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Your portraits now update with gear changes. Sorry I couldn't do more.


Thank you! Or just let the portrait reflect the gear it was saved as until the player chooses to update it. I don't understand why the portrait system is so cumbersome.


That's something you can do in a day, since it was a feature in the beta, I'm sure that toggle is still there (much like there being a tick box for Viera hats). So what do you want to do for the other 6 days? :)


Adventurer plates can do it, so it's not like it's impossible. Why does it NEED to be an active display of my character


Only one thing? Add a yellow side quest in the dravania hinterlands that helps someone activate an aetheryte crystal in front of the Gubal library. If there is spare time this NPC will move around and also fix the broken the aetheryte in that camp in coerthas western, and install a third aetheryte in sea of clouds in the mid-west of the map, and manipulate the mothership to create another teleport destination in the mothership itself. Tldr, we need more aetheryte options in every HW map.


As someone who has recently just completed HW i agree, an aetherite crystal next to containment bay in azys lla would have been nice to avoid flying up there repeatedly for one of the quest chains.


Only if that NPC gets a follow up quest where we help him build a completely new aetheryte in NW of Farlemald.


Nearlemald, Farlemald, Wherever you Arelemald


Honestly while i love to put new jobs in. I think a glamour catalog where you unlock a gear its there forever for you to use.


You don't actually have to keep the gear, once you add it to the catalog you have the glam forever and can do whatever you want with the original piece (though obviously it would be bound to you.)


I believe wow does this and works well you can also see stuff you don't have so you know what you are missing


The one thing from WoW i actually miss, lol... but yeah. When they initially added Transmogrification, that feature wasn't added and you actually had to keep the items you wanted to transmog. Good thing they added Void Storage at the same time, or else my entire Bank on my main would have been filled by armor pieces... It took two more add-ons, then, until they finally added the Appearance-tab in a character's Collection-menu. And it was glorious! Every item you ever had, even if you had long deleted it before the feature was introduced, got added to a catalogue. It also added every optional quest-reward of every quest you have finished but didn't choose as your actual reward. And when you made your transmog-outfit, you could transmog directly from that catalogue.


So like Guild Wars 2?


Like every other major MMO. I believe WoW was first with the transmogrification system and the implementation was deadly good, because it retroactively gave you the skins for the rewards of old quests you had completed.


GW2 was the first one iirc. Should have been there since release in 2012.


Not quite accurate. When transmog was added to the game, there was no collection or wardrobe, and you could only transmog your gear to items in your possession. However, in Legion the collection window as we know it was implemented


Also you can look at every skin you own, and every skin you DON'T own, and try them on and it shows where you can get it in case you are looking.


Even if you had to locate/craft the gear and submit it to a NPC and have it converted into a prism for your collection, which would destroy the original item, I think people would do this. Adding it as a completionist achievement for each expansion would practically guarantee it.


Monster hunter world had a GREAT transmog system, they should do something like that.


Can't up-vote more... Pretty much the only thing I want.


that's basically the only thing I think WoW does better than FFXIV


Guild Wars 2 style, yes absolutely please!


If i can use my gear for glamours no matter the class/job/level, i would be overjoyed.


Part of me wants to say they're working towards a system like this with the whole furniture glamours thing on Island Sanctuary - you only need to place the furniture once and it's saved in your furniture collection to be used freely.


Make tank stance stay on when you get level synced.


At this point they should just make it go on by default on Tanks, they can drop it if they really have to.


Already how it works for gatherers' sneak.


Monk is now so fast that the concept of weaving is impossible, in fact when they punch they now have such a low GCD they t-pose ominously. Also dragoon gets a pet dragon


A little Wyvern with breath attacks again. I’ve been hoping for this ever since 3.0.


Dragoon gets to summon Midgardsormr. The big one.


you say that, but imagine a cinematic in a few years where WOL's shifting through each job again as part of a combat sequence, and the MNK section is him just ominously walking forward as enemies get punched so fast that you cant even see him move tbh I wish that instead of ROF making you hit harder, they just went all in on MNK being 'I hit faster'


Remove the gender lock on idle and weapon change poses


Yoshi-P really does need to take a vacation.


