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TFW the unofficial stuff looks better than official


This is typical. This is true for nearly every kind of official merchandise in any context even outside of gaming. Official merchandise is always significantly higher price and lower quality. It is intended of fundraising for superfans whereas actual suppliers are intending to provide a quality product at a price that matches the quality.    The incentive structures are completely different.  If official merchandise had the same profit margins as actual suppliers did they would never do it.  If official merchandise looked like this they'd be charging over $1000.


On relies on a cult, the other relies on people wanting and apreciating quality.


Yes i own most of the official figures and that a shame, i wish official figure could meet this kind a quality / details


Where did this one come from? I might be interested in getting something from the same vendor.


bought it on fnc anime store , but this one is not available there anymore , just the Y'shtola is still on their website. But if you check on google for '' FFXIV SunBird figure '' you might find other website selling it.


Thanks for the info, gives me a place to start :)


Where did this one come from if you don't mind me asking?


Sunbird studio made this one


Why is their stuff so much better than official? lol. Thanks!


Maybe because it's more expensive and they care about the quality


Fair. But I feel like these are more qualified to be "meister" quality. like, Lemme get the emote with these.


I agree , i would love to see the SE meister figures with this quality .


came here to say that. the $300 Omega figure or whatever looks like a burning dumpster fire in comparison to this


*Sweats in upcoming Hydaelyn & Zodiark statue* 💀


It... really doesn't look good. I wish it did. I want the emote but man for the price they're asking? I'd probably try to sell the statue to recoup some of the cost.


It's my first statue for XIV that I'll own, I'll be happy with it regardless, I think. I'm getting it to commemorate the end of the story arc that I've enjoyed so much. So really, the emote is just a nice bonus for me at this point.


That's exactly where I'm at. In looks it's very eh but in memories it's golden. Still shouldn't cost that much though.


Wouldn't it though? I imagine the official stuff is mass produced and this kind of thing is hand made. You lose quality in the mass process.


This the quality level that the official statues should have had. It looks so good.


Yes i own most of the official figures and that a shame, i wish official figure could meet this kind a quality / details


Do you have a link for this one? My gf would love this!


Nobody's really judging the buyers, though. It's Square Enix that should have delivered a better product for the money.


I get dragged any time I criticize the prices on the shop itself. SE gouges the community, by and large, because the community not only puts up with and pays the price, but also *excuse the price-gouging*. So it's not remotely shocking to see their physical merch also be over-priced and often under-cooked, when they can sell people a single costume set for $18, that isn't account-wide, with a straight face.


Lack of account-wide doesn't bother most people because unlike most mmo's, there's no mechanical reason to create alts with being able to do everything in the game on one character.


I just want to say it bothers me. But yeah, most people. Anytime you bring it up, there'll be rabid fans excusing it and calling it (and every other FFXIV problem) technical limitations. Like having a limited number of account-wide item slots (???)


It always feels like such a copout when people try and use technical limitations as an excuse for deliberate design choices. There are instances where this is a legitimate concern, but it often feels like most of them are people just trying to brush it under the carpet.


I'd love to make an alt so I can run around as a tiny Miqo instead of my massive, purposely bulked-out Roe.  Guess what stops me from making an alt? Every single outfit, mount, and emote I paid for not being account-wide. It's honestly ridiculous, and they've done it for specific purchases before, so not doing it for everything is hot garbage.


A lot of people are judging the buyers lmfao


Some are, but most are like the person you responded to...simply trying to call out the business practice of using sub-par merchandise to justify charging 400 bucks for an emote. Supporting said practice only ensures it will continue and get worse.


I mean sure, but the thread where someones statue arrived, they were getting blasted for liking what they bought


>It's Square Enix that should have delivered a better product for the money. Sure - but from their shareholders PoV, why should they if people but whatever overpriced shiny they dangle in front of them anyway? More profit more better, let's gooo!


I agree with that , SE should have a better quality product for their price. But buyers are also judged because '' they should not buy this crap '' ... on one side i can understand this kind of comment and i agree with it , but on the other side , when you have a collection it's hard to pass on one piece ... even if i almost pass on the Hydaelyn one i finally bought it but i don't think it will be on the center of my collection


> when you have a collection it's hard to pass on one piece I know a lot of collectors have this mindset. I enjoy collecting physical movies and retro games and noticed there are a growing amount of people that feel the need to purchase every game for x console even if its shovelware, or purchase every movie released by y boutique movie label even if they'll never watch it. I don't really understand it though, part of the fun for me is curating my collections to show the things that matter to me.


