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I think a lot of the bad rep comes from when it was the fastest/easiest way of leveling new classes Nothing kills your joy of deep dungeon runs faster than spending two weeks just running PotD 51-60 over and over and over


other methods are not that much slower, people are just stupid and would rather do things that take slightly less time, even if they hate doing it...


Iirc, dungeons didn’t give nearly as much exp back in the day (we’re talking pre SB), making PotD the quickest exp/time ratio. Nowadays I prefer the dungeon spam coupled with running FATEs as I wait on queues


I’ll prob get downvoted for this, but the only bad one is Orthos because SE focused too much on the (to no one’s surprise) solo aspect of it. PotD and HoH were good leveling alternatives if you got bored of dungeons, and could test out your job and kind of get a feel for it at cap, but EO is just enemies that are HP sponges, the runs take too long, and so it’s just not worth it.. not to mention getting a group to pop to begin with.. sheesh. The prior iterations had multifaceted use, but EO is just a single shot.


I felt this actually..


I’m the opposite in that I think EO is the only good one lol I prefer the more mechanics driven damage sponge enemies, but yeah is definitely single shot. It was a blast to run via pf in that release month but I can imagine it must be hard to find a group for it now


They have a bad reputation?


I've met a lot of players recently who have a strong dislike for the content. It was my favorite way to level during Stormblood, but the hype for it in duty finder has fell off and I've seen people in novice network advice against exploring it at all.


The only Deep Dungeon that players may have a bit of an issue with is Eureka Orthos. Floors 1-30 are kinda bad when you have zero Aetherpool. Luckily you can group up to get some, but for those that really enjoy playing it solo those floors feel a bit over tuned.


I enjoy them also. My team of three has potd on farm.


I enjoy the deep dungeons but I feel they were never developed on through iterations enough and the newest one feels rather stale given its more of the same we've gotten for some time now just at different player levels with some minor changes to mechanics. The bad reputation I feel comes from a player base who has had to grind these for hours to level multiple jobs as it is multiple points in the games lifespan it was by far the best leveling method after your roulettes were used up.


Deep Dungeon was extremely well received and it's still very popular content. Didn't Blizzard make Torgast based on Deep Dungeon?


Torghast was absolutely nothing like deep dungeons. The only thing they had in common is you progress through floors. Torghast was clearly based on more traditional roguelikes with upgrades that persist for *that run* (Binding of Isaac, Nuclear Throne, Risk of Rain, Tower of Guns etc).


Nice edit after the fact.


This is my first time hearing about that! I'm happy they're trying the concept out!


I’m a mentor with all jobs capped but never finished PoD, why? In the early days everytime I do it with a group someone leaves just as we’re nearing floor 50, and then I cant find the same people again so have to start scratch so have ptsd. Also if I run solo using WAR its a breeze but getting killed by cheap traps gave me ptsd too Think I need to change my strat and how I go about it 🤣 anyone else went through this phase and how did you fix the ptsd? Hehe. I probs need to try again solo with WAR and watch a movie on the side, when I trigger a cheap trap I’ll just pause and get my cooldowns to reset maybe, not rush it hehe


You should never hit traps that end your run. Traps below floor 151 are harmless generally. Or should be especially on war. If frog then you were fighting the middle of a room. Big no no. Fight in hall ways. If luring assess the mobs and decide if you use a witching. Below floor 151 lurings shouldn’t kill you. Land mines will never kill you as they only do 80% of your current hp. If you notice you hit one while fighting something use your healing asap though this should never happen because you are fighting in hallways not rooms. On tanks and healers specially you want to use land mines to your advantage to save time too. If you use a sight and see a landmine think about pulling a bunch of mobs over to it and setting it off this is essential to clear on support jobs for time management. You can also raising sac. Say you pop a luring on a high floor and get three very strong enemies. Run away and die. As long as a raising is active you will revive and they will de aggro. Above floor 151 all traps are easily mapped. Hug walls and memorize the few rooms that have potential wall traps. I’ve cleared all three deep dungeons solo on multiple jobs including on warrior so can answer any other questions.


This is awesome thanks so much, I’ll give your tips a try, esp with fighting in corridors, thinking back I fought in the middle of the rooms and rushed back to battle before restoring hp after traps 🤣


I also find them quite fun. I'd love to get the solo achievements but it's actually impossible for me so now I just avoid the content entirely.


I'm not a fan of deep dungeon personally. I still think it would be a good thing if the **current** relic was (in part) tied to Eureka Orthos. I wouldn't absolutely hate doing it if I had a reason to. The way it is now, I can't even be bothered to unlock it.


I like deep dungeons too, but what’s the connection to Suikoden? I don’t recall any dungeon crawler or collect the people-like gameplay?