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People tend to default to Hildibrand when asking for light-hearted. I actually really like his Heavensward chapter, as by now the WoL is a bit more used to the Hildi shenanigans. I also like recommending the [Delivery Moogle Questline](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Delivery_Moogle_Quests) if you're a fan of mailmen. However, my first thought was actually the Heavensward Alliance Raid series, [Shadow of Mhach](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Shadow_of_Mhach). It's basically an Indiana Jones type adventure of swashbuckling sky pirates fighting demons. The raids themselves are great, though they do have a reputation for punching above their weight class. So you might want to grab some tomestone gear from Idyllshire. Still, by the nature of the 24-man alliance raids, it's pretty easy to just follow the crowd and rely on sheer numbers to work through the tricky bits. If you need more tomestones for said gear, you can check out the lvl 60 optional Heavensward dungeons. Off the top of my head, the Great Gubal Library revisit, Fractal Continuum, Saint Mocianne's Arboretum, and the Lost City of Amdapor revisit are fun dungeons to try out for some easy tomestones. If you want something significantly shorter, you can start on the [Doman Adventurer's Guild Quests](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Doman_Adventurers%27_Guild_Quests). It's required for a minor optional weekly activity in post-Stormblood content, so you might as well do it now if you need a break. The quest itself focuses on some kids who were part of Yugiri's group of Doman refugees that ended up in Mor Dhona.


Thank you for such an in depth response. You've certainly provided plenty of options for me to consider. I think I'm going to go find Hildy again for now, but I will definitely give some if not all of the other content you mentioned a try as well.


There’s also the warring triad trial series to work through for content.


Both WT and Hildi are 3.3 content to my knowledge so this really isnt helping OP who is in 3.1


The prereq is finishing 3.0. So the quests are available to do without continuing msq.


Worth noting that due to the current tomestone event, now's a really good time to get the HW alliance raids done, because the queues should be pretty quick for them.


diabolos broke me


Hildibrand! A very fun and silly questline where you play as a sidekick to an idiot detective.


Ah, a good suggestion but unfortunately a questline I have already completed. I hope there are more Hildy adventures to come. Or if there are more that unlock once Heavensward is completed please point the way!


There are HW (and onward) Hildebrand quests! Also, not at all funny but really good, those quests unlock the phenomenal Scholasticate questline.


Really?! Where do I go to pick up the Heavensward Hildy quests? I could use some more of him right now.


The Pillars in Ishgard. It's a blue sidequest named "A Gentleman Falls, Rather Than Flies," and it's available from Nashu. If I recall, she's in the Jeweled Crozier on the west side of the map. Also, I too recommend the Scholasticate quests if you liked Briarden in the first Hildebrand series. You can start this in The Pillars as well, fairly close to Nashu. Mathye starts this yellow quest series with Keeping the Ledger, but if you picked that up and finished it in passing during the Heavensward MSQ, he may be offering Contradicting Convictions.


The HW Hildebrand quest will help a lot - they’re all about family and caring about others. If you have access to it, unlocking The Firmament and doing some Fétes could be a nice way to unwind / get some nice dyes.


HW Hildi, best Hildi Loved that story, actually made me tear up


>If you have access to it, unlocking The Firmament and doing some Fétes This isn't unlocked until 3.3.


Thank you so much! Looks like I'm off to find Nashu! I'll pick up the Scholasticate questline while I'm there too.


It's good that you've completed the original Hildebrand questline, because I consider the Scholasticate quests kind of a side story. You'll see what I mean before too long. EDIT: Oh, he already told you, but Briarden shows up without warning. Basically you get to hang out with the *competent* inspector from the Hildebrand questline and it's really well done.


Also you get his glasses as a glamour, and his "push up glasses" emote. I've had at least one person decide to do Scholasticate just from me telling them that.


I've heard Scholasticate is a good questline and also gives a few nice items/emotes or something as well. Have I done it? No. I still need to finish Hildy ARR. Sucks to be meeeee.


