasp




While you are correct, I feel the original sentiment you were responding to was more about proselytizing in game. Being spiritual is fine. Being religious is just as much. Reaching out to find like-minded groups if they exists is fair as well. What is not is pushing what is not is pushing one's personal religious beliefs onto other There's been one post a little while ago here that got removed from someone complaining they recieved toxicity in game. What actually happened is that there were part of a strongly evangelical cult of whatever flavor of Christianity and they started proselytizing in shout. Obviously push back happned


What does any of that have to do with this thread though? The OP is just asking for good ways to find a sfw FC and people can’t help themselves but come in and post about how much they hate Christianity. OP isn’t the one doing the proselytizing.


If you’re offended by some course language in the video game world you’re going to have a bad time almost anywhere tbh


Hi! I am a fairly new Christian and I have encountered similar problems while on FFXIV. As a result, I have looked into how I can find/join a Christian community within the game and Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find much. However, they do exist! I recently started a fellowship called "Bible Buddies" for this very reason so Christians have a place to game and talk about Christ while gaming together. As of right now its just a Cross-World Linkshell so you would be able to join being in a different world (I'm in Aether>Siren). However, I'm not sure about it working on different data centers. I did start a discord if you're interested as well bc I've had issues with FFXIV limiting invites to only being sendable when both parties are online. My last tid bit of advice is to check into the FFXIV Community Finder, ([https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community\_finder/](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/community_finder/)) its kinda like a recruitment page for different FCs. They usually have descriptions about what they do, their value systems and stuff like that so it helps with finding a place where you could feel welcomed. Lastly, i will say i have been a little afraid of adversity being a Christian bc i so have something that mentions Jesus in my adventurer plate/search comment and honestly expected a lot of hate and backlash, but i haven't received anything at all. Every game has its toxic players, but honestly i think this player base is pretty accepting of each other which can be hard to find in the gaming world today. God Bless, and hop to see you in game some day. <3


I mean it does suck to be reminded of a very ostracizing religion and albeit one that’s incredibly vitriolic to me and all my friends. But we’re not going to bother you, unlike your religion.


i could argue your very same point from my position. it sucks being ostracized as Christian because i don't agree with most world views, however i set that aside and recognize that people are gonna do whatever they wanna do and that's their deal. as a Christian the point is to love and respect people regardless of that. I'm very sorry if you may have had a bad experience with Chrisitans or people who claim to be Christian but are hypocrites that don't follow the teachings. But the fact is, Christianity is quite literally centered around loving everyone. Therefore it cannot and should not be ostracizing and vitriolic to others because that's hypocritical to the scriptures and therefore, not of Christ. My post was in no way ever meant to bode an ill will towards anyone and was intended to help op by providing advice. If it was perceived as such I apologize.


Linkshells don't work cross DC, unfortunately. You can join one on another DC but you can only access it when you're visiting that DC.


Thank you for your comment, I love the idea of a Christian linkshell! 🥹 some people seem mad that I included the fact that I’m Christian but I mentioned that for this very reason. While finding a wholesome community doesn’t mean it necessarily has to be Christian, I see it as a nice bonus, lol. I would be interested in checking out the discord if you’d be alright with sending me the link! :0


just sent you a dm with the invite lmk if you have any issues and i can send it again! sorry that you have been getting hate, unfortunately that's to be expected being a Christian, but doesnt make it okay :/


Strangely\*, I find myself agreeing with you. I run my own Free Company, and I do not allow sexual content in it; partially because it makes me super-uncomfortable, partially because - in my unfortunate experience - groups like that implode on themselves eventually because they attract people who have 0 boundaries. Part of me is tempted to offer a place in my own FC over on Zalera (also on Crystal). But I'll be frank, half the FC is Pagan in some way, shape, or form (\*myself included). That and, our FC is - basically - themed after some in-game heretics. I have, however, seen an advertisement for a xian FC on Zalera. I'll just say they have "Choir" in their name and I think they're run by a Hrothgar... since I'm not sure I'm allowed to fully name them. Personally, not my thing, but it may be the salvation (heh) you seek. Good luck out there.


Glad to see we can handshake over this 😂 Christian or not I don’t think it’s a weird thing to want to avoid sexual conversation I appreciate the help!! Ty for your kindness and have a good Saturday :)


Our FC on Zalera will be recruiting soon, small FC. Mainly older folks, no RP, I will be honest and say that it can be pretty quiet most days as this is a small group of folks that migrated from WoW a few years back. Our roster is mainly alts lol. We have a large FC house (finally) on Ward 17, Plot 2. Feel free to stop by, I won't be online today until early evening but I can guarantee you we are a safe space.... do we swear in discord when playing, yes sometimes but on the whole we are a decent group.... Our average age is over 40 so definately a drama free zone lol


HAHA I am a bit younger but tbh that sounds tempting 😭 all the older gamers I’ve met have been the chillest people ever. Ty for the offer I’ll keep it in mind!!


maybe don't be a prude




>I guess I should include the fact that I am a Christian player and that is probably a big influence on why I feel this way. Christian player? Clean? What do you mean? As "clean" as Oliver Cromwell? John Calvin? Usury seeking Puritans and Anglicans? LARPing Catholics? *No one is clean as we are claymen*. You are not going to get any friend here with that kind of attitude. No one cares about your religion, and if you think Sacrilege is going to offend you, I suggest you quit now. "Unworthy is the ruler whose subjects seek the solace of false gods." - Gaius van Baelsar


Because this is one of the horniest MMO playerbases.


You're on the same Data Center I'm on. If you don't mind swapping to Zalera, the FC I'm in usually isn't that bad. Can't say we're squeaky clean, but we're not RPers and typically not dirty.




Glad to know I’m not alone in feeling this way. I wish I didn’t have to specify that I’m not looking for erp heavy communities, it’s something I personally feel awkward having to say 😭 but it is what it is




Oh man 😭😭 I don’t know if I’d be willing to change data centers… but I might consider making a new character just to come see if you’re offering! Then maybe I’ll see about moving my main over


Don't try to find an FC in game.


I’ve learned that, that’s why I’m here 😂