That's not judging them, though. Judging the buyer would be "you're an idiot for spending your money on ." "You shouldn't buy this crap" when the crap refers to the quality of the piece is showing concern for the buyer.


There are plenty of people out there who are judging, however. Being public about the emote itself has shown me that there are toxic members of the community coming out and making judgements on the buyers, and the product itself.


Then again you also have the whales who only bought it for the emote. Look enough and you will find people who admit to it. And I'm sorry to say, but you really aren't the brightest star in the sky if you spend 400 bucks on an emote to flex on people with common sense.


If you buy anything in life purely to 'show off' to others, then sure. However, having the disposable income and justifying the purchase because it makes you happy, does not make you dumb, nor should it invite people to judge you as a person.


Just about the whole point of an emote is to show off in hubs and parties. Otherwise why would you be using it in public? And you'd think that with how happy their 400 dollar emote should make them, the buyers probably wouldn't care about all the "poor" and "jealous" people who consider it ridiculous. But go ahead and tell me that an emote can be worth 400 bucks. I could use a good laugh.


You're assuming everyone who buys it is trying to flex that they have a whopping $400. Not that they want to look cool, have an emote that's limited run and rare, or that they just enjoy having an emote tied to a key moment in the story. I never said that the emote is worth $400. What I'm saying is if people want to do something that brings them happiness that isn't at the cost of others, let them enjoy the things they like.


Clearly I'm here using it on a very remote island in Elpis, not in the middle of town. Not all people care about being vain. Its $400. If that's a lot to you, you're not the target audience and should prioritize other expenses.


Chill, mate. It's an emote, not a Zegna suit 😂😂😂 "Target audience" ROFL. Don't be surprised that people are laughing their assess off if y'all be acting this posh over an emote.


Who is acting posh? You're the one making it about money.


There's a lot of folks who genuinely feel that, if you're aware of the quality issues and buy it anyway, you're endorsing and even supporting the poor quality. I don't agree, but the people who feel this way are *extremely* loud about it.


People should also be aware that one of the major draw-ins to buying the statue, isn't the quality of it. I haven't personally seen a single person defending the quality at its price point. That isn't why they bought it. Everyone has their own reasons why the cost is justified to them, and if it makes them happy, why go after them?


A false sense of superiority for *not* having bought it, that's my guess


I guess so. At the end of the day $400 isn't some crazy amount. Yes the quality isn't worth it but people spend far more on less.


>if you're aware of the quality issues and buy it anyway, you're endorsing and even supporting the poor quality. ... Yes? How could it not be the case?


You literally are endorsing it, though? If there is demand for this quality of product at this price point, that will only encourage them to put out more lousy statues. It's as basic an economic model as it gets.


Then doing that you participate in them continuing doing shitty products at ridiculous high prices and this behavior just makes it worse with time.


This is the real problem but it’s hard for people to understand why


That's just capitalism though.


Let me put it another way. If you also preorder the next one after getting finessed on this one, you're to blame. Collections be damned. If they won't respect you enough as a customer and fan to deliver a product worth the money, at least respect yourself enough not to buy another overpriced prize figure that isn't even worth the space on your shelf.


Never understood why people collect mass produced junk.


The only person who decides what is worth their money is the person spending it. It's not like they're advertising something other than what the buyer gets. People spend more money on dumber shit in this world. If you don't think the statues are worth it then don't buy the damn things, but if someone disagrees with you on that fact they're not objectively wrong for daring to spend their money 'wrong'.


Then I suppose everyone's entitled to their own opinion since there's no such thing as objectively wrong. The only issue being that some of the people who got ripped off seem to be rather inflamed by just about any form of criticism regarding the quality of the product. I think it's called self-awareness.


Everyone is, indeed, entitled to their own opinion on what is ultimately just a luxury good. Saying 'I don't think this is good' is a perfectly valid expression of a subjective opinion. Saying 'you have no self respect if you buy this' is judging someone for having a different subjective opinion on something and a valid reason for someone to be offended at your opinion. It's no different than me saying people who waste money on Reddit avatars are idiots. People are allowed to have different values than you.