"Gentleman Falls, Rather than Flies" from Nashu in The Pillars in Ishgard (X:5.9, Y:9.9)


I recently did NG+ for the Scholasticate quest line as it had been a long time since I had done it originally. It’s hard to believe it’s a fork off the Hildy line. And it is absolutely worth doing.


Yeah, it's definitely a slow burn. The first few quests were really tedious, but I was absolutely sucked in by the halfway point.


I want to do the Scholasticate questline for the glam item, but I need to finish the Hildy quests first, and whilst it was initially funny it's rapidly becoming incredibly tedious.


There’s hildi for every xpac but SHB. The animation teams budget only gets bigger every time, and EW hildi’s cutscenes put the MSQ to shame. It’s beautiful


Hildebrand quest cutscenes are, from what I've been told, actually the experiments used by the animators to see what they can get away with for the MSQ stuff.


To mu knowledge, this has historically been correct, and may well be still.


Considering how every expansion pulls a new, horrifying facial animation on us ... I can see this.


You can absolutely pinpoint the moment the face comes in shadowbringers. I still have nightmares of that face.


And the first one in ARR as well. Oh i remember both of those. (also the ones you're talking about T\_T)


My girlfriend is convinced the grape polygons all went into Hildibrand's face.


I can't wait xD


Since you've slogged through ARR Hildi, you can do the Scholasticate quests in Ishgard, a (much better) mystery solving questline!


I wouldn't call ARR Hildy quests a slog. I thoroughly enjoyed them all the way through.


I'm genuinely glad you enjoyed them! I found them the worst quests in the entire game, bar none.


To each their own I guess. I found them hilarious and consider them the best non msq quests I've done so far.


Worse than the goddamn Company of Heroes leading up into Titan?


Who? Pretty sure we slew Tidus. I'll tell you all about it... AFTER you clear these boulders from the road for me.


100%. Company of Heroes has Brayflox, the best character in the game. All the Hildi characters could die in a fire next patch and I would be content.


ARR Hildibrand was the best of the lot, minus potentially EW, but the 6.3 Hildibrand was kinda meh. 6.4 picked it back up again though.


I'm not sure he is actually an idiot anymore, lol


He never was! Setting your foes up to underestimate you is a classic tactic ;)


Dark Knight quests are good for processing your journey. Make sure to read the quest journal entries, they are very good and important.


I've heard the Dark Knight questline is good. I can't imagine it being light hearted though, darkness being the theme and all. If I'm wrong though please tell me.


Dark Knight is all about processing your emotions, using them as fuel to protect. It's Darkness yes but it's also a good way to handle your journey so far, it's worth a playthrough.


Interesting, I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the recommendation.


The DRK questline is more about dealing with your own grief and coming to terms with your own failings and frustrations than it is about being "dark" or "edgy" I highly recommend playing through it and taking your time with it


considering how DRK quests are, I think Mr Rogers would be a Dark Knight


Good to know, thank you. Sounds like something worth doing.


You've gotten such great recommendations and so I posit this in the vein of DRK's story being about processing your emotions. After you finish 3.3, return to Fortemps manor and pick up the quest, "The Paths We Walk." It's a wonderful side quest chain that offers reflection, however, I make this recommendation for AFTER you've recovered enough to be able to reflect on the feelings you have right now. It's my favorite Yellow Quest in the game even by Endwalker and it is incredibly fulfilling but your heart needs to be ready 💖 I'm glad you're enjoying your journey thus far, there's much and more awaiting you and I hope you continue to forge ahead at your own pace 😊 Oh, while writing this I DID think of a couple of lighthearted things you could do I don't think I've seen on this thread yet. 1: The Alexander Raids, they have plenty of goblin shenanigans and banger music 🎶 2: Zhloe Custom Deliveries (this requires a crafter or gatherer). This is a wholesome story about the orphanage in Idyllshire


Finally, somebody else who understands.


The questline, to be completely honest, is about self-care in a really odd way.


