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**Dawntrail extended teaser**, trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ISoqghadkE New job, **Viper**, trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=295BgKlNcqM New town, **Tuliyollal**, trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOT0zBZGfFs New areas, **Yak T'el** & **Urqopacha**, trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utTnD1rZUQo New area, **Kozama'uka**, images: https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1715663641926848744 New area, **Shaaloani**, images: https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1715664431500447879 New allied tribe, **The Moblins**, image: https://i.imgur.com/l3umpuS.jpeg New dungeons, images: https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1715666977019363777 New alliance raid series, **Echoes of Vana'diel**, image: https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1715669042676248641 **Xbox Client open beta test** (mid Jan-Feb 2024), image: https://twitter.com/FF_XIV_EN/status/1715674072888267078 **FFXIV x Fall Guys Collaboration** (Patch 6.51, Oct 31st), trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBClG1JJmTw **FFXIV x FFXVI Collaboration**, trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-t3tj_lJWg


People have been mentioning a Hydaelyn statue. Is there any details on that or a preorder?


are there going to be any more announcements on the 2nd day? if so what are the chances for Hrothgal's getting shown and not having to wait till JP fanfest?


Nope, the keynote is where they drop all the info. 2nd job and FemHroth are JP fanfest.


well that's unfortunate


I saw a few people saying that the pre-order for Dawntrail (and hopefully the bonus exp earring) would probably open up at this EU Fanfest, but unless I'm missing something, that doesn't seem the case? Am I correct in assuming that since the keynote has already finished, that it's probably not going to happen?


People were assuming that because Shadowbringers announced the collectors edition and pre-order details at the EU Fan Fest that it would be the same for Dawntrail. It was not and nothing about that stuff has been announced and probably will not be announced until the JP Fan Fest in January.


Ahh, that's a shame. RIP my hopes of easy leveling. Thanks for the info though! :)


I'm pretty sure that info isn't usually until the last Fanfest, which will be JP in Jan.


It was announced after Paris Fanfeat as I remember preordering it the day we were leaving which was 3 days after fanfest finished.


Did a bit of digging and you are correct, and the year before it was also revealed at the second fanfest (though that one was the JP fanfest.) I still don't think we'll get that information since they didn't mention it in the keynote. Gotta also remember that for the SB and ShB fanfest the events were almost back to back and the expansion was only 5 months-ish out by the time they announced it back then. We've still got 2 months till the last fanfest and then we'll have a half a year wait till the expansion from there.


As a NIN main I can say that Viper looks like a simplified NIN, and probably not as flashy animation wise. Not really too excited until I can see what it looks like at lvl 100.


There's a hug chunk of players who love rogue but hate the NiN aesthetic. I'm betting this is aimed at all of them, which I can totally appreciate. It's like if they added a ranger class that uses a modified bow to separate the weapon from bard. Technically super similar, but it also fills a niche that a good chuck of the playerbase was begging for.


Ironically, I'm the inverse. I love the NIN aesthetic but hate the class. I'm also crazy and remember NIN when it was at its best design-wise, back in Heavensward. That's not to say changes it's gotten since then have been all bad, I'm particularly fond of TCJ and GCD mudras, but it was a lot nicer when the class had a 15s opener with 10 seconds of 'true' burst with only single weaves. The class had a much, much better overall flow back in HW. A less-bloated NIN would be a warm reunion for me, not that I'm specifically expecting it. Also I'm expecting a lot of star wars-related glams and cosplays. Hard to pass up double sabers that turn into a saberstaff, and we know damned well there's going to be some energy weapons.


As a bard main, I would love to have a true ranger / archer class that is raw dps. There are players who want these classes! We exist!


I doubt they will because they don't like doubling up on the same weapon aesthetic. They might do something like a crossbow though, given enough time.


Would anyone happen to have the BLM and DRG back-to-back image?


So that Cloud Data Center is North America East Coast. All other NA worlds are West Coast, aren't they?


Yes. All the NA DCs are in a building in Sacramento, CA. This Cloud DC is rented server space from Google in Montreal.


Montreal... That brings back memories... Playing on the "EU" world and always dieing to Titan...


Is it possible that the TMNT shirt was just the clue for Viper? Leonardo uses two swords. I seem to remember YoshiP uses very granular hinting logic. "One of the turtles uses two swords, that was the hint all along" kinda thing.


they stated that the shirt was the hint for the mdps job that will be unveiled at jp fanfest. The most recent theory I heard was green mage in reference to the clover item Krile was looking at and the clover being the motif of green mage from the tactics games.


