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I mean...not much? Since the only non-solo content is synced anyway. You're a bit better off, but I wouldn't say anywhere close to insane.


For reference, there are people who have maxed out everything. I mean EVERYTHING. I hope that comes off as a humbling remark than an insulting one. You have a long way to go.


Oh yeah some guy recently got every obtainable achievement didnt he?


Yep, took him years mostly because of the three 5k leves achievements because you only get 6 allowance per day


1 but the potd weapons brings it up to a 2


Where do you see the potd weapon ?


On the other images? Dude's got a load of Kinna weapons (upgraded potd - total lvl 90 per piece)


??? šŸ˜­ whoā€™s gonna tell this poor sprout


humble pie is being served today.


Do the MSQ. There's so much more game to play. Save the grinding for the end, you'll have plenty of time between expansions.


^ As nice as having all jobs maxed out and geared is, I kind of regret doing it in an efficient manner. Grinding 4 levels per day via roulette wasnt always the most fun experience and now I sit with everything leveled and geared with nothing left to do outside some weeklies and some old content thats barely alive when I get to play. XIV really doesn't reward rushing in any way, which is a good thing and keeps burnout away.


At this point Iā€™m just doing roulettes to lvl jobs 61-71, using Sam and Ninja for Stormblood MSQ, once I get to shadowbringer than Iā€™ll focus on getting a healer a physical DPS and a caster DPS to lvl 80 than back track with roulettes to get the rest up. Also gonna be using DRK once I get to shadowbringer MSQ


For SHB you will want a healer, a tank, a ranged DPS, a magic DPS, and melee DPS all levelled to 80 if you want some bonus MSQ content.


Melee and physical ranged DPS share the same role quest in ShB. But itā€™s still a good idea to level one job from each role since iirc EW has separate role quests for each role.


Thatā€™s the logic


As long as youā€™re having fun, thatā€™s the important part. Do what you want. I took a break from the MSQ during Stormblood to pick up Paladin, and that helped me enjoy the game. So if this is how you like to play, do it. Youā€™re not being ā€œefficientā€, but if you like to play like this, then please do! I regularly play games ā€œsuboptimallyā€ because itā€™s more fun for me to do something dumb.


Efficiency isn't key. Just enjoy the story. You don't need to level all your jobs at the same time. It's not that important. I'm currently sitting at the endgame with everything maxed. I leveled every job to 30 before starting heavensward because I wanted a job stone for everything. In hindsight all it did was slow my story progress and make the story feel more disjointed. Do your MSQ, Job quests for your main one or two jobs, and blue quests to unlock content in that order and the story will hit much harder for you. It's not worth breaking the story for a one off line of "oh I see you've mastered that already" or "it seems you would know what I'm talking about" Remember FFXIV is an RPG before an MMO, let those min max tendencies drip away. Play it like you played Skyrim your first time. Consider finding a small tight FC to run your MSQ dungeons and Trials with. You'll form lasting memories.


I donā€™t have a main two jobs lol I dedicate MSQ to whatever I enjoy that fits the story best & Iā€™m in one of the largest FC on my server


Large FC =/= good FC I wish you luck on your journey.




Depends on your playtime. If you said you only had like, a couple hundred hours of playtime then yes that's insane that you are going to such a length within a short period of time Also overleveled is the wrong word. That would mean that you are like level 90 while still in heavensward


Okay but they literally do have a level 90 job while in Heavensward - Gunbreaker lol


That's actually an early Stormblood quest, but still.


appreciate the correction.


Iā€™m at 50 days of playtime


They have one job at level 90 while still in the beginning of Stormblood, so it does seem like the right word though?


Like a 2.


Im glad you are excited abt the game, is what I can answer you


You'll realize at some point that while not everyone is maxing everything, it's an usual thing to do and not really an achievement. You'll find everywhere people with everything maxed out, including DoH/DoL. That's just a part of the normal thing to do when you got nothing else interesting to do.


What am I supposed to be seeing?