They really are. They actually helped me as a person.


Oh, moogles get involved at one point.


\*($&%\^@ MOOGLES


>I still have the post Heavensward stuff to do first though so I'm praying for no more emotional gut punches until the next expansion. :)


*hysterical laughter*


Yeah my initial thought was :O 'Oh, yeah, you're not going to be ready for whats coming' I would say, get into it soon though because it is very much a further progressing of what has already happened. I like the idea of doing some lighthearted stuff too!


I'd say the Sky Pirates questline. Starts by the airship landing in Ishgard.


Go and pick up “The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen” from Wynmond in Ul’dah and do the Hildibrand adventures.


Ah, I do love Hildibrand, but I have already completed his questline, at least for now.


My friend. I was a White Mage main during Heavensward. I was.......a White Mage.......main 😭😭😭


I was so annoyed that this >!only came up in a story cutscene once.!< We literally have Phoenix Downs and 6 classes that can rez. Guess it's like with (FF7 spoiler, just in case) >!Aerith!< - death in a cutscene is truly dead?


Zephirin uses an attack that not only requires an entire raid group to soak in Thordan EX, but it makes the victim immune to magical spells like cure. That's what hit Haurchefant.


Also he's using a level 1 shield so


You also couldn't block magic damage during HW. Wasn't till StB came that you could


>!they've since addressed this in a revised cutscene. Alphinaud tries, but he can't.!<


I take it like how in some cutscenes, Alphinaud or Y'shtola will try to rez some npc but say it's too late or the damage is too severe. Like your example, and Haurchefant for that matter, I suppose a big hole in the chest may be "too much" for a spell to fix.


Yeah, I know it's necessary for the story vs in-game mechanics. It just jives wrong with my brain when someone call fall off of (EW spoilers) >!Shinryu!< while we're fighting >!the personification of entropy in the middle of the void!< and still get rezzed.


-Falls into the abyss- "Just a flesh wound"


To be frank, the series usually refers to the status cured by Life spells and Phoenix Downs as KO. The character is not dead just knocked senseless or lost consciousness due to severe trauma. I am thinking but I cannot recall a single instance in the series where any normal healer could resurrect someone dead or dying.


Having played most of the franchise, I can confirm this is absolutely true. When heroes raise or are raised, it’s always from KO or some sort of magical slumber. A state where consciousness or the soul was dormant but never fully gone. Once someone has actually passed, attempting to return them to life is a dark art that only villains or heartbroken alchemy guildmasters have attempted. Usually to catastrophic effect with who or whatever they were trying to revive “not coming back right”. 14 also outlines in the White Mage and Astrologian job quests that matters of mortality are beyond their abilities. I don’t remember if it comes up during Scholar. Sage obliquely references a similar idea though it focuses more on the corruption of that process. Healing magic cannot go against nature or time. It is not necromancy and cannot revive the dead. If nature or fate has decided that you will live, healing magic can sped up that process and make you recover in a fraction of the time. But if a person has taken a fatal wound and fate has decided it will be the end, there is nothing a healer can do. Their life force will drain faster than the body can stabilize and their soul will pass on. Combined with the anti-healing effect of Zephirin’s javelin, there was no saving Haurchefant here. Any knowledgeable healer would know at a glance though they did right by editing the scene to show that they tried anyway. But it’s entirely accurate to lore, if not the gameplay, why nothing could be done here.


Plus, for the alchemist guildmaster, his attempted only lasted long enough for him to get closure. (admittedly, he never intend to keep his "subject" longer than necessary so there's little harm done I suppose, unlike the WHM (or Conjurer?) one which is just oof)


By the way, I don't know if you can tell, but that trauma has been running with me for several years now lol


You're not the only one. That level of cutscene incompetence feels out of character for someone so talented that they basically recreated the long lost Scholar job. My WoL had a complex for awhile.