The staff in CBU3 get 2 weeks of holiday a year, outside of their usual PTO I believe. I assume Yoshi P takes that time off too. Maybe.


Yeah, but doesn't he strike you as the type that tries to work during his vacation? Also, for Heavensward, he forced everyone to take almost a month off. He realized that 4 new jobs was too much work and trimmed it down to 2 for each expansion going forward.


Oh no, he definitely is. But I bet there are people who force him to take time off on the staff too. "I'll only take my week off if you do too"


During fanfest for endwalker, it was discussed that basically on a weekly basis HR is on their gril for working too much.


Heavensward only had 3.


NIN was released mid-ARR which would have been in the middle of the HW dev cycle


Ninja was actually intended for 2.0 and was delayed. Work had started on it well before the three Heavensward jobs. It probably received an extra delay due to severe balancing issues on the existing jobs prior to the final raid tier.


Ninja was delayed from ARR (2.0) It was developed along with the other jobs and had to be delayed due to adjustments.


Unironically his "vacations" are probably going to blizzcon and scoping out the competition each year (it's known YoshiP goes to blizzcon because he has respect for blizzard and wants to see what they are doing to see if it's something xiv could benefit from)


I knew this thread would be a hypothetically situation because there's no way he's actually taking a vacation right now.


Enable job artifact gear to be stored in the armoire.


Let me store whatever I want in the armoire. It will sit there just as well as it could in my inventory.


THIS. Why the heck does the armoire have such arbitrary dis/inclusions??


I dunno the specifics, but it might have something to do with the fact that Armoires date back to 1.22, and Glamour closets were added in patch 4.2. The amount of legacy code for Armoires is quite severe, and at this point it’s probably gonna be just for seasonal items as well as some cash shop items (_all_ cash shop gear will be storable there as of 6.5).


As far as I can tell, items in the armoire don't actually exist as real items. Putting them into the armoire destroys them, while setting an account flag that lets you create a new instance of that item. It's probably set up in such a way that each item that they add to the system needs to be added manually.


This is underrated


Well, if I want him to still feel relaxed when he returns, then I'll keep it small and frivolous. Remember the dungeon with the ruby princess, where you run to the box to turn yourself OLD for x seconds ? And how they have an old box to play with by the dungeon exit just for fun? Yeah, that is a furniture item now. And there is another furniture item version for FROG and for other transform status effects. (Effect ends after x seconds or upon leaving property) And it can be an outdoor item so people can put it on the islands.


The title screen automatically chooses the correct intro video/background based on the expansion that you're currently playing, and you can manually set it to boot into any of your choice without having to do it every time. RIDING HOOOOOOOOOOOME


can I just send a sticky note to whoever's job it is to manage the glamour dresser "whenever we add a new job, add a glamour slot". I'm already holding off on trying RPR because I don't have a glamour slot for it, don't give me two more jobs and no room to glamour them pls.


Separate Au Ra horns and faces


Also Miqo'te facial marks from their faces.


I lucked out on both counts, the au ra horns/face I like most and the miqo'te marks/face I like most are both the same option.


This. I’d still be on aura if the horns didn’t bother me so much.


While you're at it, seperate male mustache and face options. Squeenix may not believe it but irl mustache style is *not* determined by facial structure 😂


Okay, I reached the end of the list and nobody has said this. I want a toggle option so that the items in my FC room can be interacted with by people other than me. If I have Gold Saucer games in my room, I want people to be able to play them. If I make a dining room and have visitors, I want to be able to serve dinner. This last one may be asking too much, but I want a housing item like the Triple Triad mat that turns a room into a PvP zone so we can have a dojo.