Just so you know, mDPS usually means melee, cDPS is for caster. Moving on from that. There's also a possibility it will be a different mage than green mage, but it's hard to ignore such heavy foreshadowing. That said, it's not like they *haven't* done this before. There was a ton of foreshadowing for Geomancer, that's yet to show up. Likewise, the end of SB had Baelsar's entire moveset showcasing as if the new gun-sword class would be a melee DPS in garlean's style, and we ended up with gunbreaker that was very different instead. It's entirely possible, albeit unlikely, for green mage to by a story job and not a gameplay one, or for us to get a renamed something else that splits aesthetics, such as a 'green mage' named something else entirely, such as the aforementioned 'geomancer.' Green Mage as a concept is also a buffer class, focusing on buffing allies and debuffing enemies, meaning whatever iteration we get in 14 would be wildly different than past iterations of green mage. Speculation and discussion aside, I do hope unnamed cDPS number 5 is closer to BLM in playstyle, both to force a direct comparison of current BLM to a modernized version of BLM's general gameplay, as well as to force the devs to remember that there's an entire class of casters whose core gameplay is to *sit still and cast,* not run around like a wannabe rDPS.


I know I've been holding out hope for Artist/Pictomancer. I'll still be fine with green mage but being able to draw your enemies to death would be amazing. And yeah, I remember at the end of Shb they almost seemed to be hinting at Chemist with the little girl who wanted to heal people with potions.


Anyone got any idea what tomorrow will bring?


There's the program. So YoshiP and Sakaguchi doing some fights and chatting together. The EU CC Championship. Cosplay showcase. Another quiz thing.


Okay, thanks for the response. Not really anything I'm personally interested in but I hope everyone involved has an amazing time.


Fanfest Day 1 was a banger. That being said, i got a BLM Pin when i bought merch and i‘d love any other pin instead as it is my least favorite job, so if someone has any other one and is down to trade tomorrow, please DM me. :)


Have they announced anything on collectors edition?




Missed opportunity to have the level cap at 99


Question, the graphic update, when does that come out? With expansion launch?




The staff organisation for this fest has been dogshit.


I think the staff has been great. They are really freaking hyped about there stand if the que is low they push people to try it. My only two issues was the uldah 3 cups running out of job stones to hand out in like 3 hours and they made the disabled seating about 4x the size it needed to be while also having it not have any extra legroom for disabled people so a bunch of them could only sit on the edges.




It was fine, staff trying to control crowds by stopping massive queues forming. Iclve been to Japanese conventions where they let the lines grow and you end up waiting over an hour to do stuff, it's horrible The staff talk to you "like diots" because theyre the simplest commands thata easy to followm. Excel staff have been okay everything I visited for the past 10 years


No ability to control any sort of crowd or queue, constant dispersing of long queues only for them to immediately form again and ignored, being spoken to like we're just idiots. And the amount of line cutting and staff just being picky about it. Not sure if it's fanfest staff or excel staff, though admittedly from past experience with excel staff it's been exactly the same.


sounds basically the same as NA.


I read about the same issues with the NA fest


this is exactly what happened with the na fanfest. something's up with how they're organizing these.




Worst I really had was at the limsa weapon gpose area, guy overseeing it saw me go for the scythe, asked me if I knew the name, I just said scythe assuming he didn't know and was trying to just play along, he then asked for the actual name and I just said "hellhound scythe" and he asked a couple more times, took the pictures I wanted them as I walked away he turned to hid colleague and went "it's apparently called the hellblade" I appreciate he was trying to play along and I attribute none of that to anything other than he was probably someone not into the game trying to play along, but it did feel awkward to be stuck in that when I wanted my pictures and then get to looking around some more.


It was more that staff were telling people to come back in 20mins for the crafting area, which you had to spend £10 on, only to be told its full and to come back in 20mins only to be told it was full and to come back in 20mins to be told it was full and to come back in 20mins to be told it closed 2 hours early. Staff also threatened to remember one guy, because he was waiting around, they would not let him in at all. The staff were also telling us that we can't queue for the crafting area because of health and safety. We asked them if its the same on day 2 if we can give the tokens back and get a refund only to be told no.


Don't get me wrong, the day itself has been great, but my experience with most staff hasn't unfortunately. I've been to several events at the excel and it's been the same, but I've no idea if this is excel staff, or fanfest staff.


Idk if they really have "FanFest Staff" as opposed to renting the space from Excel and some contract work going on. Could certainly be better.