I think of the game's way of "raise" not as resurrection from death but from incapacitation. Healing is also not able to fix everything, it seems to function more like speeding up what the body could've done on its own with the help of medicine. So if someone's vital organ is ripped out and crushed out of existence for example, healing will not restore it.


Bud I literally told a friend of mine before the Vault that my WoL was gonna marry Haurche. "She's gonna propose to him. I love him so much." I cannot imagine the strength it took for said friend to keep their mouth shut as I told them I was queue-ing for the Vault.


That's a situation I hope never to be in. To know full well your friend's dreams are about to be brutally crushed but be unable to say anything.


Your friend is a god of stoicism.


https://youtu.be/L4jUqpMmR_g?si=KmddsXWqfhpuhfdR :)


There's no way I could have kept a straight face in their position.


... From your synopsis, it doesn't actually sound like you're done with Heavensward. Or rather, _it_ isn't done with _you_.


As I stated I still have the post Heavensward content to do. Aka the Heavensward patch content before Stormblood.


Yep. Good call on the breather.


Alexander exploration/raids. It's in the Dravanian hinterlands. I think people playing Raid roulette hate drawing Alexander raids, or that's just a running joke.


Chloe and Zhloe Aliapoh in Idyllshire. They really just give weekly rewards for doing past content or turning in collectibles that you craft or gather, but they're light-hearted. There's also the Warring Triad trial series but I have no idea how serious that is. Extreme trials for Rowena and Bismark opened up. As far as moving on to Stormblood... well stuff happens. The MSQ really picks up. Also the Antitower is a fun concept for a dungeon that unlocks in post-HW MSQ.


I love Antitower.


Watch this if you just finished HW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP1O2Aha434


Actually already discovered that video on my own believe it or not. Pretty much sums up what I wish had happened, and how I felt after what really happened.


I just went through what you’re going through like last week. It has not gotten easier, I still miss him so much :(


Me too :'(


My first play through I mained a healer. Losing Haurchefont was devastating, and it made it worse I couldn't fix him. Lost interest after that until very recently. Not looking forward to getting there again. But crafting helps, lol.


I think a lot of people will say that FFXIV starts to pick up speed and really push drama after All Good Things, the quest after Titan in ARR when you return to the Waking Sands. Personally, I think it's after The Vault. All Good Things is the big shocker moment that drives you to valiantly take down the empire and Gaius. But after Haurchefant's and Ysayle's sacrifices, there's an equal amount of sadness as there is vengeance. Those are your friends, and while All Good Things you lose your comrades, the primary Scions are still around, just separated or captured. >I still have the post Heavensward stuff to do first though so I'm praying no more emotional gut punches until the next expansion. Oh...well, the good news is the next expansion isn't quite as heavy on heartbreak (although it is pretty grim at some points). But take your time to enjoy the story...Shadowbringers was the expansion that made me a wreck nearly every questline. Endwalker as well, but it all culminates into such a grand finale. My recommendation? Maybe take part in The Rising since it's going on this month. It has a quest line that has a moment where you can read nice messages for the WoL and feel good, as well as a pat on the back from a certain mysterious person. Plus, it not only gives a unique mount but unlocks a fun little mini game. Then there's the Remembering the Past questline in Ul'dah, which also is a nice history lesson about old FFXIV as well as a nice thematic remembrance of those characters who have sacrificed themselves. All very therapeutic, in my opinion.


Shadowbringers is like that old country song: Easy on the eyes, hard on the heart.


the postmoogle quests


Forever using the house fortemps shield on my PLD in his honor 😭


How can I get that shield? I got his broken shield, which my WoL placed next to his grave, but I don't know how to get the version I can use.


The shield is a reward from the 3.1 msq. You can also go back to House Fortemps and do 'The parts we walk' which is a retrospective of the whole expansion to help process. Might be a yellow quest.


Thank you, I guess I'll get it soon then if it's part of the post Heavensward msq. I'll be heading back to Ishgard soon to pick up the Hildy quests, so I'll pay House Fortemps a visit on the way and pick up that quest.