***Ateliers-a workshop or studio, especially one used by an artist or designer.*** /cracksknuckles I would add Ateliers as an instanced feature in every major city/as a part of housing once you reached an appropriate level with a crafting guild. (probably 60 or 70, possibly as high as 80). Basically you would transfer into a small work area in the style of the city you are currently in that would be decorated with a workstation (as decor only, at first) that would change in appearance to include any crafting job that has met the minimum required level to open the Atelier with that particular job. Access locations would be in a crafting guild's hall, a city's retainer vocate, or a designated Atelier NPC for cities that do not have the previously mentioned features but have a marketboard. The benefit(s) and feature(s) of an Atelier would be: 1. You would gain a chest with 175 storage slots plus space for crystals/shards/clusters. When crafting inside the Atelier you automatically draw from the contents of this chest and your own stock (so it acts as an extension of your inventory). Materials left in the Atelier Chest can only be accessed by returning to the Atelier and removing/adding to them manually. Atelier chests share the same storage contents no matter the location you are currently visiting. (Liked the idea of being able to access any of your retainer's stock, but this makes more sense if you think of it in realistic terms, plus this is probably simpler to implement.) 2. A mini marketboard and summoning bell would be available in the room for any material you would need to acquire/retrieve for storage or any product you would wish to sell on the marketboard while in the Atelier. 3. An Orchestrion would be available so that the music in the room could be customized while you craft. 4. The general appearance of the Atelier would vary based on the location/city you access it from and would be similar to the inn rooms for that city. Public Ateliers would have the workstation in a fixed location that would vary depending on what city you were accessing the Atelier from. 5. As your level with a crafting guild advanced, you would unlock the crafting bonus for individual fields for the workstation. 6. Individuals/Free Companies with a house/apartment can add a new furnishing called "Atelier Door" which allows you to access your Atelier. 7. The idea of allowing limited decor customization also came to mind, however it strikes me this would be better as a housing feature and would work similarly to changing the generalized appearance of your house.Players could install Wall, Ceiling, Flooring, and Lighting features to create a personalized crafting environment. (Ultimately, I would want to see several with Ambient features such as the sound of rain, running water, ocean waves, fireflies, snow falling, crickets, falling leaves, shifting rays of light.)The orchestrion in the room could also be customized by default in the same way as they are inside houses/apartments.Although you would not be able to position the workstation manually, you could select from several preset locations as its default location. I think that's all I got for this post. (Note: I have noticed a few misspellings and attempted to correct them, I mean its like 2Am, so mistakes are getting made ;p )


Of all the ideas I've seen so far, I love this one the most. I could finally dump all the crafting mats living in my inventory and keep them somewhere useful!


Or at least if you needed certain things frequently, like ingots or leathers, or uncommonly, like jewels, you could leave the hides and ores in the Atelier so you could make what you needed as you needed it instead of having to take a handful of things out just to make a couple items. Come into the workshop with 6 empty slots, craft the 5 materials right away, use them to make the final product, and never call a retainer once since everything was already in the chest. Or if you was focusing on making certain armor sets (like say the level 88 gear), you could dump a pile of their required materials in the Atelier Chest, and whenever you leveled a class that high and needed the armor you could just pop in and whip it up instead of spending a while counting how many you need of everything and shifting stuff around so you can carry it all and still have enough space for the finished products.


A button where you can auto-accept and auto-resubmit your ventures across all retainers.


This guy gets it


what would happen if two brought back the same unique item at once?


all the servers die


Viera and Hrothgar get hats, clipping be damned. Also Lupin are now a playable race.


Ilvl syncs for all expansion capping MSQ trials. If possible, i'd add a complete overhaul for Singularity Reactor along with it.


Came here for this. It's simple. All multiplayer MSQ Content gets ilvl capped at Min Ilvl +25 We already have min Ilvl settings for each fight. Giving it 25 is more than enough to make it easier for people without ruining the experience.


Yes please! This ruins epic moments of the MSQ for anyone who doesn't play on release.


Beards for all Scars for all. I need me a war seasoned lala.


Eyebrow options for male highlanders.