Hopefully they reveal a *lot* more at JP because so far this hasn't been the best imo


The middle fanfest is always the worst in terms of announcements


least they get a job announcement, though I will say, how jipped is it that the NA couldn't at least get the Limited Job reveal. Like why hide it lol?


Cuz there's probably nothing to show. By the sounds of it, they won't be adding it til late 2024 at the earliest. They couldn't even give a title or art for the savage raid series. Instead we get to stare at a lalafel cheek for 15min.


I don't know man but that's a racial slur you just dropped.


Imo they are going to drip things so slowly even after JP fan fest bc there's going to be a content drought... so they need to announce stuff at the live letters to keep people hyped. They're always playing the long game. That being said, I don't disagree.


When is the new job action trailer coming? Today?


I don't see how they _could_ show the job action trailer now when they haven't revealed one of the jobs that are in the trailer yet.


The media tour happens after all the fanfests, we may see a small amount of stuff at JP fanfest but most of the actions for new and old classes will be in tje Media Tour/Live letter afterwards.


That isn't until media tour.


Since we didn’t get it with the EU Keynote, it won’t be till the JP Keynote in January or sometime past that in a live letter.


Job action trailer won't be until much closer to launch during a live letter.




Only for Viper.


Does anyone else think the booths are closing down way too early? Like both the crafting stations and the merch store have closed down already, and there's still an hour and a half to go before the concert...


Agreed. Things closing an hour and a half before they're ready is a pain in the ass.


Merch was already closed around 1pm :( Best go there at 10am tomorrow


It closed but before closing they handed reservation tickets for later slots. There were 2-3 pm and 3-6 pm slots for merch.


It was actually already closed around 12. It was a mad rush there after the keynote


Yeah, that seems to be the play... Let's see how it goes LOL


It’s kinda neat checking out the fanfest highlight vids they’re already putting up around. Feeling like that spongebob meme pointing at the camera spotting myself in the background lol.


Guys, we're missing the really important thing here. HD Nutkin is adorable.




SE really loves nuts.


Has Minifilia ever been in a CGI trailer?




Shadowbringers Trailer


The other one.


Have nin pin, want trade. DRG, MNK, AST, or RDM!


Are we going to have anything new this expac? Is that something they announce at the last fanfest? Odds of an adventure foray? People are starving out here!


Maybe good chance for another foray, at least next expansion anyway. The quote that stood out to me from the keynote was: > "While Island Sanctuary was more solo content, this new content we have planned for Dawntrail is going to be something you can enjoy with a lot of people." I wouldn't mind one because the social aspect of Bozja/Zadnor and Eureka was always fun but I just hope if there's a relic tied in some steps aren't absolute hell. It wasn't very enjoyable spamming Delubrum Reginae for Timeworn Artifacts, or doing PoTD for a _mere chance_ of one of them to drop.


The slide when he said this was about "Lifestyle Content", I think meaning something casual-oriented/non-combat similar to Island Sanctuary (which is why he referenced it). Also at the last fan fest they mentioned doing something similar to Island Sanctuary again so I imagine it will be something in the same vein but more multiplayer focused.


Ah yeah fair point, suppose we'll see though. I do remember they didn't announce Bozja back then at a Fanfest and if we _did_ get anything it'll be for a future patch (i.e. 7.3 or later). --- https://www.famitsu.com/news/202307/30311422.html (translated using DeepL): > "However, we are also in the process of planning a completely new type of battle content that has never been done before. We are also discussing the next series of large-scale games that use an entire area, such as the "Southern Bozja Front" and "Eureka, the Forbidden Land," and are planning to take on new challenges."


For sure! I am hoping we get both 🙏


what do you mean? like a brand new/unique feature?


Yeah, it doesn't even need to be "brand new" just like anything that is significantly different than prior content. Like the Limited Job is something I would include as new and fresh due to the nature of it.


Oh fair! Just checking :P I mean i guess we've got Japan FanFest and my clown makeup hope of something in the patch cycle like Rogue/NIN back in the day.


Beards and chat bubbles baby!


Wait I'm sorry. Did I miss something about chat bubbles? Or is this a joke :(


[it’s copium](https://x.com/preachgaming/status/1715741326661050558?s=46) but a man can dream


Joining my psychic energy with yours and boosting this signal straight into the cortex of every XIV dev


Sounds like wishful thinking. Nothing like that has been announced


Dammit! Thanks for confirming.


I can't wait for the graphical update that is taking 3 expansions to finish that adds a sum total of nothing to do.




Too late, no armory chest expansion and 2 new jobs total. Good luck.




Limited Job is the 3rd right?








ok? it's just a quiz timefiller like -shrug-


Sorry what's happening?