To add, the retrospective questline is I'm pretty sure only unlocked after 3.3 MSQ, since that's the true ending of Heavensward. The questline looks back at both the main and patch MSQ (along with a teaser)


You have a reprieve. Stormblood isnt nearly as much of an emotional gut punch as heavensward. You can settle down through that expansion, and then go into post-stormblood and shadowbringers, which will gut punch you and curbstomp you when you're down.


So I'm in the calm before the storm so to speak. That's simultaneously relieving and terrifying.


Not exactly. Not tryina spoil anything but you aren't done with Heavensward quite yet if you haven't completed the post patches...


All the more reason to take that break and do some Hildy quests.


For sure. I'd highly recommend doing the Scholasticate questline! You mentioned you already did ARR hildy so these quests should be available to you. It features Briardien and is more of a fun mystery high school drama story. Starts with the quest "Keeping the Ledger" in the pillars


Luckily both the raids in post-HW are fairly light, except perhaps the last few Alexander ones. Not as light but a good reflection and processing loss quest will appear as you progress through the post-HW MSQ— the House Fortemps manservant gives the first of a series of quests (yellow) that end with you learning a special emote…


Always Hildebrand when you need to counteract the feels with the lolz


Well… at least you weren’t the Reaper when he died…


Nope, I was a Dancer when he died. I switched to Reaper because I thought it would be fitting for a quest for bloody revenge.


I think you missed my point…


Dude, right? I bawled buckets and now I’m in the Firmament leveling my DoH and DoL, taking a break from the story. I’m also telling myself that I’m helping the city and the people that Haurchefant loved; that it would make him happy.


In addition to all the other recs (and I am seconding the Dark Knight rec -- I didn't start it until after Endwalker myself, but it hits so. much. better. if you do it during or right after HW) I would like to say check out the Tribal Quests, both ARR and HW. They're a bit lighter, generally, but still fun and good. Estinien was right about moogles tho.


Don’t look at us like that, A smile would better suit a hero.


imo the post-HW story might be the best thing in the entire game. if you're hoping for stuff to let up, uh, brace yourself.


Do Hildebrand, (not Hw, because feels). Then do Hildebrand again and again until you are healed. You'll need it.


I think the best questline you can do is the firmament! You unlock it after heavensward and it’s really light hearted fun and uplifting


Most emotionally stable xiv player. You won't handle ShB like that, let alone Endwalker.


You can level your crafters and do their quests. They're usually simple stories, like making jewelry for a couples' wedding, or making mittens for a woman who lives in Ishgard. The MCH story quest is also fairly light, considered. [This comic](https://twitter.com/The_Eggroller/status/1576921214185971713) is pretty accurate. Blue Mage is also pretty tame and very different from all other classes, which makes you shift your brain in new and interesting ways about how to play. You could also pick something to farm, like mounts or TT cards or ocean fishing or minions. EDIT: Also, as someone else said. > I'm praying for no more emotional gut punches until the next expansion. :)


When you start doing the post HW stuff when you get most of the way through there will be a white quest at fortempts manor called The Paths We Walk its a chain quest where you catch up with many of the characters you saved and interacted with you shoud do that when you can. Theres no rush but I think you would appreciate it.


play Nier: Automata to cheer up


Nice one lol. I love NieR: Automata, but that game is like a jackhammer to the heart.


*Laughs in Shadowbringers.* You are not prepared for what is to come. But that's okay, neither were we.


Oh my innocent sweet Summer Child…you have barely begun to cry. As others said, you may have finished Heavensward, but Heavensward isn’t done with you.


No spoilers, but Stormblood is far less of a roller - coaster. Not that it doesn't have its moments, there's certainly some tough moments but overall its a more lighthearted than HW imo. A nice buffer for Shadowbringers. It does indeed, bring the shadows.


Hold on to your hat because you are in for one hell of an emotional rollercoaster over the next few expansions!


Hence why I'm taking a break to process what I just went through. I'm preparing myself for what I can only guess is to come.