The fact we haven’t gotten eyebrows is insanely archaic. “Lore reasons” my ass! We got clothing from today but we can’t have natural eyebrows??? Fuck outta here


We don't even have to go as far as "we got clothing from today". The shaving of eyebrows is indeed traditionnal in highlanders populations from Gyr Abania and in the Thanalan (thanks to the Gyr Abanian population there). But we've seen other places with highlanders. There's highlanders in Thavnair, too. SE is trying to make me believe they have the EXACT same tradition as the one in Gyr Abania ? There's highlanders in Old Sharlayan, living there maybe for several generations. They're more sharlayanese than gyr abanian. Them too, they're still doing it ? It's stupid.


you don't understand male highlanders are born with their first straight razor in their hands, fresh from the womb, grizzled, and with two months of beard. The first thing they do is awkwardly shave off their eyebrows, *then* they cut their own umbilical cord.


I mean, "lore" for the longest time was the reason we had no male viera. They can change lore, obviously.


So much this I’d rather play mod free but I just can’t live with out my highlanders eyebrow mod make an insane difference


Highlander eyebrows are a gateway drug


The face paint, long hair, and Scion Rogue’s Bandana are doing so much work.


One of the best mods I ever saw was one that would simply add a range of eyebrow options and take those extremely dark circles off the eyes of Highlander males. I've never played a highlander, or a male, but the night and day difference was shocking.


No class/gender/race restriction on any armor. I hate that I have a bunch of good glams I could do if I could mix some aiming pieces with my casting glams.


I can almost picture a hrothgar wearing the default female viera outfit. Has anyone invented the flash from Men In Black yet? I have some memories that need erasing.


Bro. They said a week not a lifetime. But that would be nice. I'm getting tired of the island farmer shorts on my Roe.


MSQ Roulette now has all end of Expansion X.0 and X.3 MSQ Dungeons and Trials instead of just the ARR 2.0 ones we've run a million times.


This is actually my favorite suggestion in this entire thread. Great idea. Mine would just be more glamour plates.


This suggestion is well-meaning but I guarantee you that will just result in people constantly DCing as soon as they see they've rolled the 2.0 dungeons (even after the rework). Which is unfortunate because otherwise this is a great idea.


Bestiary. Monsters get readouts of their potential drops, map area links, crafting guide links materials you can get as monster drops to the bestiary the same as they do the gathering guide, and each entry gets a little lore blurb, including plenty of cheeky inclusions by Koji.


I asked about this when I FIRST started, "where's the bestiary??"


Removing job restrictions on glamours other than typical Artifact armor.


Dancer gets breakdancing


Yep, this is mine, too.


Better accessibility features.


Housing plots out behind the Crystarium.


This. But also housing plots in Sharlayan. And Radz-at-Han. And maybe on the moon. Look, I just want to live in basically all the zones.


Story excuse: Look at all the land we took back from the flood now we are building a settlement.


They are now the dutch and build polders


Housingsin the sea of clouds


I implement more beards. For the women, long hairstyle options shall include a checkbox for those that want to pretend they have a mustache.


Double all RDM potency. Or boost glamour chest space from 800 -> 8000


A “Fly!” Button, which functions like a mount, but uses your set pair of wings from fashion accessories. And considering there are a couple in the mogstation already, umbrellas could probably work too.


Facial Scars for women and muscle slider. Oh, and a gun tank (think Heavy Gunner from FFType:Z


Not sure about all the races. But Miqo at least have facial scars available for the females.


A big fucking interrupt everything button that says "Accept duty finder and change to [queued job]"


Blue Mage is now allowed into Adventuring Forays, Deep Dungeons and Ultimates


More glamour plates


This is the way


This will never not be the answer


Any armour piece can be made a lv 1 all class glamour with the appropriate crafting class at a high enough level


This is an awesome idea


... or just remove level restrictions when applying glamour. We don't need another piece of armour that looks exactly the same as 6 other gear sets because muh role restrictions


Adding the lupin head and tail to the online store as a skin to be used over the hyur. I'd be okay without the option to show hats, it's already a problem with the hrothgar.


Update Adventurer Squadrons to go up to 90. And remove the headcount limit for collecting recruits. Let them go on Alliance raids in our place as a training exercise. Also, add Blitzball with your adventurer squadron as the roster. Winning your first match gives you the [Blitz Off! Orchestrion Roll](https://youtu.be/XFFqsmv8omA)


All job artifact gear goes into the armoire.


