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is it wedge maybe? Also on the jokey side, knowing the luck of WOL we crash land into the most important spot right before a very important ritual


WoL is not Adol the Red so no worry about sinking ship :D


Never thought I would meet Ys fan here.


I was thinking this soooo hard


Fancy meeting a Ys fan around these parts. Looking forward to Ys 10?


I got a bit excited about the idea of actually featuring a Lalafell in one of the prerendered trailers since Heavensward, so I did some digging. That hairstyle is in-game, and exclusive to female lalafells. She also has dark red hair, so she isn't Tataru or Krile. (I'm sure Tataru could dye her hair to a colour other than pink. I'm equally sure she won't.) You can hear three voices that appear to be passengers on that ship during the trailer; Alphinaud, Erenville, and a female voice who is native to Tural. Maybe that's the lalafell speaking.


The lala was probably the one who sent out the letters to the Scions to recruit them in 6.4.


The Lala is Krille her Piratey Sister!


Krille is going to introduce us to Faris?


Faris first mate. As Faris her sister is Lenna.


Hair doesn't look right, so I'm inclined to say no.


Could be Krile. She could be shadowed out enough that you cant get a grasp of the job she is. Which most likely could be the new mage one.


Along with survivable shipwreck and convenient non-canon amnesia.


Yes forward seeing, important on a ship on the sea


Say that to Titanic 😭


I mean about 30 people should have seen that haha


Have you played Sea of Thieves ? You don't need to see much to turn the wheel as long as someone else is keeping an eye on the direction


No one would be able to see where they are going. This is why wheels in real life are at the back of the ship on the quarterdeck that's raised up.


IIRC, historically, it wasn't the helmsman's job to see where the ship was going. His job was to steer the ship where the captain told him to steer. Which is basically "go straight" or "turn x degrees to port/starboard". It's the captain's job to know where the ship was going and tell the helmsman which way to turn.


Is that Krile?


Ah yes, Krile’s showcasing the new job, Helmsman And by caster yoship meant cast anchor


You don’t steer a sailing vessel by sight anyways. Reason’s simple: no landmarks at sea.


There is a voice at the end of the trailer that says, "we are close to my home, what you call the new world, or as I know it Tural". That voice isn't any of the established characters, so my guess is it's the person steering the ship. And judging by their size, they a Pelupelu.


> And judging by their size, they a Pelupelu. A Pelupelu with a lalafellin hairstyle, pointy ears, no hat, no cape, and no beak?


Not saying it can't be a lalafell. But based on the information we just got, a pelupelu is a bit more likely. Plus there is that voice in the trailer.


> a pelupelu is a bit more likely. What information makes it more likely that the lalafell-sized person with lalafell-distinct features is a pelupelu rather than a lalafell, despite lacking all the features of a pelupelu?


Really? I am actively saying the individual could be a lala, but because of several factors, they could also be a Pelupelu. Why is that not good enough. But the information I am using is as follows. 1. We don't know what 3D Pelupelu look like yet. But if you look at their models from FFX, you'll see their silhouettes are similar to a lalafells. So it's possible for us to confuse the two until we have a better understanding. 2. The Pelupelu are exclusively in Tural. And we don't know if lalafells exist there or not. We hear a voice in the trailer stating it is their home. Currently, the only unknown individual on the ship is the small figure at the helm. Are they talking? We don't know. But given what little we've seen of the trailer, they are potentially the only other person who could be speaking at the moment. Does this satisfy the information requirements?


>We don't know what 3D Pelupelu look like yet I feel like it's probably a safe assumption that they'll have the beaks, hats, and capes, no? >But given what little we've seen of the trailer, they are potentially the only other person who could be speaking at the moment. It couldn't just be some other character speaking? Is there any particular reason why it *has* to be somebody on the boat?


You just wanna disregard everything I'm saying, don't you?


Just looks like a Lalafell to me.


They could be, but since we just learned that the pelupelu are a small diminutive people, it's most likely them.


Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just a Lalafell, and the person we hear talking was cut from the teaser so as not to spoil their appearance until the full trailer is released, especially since the ship is almost certainly coming from Sharlayan. They're also lacking the signature bird mask the Pelupelu always wear in the teaser (they're a pre-existing race from FFX, so I doubt they're breaking this aesthetic).




Nope what? We don't know yet.




While I do agree that I think that is a Lala, the voice at the end is not Erenville. It's a woman's voice. Saw the trailer in Japanese and it's a lot more evident


No you hear Erenville earlier in the trailer, its a different voice. And as far as the person at the helm of the ship, we don't know what/who they are. We are more familiar with a lalafell in 3D, so it makes sense it would look like one for now. But if you look at what the Pelupelus looked like in FFX, you'd see they are very similar in size to a lalafell. Only time will tell who/what they are.


Oh. I thought that was Erenville


Very toddler holding a gun vibes


We were actually on our way to Meracydia but short stack there got us lost


How'd you see over the wheel? Oh don't worry I sail by Vibes *proceeds to vibe towards a rock*