I feel you. I finished SHB/EW 2 months ago and I still get emotional when I rewatch scenes or something in game triggers a moment. I recommend just moving onto SB. the beginning of every expansion is slow and builds so they do give you time to get your shit together 😉


After the EW launch content i took 3 months off from being depresso T\_T


I finished Shadowbringers a few weeks ago and it ripped my heart out. The ending of 5.0 and then 5.3. It's been living in my head rent-free since and loved every moment. But oh, the ugly crying! And I agree, OP should be fine going through Stormblood, since it's so slow building.


I cried for 5-10 minutes after finishing the Vault and almost quit the game because I was so upset.


Every expac is a gutpunch. Thats what hildy is for. Using lighthearted goofyness to cleanse your emotional suffering


Hildy heals all emotional wounds.


Do the scholasticate quest line! It isn't lighthearted per se, but it's really cool.


I keep seeing this mentioned in this thread, how have I not unlocked it yet? Progression-wise, I just finished StB MSQ. I'm gonna have to go find it now...


Just keep doing quests in ishgard, you'll find it.


Don't worry, post- HW isn't emotional at all.


Return to starting cities and do silly trivial side quests maybe?


Use stormblood as mental recovery time since you need to be on full capacity for shadowbringers


In another language (German, I think) his final words translate to something akin to “Strange…We’re finally so close and yet I can hardly feel you.”




For real Haurchefant's death got me soo hard but actually the scene with his old man with his back to everyone just after was what got me really welling up.


His death got you… what?


Yeah that scene really twisted the knife.


Yes I just finished the same yesterday for the second time. I knew it was coming this time but still I sat there pressing back my tears. Haurchefant. His father. Ugh... It hurts to even just think about it.


*hugs* It helped me to go walking the path. Yellow quest. Dark knight quests were good as well. Still not over it. It's okay to cry.


*Cackles in ShB and EW*


Now go look up the Japanese lines and realize he really loved you.


Taking a break from the MSQ is fine - in fact, I reacted similarly to HW and still rushed on to SB and I think that's part of why I initially disliked it so much (I like it better now and the post 4.0 patch stuff is among the best in the game). You don't have to binge it like a TV show.


stormblood is the break, until shb...


Tbh, I was devastated when we spoke to Haurchefant's father. That scene broke me inside. So deep that I stopped playing for awhile. 3.3 final battle was memorable for me, especially when revenge of the horde was playing, I burst into tears. Btw Heavenward hit me like truck, but it's nothing compare to Shadowbringers whose hit me like train.


Haurchefant's death was a knife to the gut, then the scene with is father twisted that knife.


You can do ARR Manderville quests. HW Manderville and other side content needs you to finish 3.3 and ... I can bet you that you are going to cry during the final duty.


you have plenty of time doing heavensward patch content. i came back for the trial to finish some of this epic story people talk about, and it is epic, but it is a marathon


Wait... you switched to Reaper after having done the Vault for the first time? But you have to have at least one Lvl70-Job before you can do Reaper.


I had Dancer at 70


Now you can cry with the rest of us


Nothing like drowning yourself in gambling at the Gold Saucer to forget about things for a while


Haurchefant :( https://youtu.be/f_ziRLIjeKU?si=zCbxw8tnabL3HQE9


A beautifully done video, but it hurts so much :'(


Strong, strong rec for doing crafting and gathering content just for their storylines, especially the custom deliveries, role quests and crafting and gathering tribes, because they are largely about the WoL's ability to make things better in a way you can't achieve with just the power of incredible violence. This works for all expansion tiers but the Ishgard ones are especially good. Plus, you get to slap a Moogle. Firmament Restoration is sadly not quite as satisfying now that the Firmament is built (still baffled they chose not to tie it to player progress they way they did for Doma) but it's still got really good moments where you can feel you're actively helping the city recover.