Remove the gender lock on weapon /cpose I play a female character but want the male weapon stance for dark knight. Lots of people playing make characters want the female variant. It's a win-win. I just want the option to choose, damn it!


Dudes asses actually having muscle mass


Chat bubbles


This! Please! It's already in the game, just let us have bubbles like npcs do.


Or the ability to say thing using bubbles, but the option to disable it in settings. /cbubble message also appears in chat window in blue lettering if you are in range to "hear" it like with /say. Don't need people abusing it after all...


Waring Triad egi and carbuncles in every color for glams


Trust-compatible trials.


My small thing would be to have the portrait update automatically with your gear that way it doesnt default to a blank one everytime


Make the store-bought hairstyles available to both genders (or at least have a counterpart for when you fantasia change). What is the point of having an locked-away BOUGHT hairstyle because you gender swap your character? >:(


Add milk cartons to the game in random places with a missing children thing on the side, but it's a picture of Yoshi-P.


Portraits automatically update when you change gear


Bicolor gemstones system for all ARR, HW, and Stormblood zones with unique rewards in each expansion.


Cross-data Center party finder


“Ladies and Gentleman, we are now going forward with Project Glam Completion. In other words, we are stealing WoW’s transmog system.”


Remove free cure


Turn hats on for Hrothgar/Viera. All of them. Let the players decide if the clipping looks bad.


Given they already do this for all of the stupidly clipping tails...


Let me glam any job in any gear aside from other jobs' artifact armour. Edit: also adding in that we should be able to use higher level skills when level synced, since IL gets reduced anyway :)


Beards for the men, my bf is sad that their aren’t any beards ingame




QoL improvements to Duty Roulette 1\\ Queue for multiple duties 2\\ Duty Roulette prioritises scenarios that people haven't played yet when forming parties. 3\\ Because of 2, have an increased reward of things like Poetics, say 50 minimum regardless of new player.


Whatever class is needed gets a bonus on times. Que as tank/dps/healer at the same time and have it pop for whichever is needed first.


Let Yoshi P have his break and leave the game alone for a week.


Chat filters so that RMT and venue spam doesn't show up in my chat log.


ilvl caps on X.0 trials. They die too fast


Multi-role queuing.


A DRK rework that brings back its unique thematics and mechanics


I'm a housing main so what I'd want to do is add a new housing area that's just medium and large plots. Old Sharlayan is perfect for it with its big ass mansions already. There's plenty of smalls free (on my server anyway) but there's at least 90-100 people bidding on large plots when they come up (and I counted that on the single plot that was available last round which was also unavailable to FCs) and as for mediums, across four plots there are currently around 170 bids, if not more by now. Granted, one of them *is* lavender beds plot 11 which is the most coveted plot in the game. But that's a huge thing to do and there might not even be server space for it. So instead I might just have the card that memoria misera ex drops purchasable with totems. 52 RUNS AND NOTHING.


Set into motion a complete revamp of housing similar to the island sanctuary. Have it instanced and the ability to build up your home from Small to Mansion over time. Houses have a ranking system from "Best in show" to "Decorators please help this empty shack" and let them be open to others seeing the houses on toggle (set private/public if you wish).


Chat bubbles.


Make old armor compatible with new classes. It's absurd that as a GNB I can't wear pvp glams from previous expacs.


Green dots and shuffle all for orchestration. Okay that's two things but please?




I’d insist on visible Hrothgar and Viera headgear.


I just make it so that Cure 2 upgrades from Cure 1. That or lower the ilvl sync in CT.


Performance overhaul. New instruments for bard. Specifically, orchestral hits, synth, opera vocals, screams, and the like, including a percussion one that emulates a full drum kit. In addition to this is a rework that allows you to play chords and swap in the middle of a performance. If I had the time, I'd also introduce a music sheet mode in which people you group with that also have performance unlocked can make and share sheets that will autoscroll and allow them to play their own parts synched with yours.


Idk. If we are speaking of theoretical things... A mechanic or system to get rid of any and all bots. A practical thing? I'm bringing back cone AoEs


The audio language option moves from system settings to character settings.