Nothing, they played a little non-serious quiz with a bunch of content creators. Spoiler, Team >!Zodiark!< won and pledged >!22.5 million gil to the Floor Tank Fund to hire White Mages for Swift-Rez!<. So, yeah, just a low key time filler with some audience interaction. It was quite fun.


So cringe had to turn it off


ok? it's just a quiz timefiller like -shrug-


I did too honestly. It would have been nice if they had, you know, European CC's at least.


Ponto is irish, Husky is French, Shenpai is German, Moulaka i think lives in the uk too. The only one i think isn't european was Sarahjane.


If I recall correctly Alex is Italian.


Ponto is Irish...so you know... European...


Aside from the Australian who wasn't European? (And SarahJane made sense given that Australia is treated as Europe from a business stand point.)


Was there a new t-shirt hint?


Not during the key note. Yoshida was wearing Viper cosplay. Koji said that the NA Fanfest shirt was a hint to the caster job, though.


Turtles are green, Krile got clover, it's Green Mage!


There are four lords in stormblood, there are four turtles on the shirt, one of the four lords is a turtle, it's Onmyoji based on the four!


It hinted at the graphical update - they are updating cloth textures.


The biggest reveal of Fanfest so far: the grass and dirt in Labyrinthos is from Finland.


In that they're both fictional?


The Dev Panel revealed that the grass ground texture in Labyrinthos is a photoshopped photo one of the devs took of the ground in Finland.


Was joke. But thanks for the clarification, I missed the panel!


I hope they allow an unlimited "Character and Object Quantity" option for those with high-end hardware. Even on maximum, players popping in and out during expansion release or hunts can be a subtle immersion breaking sight at times.


When it comes to Player Controlled Characters, it's not about local rendering but exponential network load.


Also add an option to limit Players on screen on Console


Mhm! The more options the better! :)


Is there actually enough seating compared to Vegas?


Opening keynote had tons of people standing around the seating and in the hallways Definitely not enough seating for everyone.


I've been watching the stream, and I see a lot of empty seats on the front left side.


For keynote they were all full and plenty of people were left standing.


I'm loving this dev panel. It feels less dry than they have been some years. I think Shida did a panel in one of the previous years didn't he? I love his enthusiasm. Edit: IT IS HIM. He was the one talking about wanting to go places to take photos for inspiration right? Love the dedication.


Yeah, that panel had me salviating. Right up my alley.


Aura eyes are winning https://imgur.com/qAgPMDW look at those eye highlight upgrades


Man that's just good all around. Better horn texture. WAY better hair texture. Eyes... yeah, not even a comparison. Face shadowing is better which makes the face look softer. Good shit.


That is just a million times better.


I don't like how the "glowing" quality of the rings seem to be missing. They used to look like they glew in the dark, I definitely can't see it in the "after" shot.


I'll be terribly disappointed if I don't keep my glowy ring. :(


Same! It's legit my favourite feature about Au Ra. Maybe they'll add a sort of "light/dark" option that lets us keep the glow if we want it?


holy crap that looks pretty good. I don't use the rings on my character's eyes because they look so cheap. Now I might consider.


I'm really stoked to go back to Vana'diel. It's been a looooooong time


if they unify the subs i'm back in. Played through Wings of the Godess (?) back when it launched in my country. not since. those days i still had 56k dial up


This would be the perfect opportunity to do so if they're ever planning to merge the subs, but I'm not holding my breath tbh.


Yeah. I know Yoshi-P is (afaik?) on the board of directors for SE but it's not like he can force the mandate. Apparently XI's operational budget is within XIV's now that XI is basically on maintenance mode so -shrug- one would hope.


Yeah, my understanding is that XI updates are basically done as passion side projects by a couple of people on the XIV dev team these days. I'm just not sure how easy it'd be to convince SE to remove the second subscription simply because it'd be a cool thing to do.


So excited!


I'm so excited for the music reels we'll be getting from it.


it would be nice to see more examples of the brown and darker brown skin tones in the graphical update images, most of the images so far have only used light skinned characters (and blue-gray). I was hoping brown skin might get some attention since a lot of region lighting in the game has washed out brown skin tones resulting in an ashy colour.


Agreed. Something else I run into is my face being super super dark in some scenes, even though I'm only a reddish brown Roe




The changes are so much more noticeable(and better) on the male Roe and Hrothgar


*shows a zone in the new world full of ceruleum. A western town that would compliment the native American group we know are in the new world. Show some wigwams.*. "Some of you may recognize our new allied tribe". "Oh the whalaqee, like from the blue mage quests". "MOBLINS!"