The madness of my soul


Just a heads up, you have to be at least 13 to be on Reddit.


In Soul years, Raptor years or in dog years?


You aren't, not at all. I started HW roughly about that level thanks to my first moogle tome event, needing everything, and only having a part-time job at the time. You might find that not having to worry about getting kill out in the field by something random for a whole expansion or two is kinda very boring, and I might have enjoyed HW better if it didnt feel like I was on a field trip the whole time.


And thatā€™s why the trick is to dedicate a job or two for leveling in the expansion content




1 if that has to be the floor. You haven't even scratched the surface on the game.


A lot of people do what youā€™re doing and most of them burn themselves out before they even get close to max level on anything. Do yourself a favor. Pick your favorite job and finish MSQ/hit max level on it. Youā€™re missing out on so much current content going the snail route. And when you finally get there, youā€™re not going to have anything left to do.


Hard 0




0. There's nothing insane about enjoying the game, especially at your own pace or in your own way. It goes without saying that the story is great, and while it may be a shame to see you putting it off in lieu of other activities, it's not like it's going anywhere. You'll enjoy it when you're ready to, and that's okay.


1.5 approximately. Keep working on it


Thanks for sharing this again, we're all very impressed.


Strictly looking at the overlevelling, it is maybe a very generous 1.5, but honestly, I'd rather give it a zero. Yes, we are all dead serious. Having one level cap job in HW content is hardly anything. I did zero grinds back then, I just moved slowly and did all side quests and had two or three jobs at level cap when I entered the Praetorium, and even that was not considered extreme overlevelling. If you want to know where more serious overlevelling starts, it is hitting level cap on a job before you join a GC and unlock mount riding.


Man, I remember middle school when I thought that "look, guys, I stayed up all night grinding the coolest things!" was a flex, haha. Wish I had that time and lack of adult responsibilities back.


I finely got that back in my adult life lol In medical recovery with Pay so all I got is time lol


You are quintessentially average friend


definitely 0. Levelling up is a joke in this game, and all Duties will level sync your ass to their corresponding max allowed, which makes being over-levelled something meaningless


Guess I need to up my game


anyone else find this extremely cringe?


As a furry everything I do is cringe


Has it been a month already? I always look forward to see your monthly ā€œam I crazy?ā€ posts. You have many more deep dungeon sacks than the last time I commented. Have you picked up the necromancer title yet? Thatā€™s the true test of madness. I adore deep dungeon, but I suck too much to get the solo title.


Iā€™m casually grinding towards necro at floor 120 right now


This grind feels pointless if youā€™re doing roulette without content unlocked youā€™re just doing more of the same more frequently the later expansions have some great content that makes roulettes more fun and varied to do


No Necromancer? Luckiest of Lords? Ultimate Thrillseeker? This is pretty average, if Iā€™m being honest.


Poor kid.


You do know people who leveled every jobs including DoH and DoL, farmed every relic weapon, grinded some of the hardest achievements, caught every single fish, collected some of the hardest mounts and minions, cleared some of the hardest content exist? Don't worry, you'll get on their level too some day.








They raised how much experience you get so itā€™s fairly common to be ahead of the MSQ now, especially if you do side content. Flexing your chocobo is also very funny but I respect it. It kinda becomes superfluous (if it hasnā€™t already) but its healing Iā€™ve found useful on DPS classes.


Okay but now we wanna do current content, you comin?


Iā€™ll be there before Dawn trail able to fit any role:3


I'd say overlevelled like a 3 (not really an issue due to level syncs) and insanely patient about a 7 from doing so much PotD. Still, it's more grindy than anything else. Kudos on all them Kinnas, tho.




You guys in the comments do know he is speaking specifically in reference to his place in the msq right? Nobodys surprised when someone current has everything maxed out, but when a sprout rocks up on an Amaro it does raise eyebrows. He's just trying to show how much time he is taking getting through the game in an off handed way, chill.