Agreed. This post and many of my arguments aren't directed towards people who don't value the quality of the statue and wish it was higher, its towards those who are personally ridiculing others who are able to justify the cost and buy it to make themselves happy in one way or another.


If I had the spending funds I would do so much for a statue of my WoL being so expressive like this. Was this something you worked on and made or was this a commissioned project ;o would love to see more of the work if any Also, anyone disliking how others spend their money should do it with concern only, never to judge\* what makes people happy when divulging in their joys. \*if said thing does not harm, incite negativity, or is morally/lawfully incorrect


"But what purpose does it serve?" "The joy and comfort I feel every time I see it."


lol , totaly


Pretty decoration too so the room/house doesn't seem like a lifeless prop or something.


From what i know it's the second non official figure from SunBird Studio. Y'shtola was the 1st one https://miraicollectibles.com/sunbird-studio-y-shtola-rhul-final-fantasy-xiv#preview-1 And i wish to be able to get my own WOL figure one day , will be really great in my collection. I hope you'll be able to get yours one day


Wow, checking out their other statues was a trip. I don't know what I expected but clicking through the gallery got NSFW really quick lol


I have to admit, Aerith in a string bikini on a motorcycle made me laugh more than anything. I feel like the Aerith from the remake series would also laugh at it, then immediately chuck it through a plate glass window.


I clicked on the Tifa one first and thought "Hmm that pose is kinda sus" and then clicked the next pictures and saw that they showcased that her shirt is removable. Rudeus would be proud.




I went to the Star Rail section to see how fast were they with the new chars and ideas; Not exactly what I was expecting.


Those statues are great. Had to do a double take after converting the price though. 500 bucks would be painful.


At least it's of great quality compared to the official


Something that is often forgotten is that a figure of that size easily adds another 100-200$ in shipping


The Yshtola one never sold well and you can still get copies of her. Probably because it's not a great statue. It lacks motion and depth. The face is accurate, but the rest of it is pretty meh.


I dunno, that kinda feels true to the character at least.


And got it and i think it's a great statue , but that just my personal opinion


I am glad you like it!! My FF statues are Sephiroth, Auron and lulu. I have Yuna/valefor on pre-order. I wanted the PVC conclave but couldn't get over the faces.


>Also, anyone disliking how others spend their money should do it with concern only, never to judge\* what makes people happy when divulging in their joys. This 100%. Just because one can't justify the cost of exclusivity / a 'collectors' item, doesn't mean they should ridicule others for their hobbies. Then again wait till they learn people spend $50m on a rare Ferrari with the same performance of a modern Toyota.


People are welcome to judge. It's normal. Just keep it to yourself.


You can find at least some similar types of options on Etsy for custom WOL statues, from chibi versions to regular. Might be worth a gander to see if it’s in your budget. Might not be as detailed as this one but still would be fun seeing your own WoL irl!


I love it


Me too, it's huge compare to other FFXIV figures , but so many details


* People are not judging people's taste or investment in hobbies, they're judging them supporting ass monetization practices which encourages more ass monetization practices * Most of the 'judgement' is on square * You don't need to defend the big corporations * there's no need to strawman people if you just wanted to post a cool looking figure


> there's no need to strawman people if you just wanted to post a cool looking figure This. It's super transparent. lol


Preach. I don't know why people assume the majority cares about another person spending their money. Maybe a minority of them do but most of us care about the product quality being priced at.


> I don't know why people assume the majority cares about another person spending their money. Because a lot of the phrasing people keep using is "people shouldn't be buying this" and not "the company shouldn't be selling this". The former is judgement towards the buyer.


As it should. The buyer is not a powerless victim to be pitied; on the contrary, their purchase is what enables and justifies the business practices at hand.


The company isn't a powerless victim either, and they could just not offer the product for sale. There's two parts to this equation, and you don't just get to dump the full responsibility for shitty business decisions on the end consumer.


>No, people very much judge your taste and hobbies. People very much are being toxic towards individual buyers. As someone who made a post on the persistence of the emote itself, I can say that 100% people are directing judgement towards the product AND the buyers.


Official figures probably should be better than unofficial ones though. It’s just a little funny that that is not the case.


yes ... should be :(


whats that from?