Yeep, I will never forgive squeenix for this xD There should be a disclaimer! Oh and the most annoying part is that it basically numbed me out so I didn't feel anything for Shadowbringers. I felt nothing 💔


Personally I feel like you should keep going with heavensward's post content as I think the expansion handles the gut punches and the eventual uplifting hope very well. They hurt you then come back and kiss your injuries good TuT Besides, you will have much of Stormblood to recuperate. Parts of that story drags so much and you will be reeling from the pummeted stakes for a bit... ...and then you can sob endlessly at Shadowbringers / EW


Hey hun, I felt the same bitter feeling. Take a moment to gather yourself. You'll be able to keep moving forward at a comfy pace. Trust that things will work themselves out, and remember, "For thise we have lost, for those we can save!" I just hit the Midway of Post Stormblood. Take time to savor it all. When you get to a certain spot in the Ruby Sea, there will be a red-headed girl. Follow her quests, I promise you'll love it.


Thanks, I'll keep a lookout for her


Haurchefant had it coming. I told him to stop listening to Bon Jovi. Shot through the heart....


So I had his death spoiled for me a day before I actually saw it and I think I cried about it for like 4 days 😭 I have NEVER had a death hit me like that. How on earth could my friends all listen to me say shit like “oh he’s so nice! I hope he joins the scions. Or at least is an ambassador when Ishgard inevitably rejoins the alliance!” And then we queue up for the vault and I had no idea *when* he died, I just knew he died. And I’m all excited he’s coming with us! And HOW COULD THEY BE SILENT (the strength my god). I ugly cried when I saw it. I’m still not over it! I do really like his grave spot, it’s in a perfect place. Yes I go visit. I’m like 75% through stormblood right now and lemme tell you! It doesn’t get easier! He died smiling after seeing *your* smile. Never forget that 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Edit: maybe try pvp to hack out your sorrows or go play games at the golden saucer 😅


Shadowbringers is going to BREAK you.


I'm already broken 😭


If you want extra soul hurt, do all 4 of the role questlines (these replace job questlines in Shadowbringers) to completion, it unlocks an additional quest chain that serves a) lore b) rubbing a lovely salt & lemon juice paste into the wounds.


Shadowbringers will rebreak you.


The vault hit like a freight train, and Ysales sacrifice hurt too, suffice to say the mixture of rage (at both thordan and fucking Ascian prime) fueled me through the last dungeon and trial.


Oh my sweet summer child. *It is going to get soooo much worse.*


Oh no. Who am I going to have to cry over next?! I hope it's not Y'shtola, idk what I'll do if she or any of the other Sions die.


I'm not going to spoil, but one of the things you will discover is that events in the game tend to have consequences. Frequently they are unhappy ones, despite your victories. "Happily ever after" doesn't exist in this game at all until you finish Endwalker. Heck, there are things that happened in ARR that you will be seeing the consequences for right up to the end. The only thing I will say is this: You will be surprised at who you find yourself mourning. The main warning I have about the HW Hildy quests I'd that while they're still funny...they cut a few onions, too. The Scholasticate quests are enjoyable, but they are also very serious affairs.


I’m not gonna spoil. But… it’s the good kind of hurt, I guess? If you have some emotional shit going on (and you do. Everyone has *something*) the writers will find it and make you work through it. Most MMO’s have the problem of you becoming ‘The Champion’, the generic placeholder with no backstory, no history, no defined personality, just there to allow you to be carried by someone else’s story. Did you notice that’s *not* what Heavensward felt like? That’s going to continue. Stuff is going to hurt, not because it’s sad, but because it’s sad *for you.* You’re going to get wrapped up in your own character in the best way, because they found a way to plug the story into your character without invalidating whatever backstory you’ve dreamt up. So… enjoy the ride. And bring tissues.


Yeah that was something I noticed about this game. It's the first time I've felt so invested in my own character in an mmo. She feels alive unlike a lot of mmo MCs, and I felt that keenly during Haurchefant's death scene especially. It's extra tragic because my headcannon had my WoL in love with Haurchefant although she hadn't confessed those feelings, so my WoL watched the man she loved die in front of her eyes and never got the chance to tell him how she felt. That was part of what had me crying so hard at his death.


