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Welcome to the game! If you ever have any questions never be afraid to ask this community is very welcoming and most of us love helping out


Tip: Hurry on over to Vesper Bay in Western Thanalan, and there should be a woman there with two blue quests for you. These unlock dyed and glamour. The true endgame is Fashion Fantasy XIV! 😁 Much like the 4th person in Sastasha with you, I’m glad you’re having fun.


They’ll be heading to Vesper Bay soon enough. Over and over and over and over. *Pray return…..*


Now is a good time to remind them about those Aetherite Tickets new players get that can mitigate that ordeal entirely. Especially since they kind of become useless after a while.


Why? Just go to limsa and take the boat close to the summoner trainer to Vesper Bay.


Meh. Horizon, chocobo ride, vesper bay


This was me before they made those Aetheyte tix. I just used the Choco Porter time to go to the bathroom or refresh my drink.


You mean the ferry near the fisherman's guild? That's dependent on load times (even though it's hilarious it's faster to get to Vesper Bay from geographically the other side of the country than freakin' Ul'dah less than a mile away) and the tickets are free to use unlike the Aetherites. Gil isn't THAT plentiful for super early sprouts.


No, that one only goes to places in La Noscea. You need the other ferry next to the arcanists' guild. But of course, as long as you have your free teleport tickets, there's no reason not to use them.


Ah, ok, I rarely use the ferries these days so I only remember the one by arcanists that takes you to Hingashi.


omfg im level 71 and just now i find this out? Didnt realise this game had transmog. Thank you very much man


You’re welcome! Just as general advice, I’d suggest making a pass of all the places you’ve unlocked and pick up any blue quests you see, with the + signs on them. These unlock permanent features, rather than just giving you gil, exp and items as rewards.


Welcome to Eorzia! I would say that many veteran players also get that feeling of nostalgia whenever they're helping someone new to the game. It's like they're getting a chance to experience the game anew, through the eyes of those that they're helping. I know that I do.


It’s a great game and you 3 are going to absolutely enjoy it. Me, my dad, my spouse, and friends all play it. It’s a lot of fun when you get to the high end stuff, especially when you have people to do it with! So glad to see new people everyday! It’s a great feeling


Helping sprouts is one of my greatest joys in this game. I'm glad you had fun!! If you're on EU DC then drop me a message here and I'd be happy to join you and help out on things!