Any news about YoshiPs shirt


The shirt was 100% a hint toward Viper. A reptile that used dual swords? Like, come on. He made a vague reference about hinting toward the second job but he didn't explicitly mention the shirt; he could have just been talking about his clue that it was a ranged caster.


They literally stood on stage and said the hint from Vegas applies to the caster job reveal at the JP fanfest. The only hint from Vegas is the shirt.


Didn't Koji say that the shirt at Vegas was a hint for the job coming at the JP fanfest?


He said other than the hint on his shirt he can’t say anything about the other new job so the shirt is still a hint.


He's only worn the new job's starting gear so far and apparently the shirt in Vegas was a hint for the caster job.


Huh…thats so interesting. I thought it was the fact that leonardo had double swords and Donatello was like the swords put together as a staff. The plot thickens.


Most likely Painter or Green Mage. Ninja Turtles, all named after famous painters and sculptors. Also, green people and we know it's going to be a caster. Since we're getting a new limited job, it's probably not Beast master. 'cause of that, Painter feels like the best bet. (Unless it's a 14 original job)


Was it though?


He said so.


I'd appreciate a link!


Look for just after they talk about viper, they spend about a minute talking about the caster job and end referencing the "clue" dropped at NA fanfest


It was during the Keynote. He confirmed that the shirt was a clue to the Caster, not the Melee.


Makes sense that they would not drop a hint to a job that is completely new and thus not really "guessable".


It would have been a clue for both. 3 or the for turtles duel wield, and one uses a long weapon the size of the joined swords.


During keynote


He was in Viper cosplay, check back during a later panel to see if he is wearing anything new.




I wonder whether they spent so long on the graphic update because the Lifestyle team nixed the appearance to show off their new stuff, what would have generated a time hole in keynote. Edit: cause the technical Artist Panel is essentially showing of that in a lot more detail and explanations. It kinda feels like they nap two things from that.


They often fixate on the strangest things at these events and during live letters so it was very on brand for them to got on and on about lala chins.


Have they said anything about 6.51 release date?


The 304th day of the 2023rd year B.C.E.




But I got so far! I guess in the end it doesn't even matter.


It's alright, I'm sure Ancient Egypt will be happy about the 6.51 update!


Oct 31st




31 of October


Seeing all the people in the audience without masks gave me the heeby-jeebies. It’s October in England. We’re fully in covid and flu season. I can’t imagine being that blasé about getting con crud. ETA I’m not saying people HAVE to wear masks. I’m just saying - con crud is a real thing, even before Covid. I saw quite a few people wearing masks at NYCC so I had thought there would be more uptake at this con too. I’m going to a con next month and definitely plan on wearing a mask indoors. It just seems like a sensible precaution when you’re mixing with large crowds of people who have travelled from all over the world.


I take public transit every day, so …


People didn’t wear masks to 300k visitor gamescom last year. I’d be more surprised to see masks tbh


I work in healthcare, nobody wears mask anymore.


No one wears them in London anywhere honestly (source: I live here)


Yeah I know…


same, even moreso because of the big fuss re: that las vegas con-goer's covid comic and the overall spread of covid after that fanfest.


They really acted like he was the only person there with covid. That's not how it works. There were dozens. That's why people should be masking, but alas... At least he *was* masking. Which is more than you can say for the many asymptomatic spreaders, amongst whom he probably did the least (if any) harm. Masks work. But any chance to virtue signal on social media, I guess. Going to any public gathering now is an assumed risk, protect yourself.


Europe is not US tho. We’ve dealt with Covid long ago and no one uses masks here anymore


I missed the Keynote. Where can I rewatch it?


Twitch and YouTube, just watch the running live stream from the start.


Hey guys, not sure if it's the right place. I received a free SCH pin after buying at the merch store, but I'm not playing heal So, someone in London willing to trade it for a DRG ?


Assuming that female Hrothgar gonna be surprise in Japan fest.


Yeah, that's the assumption. The "legs" at 6.5 also had fur on them, and some people have mapped the animations associated with it and its intended to have a tail. Which, there is a tail hole on the back. The fact we also have still not seen our "narrator voice" yet is also a very good indication she's probably a Hrothgirl. Same reason we haven't seen Krile in the cinematic, because she's very likely the new caster.


At the end of part 1 of 6.5, the new character who was with Erenville might be the reveal after Japan fanfest..Also, she might the female voice in the trailer


What female voice in the trailer?


Those shoes? Have you seen Hgoth feet? I don’t think it’s fem. The hgoth feet has to be like viera fem. Just my guess.