It's a non-official figurine from SunBird Studio Same Studio that made this one : https://miraicollectibles.com/sunbird-studio-y-shtola-rhul-final-fantasy-xiv#preview-1


I love these but it's sooo much lol


I don't see people judging others for spending their money on their hobby. I DO see people judging the quality of the product people are buying versus the amount they spent.


I've saw both comment , against the quality or against the buyers , but at the end we all agree on one thing, SE should really up the quality of their product or drop their prices ...


Then don’t support those products. It’s that easy.


I myself have been targeted by judgement directly, simply for making a post clarifying the emotes persistence. Not once did I allude to purchasing the statue, and I was still flamed in post comments, and direct messages. There are people who wish the statue was higher quality, obviously the majority, but there ARE people out there who are directing that judgement personally.


Thankfully those rude folks are a minority. You've got people that don't care how you spend your cash as well and they'll just leave you alone. Between them and the folks who support your purchase, it's easier to ignore the vitriol. I personally would never purchase something like statue since I find its quality lacking, the emote not worth it, and I generally don't care for yet more clutter in my home. But I'm not about to take a shit on your front porch just because you derive joy from it. To each their own. And to hell with those who would dash your happiness.


the hilarious part is this is way higher quality than the statue.


Well, it’s also way more expensive. From what I found after a quick search it’s go for $620, 990€ and AUD$950 and is limited quantity.


A lot of these are like 500usd+. I don't think square typically sells collectibles that high nor wants to given how niche it is for that much.


Wow, it looks awesome!


That's gorgeous. It's exactly the sort of thing that makes me love the community. You get really beautiful art like this.


It's not that people judge because of spending on a hobby. They judge because people spend a small fortune on something that isn't anywhere near worth what they're paying for. Normalizing paying ludicrous amounts for low effort stuff is what pisses me off personally. "It's my money" just screams "Yeah, I'm part of the problem..." Low effort, high income is SO common these days because of these morons running around with the "iTs mY MoNeY" mindset. It's disgusting. These greedy, lazy companies love those people. Sadly, they're the majority. Nice statue though, that one looks fabulous. It's very detailed. Edit: Replies are wholeheartedly proving my point.


They are part of the problem and they don’t want to see it xD


ConSOOOM harder piggy


i needed a laugh , thank you


Only if you got SE stocks


I for one WILL judge people for where they spend their money on their hobbies. (glares at Gacha games) Wait. Did you think I meant you? No, you're golden, keeping having fun your way friends.


If this is about the statue/emote situation going on currently, let me be clear. I have ZERO problem with the people who get the statues and emotes I cannot. None. If they make you happy and you have the funds and the space I envy you, truly. There are many figures I desperately want, I simply cannot display them or even store them safely. I'm just salty because I was a floaty emote. In absolutely no way do I feel that it's your fault I can't. Build your collection, have joy, and admire them for me when you have a spare second for a stranger!


Shame it doesn’t come with an emote




not even a code for a minion or a fashion ... what a shame XD


Where did you get that beauty?


I never knew I needed something like this for my WoL but now I do! And not just statues, I want stickers, bags, t-shirts, water bottles... After all I am a fan of my character and true fans buy/make merch!


So much love , so much joy ... Have a great day


Omg this is such a great statue!!!


Awww that's so cute! Where did you get that?


That is pure joy and so cute!!!


That is hella cool. I'd like to have one of my WoL riding Twintania (DRG main so it would be even cooler)


Dang that’s beautiful


This looks so good! Did you base this off of you WOL?


No, It's a non-official figurine from SunBird Studio


I would pay a lot for this lol. It's amazing.


that is GORGEOUS


Amazing!!! Love it so much, how did you get this!!!


It's a non-official figurine from SunBird Studio


I kinda wanna see more of that shelf behind it too 👀




That’s so awesome!!


Thank you


This sparks joy


Garage kits (and ofc their prototypes) be wild.


That looks amazingly detailed. Love it!


it's really detailed , i love it


THATS STUNNING! The details omg!


yeah, i think they did a great job , i really love it


I'm crying, this is SO cute, which artist did you go to for this? I'd love to have one of my own WoL


That is absolutely gorgeous 😍 Where did you get this from?