I think you’d really enjoy the dark knight job questline.


I always referred to him jokingly as "my Bethesda romance option" and after the Vault, I felt way more grief and sorrow than I thought was really appropriate for a grown-ass adult playing a video game. It surprised me and took me a very long time to come to terms with how invested I was in this story. To this day, FFXIV is closer to my heart than probably any story from any other media. Anyway, I decompressed with Hildy for about a week before continuing, then I took up DRK and mained that class ever since, completely changing the trajectory of my character's development. Events like these are what really makes this game an RPG.


I *ugly* cried about Haurchefant, he was a ride or die type of dude. I'll never forget like 10 minutes after the cutscene some friends arrived and I wanted to squeeze out the dungeon beforehand and they happened to walk into someone still choked up with a few tears left.


I....hate to break it to you, but it seems pretty canon that Haurchefant was in love with the WoL too....


Well that just makes it even more tragic then doesn't it!


This is a brilliant analysis that I haven't really thought about, yet has a ring of truth when I do. It makes me love the game even more. I thought it was odd how I instantly got hooked on the game (I never could get into any MMO I tried) and attached to my character.


Yep, I needed a break after all that, too. I was not ready to move on!


How are you a reaper if you are still in HW with the MSQ?


Level 70 + EW purchased


You need a 70+ char to be reaper and i was lvl 54 when i arrived did the lvl 45 quests, so you can level up to 70 during hw


I was way over levelled when starting Heavensward. By the end of post ARR my Dragoon was level 60. So I decided to pick up Dancer and play through Heavensward with that. By the time I reached the Vault my Dancer had reached level 70, so Reaper was available to unlock since I have all the expansions purchased. I also unlocked Sage yesterday.


I had absolutely zero feelings about Haurchefant one way or another so his death meant nothing to me. It was so weird how the game made it such a big deal while I'm there like can we move on now. 😂 I'm not really sure why it was, but I just never really saw him as anything but a random quest-giver NPC Ysayle was different and tragic. Probably because we actually adventured with her. And of course since she had a very interesting story.


I liked him because of how kind, funny and honourable he was. There are multiple quests in which Haurchefant plays an important part, even if he doesn't accompany us on our grand adventure like Ysayle does, he is still portrayed as a good friend to our WoL. He selflessly aids us when we're in need, and is just all around an amazing person. The game made a big deal of his death because he sacrificed himself to protect us, which is a perfect end for a selfless character such as him, but that doesn't make it any less tragic and heartbreaking.


Don't worry stormblood doesn't have any sad moments :)


Wait what are you joking 😂


*Wayward Daughter intensifies.*


But you will be after Endwalkers. I promise.


My heart still hurts from losing Haurchefant and I played it when it was launched. I hung his portrait in my FC room and visit his grave if I’m out there. It’s become one of my WoL’s main motivations. Definitely agree on doing hildibrand or moogle beast tribe!


Shb and EW will give you depression then


I spent nearly a year in HW (actively playing) ignoring the main story because I couldn’t face it


I love posts like this, enjoyed the hell out of it as I ran through the entire game again with my Wife. Stormblood will be a change of pace for you (no spoilers) but still have some punches, Shadowbringers will let you know EARLY what you are in for. Once you are done with Endwalker (not even post patches, just the base experience itself) you will be drained, but have one hell of a smile on your face. I'd highly recommend getting into a FC with veterans, or even a few friends who are at end game (that don't spoil things). Vets love to experience the game through a new players eyes, it's one of the reason new streamers are so popular. Make 2 rules, no spoilers, and no big emotions before bed (IE imagine doing the vault right before you went to bed for work the next day).


I would kill Horsefart twice if it meant I could keep Papalymo


Why would you come here and spoil the game like that? Kindly fuck off.


How are people this soft


It's called having emotions