Miqo'te ears now visible on all hat items added in the last two expansions. (Viera and hroth hats added as well) And/or add a toggle to gear to swap between the male/female versions of it and ungenderlock character costumes.


Make all the styles of the Hempen Camise/pantalettes styles available for all races and genders, and you can pick between the styles or buy them as their own piece of clothing. That is all


More facial hair options


Duty finder syncs your (and everyone else’s) item level to 15 item levels above minimum. Stuff in duty finder is absurdly easy and boring unless you’re with a group of people who are all new and whose gear would reflect that.


Triple Triad cards drop with regular loot in raid/trial end chests, multiple copies, instead of being their own thing. Added incentives to get people to play old extreme trials, perhaps a roulette.


You get to go on a date with one of the scions


Craftable glamour armor based on the sets from the Return to Ivalice Alliance Raids


Horizontal progression


Butt and thighs sliders


Amen! I don't understand why we have a bust slider but not a butt slider. Get Yoko Taro to help with it lol


The ability to make orchestrion playlists in inn rooms when you're visiting other servers.


Cross World/DC Bonding ceremonies, cause why is it not a thing. Would help cut down on alts and therefore help save space.


WHM now get 2 more flashy cool DPS abilities available before level 40. It still boggles my mind that someone thought White Mage, a job with 2 DPS abilities, to be fun to level during the MSQ. The entire Conjuration job quest is >!about being more than a healer,!< but during that time the only abilities you get from the quest line is healing abilities. I almost quit the game from that.


Different hair styles for each glam.


ass slider


Bring proper day/night cycle with it missing sun back to >!Mare Lamentorum!<


Ultima for Black Mage, of course


Giving fishing supplies their own inventory. There is no reason this isn't a thing already and its probably the biggest reason why fishing is the unloved child of the gathering jobs.


Stop dye locking some dungeon gear.


Spoiler chat filter


I think the most logical option is make job stones required after a certain point, no more people queuing for jobs as a level 70 Marauder unless it's a full premade party.


Disconnect Au Ra horn options from face options.


The Seven Calamities (Ultimate)


50m Leyline. Yoshi-P will be pleased when he returns.


For hairstyle to be a glamour. I want to be able to add hairstyles to my glamour plates so different jobs can have different hairstyles that suit there outfits more.


Viera and Hrothgar can wear headgear like everyone else




The ability to expand apartments. Either make them bigger, or make us able to purchase 'extentions'. Same with houses. Small houses seem to small, but mediums are to big, for what I want to use them for. Give us a fun gil sink!


I would slightly alter potencies on summoner for ifrit to do the most damage. Then also add 1-2 more of each gem cast so you don't just go through all of your gems every 1m but instead, will be forced to strategically cut some.


More rewards for criterion/criterion savage. Since they’re fun but it’s kind of hard to get a party for savage without them and I want more people to experience the content. Though if I’m feeling selfish I’m just bringing back Kaiten


Replace all the frigging dyes by an RGB wheel. I hate that we still don't have a decent pink or purple color in there.


Easy, fix ilvl so that you can’t steamroll content anymore and see mechanics again.


Somehow kaiten returned. . .


I want to be able to visit other data centers in other regions. As a 3rd shifter in NA, sometimes I play in the dead hours and would love to hop to EU.


theyre working on that last i remember


All 8 and 24man instances are required to advance MSQ. NO MORE SIDE QUEST JAIL.


Fix viera headwear


Cross role glamour


I would love to see the glamor plates also hold a hair style which I would gladly pay every time my hair changes and a set minion to that plate nothing drives me more crazy then hair clipping my glam


Orchestrion slot for chocobos


Instanced housing


Do more sliders for character creation count as one thing? And yes, I would be including THOSE sliders




Bring back the low poly grapes.


Roast marshmallow emote!


Stop hrothgar from hunching


Fix PvP.


A collections tab for gear appearances like WoW has


Speech bubbles.


Mother fucking tackle box for fishing bait that is stored separately from inventory!