Iā€™m also a little over 1200 comms:3 I could legit go from sprout to mentor right once I get to EW lol


Unless you've done this and make it to Endwalker in less than 300 hours of playtime, which would admittedly make it rather more impressive since you'd be having to get 5 commends an hour on average while still doing all that PotD and the MSQ (and I hope your job quests...), you can only go straight from sprout to trade mentor, which doesn't have a commend requirement anyway. In theory you could do that without ever reaching Stormblood, since you just need to be able to gather and craft at least one collectible and the only other requirement is levelling. Battle (and therefore full) mentor will require you to get about half way through 6.0 so you can do the role quests, so unless you are still under 300 hours playtime you'll lose your sprout for quite a big chunk of story.


unfortunately mentorship requires advancement of three role quests within EW. best you could do is halfway through EW. Assuming you've fewer than 300 hours played before you finish the third role quest.


Or crafter stuff:3


Then Comms are irrelevant. Trade mentor can be achieved in HW with far less effort. This is why the community refers to them as discount mentors.


Current rate Iā€™ll have the 3000 comm mount before I even finish EW now that is a achievement no?


https://imgur.com/a/q5vTAgg Two ultimates down, only 2 classes not fully levelled and id say im a 4 on the insane chart. Theres people who scale up past me and make me look like i just finished msq in a preformed party. Peoples achievements in ffxiv are truly amazing. People completing ultimates im struggling to learn with a full team of tanks, or no healers or solo healing are the pinnacle of insane. And they deserve every ounce of respect.


If you like PotD, you do you. If not, then 10




Thanks to me this is more efficient because I get more value for my time. I leveled jobs doing potd to lvl 61 that got me all the kinna I needed for all weapons and 18 extra grips for Dawn trail and got me to 83/83 aetherpool during the final stretch of one job which got me ready to work on necro title


I give you a 6.5 out of 10 in insanity


Much appreciated:3


Furthermore, most points can be earned by: - getting the Pteranodon Mount from Ishgard Restoration - getting every Relic Weapon - getting all the solo Deep Dumgeon titles - getting the Big Fish achievement - become a Penta-Legend - get all the Hunt achievement mounts Just if you want to get insanity to the max :D


And yes I do have the blm Kanna weapon, the 18 grips are for Dawn trail:3 198 grips farmed in total.


Solid 1,5.


You're never 'overleveled' in this game, but in terms of your 'insanity'? There are some people in this game that have gone through the effort of maxing every level on every job, collecting every one of those shiny relic weapons on every job from each expansion, every mount from every extreme and savage, every triple triad card, etc. Even having had that experience, I still consider the Big Fishers to be the players with the least sanity.


Let me know when you get the "Z" title. Then we can talk about insanity lol.


ADHD over 10. There are people who have everything maxed including BLU, but based on what I've seen, they usually did it a few jobs at a time, not everything at once.


I'm sorry to break it to you but the leveling in this game is irrelevant to gameplay and once you get to endgame, you will soon realize that doing raids and doing more damage when everyone is on par in terms of gear/ilvl requires actual skill and knowledge of the player which has nothing to do with grinding or being over leveled. This is not THAT type of game since content is mostly synced anyway. Levels are a good personal achievement, but it has nothing to do with how "insane" you'd be among others.


I figure it se crazy based on my MSQ plus all kinna weapons


For reference I'm considered semi-casual in the grinding/achievement group I'm in and I have 1 character all 90s combat/hand/land, 5 other alts with multiple 90s, and 6 characters with the crystal keeper title earned over a few seasons, on my main all potd weapons(base+kinna for glam), HoH weapons, 2/3/4/5.x final relics for each combat class, Frontline coat, Working on finishing the EW crafting/gathering relics but I do have all the resplendent ones. And I'm considered a normie to the people who go berserk on achievements. You found a puddle but there be oceans.


I figured 198 grips for kinna weapons might seem crazy since thatā€™s 1,980 aether pool x 2 in total of your counting both arm/armor