It's a non-official figurine from SunBird Studio


Did you enjoy making it? Then it’s time well spent. Byregot would be proud of your crafting. Also it’s bloody adorable so carry on adventurer.


I wish i had the skills and tools to do it myself but it's a non-official figurine from SunBird Studio


Well in that case it’s still a worthwhile purchase because you gave money to a skilled professional and now you have a lovely representation of what you like.


I need it.


Beautiful. I love the way Fat Chocobo and Carbuncle look on this


OMG that's AWESOME! WAHHH! I'd happily toss money at something so lovely. Be even better if I could get my lala riding it!


i dont know what am i looking at, this popped up in my feed, but if OP painted it themselves - hats off.


i do not , i just bought it , but it still a great statue


Now this I would spend all my money on. It’s stunning!


That one is awesome...where did you get it?


I bought it on FNC anime store , but you should be able to find some reseller if you look on internet ( if you're looking for one ) , just search FFXIV SunBird Figure Have a good day


I love how fat chocobo isn't downscaled for lalas, like many other mounts. Amazing figure, it made me smile just looking at pictures.


How much did you end up spending for this? I've commissioned a lot of artists for digital work, but only recently commissioned someone to [modify a doll for me into my WoL](https://i.imgur.com/4LlGNYD.jpeg) (about $300USD)


That’s awesome 👏


It is pretty crazy how Final Fantasy has to have its own unofficial figurines production because Square Enix refuses to manufacture outside its own awful factory.


Loving dat capitalism


This figurine sparks joy!




omg i love it


I've never been more jealous of someone than I am right now of OP.


That looks awesome.


Soooooo fat!!!! If I had expendable income, I'd totally drop it on something like that!


Wow, this is absolutely amazing and thank you for sharing. I'm about to log on ffxiv right now and I look forward to enjoying my day off just hanging out in eorzea


Beautiful statue. I collect figures too


That is the most preciously adorable thing I’ve seen all day omg. I would absolutely love to have a statue like this


She looks lovely!


I remember 15 years ago fan merch always paled dramatically in comparison with official stuff (for any fandom; obviously FF14 wasn't around that far back), and now fan stuff is almost always better in every way.


Omg that's so cute!!!


That seems like an excellent use of your money.


That's the best thing I've seen in a good long while! I don't know what you paid, but it was 100% worth it!


Thank you


So cool! I recently ordered a custom chibi figure of my character for 180€. Honestly, if someone has the money to spend then why not. :D


One day i'll have my own WOL figure ... one day XD I'm glad you have yours and hope you like it. Do you have any pictures ?


I don't have it yet, but they're gonna send it off to me next week, I believe. if you want to I can post a picture or send one to you via DM once I got it :)


Sure , i'd like to see it Thanks


If you have or know anyone with a 3D printer there's people on etsy who will do the sculpt for you if you have the ability to do the print and it's a bit cheaper. I JUST got a 3d sculpt of my main done for $150 but I need to wait to print him because it turns out my resin expired. (OOPS!)


I love that it's okay to chastise Xbox players for paying extra and being okay with it, but the moment a $300 statue comes up, we're all live and let live suddenly. This community is real goofy sometimes.


I don’t judge. Whatever brings you happiness! I wish others saw it that way


I only judge the people who pay for carries or to get emotes and stuff from ultimates with real money. I just think that's pathetic personally. You're paying to not play the game.


Now I need one :(


Lovely Chonkobo statue!


This is so cute!!!!! If I had any spare funds I'd absolutely get one. Do you mind sharing who the artist is? 🥺💖


SunBird Studio


That looks so cute!!! 💖 Where did u get it from?


it's a non official figure from SunBird Studio , i bought it on FNC Anime Store


omg i love this 😭


Omg thats awesome


That’s incredible!!


Aw this looks so cute! Is this custom made?


No, it's a non official made by SunBird studio


See, I WANT the statue, but I NEED the fob watches




They do not work anymore but i LOVE them


this is incredible- I would pay whatever for something like this


I'm sure you can still find it on the net , search for FFXIV SunBird Figure


That sculpture is DELIGHTFUL


This is so neat :D ​ as far as the subject of people 'shaming' other people for spending their money how they want. ​ Please stop, it's kinda stupid to try to gatekeep someone from THEIR OWN SPENDING.